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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 296 KB, 960x1440, mariobrosthemovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3239335 No.3239335 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your favorite retro vidya to movie/TV/cartoon adaptations

>> No.3239358
File: 69 KB, 1024x576, aosth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, it's a very inaccurate adaptation of the game, but I think it's a great Looney Tunes-style cartoon. AoStH's Robotnik is probably my all-time favorite cartoon villian.

>> No.3239363

You know how I know you're gay?
Because Mortal Kombat isnt your favorite.

>> No.3239378 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 279x400, 1464070266453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying the Street Fighter II Animated Movie isn't the best.
Fatal Fury comes a close second though.

>> No.3239383


>> No.3239430
File: 634 KB, 1825x1763, DSC_0279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already posted it.

>> No.3239431
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>> No.3239901

This looks like some David Cronenburg poster

>> No.3239909
File: 12 KB, 324x86, QualityThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3240105

Yeah. This cartoon always got shit for not being as "mature" as the SatAM version, but that's overlooking the fact that, on its own merits, it's better overall. It's like if Sonic became a Tex Avery cartoon.

This movie was always awesome. I know there's this hipster movement lately that is like "It's so bad, its actually good" but fuck that noise, it was always good. People just had a knee jerk reaction to hate it because it was such a departure. If there's one thing I've learned about fans, nerd fans in particular, it's that shit has to be EXACTLY the same as it ever was, otherwise they flip out. Is the Mario movie a faithful adaptation of the games? No. Do you realize how boring and awkward that would have been? But is it a serviceable sci-fi/fantasy movie about plumbers from Brooklyn who save an alternate dimension from an evil lizard king? Yes it is.

>> No.3240126

>it was always good
It's a good thing you're here to tell me what my opinion is for me. What kind of arrogant tool runs around saying that his opinion is the only legitimate one and everyone that disagrees is a contrarian or a hipster?

>> No.3240183

Not what I said at all, you fucking thin-skinned tumblrina. I just said the movie was always good. You don't have to like it, but don't imply that it's somehow automatically bad just because Mario doesn't collect coins and eat mushrooms for 2 hours.

>> No.3240191
File: 275 KB, 720x538, MM56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3240192

Super Mario Bros. is an awesome movie, autists sperging out because "it's not like the games" are both annoying and stupid because why the fuck would anyone watch a movie about a guy jumping on shits and destroying bridges in a repetitive manner? It came out before Mario games even had a real story, and it's cool that they did their own thing, the whole meteorite arc was clever. It's not a smart film but it's fun and doesn't take itself too seriously, just like the Mario game.

My favorite adaptation would be Legend of Chun-li lol, nah actually it's Mortal Kombat. It got every single thing right. Resident Evil and Silent Hill are fun as well, but they just can't compete with MK. Too bad about Annihilation, though.

>> No.3240194
File: 28 KB, 624x351, earthworm-jim-episode-11-bring-me-the-head-of-earthworm-jim-8-cartoons-from-the-90s-that-you-totally-forgot-about-jpeg-227253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3240379

The movie is supposedly a red pill about the underground reptilians on Earth. This was the only way they could make a movie about it.

>> No.3240623

Came here to post this. Earthworm Jim is GOAT. Great animation, great humor, and a top-notch voice cast.

>> No.3240698

Muh nigga!
Earthworm Jim cartoon was awesome, why did they even cancel it?

>> No.3240703

It's probably for the best that they did. The last 8 or so episodes were noticeably weaker than the rest of the series. They definitely would have run out of gas in a third season.

>> No.3240724

Go back to /x/.

>> No.3241485

Honestly, the SatAM series did more overall harm to Sonic than Adventure ever did and it's probably the reason why the fanbase turned out to be so autistic.

>> No.3241492

Followed pretty close to the game but not perfect. Still a great movie

>> No.3241497

The SatAM series was a prophetic show specifically made to be youtube poop fodder in the future.

>> No.3241507

>read thread
>no mention of DOA
Fuck all of you.

>> No.3241512

Then mention it, you twit.

>> No.3241515

I've always seen more Youtube poops centered around Adventure than SatAM. How the hell did Sega ended up producing two different Sonic TV shows at the same time? It always confused the hell out of me how one Sonic was a pretty funny gag show and the other took itself too seriously.

>> No.3241532
File: 31 KB, 448x329, GoldenEye_-_UK_cinema_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Followed pretty close to the game but not perfect. Still a great movie

>> No.3241537

I remember me and my friend laughing hard at this movie. I haven't seen it in almost 20 years tho. Is it as funny as I remember?

