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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 212 KB, 570x300, earthboundcartridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3235448 No.3235448 [Reply] [Original]

Could the retro gaming market be facing a similar situation to the comic market in the 1990s, where speculators have caught wind of how valuable certain cartridges are and are now buying up as many retro game cartridges as possible in hopes of collecting a fat return on them a few years down the road? I used to be able to find great bargains at places like Goodwill but now whenever they have something even remotely good, they always want the eBay price for it, and the ebay prices on retro games have been skyrocketting over the last few years.

Are we facing a future where unless you began collecting before the hobby got contaminated with people looking for the next gold rush, the only viable way to play retro games on original hardware will be flash carts?

Will there come a point where scalpers have driven up the cost of the hardware itself until it's no longer viable for anyone but serious collectors, because something like an NES or SNES will be in the three-figure price range? At that point it would be emulation or bust.

>> No.3235572

>Could the retro gaming market be facing a similar situation to the comic market in the 1990s,
Yes, and what happened to the prices of all of those comics the speculator market overpriced?

>> No.3235587

Lots of shelf collectors, or people who just buy the games to have them on their shelf and don't intend on playing them, are just buying them to try to retire off of them in 10-20-30 years.

They've totally ruined a hobby. These games were not worth much and were considered old junk just 5-10 years ago. Now they are insanely valuable.

>> No.3235591

When something that's not worth the price increases too far, it busts.

It's called a bubble.

>> No.3235597

it's your own fault for being a collectorcuck. people with brains just emulate.

>> No.3235601

Between emulators, repros, flashcarts and people selling lots for cheap on ebay still we'll be alright.

>> No.3235603

>used to see bins of NES games at gamestop for $2-5
>bought majora's mask unopened in 2005 for $20
>picked up NES and n64 controllers in NM condition from EB games and local game shops for under $10

i miss those days

now im lucky if i can find any of that. the game store near me will receive a comeplete system (consoles+wires etc) and sell each piece individually only
>n64? okay $40
>oh you want a power cord? $15
>oh you want a multi AV cord too? $20

>> No.3235607

not quiet true.
actually emulator fags are the biggest cucks followed by collectorcucks.

flashcards on real hardware is the real way to go.

>> No.3235608

The gamestore near me has like 20 copies of Sonic and Knuckles and they want 45 each.

>> No.3235628

I actually play my cartridges and discs.

>> No.3235646

idk I pirate my shit and play on emulators.

Only an idiot would pay that kind of money 4 something u can get 4 free.

>> No.3235658

If the bubble pops it will probably kill some of the local retro game shops. I'll be sad if that happens because I like my shops, even if good games are showing up less and less on the shelves. On the other hand though, in terms of what it would mean for my hobby it would be great to see eBay prices go back down to where they were about 5 years ago, and that part is really more relevant to my hobby than having a brick and mortar store to shop at even if I really like the people there. The number of cartridges and discs out in the wild is not in any way dependent on the existence of physical stores because they're not making any more.

>> No.3235719 [DELETED] 


flashcard users are the biggest cucks. literally paying hundreds of dollars to pirate. go shill your everdrive on reddit

>> No.3235734


I paid $60 for a Super Everdrive China Version. Are you just mad because you can't afford one?

>> No.3235747 [DELETED] 


>i bought this piece of plastic instead of that one! y-you're just poor!

okay cucky. don't forget to prep the bull.

>> No.3235758

You must be 18 or older to use this site.

>> No.3235793

my original super everdrive v2 was 80€ new from a shop.
are you fucking retarded dude?

>> No.3235808 [DELETED] 

The same cucks that shell out $200 for a used copy of an Earthbound cart are the same cucks that donate to kikestarter.

Cucks are the idiots the Western scam world was built on my man.

>> No.3235821

No one's ruining anything for anyone that matters. If your hobby is retro games then you've had decades to get everything you want. If you're a bandwagon collector who just got into it because of LPers then you're more of a cancer than speculators. The speculators have always been there. Your willingness to overpay on eBay is what's driving prices.

>> No.3235890

>it will probably kill some of the local retro game shops.

Idk about you but if prices went down I would actually patronize my local game stores MORE. I just can't stomach paying $80+ for one game, but if I could spend $80 on several games I'd totally do it.

>> No.3235898

The people who ruined your hobby aren't the speculators, but Nintendo and Sega who made all the old retro games fashionable again by making them all available in badly emulated forms for $5-10. That, and with YouTube and video sharing in general becoming so commonplace, it is easier than ever to come across hidden gems on old consoles that you'd never ever hear of normally.

This drives interest up, and now all the stupid hipsters want to play the real thing. NES and SNES games used to be in $5 bins because there was no demand; but demand has now skyrocketed while supply is getting lower and lower, hence the high prices.

>> No.3236174

>The people who ruined your hobby aren't the speculators, but Nintendo and Sega who made all the old retro games fashionable again by making them all available in badly emulated forms for $5-10. That, and with YouTube and video sharing in general becoming so commonplace, it is easier than ever to come across hidden gems on old consoles that you'd never ever hear of normally.

>hidden gems
this "meme" ruined gaming

>> No.3236184

Nintendo and Sega were just responding to market demand that was already there. You can't even blame it on the LPers. They just made videos. Its the shit whining about the high prices they have to pay that are the cause. If they weren't buying the prices wouldn't be so high.

>> No.3236260
File: 308 KB, 700x386, Angry-Video-Game-Nerd-4-700x386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the guys making youtube videos sitting in front of walls and walls of old games, many of which they never played for more than a few minutes that drove prices up. Now it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone. There are people who drive to flea markets, garage sales and thrift stores everyday just to hoard everything they can to hock on ebay.

The solution is china making reproductions and I'm hoping there'll always be enough competition there to keep prices low. Repo's have actually gone down since last time I checked around christmas, and the quality can only improve. I bought a copy of gunstar heroes yesterday for $3.60. I'm happy. For some more money they'll even give you a case and print the manual.

I can't wait until china starts duping n64 and pressing cd games. Seems like something that would be even cheaper for them to reproduce.

>> No.3236301

That may be what ultimately drives costs back down. When China sees people spending hundreds for stupid shit on eBay they will find a way to sell it for cheap. The same thing happened with Warhammer-- Games Workshop kept driving up their prices so now more and more people are looking to China for cheaper alternatives. I don't need a "real" copy of Earthbound when I can get a reproduction for a 10th of the price.

Truth be told there aren't even that many "must have" cartridges that I don't own yet-- it's mostly just a few RPGs. It's the Sega Saturn where it's really hard to find good games at reasonable prices, although fortunately it's really easy to mod the Saturn. At least I managed to get Metal Slug and Vampire Savior.

>> No.3236306

Good luck trying to buy anything Neo Geo related. it's expensive as shit

>> No.3236307

10 years ago maybe, but the price inflation was already in full swing 5 years ago. It wasn't as retarded as it is now but it was there.

I think it started around 08-09.

>> No.3236328

Short answer is yes.

Buy a flashcart for the expensive ones and collect the cheap fun games.

>> No.3236339

The console itself is expensive as shit and the games are ridiculous. SNK originally intended for it to be rental-only, and then they decided to make it be a collector's system.

The prices for the CD system aren't quite as bad but the load times are bullshit, and by "less expensive" I mean a game costs $50 instead of $200.

>> No.3236362

How did you get a Genesis repro cart for such a low price?

Do you use Ebay?
Who are some good sellers?

Or is there another site where I can buy from Chinese directly?

I'm thinking to buy repros of the top games for each system than get a flashcart and load a ROMset where I have to wade through shovelware to get to what I want to play.

>> No.3236378

Aliexpress. Your welcome

>> No.3236381

I have pretty much threw out of plans of getting a snes and some games I want to play/speedrun again and not through an emulator played on an LCD.

>> No.3236382

I have to agree with this dude.

Collecting games can be pretty expensive, and it can end up being a huge burden on your life. But with flashcarts, you can play everything (just about) on actual hardware, which will always be far superior to emulators.

I'd rather pay $200 for a flashcart, than $100's in retro cartridges/discs.

