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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3215247 No.3215247 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, N64 controllers for PC?

>> No.3215252


>> No.3215260

But what is the best brand/model of each of those controllers that look like the original?

>> No.3215263

Just use a fucking PS3 controller shit. If it costs too much use a ps2 controller with an adapter. If you want to use your controller in pc games, don't want to spend 50 bucks and want wireless get an afterglow controller. Otherwise just get usb adapters for the console controllers you want and use the original controllers you faggot

>> No.3215278

No, what's the best NES, SNES, Genesis, Saturn, N64 controllers for PC?

>> No.3215285

/vr/ - Your 24/7 Technical Advisor

>> No.3215286

Logitech F310 or F510.

>> No.3215290

That thing looks terrible. Also doesn't look like an original console controller.

>> No.3215294

>That thing looks terrible

Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.3215298

Then just use the original console controllers. It'll take you all of an hour to make adapters for all 5 of those with a trip to radioshack.

>> No.3215303
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>> No.3215306

Is this some /v/ meme that i keep seeing?

>> No.3215315


>implying /v/

>> No.3215317



Is the penguinPoster forcing a new reaction image?

>> No.3215324

I have an F310 and I'm actually extremely disapointed with it. The trigger buttons take too much force to press down, the rest of the buttons are rediculously sensative, the direction pad is a weird floaty round thing that feels horrible, the right analog sticks work more like a directional pad and the controller it's self feels light and made out of cheap plastic. I really don't understand why people are suddenly saying these things are great and I will probably be buying a PS3 controller when I have the money.

>> No.3215332

it's actually been a meme on /mu/ for ages...

>> No.3215347

yes, because changing the name sure does prove that you are different posters.

>> No.3215348
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So far in this thread

>Sony shills
>Madcatz shills
>Complaining controllers are too retro and to use a modern one
>Everything except what I asked

>> No.3215350
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A conspiracy theory for a reaction imagine.

Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ, now I've seen everything.

>> No.3215353

>if some one says they like something they must be shills
also fuck off, people are just trying to suggest controllers to use, you asked for what controllers to use with retro games, you are getting answers, go fuck yourself
and if you meant those stupid "retro style" controllers, then you can go fuck yourself even more, since those things a cheaply made chinese pieces of shit.

>> No.3215357

Yeah, "What is the BEST retro style controller that looks like the original controller for each console?"

Not, "Which PlayStation controller should I use to play roms?"


>> No.3215360

>"What is the BEST retro style controller that looks like the original controller for each console?"

Do your own research, you lazy ass bitch motherfucker.

>> No.3215362

The original fucking controllers are the best controllers. For the N64 use the hori pad. Every one of them has USB adapters or you can easily make a USB adapter. The best of which being the Bliss Box. I spent about 90 on mine and regret it. But it adapts everything from Atari up to Dreamcast in one box.

>> No.3215364

>Yeah, "What is the BEST retro style controller that looks like the original controller for each console?"
there is none, they all suck because the only companies that made them a chinese companies that want to make a quick buck.
Also you are going to be playing fucking ROMs no matter what controller you are using if you are playing games on a PC so that insult doesn't even make sense.

>> No.3215371

Where do you get a bliss box

>> No.3215375


Piss off, seriously. You come here, get some legitimate suggestions and then bitch like a retard, cry me a fucking river faggot.


>> No.3215380


>> No.3215381

on the deepweb marketplace

>> No.3215384

Get a saturn to PC adapter for 2D and a DS3 for PS1 emulation.

>> No.3215387


>> No.3215390

you are a retard

>> No.3215391
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>> No.3215394
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>> No.3215406

ITT: highschool fight

>> No.3215414

Whatever you find online for cheap you mong.

>> No.3215417

NES? NES controller with a USB adapter.
SNES? SNES controller with a USB adapter.
Genesis? Genesis controller with a USB adapter.
Saturn? Saturn controller with a USB adapter.
N64? N64 controller with a USB adapter.

Any other questions?

>> No.3215418

fuck you too

>> No.3215419

I seriously think this is what OP is expecting. Nintendo and Sega don't make USB controllers, what else do you fucking want?

>> No.3215423

>what else do you fucking want?

Don't tell him that, he's gonna flood this place with questions about the drivers and why his shit isn't working.

>> No.3215430


Lmao then stop being a fucking poorfag and buy a nes and the actual game, it's not like they're fucking expensive or anything.