>> No.3241545

Its got some good music

>> No.3241974


I still remember this movie having a really depressing end credits song.

>> No.3243585

>Is the Mario movie a faithful adaptation of the games? No. Do you realize how boring and awkward that would have been?
Actually, I was thinking about how a movie about two plumbers from Brooklyn who fall into a twisted fantasy-land where they are chased by weird turtle solders, oddly shy ghosts, and get Shanghai'd into a quest to save some princess from some fire breathing lizard monster would be pretty damn entertaining if done properly.

I never realized how many times I've seen or heard Samantha Mathis before. FernGully, that shitty Broken Arrow movie, the 2004 Punisher movie, and American Psycho.

This is the correct answer! We would have also accepted the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, the Mortal Kombat movie, or Resident Evil: Apocalypse.

>> No.3243605

The Super Mario Bros movie was never good. It being a film adaptation of a video game franchise is the least of its problems. Even the director couple gave zero shots when making this movie, and nearly everyone on cast for this film hated the directors. You can enjoy this movie by acknowledging how bad it is, but this film was bad enough to scare Nintendo away from cinema for the past 25 years.

>> No.3243616

>Followed pretty close to the game but not perfect.

I seriously hope you aren't actually this stupid.

>> No.3243897

If they didn't play the theme music every 2 minutes, this would've been ok.

>> No.3244121

Mortal Kombat would probably be my favorite retro game-based movie, and I have a soft spot for the Super Mario Bros. 3 cartoon.

>> No.3244219
File: 269 KB, 1362x2048, christopher-lambert,-talisa-soto,-linden-ashby,-robin-shou,-and-bridgette-wilson-sampras-in-mortal-kombat-(1995)-large-picture[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the only video game movie where I feel like I would have loved it even if it wasn't attached to my favorite game at the time.

>> No.3244342
File: 4 KB, 255x145, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDlNSu0J-vVEnVMSCsJac41xUH1-cYbtB3XoYwSTxP3YaCpBcX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And both of them have gloriously gratuitous shower scenes featuring their respective franchise cover girl.

>> No.3244349
File: 257 KB, 800x1200, v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this counts because the movie stars the Fear and his sidekick Loathing, but the game I played is only F.E.A.R.
It was too different imo

>> No.3244350
File: 24 KB, 620x349, mkmediaprimary.jpg?itok=qER3RF-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is, Mortal Kombat is basically The Goonies except with adults doing martial arts. It has an amusingly sincere childishness about it. I think I saw it around the same time I saw Big Trouble in Little China so the two movies will always be closely associated with each other in my head space.

Also, the Goro suit / puppet was really cool even by modern standards, especially when you see the behind the scenes stuff of it.

>> No.3244369


He's obviously joking. /vr/ seems to be full of people who take every post seriously.

>> No.3244374
File: 52 KB, 325x452, Tekken_Movie_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are forgetting Tekken, which also had that shit. Haven't seen it since I rented it as a kid. I remember thinking it was awesome that the dude broke a dinosaur in half.

>> No.3244394

Yeah, but the Tekken anime kinda sucks. It wasn't even an actual theatrical release in Japan, just two OVA episodes that were edited into one for the dub. The Gowcaizer and Toshinden animes also had shower scenes involving their heroines, so it seems a common trope in fighting game adaptations.

>> No.3244458
File: 89 KB, 428x605, Street-Fighter-2-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching this clip of the Street Fighter II anime I immediately watched it:

Oh my god. I don't know what to say about this anime. It's the biggest, most homoerotic, unintentionally fucking hilarious anime I've ever watched. The number of memorable quotes from this show is out of control. Highly recommended.


>> No.3244543
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, doa1psx-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's just our dumb luck that Dead or Alive never got an anime adaptation.

>> No.3244581
File: 262 KB, 1400x961, j13020001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda weird. Even Power Stone and Psychic Force had anime adaptations, but nobody remembers those two franchises anymore. Dead or Alive seems like it was begging for an anime adaptation. Especially considering Ninja Gaiden had an anime version around the time the third NES game came out that was actually considered canon at one point.

>> No.3244584

Ninja Gaiden has an anime? I'll have to look into that.

>> No.3244587

>How the hell did Sega ended up producing two different Sonic TV shows at the same time?
Sega didn't produce any shows, m8. They make games, not TV shows. Signing off some free money contracts so a bunch of Americans (and a few Poms) use their characters in a bunch of spinoffs requires next to no manpower on their part.

