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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3181962 No.3181962 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a bigger plague to vidya than the collectorfag?

Someone who has a lot of games they play is fine, but the kind of person who buys boxed copies of games only to never touch them is a true cancer, especially since they take that game away from a person who would actually play it. Not only that, they hoard games to themselves causing them to inflate in price for anyone who actually wants to play it legit. Pure scum.

>> No.3181975

No true cancer kills your family.
I fucking hate this "cancer" shit.

>> No.3181993

There's a special place in hell for the ones who entomb prototypes.

>> No.3182035

Agreed but not complaining since I sell to those people all the time and it finds my own retro hobby.

I don't even need to worry about more expensive games because I can just sell them when I'm done with them.

>> No.3182043

>Is there a bigger plague to vidya than the collectorfag?

As far as this board goes it's the flashcartfag cause all they do is post about how amazing their flashcarts are instead of actually playing the dang games on them.

>> No.3182071

>Is there a bigger plague
Yes. The underage bandwagon crypto collector. There's a picture of one over your bathroom sink.

>> No.3182084

That's not a hindrance really. It's more a response to the increasing price of old games. It's why more and more people emulate as well.

>> No.3182128

I think youtube celebs are the bigger "cancer" because the fuel multiple problems, including collectorfags.

>> No.3182139

And flashcart fags/emufags

They're all fags. I just want to play the greats on my consoles without having to deal with you annoying motherfuckers.

>> No.3182145

>The underage bandwagon crypto collector.
What are you even babbling about?

>> No.3182148

Flashcarts exist.

>> No.3182160

Dude, how do "flashcartfags" and "emufags" affect your ability to "play the greats on your consoles"?
Genuinely curious here. The other two I can kinda understand because they make the games scarce, but those two don't affect you in any way, so why do you care at all? They aren't even competition.

>> No.3182187


>those two don't affect you in any other way

for the most part you're right, I'm just sick and tired of posts that shit on people for not emulating or using flashcarts

>> No.3182224

Eh, live and let live. I personally emulate even if I have a collection. For me, personally, it's easier than setting up to play every time, at least up to the 16-bit era consoles. Newer consoles and portables aren't that convenient or defeat the purpose.

I am not one of those who shits on people for not emulating, far from it, but you also can see that some people take the "purity" angle way too seriously here. I'm pretty sure that a lot of those emufags are just trolling the "purefags". And a lot of times it works, so I can see why they'd keep doing it.

This board would be far more interesting if people were less ballistic about shit and just enjoyed the games for "what" they are, instead of "how" they are played. I think we can agree on that.

>> No.3182313
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Nyah nyah!

I stopped occupying myself with all those unhealthy things, but I still scooped up several games, just in case!

Some hardware too!

Though I got burnt hard when some SJWs put me very firmly in their crosshairs and maniacally grabbed onto this notion that I love everything relating to technology other than games, but, oh well, I'll deal with those subhuman wretches, I will crush them, rip them up, and oil my turret with their blood!

>> No.3182531

Who cares about sealed copies being collected. If some faggot wants to drop a few grand archiving some toys let him. There's emulators, flash carts, loose carts, repro carts, you can find manuals and boxes used/repro too if you're concerned about having some cardboard, paper and plastic. You can make anything in 2016, you just want to waive your dicks around but can't because you're wallet is too tiny.

>> No.3182763

Cry babies like you who whine because other people can afford games and secretly wish they could be a collector.

>> No.3182769

A bunch of manchildren that don't understand the weight of their words. Faggots being faggots. They can't help it.

That being said, collectorfags are REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING.

Went in to a locally owned shop recently and saw they jacked up all their prices "To meet Amazon's". I don't mind spending 30 or 40 bucks on a retro game occassionally, if it's something that I really want to play. But a 70 or 80+ price tag on something, just because XxDickDonut69xX did a Let's Play on his channel recently is ridiculous.

>> No.3182776

No one cares about how much it costs. I just think if you buy games with the purpose of never playing them, then you're an idiot. I take it you're one of those morons.

>> No.3182846

Not everyone who emulates is a poorfag loser, not everyone who collects is a hoarder shit, and not everyone being ballistic over doing a thing does what they say they do, because this is 4chan and trolling is a constant. How many of those "die emufag you aren't playing the real game enjoy ur input lag" or "you wasting money when you can emulate what a hoarder hipster kid spurred by youtube celebs" are just trolls and shitposters?

>> No.3182898

Hoarders are faggots. I emulate all my retro games and then buy the Japanese copy if I like them, even that is starting to become difficult as these hoarders are starting to realize importing games from Japan is cheaper than buying NA/EU carts.

>> No.3182912

I would bet most of them are just shitposters but they do get in the way pretty often. It's clear that collectors are a minority here and whenever a collector related topic does show up its pelted with shit and doesn't last very long.