>> No.3236391

Wow, your local shops suck dick then. My local store has reasonable prices and won't charge you separately for the console and cords.

I ought to count myself lucky I can still buy most NES games from him for 3-9 dollars

>> No.3236407

>Gunstar Heroes

senpai, if you want some games for the Genesis cheap, go buy yourself a PXP 3 Slim Station on Amazon for $20. You will around 200 odd Sega Genesis games on this little machine.

If more people knew about the PXP 3, the market for Sega collectors would probably take a decisive blow.

>> No.3236428

Good stores would be selling at good prices and making profits
Honestly if anything the growing prices are killing game stores already, my go to store went from a great location with a good size to a hole in the wall with everything on top of each other.

>> No.3236446

Krikzz will save us.
Aliexpress repros will save us.
Emulation will save us.

Thing is, my guess is that the market will split. CONSOLE and GAMES. I think the game market will tank, but when all the retards get savy to flash carts, games that don't work on them will be earthbound tier price. Also, consoles will be in huge demand now.

I wouldn't be surprised if super nes's will go for $500 in the not too distant future. At which point some other disruptive retro gaming tech will be wildly available (perfect emulation, nintendo re-releasing an old console, i dunno im not psychic but there would be SOMETHING).

If I were a shelf collector I'd be unloading my shit now and scooping up consoles with some of the profit they make.

>> No.3236463

If you're only worried about playing the games, then no; in fact, the high prices of retro games is only increasing the demand for cheaper alternatives, such as flash carts and accurate emulation. If you're a collector, than you're probably screwed until the bubble pops (and it will soon enough), but then again, you're kind of part of the problem anyways.

I've always wondered what's stopping game companies from reprinting classic games. Printing vinyl records is still viable; is the cost of production for a cart the main thing holding this idea back? Is the problem of overpriced classic games mostly solved by official emulation like the Virtual Console or PSN?

>> No.3236469

Are repros good?

What if I want want to play a mario or zelda game and not pay $80 for a ripped up cart?

will a repro save my wallet?

>> No.3236471

I think I paid about $20 for Gunstar Heroes 5 years ago when I started getting back into Genesis gaming. Games that were $25 five years ago are $50-60 today. I started getting back into retro gaming right before the youtube explosion, when it was still just Angry Video Game Nerd. Looking back there's a lot of games I regret not buying.

Fortunately reproductions are getting cheaper and much more common, especially on sites like Etsy and Aliexpress. The reproduction process is becoming increasingly streamlined. They press out a bunch of EProm carts in factories, and then flash them with individual games from special docking units hooked up to PCs without having to do any crazy re-wiring, which is part of why they're getting so much cheaper. It's also why you can finally get Gameboy reproduction carts, which a few years ago were a nightmare to solder EPROM chips to.

If you're into collecting for the money, then all these new alternatives probably suck for your collection's value, but if you're in it for the money then seriously fuck you. Even my local game shop is selling reproductions now because they're affordable and customers love them.

>> No.3236481

There's not really that many Mario or Zelda games that will run you upwards of $30, which is only a little more than what a repro would cost anyways. A flash cart would save money if you plan on buying more than five or ten games per system, otherwise you shouldn't really be shelling out too much money.

>> No.3236484
File: 124 KB, 1593x710, sm64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really using video games as financial security? jesus christ i cant wait for this bubble to pop and all the manchildren to cry about their lost retirement funds

>> No.3236505


/vr/ swears that this is true, but I don't think anyone is actually doing it.

The overwhelming majority of the shelf collectors are just doing it for social media "lol such a retro nerd XD" appeal, not for reselling or "investing"

I expect the price bubble to have a massive crash in the next decade or so, when all the millennials are defaulting on their student loans and instagram/LP whoring is no longer popular.

>> No.3236515


There's literally no point in buying repros at all.

They don't have any real value to collectors, even though I doubt the majority of buyers would even know if you sold them a repro

Like the guy above said, you're better off just buying a single flashcart for each system than buying repros.

I guess if you are a collector and want to create a pseudo complete collection, then it's fine. Other collector cucks will talk shit about your set being not authentic, but no one actually gives a shit about that.

>> No.3236517

>not playing retro vidya the way they are intended
>playing files


>> No.3236535

New-in-box merch will always be the most prized by collectors, however for something as common as Mario 64 that price is just stupid and it can only be because of a bubble. Almost everyone with an N64 has a copy of Mario 64. If it was something more obscure like a new-in-box copy of Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine I could understand why it'd be so rare (you could only get a copy like that if you ordered direct from Lucas Arts online), but Mario 64 is so easy to find it's practically a pack-in.

>> No.3236541
File: 458 KB, 1046x838, Screen Shot 05-23-16 at 01.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sort of. some games dont work on flash carts. I'd buy a $10 (maximum I'd pay) repro of say star fox 2 or something.

I just checked etsy for repros cause of this thread. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK PIC RELATED

>> No.3236546

It's all a matter of personal preference. Some people want their favorite games to have a place on the shelf, where they can pick them up and look at them like when they went to the game store. Other people are perfectly fine with something like an everdrive and that's fine too. The actual gameplay on an ED is exactly the same as a cartridge, because the defining hardware is in the console itself.

Clone consoles are kind of shit and that's where I kind of draw the line. If you're going to buy a clone console you might as well just get a real emulator box to hook up to your TV. There are plenty of Android consoles out there to choose from that will work just as well if not better than a clone console.

>> No.3236549

Star Fox 2 requires special chips to play and you'll never find a repro for that cheap. You'd be better off just coughing up the dough for a SD2SNES than holding your breath for a $10 repro of SF2. Just the donor cart with the Super FX 2 chip would cost more than $10.

>> No.3236584

Financial security? Nah. Investment? Sure. I have a buttload of shit I'm never going to use that a got strictly as an investment. And it's never going to be worth less than I paid for it because I picked it up long before all the younglings started driving up prices. Vidya can be just as valid a part of your investment portfolio as art, coins, etc if you know what you're doing.

>> No.3236613

>Are for-profit speculators ruining our hobby?
>our hobby
It is possible to ignore people of the jewish faith, you'll get better at it in due time.

it don't matter, none of this matters

>> No.3236618

Its mass produced junk.

>> No.3236629

Honestly the dirt cheap AliExpress bootlegs have me tempted to pick up a couple JP titles like Eliminate Down. It's hard to beat $4 shipped and I don't have enough interest in a Genesis flash cart to justify the cost. (I've heard a lot of sketchy things about the AliExpress flash carts so I'm hesitant to drop $30 on one.)

>> No.3236696

>i'm poor and jelly
I know

>> No.3236709

That and also everyone want to collect now.

>> No.3236713

Explain to me how anyone is going to retire off selling video games.

It's no different to people buying records and not actually listening to them. People like collecting shit.

>> No.3236809

No, emulation is the soul of retrogaming.

Collectors are shitting it up for each other, not for us.

>> No.3236880

Go to AliExpress, you'll find repros for under $20.

>> No.3236881

I think that's more of a production pipeline issue than anything else. The only company I know of that still makes their old games is Square. And that only Chrono Cross and FF Chronicles right now. I've actually ordered them and it's weird to see these games newly pressed, since they're just standard cds and not even black like normal ps1 games.

>> No.3236926

My brother sold his Earthbound cartridge to someone on Craigslist. They said they would pay $300 for it, which was way more than his asking price.

He was skeptical so he had them meet him at noon at a Mcdonald's parking lot.

The guy gave him $300 cash, and my brother asked him if he wanted to look at the cartridge to make sure it wasn't a fake, and the guy said "no it's the real thing".

As he was walking away he heard the guy talking into a radio "blah blah, negative. It's the real thing"

Around the corner was an unmarked police cruiser, and they were doing a sting operation on fake/counterfeit craigslist stuff.