>> No.3244592

Why didn't more companies do it with their characters, then? Mario I think only got one cartoon series, the Lou Albano one.

>> No.3244594

I remember I bought the DVD for this for like $20 a few years ago and watch the whole thing. I was pretty shocked by all the gay undertones, although I think I was almost as surprised that they went the "realistic" route with it. Figures that the shitty American Street Fighter cartoon was less restrained in that regard. Both shows are shitty and entertaining in their own uniquely different ways, although the American cartoon is definitely the shit king.

>> No.3244597

>Sega didn't produce any shows, m8.
Same difference. They still licensed the property to the same company, who ended up making two Sonic shows at the same time.

>> No.3244601
File: 104 KB, 1024x871, Ninja_ryukenden_ld_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's on Youtube. You're not missing much though.

>> No.3244614

It still surprises me just how much stuff was available on laserdisc in Japan. Hell they got an HD Laserdisc format that was only available for about a year in the early 90s.

>> No.3244623
File: 29 KB, 230x417, 230px-SonicanimeVHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't seen "Sonic the movie." I remember everyone in the sanic community making a big deal about this getting brought to the US because it was kind of a mystery to most fans, and there was no youtube to watch this kind of thing on back then. The general reaction as I recall was mixed. I mostly remember everyone joking about the bad voice acting and adult humor.

>> No.3245078



dat Shang Tsung gook

>> No.3245080

Mortal kombat and pokemon movie 1 are kino.

>> No.3245086
File: 499 KB, 720x960, o0720096013359310642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laserdisc was to VHS what Blu-ray is to DVD. The format was a lot more expensive, but you were guaranteed better quality than VHS, so a lot of film buffs and audiophiles preferred it. The Japanese took a while to accept DVDs as a replacement format, since there was still a market for LD over there and they have seen their fair share of failed home video formats (e.g. VHD, VCD) that never caught on, even though DVDs were smaller and could hold more data. It was only after the PS2 became a success that LDs were pretty much abandoned by the following year.

I wish Street Fighter II V had lasted a bit longer. It was supposed to go on for a full year, but they cut out by half due to low ratings. Hence why the final story arc feels so rushed and some of the characters (e.g. Honda, Blanka, Hawk and Dee-Jay) got snubbed.

>> No.3245087

I had this on VHS, there was a particular scene where Tails lands on the president's daughter. Knuckles tells him to get off of her saying "I can't believe you'd stoop that low".
It was a strange little movie with some decent animation at times.

>> No.3245091

Mortal Kombat would've been better had the film producers gotten so balls and made it a hard R. Mortal Kombat without gore isn't Mortal Kombat (see the SNES version).

>> No.3245101

I was having a hard time remembering any adult humor. All I could think of is Sonic lands on his nuts once.

It's a good movie though, I like it.

>> No.3245589

On the one hand, Mortal Kombat without gore and ultraviolence doesn't feel quite like Mortal Kombat. On the other hand I absolutely understand why they went PG-13. Most of the Mortal Kombat fandom was kids and teenagers, and they wouldn't have been able to see an R-rated movie. R-rated movies generally didn't make that much money back then, either. If Mortal Kombat had been R-rated they would have put it in the theater and then no-one would have watched it, but because it was PG-13 it actually was very financially successful.

I think these days there'd be a much better market for an R-rated Mortal Kombat movie since the original fans of the games are all adults now, and generally speaking R-rated movies are much more financially viable than they were back then.

>> No.3245606
File: 663 KB, 1280x819, fd643a89-a606-4da0-b9eb-22feb7d0e2b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a softspot for the mega man and darkstalkers OVAs. The mega man one is a bit dull with some cute moments and the darkstalkers one I thought was pretty cool.

Also I wish this armor for Roll in the OVA appeared in the games, it's cute as fuck.

>> No.3245658

it's garbage, yo

>> No.3245685
File: 41 KB, 463x260, animejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that there was a Mario Bros. anime movie that got a theatrical release. And Mario gets cucked by a generic prince charming.

>> No.3245705
File: 297 KB, 786x1111, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No DVD nor BD release
>Not even an LD
It's like Nintendo wanted to keep it buried in the past. Apparently the theatrical release was preceded by a video strategy guide on how to beat Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Lost Levels version).

>> No.3245708

Megaman would've been so much better if they'd gone through with the intended Rock & Roll co-op for MM2.

>> No.3245710

Yeah its interesting to think how that would've effected the series.

