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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3154152 No.3154152 [Reply] [Original]

>noone I know has yet had the stamina to play video games with me
>bad losers
>don't try to win
>no patience
>no mercy with themselves

major dissappointment for me, as I like to play vidya a lot but can't and don't want to rely on anonymous internet gaming. imho nothing better than sitting on a couch playing consoles or having eternal LAN partys. I came to the conclusion that many of my rl friends are weak maggots whose frailty does not relate to muscle mass or its composition solely but to lack of ambition.

>I never could test how good I am in video games of all kind because my playmates lack dedication in life

Does it get better when playing online? How do you guys handle when you don't find someone who wants to play your game with you for not just one tryout round? Did some of you find new friends to play games with irl and what was your story? Thoughts?

>have living room with eight permanently connected gaming computers
>have cave with many consoles and TVs, kitchen nearby
>best friends died from heroin, moved away or couldn't stand that lifestyle anymore
>have many not so close friends and know a lot of people so try out some of them
>play PS1 V-Rally, N64 Diddy Kong Racing, took turns in PS1 Colony Wars, play SNES FF6 for a while then Goof Troop, PS1 Fighting Force, work, meet again next day early evening, play Minecraft with the Minecraft buddy and simultaniously Terraria with the Terraria dude, XBox Tekken 4, PS1 Tekken 3, get dude sitting in the corner playing Ark Survival Evolved to play GTA V doing rampages all the time and get drunk
>next day start out Dr.Mario vs. neighbour who wanted some cigarettes as he pretends to not smoke and uses me to cover up from his gf

>> No.3154186

>because my playmates lack dedication in life

Maybe they're dedicating their lives to something other than playing games? Games are great for entertainment, but they're not something most people want to focus serious time on. Especially as we get older and have other interests and responsibilities.

>> No.3154289

that's why I posted on a gaming specialized board to eventually get to know your experiences with that case.

Instead of going to the bar with the other dudes or spending money on some show somewhere I much prefer hanging out at my place and having many people there every evening after work. That's more what I mean.

>friends playing games alone at home after work
>why not come over and play alone here

>always talking about coop games, always talking about game xy
>actually playing coop games or game xy they chicken out

thanks for the response

>> No.3154321

Ohh no I hear you. I was referring more to the first part of your post than the second. When I get together with my friends we usually game as well, but the reality of life, jobs, schedules (kids in some cases) means we don't have either as much time to get together or to play in general.

Less time to practice means less gitting gud in the end. We've been playing the same game of Civ 5 for over a year and I'm terrible because I haven't played any since 2 and wasn't deep into it then. It's still fun though.

I play some stuff with my wife as well, but she mostly likes different kinds of games. That's just life though, the days of gaming all day when I was off work or every night are long gone. And they were good but I don't necessarily miss them or want that still.

>> No.3154328

Don't you have a job? Maybe there's some actually life relevant challenge you could be practicing instead of children's games.

>> No.3154383
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>4chan user calling anyone else maggot
I miss the days when people here were a bit more self aware.

And you know, maybe people have lives and other hobbies outside of playing videogames.

Besides, not all people want to dedicate such vast amount of time into passive hobbies such as playing videogames, might as well complain about people not having enough "stamina" or patience to watch chinese cartoons all day.

If you can't understand that and expect people to have your habits, well, you might want to get out of your living room, people have families, friends and other interests, and much to your suprise, even people who really like videogames might have hobbies or interests they prioritize over sitting on a couch and playing for hours, like, actually learning shit for the sake of it instead of boasting on an anonymous imageboard about their mad vidya skillz.

>> No.3154394

I feel you, OP. Your feel is a feel I feel deeply.

I have to use only fractions of my true power while playing my girlfriend so she'll stay interested. Un-restrained I'll completely suppress her - rendering the game un-fun (for her)

Her son does just fine against me, tho. He's a champ. Im so proud of him.

>> No.3154428

he's gunna steamroll you someday. your reactions will fade and his skills will sharpen. Enjoy it while you can old timer.

my retron is really good at platformers and the like but any fighting games etc I have to really hold back as she button mashes. undertale has gotten her into shmup games now so that's cool. still pretty bad at them.

for all the hate, genocide run bossfights are tough, still haven't beat the final

>> No.3154508

Can't really add anything to that. You made the point. imho I still want that and as long as I have friends who make it all worth while I want to keep that forever. It's more important to regularly be there and come together than to do it really long. The steady repetition would do to get better I think.

I am a teacher.

I understand your thinking but not why you posted it.

Yesssss! desu I hope to be able to make my niece have fun playing with me someday. :-)

>> No.3154654

There are good challenges when playing online, but to really benefit from them you need to find someone that has more than a gnat's attention.

>How do you guys handle when you don't find someone who wants to play your game with you for not just one tryout round?

I fucking cry and play solo. Or look for groups on the web that still play.