>> No.3237281

My area was dominated by a chain of retro stores for awhile (started as one store and now they have 6. Over the course of the last year they have been drying up fast in terms of good games for the main systems. Turns out there have been about 5 guys in the area who have literally been buying up everything. They set up shop at our local flea markets every Sunday and are the biggest douches when it comes to asking them anything. They price none of their items and when you ask for a price about 70% of the time they take out their phone to check eBay. Thankfully the people in my area have been laughing at them and not even bothering to deal with them on most occasions but it sucks trying to find anything locally as their either already have it or every Saturday when it's Garage Sale/Estate Sale days they nab everything to resell it.

>> No.3237289

>They price none of their items and when you ask for a price about 70% of the time they take out their phone to check eBay.

This pisses me off so much
Theres a event in Ohio called CORGS, and theres a few booths set up where they literally look at the highest ebay price and say "ok thats the price" Most of the people at the show ignore that booth rightfully but you still get a few suckers which is what probably keeps them coming back

>> No.3237326 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x373, Super-Nintendo-snes-Game-retrogaming-Ntsc-Usa-Rpg-Multi-Cart-8-In-1-191851784588-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for overpriced
collectorkike/resellerscum games instead of buying cheap hong kong repros or getting a flashcart

>> No.3237347

This is what I did honestly

>> No.3237370
File: 37 KB, 500x400, 1365232123691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People justifying their game purchases or flash carts.
>the only viable way to play retro games on original hardware will be flash carts?
If you're broke as fuck and if you're broke stop playing video games and go make some goddamn money. Recreation is more enjoyable when you earn it.
>something like an NES or SNES will be in the three-figure price range?
Sometimes it already is when it's CIB or sealed or whatever.

The fact of the matter is things change you guys. Lobster was peasant food until rich people found out about it, the same with our games. They are inherently good and people enjoy them. There is more of a demand than supply, so prices are gonna go up.
These fucking things went for like 40 - 100 bucks new, consoles going upwards to like 600, 800 bucks and you're upset Super Mario 3 is 20 bucks?
Like, get real you guys. If you think anything is popping soon than you don't think these games are worth anything besides nostalgia.
Much like first print LPs or books, were the audiophiles and library geeks that want that stuff. There will always be a niche for that. To say something like it will all move to flash carts is like saying in 100 years music libraries wouldn't bother with vinyls because they have digital recordings.
TL;DR: If you don't want to pay the prices, don't spend the money and if enough people don't buy it, the prices will drop. It's simple economics.

>> No.3237401

>shit that totally happened

>> No.3237482

I was at a vidyagame swap meet over the weekend. The guy who's table I was helping with was selling EVERYTHING at below or well below ebay prices. You would be surprised at the number of "buyers" who would come look at our selection, then hop online on their phones to check ebay prices, then walk away. Resellers who didn't see a large enough percentage in it for them. Working Saturns for $30 including cords and a working controller? Not enough profit margin. The trick is to price things low enough to entice actual gamers while not giving resellers a large enough margin to profit off of.

That being said, there's still tons of great games out there you can get for cheap. I find most of the people complaining about prices are only interested in the most popular Nintendo titles, and part of the reason prices are so high in the first place. If they and everyone else wasn't trying to get the top 10 SNES games, prices would start to fall to reflect the drop in demand. Case in point, Sonic 2 is a great game, but it's only $5.50 according to VGPC. Demand is low since it's only of interest to collectors and gamers, and not the E-Celeb following bandwagon crowd.

People who collect or play for rare systems I actually have sympathy for, but I'm tired of hearing all the whiners complaining about the price bubble when the majority of the whiners are the reason the bubble exists in the first place.

>> No.3237502

honestly if I could find some beat up versions of pokemon gold I'd buy it. At this point It could be scratched cart with no label i dont care. I just want to play it again

>> No.3237503

What about games that have add-on graphics chips and don't work on an Everdrive?

>> No.3237537
File: 955 KB, 900x1000, 24582345693569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wanna know the price? Let me check eBay fampai

If I wanted to pay eBay prices I would just shop on eBay. Let them keep their overpriced shit.

I use my phone to check eBay prices to make sure that I'm not getting ripped off when I'm shopping in the store. My retro shops have been pretty good in that regard so far because generally speaking they price their products a few bucks lower than the trending eBay price. Which is smart, because they know that if people walk into the store and see eBay prices they'll just buy from eBay.

Selling to a store is a bit different. When you sell to a store you have to accept that you're not going to get a terribly good deal because you want the money immediately instead of having to re-list a product for potentially months before someone buys it at the price you want.

>> No.3237538

Depending on the system and flash cart it might not be a problem. SD2SNES for example has a built in CPU that emulates special chipsets, so it can run stuff like Star Fox and Mega Man X3 just fine.

>> No.3237568

I remember when IRL game stores used to sell everything for LESS than online. Now they're usually much more than the average eBay listing, from what I've seen. These games have shot up in price everywhere you go in the past few years. Unfortunate, and I think soon prices will stagnate

>> No.3237570

Yes, this is for sure happening in my area. I havent seen a single thing in the wild except for sports games in years, and I go garage sailing every week.

>> No.3237581
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I'm 30 years old this year and still own consoles and games from when I was 10 years old. I have about 1500 games.

I have not played a single console in over a year, instead I built a home emulation machine. I got most the parts for free from work, silent cooling, a nice plain black mini itx case for it. I have a real SNES gamepad and a wireless 360 controller. It's hooked up to the TV in my living room. It has 4TB of storage and with all the free parts only cost me £150.

As someone with a wife, 2 kids and a third on the way it's awesome to be able to stretch out on the sofa after everyone is asleep and play for a few hours. But with all my responsibilities and bills to pay I can't justify spending £40 on a 25 year old game which I can play anyway with the original controller no less. Feels 99% the same.

So I'm slowly selling off my games collection for over valued prices on ebay. I can probably pay £10-£15k off my mortgage. This stuff is too valuable to keep. I'm not a reseller but I am taking advantage of the retro madness.

On the plus side the high prices mean people who buy games will take VERY GOOD CARE of them and preserve the games I love so much.

>> No.3237586

If I had kids I would rather they play on an emulation box without supervision than my actual cartridges.

>> No.3237592

Dude, it's 4chan. Who are you bullshitting? Your "wife" is most likely your Rainbow Dash dakimakura.

>> No.3237597

You may have accidentally projected a little too much, anon.

>> No.3237598

What is a dakimakura?

>> No.3237604

Post pics of your kids if you really have them.

>> No.3237618


>implying I'd ever in my right mind post pics of my kids on this shitty website

>> No.3237620
File: 67 KB, 485x700, 1462633101398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post pics of your kids


>> No.3237629

You are fully retarded.

>> No.3237636

I got a genesis for real fuckin cheap

>> No.3237658

Remember when 4chan wasn't full of normies like these idiots?

>> No.3237676

>remember when /vr/ wasn't full of frog posting feelfags
Yes. It was fucking awesome

>> No.3237687
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You can sum that up to dank memes.

Pretty much up to the Scientology raids 4chan memes were insides jokes. Not shit spammed on twitter and other social media.

A lot of the early shit is still unknown to normies which I think is funny since the opposite happened to flash sites.

>> No.3237702


There are collectors, but no they aren't really ruining the retro BST. You can find extremely good deals, you just have to search a little. Same goes for any hobby that involves collecting.

>> No.3237712

If someone was on 4chan back in 2005 and was of legal age, they'd be almost 30 years old now, those people are more likely to be on a retro board like this.

>> No.3237715

And they were most likely a social outcast. Like most of us that came from newgrounds.

>> No.3237730

It's still possible to find good bargains on the consoles. It's the games and accessories that are becoming more and more of a pain to find. If you can get a good pair of controllers, some RGB cables and an Everdrive you're pretty much set though.

Some accessories are nice to have like lightguns and whatnot. I bought a bunch of arcade sticks that I think are cool to have but I don't really need. If you really want an arcade stick, you're really better off just modding a modern fightstick with an MC Cthulhu board, putting an RJ45 jack on it and wiring up a bunch of cables for each console. It'll work better than any of the official ones.

>> No.3237731

Nearly 30 year old who made the post.

