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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 399 KB, 1275x688, ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3211895 No.3211895 [Reply] [Original]

Are eBay threads allowed? I'm kind of new to buying retro games, used to just emulate them and it seems like eBay is generally the best place to find them. So eBay thread I guess.

Share your best bargains, worst losses etc. Is sniping the only viable way to get games at decent prices?

>> No.3211964
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these for $180 recently. More then I should have paid, but I can afford it. Got to rebuild that N64 collection.

>> No.3211984


I've had 2 good buys on Ebay:

MINT Sega Genesis Gen 2 W/ 2 contollers and
>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
>Earthworm Jim
>The Lion King
>Toejam & Earl: Funktron
>Jurassic Park
>Mortal Kombat 3
>Combat Cars
>Game Genie
Got it all for $80 Canadian after taxes and shipping

And a SNES game lot:

>Earthworm Jim
>Lion King
>Barts Nightmare
>Zombie's ate my Neighbours
>Top Gear
>Bassin Black Bass
>Super Mario World
>SMW:Yoshi's Island 2
>super Mario Paint
>NHL Stanley Cup
>Tetris 2
>Super Punchout
>DKC 1,2&3
>TMNT: Turtles in Time
All for $150 Canadian after tax's and shipping

These were both 2 years ago, right before the retro reselling REALLY took off…

I don't even look at Ebay nowadays...

>> No.3212171

im also interested in what kinds of deals people have gotten

>> No.3212203

Nearly ten years ago I got two copies of Bomberman 64: The Second Attack for about eighty. One for me and one for a friend. He's a very lucky friend. And Worms Armageddon from a local shop for Twenty five
... Ten years ago as well? maybe?

>> No.3212276

$180 for loose carts? Are you serious?

>> No.3212284

Yes and no. The n64 games were $100 for all 3. I probably could have done better DESU, I I went for it. Ill bleed was $80.

>> No.3212345

Call me crazy but I don't think ebay's that bad for average stuff, but when somebody decides they have a **RARE** **OOP** collector's item, things go bonkers.

>> No.3212353

Damn, that makes more sense tho. I respect a fellow DC collector.

>> No.3212370

Nah, you're right. I got back a lot of childhood nostalgia shovelware games on ebay for super cheap, but for AAA games it's a fucking travesty.

>> No.3212373
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>> No.3212540
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>tfw people think even little samson repros are worth more than they should be

This cart goes for like 16 bucks on ali

>> No.3212561

All repros on ebay are overpriced.
>tfw I got ripped off by not knowing about Aliexpress's prices

>> No.3212570

This is a trend I've noticed with a lot of repro sellers. It works because people actually buy them. Here's an aliexpress Hagane that sold for $308.


The buyer left positive feedback...

>> No.3212581
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>people spend money on repros

>> No.3212593
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>tfw I tried to defend my purchase but couldn't

>> No.3212601

When we ban shilling, the scum win. amirite, obama?

>> No.3213262

I feel kind of bad for people who fall for that shit, but at the same time, they should really know better. Like if you're into this scene, how could you not know about AliExpress?

>> No.3213294

I know this is probably a dumb question, but is there anything wrong with buying reproductions? Is it just a snobby elitist thing to own the original official copy, or are the reproductions bad in a lot of cases?

>> No.3213306

Repros make it a lot harder to know when you are getting a genuine cart and not being ripped off. Other than that, it's just kind of silly when you consider that you could just buy a flash cart instead. Sure it's more expensive, but you can play that one game as well as ALL the other games (or most of them depending on the system).

>> No.3214410

When sold honestly, repros are arguably important for game preservation going forward into the future. When sold dishonestly, they are cancer. But the uneducated consumer is partially to blame, imho.

>> No.3214520

But in terms of quality are there any differences? Are reproductions often shittier versions of the original?

>> No.3214524

that feel when all the local shops are ebay prices, so no matter what you do you are screwed.

