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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 555 KB, 640x384, xt7Q1Ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3228768 No.3228768 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else think its weird that the "must have" nintendo games now are just sequels / remakes of N64 shit? No lie i think nintendo would sell a fuckton of consoles if they made a "new n64" that was backwards compatible but also had modern 3d card with "new" n64 games.

>> No.3228772

I haven't seen a N64 remake that's worth a damn.

At best they're decent like some of the DS games.

The OoT remake is trash and stupid bright for no reason.
The MM remake just removes things altogether.

Both those games completely ruined the atmosphere and creepiness.

>Anyone else think its weird that the "must have" nintendo games now are just sequels / remakes of N64 shit?
I'm not sure where you get this from. The two biggest games on Wii U are Splatoon and Mario Maker. 1 being a brand new IP and the other sadly having nothing to do with Mario 64.

>> No.3228779

I think it's weird that you'd use a 3DS for anything other than M2's Sega ports

Also: not retro >>>/v/

>> No.3228792

>More "if it's not le retro then it's shit xD!" posts

>> No.3228793
File: 456 KB, 499x261, sprout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real fuckup of the 3DS Ocarina remake is using the exact original sound and music arrangements and fidelity (specially when they tease an awesome orchestral version in the credits:


The brightness/color complains are a somewhat silly /vr/ meme. The game looks like games tend to look now, that is all. The original's visual style is not a 100% conscious decision towards a brooding, serious business atmosphere; it looks brownish and gloomy because that's how shading and color/resolution texture limitations made thinks look back then, but it's plenty cute/cartoony anyway

The MM gameplay changes *are* completely pointless though. I totally agree.

>> No.3228803
File: 200 KB, 1280x762, Dead_Hand_3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No really guy. There's some fine remake and ports. Like the other guy said. The SAGA games on the 3ds.
>The brightness/color complains are a somewhat silly /vr/ meme
Get your ass back to /v/.

They completely changed the look of many things.

See the now forgettable dead hand.

>> No.3228813

>t looks brownish and gloomy because that's how shading and color/resolution texture limitations made thinks look back then

Fuck off. That's not how it works.

>> No.3228825


>"And here we have our new console, 14 million colors- all brown!

>> No.3228832
File: 249 KB, 1280x960, Super-Mario-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at all the brown!

>> No.3228854

I would kill for a HD remake of Mario 64 DS with traditional controls. That would be amazing.

>> No.3228874

>i think nintendo would sell a fuckton of consoles if they made a "new n64" that was backwards compatible but also had modern 3d card with "new" n64 games.

if it was at all feasible to make money doing that they would have done it already.

>> No.3228883

N64 was fucking garbage

>> No.3228919
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Well, see, it'd be easy to say that but there's some good shit on there that's hard to ignore.

>> No.3228941


Most of the crap on there are children games. Snowboard kids? fuck off.

>> No.3228945

Gex is better on PS1 though. The rest is shovelware.

>> No.3228946
File: 100 KB, 400x398, 2wqtwg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3228948

Half of those games are T or M, and Snowboard Kids is a sick ATLUS game what's not to like?

>> No.3228951

Gex being better on the PS1 is like saying my shit has better sprinkles

Gex being anywhere on a good games list is a failure of intent

>> No.3228952


ah, I triggered the classic nintendrone defense mechanism. go play kirby, kiddo. don't forget to gt your diaper changed

>> No.3228956
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>> No.3228967

Tell us your favorite games then.

You wont.

>> No.3228971

Nintendo's best games have almost always been sequels. They haven't actually made a new franchise in ages, you know? Is there anything particularly wrong with that, though? Recognizable characters has been a big part of their shtick for decades.

Besides, it's not like they don't switch things up every now and then. The Kid Icarus 3DS game was barely recognizable as a sequel to Kid Icarus.

Unless you meant the 'must have' games on Nintendo consoles that weren't necessarily by Nintendo. In which case, the 3DS has tons of great games. Spent a ton of time with Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold and IV, Bravely Default/Second are great, etc. No idea about the WiiU though.

>> No.3228978
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1024, 016006c1ffe46a2c43f63bb50ac7badb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They haven't actually made a new franchise in ages, you know?
Are you squidding me right now?

