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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 95 KB, 640x639, legendofzeldalinktopast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3177617 No.3177617 [Reply] [Original]

I've never actually played "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" before. You guys rave about it on here, so I finally decided to play it.

The thing is, I'm playing the Game Boy Advance port. That's okay, isn't it? There aren't any major differences between the two versions...I don't think.

>inb4 not retro

Ports are an exception and are allowed to be talked about on here.

>> No.3177621

Music is worse. Everything else is pretty much the same.

The game is so good that the music taking a hit isn't really a problem.

>> No.3177653


>> No.3177659

It's fine. SNESfags will say the graphics and sound are worse, but the fact that you can play it on the makes up for that. Plus Four Swords is a nice bonus provided you have people to play with.

>> No.3177662

I would still recommend the SNES version just because I really enjoy that one and it's pretty easy to emulate. I'm not sure about the GBA and because I haven't really played that version. I've heard they made a later dungeon somewhat easier, the ice one, but I can't confirm it.

Either way, it's a great game. Have fun whatever you do, OP!

>> No.3177663

*play it on the go

>> No.3177756

They did make the Ice Palace easier.

>> No.3177773

OP here.

Now I'm starting to second guess myself. I wonder if playing it on the SNES is more "authentic" than the GBA.

I mean... the SNES is the original. Would I really have "beaten" the game by playing it on the GBA?

My damn obsessiveness is gonna make me play it on the SNES lol.

>> No.3177784

>I've heard they made a later dungeon somewhat easier, the ice one, but I can't confirm it.
>"The Ice Palace was altered to make the puzzle requiring Link to push a block to a lower floor easier. As a result, two rooms from the original version were made inaccessible, yet still coded."

You can read about all the differences between the SNES and GBA versions there.

>> No.3177793

Just play whatever version is more convenient for you.

>> No.3177806

I haven't gotten around to playing it yet but there's an MSU-1 hack out there with a redone soundtrack and added cutscenes.

>> No.3177815

I have played both versions they are pretty much the same, so play it on whatever you want.

>> No.3177817
File: 35 KB, 301x283, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSU-1 hack

>> No.3177824


>> No.3177991

There you go. Avoid this one at all costs. Play it on SNES.

>> No.3178006

Maybe it's because I played the GBA port first, but I never had a problem with the added voices.

>> No.3179409

>Game Boy Advance
Ya blew it.

>> No.3179415

>autism speaks

>> No.3179427

>Would I really have "beaten" the game by playing it on the GBA?
Fucking hell, don't even start worrying about that kind of shit.

The differences are very minor. The overall experience will be identical.

>> No.3179428

Blasphemy! How? Make it so you don't have to lap the whole dungeon to get that one block to drop in the right spot?
Fuck that. I was stuck for days as a kid on that shit.
Oh god I forgot they added that in. Gross.

>> No.3179441

This is a good example of the negative effects of /vr/ elitism.
It's a slightly different port of a very good game. Slight changes to music and graphics isn't going to ruin fundamentally good game design.
People that go on about very slight censorship or slight changes in different ports of games either don't know anything about game design or just want to shout at people on the internet, or both.

Are you enjoying the game? If yes, keep playing.
If no, play a different game. You don't deserve to feel insecure about which of two good versions of game you're playing, despite what the most vocal people on here would like you to believe.

>> No.3179473

Both versions are worth playing but I prefer the SNES version due to better music and Link not going HYAH every time he swings the sword in the GBA version.

>> No.3179571

>bad fmv scenes
>watching it unironically

>> No.3179726

>Make it so you don't have to lap the whole dungeon to get that one block to drop in the right spot?
That is exactly it, actually. They removed the block-dropping puzzle.

>> No.3179760

Honestly you're fine. The biggest problem with the GBA port is probably the HYAH and if that hasn't bothered you so far then you're good to go.

One plus the GBA version has over the SNES one is that there's an optional bonus dungeon where you get to fight 4 consecutive Dark Links based on the 4-Swords game. I've never played it but it sounded pretty cool. I think those fights, or at least some of them, are supposed to be harder than the actual final boss. Whether that makes up for Ice Temple being easier is up to you.

>> No.3179770

You also have to fight four harder versions of the game's bosses first. The Dark Link fight is actually pretty fun.

>> No.3179971
File: 63 KB, 450x565, 1277528008523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people in the universe who haven't played LttP

>> No.3179975

Not all of us are/were Nintendorks.

>> No.3179984

The voices and brighter palettes that plague every gba port are present, but it does come with four swords along with an extra dungeon

Depends on what you'd rather have

>> No.3179992
File: 2.38 MB, 2656x1494, 20160430_2326412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing an ex-friend's file

Feels weird, but I can't bring myself to delete it.

>> No.3179996

ok ok, different systems were popular in euroland than were in the US, I get that, but what I don't get is way you all feel the need to defend the systems that were popular over there as if your life depended on it. Why can't you just let bygones be bygones and at least try to enjoy games that were on systems that weren't sega or 8bit/16bit PCs?

>> No.3180005

Fucking this. Console wars are dumb.

>> No.3180006

who the fuck is this guy and who do I see him all the time on here?
here looks like a combination of weird al, frank zappa, and my dad.

>> No.3180009

it's not just console wars, it's like the euros have started doing it over some sort of weird nationalist pride. I often see british retro gamers I other wise respect say that they can't touch nintendo games because "they didn't grow up with them". As if playing or admitting to liking something you didn't grow up with is a sin...

>> No.3180050


That doesnt' make any sense

The only experiences I ever had with SEGA growing up were:

>Sonic 2 on my cousin's genesis for one weekend
>Sonic Adventure, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 and Jet Set Radio at a friends house before we lost contact in 7th grade

Other than that I had no experience with SEGA until a couple years ago, and I LOVE that shit now. Those brits are doing themselves a massive disservice.

>> No.3180071

umm... I think you read something wrong...
also Sega and 8/16bit home computers were the predominant gaming platforms in europe/britian, so it would be the other way around in their cases.

>> No.3180895


The fucking "HIYAH" sampled from OoT probably sound like a great ti Nintendo.

It gets annoying very quickly. Just play the original SNES version.

>> No.3180989


How you figure?

I was just stating how stupid it is to write something off because you didn't grow up with it.

>> No.3180990

>ports are exception
No, read the rules
Not retro. Mods, shut it down.

>> No.3181021

i just used the red cane thing to do that puzzle.

>> No.3181147

I prefer the Hiyah sound

>> No.3181928

What was Nintendo obsession with adding voice clips to every single GBA port of an SNES game anyway?

>> No.3181960

It just so happens I'm just about finished playing it. Its only my second play through. OOT was my first Zelda that I ever played to completion, Its a very gun game, though I miss some of the variety and extra story telling and cut scenes they fit into the 3d and latter handheld games

My copy is the port but I'm playing it on my game cube adapter, would play the original if I had it

>> No.3182172

Voice clips are advanced.

>> No.3183291

Just play the GBA, it doesn't matter.

>> No.3184171

*play it on the fly