I've been on 4chan since Christmas of 2003, got told about it through an IRC channel and I still enjoy it. Believe it or not back then 4chan was good.

4chan was never good.

>> No.3237746
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I saw those on aliexpress for $15. Tempted to buy one but the audio on them seems wonky.

Also no one sells cartridges for them.

>> No.3237758
File: 80 KB, 600x315, brony1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's 30 and posts on here is probably a permavirgin who lives in his mom's basement and...yeah.

>> No.3237762

You don't have any children, do you?

>> No.3237765

>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog
>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog
>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog
>gotta be the alpha dog please don't hit me dad
>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog
>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog
>gotta be the alpha dog gotta be the alpha dog

>> No.3237770

Why wasn't it a problem for kids to play with cartridges in 1991 but it is now?

>> No.3237813

Because in 1991 if something broke you could just go to the store and buy a new one. Also, it's daddy's shit and kids need to know not to mess with daddy's shit when he's not around.

>> No.3237825
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I'm some random 30 year old, been here since 2005. Got a nice job, got a nice bitch, and I do whatever the fuck I want. Deal with it.

>> No.3237849

Yeah mine came with 2 controllers. Mostly just play on the 6 pak cart, which is dirt cheap

>> No.3237889

Has nothing to do with being alpha, I'd have more games if they were cheaper too, sure.
But whining about muh gaymz bein 2 aspensiv is babyish and lame. Just because more people are new to retro gaming and that drives the cost up doesn't mean anybody "deserves" it more than any other people.
You got the cash? Get yourself that Earthbound cart.
You dont? Get a flash drive or a VC download.
Shit, emulation is free and nobody cares. So just enjoy what you can afford.
Because nobody cares but -you- how you play your games and that's the truth.

>> No.3237936

Projecting pretty hard there sport. I suspect my oldest kid is older than you.

>> No.3237940

Syas the le wrong generation kiddo who is fetishizing games for consoles made before he was born.

>> No.3237958
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>> No.3237993

Calling people "sport" is the #1 sign you're underage.

>> No.3237998


>> No.3238017

It's a bunch of 15 year old trolls reverse trolling other 15 year old trolls.

>like any of them are really in their 30s

>> No.3238039

I've been gaming since 94, well before this fake oldfag >>3237936 emerged from his mother's crusty puss (some time after 9/11 specifically).

>> No.3238049
File: 16 KB, 299x291, suicide frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kids born after 9/11 are old enough to post on 4chan

>> No.3238057

I wish posting Feel Guy and Sad Frog images resulted in an autoban, I really would.

>> No.3238095

They're ok, the Contra: Hard Corps one I have looks and feels pretty cheap compared to a real cart, but it plays fine which is all I want.

If you're gonna be buying a few though then you may as well just get a flash cart.

>> No.3238118

Its Wojack and Pepe you uncultured swine

>> No.3238123

>Pretty much up to the Scientology raids 4chan memes were insides jokes. Not shit spammed on twitter and other social media.

They were spammed all over random forums instead.

>> No.3238152

There was someone on /v/ using Gamestop as a bank until Gamestop realized this and changed its policy.

>> No.3238220
File: 4 KB, 240x240, 1449738075707s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxes and boxes of modern ps3/4/360/xbone games that should really be download only that come with a now flimsy case and a single-sheet "manual" are the mass produced junk. We live in a time where VGs are just as widely enjoyed as movies. This was not the case 30 years ago. Everyone sees that videogames can take you on a mother fucking journey and now everyone wants to know what they missed. Well these bitches shouldn't have sold there shit to ebgames, funcoland and GameStop for pennies when they were done with it. All these games were in circulation at one point, if they needed YouTube celebs to tell them what they had they obviously never appreciated it in the first place, and they gotta pay a nigga now.

>mfw a scrub hipster pays me 80 for a copy of SMB2 without the Nintendo seal

>> No.3238262

>Everyone sees that videogames can take you on a mother fucking journey and now everyone wants to know what they missed.
Yeah...this was really epic, spellbinding, cosmic, would keep you occupied for weeks at a time...


>> No.3238267

On the flip side of this, now is a great time to collect Wii, Xbox/360, PSP, DS, PS3 game. I see so many great games going for spare change and people just giving them away.

>> No.3238272

>does the fact that jews look for any hobby they can to turn a middleman trade profit hurt those hobbies?
hmmmmmmm no I'm sure the money to be made from doing things like scalping video games is totally out of their reach, just like real estate and banking

>> No.3238306

Top kek sport

>i was gaming before i was borned
Sure you were sport

>> No.3238392

I personally blame retarded websites like Kotaku who started enforcing the "YOU CAN BECOME MILLIONAIRE BY SELLING YOUR OLD VIDYA GAEMS XD" mentality.
I remember the niche thing about buying retro videogames a few years ago was to be able to buy games for cheaper ($5-10 vs $60), they often worked wonders and were fun. Now if you want a copy of Smash, Pokemon or whatever, prepare to pay the exact same price than what you would pay for a NEW game for it. Each

>> No.3238404

>collecting disc games

why? they're so easy to burn your own discs

>> No.3238409

Cart games are so easy to emulate?

>> No.3238415


>> No.3238416

Tell me more about how you can make your own NES carts at home and play them in the actual console?

People have been burning PS1 games for years with a 50cent CD from staples. no emulation needed

>> No.3238418

Don't see how you can burn PS1 games at home given that it checks for that Sony copyright string that can only be placed on the disc if you had the original factory pressing equipment.

>> No.3238419

It's just what happens when people who got rid of all their childhood stuff grow up into adult nerds with disposable income who can now buy everything they always wanted as a kid.
Same thing happened to vintage toys, comics, you name it. I can't even think about how much the now rare SNES, 64, Saturn and PS1 games I stupidly sold for weed money in the early 00s would go for now. It's depressing.

>> No.3238423

I don't care how much nostalgia it is, there's a limit to what I think is a fair price for a game and I will not pay at or above the original retail amount.

>> No.3238424

>grow up into adult nerds with disposable income who can now buy everything they always wanted as a kid

I'm real sure most of 4chan has a job unless their mom made them work at McDonalds.

>> No.3238428


lol do you even modchip for $10

>> No.3238431

>People selling their rare vidyas for drugs

I love dumbasses like this. I bought Pikmin 1 for $5, Pokemon Crystal for $15 and X Collection for $10 from someone just a few years ago. Hope their 5 minutes of joy was worth getting rid of it.

>> No.3238434

Jesus Christ, why does everyone assume if you use 4chan you must be some unemployed virgin who watches MLP?

>> No.3238437

It's funny how the Japanese versions of games like LTTP and SMB3 that they're now charging horribly inflated prices for can be had for pennies. Seems as if just the US versions are affected.

>> No.3238438

It wasn't. I was an idiot. But who knew?

>> No.3238443

Also most of the price gouging seems to be for dirt-common first party Nintendo carts that were produced in the millions. Sometime like RBI Baseball or Double Dragon doesn't sell for nearly so much. It used to be you only paid $$$ for genuine rarities like Wario's Woods.

>> No.3238447

Site identity. We have a tradition of being perceived as social outcasts, even if those of us who came here for the anime porn in 2004 are now comfortably underachieving in actual careers.

In reality I'd suspect the site's userbase skews slightly older and higher income than someplace like Reddit, if only because there's no persistent social credit system.

The funny thing is the MLP accusations. That's only a low-status indicator locally; out in actual society you're likely to garner more weird looks for saying you use 4chan than if you watch a horse cartoon.

>> No.3238449

>In reality I'd suspect the site's userbase skews slightly older and higher income than someplace like Reddit
Do ho ho ho ho.

>> No.3238451

If I go in a store like Target or something and there's MLP or Frozen merch, I don't even like to get near it lest people get the wrong idea about me.

>> No.3238458

Nothing ruined the "hobby".
I play whatever I want and my Haswell dgaf.

>> No.3238463

MLP I could sort of understand, but what the fug is wrong with Frozen?

>> No.3238567

A Pokemon site recently shared the analytics of new game coverage linked from 4chan and it was young children overwhelmingly. Another one showed 40+ but that could also be kids too young to actually have a PC.