>> No.3228982

Wii U is the Dreamcast of this generation, but not retro so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.3228984
File: 106 KB, 320x218, goesubmarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not when it has some of the best 5th gen games.

>> No.3228993

Why is shitting on the objectively better remakes so popular around here? Just turn down your brightness if being able to see thanks to not working on the fog machine bothers you.

>> No.3229003

>if being able to see thanks to not working on the fog machine bothers you.

Nice meme. OoT on N64 doesn't have fogging (except as a rudimentary atmospherics effect).

>> No.3229007
File: 59 KB, 296x306, cains_feel_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, a OOT 3D thread with brightness discussion and stuff.

Both versions are worth playing, the original is the original, everyone should play it.
The remake has better framerate, better controls (gyrocontrols are a godsend for horseback bow shooting, based Miyamoto) and the best version of Master Quest and the ability to fight bosses any time you want.

Play both.

>> No.3229016
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, ModernGameringTargetAudience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I first say this shit I knew it was underageb& bullshit from kids that never played OoT. Then the parrots on /v/ started. Now it's trolls and the ignorant.

The OoT remake is trash. Dead hand is fucking PINK AND PURPLE. I don't even know how anyone other than your average shithead modern gamer defends that.

>> No.3229018


Dead hand's new design was made less bloody, yes, but that doesn't make the entire game "trash", don't exaggerate.

>> No.3229021
File: 445 KB, 1280x1551, the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-3d-20110607005058844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less bloody

>> No.3229023


And he only appears twice in the whole game.

>> No.3229026

He's one of the most memorable enemies in the game because of how fucking creepy and scary he was.
Not anymore though.You modern gmaers ruined it and now praise his new SJW friendly pink and purple design.

>> No.3229027

I forgot how good the gyroscope controls were.

I remember a 30 something bitching on a forum I used to frequent on how 3ds games are bad because you have to wave it around like an idiot.

Fuck him. Aiming that way is a million times better than using an analog stick.

>> No.3229029

Admittedly I haven't kept up with recent releases, so I forgot about Splatoon. I knew it was a big name but I didn't know it was released by Nintendo.

>nostalgia glasses

Why is /vr/'s community so goddamn toxic? I get that the remakes don't appeal to everyone and that some may prefer the originals, but they're not garbage by any means.

The increased brightness is because it's on a handheld and they want people to be able to see shit when they're playing their games in a location that isn't their dark, sweaty bedroom. GBA ports (FFVI comes to mind) were a lot brighter than their SNES originals as well. Have you tried playing OoT3D or MM3D on an actual, physical 3DS, by the way? It makes a difference.

>> No.3229031

>I used to frequent on how 3ds games are bad because you have to wave it around like an idiot.

You can still use the circle pad to aim normally, but gyro controls are great.

>> No.3229035

SJW buzzwords here we come!

>> No.3229037

That is fucking offensive to the Dreamcast and you should probably be shot for saying something so stupid.

>> No.3229039

/pol/ buzzwords here we come!

>> No.3229045


>> No.3229046


It's offensive to the WiiU, actually. DC doesn't have an exclusive that matches the quality of Bayonetta 2.

>> No.3229047

I wasn't aware that electronics were sentient and could be so easily offended. The Wii U has a small library of awesome games, like the DC. I'm a huge DC fan and the Wii U is easily one of the best consoles I've purchased since then. Again, not retro so I'll stop, but fuck you.

>> No.3229048

That's what everyone tried to tell him.
But he insisted that it's a sign of the way videogames are headed and refuses to buy one (therefore, continuing to get upset and rant about something he hasn't tried for himself.)

>> No.3229054

I'm not the one who's getting triggered by people preferring modern remakes over their childhood favorites.

>> No.3229057

Oh ya. Keep them SJW buzzwords going.

>> No.3229076

Gyro controls are good on games made with them. Like the Wii U games. The 3ds doesn't work for me.

Fuck waggle shit.

>> No.3229091


That's fine, you can still use the traditional controls. IMO the gyro on OOT were great.

>> No.3229098

I should add I don't like the 3ds gyros because you're holding the screen.

And gyro and waggle are different control methods.

