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File: 1.80 MB, 2100x1534, 2363970-snes_megaman7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3217702 No.3217702 [Reply] [Original]

Why this game is so piss easy?

>> No.3217712

Because real the Megaman on SNES is Megaman X.

>> No.3217730

I like the X series, but i wanted to play someting new out of boredom. But playing this game is like waiting wait your face next to a buffalos ass and recieving a huge load of fecal matter.

>> No.3217734

Which Mega Man other than Mega Man & Bass is hard?

E Tanks make those games too easy, most of them are perfectly playable without E Tanks, save for a few moments.

>> No.3217739


But that's also piss easy. All 3 of them. The "real" SNES MM game if you wanna be hardcore is MM&B.


It was developed in a meager 3 months. They didn't have time to experiment with any interesting gameplay concepts so they just cheaply recycled older stage gimmicks and generally played things "safe". I'm in the minority for saying this, but MM8 was a huge breath of fresh air for me despite also being piss easy for how diverse its stage design was.

>> No.3217741

I hope this much shitty taste isn't contagious.

>> No.3217742

I like the graphics on rockman & forte, but that game too is very easy.

Megaman 1 - 6, hard as fuck, everything that came after is very easy.

>> No.3217758
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The only hard numbered games are 1 and 9.

>> No.3217762

>Megaman 1 - 6, hard as fuck
This is a joke, right? Here's a tip, retard. The Yellow Devil uses the same simple pattern every single time. You don't have to abuse a fucking glitch to beat it.

>> No.3217765


Not that guy but reading comprehension bro. He said 1 and 9, not 1 through 9.

>> No.3217772

What's your fucking point? The Yellow Devil IS from the first game. Why bother posting if you're just gonna show how much of a retard you are?

>> No.3217782

Here's a tip. How about you go back to your unskilled minimum-wage labor job and never ever stick your dumb fucking neck into a conversation you know absolutely nothing about again, okay?

>> No.3217785

Whoa, not even that guy but why so much butthurt?

>> No.3217786

You cant get anymore retarded, cant you, tard?

>> No.3217789

sexual frustration

>> No.3217791

>cant you
durrrrr, might wanna tone up your grammar there before calling other people tards, dumbass.

>> No.3217796

thats how mad you are, clam down lil tard.

>> No.3217801

When did Megaman threads become so hostile?

>> No.3217803


Wow stay mad faggot.

>> No.3217804

wasn't even the first guy you were replying to, was merely a casual observor. nice projection though dumbass.

>> No.3217805

because all the difficulty in the entire series went to the final boss and nothing else

>> No.3217806

Why's your mom so piss easy?

>> No.3217809

Thres only one butthurt negro shitting up the thread, ignore it.

>> No.3217812
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Internet tough guy lmao

>> No.3217814

im not even that guy, but youre a fucking failure.

>> No.3217815

we got a badass here folks. look out! lmao

>> No.3217816

>projecting again
lol keep going dumbass

>> No.3217821

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217828
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>samefagging this hard

>> No.3217836

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217838


0/10 try harder

>> No.3217841
File: 79 KB, 1464x804, Fanboys sure are a lot of fun to talk to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since always? The amount of perfectly civil Mega Man threads I've sat through can be counted on one hand.

>> No.3217850

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217861
File: 53 KB, 449x380, yfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cant get anymore retarded, cant you, tard?

>> No.3217862

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217871


This must be some mantra you chant to yourself before babbies bedtime. You're gonna grow up to be a grade A failure kiddo, don't worry.

>> No.3217879

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217882

he clearly already is m8, it's p funny

>> No.3217883

Holy shit this thread turned into shit pretty fast. I just wanted to talk about Mega Man.

>> No.3217885

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217889

Er, so? Even after you learn MM1 Yellow Devil, he's still harder than most bosses in the other games. And that's not even bringing up MM's other challenging aspects, like the general glitchiness (getting hit = falling through platforms, knockback into spike pit = instant death), or the boss rush, or Wily. Yeah, you can think MM1 is easy, but it's still less easy than the other entries.

>> No.3217891


>> No.3217894

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217898


>> No.3217903

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217908

>this entire thread
Now I understand why this is a "slow board" (i.e. no one wants to post here).

