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3156109 No.3156109 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3156134

Look at that field effect.
White elements are 2x stronger than they should be.
If you spam black elements you can reduce them to 0.5x of the original.

You could reduce those 618 damage to 154 if you knew what you're doing.

>> No.3156147 [SPOILER] 
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Best girl

>> No.3156268
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>That music


>> No.3156404

i still cant believe this was a chrono trigger sequel.

>> No.3156572

It was a Radical Dreamers sequel

>> No.3157840

It was neither.

It was clearly another game in development that someone thought it wouldn't stand on it's own, so they tacked it onto a more popular IP - chrono cross - to try and make it sell more, and this would have been later into the games development when this decision was reached, so they ripped and tore through chunks of the game setting up random NPCs and macguffins to try and rig chrono plot into it, also seems the game was trying to reimagine radical dreamers' story but everything just became a muddled fucking mess.

>> No.3157849

So it's definitely a Radical Dreamers sequel.

>> No.3157875

No, a reimagining of it's story, anything that happened in radical dreamers didn't carry over to this like a sequel to a story, it's straight up surge, kidd and magil's adventure never happened in chrono cross's lore, they only picked the story beats of it and stuffed it with filler.

>> No.3157890

Yeah you only find a tiny reference to Radical Dreamers in a laboratory computer at the Dead Sea ruins.

>> No.3157947

>the key staff from CT was making a completely unrelated game but decided to rename it at the last moment.
Do you know how silly that sounds? The game was rushed but it definitely always was a CT sequel. And no the plot would be as it is and the only difference would be seen in the more fleshed out side characters. Though I must admit people that claim CT characters are multiple times more deep than the one's from CC are deluded. The protagonist from CT is a literal who with as much personality as Draggy in CC.

>> No.3158013


Been a while since I played it, but doesn't he have the ability to seal off your black elements?
Granted, you should spam SOMETHING of another color to avoid this, regardless.

>> No.3158142

He can cast AntiBlack, yes, but even then it'll only hit one character at a time. And like most bosses (and regular enemies) he has a pattern, so he won't be hitting your entire team with it at once.

One problem though is that at certain points in his pattern, leading up to HolyDragSwd, he really lets loose with white elements, so it can be difficult to suppress the white field effect when most important.

>> No.3158325
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Just chuck buffs at your team to counter them. It diminishes the white field effect (making you take less damage from MIguel's attacks and boosting the amount of damage Serge's physical attacks do) and makes your team stronger overall. I had Radius giving Lynx Strenghens so he could counter the white element grid penalty in more ways than one (base physical damage boost and less white elements on the field) and Norris EagleEyes (despite it being Green and him being Yellow) so he could do a lot of damage with the Plasma Pistol while buffing Radius' physical damage because of the green on the elemental field.

But, don't forget to trap Ultranova before you defeat Miguel so you can have Riddel go on an Ultranoving spree as soon as you get her. It's worth it.

>> No.3158363

i've had this game for like 6 or 7 years now and am just now finally wrapping up.

Miguel was a push over, i dunno what the complaint is.

>> No.3158364

The same could be said about Serge desu

>> No.3158384

No, it couldn't. Crono has absolutely no backstory, it doesn't matter who he is. He's just the spiky-haired kid who bumped into a princess and followed her through a wormhole.

Serge, on the other hand, is the lynchpin between the two dimensions, and his status as the Chrono Trigger is central to the storyline (hence why Lynx is trying so hard to swap its identity with Serge.) Cross' story relies solely on Serge's identity and unlike Crono, he actually talks.

>> No.3159186

Pretty sure to actually get that kind of overkill damage from him, you have to be trying... Like, equip the Ivory Mail again trying. None of those grids are filled at all and everyone's at full stamina, looks like it was just "let's see how high we can get the damage"

pretty sure i've seen 630+ though before

>> No.3159424

>Serge, on the other hand, is the lynchpin between the two dimensions

Only by pure random ass coincidence. It easily could've been anyone.

>> No.3159562

>Only by pure random ass coincidence. It easily could've been anyone

Again, no it couldn't. Serge's entire fate as the lynchpin resides in the paradox of him being dead in one reality and alive in the other as a result of the interference from the first reality.

There's fate involved here. The function of cause and effect is self-reinforcing with Serge - is he the chosen one because he was ill because he is the chosen one.

Crono's story is the one of random-ass coincidence.

>> No.3159674

The reason it was random is because Schala just happened to "hear his cries" from beyond the dimensions or some bullshit and cause the electro storm that shut down Chronopolis. It just as easily could've never worked like that and the fact it did is pretty bullshit writing to justify the rest of the game.