>> No.3214546
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I started an CL/eBay thread the other night but it died :(

>> No.3214561

Let me clarify my last statement before I answer that.
I absolutely do not support repros that are made by gutting other carts, I think that's pretty gross. That said, most new Chinese repros are brand new boards and brand new cartridge shells. The shells and labels are typically of lower quality than the originals, but the actual boards are brand new and just flashed with the actual ROM data. For most repros, there's no discernible difference in the gameplay quality. If the ROM was compromised or fucked up, the repro will be too, but for the most part, if you're playing the game, you wouldn't know the difference. If the cartridge had a bunch of extra enhancement chips on it, things get more cimplicated (Mr. Gimmick on the Famicom for example). Once flash carts for the 8/16 bit consoles get to DS/GBA flash cart prices, there will be no need for most repros though. Genesis flash carts are already under $30 from China. NES and SNES are still a little more pricey, even for the Chinese ones. Pretty exciting time for retro games that we live in honestly.

>> No.3214812

The city I live in literally has one retro game shop, and everything is ridiculously priced. I saw an Earthbound cart for 600 euro

>> No.3214815

>Overpaid for games
>TMNT doll
>Ghostbusters card
>Sonic figure
>Shiny pokeball

Bow to your new king, manchildren.

>> No.3214836

Don't be such a jerk, hombre. Nothing wrong with some knick-knacks about things one cares about. Who doesn't have desk accessories?

>> No.3214880

I feel your pain, fellow eurofag

>> No.3214898

I got a complete working duo r for 250 Aussie dollars including postage from Japan

>> No.3214931

The bubble is going to pop soon. The prices are getting ridiculus now. I'm on ebay right now and they are selling genesis for 65$CAD + 40$ shipping.

What the fuck

>> No.3214939

>The bubble is going to pop soon
Oh, honey no. No it isn't. At best it'll plateau, It's a finite supply with an ever-increasing demand. It'll never pop.

>> No.3214951

Genesis consoles are $25 at the retro shop near me, it's easily the easiest console to find and collect for.

>> No.3214965

Yea i got one for 30 w power supply and 2 controllers. And the games arent retarded expensive

>> No.3214969
File: 232 KB, 984x808, commodor64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commodore 64

>> No.3214974

The only way the bubble will pop is if Nintendo and Sega start releasing their old games again. It could potentially make them a lot of money if they play their cards right.

>> No.3214993

>mfw local game store buys/gets complete console sets but sells each part separately
>oh you need a console? $50
>btw the power cord and a/v wires not included, that will be $25 extra even though we bought it as once piece

>> No.3215002

Some advice on ebaying:
1. Look for auctions that have odd ending hours. Less people will see them pop up in the ending soon and no one is going to snipe you.

2. Browse the newly listed buy it now items. You'll frequently find deals popping up there.

3. Bypass eBay altogether and use aliexpress for pirates of games that are expensive.

>> No.3215005

Holy shit. And I thought getting my Genny with all the necessary hookups and 3 controllers for $60 was a little pricey, that's beyond ridiculous.

>> No.3215013

>tfw my local mom and pop game shop consciously undercuts eBay by at least 10-15% for everything because it's how they've stayed in business for the last decade

The owner is a bro too, I'm pretty lucky.

>> No.3215017

You lucky fuck.

>> No.3215028

Thats fucked up man. That's literally like selling a car, and then asking extra for the engine.

>> No.3215038

>tfw local game shop guy offers a lower price for a game I already agreed to buy

>> No.3215051

>bought FFIX green label for $40
>they're now selling the same thing for $15
I hate

>> No.3215065

I've had an ebay account since 1998 and I'm kicking myself because I held off buying stuff because I never thought prices would inflate so much. I'm contemplating selling repos on ebay so I can buy legit games because fuck those assholes paying hundreds for mediocre nes games.

>> No.3215073

More like buying a car and asking extra for the tires.

>> No.3215074

How the fuck are the Mario Party N64 games so expensive? Especially 3, which was the worst of the series?

>> No.3215078

Somebody hasn't played 9, I see.

>> No.3215206
File: 272 KB, 1223x700, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit.

>> No.3215659

thanks anon, gonna do my bit to drag this fuckers rating down

>> No.3215683

Good advice here although odd ending hours only filters out the casuals. Any serious buyer will have spotted the listing and set up an automated snipe well in advance.

t. serious ebayer

>> No.3215693


what. the. fuck.