>> No.3229121

>I should add I don't like the 3ds gyros because you're holding the screen.
That doesn't bother me unless I have the 3D on.

But it's actually kind of neat if you go into 1st person mode and move the screen with your head. It's almost like looking through a window into the game world. Like a crappy VR headset.

>> No.3229213
File: 148 KB, 499x1332, 1451651322401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n64 version


>> No.3229381

Not him but care to explain?

Also imo that's animal abuse and not cool to post.

>> No.3229562

>using the exact original sound

No it doesn't. Are you deaf?

They even released a soundtrack collector's CD to advertise the rescored soundtrack.

>> No.3229564 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 130x142, 1463778103631.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a cat getting a bath...anyways, Hexen on N64 was just not fun, the controls were bad, levels were confusing to navigate, platforming, and each class wasn't that fun to use,i give it some credit for what it tried to do but the execution was heavily flawed. that being said i've tried playing it on pc lately and the better controls definitely help so its not too bad, but still not much better

>> No.3229572

Even though the Hexen port on N64 is pretty terrible, I actually think it might be the best console port the game got. Talk about shitty.

>> No.3229573
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1409714837194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also imo that's animal abuse and not cool to post.

people can tell when you're from dumblr because you act like this...

>> No.3229640

I sometimes like to think of the Wii U as the Saturn, because it's a console with a relatively short life span that didn't do well and has a very, VERY hyped up successor that will definitely bring some game changers (the dreamcast had built in online, the NX could use carts, etc.)

>> No.3229659

Washing a pet isn't animal abuse.

>> No.3229668

>the NX could use carts

It's going to use apps. It's a glorified smartphone - the TV dock is coming later.

>> No.3229715

The Wii U has sold more software than either the Dreamcast or Saturn.

>> No.3229770
File: 21 KB, 1434x1066, Us_revenues_1995-2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean anything, games sell more now in general

>> No.3229802

>not adjusted for inflation
>graph starts post early-90s recession
>graph ends just prior to the GFC

into the trash

>> No.3229809

Dreamcast had better hardware sales its 2 years than XBone 1 did in it's first 2 years.

>> No.3229845


not applicable to nintendo. that's only true for AAA games such as GTA. nintendo's mario games and shit sell less than in the past.

>> No.3229905

>He's one of the most memorable enemies
I disagree. I've 100%'d the game twice (first time about two months after release and second time 7-8 years ago) and don't remember that thing at all. I can only assume (thanks to the background) that he is in the well of future Kakariko.

>> No.3229909

That's the dumbest thing I've heard in awhile. Happy 17th birthday btw.

>> No.3229910


He appears on the kakariko well and on the shadow temple. It's memorable but not enough to make the less bloody version of it on OOT3D a bad game.

>> No.3229947
File: 517 KB, 854x512, link_vs_dead_hand_by_klausboss-d6lzo5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's one of the enemies I remember well.

>> No.3230000
File: 338 KB, 200x200, autistic rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right handed Link

>> No.3230017

Remakes of Nintendo classics on handhelds have been commonplace for a while now. See: Super Mario Deluxe, A Link to the Past, the Super Mario Advance games, the Classic NES Series, Super Mario 64 DS, etc. Ocarina of Time is considered to be a masterpiece by pretty much everyone, so of course it makes sense for them to re-release it; same goes for Majora's Mask and Starfox 64. They're "must haves" in the sense that they're excellent games, not that they're killer apps for their system (Pokemon pretty much handles that on 3DS).

>> No.3230043

Summer started early

>> No.3230067
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>> No.3230221

Emulation is always the best option.

(except when it's not, but that's rare)

>> No.3230442

>3dshit Gex
>No Wave Race 64

>> No.3230467

>See the now forgettable dead hand.
The dead hand was always completely forgettable to me. I never really understood why people made such a big deal out of it.

>> No.3230629

>When I first say this shit I knew it was underageb& bullshit from kids that never played OoT
You stupid shit, just because they didn't use fog doesn't mean tricks weren't used to prevent having to render large complex areas at once. Do you really think everything being so literally dark in a kids game was intentional? The delusions here are insane.