>> No.3217910


>> No.3217913
File: 111 KB, 960x960, iyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>waiting wait your face next to a buffalos ass and recieving a huge load of fecal matter
>diarrhea dookie dog shit on my ass this game

>> No.3217915

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217923

So Megaman is the new Castlevania, huh.

Why do platform games attract so many sperglords?

>> No.3217927
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>> No.3217932

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217957


>> No.3217963

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3217998
File: 545 KB, 743x900, 1060d275-fbd2-4755-bb7f-d5cd879c9a10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people arguing which game is hard
All of them are piss easy, 2 is the easiest which is why it's the most famous and played in the series. There fantastic games though, not every game needs balls to the walls difficulty.

I just want to use this post to say 4 is the best classic game and no X game is worth playing other then X1, which I admit is really fucking good.

>> No.3218003

X is shit because you don't start with the dash.

X2 is top tier.

>> No.3218014
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Kill yourself ma man

>> No.3218015

X4 is nice, feels good playing as zero.

>> No.3218017
File: 965 KB, 500x292, tumblr_inline_n7lj99Syii1qg28eo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the jump with the tires obstructing your jump over the pit of spikes
>the jump after that with more tires over the pit that makes you go back around to the pit of spikes

>> No.3218019

Mega Man games are supposed to be easy. The only tough one was MM1 because they had shit programmers.

That being said, 7 was much harder than X1.

>> No.3218023

on Turbo Man's stage that is.

>> No.3218026


>> No.3218027

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3218041


>> No.3218049

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3218059

Are you okay anon?

>> No.3218063

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3218067


>> No.3218068

Seriously dude you need help. This is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this in a long time.

>> No.3218069

stay mad failure, fail some more.

>> No.3218071
File: 188 KB, 500x250, 9dfe434c-d403-4c6d-b6e6-1d1d2b4cf000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wily capsule in 7 is pretty tough honestly but other then that they're easy, including 1.

>> No.3218119

Fuck that final Wily Boss.

>> No.3218139


>> No.3218201


>Mega Man X is easy!!!!

It's funny how the only retards that ever say this never do a straight no heart tank, sub tank, or armor run.

but of course you're going to reply to this post and INSIST that its piss easy even when you dont get upgrades. Liar.

>> No.3218207

is this the one with the versus mode?

>> No.3218213

>doom is easy
>lol that's what all faggots say that don't play through the game with just the chainsaw!!!
shut up dickhead. you judge a game by what resources it gives you to complete levels and that's what its difficulty is, not by unnaturally gimping yourself to make it harder

>> No.3218223

Even then only the last boss is any difficult.

>> No.3218253
File: 329 KB, 770x789, MM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat MM7 a couple of days ago and it's still a fucking classic. I didn't have too much trouble with the game except for the last Wily form. I honestly have no idea what they were fucking thinking, but they did it anyway.

Does anyone here enjoy MM8 as much as I do? It's fucking gorgeous as hell with a beautiful soundtrack. Everything else is top tier as well.

>> No.3218298
File: 27 KB, 388x384, file[1].php_id=20477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what, I don't think this post warrants a proper reply. There's just no excusing your crybaby attitude; Denying another person's skill just because your own is lacking is the scrubbiest shit one can do.

>> No.3218352
File: 1.75 MB, 300x225, 1375855593446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Denying a person's skill just because your own is lacking

Excuse me? I'm saying he probably doesn't play the game without upgrades. How does that mean I suck ass? Fuck off dude.


Sure pal.


>you judge the game based on the resources it gives you not by gimping yourself

Talk to me when you beat it without upgrades and buster only anon. Seriously.

all three of you are giant retards that missed the entire point of my post. Games back then often did not have difficulty settings, so you had to find other ways to challenge yourself.

Great job at making a set of /v/-tier posts. Fucking morons.

>> No.3218361 [DELETED] 

Mega Man on gameboy

>> No.3218367 [DELETED] 

MM8 was a very pleasant surprise. Love it myself. That animated intro and music is something else..

>> No.3218373

Because it's a Mega Man game. They aren't really known for their intense difficulty.

