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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 273 KB, 718x700, tekken3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3182696 No.3182696 [Reply] [Original]

Hands down the best 3D retro fighting game.

>> No.3182706
File: 18 KB, 236x335, vf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you only had a PS1 as a kid.

>> No.3182710

please, vf2 was good for its time but it doesnt touch tekken 3

imo tekken 3 was the peak of the series but i would like to try tekken 7 if it ever comes out here

>> No.3182713

>vf2 was good for its time

What do you mean? it's still good.

>> No.3182831

>original Virtua Fighter, same year as Super Street Fighter II
>3D graphics

>VF2, one year after VF1, same year as Super Street Fighter II Turbo and before the PS1
>late-gen PS1-tier graphics

>VF3, two years after VF2, same year as Street Fighter Alpha, 2, two years before the Dreamcast
>Dreamcast-tier graphics

Such an underrated series.

>> No.3182834

>liking dial-a-combo fighting games like Tekken 3
please kill yourself promptly

>> No.3182841

PS1 could never deliver Model 2-like quality.

>> No.3182849

How so?

Not that I disagree but I'm curious,

>> No.3182863

Yes, if you were the retard who couldn't play VF or 2D fighting games.

>> No.3182976

>best 3D retro fighting game tekken 3

tekken 2.
now kill yourself.

>> No.3182995

>please, vf2 was good for its time
m8 it's still good

>> No.3183020
File: 155 KB, 1024x819, dat draw distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How so?
confidential Lockheed Martin military tech.

>> No.3183048
File: 72 KB, 612x612, Lets Talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hands down the best 3D retro fighting game.
Starting a thread with such text is never gonna equal a good thread. You'll mostly trigger shitposting with a statement like that.

You're better off saying, "Who else loves this classic fighting game?" Or, "Tekken/3D Fighting Thread"

Unless arguments and shitposting is what you wanted...

>> No.3183054

Even SFEX2+ had tighter mechanics, and when SF is a better fighting game than the one you like you know it's time to top posting.

>> No.3183261
File: 84 KB, 640x908, ttt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. This is.

>> No.3183273

>Not even a retro game

>> No.3183348
File: 175 KB, 458x518, ttt release date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, did you say something you dense motherfucker?

>> No.3183436

Post the arcade version then, the PS2 port is a complete remake of the arcade game.

>> No.3183440

Nah Bloody Roar 1 and 2 shat all over tekken 3 in every possible way

>> No.3183442

Dude Megamix

>> No.3183443

>furry bait

>> No.3183450
File: 2.56 MB, 190x200, 1456686204252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tekken 3 was the peak of the series

>> No.3183454
File: 487 KB, 469x595, 2 furfags having gay sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furry bait
Literally Tekken

>> No.3183461
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>> No.3183473
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>> No.3183481
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>> No.3183593


>> No.3183596


>> No.3183612
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This is gayer than that time when I played Altered Beast in 2 player mode.

>> No.3183632


>> No.3183636
File: 100 KB, 640x448, img.php.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone masturbated to this.

>> No.3183653
File: 29 KB, 183x183, miney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it

>> No.3183717

Dreamcast is retro. SoulCalibur pwns your shitty shit.

>> No.3184635

My first experience with VF2 was last year. I enjoyed it so much that I bought VF5. This is coming from someone who played Tekken 3 as a kid.

>> No.3184643

I loved Tekken 3 as a kid but after playing capcom games for 15 years it's kind of hard to readjust. I think in terms of pick-up-and-play Bloody Roar 2 is the best of its generation.

I showed it to some of my friends who don't even play fighting games and it quickly became our go-to game for hanging out, it's just so easy to play.

>> No.3184673

Then why did you post the PS2 remake, you dumb son of a bitch?

>> No.3184681

Is this your first day here?

>> No.3184689

Remakes and ports of retro games are allowed on /vr/, dipshit.

>> No.3184691

It's not even a real remake, they just improved the graphics.

>> No.3184709

Thats the Tekken 3 Release date not the Tag release date

Tag came out in 1999 in Arcades

>> No.3184715

still allowed

>> No.3184718

>the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

>> No.3184720

1999 on namco 3 hardware nigger.

>> No.3184730

>Implying poor off-brand VF was ever any good.

>> No.3184735

>Implying VF was ever any good.

