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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 112 KB, 500x674, 6c1982ad-ca35-4131-94da-970f5c7c8af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3140816 No.3140816 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>3134256

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1448/27/1448271860636.png
Doom download: https://yadi.sk/d/469ydBaLndVCJ
Quake: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1405/27/1405272990521.png
Duke: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1403/19/1403195896088.jpg
Thief: https://data.desustorage.org/vr/image/1456/09/1456095399293.jpg



Vanilla/Boom: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
BT (2016-02-01): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent



irc.zandronum.com #vr (key in faq)




Make a Boom-compatible E1-themed Ultimate Doom map.
Status: https://desustorage.org/vr/post/3019509

>> No.3140817


[04-15] Dark Arena textures

[04-14] "If Doomguy was a Mechwarrior"

[04-14] Anon mod release: "replaces chaingunners with super shotgun guys"

[04-11] kLazer - 3d laser beam

[04-10] The /newstuff Chronicles #491 and #492

[04-10] Gun Godz v1.0 released

[04-08] Durex Waste Disposal updated

[04-07] 3DO Doom overclocked

[04-07] Anon mod release: gachigasms.wad

[04-06] DUMP 2 Test Build 2

[04-05] Anon mod release: Liebenberg Arms Bushland Pistol

[04-04] Anon map release: wheresmyshotgun.wad (updated)

[04-04] DTWID Lost Episodes (E1-E6) released

[04-02] Japanese Doom Community Project v1.0 released

[04-01] Anon map release: Pyramid Complex (nyan.bsp, for Quake 2)

[04-01] John Carmack To Be Honoured With BAFTA Fellowship


To submit news, please reply to this post.

>> No.3140826
File: 357 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20160415_025111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Original's Decal blood looks so much more brutal than any of the silly over the top blood found in fan mods.

>> No.3140829
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droplets m8

>> No.3140850
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>Thy Flesh Consumed


>> No.3140854

install gitgud

>> No.3140865


Learn the map. Die a lot. I can do the whole episode with pistol start and no saving now. It is actually hard.

>> No.3140876
File: 109 KB, 184x184, 1432252552197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get multi rockets
>still have 200 red armor
>mfw the sequence breaking potential

>> No.3140891

It's hard because of the people complaining back in the day that Doom was too easy even on UV. So they decided to make Nightmare! a thing and add E4, just to give your ass a good beating. Also as an incentive to make people buy the boxed version of Doom 1 from stores.

>> No.3140893


>'better save special ammo for a rainy day'
>beat the first episode with 100/100 multi rocket ammo
>only used it once or twice ever

>> No.3140897

I used it literally every single time on everything whenever I got a chance to.

>> No.3140898

Yeah with Quake, you tend to get so much ammo that conserving it's pointless.

Especially rockets. So many fucking rockets.

>> No.3140902

I'm always surprised with how many rockets I end up having at some points because my favorite weapon to use are the nailguns.

>> No.3140926
File: 2.91 MB, 850x478, Desktop 04.15.2016 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many rockets!

>implying I'm gonna deal with that tiny hallway key bullshit

Speeding through stuff is fun but my autism forces me to play slow and steady like normal.

>> No.3140938

Rocket jumping like a pro.
An unrelated thought too, Quake had some really good sound design. The sounds everything makes is great. I especially love picking up ammo, health, armor and keys.

>> No.3140943

>try doom open beta
>I'm getting 10fps and lower
>in the menu

holy fuck how is the game this unoptimized

>> No.3140945

Well, it IS a Bethesda game basically. They're always unoptimized and buggy on release.

>> No.3140950
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>on release only

Thanks anon, I had a rough day

>> No.3140953
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Quake's sounds are really underrated. I can understand that some people aren't fans of the more ambient, broody soundtrack (compared to Doom's), but all the pickups are fantastic, the enemies are just as great across the board (is there any sound more deliciously chunky than the one zombies make when gibbed?) and the powerups are WWWSSHHZHZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

>> No.3140957


Well, it's Nine Inch Nails' work after all.

>> No.3140961

consider the number of nineties doom wads what ripped the sounds from quake wholesale

>> No.3140965

Last night I had a dream I was playing a Quake version of Congestion 1024. Like the Doom equivalent, the maps were restricted to 1024x1024x1024 map units. This morning I googled around to see if it actually exists, I was disappointed to find out it does not. I've never done Quake mapping, but judging from some Trenchbroom screenshots I assume 1024 map units would be actually too small for Quake.

While I don't remember the exact details of the few maps I "played" (hard to say what you do in dreams), I remember them being detailed to hell and back. There was a forest with mossy ground, trees and rivers with flowing water. There was a castle that was floating in mid-air (and it had a basement) with a destroyed drawbridge I somehow had to get across and open the portcullis. Something red hell-ish. There was a bottomless pit where I fell once and had to restart the level. There also was an invisible barrier I could not pass.

There were some new enemies too. I can recall something that looked like a wolf and they hunted in large packs. And miniature flying Shamblers (they had wings). The weapon I used most of the time was an automatic rocket launcher (think assault rifle, but replace the bullets with rockets), I had tens of thousands of rockets so I didn't have to worry about running out of ammo.

I'm genuinely disappointed that this map pack does not exist. It should. I'd play it.

>> No.3140967


Carmack heading out hit them this hard, huh? :^)

>> No.3140969


>> No.3140975
File: 54 KB, 620x391, covert action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to create a powerup that shows enemy movement on the minimap? There's something very specific I want to emulate. I've been taking a great deal of notes from this game and I think I want to make my main mod a more slow and strategic one like Covert Action.