>> No.3245719

>seeing a strategy video in the movie theater before your movie starts

That's some weird shit.

>> No.3245724

f-zero (the anime series)
captain n (sort of)

can't really come up with something good, non cartoon though

>> No.3245770
File: 278 KB, 786x1111, img_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured as much, since the actual movie is only 60 minutes long, which isn't feature-length. I'm guessing this was during the height of the whole Famicom craze in Japan, when kids would be willing to actually watch something as mundane as a strategy video in theaters.

Also, Bowser was voiced by a grill.

>> No.3245868

Nintendo likes having a far tighter grip on its properties than Sega, who will whore them out to anybody that will pay for it.

>> No.3245903

MMM babby.

>> No.3245906

Hoshi no Kirby is occasionally amazing

and yes it was 14 years ago

>> No.3245909

there were 3 Mario cartoons. lou albano, super Mario bros.3 and a super Mario world cartoon

>> No.3245941

Those didn't air at the same time like SATAM and AoSTH did.

>> No.3246539

What the shit are you talking about? I remember seeing reruns of Super Show well into the mid 90's, and I distinctly remember seeing an hour block of programming on TV that was Super Show followed by either 3 or World.

>> No.3246546

Probably a joke towards Bill and Hillary's daughter Chelsea. She was a dog back then

>> No.3246582

this movie is my best.

>> No.3246586

Rush Limbaugh got into huge amounts of shit for making a joke about her on his tv show, saying "We all know the Clintons have a White House cat (picture of Socks), but did you know they have a dog, too? (picture of Chelsea)"

He tried to say some intern put up the wrong picture, but obviously that's bullshit because what's the joke if it isn't Chelsea?

>> No.3246591

Super Show had a first-run syndication in '89, while Mario 3 and World aired on NBC in '90 and '91. They were pretty much three seasons of the same show.

>> No.3246593

>Those didn't air at the same time
I didn't claim they shared a first-run, I just said they aired at the same time.

>> No.3246598
File: 28 KB, 640x480, Captain N The Game Master 1x03 [P2G] The Most Dangerous Game Master.avi_snapshot_05.28_[2015.05.14_23.59.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like Captain N. Even though the show is connected to its respective source materials by the most tenuous threads, references were rarely provided for anything, and the whole thing is blatantly obvious that nobody actually communicated ANYTHING about the games in question...

but it's a dumb show with dumb plots and dumb characters and I love every minute of it.

Except Season 3. We don't talk about Season 3.

>> No.3246761
File: 123 KB, 1530x900, a42a09e458889cbaa489a47f240405f4563fcd6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, they didn't produce them at the same time. After Super Show ended its run, they made Mario 3 and World in NBC. I guess you could count them as a separate series though, since they didn't have the live-action wrap-around segments from Super Show, Mario wasn't voiced by Lou Albano anymore and the World episodes shared the same half-hour block as the third season of Captain N.

I probably would've hated it less if they didn't ruin Mega Man and Simon Belmont for me, but the couple of Zelda episodes in Season 2 more than makes up for it and the shitty stand-alone Zelda cartoon.

>> No.3246781

I remember that being kind of a mystical, mysterious thing with people wanting to track it down to see a Mario anime film. Funny that now you can just watch it on YouTube.

>> No.3246785


It's like that with many, many things.
Not vidya related but I remember how a lot of rare videos from older, lesser known unknown bands would be considered holy grails some 10 years back, and people would settle trades of rare stuff on Soulseek and whatnot.
Nowadays everything is there on youtube.

It's great but at the same time a lot of the mystique is gone. I still prefer it this way though, it may not feel as special anymore but it's just easier to find stuff.

>> No.3246794

I still waiting for someone to scan that one Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book based on the first Metal Gear that came out only in Japan.

>> No.3246810

>Dream about a Mario movie
>Mario movie gets made
>Dream about Doom movie
>Doom movie gets made
>Dream about Tomb Raider movie
>That got made too.

Gentlemen. A few weeks ago I dreamed about an Undertale musical

>> No.3246948

Here's the funny thing, the creator of DoA doesn't like sexualizing the characters.

>> No.3246967

You might want to consider killing yourself.

>> No.3247036

>Ken: *wakes up* Owwww, my mouth hurts. It's all cut up inside.