>> No.3159825

It sucks that there were only 4~ difficult bosses. that dragon fort 2nd time as Lynx, the one boss in there. the white robot in Chronopolis. Miguel. also I died a time or two on the...red dragon I think, 2nd time. maybe the blue one

>> No.3159952
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Dark Serge is a punk. I basically solo'd him with Riddel. Lynx and Viper did physical attacks to keep her stamina up and toss a Magnify while Riddel chucked a Magnify-boosted UltraNova and HolyLIght+ at him to defeat him with two elements.

>> No.3160006

What about Darius if you wanted to still be Lynx and fight him? I was a dumb kid when I played this game but I remember that giving me trouble.

Also I've been wondering, what the hell was Miguel's role in the actual story? I just remember him being a pain in the ass boss that never showed up again.

>> No.3160018

The key staff of CT was partially comprised of members of Enix too busy with DQVII at the time to have contributed anything to Cross. That's the entire reason Akira Toriyama didn't come back.

>> No.3160035


You could either lock him down by spamming blue, red, green, or yellow elements against him so that he constantly casts useless debuff spells on your team instead of attacking while the others beat the stuffing out of him with physical attacks, or give Riddel the Black Plate and let her go to town on him with white elements.

>> No.3162634

Miguel isn't even that tough... I guess as a kid, not knowing what to trap FreeFall from made him hard, but if you know what you're doing, this game is super easy the whole way through.

>> No.3163590

>Cross' story relies solely on Serge's identity and unlike Crono, he actually talks.
>he actually talks

No he doesn't you nigger, confirmed for never having played the game.

>> No.3163604
File: 337 KB, 486x331, gxr5UsO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just confirmed you never played the game if you think Serge never talked in it.

>> No.3163681

Hard as in, it's possible to die. Every other encounter in the game is stupid easy.

>> No.3163682

All that planning for this shitty bait?

>> No.3163760
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>> No.3163825

that's like saying chrono talks because of that one ending.

clearly not serge

>> No.3163896

I'm so glad CC doesn't have the shitty Toriyama DBZ aesthetic.

>> No.3163935

>clearly not Serge

Play the game again. Pay attention this time.

>> No.3164113

goddamnit son that's lynx possessing sarge's body

>> No.3164121
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Sorgey does talk, the player just never hears it.
It's pretty obvious from his reaction when kidd/harle leaves the party and from the few dialogue choices you can pick.

>> No.3164129
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Do you think Serge is gay?

>> No.3164193

I'm pretty sure that anon is trying to pull a "that's still Serge", as parody of how Harle mocks Serge by calling him Lynx and vice-versa.

>> No.3164210

The music here really tied everything together. If there was a defining moment in CC, this was it.

>> No.3164232

He is for ditching Harle.

>> No.3164263

I never understood why Serge or Leena never reacted much to "I just fucking died, my girlfriend is grieving, I got resurrected in another world, told her clone about what happened, now she's tagging along with me as if none of this is weird at all." This whole situation gets a desperate reaction out of the player but it's weird when the character themselves don't seem to give a fuck. I remember going to Termina to trigger some scene with Leena and thought to myself wait that's fucking it?

>> No.3164268

Leena knew Serge when he was a kid. You're seeking drama in a place where there isn't one. The only person that can even remotely feel sad or concerned for being dead is Serge himself.

>> No.3164272
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Surger is just like "no way, gotta go back to my world"

>> No.3164280

How did you get Leena in the party anyway?

>> No.3164282

She took pity on you.

>> No.3164287

Turn down Kid the first time you meet her at sun down. This entire game banks on making the player feel like shit by fucking over Kid every single time. Square wants to make sure you lose out on all the cool shit like Glenn if you suck up to Kid like a little bitch (meaning all of our first playthroughs.)

>> No.3164301

If only the game allowed a Leena ending. Best girl along with Dario's waifu Riddell.

>> No.3164340

So I just found out Radical Dreamers was a text based game, meaning I will probably never play it. It also seems to straight up star Serge and Kid as main characters, with reoccurring elements like Gil (Guile?), breaking into the Viper Manor as thieves and stealing the Frozen Flame only to be stopped by Lynx. This all feels very MGS2 right now. Is Chrono Cross a sequel to Radical Dreamers? Is it a remake? A reboot? If Chrono Cross was so blatanly obvious about being a follow up to Radical Dreamers, why wasn't this fact more publicized or well known so people will stop having the expectation that it's a sequel to Trigger?