>> No.3140976
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He thinks he's people

>> No.3140983

iddqd idkfa tbqh

>> No.3140984
File: 13 KB, 500x359, 1370666811651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing some dudes making some fucking rad voxel models in their mods and I've gotta get in on this shit.


>> No.3140985


>> No.3140986
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>Not responding

>> No.3140987

what does the third one do?

>> No.3140990

bit late now, I already uninstalled this piece of crap

I spent a good three fucking minutes waiting for the bethesda logo cinematic - which I'm pretty sure is a pre-rendered video clip - to play, the first half of it was dedicated to it telling me that they fucked up nvidia driver support so hard that that was *expected*.

and then on the most boring menu screen ever, I was getting 20fps at half my native resolution with a painfully laggy mouse. once I set it to my native resolution, it dropped to under 10.

I downloaded 11GB for this? THIS is what modern AAA gaming is like?

>> No.3140992


I don't think I've ever seen a Quake map with trees, they'd probably look awful with how everything has to be low poly 3D

>> No.3140996

dank memes

>> No.3141002

I was saddened when I played that WAD that put Quake stuff/sounds in Doom and they didn't add the key pickup sounds.

>> No.3141004

>provides a solution
>'man this sucks so much Id rather worthlessly sulk about modern gaming instead of fixing my shit with said solution provided'

>> No.3141006

Well, not AS unoptimized and buggy after someone makes community patches for it. I expect some for D44M.

>> No.3141008

are you implying spending three minutes waiting for a 10 second video to play is excusable in any circumstance?

>> No.3141016
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For some reason I spot a lot of weird enemy behavior today. This is possibly my first time of seeing monster engage combat with another one in Q2.

>> No.3141017

also according to one of my friends the driver update fixes absolutely nothing

>> No.3141019
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, quakespasm-sdl2 2016-04-15 04-53-09-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcane Dimensions has some dead trees here and there. Dead trees obviously work better than alive trees for low poly stuff, but they're separate models attached to tree entities rather than actual brushwork so that's kind of cheating.

You could probably make trees look good if you went for a more stylized appearance, or just DIY'd a bunch of transparent textures for the leaves/arms/what have you.

Quake units are smaller (?) than Doom units- 1024 isn't very large at all. IIRC, Quake's stock map limitations are 4096 units in each direction from the origin (x,y,z) so 8192 units total if your map is perfectly centered, but a map that big has a good chance of tanking framerates (or at least used to, modern machines and engines should have no problem I assume).

The map in pic related is 1024x1024x1024, with the player spawning on a platform 512 units high and a helpful Shambler plunked in for scale. You might be able to squeeze a miniature puzzle map in that space, but you won't be doing much combat.

I'm interested in those maps, though. There's been a number of floating castles people have made maps about including ones with drawbridges you have to bypass to open (those show up in normal maps, too), but not many nature-styled maps to be found, probably due to the difficulty of making a good looking one.

>And miniature flying Shamblers (they had wings).
>so you want to kill yourself.png

>> No.3141021

Russian Overkill's computer map shows up the positions of monsters on the automap. Not sure if that's what you want but it's possible to have a powerup that shows monster positions like if you'd typed in iddt twice.

>> No.3141023

>I downloaded 11GB for this? THIS is what modern AAA gaming is like?
You're on the wrong board.

>> No.3141027

>doesn't even bother trying it out because hr eavesdropped in on his friend saying it supposedly didn't work when it does
>still complaining about the bug he didn't even bother fixing in the first place

>> No.3141031

Are you 12? Your post is "my dad works for nintendo"-tier. Go back to /v/.

>> No.3141032

well it's a bit hard to verify it when it's a 15GB download and I have to reinstall it

>> No.3141036

Or rather, to correct myself a bit: Quake's units are close/similar and lots of objects between games (as in stuff in maps made by id) are same or similar sizes (i.e. crates are reliably 64x64x64) but Quake's scale regarding players and enemies is all over the fucking place in relation to the environment.

>> No.3141038

Is Doomed: Doom WAD Reviews the only WAD reviewing site that's still going even as of this week? I'm loving this guy's review writing style.

>> No.3141059
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This will end well

>> No.3141065

i don't think so?
but something you could do is have your enemies "drop" footstep actors that'd get rendered on the minimap

>> No.3141067


Just press Alt+PrntScrn bro

>> No.3141087
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I find this extremely objectifying and problematic.


>> No.3141092

I find it boner-inducing.

>> No.3141093
File: 76 KB, 803x483, combat pistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not as hard as it sounds
you'll need magicavoxel to make the voxels and slab6 to convert them
just paste a sprite in magicavoxel's palette and then in the big block in the middle, then start building

uh... voxelbro has a much better tutorial on the zdoom forums

>> No.3141096

Yeah, I guess the maps would have to be bigger than that. Dreams are kinda wonky, so not everything I saw would fit in 1024x1024x1024.

But I wonder, would Congestion-style maps work in Quake?

>> No.3141104


Were there even female marines in Quake II?

>> No.3141110

Last stage of stroggification is hormone replacement therapy

>> No.3141115
File: 1.34 MB, 720x360, how the hell does bomberman move so fast with these anyway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blurspheres suck.

>> No.3141120
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>> No.3141126


Conversion from male human to female cyborg is a pretty good fetish and I wish there were more material about it.