>> No.3238569

Losing out on all the 30 something ladies who think you might be a dad?

>> No.3238627

Wouldn't any Pokemon coverage be overwhelmingly consumed by young children?

>> No.3238664

>he's never experienced the horror of Frozen threads on /co/

>> No.3238676


>> No.3238731

/vr/ is basically a speculation board. Posts about games, consoles etc are just shills trying to drum up interest in whatever the poster is stockpiling. Nobody here actually plays these bullshit games.

>> No.3238959
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lol no.

90's comic bust is a bad comparison. Those books/variants were made in very high numbers.

Games/boxes/manuals will grow increasingly scarce. They are either stashed away in your autistic rooms or in a landfill somewhere.

Besides, gaming has a higer entertainment value then comic books.

With jewtube collectors I dont see a bubble burst anytime soon.

>> No.3238972

Why make a repor cart of TIT?

Common as fuck.

>> No.3238980

Just like comic books were going to grow increasingly scarce. Or beanie babies. Or websites on the internet (seriously look this shit up) or infected tulips. Retro gaming is in a small bubble. It will pop eventually but likely has plenty of life left.

>> No.3238993

Does it matter?

It only matters if your some aspie who needs original cartridges for your 'collection' - if you are this person, you deserve to pay the marked up prices.

For the rest of us, there is not only emulation (some of which is now cycle accurate) but also flashcarts.

>> No.3238995

They would be 15, you have to be 18 to post.

>> No.3238996

Don't bother using reason with them. These are the people that think these wildly popular games that sold thousands to millions of copies qualify as a "niche" hobby. They want to pretend they're the only "true retro fans" in the entire world so they can feel like special little snowflakes. They don't understand basic supply and demand. These games were manufactured ONCE in the last century and never again. The price can only go up as more and more people find out about them and the available supply gets squirelled away into the houses of collectors.

>> No.3239148

Everdrive is the same as burning CDs.

>> No.3239167


Way to get so triggered. Stay mad pleb.
>implying I'm from /v/

I'm about to be 30 next year. I was born in 1987 anon. Believe it or not, older 4chan users do exist. Hell there's a guy on here who's like 60.

>> No.3240135

This is basically what I try to do when I sell stuff. Price is basically just under going rate on ebay minus shipping and fees. That way most resellers will shy away.

>> No.3240149

You say that checking ebay for a price is bad, but I do that so I can get a baseline for my price.

Sometimes if I sell shit it goes like this.

How much is this?
Let me check... hmm ebay has it for 10, so I can do 6.

If you walk away or get pissy as soon as someone mentions ebay its your problem.

Also, if someone pulls a "its 20 on ebay so its 20 here" try reminding them that 20 on ebay is more like 14 in cash money due to fees. It works sometimes

>> No.3240173 [DELETED] 

>90's comic bust is a bad comparison. Those books/variants were made in very high numbers.
You're retarded, Super Mario World sold 23 million copies in the U.S. alone, X-Men #1 had less than a quarter of that amount printed at five million copies.

Keep making up your own statistics so you can think your hoarded cartridges will be worth something in 20 years, reseller scum.

>> No.3240174

Also in 91 if I broke something of my dads I wouldnt be able to sit for a week because of the massive beating id get. So I learned to be careful with shit.

These days kids have no respect for stuff. If something breaks mommy and daddy will buy a new one.
Cracked my new iphone screen? Get a new one.
Done with school for the semester, leave my laptop, microwave, tv, etc. Daddy will buy me a new one in the fall.

Makes me fucking sick

>> No.3240546

isn't that VGA thing a scam?

>> No.3240552

>I wouldnt be able to sit for a week because of the massive beating id get.
"beating" I think you mean ass-raping there anonski.

>> No.3240615

Yep, thats exactly what I meant.

>> No.3241232

>Hell there's a guy on here who's like 60

That's just Ken Williams, although sometimes he pretends to be his son.

>> No.3241276

That's the natural way of things. Been the same with punk rock records - all worthless just a few years ago. Now people pay crazy prices. Also comic books, figurines, etc.

The thing is: gotta catch the wind before it blows like a hurricane.

I still know places where to find games at lowest prices. The hunt is better than the catch they say.

>> No.3241285

It isn't a scam, it's just meaningless.

>> No.3241540


No, they're ruining collectors' hobbies, which I don't give a fuck about because I enjoy playing games more than having them rot on my shelf. If you just wanna play the games there are emulators, flash carts and burning CDs, with flash carts and burned CDs being the exact same thing if you don't think emulators are authentic enough.

>> No.3241548

But why would they be clicking a link through 4chan? (Extentions format the text into a link which reports to the linked server)

>> No.3241691

You should check out the 70s-mid-90s PC gaming general, there's more than a couple actual factual oldfags in there.

>> No.3241760

What the heck does VGA mean?

>> No.3241776

I've posted in there and there isn't. Trust me. Just underage b& asking retard-ass questions and spamming weebshit.

>> No.3241807

I don't know any shop by me that prices thing at reasonable prices. Even the weird small town that sells SNES games and systems does sold listing prices from ebay. So on their shelf there would be a 40 dollar game next to a 5 dollar game. It's a fucking SNES game...

I like collecting comics better cause most are 2 dollars a comic and then first edition is usually 5 dollars or more depending on the series.

>> No.3241989

The fuck are you posting this junk for? Ew!

>> No.3241992

Anyone assuming people should stop anything that is fun at any age is bound to remain that permavirgin all his life.

I'm over 50 btw.

>> No.3242069

>that kid who sells all his video games because "adult"

See you 8 months.

>> No.3242089
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1430097342049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to three different goodwills after all pawnshops failed me
>Only good retro game store left after being open for a few months
>Only 2 ransom PSP games found
>priced around 20 bucks

>> No.3242104

I really like the genesis repos. Getting Genesis games that would cost me 70 dollars or more on ebay for 4 bucks while playing imports like Alien Solider and Pulsman isn't a bad trade off. The only thing I don't like is that the SNES repos commonly cost 25-30 dollars across all of them.

>> No.3242118

>trying to check ebay for some retro games
>PSX section
>80 dollars for a rental disk only copy of a game
>Everyone else mirrors the price or almost double it if it has the case
>See the Japanese version
>20 dollars with free shipping. Comes complete with everything and looks mint

>> No.3242150

The japanese market doesn't have douchebag resellers creating artificial scarcity. There is no excuse for any major nintendo game being more than $20 when there are hundreds of thousands of copies of the game in circulation.

>> No.3242179

>2 years ago
>pass up on Einhander for like 50 bucks
>look today
>it's like 90+

Kill me.

>> No.3242180

you live, you learn

If I had a time machine, I'd go back and rebuy many of the stuff I got rid of

>> No.3242207

Anybody that actually wanted to play retro stuff would just go full on flash cart for any applicable console or in the case of Dreamcast plain old burn a game. Plus at this point, buying an old game is strictly to buy it as a conversation piece, nothing else.

>> No.3242216

Same shit in the vintage watch and computer markets

>> No.3242261

No. I like to own stuff that has a history. It's a subjective thing but it works. I would not be happy with a china-made bootleg cart. I sometimes test game roms to see how they play. If I like them, I track down the original cart and then, I'm happy.

>> No.3242283

I work at a game store.

We just got in a good condition earthbound cart that I priced. I had to fight my manager because he wanted to go $250 on it and I'm just like "look, you can't just arbitrarily raise the price because you think it's big money. This game isn't actually that rare and if you price it that high, you're basically throwing away the $100 we paid to the guy that traded it in because no one wants to pay 30% higher than market value for something."

It's super frustrating dealing with these people that are solely in it for the money because they truly understand extremely little about the market. They'll price carts with ruined art at the same price as pristine art. It took them over 2 years to realize they had created a giant backstock of Pokemon games that no one wanted to buy because they were charging $50-60 per cart.

I'm trying to get them to index pricing or use a statistical model but I kind of doubt they will.