>> No.3247045
File: 357 KB, 504x333, CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen it either, but after seeing the animated intro and outro for Sonic CD I'm very interested. I know it's almost pathetic to admit it, but I really like pre-Adventure Sonic. That sorta quiet, stoic, get-shit-done and don't be a complete fag about it attitude he exudes. A lot of people call it 90s bad-dude attitude but Sonic doesn't seem that... Ego-centric? Like he's not doing to be cool, he's doing it. I dunno.

I know he talks in the movie, so that's a big -1000 points because I'm certain he'll have a million bad quips.

Anyway, I'll stop sperging out and post something relevant. I'm sure everyone knows this now as it's making the rounds on all the mainstream gamer channels but Crash Bandicoot had a full animated opening and ending they removed from the game because they thought it'd detract from the 3D graphix showcase. It's very Tex Avery, and the ending is hilarious. Also features Twarna Bandicoot a lot.


I just realised Sonic the Movie is gonna start making the rounds on those gamer channels now isn't it? DID YOU KNOW IT HAD ADULT HUMOR???

>> No.3247051
File: 28 KB, 640x480, Captain N The Game Master 1x04 [P2G] Videolympics.avi_snapshot_15.18_[2015.05.14_21.58.18].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps, but like I said... Captain N was never about making an accurate show, as it was just making a silly adventure gag cartoon with video game characters in it. The sheer nonsensical mishmash of reference material use they had was just insane, nevermind that character designer Fil Barlow revealed all his earliest drafts were based on interpretting blurry sprites from the games he played himself on his australian CRT.

Heck, want a great example of how completely fucked this show was in terms of ever getting provided reference materials was? Videolympics shows it perfectly.

As you might recall, the plot of the episode is Mother Brain cheating her way through the Videolympic games at the video game world Kid Icarus is from so she can obtain the Three Sacred Treasures: the collectable macguffins of Kid Icarus itself. When the treasures are obtained, they're drawn EXACTLY as they appear in game/manual: an oblong treasure chest. By episode's end, Mother Brain obtains all three, and the treasure chests open, but we never SEE the contents: just a nebulous glowing "power" that enables her to do what she wants.

>> No.3247058
File: 28 KB, 640x480, Captain N The Game Master 1x05 [P2G] Mega Trouble For Megaland.avi_snapshot_18.00_[2015.05.14_21.57.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So in the next episode, "Mega Trouble in Mega Land", Kid Icarus says they CAN beat the Sacred Treasures, but he needs three particular items to do so: Fire Arrows, the Sacred Bow, and the Protective Crystal. These aren't made up, they're actually the three items you get during the the various trials during the game as power ups.

So our heroes journey to Medusa's lair to obtain them, and what do we see on display? A bow, an arrow, and a "crystal". Except look at them carefully.

>> No.3247061
File: 262 KB, 1572x632, manual-pgs25-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That third item isn't the Protective Crystal at all, but the Mirror Shield! And Fire arrows aren't actually in the manual, so much as just "fire", meaning the arrow is the Arrows of Light.

So yes, ultimately, Kid Icarus winds up using what it is mostly the ACTUAL Three Sacred Treasures to destroy the Three Sacred Treasures.

>> No.3247379

He said that, but he also made two beach volleyball games, one of which had a pole dancing mini game.

>> No.3247651

Smw only became lumped with captain N after the first season. The fuck are you talking about.
>You sound like someone that wasn't even there.

>> No.3247687

Nah. Captain N was half-hour for its first two seasons. Season 2 was when they introduced the Game Boy as a regular character. Season 3 was when they reduced the episodes to 15 minutes, since NBC was cancelling its Saturday Morning cartoon block.

Copypasta from the Wikipedia:
>[Super Mario World] originally aired on Saturday mornings on NBC in the 1991-92 season, the last year the network programmed an animated children's block before the launch of a Saturday edition of Today. It was featured in a half-hour time slot with a shortened version of Captain N: The Game Master, titled Captain N & The New Super Mario World (also titled Captain N & Super Mario Bros. World in the commercial bumpers). Episodes of Super Mario World were later shown as part of the syndication package Captain N and the Video Game Masters. Afterwards, the series was split up from Captain N altogether and shown in time-compressed reruns on as part of Mario All-Stars on Family Channel, and later USA Network. In the United Kingdom, however, the show was still broadcast as Captain N & The New Super Mario World.

>> No.3247752


I miss those old days of animation and movies where it didn't have to be an exact replica of the games and still be entertaining. Now if there is a slight inconsistencies in anything the spergs nuke it to the ground and complain how it's the worst thing ever cuz it doesn't fit thier vision.
I remember waking up every Saturday just to watch captain N and all those other shows. (Camp candy, wish kid, SMBSS)

>> No.3247760

I'm talking about super mario world not captian N. We know CN was three seasons. We know GB came in on season 2. Quoting the wiki won't help you get your point be any more credible.