>> No.3184738

I don't think fighting games are any good for your mental health be honest. It's like everyone who plays these games turns into a giant autist or something.

>> No.3184739

>Implying video games were ever any good

>> No.3184775

>Implying i ever implied that

>> No.3184779

Then post the arcade version, that IS retro, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3184789
File: 128 KB, 320x320, Bloody_Roar_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope Bloody Roar 2 was better, much deeper fighting game and all round much more fun to play.

>> No.3184791
File: 107 KB, 723x1041, 21001701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3184929
File: 211 KB, 600x600, the clear winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3184979

This is the kind of underage reply you would expect from a casual shitter who has no idea about fighting games.

>> No.3184987
File: 127 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pic related

End yerselves

>> No.3184992

these games are like 20 years old, real underages don't give a damn about them

>> No.3185002


>> No.3185102
File: 71 KB, 480x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing the definitive console port of Tekken 3

>> No.3185110

best 3d fighter

>> No.3185121
File: 96 KB, 944x712, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's like everyone who plays these games turns into a giant autist or something.

>> No.3185129

He's got a point. Tekken is just a VF ripoff that got popular because it was on a system people actually owned.

>> No.3185136


If you can't play these at a high competitive level you don't know SHIT about fighting games.

>> No.3185137

Except they don't play nothing alike. It's more fair to call DOA a VF ripoff.

>> No.3185143

I agree with OP. Tekken 3 is awesome. By far the 3D fighter i have played the most. Bloody Roar 2 is almost on the same level thought.

>> No.3185146

>Except they don't play nothing alike.
Yeah, VF takes actual skill and Tekken is dial combo trash for normalfags.

>> No.3185154

No one denies DOA is a VF ripoff. Not even Itagaki.

>> No.3185159

Yeah everything sucks.

>> No.3185167

If that's what you actually have to tell yourself to justify your crappy game being dead

>> No.3185181

>Calling a game "dead" while being on a retro forum

>> No.3185182

Even on /vr/, Virtua Fighter is dead.

>> No.3185186

That's actually backwards.

>> No.3185201

/vr/ ends with DC, where the SF series crashed with 3rd Stike. So SF is a dead series on here too?

>> No.3185203

Tekken is more stand-based while VF is more fluid.

Games like DOA, Bloody Roar, etcetera are actual VF rip-offs. Speaking of which anyone who claims the Street Fighter EX series are VF/Tekken clones has clearly never played them, the EX games play just like the 2D STteet Fighter games, albeit slower due to being early 3D.

>> No.3185216

Virtua Fighter II is the Street Fighter II of retro games. A highly influential early title in the genre, and the first thing that comes to mind when you think of retro 3D fighters. And just like SFII it has aged more than decently and has high replay value.

Virtua Fighter as a series isn't as high-selling as Tekken or DoA but it's still more historically relevant due to pioneering the 3D fighting genre and many of the techniques which have been used in 3D fighters ever since.

>> No.3185219

>many of the techniques which have been used in 3D fighters ever since
expand on that, please

>> No.3185221


>> No.3185227

tl;dr, and that's just the url

>> No.3185229

>was fresh and beautifully complex
>how deep VF is
>Sometimes in Capcom games you can get away with button mashing, but in VF that will get you absolutely nowhere

And that's why, as much as I'm interested in the fighting game genre, I'll never be able to get into it. That's not a learning curve, that's a wall full of spikes. Gonna stick to OMF2097 and occasionally looking like a retard in Brutal or DOA2

>> No.3185231

Tag Team mode is awesome.

>> No.3185235

I have no idea what you just said but I agree completely.

>> No.3185237

No idea. I don't social, so it's all just emulator and ai. Also, I just barely button mashed a round or two. Listening to DOA players it's intimidating as fuck. At the moment I'm pretty much just trying to push through for the visuals. I have no hopes of ever doing anything intentional in that game.

>> No.3185238

tl;dr VF was the first fighting game to introduce realistic fighting in which every move was of value, contrast to the more batshit combat of SF and 2D fighters which play like an anime fight sequence.

>> No.3185243

>And that's why, as much as I'm interested in the fighting game genre, I'll never be able to get into it. That's not a learning curve, that's a wall full of spikes. Gonna stick to OMF2097
You should try Soul Calibur. I have the same issue with not enjoying fighting games, but I like OMF2097 and Soul Calibur.