>> No.3141129


>> No.3141135

I guess it's what he calls a level

>> No.3141137

i assume you mean onemandoom -- i am not aware of any others, unless you count /newstuff

>> No.3141141

Well yeah, I guess that's him cause it's his URL. All the other ones aside from /newstuff have long since been dead. He has so many recommended WADs to review I hope he doesn't get burned out.

>> No.3141143

way formal and presentable than just flat out saying "map" or "level".

>> No.3141145
File: 148 KB, 772x768, platform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be surprised if no one has made a sizelimit based Quake mapping competition. You can fit more in a small space in Quake than you can in Doom, at least, due to the abilities of true 3d- i.e. say you want two paths to lead into a room, then have the player drop down into that room and go through the door. You can have those two paths branch out directly into the room itself without making the room any smaller, and still have the player able to make full use of the space underneath the paths. My shitty Paint example hopefully helps explain what I mean.

Also I might be strange but I find brushes and func_ objects a lot easier to work with than sectors and linedefs.

>> No.3141150
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, quake2_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had a female player model added later but the singleplayer was all male marines.

>> No.3141154

There's material for it, period? I know there's one ancient thing involving the HL2 combine assassin

>> No.3141156
File: 1.40 MB, 720x360, you're a nerd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just 4 u


I like calling them stages

>> No.3141161
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Cheeky fucker. Made me spit my drink a bit.

>> No.3141164
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Is it bad I thought this was a loss edit at first?

>> No.3141167
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The memes are taking over your life.

>> No.3141168

>semen demon in space

>> No.3141182

It's not developed by Bethesda.

>> No.3141184

please don't, voxels are violently unoptimized in GZDoom

>> No.3141187

i've been using the voxelpack, DRLA, the DD flashlight and a small addon that turns the modpacks in voxels on huge oblige maps in GZdoom and never had any issues
are you sure it's not just your computer?

>> No.3141192

My computer isn't exactly top notch, but GZDoom is already pretty poorly optimized, and it really doesn't handle voxels well in my opinion

>> No.3141193

yes and you should feel bad

>> No.3141194

r_drawvoxels 0
enjoy your sprites

>> No.3141196
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speaking of

>> No.3141201

Say what you will about Quake 2's quality compared to quake and doom, had some nice actual bosses

>> No.3141203

GZDoom renders every voxel as a separate 3D model. Every actual model has hundreds of them. In a room with lot of voxelized stuff, FPS takes a dip from 300-400 fps down to 25-30

>> No.3141204

The end boss is pretty underwhelming though. It has 3k health while the hornet miniboss has 2k and can fly. Even the walking tanks has 1.5k, and it's not uncommon to meet two and even three at the same time in the final episode.

>> No.3141206

I'll check it out when I get home, that might be what I want.
Those can show up? That might be a great approach, especially if I can figure out some sort of sound radius system.

>> No.3141207

"I'm kind of a big deal"

t. small and weak enemy

>> No.3141216

Wow, it renders each block as a fucking model? I think I'm better off making some low poly sexiness instead of voxels for my mod.

>> No.3141217

wow that sounds pretty bad. however as i understand it, they just fixed something to make blade of agony performant. so maybe voxels performance will get fixed when a sufficiently high profile voxel heavy project is released?

>> No.3141252

I typically go one step further and delete voxel models and the voxel definitions from .wads and .pk3s so that I don't have to do that.

>> No.3141253
File: 398 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20160415_134115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayylmao it's not a wall at all it's justs a texture you can walk through with the blue key behind it what great leveldesign.

>> No.3141260

>GZDoom renders every voxel as a separate 3D model
That's unbelievably retarded, why wouldn't Grafh put in REAL voxel support instead of doing THIS?

There is literally nothing wrong with jumping.

>> No.3141270

verticality did nothing wrong

>> No.3141275

Zdoom renders voxels too. I wonder if it does it the same way gzdoom does?

>> No.3141285

Would you rather:

a. be alcoholic

b. have every remnant of the Doom franchise erased from reality

>> No.3141286

Is it more efficient ammo wise to use the BFG or Plasma rifle?

>> No.3141287

Alcoholic, I can deal with that.

>> No.3141289


it varies. honestly. the plasma gun excels in stunlocking bitches and laying out the hurt on wimpy crowds.

General room of thumb: Don't be shy to use the plasma gun but keep at least 80 cells handy for two BFG blasts for emergency,

>> No.3141292

it depends on something like if what you're trying to kill has more or less than 800 health

i still think the plasma gun is the best "oh shit i'm suddenly surrounded by chaingunners" panic weapon

>> No.3141294


Way ahead of you, mate, it's 2 PM and I'm already smashed.

>> No.3141295

BFG damage varies quite dramatically, but assuming proportional distribution etc the BFG.

>> No.3141297

But muh narrative

>> No.3141302

Probably because nobody used voxels when that feature was used, and the only way to render voxels before was tied with the software rendering behaviour.

Kaiser implemented a proper sprite rendering in GL in Strife Veteran Edition (source is open botw, idk why nobody backported the feature into GZDoom) - way for sprites to not clip into geometry, instead being rendered over everything else. I wager parts of that code would've been useful for proper voxel rendering.

ZDoom renders voxel properly (IIRC it uses BUILD code for that), so they not only look better, but also work faster than in GZ.

>> No.3141308

it depends on the situation and what kind of efficiency you are looking for, as ever.

>> No.3141338

Alcoholic. Why would I want one of my favorite games removed from reality?