>> No.3218375


>mega man isn't known for its difficulty


>> No.3218386

games shouldnt offer easier play styles, period. thats a symptom of the modern gaming corruption

>> No.3218403


There is absolutely nothing wrong with the upgrades in Mega Man X

The problem is when people call the entire game or games like it "piss easy" and think they're hot shit when they don't go the extra mile and challenge themselves.

I see people call Super Metroid "easy" all the time, but none of these people try to complete the game with one Energy Tank. You can play however you want. I am not policing anything of the sort.

I'm just saying that you're a fool if you think you have an accurate assessment of a game's difficulty by only playing it one way.

>> No.3218410

>thats a symptom of the modern gaming corruption
u wot

Then why do I have games from the 1980s with difficulty levels or other things that make the game easier i.e. stronger and weaker characters?

That's not modern at all.

>> No.3218416

Literally any game can be made more difficult by placing arbitrary ass restrictions on them.

You seem to take offense to the fact that Mega Man X being called piss easy is some sort of an insult to the game. It's not.

>> No.3218419 [DELETED] 

Then whats the point of this thread? To just bitch about how "piss easy" the game is? OP sounds like a baiting bitch

>> No.3218424

difficulty settings and character types are different from being able to find things that turn the game into a cakewalk

companies figured out they will sell more copies if more people can play through a game without complaints, so games started getting easier and easier over the decades where nowadays games might as well play themselves

>> No.3218425

I'm not the OP. I'm just pointing out how stupid it is to get pissy about a game being called piss easy unless you put some dumb restrictions on yourself.

>> No.3218428

>difficulty settings and character types are different from being able to find things that turn the game into a cakewalk

The end result is the same: an easier to beat game.

And I don't know what things you're talking about here, but even games in the 80s had items you could find that made the game way easy. See the spread shot in Contra and Super C.

>> No.3218440
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>arbitrary restrictions

It's hardly arbitrary anon. I don't take offense. To reiterate, I'm just pointing out how ridiculous it is to make an assessment on a game's difficulty by merely playing it one way.

If you're not the type of player to challenge yourself, then you're not really the type of player that should care about if a game is "piss easy" or not and shouldn't be attempting to make the claim in the first place.

>> No.3218461


>implying Zelda isn't more fun when you skip the heart containers

how do you even enjoy vidya anon

>> No.3218463
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>How does that mean I suck ass?

Well, great job contradicting yourself with that 2nd quote, retard.

>> No.3218467

No, it's very arbitrary and your post makes no sense because like I said, you can make any game difficult by putting restrictions everywhere.

Why not make Gradius more difficult by skipping powerups? Why not tackle Goldeneye on 00 Agent while using melee attacks through the whole game?

It's dumb and right now you look like someone who's desperately trying to jerk off over his blaster only run of Mega Man whatever (which doesn't make YOU hot shit, as it's something incredibly common)

>> No.3218475


I didn't contradict myself. Learn how to read, I guess.


>Why not make Gradius more difficult by skipping power ups?

Why not?

>Why not tackle Goldeneye on 00 Agent while using melee attacks only?

Why not?

>It's dumb.

It really isn't. Keep thinking that though.

>> No.3218478

I didn't imply that anywhere in my post

>> No.3218485

Okay, you have fun slapping enemies in Goldeneye while enemies ventilate your body with submachine gun fire.

>> No.3218487


Hey if some goldeneye fan wants to challenge hiimself by doing that, why the fuck not? He found a way to make the game harder.

The design in Mega Man is completely different though. If you're seeking out the upgrades it isn't because LEL ITS IN THE GAME. It's probably because you need them.

>> No.3218501
File: 66 KB, 704x480, 1363767272688_zps6e46d8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah you did you dumb cunt. You denied the other guy's claim that a no powerup run of MMX is easy up till Sigma, thus denying his skills, and being the bitch baby scrub that you are. Learn some self awareness.

>> No.3218507


That isn't a contradiction, idiot. He's making a blanket claim that the game is piss easy when in reality he's probably just skilled. Most people can't do that. It's a retarded statement when the general consensus is that the game is pretty challenging. Face it, most people suck ass at video games.

I can beat the game in less than 30 minutes, which is just shy of the world record, but of course I'm a bitch baby scrub right?

The only one that needs to learn self-awareness is you.

>> No.3218609 [DELETED] 

fuck off samefag

>> No.3218610 [DELETED] 

Yeah you are. you're calling using alternate strategies in games "arbitrary restrictions". Do you even know what words mean?