>> No.3182930

Boxed copies are rare, and the opening and closing of the boxes wears them out very quickly. If you want to just play games, you don't need a copy with the box.

I have the boxes for several rare games but I keep the boxes separate from my collection so I can play them without risking damage to the boxes. It's just logical sense that if you have something rare and valuable you take care of it. If you find a factory-sealed copy of Earthbound, you don't open it. If you want to play it that bad then sell it to a collector and buy a loose copy and 20 other rare games that you want to play. I don't see what the problem here is.

>> No.3182971

I don't care anymore because flashcarts are a reality nowadays. They can shove their copies of Megaman X, Chrono Trigger and MUSHA in their asses now

>> No.3183223

>offended cancer victim

>offended ataridads and collectorfags

The most sensible post in the thread.

Don't Megaman X have a special chip which flashcarts can't emulate, or was that just the sequels? Those are still an issue anyway.

>> No.3183248

This. I mean look at this;

Not retro, but still. That dude is sitting on every PS2 game ever made and just leaving them in their shrink wrap. He already had 4 copies of the same game, but needed a 5th sealed one just because.

People like this here, they're the problem. People who buy games they don't even like just for the sake of being complete and in turn driving prices beyond reasonable levels. Mega Man X3 is a great game, not worth $250 though. Chrono Trigger and FF for SNES are great games, not worth $100-200.

Conker's Bad Fur Day was a fun adult platformer, but because a few asshole let's players did run throughs of it while cracking rape and period jokes, it's now $100-300. And all of these carts are "acceptable" or "good" condition, half the time with writing or sticker residue on them.

Just because you have money doesn't mean you should pay ridiculous prices for something, that's how you quickly become broke. Neither the developer, licensor or publisher are making money of this, it's purely profit for greedy "collectors" who don't even play the games they're buying and selling. The cartridges and disks are just sitting on a shelf, rotting and that's literal cancer for these games.

>> No.3183787

Thats a hoarder not a collector

>> No.3183794

Just the sequels

>> No.3183798

>implying you won't leave the game sitting on your shelf after you spend an hour or two with it.

Shut the fuck up already. Unless you're going to play the game daily for the next 20 fucking years you're still just as much a collectorfag as the people you keep railing against. People who bitch about the stuff other people own are either jealousy poorfags or hypocrites.

>> No.3183809

Welcome to capitalism.

>> No.3183863

I don't care about people who collect videogames.

I do kind of get pissed when someone gets their hands on a rare-as-fuck game then absolutely refuse to have someone to rip it and convert the info to be emulated.

>> No.3183895

Cancerfag detected.

>> No.3183902

>calling anyone on youtube a celeb

>> No.3183904

You're a moron, and have been one for at least 18 years. Get used to it.

>> No.3183906
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>Caring what other people do as their hobby

Pic related, it's you.

>> No.3183916

If you find a factory-sealed copy of Earthbound, you say neat, and walk the fuck away. The LAST thing you do is pay over a grand for it.

>> No.3183959

Fuck you. Seriously.

>> No.3183963

fucking autistic cucks

>> No.3183975


>> No.3184019

>Someone who has a lot of games they play is fine, but the kind of person who buys boxed copies of games only to never touch them is a true cancer

Just because I play the games I own, doesn't mean they're ever going back into circulation. What I do with the plastic objects I bought is none of your business. Whether I play them and get a lot of good hours out of them, or wrap them in a stupid box and put it on a high shelf, it's only ever going to be owned by me and whomever steals it after I die.

This is a stupid argument.

>> No.3184062

Society is so PC even assholes can't be made fun of anymore.

Thanks reddit.

>> No.3184121


I think he means literally find, like in a warehouse or sth., not buy.

>> No.3184141

>been collecting carts and old games as far back as I can remember
>when I was 13 and original Xbox just came out I was buying NES and SNES and turbografx and genesis stuff
>all through high school and beyond people are asking me why I play so many old games
>people are straight up giving me boxes of old games because they know I'm into them
>four or five years ago the collecting boom hits
>suddenly my games are all skyrocketing in value
>considering selling them off but can't bring myself to

I know if I did, I'd regret it eventually and try to buy everything back. There is that sinking feeling of wasting money on old games and it will all amount to nothing in the end. Maybe I should start a YouTube show.

>> No.3184203

My mom has pancreatic cancer and you can go fuck yourself in your overly sensitive hugbox

>> No.3184214

I bought a factory sealed Arcade Card PRO for my PCE, I opened it. (I got it for a price typical, if not lower, than most Arcade Card's go for) Does this trigger the collector?