>> No.3215695

I reported him for price manipulation, but how are you planning to drag ratings down?

>> No.3215697

I meant I was going to report him, I thought multiple reports affected rating no?

>> No.3215698
File: 73 KB, 480x480, 1463186225689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>94% positive feedback
>people buy this

>> No.3215713

Reports don't affect the rating.

>> No.3215717


>> No.3215721

Yeah, I wasn't sure either way but fuck that guy. I doubt anything will happen, but anything that might make his life more inconvenient is worth it.

>> No.3215726

Just because it's listed for that much doesn't mean people buy it.

>> No.3215774

Reminds me when I was looking for PS1/PSO. I found it for 30€, one controller, with chip also. Seemed like a fair price, it was in decent condition as well.
Woman on the other side told me she wants 30€ just for the console, 15€ for the controller and another 20€ for power adapter and SCART cable.
I got it from my friend for 30€ with two controllers. And 2 years after that, I got pretty much free boxed one when I bought PS2 off somebody, for 40€ total. PSO with chip and complete in box and loose PS2 phat.

>> No.3215847

jesus christ. i've talked to two different coworkers about vidya recently and they both thought gameboys and n64's cost hundreds of dollars now, up to a thousand.

recent ebay story: i almost got a gameboy light for about 50 bucks recently (they go for about a hundred). the guy thought it was broken, but i'm 99% sure it was just because the contrast wheel was turned all the way... i ended up forgetting to bid though.

>> No.3215857

The fuck?

>> No.3215947

>ever-increasing demand

I don't agree, anon. Although, I predict it will be many years, probably decades, before interest goes away... similar to comic books. They were a hot market for a long long time, and they're toilet paper now.

>> No.3215989
File: 93 KB, 771x745, deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile on my local craigslist right now... (sent an email, waiting to hear back)

>> No.3216023

I don't understand why people don't just drop this stuff into a charity shop

>> No.3216074


the local "charity" shop is crooked. That box would never see the sales floor because one of the workers would take it and sell it. Also, the place is in a strip mall and the store right next to it is a used game store. Can you guess what games are the ONLY ones you can find at the thrift store? If you answered PS2 sports games, you would be correct.

>> No.3216116

Because whenever normies want to get N64 games the Mario Partys are always the first ones that they want for multiplayer and shit, the demand for them is insane

>> No.3216123

They would probably throw it away, or an employee would take it. I doubt they would sell an empty box.

>> No.3216137

This and goldeneye and mario kart. N64 is stacy and chad approved.

>> No.3216148

I stopped looking for Nintendo stuff on eBay because of the excessive amount of fraudsters.

Now I'm currently hunting my last sega auctions because now even those are over priced and shitty.
I watched a Castelvania Bloodlines go in an auction for 140 and it didn't even have a post card or anything. So I think I'm going to stick to cons from now on.

Unless the occasional Master System deal, sometimes you can still find those.

>> No.3216167
File: 144 KB, 640x480, 1459174580141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt they would sell an empty box.

My local thirft would - and they would attach a printout of an ebay auction in an attempt to justify their $50 price tag.... then the box will sit on the shelf for a month getting trashed as other stuff gets stacked on top of it... THEN, it will get thrown away.

>> No.3216209

Can he be flagged?

>> No.3216381
File: 219 KB, 847x313, Screen Shot 2016-05-15 at 19.39.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Chrono Trigger actually rare? Why are people paying these prices?

>> No.3216626

Not rare at all, maybe a bit uncommon but it's just the demand, there's tons of other ways to play it like on PS1, PSN and DS and those versions cost a fraction of the original

>> No.3216761

94% feedback is really bad on eBay.

Dude is an idiot, just wasted their listing fees. That's now how you manipulate prices.

>> No.3216776

It's one of the most popular games on the system, and isn't first party. While not rare, it's uncommon. Now, Earthbound costing 3x that, on the otherhand...

>> No.3216795

I have a friend who has 3 copies of Earthbound because the first 2 weren't in good enough condition but is too lazy to sell them.

He also only plays video games several times a year when he can get people to play with him. His consoles are mainly used to see if the games work.

Materialism is dope.