>> No.3247764

Pretty sure Super Mario World was always just one season of 13 15-minute episodes. You're thinking of The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 half hour of two 15-minute cartoons,

>> No.3247768

How about you go fuck yourself with a cactus in penance of all the children you raped?

>> No.3247773

>So yes, ultimately, Kid Icarus winds up using what it is mostly the ACTUAL Three Sacred Treasures to destroy the Three Sacred Treasures.
Yikes. Did Nintendo oversee the production of the show or did they just give the designers copies of the game and told them to go wild? I'm guessing the Japanese just didn't care about getting the characters and elements right, since the show wasn't going to air in their country anyway. It almost reminds of how Battletoads & Double Dragon got the names of all the Double Dragon villains wrong.

>> No.3247803

Kek. Go to /vg/ and circlejerk over there. Just because kids like you are overly obsessed with the game now doesn't mean people are even going to remember it within five years, dude. Notice how nobody talks about shit like OFF nowadays? Your flavor of the month isn't worth bringing up. Fuck, I hate your kind.

>> No.3247892
File: 1.92 MB, 400x335, tumblr_inline_nrqxjjy7Gr1rbem7u_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also features Twarna Bandicoot a lot.
Yeah, Tawna was pretty cute in that video. Shame they wrote her off in the sequels.

>> No.3247902

>bad quips

That's why you watch it in Japanese.

>> No.3248082

It's because back then there was only a tenuous canon at best, and we just was having fun with games not disecting them. No cared about complete accuracy they just cared the titles was interesting.

>I remember when everyone thought samus was a man.

>> No.3248085

No I am not.
I remember watching it for 30 mins on the weekends right before land of the lost.
Hell I still have the vcr tapes I recorded my Saturday morning cartoons on. Lol.

>> No.3248115
File: 25 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-1039760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizardry OVA.

>> No.3248234
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I'll add Megami Tensei:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSY6a8gRHgI&list=PL30C7FFF156D04B48&index=1 (Hardcoded subs, poor video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdQiMaqCy8U&index=1&list=PLE343_BTm5kNVLIRBHzjphDOvnCB_-yyL (Softcode subs, good video)

Terrible mention: Shin Megami Tensei Tokyo Revelation - angry gay kid summons demons

>> No.3248305

>angry gay kid summons demons
but that's also the plot of megami tensei 1

nakajima is such an edgelord

>> No.3248812
File: 40 KB, 600x450, mcmasa3-img600x450-1384462906fkowxt81552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty much right. Even the Japanese Nintendo media at the time got some things off. Like that one Super Mario Bros. novelization where Luigi turns out to be some random Prince who is disguised as Mario's brother.

>> No.3249212 [SPOILER] 
File: 329 KB, 640x480, 1464423283429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but I actually enjoy the
Sonic Boom animation. While it can be shitty (Knuckles is almost consistently the worst being the classic dumb brute character, just beaten by original girl do not steal who is nothing more than conspiracy theorist who is usually right with a god awful voice) it has some great moments and side characters, like the grammar correcting beaver.

And here's the kicker, it ended the first season with a Shadow episode. I know this sounds like it would inevitably be awful but they pulled it off - Eggman is basically an obsessive fanboy toward him, at points literally saying "he's so edgy" and "the second most popular character in the canon", while every other original character basically dump shit on him and hate him.

"He's not cool. If being angry and sitting alone makes you cool, I was the coolest guy at my prom" - "And we all know that's not true!".

Also I like finding errors in the animation to be overly critical of.

>> No.3249228

That's the plot of the entire series and persona too

>> No.3249449

Isn't this the one where Mario is voiced by Amuro Ray?

>> No.3249521

Yea, I forgot about that. Now you're gonna make me dig it up to read again for old times sake. I used to love before the spergs took over and video games used to be about fun.
Now its all about continuity and canon. If it's fun no one cares now.

>> No.3249895

>Crash Bandicoot
>Twarna Bandicoot
Incest for wincest.

>> No.3249942
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>Crash and Tawna
You're thinking of Coco Bandicoot, Crash's younger sister from Crash 2 and onward. It's just a common trope to have anthropomorphic characters have their their last name be the names of their intended species (kinda like Buster and Babs Bunny in Tiny Toons). Or maybe they're actually related and that's why she ran off with Pinstripe in the sequel.