>> No.3164354

Radical Dreamer is a story without context even when you know CT. CC is a retelling of it, which expands on the ideas and plot points used in RD.

>> No.3165265
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How could he not want her? How?

>> No.3165294

All of Radical Dreamers happens in a parallel dimension. CC notes this.
CC also notes that it is a discarded/"dead" timeline that may have once existed but is now no longer in the thread of time. This sort of thing happens a lot in CC, in fact virtually the entire game ends up becoming a discarded timeline if you do it right. This is something fans of CT who hate CC never seem to pick up on.

>> No.3165295

Was Harle supposed to be the Liquid, where as Kid is the Solid and Big Boss is the Schala? I never played CT or RD.

>> No.3165337

Schala = Big Boss
Kid = Solid Snake
Harle = Venom Snake
if you want to be technical about this.

>> No.3165387

Serge, I'm already a dragon...

>> No.3165403


>> No.3165410

Who is Harle pretending to be? Or do you mean it's the Moon Dragon pretending to be in human form? I remember giving her an Energizer Suit or something and then she left my party with it.

>> No.3165416

>So I just found out Radical Dreamers was a text based game, meaning I will probably never play it.
Come on bro, don't be lazy

>> No.3165425

Can you get any more vanilla?

>> No.3165463

Now I want to see Schala, Kid, and Harle wearing badass eyepatches

>> No.3165524

I really tried to like this game, I really did, but god damn it's so hard to like it.

The game shits on Trigger like a motherfucker, almost in a mean-spirited way ("now eliminating Prometheus"), it's full of insane retcons (Porre, with its population of under 30 people, which you'd assume would be just another town in Guardia, suddenly being a nation and having a military? OK. Dalton is a poor excuse for it, too, unless he fucked every woman repeatedly to create that big-ass army with his nasty seed) and unnecessary design changes (Why is Schala a blond loli now? is Lavos a pedo and he transformed her into his waifu type?) and downright infuriating plot points (the dwarves. God the fucking dwarves, You can't genocide them hard enough, fucking hypocrites).
The combat is interesting, but it's extremely easy saving for a couple fights (as seen in OP), and while you get a lot of interesting Elements that could allow for tactical fighting, it's not worth using them because you can overpower everyone easily with sheer offense, since your level is story-locked and it's always "overleveled".

But despite that, the scenarios take too long unless you go for the speedrun (like fucking Viper Manor. Why such a long, annoying dungeon right at the start? Or the Zelbess/Marbule events. Ugh). Not to mention while the music is good, it usually goes on for too long without all that much of a melodic difference, specially the standard battle theme or the fucking Zelbess music. And Lynx only gets a proper battle theme in his FATE form. It's annoying as fuck.

Sure, the game looks wonderful for being a PSX title, and there are things I like on it, but I can't see why people love it so much when it's so full of awful fanfic-tier retcons, terrible design choices, unfortunately bland characters and a bizarre hostility to Trigger. It's like it's trying too hard to prove itself superior to Trigger.

>> No.3165792

CC is basically the unintended consequences of defeating Lavos in CT, only this time some poor schmuck from a fishing town has to clean up the mess Crono accidentally left behind instead of Crono himself. Lucca's letter to Kid outright states "man I bet someone from one of the timelines is gonna try to fuck us up", and that's exactly what's happening in CC (Time Devourer gonna destroy everything if he isn't stopped).

Call CC a lame recton, but I think it's cool and a nice contrast form CT, where fixing stuff with time travel never caused any unintended consequences (which I think is a bit silly).

>> No.3165797

There's also a lulzworthy explanation of quantum physics.

>> No.3165804


At the start, ol' Sergio died over 10 years ago in Another World. Another World Leena thinks you're being an giant asshole pretending to be some dude that died 10 years ago when you tell her you're Serge. She's gotten well over it by the time you meet her and you're accidentally opening an old wound when you meet her.

None of the Leenas ever thought you recently died; Home World Leena never thought you died when you return to her again as Serge, then doesn't 100% believe you when you return to her as Lynx later on. AW Leena is in hiding with the rest of Arni because of Dark Serge doing EVIL STUFF offscreen wen you return as Lynx.

>> No.3165807

>Lucca's letter to kid
Well you can make the characters say anything to justify your retcons. It's no different of how people make characters fall in love with their marysues in fanfics.
When you have the first game having to be altered to justify the existence of your sequel, it's a bad sign (see DS port).

>> No.3165810

this highlights how having 2 exact same locations with 2 characters with the exact same name and appearances can get confusing as fuck

>> No.3165882


It can sound confusing during a recap, but it's not confusing when you're playing IMO.:/