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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 512x448, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3250070 No.3250070 [Reply] [Original]

This game is so fucking shit.
The level design is from ass and monsters are ridiculous
and dont get me started on that annoying baby mario screaming

>> No.3250074

>dont get me started

Don't worry, I won't.

>> No.3250208
File: 32 KB, 202x244, nilsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting hit
>calling shyguys and other zakos "monsters"

>> No.3250223

lol weeb

>> No.3250226

I never even heard of this game existing until the 2000's.

>> No.3250236


Step it up sempai

>> No.3250430



this is one of the best fucking games ever

>> No.3250446

you see what he did there...

>> No.3250468
File: 126 KB, 375x375, solid-snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One could say it's quite overrated.

>> No.3250539

>guaranteed 100+ replies
it's no super mario world, but it's pretty fucking good tho

>> No.3250556

Literally unplayable.

>> No.3250560

>dont get me started on that annoying baby mario screaming

I hate it aswell, but other than that, GOAT game.

>> No.3250862

That's the point

>> No.3250910
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>> No.3250926

yeah playing through it now. The cg rendered intro is kind of weird looking, I dunno I find it weird to think Miyamoto worked on this. It's like they got another study to work on it. DK is better by far.

>> No.3251120


I bet you suck a mean cock

>> No.3251168

I bet he sucks ones that aren't mean, also.

>> No.3251171

>that annoying baby mario screaming
I hardly even get hit in this game, so the rare times I have to listen to him don't do me a thing.

>> No.3251294

I wasn't aware anyone even liked Yoshi's Island until a few years back. I remember when it came out, it was hated and ignored.

>> No.3251316

>game is a sequel to Super Mario World
>almost completely different mechanics apart from platforming/jumping on enemies to kill them


>> No.3251326


It was called "Super Mario World 2" only in the west.

>> No.3251345

It's my favourite Game ever. I love everything about it

>> No.3251358

I like Yoshi's Story much better.

>> No.3251932

>I remember when it came out, it was hated and ignored

You don't remember shit, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3251959

Now that's just bad bait. 1/10, you made me reply.

>> No.3251963

>game is a sequel to Super Mario Land 2
>completely different mechanics, you don't even jump on enemies to kill them


>> No.3251964

This game is so terrible that I beat it several times, a few times even on hundo while dying tons and tons of times at the extra levels you unlock after getting hundred percent on all the levels.

I hate it how you get replay value out of the score system and collect stuff optionally. They should have forced that instead.

I hate it that the baby mario screaming isn't obnoxious enough. The game should punish players harder by instantly killing yoshi when he gets hit. At least that would make it really tough instead of the literal baby game we got here.

The music is forgettable and every level distinguishes itself way too much from every other one. They should have made it like the first SMB in which every level looks the same and had the same music over and over again. At least we would have gotten a proper mario game that way.

You're absolutely right OP. This game should have been forgotten. You've done the right thing to remind us of this abomination!

>> No.3251975

it really is a gay ass game

smw1 is goat doe

mega sonic fan

>> No.3252528


>> No.3253080

But I do. I remember when it came out. Nobody gave it the time of day. It was ignored at demo units.

>> No.3254171

I was a teen when this came out but I never got to play it at all since I never saw anyone play it and I never owned it. I just played it now , with absolutely no expectations and I really enjoy it. It's a pretty fun game and I'm sure it gets challenging in later stages.

I don't get the crying baby thing. I mean, I agree its annoying as hell but just put the sound on mute or something

>> No.3254173

I know it's bait. But I love discussions about this game. The soundtrack was one of the greatest in that era.

>> No.3254207

Yoshi's Island was the ninth best selling game on the SNES at a time when the console was practically dead and buried in anticipation of the N64 and 3D gaming

I'm more inclined to believe that your observational skills are just inept or you're an idiot

>> No.3254208


you're replying to obvious bait dude

>> No.3254427

I played the Super Mario Advance version and it was fairly challenging.

>> No.3254436

Practically dead? I don't think you were cognitive back then.

1995 was the year where the SNES experienced a bit of a revival among poorer gamers, particularly as Sega had foolishly dropped everything to concentrate on Saturn.

>> No.3256329

The crying baby actually never annoyed me, even when I was 7 years old.
I always loved how colorful this game is. The gameplay is great (though I prefer the more traditional gameplay of Super Mario World) but the graphics and music are truly superb.

>> No.3256364

I like talking about games. Around here you take what you can get
I don't think you were a twinkle in your dad's ballsack back then. There wasn't any revival. Everybody was talking about and preparing for Ultra 64.

>> No.3256543

Agreed. It's shit. They should have made a straight up sequel to SMW with the same art style and the same gameplay playing as adult Mario or Luigi and cut out the baby bullshit and the chalkboard looking graphics.

>> No.3257167

It sold 4 million copies, and that was largely due to it being a pack-in game for the twilight years of the SNES, when poorer kids were finally able to get their hands on the system. DKC was a later pack-in game as well and it sold far better because people actually liked DKC. I remember the hype and excitement surrounding DKC. DKC revitalized the SNES as a system. There was no hype or excitement around Yoshi's Island.

>> No.3257184

I don't get the crying baby thing. It's a punishment, you get to hear it for fucking up. So stop getting hit. It doesn't even sound that bad.

I'm really surprised that so many people in this thread dislike the game. The crayon artstyle is great, and I love the secrets hidden everywhere. Increasing your chances of getting the bonus stage by finding hidden shit is a great little incentive.

>> No.3257186

That's your opinion, but, fuck you anyway.

>> No.3257351

>I wasn't aware anyone even liked Yoshi's Island until a few years back. I remember when it came out, it was hated and ignored.
So just like Street Fighter 3 Turd Strike?

>> No.3257356

>particularly as Sega had foolishly dropped everything to concentrate on Saturn
This is wrong
Sega released Ristar,Comix Zone,Vectorman,Phantasy Star 4(in the US) among other games

>> No.3257360

>The crayon artstyle is great
I can't stand that style to be honest...it looks like Kindergarten drawings I don't get the appeal

Ristar on Genesis(which came out the same year) looked much better to me(played much better too and overall was a more creative/innovative game)

>> No.3257362

Regardless of whether the SNES was dead or not by 1995, it was still the 9th best selling game on the console.

>> No.3257372

It had "Super Mario World 2" in the title no shit it was one of the best selling titles
I bet a lot of people felt mislead by that title and got disappointed when they played the actual game

>> No.3257374

4 million is exactly as much as Star Fox sold and only a shade less than A Link To The Past, and both were also pack-in games. Next you're going to tell me there was no hype for those games either. Quit grasping at straws. Yoshi's Island was undeniably a top seller and critical darling whether you like it or not.

>> No.3259969

>The level design is from ass

Glad I'm not the only one with this view. It seems like, over time, Nintendo's platforming games all converge to the same stupid level design paradigm.

>> No.3259987
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>> No.3259991

It's actually not. Yoshi's Story was one of the first games I owned so there's a lot of nostalgia involved. For some reason I never liked Island though. Played through the whole thing trying to like it.

>> No.3260273

Those sum up well why it never beat DKC.