>> No.3249996
File: 43 KB, 640x480, [SquareSubs] Medarot - 24 [12F958F3].mkv_snapshot_06.19_[2016.04.25_22.19.19].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medarots was fantastic.Simple charming artstyle, cute robots, great characters. I've been rewatching it lately since somebody on /m/ subbed it.

>> No.3250002
File: 49 KB, 640x480, [SquareSubs] Medarot - 19 [00586B4E].mkv_snapshot_14.44_[2016.04.08_08.22.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is my favourite screenshot and I never get to use it.

>> No.3250021
File: 474 KB, 1706x1425, Scan-111213-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read the official Mario manga. I like the Kazuki Motoyama manga (aka KC Mario) just because the Donkey Kong is one of the few pieces of Mario media where Pauline plays a prominent role even though they fatten her up by the end of the arc.

>> No.3250167

Which is exactly why I double dipped and bought the Japanese laserdisc when I already had the American one.

>> No.3250175
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fuck yeah

>> No.3250184
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>> No.3250185

i agree, ive never even heard of undertale outside of 4chan.

>> No.3250215
File: 57 KB, 397x561, img_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Super Mario movie was used to promote the Super Scope in Japan.
I wished they had gone a step further and made an actual Super Scope game based on the movie.

>> No.3250231


Never knew I wanted that so much.
A Battleclash-style game shooting goombas and other enemies from the movie while traversing a cyberpunk mushroom kingdom in 16-bit sounds too good.

Also, Hoskins looks japanese in that picture.

>> No.3250260

Not to mention recent developments in Xbox hueg emulation have revealed that the girls in DOAX actually have fully detailed nipples and pubic hair hidden beneath their clothing.

>> No.3250269

>A Battleclash-style game shooting goombas and other enemies from the movie while traversing a cyberpunk mushroom kingdom in 16-bit

I'm definitely of the opinion that any kind of "gritty reimagining" of the Mario 'verse would be pretty cool.

>> No.3250292

>DOAX actually have fully detailed nipples and pubic hair hidden beneath their clothing.
That's bullshit as you already could remove the swimsuit texture from the model in 2005 via cheats or modded iso and there's no other textures besides the skin one underneath. Also no there's no modeled nipples or clitoris on the models.

>> No.3250327

Tomb Raider movie was actually not bad. Sonic Underground is a legit good cartoon.

>> No.3250369

The F-zero anime is good?

>> No.3250376

>tfw falscon is dead like the franchise

>> No.3250405
File: 211 KB, 640x973, cn1-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I remember when everyone thought samus was a man.

>> No.3250420

>Peach is flat
>Pauline is stacked

>> No.3250475
File: 55 KB, 212x542, PaulineHD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pauline's been pretty stacked since DK94.

>> No.3250521
File: 287 KB, 1020x700, Super Metroid 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole series. Also, the Mario and Zelda comics from earlier in NPs run. I think they all fit the source material well and were great to read.

>> No.3250527
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>> No.3250626
File: 158 KB, 323x416, Lady_(Yoichi_Kotabe).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That old timey dress made her look a bit too much like Peach. Although, that's technically Lady, the proto-Pauline.

>> No.3251369

Example: Candy Kong is Donkey Kong's girlfriend. "Kong" refers to the Donkey Kong "clan" and most of them aren't related.

>> No.3251372
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If they gave it digitized graphics like T2 arcade I'd be all over that shit. If a game is going to date itself, I say go all out.

>> No.3251373

Not true. The pubic hair and nipples were the work of some clever modders.

>> No.3251376

I remember my brother had a copy of the Link to the Past comic as a graphic novel. Shit was real good. I don't know why the other Nintendo Power comics never got collected in volumes like that.

>> No.3251381
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Was she even called "Tawna Bandicoot" officially? I always remember her as just Tawna, one name only.

>> No.3251390

That's at least four years after metriod came out brother. I hate to tell you.
And yes we read that too that is how some of us found that out.
Stop trying to make an argument with people that actually grew uo in that era.

>> No.3251392

No I haven't but thank you! I'm about to now.

>> No.3251408
File: 68 KB, 569x353, princess-lana-captain-n-palutena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean Princess Lana was a renamed/redesigned version of Palutena from Kid Icarus?

There was also that Justin Bailey passcode that got reprinted a lot in many Nintendo Power issues and guides.

>> No.3251460

I did grow up in that era. I'm not trying to make any point, it was just a topical piece media.