>> No.3141358
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, spasm0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew the flickering lights meant something, but I thought that it was pointing me to jump in the pool and look for the secret in the water below the metal bars. I didn't notice that there were little steps alongside the bars that you were meant to climb on, the flickering light obfuscated them.

I still haven't learned to spot secrets that involve little steps and slightly protruding platforms because those kinds of secrets were very rare in Doom. And now that I've been playing Quake, I end up constantly looking at the ceiling for buttons to shoot when I go back to playing Doom.

>> No.3141359

Quake secrets mostly seem to be about shooting switches or walls half the time.

>> No.3141363

Q2 > HL1

>> No.3141364


I agree only on the grounds that the crowbar is shit whereas the blaster pistol is pretty okay.

>> No.3141368

The ebin intro and not-cutscene-cutscenes take HL vanilla from a 9 to like 7.5 for me. If I wanted an RPG I'd play an RPG ffs.

>> No.3141372

not a lot of other ways to interact with the environment, given removal of the Use key.

>> No.3141379

Is there a good game breaking gun mod ? Think Russian Overkill but without the shitty model rips as sprites. And maybe reloading. I really like reloading for some reason.

I've just replayed through the entirety of doom 1 & 2 and I need to unwind by ripping and tearing through slaughterwads with ridiculously overpowered guns.

>> No.3141381

wait till you play archaeologist's nightmare

>> No.3141384


I really hate those. And I don't want some guy talking in my ear forcing me to stop doing whatever I'm doing so that I can listen to what he's saying, either.

Just give me logs I can read/listen/watch at my leisure and skippable cutscenes.

>> No.3141386


Project MSX, though the new monsters will probably give you a run for your money.

Combined_Arms has some retarded guns but only the pistol reloads, and automatically at that.

>> No.3141391

The only thing that made those bearable was Doctor Hal voicing the scientists.

>> No.3141397
File: 33 KB, 500x409, 1447724762145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sv_fastweapons 2
>sv_infiniteammo 1
>cheat a BFG
>Go to town

>> No.3141407

Yeah, maximum nostalgia.

>> No.3141412


I dunno man I remembered those cutscenes being way more entertaining.


>> No.3141418

doomRLA (out of all things) has a few alternate gamemodes that makes the big guns spawn a lot more often

>> No.3141426

MSX indeed has very satisfying mass slaughter weaponry. Dem fuckin fastball grenades

>> No.3141442
File: 43 KB, 766x511, 1414612262882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I already created the assets for this mod, I only need to know how to properly execute my planned idea.

Need advice.


>> No.3141450

just make sure you give the player a good melee weapon incase they run out of ammo

>> No.3141456

You the game with both a melee weapon capable of insta-killing Demons slowly and a semi-automatic pistol with a very high RoF capable of killing a Baron Of Hell in 15-20 shots.

>> No.3141484


Eh.. I dunno man, does that mean that, if I run out of ammo for my weapon of choice, I have to backtrack trough the level to find another one ? That sounds kind of unappealing.

>> No.3141562

There's a powerup that refills your current weapon's ammo and is rarely spawned from any Ammo actor. Guaranteed drop from a Backpack actor.

If you run out of ammo for your favorite weapon, pray for it to appear again. Sorry that's the way it will be. I'll be tinkering with the drop rates so you rarely have the need to backtrack.

What I can do for your situation is create a CVAR that gives you infinite ammo and another one to have you spawn with your favorite weapon.

>> No.3141586
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It's that joke where you know it's coming, but you can't wait for it to hit, so it's even funnier when it happens.

>> No.3141609

I love Quake 2, but I think Half-Life is better.

>> No.3141621
File: 298 KB, 1024x768, Wt23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any love for Kingpin?

>> No.3141634


>> No.3141642
File: 40 KB, 477x379, 1364750258676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying lol

>> No.3141645 [DELETED] 


>> No.3141670

1. Why hasn't anyone added Archvilles to PSX DOOM TC?

2. Why is my registration to doomworld taking a week? Should I retry it?

>> No.3141680

>2. Why is my registration to doomworld taking a week? Should I retry it?

Hmm...a long shot in the dark, what e-mail provider did you used?

>> No.3141695

I was just about to ask that. I think the maps are fucking great in both theme and play, but the guns an enemy variety leave some to be desired. Also the follower AI is extremely good considering how old the game is.

Shame the game only turned out to be a shadow of what it was originally supposed to be. Damned budget cuts.

>> No.3141713
File: 660 KB, 993x629, not kdding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based BBC

>> No.3141717

Oh my god that's TERRIBLE!!!
There are adults in Japan that wanna look like CHILDREN????

>> No.3141720


>> No.3141721

Going through Plutonia. Chain gunners are responsible for 100% of my deaths. Nothing else can touch me.

Hell should just abandon demons and have chain gunner armies.



>> No.3141724

Wow Merkel is a fucking cunt seriously

>> No.3141739
File: 17 KB, 260x273, 1452654149873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WAD gets made where every enemy in the game uses a gatling gun

>> No.3141743


>> No.3141781

I really hope the single player is gonna be at least playable. I hope it isn't just gonna be a demonically-skinned Halo.

>> No.3141784

I guess it's good enough that this many people like it.

I'm still waiting for more singleplayer stuff, because who gives a fuck about multiplayer

No news there.

>> No.3141803

41% is unbelievably terrible for Steam reviews. It might as well be a 0.

>> No.3141804
File: 6 KB, 161x250, 8444179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dodge skelly rockets??

>> No.3141809

Dodge the dummy rockets like an imp fireball.
Run behind cover to blow up the homing rockets.