>> No.3185248
File: 46 KB, 640x360, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that tag team mode.

>> No.3185252

You can play against the AI too.

>> No.3185257

I figured tag team mode is MP only, my bad

>> No.3185271

I think he's referring to that 3rd Strike crashed the SF series until SF4 came out in 2008. So in /vr/ land, the series is dead.

>> No.3185276

SF3 was a flop?

>> No.3185282

>Bloody Roar
>VF rip-off
No, just no, you are retarded and have no idea what you are going on about.

>> No.3185290

Except they are multiple 3D fighting games before VF and multiple more than had staple 3D fighting game mechanics before VF

>> No.3185292
File: 110 KB, 667x636, VFdickriders BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3185308


>> No.3185312

Fatal Fury invented 3D movement.

>> No.3185317

Which Fatal Fury game had polygon graphics and true 3D movement not restricted to plains?

>> No.3185320

Dark Edge

>> No.3185324

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.3185335

Virtua Fighter didn't have 3D movement till VF3 in 1996
Soul Edge came out a year before it and had 3D movement.

Nothing Virtua Fighter ever did was original, it stole everything from other games.

The only claim to fame VF has is it made polygon graphics slightly more popular at the time of its release.

>> No.3185337

Christ dude, why are you acting like a console warrior suffering from buyer's remorse? You can play any of the games mentioned in this thread by plugging them into an emulator for no cost.

Virtua Fighter has you set up moves so that you could always have a chance to counter-act, just like in real life fighting, while in SF you can cancel moves with other moves so timing is more important. The guy in your pic doesn't seem to call either game better to the other.

That's a much better answer. Amazingly the first and only 3D fighting game to utilize sprite graphics.

>> No.3185346

So Virtua Fighter 3 was just a Soul Edge reskin, and Virtua Fighter 1 and 2 were just Street Fighter clones with polygon graphics. Nothing Virtua Fighter ever did was influential or relevant and in fact it stole everything from games that came after it.

Thanks for opening my eyes, looks like I've been wrong all this time and have been playing the wrong Virtua Fighters all these years.

>> No.3185351

Name a single "influential" thing VF did

>> No.3185357

Feel free to name a gameplay mechanic virtua fighter had before anything else.

>> No.3185359


>> No.3185365

So your answer is nothing then.

>> No.3185373
File: 3 KB, 172x115, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So Virtua Fighter 3 was just a Soul Edge reskin, and Virtua Fighter 1 and 2 were just Street Fighter clones with polygon graphics.
This is beyond dumb.

>> No.3185378
File: 45 KB, 1200x720, 12am-golly-gee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter has, in the long run, taken the ideas of old fighting games like Yie Air Kung-Fu and other fighting games which were more realistic in style and restricted to movement, and polished them with modern technologies and gameplay tweaks to give the product we have today. Gameplay-wise Virtua Fighter had the most impact on Tekken and games that spawned from Tekken, while graphics-wise it gave birth to every 3D fighting game ever. All of this is sort of common knowledge but you're a franchise warrior so you're free to think whatever makes you sleep better, I don't mind much.

Yep, you got me there champ.

>> No.3185382

Naw dude, it's the truth, anyone who thinks different is either b8ing or an underage casual scrub.

Also Bloody Roar is the best 3D fighting franchise, also the fan remake of Streets of Rage is better than any of the official Streets of Rage games.

>> No.3185384

and single player modes are the optimal way to enjoy fighters

>> No.3185385

So basically what you are saying is VF literally came up with nothing, it was a shameless generic knockoff and it somehow "invented polygon fighters" despite the technology being around for over a decade prior.

>> No.3185389


>> No.3185390

>tekken 2.
>now kill yourself.

>> No.3185391

Dumb shits couldn't even invent texture mapped polygons. Only flat shaded polys for you.

>> No.3185392

Yes, VF is trash. All those 3D fighting games got their styles and mechanics from thin air without the aid of any previous game or franchise. VF is irrelevant and it deserves being in the dark corner of historical irrelevancy it currently resides in, unacclaimed and unrecognized by anyone in the world.

>> No.3185398

Name a single mechanic VF invented, ill wait.

>> No.3185402

It absolutely was, are you kidding me?