>> No.3230635

>objectively better remakes
Except it's not a remake, it's a shitty reskin with a few alterations

>> No.3230636


love this meme

>> No.3230769

Surely you mean appalling.

>> No.3230847
File: 145 KB, 400x240, scr_3_TOP_RIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously now...

>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Luigi's Mansion 2
>Pushmo series (Digital, still a must have)
>Pikmin 3
>Wonderful 101 (IP belongs to Nintendo so fuck off)
>Super Mario Maker
>A Link between Worlds
>Sakura Samurai (digital but whatever)
>Dillon's Rolling Western (Same)
>Any Mario&Luigi from Superstar Saga to Paper Jam
>Pilotwings Resort (Short but very good and nice 3D showcase)
>Every modern Fire Emblem in existence
>Hyrule Warriors
>Xenoblade Chronicles & X
>Steel Diver Subwars
>Captain Toad
>Steel Diver Subwars

And a fuckton more + the obvious sequels from the N64 era. Nintendo may not be on its prime but its still a pretty good and proficient developer, its only issue its that the've been forced to spread themselves too thin, and they've released more games on the cheap side to keep an acceptable rythm.


>The OoT remake is trash and stupid bright for no reason.

There's a reason, 3DS' 3D effect doesn't work nice with dark eviroments, wich can be seen in fact insede the Ganon's Tower in the remake. It's the same in the MM Remake

>> No.3230853

stop with this meme please.
N64 was awesome, don´t act like a fag because of the retarded fanbase.

>> No.3230859

>No lie i think nintendo would sell a fuckton of consoles if they made a "new n64" that was backwards compatible but also had modern 3d card with "new" n64 games.
nigga u high

>> No.3230868

imagine some kind of new low poly console with easy programming. It would be cool. But people would claim it´s just a gimmick and memes.

>> No.3230875

How did WiiU fail? Seems like it has a huge cult following just like the Dreamcast

>> No.3230895
File: 427 KB, 1280x720, Wii_U_screenshot_TV_0001450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was badly reavealed on the E3 2 consecutive times (2011 and 2012) wich created bad word of mouth, it also didn't help that third parties released mostly bad and weird timed ports that didn't sell, wich took them to abandon the plattform and drove the console's sales to the mud.

People on the forums blame the Wii U Gamepad but that's wrong, the Gamepad is nice wich only lacks analog triggers and bring little neat features to the table.

Wii U was badly offered to the public and suffers from a cronic software drought. That's what made it fail.

However i have it, and it's a nice machine, it also has some of the best Nintendo entries in years (Mario Kart 8, Sm4sh, Pikmin 3, some would argue that 3D World) it has Bayonetta 2 as an exclusive and some would argue that the Gamepad improved a few 3rd party games (Most Wanted U, Deus Ex HR, Assassin's Creed, etc...)

Also, now it has been cracked open, and the gamepad makes it the best DS emulator by default.

>> No.3230901

No. The games sold well and Nintendo knows they can just slap a new coat of paint and sell it to kids who haven't played the old versions.

Nintendo hasn't had an original idea since the SNES.

>> No.3230907
File: 118 KB, 448x640, splatoon_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that's factually false, don't you?

>> No.3230937

It comes down to money. That would cost quite a bit of money to appeal to a niche market. Especially where a dumbass like me is just like 'fuck it, I have the DS. I'll just get it for that.'

>> No.3231084
File: 34 KB, 256x359, De-Blob-US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that's factually correct, don't you?

>> No.3231093

Literally apples to oranges

>> No.3231094

Because they first encountered it as a ten-year-old child. Seriously, most of the issues with the 3D remakes stem from the fact that people think that they're not feeling the same emotions because the game is worse when it's really just because they're older.

Because it is. Yes, there'd be a niche market, but Nintendo always appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Who fucking cares. People can tell you have autism because you act like this.

>> No.3231096

Well I'll be damned.

>> No.3231109

In what way?

>> No.3231160


In the way that Splatoon uses paint waaaaaay differently. In de Blob paint is aestethical and a winning condition, in Splatoon paint is everything, including movement.

Also, Splatoon is a shooter, while de Blob is a platformer.

Both are great games and use paint as a central theme, but that's it.