>> No.3141815

Also keep in mind an agglomeration of studios the size of id and Beth probably keep a regular army of upvoting shills. It's probably more like 4.1% in legit ratings.

>> No.3141838

I wasn't outright defending it.

Also I'll be holding out judgment for singleplayer, the part of the game that actually matters.

>> No.3141841

>deathmatch doesn't matter in the franchise that coined the term
This is what the Doom 4 defense force actually believes.

>> No.3141846

To be fair, the connection between Doom '16 (I'm not calling it Doom 4) and the rest of the franchise is like chalk and cheese.

>> No.3141847

run forwards and to the side at the same time so they curl behind you and smack a wall

>> No.3141885
File: 1.89 MB, 475x268, 1415221401928.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3141887

Has this been mentioned here before?

>> No.3141897

There is , it's called ballistics

>> No.3141902

Sounds truly hellish.

>> No.3141904

I'm just not a multiplayer guy.
I understand the importance of multiplayer being good, but I've never played Doom for that purpose, so what matters to me personally is the single player, and that alone, it's not the end of the world to me if the MP sucks if the SP is good enough.

I never really cared for OG Doom's deathmatch, but I think the game is still fantastic.

>defense force
Please don't do that.

Doom 3 had only some thematic connection to the previous ones, I didn't mind that, Doom 4 is just that notion again.

Likewise, Quake, Quake 2, and Quake 3 had some very insubstantial connections.

>> No.3141906

i'm getting flashbacks of term's stream

not pleasent ones
because he can't play for shit :^)

>> No.3141913

Not really, since it doesn't actually replace all enemies with chaingunners, it just makes all monsters (and weapons) with hitscanners. Just search the ZDoom forums for it and see for yourself.

>> No.3141914


you're either a good doom coder
or a good doom mapper
or a good doom player

no inbetween

>> No.3141929

coder master race

>> No.3141931

I'd argue its more of a triangle where you can be two of those but not 3.

>> No.3141947


Play some punch out with those nerds and beat them 2 the punch !!!

>> No.3141961

Is Brutal Half-Life any good or is it Brutal Doom-tier of stupidity?

>> No.3141968


And even then, you can't really be two of them very well, you just kind of reach a middlin' point between them. i.e. okay mapper and okay coder, or nonexistent mapper but okay coder and fantastic player.

>> No.3141984

I'm mediocre at all of those things.

>> No.3142079
File: 2.66 MB, 1920x1080, 1460746629028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want the doom babby audience

>> No.3142082 [DELETED] 

He wears a fedora unironically.

>> No.3142094

more like "we want the XXXxxxCoDrektPuSsySlAyErBLAZEIT420[PGM]XXXxxx audience"

>> No.3142098


Yeah, but he's retarded and thinks they're the same thing.

>> No.3142115

But what if I'm good at making Doom sprites and textures?

>> No.3142120


I think we can simplify it even further to just two sides: Doom stuff creator or Doom stuff player.

>> No.3142134


Thanks, doc.

>> No.3142137

I know nothing of the marketing of Doom 4, but I guess that makes sense. The ~21 and under crowd is probably much more fertile selling grounds than the very late 20s/early 30s to 50s crowd who actually played the game back in the 90s.

>> No.3142146

so how about that D44M singleplayer eh?

>> No.3142150


>> No.3142156 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1460746137742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you fags are even worse, actually

you're like a pretentious version of them with no self awareness

>> No.3142159

ok, BANG

>> No.3142160


>> No.3142161

anon you're actively ruining the thread's mood so that you can pretend to be superior to an imagined "doom babby"

you're the worst thing here

>> No.3142163

Stop responding to him. I'm not fucking kidding.

>> No.3142164


>> No.3142172 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 500x415, srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142174

100% community-supplied and the news will be delivered via compliments toward the doom modding community, something like

We at Bethesda have seen how expansive and creative the Doom community is and has decided to supply you all with professional level development tools for creating entire campaigns for Doom that you can share and play with your friends.

>> No.3142175

Pirate Doom is severely overrated

>> No.3142178

Why are people discussing a 2016 game on /vr/ despite there being a perfectly serviceable thread on page 1 of /v/ complete with dank memes and shittalking?

>> No.3142179


OVERrated? It barely gets promoted outside the community, and nobody actually bothered to take the author's suggestion and play it like a regular gameplay mod.

>> No.3142185

It gets mentioned in almost any big YT reviewer top-five-Doom-mods type list. It's like second only to BD.

>> No.3142186

>complete with dank memes and shittalking

there's your reason

>> No.3142190


show me those videos right now

>> No.3142191

Which is precisely what this thread devolves into when said game is brought up. So let's keep this bs where it belongs.

>> No.3142204

Not him but where can I discuss the new Doom? /v/ will just repeat the same three or four lines over and over and accuse half the people in the thread of being a paid shill

>> No.3142209

Two I found in random search:

It's also brought up in all sorts of LPs and general wankery vids. PD gets a lot of exposure famino.

>> No.3142214

>nonexistent mapper but okay coder and fantastic player.
literally me

send help

>> No.3142216

As has been stated elsewhere, /vr is not a dumping ground for things that people claim /v is unwilling to discuss or at leas unwilling to discuss at a level up to the poster's standards. I mean, the damn game isn't even out yet, how does it belong on a board dedicated to pre-2000 system games?