>> No.3242301

Aha, there was a likeGametraders that was trying to sell FF7 for like $100, sat on the shelf for years, they had Ocarina for like $80 (both Aud).

It's absurd that stores price common as dirt games so high, someone foolish enough to pay that price probably doesn't have the money to do so in the first place.

>> No.3242585

Really buddy. A time machine. And you're just gonna use it for your selfish fucking /vr/ hobby. Why don't you get breakfast at McDonald's while your at it, set that bitch before 10:30

>> No.3242594

Hold on, this dumb ass said he would go back in time to rebuy shit he got rid of.. why wouldn't you just keep the shit to begin with spaceman

>> No.3242678

hey! Nice idea!

>> No.3242681

>Hold on, this dumb ass said he would go back in time to rebuy shit he got rid of.. why wouldn't you just keep the shit to begin with spaceman

Yeah why wouldn't I? Because I couldn't, you very smart person.

>> No.3242714

>have a time machine to go back and rebuy old games
>don't have a time machine to go back and stop yourself getting rid of the games to begin with

>> No.3242729

Except old PCs especially from the 90s are quite rare to find now because the vast majority were simply treated as an appliance similar to a microwave and thrown away. Actually, 80s home computers have been far better preserved than PCs.

>> No.3242757

Have you never heard that if you met your past self, it would create anomalies that could destroy the very fabric of reality?

>> No.3242760

I have an IBM XT I got off the 'Bay in 09. Given the prices now, I'm glad I did it then.

>> No.3242878

This is all I do. I grab up everything from my market and sell @ 50% eBay value. Fuck the market, fuck all these dudes twice my age (I'm Fucking 30) running stands at every market wandering around asking for games, lps and legos with fucking dollar signs in their eyes.

Would you believe 10 years ago that Magical Chase was 250 cib? I have a price guide, you wouldn't believe the prices of shit just a decade ago.

>> No.3242937

if you're going to buy anything get dreamcast games, they don't even make GD-ROMs at all anymore so unless you want to play clipped up pirated shit you need the originals

worse situation than carts

>> No.3242989

the jp market had WAY more copies put out, plus they took care of their shit 1000% more than most people i knew, myself included. i tossed out all my nes and snes boxes since i hated putting them back in and i also had storage things for my carts

>> No.3243030

Because they hang out on /vp/. I'm not saying there are no kids on this site, just that a Pokemon announcement will capture a younger audience.

>> No.3243034

Mcdonald's breakfast is all day now senpai

>> No.3243061

it will also capture 99% of normies too because its fucking POKEMON

anyone born from about 1985 or later played SOME iteration of pokemon when it was new and caught the bug of a simple RPG with a ton of simple party members and a basic story.

>> No.3243476

>SD2SNES for example has a built in CPU that emulates special chipsets, so it can run stuff like Star Fox and Mega Man X3 just fine.

do you not own an sd2snes? calling out this 2 day old post for being wrong as fuck. MMX3 works because sd2snes supports cx4, meanwhile starfox, yoshi, doom etc don't work because superFX is not supported. games like SMRPG also don't work because no SA1 support.

>> No.3243524

I don't know, but I buy video games to play them.
Any console gen 5 and older is too expensive to collect for if you're a poorfag like me, so I'm just playing non /vr/ games from gen 6 and 7 at the moment (since 8th gen is garbage). Whenever I'm feeling /vr/ I just replay my games instead of buying new ones

>> No.3243557

>Are for-profit speculators ruining our hobby?
Play some games. Are you having fun?

If yes, they're not ruining your hobby.

>> No.3243746

From what I've seen, the prices on GameBoy and Game Gear games are still pretty low. Some games have retained their value more than others obviously, but if you want to start collecting handheld stuff now is a good time. Original Xbox games are still pretty affordable too, although I've seen the prices on them go up slightly over the last year or so.

>> No.3243784

GB is a good one to start with with far FAR more games than the game gear. not to meantion that 100% of game gears you find at flea markets will need new caps and the GG has lots of ports of good genesis games that aren't great on game gear on a handheld that eats 6 AA batteries in about 2 hours

plus you will see about 100% more GB stuff at markets and almost every game you find is good and you can snag some fun games for less than $15-20.

>> No.3243808

Game Gear is frequently overlooked because most of them need repairs. It's a very underrated system though, and in a few years I think you will be seeing a lot more demand for them. If you're handy with a soldering iron it's very cheap to get started with.

On a side note, if you repair one you should install an LED backlight. It looks better and triples the battery life. There's also the replacement screen kit from McWill.

>> No.3243832

>rom/chd adds up to like 50mb

Can someone explain this meme to me?

>> No.3243898

you can drop in a 7.2v NiCd rc battery pack into the og belt clip pack. 6 hour play

>> No.3243905


>> No.3243934

Neo Geo was always a richfag's console.It was the exact same hardware as the arcade machines which is why the games and cartridges were so expressive. SNK still ported their games to the other consoles so it's really a luxury item for people who want the exact arcade experience.

>> No.3243984
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wow what a deal

>> No.3244016


The SD2SNES can't run SuperFX titles.

>> No.3244024



>> No.3244047

To be fair they're all boxes.

>> No.3244050

Are there any flash carts that can?

>> No.3244053



>> No.3244125

>Q8: Will there be SuperFX overclocking support?
>A8: Maybe. It depends on how well the SuperFX can be synthesized on the FPGA and how much performance reserve will be left. Don’t count on it.
SuperFX is a remote possibility, SA-1 guaranteed nigh-impossible.

>> No.3244181

So which cart uses the MSU1 chip? I would have thought that if the MSU1 can handle MPEG decoding, it could handle emulation of the Super FX. I guess I'll either just have to wait or try to get my hands on a Star Fox 2 repro and a copy of Yoshi's Island before they dissapear. Those are really the only Super FX games besides Star Fox that I really want to play, and I already own Star Fox. Doom would be an interesting novelty if I could find it cheap enough but the SNES version kind of sucks.

>> No.3244419

SD2SNES is the only cart that I know of that has MSU-1 support

>> No.3244509

1 bit = 8 bytes

>> No.3244645
File: 493 KB, 1000x682, valuevillage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took this a couple of weeks ago. The carts were crusty, the manuals in bad state, one had a detatched cover.

Lierally not even five minutes later some tall skinny guy wearing an actual fedora had bought Zelda 1.

>> No.3244673

>mario bros / duck hunt goes for $10

I remember when I bought mine for $0.50 at Funco Land.

The Mario Bros. solo cart was $0.75.

>> No.3244693

I was at a local game store 3 weeks ago and while browsing I overheard this guy ask the clerk if they had Super C. They didn't but he was told they did have Contra... for $50 CAD. They guy mentioned it was a good deal and wanted to buy it. Turns out he wasn't the only one as someone else asked to have it reserved for them. Anyway, the sucker of a buyer ended up "convincing" the shop owner to sell it to him and walked out holding his overpriced trophy piece with a big shit eating grin, as if he got a great deal. I wonder what the next band wagon will be that tools will jump all over?

>> No.3244702 [DELETED] 

>all those salty Gen X twats getting buttblasted to this post
Thank you, anon.

>> No.3244706

They charge $9.99 for mario bros. at my local value village too. It was $19.99 originally, sat there for months in the glass case, then marked down to $9.99 where it'll sit for many more months until they need to make room and then they'll toss it in the trash.

>> No.3244708 [DELETED] 

I hope you realize there are 19 yr olds who started playing Spyro, Crash, and Glover on PS1 and Gold/Silver on GBC.
No one cares.

>> No.3244763

Oh, cool, you were there the same time as someone else then cause the other person to post that said they walked away for a while and when they came back all three were gone.

>> No.3244782

>buy a SNES used 15 years ago for $10
>it breaks
>want to get another

How likely is a console failure? This scares me the most, Nearly all of my consoles were bought cheap or fairly cheap 15-20 years ago, and if something goes wrong i have to shell out $$$ just for a replacement.

should i just buy two of everything?