>> No.3154709

>autistic enough to dedicate stupid amounts of effort to trivial things, making me a perfect candidate for being amazing at vidya.
>born with ADHD, can't maintain focus on a game long enough.

>> No.3156091

Do you do drugs?

>> No.3156123

>having fun
>playing hard games
Choose one and only one.

>> No.3156174

ADHD is a fake disorder.

>> No.3156181

What med school did you go to for that claim? Are you peer reviewed? Do you have any papers on this? I would like to know.

Anyway OP, I recommend making some buddies online and playing some dumb games or fun games while talking on skype/hangouts/whatever kids use nowadays. It's not the same but it's a blast if you know some funny people.

>> No.3156493

>i'm sooo hard core
>plays all that casual shit
top kek kid

>> No.3156527

>I am a teacher.
then go find the most difficult problem

>> No.3156531

nobody cares about much better at video games you are than other people, go get laid

>Her son does just fine against me, tho. He's a champ. Im so proud of him.
>her son
nice meme

>> No.3156551

>can't maintain focus on a game long enough

That means the game you are playing isn't fun, Anon.

>> No.3156684


Yes as it turns out adults often have children.

You'll figure it out when your balls drop.

>> No.3156720

Liberal women 'experiment' carelessly out of wedlock and gain fuck trophies. C.uc.k males settle for these leftover women, accepting the burden of another man's offspring as the price of a piece of ass.

Meanwhile conservative couples don't behave like beasts and make informed responsible decisions when dating and entering into relationships. Afterward they create families.

>> No.3157557

Maybe your house smells bad.
While you want to play games with people, you also bhave to be a host. Are you a good hiat anon? Provide drinks and snacks.

Maybe people just dont like you and don't want to apend time with you.

>> No.3158464

Cool /pol/ shitpost virgin bro
Not the guy your replying to either. Just a 46 year old white male conservative telling you you're a fool. No one said she girl 'experiment' carelessly. Maybe your projecting my born-again son? Either way, accepting the burden of another man's offspring is an long honored tradition. People fight to adopt children.
Take your C.uc.k shit back to /v/. Even the most underage overpaying emulating CRT-hating poster has more to contribute than you.

>> No.3158475

>Either way, accepting the burden of another man's offspring is an long honored tradition.
Ehhh surely paying 21 years of child support to someone else's kid is a great honor.

>> No.3158552

His point is realistic and factual.

You're too old to see this shit. I'm 32 and only see it in the distance. Women are a fucking wreck now. They won't settle down and commit until they have one guys baby, and can't hold onto him or any other high status guy. Then they settle for some cuck virgin that is so desperate to get some tail that he'll pay for it. Then she'll get too full of herself and cheat on him in a couple more years. He can continue being a super-cuck or get out and she'll take half of his money for the rest of his life in the courts.

Marrying a single mother has a success rate of like 0% over 5 years.
You can't parent her kid.
You can't get her respect.
You can't have your own kid without him/her being fucked up too
You can't afford anything because all your money is going to support not your kid.

The whole 'my son' is exactly that meme. the first poster of that laid it in there slick.

Anon tried to explain it, and anon (you) tried to can't accept the truth, and think your white knighting is earning you pussy-points with anyone on an anonymous image board.

>> No.3158553

polcucks are this delusional

>> No.3159437


>offended by demographic getting called c ucks.
>"n-no, you are cuck"

hahahaha that projecting

>> No.3159487

The world is completely fucking. All men now seem to think women are gold digging whores out to trap men into paying their way through life. And women all seem to think men are all asshole rapists who only care about fucking as many people as they can.

Both sides are so full of themselves all they seem to do is fight at this point. I am so glad I don't have to deal with the dating scene these days. Male/female relations with the 20 and 30 year olds these days is a complete clusterfuck.

>> No.3159543

>Ehhh surely paying 21 years of child support to someone else's kid is a great honor.

That would be a strange honor indeed, seeing as it stops at 18.

>> No.3159814

not if they become students

>> No.3159843

The reality is, if you're the type of person who signs on to co-parent someone else's child then you should be expected to know what you're getting into. That's the deal. It's super easy not to marry people.

>> No.3159848


>> No.3159856

The reality is if you're a straight white male, whores and gay liberals are out to get your blood.

>> No.3159894

I'm straight and white, my best friend is gay and two of my wife's very close friends are gay. They're just normal people. I feel bad for how much anger you have.

>> No.3159907

There's no beta uprising cuckboi, in the future only gay white males, whores and their chad black boyfriends will be allowed to exist. Beta heterosexual males will be prohibited by government law.

>> No.3159913

You got a license for those buzzwords, pal?

>> No.3159918

Don't worry though you can always become a tranny. I heard they are in vogue.

>> No.3160439

>Super easy to not marry people
Uh, no, it's not. It's super easy to fall into a civil union you weren't even thinking about because you're like 'hurr, I never had a marraige ceremony so I don't need to worry about her taking my money' and then she takes all your money.

>> No.3161346

man, polcucks have really ramped up their insecurities as of late