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3241236 No.3241236 [Reply] [Original]

>That moment when you suddenly want to stop playing the game

>> No.3241343

>Controller has teeth marks

>> No.3241384

EWJ2 was fun, but the stages had way too many gimmicks for me.

>> No.3241549
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>> No.3241567
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>> No.3241568
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>that moment when OP admits to everyone he can't read

>> No.3241713

saturn EWJ2 has passwords at least

>> No.3241783
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>> No.3241964
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Are you implying that there is nothing wrong with The Flyin' King as a level? I'm pretty sure nobody's issue was that they couldn't read the giant text in the middle of the screen right at the beginning.

>> No.3241980

I've literally never beaten morrowind properly

every single time I'd just break into vivec's house and gank him, used keening and sunder with pure alchemy regeneration, used broken enchants, etc. etc. etc.

You can literally just increase your alchemy score and intelligence by making a potion and drinking it, then make a stronger potion and drink that to increase it even more

literally all your stats in the thousands, tens of thousands, durations that last literal real life days, in a game where 100 is the soft cap

the one time I got close to winning the game the way it was "designed to be beaten" I just quit when I maxed out my skills

the CHIM is too strong within me, perhaps

>> No.3242071
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>> No.3242227

>Not using monolulu's charm

>> No.3242268
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>> No.3242274

Is it a render? Looks nice, but too much blurry.

>> No.3242459


>> No.3242463

Come on man, I'm shit at video games, but even I beat EWJ 2. And if I can, so can you.

>> No.3242527
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>> No.3242536
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This or the final level with the maze-like doors.

>> No.3242563

I don't think you understand the point.
It's not that it's difficult, it's that this level (and EWJ2 as a whole unfortunately) is filled with way too much level by level gimmicky rubbish, and this one is by far the worst. It's boring, annoying and just generally asinine.

>> No.3242569


Villi People is a great "gimmick" level. Because the controls are actually good.
Puppy Love is also not that bad if you're playing SNES/Genesis version, the controls on the 32bit versions make it a pain though.
Flying King and the balloon circus stage are the bad gimmick stages, but they're just 2 levels in the game.

>> No.3244318
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>> No.3244325

I always saved the lighting powerup to just breeze through that shit.

>> No.3244332
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>> No.3244403

I hate when a game makes you re-fight all the stage bosses back to back. Mostly mega-man. Act-Raiser.

>> No.3244489

Getting a perfect score in all the Gex bonus stages to get to the secret world. Shame it has the best music and unique levels too.

>> No.3244565

It's worth doing a run proper IMO, but yeah, just going off exploring and doing other questlines is just so much fun. Raven Rock and the Great House questlines are just top tier

Also, if anyone has an interest, there exists a fanmade Code Patch that fixes basically every troublesome bug in the game.
If you ever thought "Damn, I'd love this game if it didn't intermittently crash" this is for you.
99% of all crashes are resolved and in the rare time it does crash, it will now make a save before closing, meaning you will never lose any data or progress.

Not only does the patch show you list of tickboxes where you can choose on your own what you want fixed, it also has a set of nice optional features you can add, like allowing you to cast your selected spell with a hotkey rather than having to put away your weapon and manually go into casting mode.

10/10 fan fix, would download again.

>> No.3244660 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3244709


>> No.3244741

Falling into a pit.

>> No.3244775

> realizing that even the hit/miss melee attacks in Morrowind are RNG based

>> No.3244845

Tried playing this game years ago. This is exactly where I stopped. I hadn't been prioritizing spell distribution over my party, so I got here and I was fucked. I was faced with hours of grinding to spread some spells around the rest of my party and I just put the game down and never really went back.

>> No.3244905
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>> No.3244917

That big snowy mountain in Star Ocean 2.

>> No.3245056

It's optional isnt it? You can beat the game by just abusing a few overpowered equips and weapons.

>> No.3245060

It was all a dream, anon. Grow up!