>> No.3185403

As already stated in this thread Soul Edge was the first true 3D fighter, "3D" games before it such as VF and Tekken 1 are just 2D fighting games using polygon models, which again pointed out in this thread have been used since the 80's.

>> No.3185405

There is none, VF has always been first to rip-off and last to innovate, there is literally nothing that Virtua Fighter has managed to achieve with it's nonexistant legacy. Overrated shit series, luckily no one plays it or remembers it anymore.

>> No.3185407

Soul Edge is just poor off-brand Battle Arena Toshinden.

>> No.3185410

People in this thread fail to realize that Virtua Fighter is less of a fighting game and more of a fighting simulator.

>> No.3185413

Yeah Toshinden had sidestep movement first

>> No.3185418

I forgot about Toshinden, yet another game that had 3d movement before Virtua Fighter.

>> No.3185421

>According to SCE's Shigeo Maruyama, the PlayStation was originally being considered as a 2D-focused hardware, and it was not until the release of Virtua Fighter that they decided to design the PlayStation as a 3D-focused hardware.[19]
Knowing this makes it hurt more that the Sega/Sony co-op never happened after Nintendo kicked Sony out the door.

>tfw no 1996 Sega Playstation with Model 2-tier graphics

>> No.3185443

Are there any 2D fighting simulators?

>> No.3185448


>> No.3185449

Neither Sega nor Sony had the know-how to engineer in-house a GPU with Model 2-like or better capabilities except shrunken down into console form.

Actually Sony did try it with the PS2, but that wasn't a particularly praiseworthy job.

The only way either company could do that for 1996 is to partner with SGI like Nintendo did, or to partner with 3dfx or Nvidia, and I'm not even sure the latter two would have been ready to deliver something before a Christmas 1996 launch date. Or convince Lockheed Martin to do it, but being such a serious military company they might have said no to designing low-end console tech.

>> No.3185451

>Virtua Fighter is less of a fighting game and more of a fighting simulator.
/vr/ gets dumber and dumber every day

>> No.3185452
File: 187 KB, 256x359, 256px-BattleK-Road_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3185456

Consider migrating to reddit if you want a website full of intellectuals who shame and censor anyone with knowledge and opinions different to theirs.

>> No.3185459

but anon we also shame and censor everyone with opinions different than ours

>> No.3185460

Could you be anymore of a retard?

>> No.3185461

you can't samefag on reddit as easily as here

>> No.3185468

>Could you be anymore
Shut up you mexican retard.

>> No.3185492

all SoR3 shitposter btw

>> No.3185504

You're a couple of hours late with the heads-up m8.

>> No.3185509

>That one samefag who calls everyone the"SoR3 shitposter"
Seek help

>> No.3185514

>that one autist who thinks the acclaim behind Streets of Rage 2 and the Virtua Fighter series is part of some conspiracy plot
seek help for yourself you sad man

>> No.3185517

Who are you trying to kid?

>> No.3185572

>just 2D fighting games using polygon models, which again pointed out in this thread have been used since the 80's
Virtua Fighter was the first to introduce character physics while 2 introduced texture mapping to polygon character models.

>> No.3185972
File: 38 KB, 640x480, Virtua Fighter 32X (62).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 3 is a button-masher. A good one.
Virtua Fighter 2 is one of the best fighting games ever made.

And you guys forgot the amazing Soul Calibur.

>Amazingly the first and only 3D fighting game to utilize sprite graphics.
Ballz 3D, Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragonball Densetsu and Sonic Battle are all 3D fighting games with sprite graphics.

>> No.3186002

>more successful game/series is off-brand version of shit game/series

>> No.3186005

This shit was never even in arcades. Garbage.

>> No.3186010


no what?

>> No.3186014
File: 99 KB, 1440x1080, tobal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I surprised no one likes this one? The sequel had something like 200 playable characters, lol.

>> No.3186017


>> No.3186063
File: 33 KB, 300x290, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False, Toshinden 2 had an arcade release.

>> No.3186075

why is the arcade a requirement?

>> No.3186212

Teken 2:

Tekken 3:

Tekken 3 is a complete fail
same as pauls theme from tekken 2

now shut your fucking up
>forcing ugly game on a quality retrogames board

>> No.3186238

>This shit was never even in arcades. Garbage.

That's because arcades are crowded and noisy and no one can hear the kickass music of the game, so there was no point in porting it there.