>> No.3142217

>It's also brought up in all sorts of LPs and general wankery vids.

show me those videos too. you could find two vids with 40k views in 8 minutes, it shouldn't be hard to find the rest

>> No.3142225


>1,360 results

Good enough?

>> No.3142230
File: 75 KB, 500x684, 18j3h1di06j1yjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did John Romero make you his bitch?

>> No.3142239



>> No.3142240
File: 36 KB, 395x349, ken shamrock is unamused as his lowpoly doppelganger reveals his loins to be made of kryptonite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my first gameplay exposure to that game was playing the N64 version on an emulator when i was little

>> No.3142245

The horror.

>> No.3142251 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 750x500, 1460750557511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat filename

>> No.3142263
File: 1.13 MB, 191x200, ftpfH[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and what do they have to do with pirate doom being "overrated"? (which it isn't)

it hardly gets mentioned in these threads, and when you look up demonsteele in youtube it shows almost the same amount of results


>1,840 results

does that make demonsteele overrated too?

now, since two can play the same game, let's take a look at smooth doom on youtube


>1,150 results

not the same amount of results, but from my (shitty) point of view, smooth doom is a bit overrated due to the fact that some people picked that mod after the whole brutal dumb fiasco and it unintentionally became the 'politically correct' alternative of a "gameplay enhancer" mod for a game that still holds up well after 20+ years.

does that make me right?

>> No.3142267

>smooth doom is a bit overrated due to the fact that some people picked that mod after the whole brutal dumb fiasco and it unintentionally became the 'politically correct' alternative of a "gameplay enhancer" mod for a game that still holds up well after 20+ years.
Is that really the case?
I reckon the people who use SD weren't the usual BD crowd to begin with.

>> No.3142273

I don't Brutal Doom mentioned here very often toi, actually. Or any gameplay mods, come to think of it. /vr/ seems to be mostly into maps and vanilla/chocolate gameplay.

>> No.3142275
File: 439 KB, 400x500, 1454672183310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally Bethesda/Neo-id get what they deserve
>Mostly Negative Steam Reviews
>People once interested now hating it
>Non-stop Halo comparisons
>Poor performance through all 3 test phases.

>> No.3142282

i think your impression is very mistaken. a significant fraction of doom threads are people asking for help making gameplay mods, and half the maps made by anons and posted here require zdoom.

>> No.3142285

So the franchise is finally dead. RIP Dewm.

>> No.3142293

Zenimax is going to close down id software for good if Doom 4 flops. And by many looks it just could. So say goodbye to id software..

>> No.3142298

new id is just tarnishing the name of old id
and I hate Tim Willits, seriously fuck that guy

>> No.3142304

>Or any gameplay mods, come to think of it.
>/vr/ seems to be mostly into maps and vanilla/chocolate gameplay.

I can safely say you've arrived in a different "season", to put it that way. Most of the people who browse these threads do like gameplay mods and play around with them a lot in single and multiplayer. There's a reason why the general population in Doomworld were "surprised" when 200 Minutes of /vr/ was released, because there was a certain concept of these threads back in the day.

This is also the reason why a certain shitposting charade that says that this place hates bd "because they're purists" always falls flat like a fat lady after stepping on wet floor.

>> No.3142306

best thing that could happen would be Romero buying the rights and actually doing good games

>> No.3142313


It's like when a band is past their prime and breaking up is the best thing they could do.

Much like those 80s thrash bands that influenced them in the start, they shoulda fucking quit at least ten years ago, because they haven't done anything worthwhile in even longer than that.

The real id is already dead. Having its shambling zombie corpse put down too would finally put us at peace.

>> No.3142314


hold up, with all due respect I don't think Romero has the kind of money to buy back the rights of the game, let alone the whole company.

I'm not saying it can't happen or that it wouldn't be cool. But I'm afraid that's far from happening

>> No.3142320

What exactly are the mapping limits when mapping for Boom, in contrast to UDMF zdoom mapping or whatever.

>> No.3142323

Anybody got a link to some good websites for DOOM '16 leaks?
I heard there were some pics of the Archvile floating around, but I can't find any of these sites anywhere.
The Russian one, at least, is really in-active now.

>> No.3142325

65535 sidedefs

>> No.3142327

There hasn't been much new lately. Best I can give you in "recent leaks" is
>inb4 plebbit

>> No.3142329

I hope that they get sold off instead of shuttered.

>> No.3142340
File: 52 KB, 600x300, burton-miroir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poor performance through all 3 test phases

lol wut? Are those faggots playing on toasters?

>> No.3142347

/v/ a few months ago
>Wow it's brown n bloom piss filter there are no colors!
/v/ now
>Wow get rid of the colors only cod babies like those!

Not retro.

>> No.3142350

I honestly don't want this to happen, because the last thing I want is for DOOM, Wolf, and Quake's rights to be floating around in the air, and eventually die off and become lost like tears in the rain.

>> No.3142354

purchased by atari and un-open-sourced

>> No.3142358

Would you really prefer that Wolfenstein and Quake get the D44M treatment? Death is preferable to necromancy.

>> No.3142363

Machinegames is doing well with Wolfenstein, I doubt Zenimax would take it away from them even if id closed forever.

>> No.3142364
File: 5 KB, 86x118, 1437282733162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish there was a way to disable faggot armor and weapon colors

>> No.3142365

>new Quake is called QUAKE
>have to reload the nailgun
>axe is now a glory kill
>cutscenes galore
>somehow an ever shittier final boss than Shub Niggurath

>> No.3142370

Oh I forgot
>game is way slower than the original
>have to level up to become fast
>damage indicators

>> No.3142372

>the game is even more brown than it was before

>> No.3142373

>damage indicators

nothing wrong with those

>> No.3142374

The only problem I have with Machinegames' Wolfenstein entries is that there's no fucking Hitler. They had the perfect plot explanation for a Mecha Hitler fight in TNO and we got Mecha Some Other Asshole.