>> No.3245064
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>> No.3245320

The athletic festival in Mischief Makers. It's not hard, it's not fun, it's long and it's downright fucking boring. Plus, if you're going for the gold gems, it's undoubtedly the worst to get in the entire game. I'll never understand when developers shoehorn such shitty stages into their otherwise fantastic games.

>> No.3245339

After the Deku Tree in OoT. Its like "yep. I've had my fix."

>> No.3245349

Yeah, but there's some good shit in that tower.

>> No.3245380

The Child Dungeons in OOT don't do it for me. I mean, they're basically tutorial dungeons, but imo are kinda interesting. I feel this way too, until I slug through to the Adult Half, ten stop around the Shadow Temple or Fire Temple(the Fire Temple imo is the most boring of the Adult Link dungeons, and the Well kinda drains me).

>> No.3245968

That's probably one of the weakest parts of the game, combat flows like bricks early in the game, you basically need to have over 50 in the skill of your weapon to at all get any kind of use out of it.

Thankfully, it's relatively easy to steal and juggle loot with merchants to the point that you can pay a trainer to make you not worthless in combat (provided you know where to find that trainer).

Nigga, that's where the game really gets rolling!

>> No.3246096

its not that hes a retard and forgot the bomb, its that the level is hard as shit. if i die during this level i have to reset the game and try again cause i lost my 200% health from the salamander level. i personally cannot do it without taking over 100% damage and i dont believe there are any health power ups all level

>> No.3246098


I thought it was actually fun, but yes getting the golden gem in the running contest was bullshit. I still did it though.

>> No.3246102


The Fire Temple is the one temple from OOT that always makes me wanna stop. I still force me through it because I love the rest of the game (especially Shadow and Spirit temples).

>> No.3246356
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Secret of evermore, the maze in the 3rd world when you have to play as a poodle. I have bite marks in my controller from that bullshit.

>> No.3246386
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I think that is part of the thread, pointing out hose levels that are just generally a pock-mark on an otherwise decent game.

Here's mine. It isn't hard, but just so boring compared to the other levels that I don't even want to play.

>> No.3246391

This is sort of tangentially related, but the Forest Temple is both my favorite and least favorite dungeon in OoT. The atmosphere of that level (and especially its boss fight) set the tone perectly for the rest of the game. No more handholding and dickless childhood follies. The first time I played the Forest Temple I got hopelessly turned around and dropped the game for weeks. The music drives me crazy to this day

>> No.3246414

Still can't beat the last level. Its absolute bullshit

Villi people is amazing at least

>> No.3246430
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>> No.3246473

>Still can't beat the last level. Its absolute bullshit
Why? I remember I beat it on difficult when I was 13. It cant be that bad.

>> No.3246778

>not Metropolis Zone

>> No.3247224

Are you high? That's one of the best levels in the game.

>> No.3247230
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>First time playing Cannon Fodder
>Oh boy oh gee this sure is fun
>Get to the first level with rocket enemies
>One shots my whole team time and time again
>Welp, time to play something else.

>> No.3247247

>Earthworm Jim 2
Puppy Love.
>Sonic 2
Oil Ocean.
>Sonic 3
Carnival Night.
>Sonic & Knuckles
>Ocarina of Time
Right after putting a name.
>Mario 64
>Megaman 7
Final Boss.
Iceman stage, Wily fortress.
>Megaman 2
Wall sensor boss.
>Megaman Legends 2
The whole Glyde fortress/underwater ruins.
>Crash Bandicoot 3
Motorbike, plane, etc.
>Spyro 2
Any minigame shit.
>Sonic 2 GG
First and last bosses.
>Yoshi's Island
The first time I get hit.
>Gunstar Heroes
Black Fortress.

>> No.3247252
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>Playing Shadow Tower

>Reach Fire World


>> No.3247254

It's a completely optional thing.