>> No.3218613
File: 28 KB, 300x400, kermitthefrogkermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not samefagging. You guys are really bad at calling out samefags lately.

1) I don't use smug anime reaction images
2) what would the point of samefagging those posts even be?

>> No.3218617 [DELETED] 

Sorry meant to quote this:


Same guy probably has been same fagging this whole time

>> No.3218738

>24 posters
>106 posts of pure shit
This is the worst thread I've ever seen on /vr/. You faggots are literally AIDS.

>> No.3220012

Bumping this glorious gem of a thread for hopefully more neckbeard asshurt.

>> No.3220015

Because in-game shop.

>> No.3220117

I owned the game as a kid and I was dissapointed by how easy it was.
Back then I didnt replay games much because I expected that it would take me a long time to beat them, not 2 or 3 days.

>> No.3220503

>playing Megaman X
Enjoy your babby wallclimbing, bitch nigga.

I'll be playing the far superior Classic Megaman.

>> No.3220563
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>le Mega Man X is bad meme

Shitposting is an art you haven't quite mastered yet there, friend.

>> No.3221210

What is the easiest ever mega man game? Mega man 2?

>> No.3221220

Yeah, 2 has to be.

>> No.3221247

>it's not easy if you play the game in an artificially difficult manner!
no shit?

>> No.3221852

MM2 is not easy. I bet you faggots can't even buster-only it.

>> No.3223943

It's awesome, the soundtrack is amazing. I love the Saturn version.

>> No.3223946

Yeah, Pokemon is also difficult if you only use Ember. What's your point?

>> No.3223948

Well that's impossible considering the crash bomb room exists and Wily is only vulnerable against Bubble Lead.

Hell, those two bosses alone make MM2 fairly difficult. Yes, the crash bomb room is easy once you know the solution but it's not so trivial to figure it out the first time.

>> No.3224197

To make the final boss rape even harder.

>> No.3224269
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Bad comparison as they're different genres, but even then it still works.

Pokemon games are piss easy. The new ones are practically for babies when Pokemon was already easy to begin with.

Literally the only way to make them challenging is to use mediocre Pokemon and to use mediocre moves.

If you can't understand the "point" behind making a game more challenging then you're a retard. The fact is, and I know you can't handle this, is that most people find Mega Man pretty difficult. Most people suck. It's easy for you. It's easy for me, but people like us are overwhelmingly in the minority.

An anon in the thread posted an episode of G4's icons where these journalists talk up the reputation Mega Man has. Some even say that they don't like them much because of how hard they are. Full grown men no less.

Basically, just because something comes easy to you or I that does not mean it is universal and you chucklefucks really need to get this shit through your heads.

>> No.3225052

its shit

>> No.3225075

its not

>> No.3225320

>ut people like us are overwhelmingly in the minority.
The only reason anyone's good at any video game is because they have too much free time on their hands. Anybody can beat any NES game given enough time. It's just that most people choose to spend their time doing other things. Or are you going to tell me that you beat the first video game you ever played in one shot and there was no learning curve whatsoever?

>> No.3225321

>but people like us are overwhelmingly in the minority.
I don't know if the fact that you say this like you're some kind of genius is hilarious or pathetic.

>> No.3225728


You both miss the point entirely, and project to boot.

I am not saying I am a genius. I am not saying you are a genius. I am not saying that "oh not EVERYONE can do it!!". The fact that that is what you got from my post is absolutely ridiculous and shows you're not willing to discuss my point and just want to shitfling.

Neither of you addressed my point at all.

>> No.3226163

Actually they both did.

But nice attempt at damage control sperglord.

>> No.3226168


People will be absolute retards, it's best to just ignore them.

>tfw I beat Ninja Gaiden 2 without using any powerup items

>> No.3226248

Doesn't count because the air circulating through your NES wasn't at least 22.5% nitrogen.

>> No.3226471


Actually, they didnt.

>> No.3227489


I'm pretty sure it's not a coincidence that these two posts make the exact same grammatical mistakes, but this thread already took off.

>> No.3227741

Like a buffalo taking a diarrhea dump in your ear?

>> No.3230376

MM2 is pretty difficult in the later wily.stages