>> No.3215479

Owner of four of the F310 controllers. Considering the F310 controllers cost $25 a pop, they are pretty well built and have not given me trouble at all concerning gameplay performance. Been using these same controllers for about five or four years on PS3, Nvidia Shield(since 2013) and PC for countless genres. Another reason I've stuck with them is because of their versatility due to carrying both DirectInput and XInput APIs which enables it to work on virtually any software supporting those two APIs. The only thing that people should keep an eye out for is the d-pad just because everyone uses their thumb differently and I noticed friends using it like a stick due to the shape.

Everyone perceives everything differently but I am going to call you out on the button sensitivity being a redundant remark. I use these in Quake III Spearmint Splitscreen and both sticks are fully analog with really good deadzones. I do not believe these are the be-all and end-all of controllers, but they are pretty amazing for their price which is why they are highly regarded when it comes to general use gamepads.

You should be seeking functionality over aesthetics. Even if you were a filthy casual scum.

>> No.3215483

nice shilling. also why the fuck would you buy 4 of them.

>> No.3215504

Friends and family come over regularly. Also, I used to take my Shield to work and played stuff on MAME and Reicast with the co-workers.

>> No.3215565
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Well, he's mostly right. also, different tastes are a thig, it's why some people prefer Dual Shocks over Asymmetric form factors

I rocked a Logitech Dual Action for a long time and it was a godsend. I wonder if the F310 is better or worse.

>> No.3215601

Radioshack doesn't exist anymore you dunce.

>> No.3215739

The controllers with their respective PC adapters.

>> No.3215756

this thread is pure unadulterated garbage

>> No.3215767
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No fucking shit sherlock, I wonder what ever made you think that

>> No.3215865

I owned a logitech dual action and the cable wore out and eventually stopped working and i got a F310
its basically the same thing, couldnt notice a big difference other than the analog triggers on the F310 and the xinput

>> No.3216052

How the hell are random strangers on the internet know what your personal tastes are? The best of anything is different for everyone.

>> No.3216378

Steam control if you have the monies, or F310 otherwise.

>> No.3216383 [SPOILER] 
File: 19 KB, 185x323, 1463337692124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL, I'm the guy who originally posted that picture.
I post it on Final Fantasy VIII threads because it's relevant. Another guy liked the pic and I guess little Gackt started a life of its own as a /vr/ meme.
It's not from /v/.

>> No.3217118

I also upgraded from Dual Action to F310. The shell is the exact same except the stick gate is a full circle now and the buttons are colored for XInput. The DirectInput mode uses the very same Dual Action driver so nothing is lost if one decides to upgrade too. Although, if you want haptic feedback you will need to buy the F510 or F710(don't).

>> No.3219330
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I was forced to sold mine during the last recession (shit is pretty valued, moreso the one with the weird D-Pad. pic related. also, Europoor here) so i'm looking to get a F310 before it gets rare

Good to know that it's basically the same, haptic is not relevant (i use the Xbox 360 controller for those emulators) so i'm definitely aiming for it now. Thanks!

>> No.3220787
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Speaking of becoming rare, these babies look comfy as fuck. The black gives off that Sega vibe while the blue transparent one looks like a proper Sony controller.

>> No.3220830

Saturn pad for all 2D games.

>> No.3222796


God forbit someone asks for retro hardware advice on a retro themed board. He wants the feeling of playing on the console so he wants controllers like the ones on console, but for PC. He quite reasonably expected some of you faggots to know which ones aren't shit because this is the board most likely to know.


OP, get "Retrolink" for N64 on PC (it's decent quality and USB). Not sure about the other consoles.

>> No.3222812

Retrolink stuff a shit. Just use the original controllers op

>> No.3223402

Bought the retrolink saturn pads. They feel amazing but shit out pretty fast if used for fighting games.

>> No.3223651

Fuck no those things are terrible and have poor quality to them. Among complaints commons are that the triggers are far too up an angle and d-pad being a loose piece of shit lack of rolling.

>> No.3223678

Just buy a xbox one controller, it has a great d-pad.

>> No.3223696

how about you post more Dagger Ass A S A P

>> No.3223701

Everything before 64 use an arcade stick.

>> No.3223953
File: 45 KB, 521x342, f710-gaming-gamepad-images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2x f710's that I use for all emulation, including what you've listed. theyre wireless and can switch between xinput and dinput.
works perfectly for me. perhaps you actually want controllers shaped like the originals, but that's not what you asked.

>> No.3223957
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>playing on pc

>> No.3223962

The reason /v/ is cancer is they have nothing to give. They're 100% consumers.

>> No.3223968

What's the implication here?
that /vr/ is not cancer because they DO have something to give?

Also, consumers give money.

>> No.3223971

The only reason people play FF