>> No.3247507

>all this casual

>> No.3247523

That river stage with SIX Red chocobos or SIX red squids

>> No.3247571

>Least favorite music
>Don't like the orange/purple color combination
>Those fucking seahorses
>Cannons and slides make it hard to understand how the level fits together
>Elevators and fans that break the flow of the rest of the game (Speed or platforming. Those are neither.)
>Realizing after this is metropolis and sky chase
I'm not a fan. It's the point where my excitement goes downhill for me.

>> No.3248893
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>Black Fortress

>> No.3248957
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I don't know if it's just this point of the gaming session where I start wondering how much longer I'll be shooting for, but if I lose steam it's almost always around Macbeth.

I'd have put a GBA Fire Emblem here but it seems to be up in the air whether that's retro or not. But in general when the RNG screws me over and crits matter, costing me a solid unit.

This is where I get stuck. Game usually forces me to stop playing with a game over.

Ditto. Something about this zone puts me off. Temporal Tempest kinda has its moments sometimes too.

>> No.3248967
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>> No.3249035

I admit I failed the stage for like a week because I couldn't read english at the moment, being a dirty beaner
But dude, you can totally ignore both the ships and the catapults and the last part is fun as fuck.

Plus that music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJsFv3agnbQ
Fucking majestic, made it all worth.

>> No.3249045

I like going ahead and killing all pigs and ships and then returning to take the balloon. Lining up with the balloon with the rockets is also great.

>> No.3249061


MM7 is one of my favorites due to being fairly easy but balanced even with the right weapons. It's gotta be one of the most accessible Mega Man games. Even Metroid bosses are more of a nuisance.

>> No.3249419

Sonic 1's Labyrinth Zone, what were they thinking with that? At least the game's music is good.

>he can't do the skips that skip half of each of the child dungeons

>> No.3249527

That game sucks, especially compared to the other two?

>> No.3249536

It's not up in the air if Gba is retro.

>Hint: it's not.
It's right there in the rules.

>> No.3249551

I actually found the dungeon portions of the game way too sluggish until you get to the adult dungeons.

>> No.3249553

>complains about not skipping dungeons in OOT
>can't skip most of LZ

Found the casual.

>> No.3251754

Doom 2, Map 12: Factory

It's not that it's hard (it isn't), but it's by far the LEAST FUN map in the game (except maybe Bloodfalls and Inmost Dens), and I know most of the 20 levels that follow are mostly mediocre and none are quite as good as the first 11 maps.

>> No.3251757

It's always fun when you get mad about the GBA.

>> No.3251764

Huh. This is exactly where I dropped ffvi. I mean WoR was already boring as hell to me but I remember that dungeon being a pain in the ass. Is this common?

>> No.3251840
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>> No.3251854

>before 1999

Ah right, forgot that bit. Guess that's fair and easy enough to remember. The thing sure feels old sometimes though.

>> No.3251872


Why do kids always use this word wrong?

>> No.3252601

>before 1999
should be good because all the tech contained in the GBA is from 1998 and before.

>> No.3252650

The Poison Gas room in the first MGS.

>> No.3252964
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>> No.3252969
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>> No.3253016

Not trolling.

Dying at the other side of the world map and then starting all over again at the beginning was a sure-fire way to make me hit the power button.

I like the game but it's maddeningly, needlessly annoying.

>> No.3253184

I remember I thought i was clever once and equipped reflect rings on everyone but then could only heal myself with potions

>> No.3253185

there could have been more continue points

>> No.3253923

I can understand a lot of them, but these stick out like a sore thumb:
>Yoshi's Island
>The first time I get hit.
>Gunstar Heroes
>Black Fortress.

man, Black's stage is one of the coolest bits

>> No.3253929

Good thing we go by the console release date the and not the dates on the parts inside sperg.

>> No.3253931

I'm not mad, I just pointed ut out cuz you forgot.
Seems you need to check your privilege.

>> No.3253945
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