Yup, and they had to use awful chiptune music and it sucked.

>> No.3186242

I wish the console version of Toshinden 2 didn't force you to enter some cryptic cheat code every time you booted the game to use the one button specials. That was by far the coolest feature of the game and Capcom even copied it in Rival Schools.

>> No.3186243

>Ballz 3D, Dragon Ball Z Idainaru Dragonball Densetsu and Sonic Battle are all 3D fighting games with sprite graphics.

There was also Dark Edge in the arcades, running on sega super scaler hardware:

... Eternal Champions uses the same sound effects. I guess they used the same sample library.

>> No.3186250

The game is kinda shit though.

>> No.3186286

I know. I replied to a guy who said that Dark Edge was the only 3D fighting game with sprite graphics.

>> No.3186427

Virtua Fighter has the same "physics" as games like SF

>> No.3186603

Lol look at this turd, people (probably just one samefag) honestly trying to defend this shit

>> No.3186619


VF1 was pretty crude but it was a pioneer.

VF2 is the masterpiece.

>> No.3186657

>but it was a pioneer.
Except it wasn't, it literally pioneered nothing.

>> No.3186664


OK, whatever, when people talk about Virtua Fighter, it's usually VF2 they're talking about.

It's kinda like SF, nobody talks about the first one.

>> No.3186669

>VF2 is the masterpiece.

>> No.3186678


What? you never played it?

>> No.3186680 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 750x617, creamypies-cock002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tekken 3...
wasn't that tekken 2's sequel ?

>> No.3186683

>has LOL in the post
>posts gameplay of an excellent game

That anon is right. VF is godlike.

>> No.3186701

>excellent game
My sides are in orbit!

>> No.3186707

Pretty sure Tekken 3 is the sequel to Capcoms smash hit 2011 game Sonic Team Racing

>> No.3186718

>Slow as shit
>Literal button masher
I think the word you were looking for was Kusoge

>> No.3186723


It's too obvious you've never played it.

Also, for pretending to be a weeaboo with the use of the word "kusoge", you should know VF (and especially VF2) is mad popular in Japan.

>> No.3186730

>mad popular
Wouldn't go that far, only a small group played VF ten years ago and they have probably all moved on. Tekken on the other hand is still going strong.

>> No.3186731

>playing any other 3D fighting game than Power Stone
Fucking tryhard elitists.

>> No.3186741

Nope, i played it, the game is god awful.

>> No.3186742

I'll reply but >>3186723 already told you.
>slow as shit
It's really not when you play it. It's just a a very delibrate game until the speed got higher.
See above
VF is very well balanced, especially 5 desu. You can play anyone in VF and do well at all levels
>literal button masher
With only 3 buttons and one of them being GAURD mashing is hardly a strategy.

>> No.3186748

>only a small group played VF ten years ago

VF5 only played by a small group? People were still playing VF2 in 10 years ago, and VF5 was a top selling no. 1 game on charts when it was released on consoles.
Also, you're the same idiot who was saying VF is "unbalanced" and "literal button masher"? Stop shitposting man, your lack of knowledge and desperate attempt at baiting is beyond obvious.

>> No.3186757


Stop sucking at it then.

>> No.3186771

>It's really not when you play it.
It really is, no matter how you try and spint it, the game was versy slow a clunky

>See above
See above

>VF is very well balanced
Its not, VF is horrendously unbalanced and 5 was one of the worst in that regard
Tier Character(s)
SS Akira
S Taka, Lion, Brad
A Jacky, Jean, Vanessa
B Goh, Shun, Wolf
LARGE GAP Separates Viable and Non-Viable Characters
C Sarah, Kage, Lau
D El Blaze, Jeffry
E Aoi, Pai, Lei-Fei, Eileen

SS to E with (HUGE POWER GAP) in the middle, so balanced.

>With only 3 buttons and one of them being GAURD mashing is hardly a strategy.
Literally only 2 attack buttons, the game is the very definition of button masher.

>> No.3186773

>VF5 was a top selling no. 1 game on charts when it was released on consoles.
This is some hardcore delusion

>> No.3186778


In Japan it was, yes.

>> No.3186786


>> No.3186792


Are we going to be playing this game?
VF4 sold more than Tekken 5 on PS2 in Japan


Also, I wasn't talking about sales compared to some Tekken game, I just said VF5 was the top selling game on charts when it came out in Japan.

