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3154429 No.3154429 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite Yu Suzuki game is __________?

>> No.3154434


>> No.3154443
File: 116 KB, 320x224, comfyrun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3154605

Outrun 2k6, if not allowed then Outrun.

>> No.3154615

all of them (well, not all because I haven't played them all yet)
I'm glad he could make such masterpieces.

>> No.3154634

This game always looks so good but I can't get a single emulator working.

>> No.3154641


>> No.3154646

Personal order

1. Space Harrier
2. Shenmue 2
3. Virtua Fighter 2

>> No.3154647

Virtua Fighter.

>> No.3154749

dynamite dux

>> No.3154773

Virtua Cop 2

>> No.3154796

After Burner II.
That's the one that always is at the top of my list.
Space Harrier and Power Drift are GOAT too though.

>> No.3154797

Space Harrier, with Virtua Fighter close behind.

>> No.3154815
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Virtua Racing

>> No.3154972

Outrun 2 SP.

>> No.3155051

Probably catch some flak for this but Fighting Vipers on Saturn was my shit.

>> No.3155228

Google Search "Outrun cannonball"

>> No.3155334

Virtua Fighter 2

[spoilers]what was the deal with vf3. It looked great but played like ass[/spoilers]

>> No.3155358

Have no shame anon

Any game with Pepsiman is GOAT.


>> No.3155514

Suzuki was never good.

>> No.3155523

I had a difficult time deciding between Shenmue II and OutRun 2 which isn't /vr/

for the purpose of this thread I'll say Shenmue II.

>> No.3155609

Hayabusa goes 380 wtf are you talking about

>> No.3155616

Not allowed since he was not allowed to work on games after 2003. The only game he did after Shenmue 1-2 was Psy-Phi (a touchscreen fighter, cancelled because people burnt their hands tapping the CRT monitors), and he was put to work on Shenmue Online and Shenmue on mobiles, which was just a "please do not work for us anymore" position..

>> No.3155659

propeller arena

>> No.3155684

Have some rev B. Works with mame out of the box.
filetea me/t1sUXH0u2xYTtCctw6d7HC1tQ

yeah, no. native outrun is better

>> No.3155689

>he was not allowed to work on games after 2003

>> No.3155698

A real fucking shame. Man is one of the greatest living video game legends out there. Despite the fall of Sega and Shenmue development costs, the treatment he's received afterwards is like if Pope Clement VII took Michelangelo's pencils and clay away from him after he went over budget on the Sistine Chapel or something.
Man, fuck Japanese corporation politics and culture.

>> No.3155765

As a kid Super Hang-On because that 6-1 cart. Then Virtua Fighter 1, then 2, then Virtua Striker(all these 3 made me waste so many coins...), then Virtua Cop, then Fighters Megamix, then Shenmue, then I finally played Outrun. And Virtua Fighter4Evo. I can't really choose one.
Even Ferrari F355 Challenge was good despite being bad at that type of racing game.
Why was this never released on steam/live/psn? That was pretty good and it's a shame that was never published. Fuck, this was supposed to have an online mode in the Dreamcast days

>> No.3155815

you should try mame

>> No.3156736


Also Super Hang On deserves a mention.

>> No.3156749

Turbo Outrun

>> No.3157889

Space Harrier fo sho

>> No.3157963

It is a Japanese thing. When they want to fire a high position person, they put him in a position where he has to do menial tasks far below his skills. The idea is that the person in question eventually has enough and quits on their own, which reflects better on the company than if they booted the person.

Sega themselves were so unsure about whether Suzuki still "works" at them, that in the 00s one of their execs even came forward stating that he does not. They clarified it later that they still have him employed. That's how badly they marginalized the guy - and the fact that they gave him the rights to do Shenmue 3 with Sony, just shows how badly they wanted to get rid of him (no company has ever let go of their IP just like that).

>> No.3157979

why did they try to off him? Shenmue II?

>> No.3158024

Many of his projects, but especially Shenmue, went massively over budget and, couple that with the fall of the Arcades and Sega itself, it was easy to point at him as a fall guy.
And thus, the man that all but made Sega into what it was was during the 80s and 90s was grounded into a lonely office on one of the top floors, as is customary in Japanese corporate politics. But hey, at least he wasn't working at Konami...

>> No.3158045

>fall guy
that's the phrase here. Sad.

>the man that all but made Sega into what it was was
That's what bugs me about the whole thing. I "understand" their concept of face being so super important and making someone quit, even though I may not like it. However, what I do not understand that in this particular case making such an iconic figure leave is not causing some kind of corporate backlash. Not sure how to word it, but it does not strike me as an expression of the company being more important than that individual. It seems more like the company denying its roots. I wonder, was that move "accepted" in corporate Japan? Like, were other companies nodding silently at the scene, or was Sega mildly disgraced for this dishonoring conduct?