>> No.3216813

>$80 for a meme game

>> No.3216827

If want play on original hardware gets a flashcart or just emulate the expensive/rares ones.

>> No.3216831

He mest be a hipster.

>> No.3216836

The nip version cost 20 dollars

>> No.3216870

What's the meme game? What's a meme game?

>> No.3216982

They have pretty good deals on Genesis repos and games that never came to the states. Paying 5 bucks per cart isn't bad.

>> No.3216992

>3. Bypass eBay altogether and use aliexpress for pirates of games that are expensive.

This is the best solution. Pick up what you can for cheap and get the 1 or 2 rare repos for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.3217275
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thread theme

>> No.3217856

Meme game is what people here call a game they don't like that other people do so they can feel smug and self-satisfied about not spending the high price tags attached to them.
>little samson
>conkers bad fur day
>dracula x
>panzer dragoon saga
I've seen all of these called meme games, and there really is never an argument about why it's bad.

>> No.3218625

>retron 2

>> No.3218628

>comic market is fucked
really? I thought comics still held value?
or is it like baseball cards and Beanie Babies, where people just bought them cause they thought they were going to be valuable and then they weren't

>> No.3219541
File: 387 KB, 650x1200, ebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A boxed PS, Genesis Model 2 and a loose Pokemon N64 are my most recent purchases.

>> No.3219583

>Pikachu N64 for $62
Fuck you. I'm jealous as fuck now. What's your secret?

>> No.3219596


Mainly because people here like to be edgy contrarians or they flat out don't like the game and can't stand it when others like what they don't like. Best to ignore them when they start trolling.

>> No.3219685

Illbleed was 80? Are you for real? I'm super glad I bought it for 40$ two years ago at my local place. Still need to get around to playing it

>> No.3219747
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high luck stat.

>> No.3219815
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Dude this is funny as fuck. I saw that pickachu system this morning. It didn't list as pickachu it was N64 or someshit so it was well hidden in eBay. I was going to buy it but I realized it didn't have a pickachu controller. I saw a similar one for 90 with a controller. So I didn't buy it. But I'm glad you did and it's funny as fuck that both of us was on eBay looking at this deal and you pulled the trigger.

>> No.3219828

Why do people give a shit about the Pikachu N64?

>> No.3219829

LOL person selling the N64 literally listed it as "Vintage Game Console" not like "RARE VINTAGE ORIGINAL PIKACHU N64 ULTRA RARE COLLECTORS L@@K"

>> No.3219847

Looks like shit. Give me black like my wife's husbands penis.

>> No.3219853

Lol (can afford i)
>> you dont pay less to save more you pay less to buy more dingus

>> No.3219854

$50 why not, the old lady is going to love it.

>> No.3219864
File: 900 KB, 722x800, 3SPoF1tOcPk4BARx65g_Axillary_Vein_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good buy, you only paid half. I like your search skill. Are you Peter Dorr?

>> No.3219942

Sniping does nothing.

>> No.3219979

Yes, it was one of the lower prices. Most I saw were around $100.

I started it recently it's better then I thought it would be. The camera could be better but for the most part it's fine.

>> No.3220035

o god I've seen that guy fuck him he's a piece of shit I hope he never sells a game

>> No.3220096

I like how he has copies of red and blue versions lister as well with 4.99 price tags still on them.

>> No.3220236

My childhood memories ain't worth shit. Fuck that guy.

>> No.3220845

But you need to help him raise the value, market price is too low for such a good game.

>> No.3221194
File: 16 KB, 322x156, download (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on a nostalgia-fueled eBay rampage the other day. Worse part is, I would've bought a lot more shit if I actually lived in the US. God I fucking hate international shipping rates.

>> No.3221202

*worst, need my coffee before my arm melts away

>> No.3221258

It's just a counter-reaction to the "nerdz".

>> No.3221585

lol, it's awesome seeing threads like this and you kids paying this much for games now.

i love that i was actually around back then and never traded or sold a single game since my original atari. i had no idea the market was this fucked up now.

>> No.3221797

It makes you happy to see people who want to get into the games you enjoy not being able to because they don't have the money to? That's pretty fucked up, grandpa.

>> No.3221812

To be honest the board would be better if you just packed up and left.