>> No.3184543

Everyone here cares very much about the cost. That's why they're all here crying about collectors.
If you think someone who buys something for $10 and sits on it until it's worth $100 is an idiot then I don't even know what word could be used to describe your level of stupidity.
Yes. I'm one of those morons who has things I picked up cheap in the past that are now worth more than your entire collection. Stupid, stupid me.

>> No.3184561

>It's clear that collectors are a minority here and whenever a collector related topic does show up its pelted with shit and doesn't last very long.

Dude, most of the threads in /vr/ are about physical hardware, modding, "pickups", and bitching about the hipster boogeyman. What fucking drugs are you on? Physical hardware and the like gets discussed much more than actual games, and it's not even close.

>> No.3184631

My mother actually died of cancer recently. Trying to see who has a bigger dick?

>> No.3184661

>manchildren that don't understand the weight of their words
>Faggots being faggots.

>> No.3184674

>Complaining what other people do with their money
>Complaining they can't play games when emulation exists with infinite copies of Roms
>Whining that they don't have enough money for the game they never even heard of before last week.

Keep crying. Maybe people will care if you post this thread another 100 times.

I'm not even a collector.

>> No.3184682

You ignorant children and dumbasses crack me up.

>> No.3184758

No, just saying this is 4chan and cancer the word is thrown about pretty flippantly nigger

>> No.3184878

Mine as well. Sorry to hear yours went so young leaving behind such an underage safe space hugging pussy.

>> No.3184940

The lowest level of Hell is reserved for Jews.

>> No.3184990

If it makes games harder to get for people who actually want to play them then yes, I'm mad. Assholes who buy 10 copies of Earthbound so they can fap to the pretty cartridges or resell them are why prices keep going up.

>> No.3185475

I'm willing to bet most users of this board are in the US, a country that's supposed to be the absolute bastion of freedom, yet you all bitch and moan about people spending money they worked hard for to buy sealed games to treasure and keep in perfect condition.

It does not matter if that person doesn't play the game. Games are more than just the gameplay. Teams of artists and graphic designers spent weeks, months, even years, putting together the visual design meant to entice buyers and showcase their game in the best way possible. It took decades to get printing presses and injection moulding to the point where they could create such impressive manuals, boxes and inserts. Even the tear-strip plastic seals you find on a lot of games took a bright engineer effort to come up with and make a reality. All of this history, not only in gaming, but human advancement is presented to you in the form of a sealed game, and while it might be a bit overly emotional for dealing with a videogame, it is not unreasonable to find value in the perfect preservation of that. You could be living in a cave, wearing the remains of an animal that took the life of your uncle, while you huddle around a weak fire and suffocate because no one figured out how dangerous that is yet, but instead, you're sitting comfortably in your mums basement with a luxury item in your hands - totally unnecessary, yet bringing so much enjoyment.

Trump 2016

>> No.3185714

I have testicular cancer and I didn't even associate casual chan* use of the term with the actual problem until you oversensitive faggots came in and made the link. [Yes, I know it sounds irrational, the brain is like that.]

Fuck you. This is the last place I need to be reminded of my problems.

>> No.3185819

Just buy a repro cart.

>> No.3189298


Maybe if you ask your mommy real nicely she'll increase your allowance.

>> No.3189323


>he can't just admit he's a trophy hunter and be done with it

>> No.3189356

Assholes have reasons for being assholes! Assholes often have principles and patterns for being assholes.

Those same fucking reddit/facebook/linkedin affiliated people just kept working to provoke me to be an asshole.

Yeah, I've been a collector, you fuckers have a problem with that? Normal people, the kind who always have an arsenal of tactics to let you know how "full of purpose" they are were instead obsessed with _throwing away_ old technology! I generally just collected PC gear, you ADDICTS have a problem with that?

But I get shit, and shit and shit for that! A reddit shit laughingly gloats at me that he can get a few cents for recycling a pentium 3 with an enermax or similar grade PSU. A linkedin shit waves at me a TRS-80, acting like I'm obligated to be honoured to be in its presence. A facebook twat has to make little sculptures out of old tech, because immigrants need to have something accessible about tech to be included in it and to warm them up and make them comfortable to shoving themselves into computer-equiped people's personal space.

Fuck your "need" to make fun of people all the time!

>> No.3189363

I have a son with autism, I can sympathize, but I too don't immediately associate anonymous accusations of autism with what my kid has to deal with.

In fact I find it surprising when someone on 4chan accuses someone of autism for actually displaying a symptom of ASD because it hardly ever happens.

>> No.3189386

Just buy a flash cart. There's all the games right there.

Beyond that just emulate. Do you really need a physical copy of Earthbound or some shit? It's the same game, except you're paying $100 for the privilege of putting an aging piece of plastic and metal inside another aging piece of plastic and metal.