>> No.3244794
File: 140 KB, 800x800, 16-bit-Entertainment-System-TV-Video-Game-console-two-controllers-Play-both-North-America-Japanese-Super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell nes, snes, genesis clones on aliexpress for $20-50. If you want the original look I'd try to replace the guts of the original with the guts of the clone.

>> No.3244816

Getting my time machine ready.

>> No.3244825

thats good to know thanks

>> No.3244904

>when you can just emulate it on your tomogachi pet

>> No.3244936

It's $80 shipped on eBay. Fuck off with your bullshit.

>> No.3244970

I just found out about a gamestore in town that's pretty good. Yeah they got some overpriced shit but also some bargain bin cheapo games as well. Imports are buy one get one free.
There's a fuckload of games out there no one is playing

>> No.3244974

What overpriced gamestore u shopping at? I got a super fami shipped with2 controllers for 50

>> No.3244983

Personally, I would just compromise and buy the real cartridge if I couldn't get it to work on a flashcart.

>> No.3244987


Its an exaggeration in response to >>3244782
Yes they are affordable now but I'm talking about in 15 years or so if one of my systems bites the dust

>> No.3245010

Welp, there are gaijin sellers who mark up games.

Remember that douche who made splatterhouse wanpaku graffiti go up in price!?

>> No.3245015

Well you know what they say.

>Mah gre....hmrph.....SUPPLY AND DEMAND BITCH!

>> No.3245034

How come Japanese games from Ebay are pristine while Murkan games are covered in stickers, permanent marker, dog hair, initials carved into the plastic with knife, labels scratched and discolored, gunk on the contacts, and smell like cigarettes?

Are the people of Nippon more clean and pure than burgers?
Or are videogames a higher class activity in Japan and their dirty proles keep themselves busy with Pachinko and Puroresu?

>> No.3245058

Back when my sister traded in her PS1 for a PS2, the guy at Gamestop was stunned at how clean and new-out-of-the-box it looked compared with more than half the ones they got in which were...ewww...

>> No.3245068

Nah those are just the ones that were owned by white trash and niggers. Also it depends on the console - Sega consoles and PS1 were popular with white trash/niggers so a lot of them will be in more beat up condition than a SNES or N64.

>> No.3245235

Bet some people are quite happy they can sell their old junk for big ca$h

>> No.3245342

Everyone that can sell their old junk for big cash is happy.

>> No.3245391

Are the clones any good? I can't find reviews of those Hamy clones.

>> No.3245415


The people who are selling that stuff are people who either A. Need money or B. Didn't care that much for them in the first place.

My stuff is in great condition, but you'll never get your hands on it because I'll never sell.

Also I think that keeping all the boxes + packaging, promotional material etc ties in with the weird japanese thing for collecting "useless" stuff. I keep my disc games CIB but never bothered keeping boxes for cart games.

Also partly suspect that japan's economy being down in the shitter contributes a bit for some of the nicer collections being on the market, along with their tiny fucking houses.

>> No.3245532

Take good care of your shit and learn how to do basic repairs / maintenance. Always plug your shit into a real surge protector, not a crappy $5 white thingie that you bought from the grocery strore 20 years ago. Keep the surge protector turned off or the power bricks unplugged when not in use. Don't leave your consoles in the sun. Open it up once in a while to check for leaking capacitors. Put SuperLube or some other such pure synthetic silicone lubricant on the screws to keep the plastic threads on the console from wearing out. Buy a cleaning cartridge and use it once in a while. Don't smoke.

Those are the basic tips that will keep most any console alive and well for however long they're going to last. If you follow these steps, then if the thing ever breaks it's likely that everyone else's will probably be breaking soon too. That could be 10 years from now, 50 years, or who knows how long. Electronics and micro circuits are still a relatively new thing and we really don't know how long it takes for them to completely break down when precautions are taken to prevent things like corrosion.

>> No.3245740

How did an SNES break? My SNES still works just fine, and this is with heavy, heavy use.

>> No.3245771

>8/16bit system died of anything other than power supply, cdrom or bent pins
learn to take better care of your shit retard

>> No.3246081

>Any console gen 5 and older is too expensive to collect for if you're a poorfag like me
Atari 2600 games under $5:
Space Invaders, Missile Command, Defender, Ms. Pac-Man, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Yar's Revenge, Berzerk, Q-Bert, Donkey Kong Jr.
Sega Genesis games under $5:
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, Ecco The Tides of Time, Jurassic Park, Desert Strike, Sonic the Hedgehog, Pitfall, NBA Jam, and Eternal Champions.

Both lists get a lot longer if you are willing to pay up to $10 for a 20-30 year old piece of working hardware.

>I remember when I bought mine for $0.50 at Funco Land.
I remember when they were $0.10 each. I think a lot of people here remember selling games to Funcoland that they regret now.

>> No.3246164

Start collecting retro pc stuff faggot it's cheap as fuck

>> No.3246209


Nothing wrong with that. Maybe someday, entry-level FPGAs will be cheap enough that we can build entire N64 simulators onto one card. All you need to do is make a VHDL definition for the MIPS R3400i and the Reality Co-processor. The latency from the processor to main memory will no doubt be a lot lower than the RDRAM built into the console. Imagine being able to actually reproduce the hardware on an FPGA and enjoy perfect emulation. From there, all we need is a good project to reinvent N64 controllers with the quality we have come to expect from modern thumbsticks- those replacement sticks are all shit

>> No.3246282

I almost sold them my entire Super Nintendo collection so I could buy more N64 games. They offered me $30 for the whole lot so I decided to keep them. One of the best decisions I ever made.

>> No.3246318

literally no clones are good - they've all got weird accuracy issues and glitches up the ass. if you're going the clone route, just emulate instead and pick up one of those cart-to-USB things and maybe a controller converter as well if you want to be anal about it.

n i g g a h o w. I got my SNES from my gramps (killer instinct bundle) in the late 90's. he used it heavily. i've consistently used it heavily since he gave it to me. there have been no issues at all. you drop it or something?

>> No.3246323
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It depends on where you are.

>> No.3246346

I really want to get another Commodore 64 but I have no idea where I'd put it.

>> No.3246610

>Are for-profit speculators ruining our hobby?

How could they be ruining my hobby? My hobby is video games, specifically those of the past. Considering flash carts exist how can they affect me at all? If anything collectorfags are ruining the hobby by shifting a lot of discussions to these "valuable" (shit) games like Little Samson, Flintstones, Earthbound, etc. About how much these pieces of plastic are worth and shit, rather than you know actually talking about the software itself.

>> No.3246673

>I remember when they were $0.10 each. I think a lot of people here remember selling games to Funcoland that they regret now.

Well I'm glad they're not $0.10 each anymore, because these were also the times where many of these carts would just land on the trash and be lost forever. Here, most NES games go for 8-12€. High profile games like Metroid, Zelda, Castlevania or the Mega Man series will set you back 20-50€ and more. Up to 80€ for a working cart without all the cardboard stuff. So what? Aren't these games worth it? I mean seriously: how much did we pay for them when they came out? So if we want to play those games as originals, why should we be paying such low prices?

I don't think the retro game market prices are out of control at all. They created a good market for these games. They protect the existing cart while giving people who have no need for their old carts the opportunity to make some cash. People who complain about the price are just greedy and will complain about anything they have to pay for.

>> No.3246728

>posting an open auction
try again

>> No.3246740

"Video Game Authority" is an organization that charges money for the assessment of wear on sealed video games and other miscellaneous toys (they don't discriminate because it means more money). Following the grading, they case the game in a plastic container which contains normal air ( games can degrade over time anyway), leaving the games unplayable, but somewhat cosmetically preserved in their sealed format. They simultaneously pretend that this service increases the value of the game, when its only purpose has been effectively removed, unless you were to break the game out of its sealed container.

>> No.3246756

Yeah, and this is where the bullshit starts. I assure you, I play any cart I posess, even those that are worth >100$

>> No.3246759

People who do things simply for profit and not out of passion (or passion + profit) are oftentimes cancer for that hobby. Someone who sells games at open auction with a reasonable starting bid and an honest listing is not a problem. The problem arises from profiteers who shill bid, VGA grade shit, use sleazy listing tactics, tr to corner markets for titles, have ludicrous BIN fishing expeditions, or generally engage in tactics meant to drive up the prices of old games as a whole.