>> No.3231163


>> No.3231171

It doesn't have splatoon movement mechanics so fuck off

>> No.3231176

I don't think you know how inflation works.

>> No.3231762

Oh, don't get me wrong (also that other guy isn't me), I fucking love my Wii U. I am one of those in the cult following, but it's actually sold fewer units than the DC. I wouldn't call any system with a ton of awesome games a 'failure' but financially it hasn't been 'successful'. I think the Wii U is going to looked back on fondly by the hipsters of the next generation,

>> No.3231763

Is this bait? THQ? Really?

>> No.3231770

The WIIU failed because it isn't a CoDBox. Simple as that.

>> No.3231792

It failed because the gimmick didn't catch on. Nintendo is known for gimmicks and experimentation, you think two-screens on a single handheld debuted on the DS?

>> No.3231797

Oh buy here comes /v/ ignorant shitposts... It's not a gimmick. It's going to make Wii U games next to impossible to emulate correctly.

CoD is the game that keeps Sony and Microsoft in business.

>> No.3231825

>The MM remake just removes things altogether
What did it remove? I don't remember...

>> No.3231834

I don't think it removed anything, Besides maybe freezing any section of water with the ice arrows.

Maybe he meant the zora swimming? If you swim with the shield, you'll swim like in the old games. So it's not actually gone,

>> No.3231983

I would simply prefer to play the original on an N64 without the fucking anti-aliasing filters.

>> No.3232062

that's an emulator screenshot, probably using a color shader. The original game was brown

>> No.3232068
File: 24 KB, 418x354, jaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it now with Gameshark codes.

Enjoy your jaggies though.

>> No.3232291

How did society get so fucking stupid? Are you serious bro? Go back to v asshole

>> No.3232307
File: 66 KB, 900x900, !.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? No-one does, faggot! :D

>> No.3232325

They're already here

>> No.3232350

I'm cool with jaggies, especially on CRTs.

>> No.3233665

You're grasping at straws now

>> No.3233693

>B-but Splatoon.

I don't consider a generic third person shooter a new idea, but if I grant you that it means they made ONE original game in TWENTY YEARS.

>> No.3233702

>I don't consider a generic third person shooter a new idea
neither is a generic platformer, or a generic adventure. It's a new IP though

>> No.3233708

>Impossible to emulate games with two screens.

You know 2DS emulation exists, right?

>> No.3233712

>It's a new IP though

A new IP is not the same thing as an original idea. Millennials have such terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.3233718

>A new IP is not the same thing as an original idea
only if you try to win internet arguments by all means necessary.
Usually in such cases it's mandatory that you include ad homin...
>Millennials have such terrible reading comprehension.

>> No.3233721

The entire concept of the game revolves around sticking your flag down and saying "mine" in the form of copious amounts of paint. PvP is optional.

>> No.3233724
File: 17 KB, 159x260, no$gba-emulator-ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's going to make Wii U games next to impossible to emulate correctly.
Nigga u high

>> No.3233818

>Never played the Master Quest version
Get a load of this retard.

>> No.3233842

You decided to keep fighting this one champ?

Remember where I said "Nintendo hasn't had an original idea since the SNES." Then you said, 'they've had new IPs.'

I thought you couldn't read, but apparently you're just stupid.

As an example, Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie are two different IPs, but Banjo is nearly identical to Mario. Therefore, clearly a different IP is not the same thing as an original idea.

>> No.3233854


Actually I did, did he appear more than twice there? I genuinely don't remember, but I wouldn't be surprised, MQ added more enemies.

>> No.3233868

They changed up some of the boss fights. Odolwa's even easier but Twinmold is slightly harder.

>> No.3234056

Splatoon main gameplay elements are completely unique though you shithead. It's like you haven't even seen a second of of the game and trying to act like you have.

>> No.3234235
File: 46 KB, 776x602, 1459847306326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically using 'champ'
>Knowing nothing about Nintendo games
>Calling people millenialls

You've got some serious argument skills, anon. I'm impressed.

>> No.3237625

>Nintendo hasn't had an original idea since the SNES

that's not true and even you, typing that, know it isn't. just because this is /vr/ doesn't mean we need to force ourselves to hate modern games