>> No.3142375

>Rocket/Grenade jumps are "quicktimeevents" like glory kills
>Rockets/Grenades only do like 5 damage to self now
>Somehow fucks up the lore by combining both quake 1 and 2
>Fuck it, throw some wolfenstein nazis in there.

>> No.3142379

>Somehow fucks up the lore by combining both quake 1 and 2

I dunno man, imagine Mecha Lovecraftian horrors. Could be pretty cool

>> No.3142380

Sorry, I don't know much about modern FPS, but "level up?" Hahaha, what?

>> No.3142381

Brown is so yesterday gramps, it's all about grey now

I don't want them cluttering up my screen.

>> No.3142383

>Final boss is robot cthulhu expy

>> No.3142389

I think Wolfenstein 3D is supposed to be in their timeline somewhere, so Mecha Hitler is already dead. Though I guess that doesn't make it any less of a missed opportunity.

>> No.3142390

>have to reload the nailgun
I like reloading

>> No.3142391

The new Shadow Warrior had that shit and I didn't like it.

I also didn't like the fucking "results" you got after a battle. This isn't Devil May Cry fuck off

>> No.3142394
File: 95 KB, 599x424, 1456268016359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler unwittingly attracts the attention of Shub-Niggurath with the Spear of Destiny and causes an invasion
>NuQuake takes place decades later at the final days of the Quake War where they throw you at it as a last ditch effort to save humanity
>Is also a prequel to Quake ET

>> No.3142412

Something tells me not many people play Wolfenstein for the plot.

>> No.3142419

>Then the Unheilige Armee Corps opens a gateway to hell

>> No.3142425

Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.3142430 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 681x1024, 1460756039086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, mee to

>> No.3142432

I would honestly like it if all the players had the classic simple armor on the whole match with the only difference being is team color to tell who's who.

Also the bloom is fucking up the wall and everywhere in the game

>> No.3142436

>deciding that earth wasn't big enough for the both of them, the hellspawn & strogg fought each other on earth, even taking to space for supremacy

>> No.3142459


wait, who made this?

>> No.3142562

>TFW Last generation computer can't handle the current generation doom

I need a slaughter map to drown my sorrows in.

>> No.3142564

read the reviews famalam
4 gig 770 here and I get poor performance
with latest id techs being iffy it's pretty easy to believe its unoptimized

>> No.3142567

Be happy, at least you won't spend shitmoney on a shitgame then. I have a voice telling me that it won't be so bad in the back of my mind despite overwhelming contrary evidence.

>> No.3142572

>it's renamed from Shub Niggurath to Shub Wrath because Niggurath comes to close to nigger
Something I'd imagine a modern game company doing

>> No.3142574
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, totally not a Youtube thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend Hanging Gardens but it's quite a resource-intensive map.
Still my favourite slaughtermap by far though, one of the few that I actually genuinely enjoy.

>> No.3142575


Someday I will get a not shit computer.

And then I will run Rats at maximum framerate.

>> No.3142576
File: 325 KB, 471x464, [takes intense bite].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be happy, at least you won't spend shitmoney on a shitgame then

>> No.3142581

It will probably be renamed to Cthulhu because that's popular

>> No.3142584

I keep telling myself I won't get it, and still I'll probably last no more than a week just to get a physical copy for the reverse sleeve art. People are weak.
Insert this is why we need a strong dictatorial socialist state, because we can't buy the things we need and financially support things that need to die

>> No.3142586

XXXI Cybersky

>> No.3142613
File: 244 KB, 272x418, [SPAGHET ME UP].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one faggot on Twitter that works at id Software
>He's constantly making posts bragging about how silky smooth and wonderful the PC version of DOOM is
>Literally every post ends in #PCMASTERRACE

Deliver me from this

>> No.3142628

Is there any guide on setting up a Stronghold server? Should I set specific server options like weapon stay? Any patches to download? Is there any way to save progress?

>> No.3142637

yes, yes, i believe, no.

>> No.3142646
File: 82 KB, 512x512, Enforcerkun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again. Would there be a way for me to code the Enforcers lasergun into a usable gun for the player?

>> No.3142669
File: 48 KB, 520x770, 1460532023486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on /m/

>> No.3142690

The only way that would happen if zenimax had come into financial troubles.

>> No.3142691


It's been ages since I played stronghold but I would like to say that individual players are saved.

>> No.3142693

those are all owned by zenimax so they would still keep them.

>> No.3142694
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>> No.3142696

You could steal the one from shrak.

>> No.3142710

They have pretty antithetical approaches to horror, though.

Quake 1 is horror based on humanity's utter ignorance of the true nature of all that is without our control or understanding. Everything that we don't know, come to harm us.

Quake 2 is horror focused on humanity's corporeal form, a twisting of everything we know into a darker reflection of our own selves. What we know best, our own selves, coming to harm us.

>> No.3142716

They're desperate for the PCMR redditors to start promoting and defending their shitty game for them.

>> No.3142719
File: 40 KB, 325x347, revenant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your favorite demon and why?

What would you do if you encountered your favorite demon?