Really, I just roll my eyes at all the "blublu people know Samus is a sexy girl why isn't she like the US marketing of the 90s where they talked about how huge and muscled and roided out she was so boys wouldn't buy a game starring a girl"

>> No.3251464

Yes. Tohru Furuya voiced Mario in a few different things back in the day, including that movie, a series of animated Mario shorts based on various fairy tales, and the Satellaview Mario All-Stars.

>> No.3251482

The Mario one did as well. They were published when NP put out their 50th issue.

>> No.3252442
File: 1.92 MB, 3455x2289, Double_dragon_vol_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else ever saw the Double Dragon animated series? It barely had anything to do with the games other than Billy and Jimmy were in it (with their designs from the Super Double Dragon boxart). Marian was turned into a poor man's Officer Lewis from RoboCop and Abobo was only around for the first episode before he and Machine Gun Willy (who was turned into a cowboy for some reason) got killed off by the Shadow Master (which I think it's supposed to be the bad guy from Double Dragon II, but looked nothing like him). It was blatantly merchandise-driven and only lasted for around two seasons without any real ending (like most other shows of this type). The theme song was pretty catchy though, even if the composers were trying their hardest to make it sound similar enough to the Mission 1 theme from the game without sounding exactly like it.

>> No.3252445


I still have an official VHS with 2 episodes of that.

I remember one episode that was about virtual reality.

>> No.3252764
File: 2.09 MB, 3434x2300, Double_dragon_vol_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the red undershirt and black hair made Billy look like a watered down Americanized version of Kenshiro. Billy and Jimmy were already Kenshiro wannabes in the actual games, but they were never quite as pussified as they were in the cartoon series.

>> No.3253169

SatAM had more influence on the comics. Not much beyond that. The comics now are different than they were when it started. Partly due to Penders no longer working on it. I think you put too much blame on this show.

>> No.3253174

>one Sonic was a pretty funny gag show and the other took itself too seriously

I think there was an imbalance to both of them. They shouldn't have been too much of one thing and too much of another. I think it could of been a mix of the two.

>> No.3253189


It may just be Nostalgia vision for me, but I do at least remember LIKING the show and I even partook in the merchandising. I had both action figures of Billy and Jimmy and I had their car which shot discs and I think I had one villain. Pretty sure it was Sickle....I don't fuckin' know.

The fighting game they had was pretty shitty but I enjoyed it on SNES for it's music mostly.

>> No.3253732
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I didn't mind the fact that the villains were completely made up (considering how the inconsistent localization of this series and the Shadow Master was genuinely creepy) and it was actually kinda clever how they explained why the Lee brothers were against each other at first by introducing a separated at birth origin story (even if the actual resolution was a bit corny), but was it necessary to give them those dragon masks and beam-shooting swords? They're hand-to-hand combatants, not ninjas. The series was also rather cheaply animated and the character designs are pretty cheesy, although the second season does look a lot better admittedly.

>> No.3253754


You ever play the SNES double dragon fighting game? Billy uses a sword in it.

>> No.3253773

I was moreso talking about the 80s for the first few years of metriod 1 being released.
Not many people had finished the game at that point but many knew the justin bailey code. She the published it as turning Samus into a girl.

>> No.3253835

You mean Double Dragon V? The one that was made by Leland Interactive rather than Technos? The one that was obviously made as a tie-in to the cartoon and had no ties to the previous games? Gee, I wonder why it wasn't brought up?

>> No.3253860


Still canon faggot.

>> No.3253875

Nope. Even Neon is more canon than that crap.

>> No.3253879

Hate to tell you but the TV show is canon. Like it or not.

>> No.3253918

It's hard to argue about Double Dragon canon when they couldn't keep their outfit/hair color straights between games.

>> No.3253946

Then go right to the source like a knowledgeable person. I did it. And the proper canon is easy to find online.

>> No.3253958 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 908x623, 1464590996923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a joke, faggit. You know the show ain't canon.

>> No.3253962

Nigga you might be retarded. Just cuz you don't want it as canon magically won't stop it from being so.

>> No.3254713

>dat denial

>> No.3255218
File: 73 KB, 554x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how they actually put one of the manga Mario's in Mario Maker.

>> No.3255239

Does anyone have the name of the Super Mario book? I can't seem to find it. I have the Legend of Zelda one already.

>> No.3255394
File: 29 KB, 219x300, Super-Mario-Adventures_8574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Super Mario Adventures.