You are retarded, Tekkenfag. Probably a nigger too.

>> No.3186797


>> No.3186798

Keep trying

>> No.3186803

VF babies, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.3186813

>You are retarded, Tekkenfag. Probably a nigger too.
Harsh, dude. I was on your side and stuff. Tekken is a good game too it's just different. I was a diehard T6 player before VF got re-introduced to my life.

>> No.3186820


>VFcopycat third installment managed to sell mere 10k more copies in 1998 than VF2 did in 1996

Not bad, I'll admit.
BUt you're still a faggot.

>> No.3186823


These tekkenfags get on my nerves.

I also liked Tekken 2, and 3 was cool because of Gon.

>> No.3186826

This is what VF kids actually tell themselves to avoid suicide.

>> No.3186829

Tekken dumb. Why's a grizzly bear fighting Devilman?

>> No.3186837

But If Tekken 3 was a "copycat" of VF2 it would be a slow 2 button masher shallow game with no side step that looked like ass.

>> No.3186838

Tekken and VF are both crap. Smash is where it's at.

>> No.3186840

Never heard of it, sounds like some sort of child's party game.

>> No.3186930

>he never played Smash T.V.

Sometimes I forget I'm on a board that's supposed to be for people who actually grew up with retro games but instead is filled with gen Zers.

>> No.3186935

>Smash T.V. is a fighting game
You must be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.3186937

>a board that's supposed to be for people who actually grew up with retro games
That's not what this board is for at all.

>> No.3186940


well it's not a party game.

>> No.3186947


This board was created because the age gap between old /v/ users and new /v/ users started to be too notorious after 2010.

>> No.3186949

Got a source on that?

>> No.3186963

Actually this board was literally created to keep nostalgia fags from shitposting on /v/ just like /vg/ and /vp/, /vr/ is a containment board.

>> No.3186983


Got a source on that?

>> No.3186985


But /v/'s nostalgia is for the PS2 and games like Halo 2 and CoD 4.

>> No.3186991

Cancer always has a risk of relapses

>> No.3187043

Negro Virtua Fighter is quite possibly the only fighting game series in which all the characters sans the boss are balanced. Also how can it be a button masher if it has only 3 buttons? What, you mash the attack button with the jump button and the block button and get yourself a win? Don't shit on a series you clearly know nothing about.

>> No.3187056

>It really is, no matter how you try and spint it, the game was versy slow a clunky
>Literally only 2 attack buttons
Have you played any of them?

>Its not, VF is horrendously unbalanced and 5 was one of the worst in that regard
Did you google Virtua Fighter tier lists and post it as some kind of proof? Your argument would've had actual value if you posted explicit comparisons between the characters instead which characters are popular/which characters aren't popular in tournaments.

Jesus Christ SoR 3 shitposter, find yourself a girlfriend already. You're beyond sad buddy.

>> No.3187101

>Virtua Fighter
Pick one

>> No.3187104

I prefer to think of those boards as pontoons or liferafts on a sea of shit. Or just, you know, for hobbies.

>> No.3187134

>has never seen early 3D in his life
wew lad

>> No.3187141

VF babies

>> No.3187216

>VF been dead for years
>Tekken on borrowed time
>Smash going strong as ever.

Yup, Smash wins

>> No.3187247

LoL is doing better than smash

LoL wins

>> No.3187251

LoL is not featured on EVO :^)

>> No.3187262
File: 25 KB, 390x333, 8656_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth playing if I have VF4? Does 3 do anything better?

>> No.3187269

The first-person view mode is pretty baller.

>> No.3187278

4 is widely considered to be a more polished version of 3. Still worth a try in the Supermodel emulator, although with certain graphical glitches.

>> No.3187283

People say it's a low quality port because it plays a bit slower. I have no idea if that's true.

>> No.3187309

It will be soon, the people who run EVO now work for Riot : ^)

>> No.3187573

Looks like a VF pro stole somebody's girfriend.


>> No.3187592

Good, let's just retire the fighting genre already and admit it was a failure.

>> No.3187603

Nothing but trash

>> No.3188478

That's no good.

>> No.3188615

Toshinden had rolls, not side-stepping.


>> No.3188829

Never heard of it. It looks fun, what do you think of it ?