>> No.3246775

>Original Xbox games are still pretty affordable too


The original Xbox is my go to console for collecting 6th gen games. They're dirt cheap right now (even exclusives) and multiplats are almost always better on the system. Prices are rising though so grab em while you can folks.

>> No.3246776

but what if profit is also a passion?

>> No.3246782

I bought a used Xbox like a year ago and I already have a collection on par with my PS2, GC and Dreamcast collections. I really regret not giving the system a chance when it was still new because it had a lot going for it.

>> No.3247469

found this reseller faggot on my craigslist
>150 firm
>meet somewhere safe for both parties
sounds like a dick, i hate him already

>> No.3247489

Stick a hard drive in and mod it. All the games you want, downloadable.

>> No.3247905
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My console and my collection, i got my SNES since 1997 and have games, but if i wanna play a game, it´s literally imposible buy a simple good game, Super Metroid and Megaman 7 are overpriced as hell, fuck, i pay a lot for games i like, but the time pass and i think is really stupid pay that money for a fucking game with less 7 hours of play, virtual console is the rasonable legal solution, but still overpriced compare with the actual games, indies included, and for these games are not more avaible in digital, pfff, fuck the colectionism, fuck ebay, fuck the faggots who´s buy a entire collection and reselling 10x for the price has they really pay it. And i don´t gone sell my poor collection in overpriced mount because i´m good guy greg

>> No.3248668

It's the same as any other collecting industry like stamps, coins, paper money, etc. I wouldn't call it a scam, some people just want to collect the item and want the condition verified before they purchase it.

>> No.3249575

>If you want the original look I'd try to replace the guts of the original with the guts of the clone.
Doubt the pcb lines up the same

>> No.3249668
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Reminds me of this shit.

Dude selling "super rare" copy of Super Street Fighter II X in various Facebook groups. Called out for overcharging - claims it's the going price on eBay.

>> No.3249710

Eh obviously, but you can make anything fit with a dremel and epoxy.

>> No.3249781

Serious question? Are any of you also trying to keep up with modern games? Personally, don't like modern games or consoles anymore so I sold off my PS4 and Xbone a year ago along with the games and I've just been expanding my childhood collection. Instead of playing new games I just play the retro stuff I buy. I don't mind the prices too much since you can still get a ton of great games on N64 and Genesis for sub $30. Every now and then I'll get something nice at a higher price. Anyway, my point is I've saved a lot more money not buying new games anymore (easily two $60 games a month) which leaves me with a huge surplus of cash these days, even while getting deeper into the retro hobby. Overall, I find it cheaper to be a "retro gamer" than a modern gamer by far. And I'm having a lot more fun with the games. Just beat DK 64 the other day and got 101% and it took me about 30 hours. For a $20 game that's a lot of bang for your buck.

>> No.3250006

I don't collect videogames, I play videogames. I'm sure there's a lot of collectors here but not everybody who likes retro games is one.

>> No.3250016

I play some modern stuff, but that's mostly just because none of my friends play any retro stuff and I like playing games with people. Just got into Overwatch and been playing it with my girlfriend and we've been having a good bit of fun with it. I definitely am not buying multiple new PS4 games every month though, I'd rather spend my money on a box full of dirt cheap famicom games. It's also nice that my local retro shop sells current stuff so every now and thenq I can grab some decent used PS4 games there for under half the MSRP.

>> No.3250060

I pretend to be a poorfag so I just blow all my money on Steam sales for games I never play, instead of buying the one or two I actually want.

Retro gaming is far cheaper, especially if you emulate. There's enough old games on the Internet to last anyone a lifetime.

>> No.3250076

>have stadium events PAL loose
>had it since i was 9
>aint worth

Are we able to pin point when the NTSC meme started? This game is rare as fuck here, most of my friends never even heard of it...

>> No.3250082

aint worth shit*

>> No.3250463

>NTSC meme
What happened to the "PAL carts are worth more" meme?

>> No.3251364

I still play PS4, PC and Vita games. I go back and forth between modern and retro games. I've been playing a lot of Doom lately.

Generally my cycle is that I'll finish a game and then feel like I need a change of scenery, and switch from modern to retro or vise versa. I don't really have anything against modern games, but the thing is "modern" is whatever has been out for the last 5-10 years while retro goes back to before I was even born. I'm 30 years old and that is a lot of games.

>> No.3251463

Same here. Got 350 games on Steam and 200+ hours on Dark Souls 3, same on XCOM 2 (yes, I have also a life and I'm not a fat basement dweller).
I also have 4 gameboy, a DSi, a 3DS and a PSP which are all in use.
Apart from that, there's an NES, a SNES, 2 Gamecubes, an original XBOX and a PS2, but I play those rather rarely these times.

It cuts down to this:
> handheld: prefer retro
> TV: prefer new games

I play FPS with a controller

>> No.3251478

I have a particular affect on for retro handhelds. My Vita is almost always in my messenger bag, me but there's usually a retro handheld alongside it.

>> No.3251481

I struggled with buying a Vita. Are they any good? Apparently, otherwise it wouldn't be in your messenger bag. How's the game library compared to 3DS?

>> No.3251893

Not him, but I really regret my Vita purchase. But I'm really big on exclusives and original games. Gravity Rush was pretty fun (not perfect) but even that got released on PS4 and was more better.

As it stands my favorite Vita exclusive is Killzone Mercenary and that's just... Killzone.

>> No.3252062

Yeah. I'm sure mot going to buy a Vita for Killzone. I know I can get Rogue Legacy for it, and the there's a Persona game too but that doesn't cut it. Basically, the Vita is dead in the water. PSP has an amazing library, Vita not so much. Smartphones killed the market.

>> No.3252085

>PSP has an amazing library, Vita not so much.

You can get anything worthwhile on PSP on Vita as well, mind you. Plus it does PS1 games, so there's that too.

>> No.3252102

PAL runs at 50 hz, NTSC is 60. I wonder.

>> No.3252130

It's a great platform for playing indieshit and sidescrollers.

>> No.3252132

I just found that modern games are trending towards either having some type of online functionality (which I hate) or the games just feel kinda grindy without much substance. I figured that I rather go back and play old games that I legitimately enjoy. I dunno, I feel like I have dropped a ton of modern games a few hours in but I can sit down and play a game like DK 64, or Jet Force Gemini to completion. I even want to go out of my way to unlock all the secrets. I think that's what it is desu, too many modern games lack cheat codes and unlockables now so it's hard for me to stay motivated towards a goal. I just unlocked Green Wood Village in Jet Force Gemini and it felt like a real accomplishment and it's a pretty neat Easter Egg.

Anyway I'll probably pick up a PS4 again towards the end of its lifecycle when you can get dozens of games for less than $5. For now I rather get into the retro hobby even more and save some cash than trying to stay on top of all the new stuff.

>> No.3253826

>Are for-profit speculators ruining our hobby?

>> No.3254109

That's a no-brainer. For-profit speculators are literally ruining everything including global economy.

>> No.3254120

It's rarely well done or enjoyable and mostly ends up being a chaos of swearing kids jumping to and fro. The only online function I like is the Dark Souls approach where it's literally woven into the game, but not mandatory.

>> No.3254157

This started happening right around 2010 if not slightly earlier. I remember I used to be able to buy carts for next to nothing on eBay and in small stores around 2005-ish then just a few years after the HD console era, retro seemed to blow up. But I noticed it wasn't people who wanted to play the games that were buying them, it was those sad fucking retards who buy shit just to display on their shelves/inside a glass IKEA cabinet. YouTube has made this even worse as nerds make videos showing off these "pickups" and collections. Cancer through and through.

>> No.3254160

Well said sir

>> No.3254162

>paying nothing and able to emulate every single game up to and including Nintendo Wii using any controller of my choosing
>paying over $200 per flashcart + system costs + SD card costs

Gee I wonder which is better?