>> No.3221909

>remember kids, us bluehairs are counting on these games staying valuable and pricy so we can afford to retire! You children can't *appreciate* these games because you weren't there! Now get off my lawn!

>> No.3221952

The guy has a point. People going nuts buying all these games for 100 dollars or more are either bandwagon collectors or just idiots. These prices should have never been allowed to continue, but people kept buying.

>> No.3222262
File: 574 KB, 660x1320, ebay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a large collection of consoles and games and am selling some and buying more hardware, prices are what they are. You're also emulating, be honest.

Some Genesis games I BIN'd because I made a few good deals and have a console or two to sell now. Steel battalion was needed to sell a controller. I'm sure now that I bought a disk I'll find the original.

Might have some more exciting deals this week.

>> No.3222307
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>> No.3222354

Which one is your favorite? I thought 2 and 3 were pretty tight.

>> No.3222442


>> No.3222457
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>> No.3222579
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>> No.3222612


Is this a good flash cart for SNES?

>> No.3222863

No. Pay shekels for shilling. Hiro needs ramen money. >>>http://www.4chan.org/advertise

>> No.3222908

Yeah i like about 5/7 games here but yeah they are meme games and also Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun as people maybe Rondo of Blood and Sapphire on PC Engine. They're good games but the price isn't worth it maybe for MUSHA back in spring of 2014 when it was 100 bucks still but nah.

>> No.3222939

What? Whenever normies see N64 in general that's pretty much their reaction

>> No.3222943

That's not the word "meme" means, though. Why are you so fucking dumb that you just randomly use words that you don't know the fucking meaning of? Get fucked, retard.

>> No.3222949

How ironic that you use the word "meme" as an insult when it's basically all you're doing. You saw somebody use the phrase meme game and decided SOMEBODY ELSE USED THIS PHRASE NOW I HAVE TO USE IT TOO EVEN THOUGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!1!

>> No.3223017

Butthurt faggots who buy meme games detected.

>> No.3223519


>> No.3223601
File: 82 KB, 216x216, Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm kind of new to buying retro games

Stop. Quit while you're ahead right fucking now. You missed the boat on retro game buying and collecting. If you want to play on original hardware, get a flash cart now before you dump thousands into carts.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm legitimately trying to save you money.

>> No.3223604

Thanks anon, don't worry I haven't bought anything expensive. I aint paying them chrono trigger or earthbound prices. I mean the games are good but fuck off if you think I'm dropping the price of console for a 20 year old used cartridge

>> No.3223614

That's good. If you find a great deal out in the wild, then by all means go for it, just don't get fucked over. The retro game market has been ruined by faggots and you don't need to play ball.

If you're dead set on playing games on real hardware, you can drop the price of a console for 1 cartridge that can play hundreds, or you can get some reproduction games.

Some people recommend buying Japanese versions of games, and while I've done that a few times, I think it's a short term solution. Westerners will likely gradually ruin the Japanese retro game market by decreasing the stock of Japanese games people want.

>> No.3223707

Man - it's a pain in the ass when I'm looking for a game on eBay and just want the disc. I don't care about the manual and case, especially if its uber rare, just want to play the game but when they're complete they go for outrageous prices.

>> No.3223742

Purchases like this are what I don't understand.
How are you on a retro video game board when your most recent purchases are an n64, playstation and a genesis?
And that guy saying he has a large collection but is buying Echo carts and Sonic 2.
Like, I don't understand the weird hoarder mentality towards shit nowadays. So lets say you didn't own any of that stuff in the first place, sure, have fun. Play the fuck out of em.
But if you play retro games you should own a Genesis, and shit like Aladdin and Sonic is like 2 bucks.
So sure, you've been playing a while and you bought these cause of great "deals" you found.
But you already own these things so you're wasting money.
"But I can sell this down the road for x amount of dollars!"
Chances are you wont, you'll use it as trade bait at best and if you didn't spend over a hundred bucks on shit you already had you would have over a hundred bucks on shit you wanted in the first place.

Nobody saves money spending money, that's silly billy willy bears

>> No.3223773

>Why do people give a shit about Pokemon?

Is the question you're asking, here.