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File: 5 KB, 132x168, Metroid_Boss_Ridley.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3245961 No.3245961 [Reply] [Original]

Why are we so conditioned to fight Kraid before Ridley in the original Metroid? By the time you're able to fight Kraid, you're already down in Norfair anyway, and Ridley (both the boss and his level) isn't more difficult than Kraid, so why wouldn't you fight Ridley first?

>> No.3245990

Who the fuck are "we"?
I always do Ridley first since that lets me get enough health to yolobombstrat Kraid.

>> No.3246509
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Same here. Kraid is such a pain in the ass that I need the extra equipment from doing Norfair and Ridley to beat him quickly and easily.

The only conditioning comes from Super Metroid, I believe, where you are far, far, far more likely to kill Kraid first (I don't even know if you can kill Ridley before Kraid in SM).

I also think the manual mentions Kraid first because he's closer to the start of the game.

>> No.3246523
File: 76 KB, 401x600, samus_aran_0002_by_bokuman-d57mvr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious: do you guys think the Zero Suit ruined Samus' character, or enhanced it?

According to the 2007 book Gaming Lives in the Twenty-First Century: Literate Connections, Samus was perhaps the most nonsexualized female video-game character ever,[48] a belief shared by Steve Rabin in Introduction to Game Development, which also considered Samus as one of Nintendo's most popular video game mascots.[49]

>In 2002, Justin Hoeger of The Sacramento Bee opined that "unlike most other female video game characters, Samus isn't some husky-voiced bimbo in tight leather included only for sex appeal. Samus is tough, silent, heavily armed and spends most of her time in a bulky suit of high-tech Power Armor."[50]

>That same year, however, an article in Toronto Star retorted that the "sexual politics" surrounding Samus and the Metroid series needed to stop, arguing that the original "big crazy shock to the gaming public" was "some seriously misspent energy" as she "is not a woman for the benefit of the sweaty/excited crowd, and neither is she a standard-bearer nor a courageous leader in the struggle for video game civil rights. She is a supremely talented action figure, and in the closeups on her helmet you can kind of see that she wears mascara, but that is all."[51]

>> No.3246551

>(I don't even know if you can kill Ridley before Kraid in SM)
It's difficult but absolutely possible. If you want a very serious challenge, try to figure out how to kill the bosses in reverse order. For a smaller but still satisfying challenge, kill Phantoon first and Ridley second.

>> No.3246558

I dunno. I found Kraid's Lair before Ridley's, I guess.
It doesn't matter. We already had her skimpy ending outfits from earlier games.

>> No.3246559

If it wasn't the single thing that ruined her, it was absolutely a major contributing factor. The Zero Suit was introduced in Metroid Zero Mission as a brief interlude at the end of the game. That was fine. Samus has been portrayed outside her power armor since the very first game, there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea.

Her portrayal in Brawl was where things started to get questionable. The best quality of her Final Smash wasn't the huge fuck-off laser -- it was the fact that you got to transform from an extremely low tier character into a high tier one, by LOSING the power armor. This made absolutely no sense, as Zero Suit Samus was clearly better than regular Samus from release day, and surely the team wasn't too daft to have known that themselves.

The primary factor at play here of course was Metroid's low popularity in Japan on the heels of the American-developed Prime series, which Nintendo intended to fix by turning Samus into waifu material. Obviously American proto-SJW's at the time either misinterpreted this as empowerment or gross oversexualization, but either way they missed the point -- although Samus was originally the ideal "empowering" female character, who suceeded not despite her gender but without even considering it, misguided Japanese marketing execs and confused Americans with political agendas dragged her down to the level of Lara Croft.

The Zero Suit is fucking bullshit and, if nothing else, it is symbolic of the changes that ruined the Metroid franchise.

>> No.3246654

Horny boys ruined Metroid. The zero suit was just giving fans what they wanted. I don't like the zero suit either but let's put the blame where it belongs.

>> No.3246667
File: 174 KB, 494x531, 1441209049672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3246678

>The only way to play as zero suit samus is to get the final smash as regular samus
What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.3246682

yes, it's sexist to select samus in super smash bros

>> No.3246683

Even though they already had her in skimpy ending outfits from earlier games, it seems the Zero Suit exposed her to a wider audience and kind of changed how she is viewed as a character.

Before Smash Bros. brawl was released, she was known as one of the few female heroes who wasn't generic anime TnA (I'd say those 100% endings gave her a more "sporty" look).

However, ever since the release of Brawl - and even moreso after the release of SSB4 - it seems she's become known mostly as "le TnA blonde fappable anime girl", just like Captain Falcon is now seen as le Falcon Punch man and Wario is le gross farting man.

>> No.3246685

which is good since smash was severely lacking in the fan service department before brawl

>> No.3246716

I'm not a teenage girl, I don't care about strong female role models in vidya. Samus was never much of a character, she only spoke a couple of lines in her inner monologue at the beginning of Super and that's it. The jap designer based her appearance on Kim Basinger. You can play as her in a leotard in the original game and see her in her underpants in her death and crystal flash animations in Super. She was very obviously supposed to be sexual.

>> No.3249403

I don't like it, but Metroid has been dead since Fusion so it doesn't matter.

>> No.3249406

Peach's underwear was more than enough.

>> No.3249776

Or, you know, she's only wearing underwear in her giant bulky robot suit for practical reasons and her death animation is you watching her blow up. Or that the entirety of Metroid is an homage to Alien and Samus appearing in her underwear is a reference to Ripley at the end of the first movie.

>> No.3249782

I miss the days when everyone's idea of Samus was that she spent her off time drunk off her ass in seedy bars, trying to wash away the memories of all the death she wades in and refuses human contact, because it will make her too soft to do her job.

Now she's just seen as being a tsundere space bimbo.