Completely unrelated, but earlier I thought he and a certain Mr. Molyneux have a bit in common. Both fantastic designers, with grand visions and heaps of creativity, and both of them completely lost without an accountant to keep their projects in check.

>> No.3158130

I don't think they made him a "fall guy" per se, he was probably just pushing for Shenmue, while Sega did not want to do anything with that.

Might also have to do with the fact that Sega just nearly went bankrupt at that time and restructured itself and merged with Sammy. So the new management did not want the financial risks that Yu Suzukis games meant (even if nearly all of his games turned a huge profit, reportedly the profit from Virtua Fighter alone has covered all of Shenmues budget).

>> No.3158141

>financial risks
>nearly all of his games turned a huge profit
>Virtua Fighter alone has covered all of Shenmues budget

That's why I fucking hate management. Huge profit is expected and individual losses are so overplayed, it's ridiculous. As a whole, the guy did a massive net plus. Hell, even if Shenmue itself is a loss, it's a loss leader. People are dearly attached to this game and love the designer and, to an extend, the company that made it, for making it, which translates quite well into sales. Management is completely oblivious to all of this. They just see red numbers on one project and freak out. Fuck the lot of them.

>> No.3158415 [SPOILER] 
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Not retro

>> No.3158419

what's your take on the retro variant?

>> No.3158431

Suzuki's risk-taking and boldness is what made Sega into the force it was in the 80s and 90s.
When Sega pushed him aside and played it safe after the Sammy merger, they sunk into irrelevance. They have traded comfort for relevance.
Back in the 80s and 90s their arcade dominance (which in Europe was a big factor in their success with European gamers) was largely down to Suzuki, the man who created the "blue skies" Sega style.

>> No.3158437

>"blue skies" Sega style
I never experienced the arcade culture, so, help me out with that one?

>> No.3158438
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Also fun but less sideways driving

I also prefer 2019 to the original because of the boost mechanic

>> No.3158441

What was the first outrun to have drifting? I could swear Outrunners had it.

>> No.3158445

>less sideways driving
Indeed. When I first saw screenshots of OutRun 2 I was a bit annoyed by the inclusion of drifting. Having played it though I got to say, it was an excellent way to expand OutRun's gameplay without damaging it. I still play OutRun far more often than OutRun 2006 (don't have the hardware for OutRun 2), but I consider the latter a worthy successor. Can't say that about the other OutRun offsprings. Not because they're bad, far from it, but because they're not OutRuns.

>> No.3158447


Honestly I've only ever played those three OutRun games. If there was a sprite-based OutRun with drifting I'd be all about that.

>> No.3158451


It's funny, because my initial impression was that it was a game about always drifting 100% of the time

But in reality if you want good times it's best to drift as little as possible and still make the turn.

What are your thoughts on 2019? It seems like it carries the OutRun spirit fine to me.

>> No.3158461

>It seems like it carries the OutRun spirit fine to me.
We're probably thinking different things. To me OutRun is a laid back cross country cruise with the perfect car, the perfect girl, and the perfect weather, going down perfect roads. It's fast, but at the same time mellow and relaxing.
OutRun 2019 is futuristic, a bit "sterile", as futuristics happen to be, it lacks that particular joyride atmosphere.
It's probably just me, but OutRun has such a unique atmosphere, I was actually a bit shocked when OutRun 2006 managed to make me think "that's the same, but modern, without the bad aftertaste that usually comes with 'modern' ". OutRun 2019 is not the same. I will openly admit that I'm overly picky and feel-y about this.

>> No.3158476

Outrun, every time, any time.

I love that game so much

>> No.3158489

Super Hang-On

>> No.3158491

Sega did random "Super" prefixes long before Nintendo

>> No.3158573

Suzuki's creativity is what put Sega on top in the 80s and 90s. Before he came along they were a run of the mill arcade company.

I still remember kids at school raving about a game called "Space Harrier" at the arcades and I went to play it and fell in love.

Space Harrier to me is just pure joy. Its timeless and fucking perfect.

The guy worked his ass off; he slept on the floor of his office and pretty much lived at Sega.

>> No.3158717

Super Hang On or Space Harrier

>> No.3158863

You know, blue skies, sunny weather, often tropical music. Games that look and feel like you're taking a vacation.

>> No.3158873

what did Sega's competition do instead?

>> No.3158902

I really like how surreal the original Shenmue feels and think it's Yu Suzuki's crowning achievement.

Hard enough to make a fun novelty you want to play again and again. Harder to make what Suzuki accomplished with Shenmue.

>> No.3159027
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Westerners were shitting garbage wannabe edgy games made of ugly FMV, terrible digitized graphics and broken game mechanics.

Japanese were more or less following Sega's lead while adding a couple of gimmicks to differentiate themselves.