>> No.3142730
File: 4 KB, 100x68, 1398958346383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta go with the skelly.
Close combat with the SSG is just so satisfying, and dodging endless homing missiles whilst zeroing in on the fuckers makes me feel like fucking Goku.

>> No.3142738
File: 13 KB, 200x200, mancubus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best sound effect in the game

>> No.3142739

Caco is probably the most appealing to look at, they have a big pleasant smile.

And if I met one? Well, probably do a 360 and moonwalk away, that shit's dangerous

>> No.3142746


I like the skellyman as well.



>> No.3142759

a cacodemon, although I call them monster munches. if encountered I would try to befriend it by feeding it assorted foodstuffs

>> No.3142770

I'm pretty sure a cacodemon would make for an amazing flying mount

>> No.3142773

Caco, Revenant and Mancubus are all pretty close.
My most hated isn't the Archvile though. It isn't even the Chaingunner. It's the fucking Pain Elemental and the Lost fucking Souls.

And then the fact that they take a full SSG blast to the face to die. Fuck them.

>> No.3142798
File: 13 KB, 600x450, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the living fuck does gzdoom have trilinear enabled by default?

>> No.3142802
File: 33 KB, 388x610, image_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142808

Because Graf is a faggo poopy head

>> No.3142818
File: 4 KB, 78x132, ow_ow_ow_ow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back on the sprites again.

>> No.3142832


Booty thrusting.

>> No.3142834 [DELETED] 
File: 635 KB, 1521x856, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So out of the Demon redesigns in Doom 3, which one do you like the most and why?

Which one do you hate the most and why?

Also any thoughts on the Demon designs in Doom 4?

>> No.3142836
File: 3 KB, 63x75, oh-god-get-your-foot-out-of-there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're like (comparatively) tiny flesh-blimps, with horns to work as handle-bars.

Don't use the rear as a step to stand on though, it probably won't like that.

>> No.3142837 [DELETED] 

Not /vr/

>> No.3142843

In Doom 3?
I quite like the Hellknight, even if it's not the classic one I love.

Archvile doesn't feel distinct enough, it could easily have had more color and be made more anatomically distinct from the imp, they're a bit easy to confuse.

The caco was bad.

For the new monsters, I liked the Tick, Trite and Vulgar as additions to the bestiary

>> No.3142856

Now that big budget Doom is dead, can we get cartoon-looking Doom games?

>> No.3142857
File: 4 KB, 80x128, oww_mysides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3142882
File: 52 KB, 330x176, a greebled cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if someone could take one of those fancy "pixel art" shaders and put it in reshade and put that in doom 4.


would have to simplify textures and surfaces though since everything looks greebled to fuck, maybe the lower detail lod models can be used for everything with an ini edit.

all speculation though, i don't have and can't run the beta.

>> No.3142883
File: 76 KB, 397x400, 7e7529d1d27938f7ce269fe17c96fc632ccd3e15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else sucks at Doom?

>can't dodge skelly missiles
>get too close to an enemy while using the rocket launcher
>always panic when chaingunners fire at me and end up with below half hp, zero armor

Should I just give playing it all together?

>> No.3142886

Pro Doom Monster Strats

>> No.3142887
File: 4 KB, 86x124, owow_profile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting these as I finish them.

>> No.3142889

you circle around behind the missiles, they don't have a small enough turn radius to follow you after a manoeuvre like that. you also have to smash them into something.


this will get your head in the game

>> No.3142890
File: 198 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Hexen_20160225_002150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


made a shitty wee trailer for 'a Morte' I'm not sure if I should be hyping it or not. It still needs a shit ton of playtesting and detail. The maps are all there though, and the ending is in, the whole thing is functional, just the finishing touches to be added. There's a couple of pretty epic boss fights and a buttload of custom content.

hahah hilarious

>> No.3142891
File: 194 KB, 1360x768, 223749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure about this...

>> No.3142896
File: 195 KB, 531x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone who made the original Doom and other games still even work here?

>> No.3142897

Can I make this replace my low health icon?

>> No.3142898

I'm trying to remember the name of a Doom WAD that has you play as the demons fighting against the Marines(and with the Marines getting a bunch of new types to fit with being the antagonists now), anyone know the name of it, cause I have it downloaded, but I forgot the name, and digging through all my WADs would take forever as I have like several hundred of them in one folder, anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.3142902


The worst DOom 2 song bar none.

>> No.3142906

Kevin Cloud, but he wasn't that important to early Doom production compared with Adrian Carmack.

>> No.3142907
File: 4 KB, 74x124, owow_backside.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost done main spritesheet.

>> No.3142910

Bright colors = easy to see
Easy to see = easy to kill
Use these n00bs' paint jobs to your advantage

>> No.3142918
File: 443 KB, 609x900, sCK9bbnn7eDzOSD-Wb-BWlU5m3OB8m3WTybSZizOcTwYK8cr6y_pKdRhbfMV0GFglw=h900[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make me Doom Atsume please

>> No.3142921

What's the best then, smart guy?

>> No.3142924
File: 87 KB, 799x782, athena0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why there was an action figure of her.

>> No.3142938



>> No.3142939



>> No.3142946
File: 3 KB, 80x124, owow_ass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last rotation

>> No.3142975


>> No.3143035

I was thinking about setting up a mp server for it, but it doesn't have coop. And I don't really care much for dm in most old fps's (haven't played it, but kingpins kinda looks like shit)

>> No.3143046

That's called greeble.

>> No.3143054

One Whole Greeble

>> No.3143070
File: 7 KB, 541x239, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help.

I want to replace the gunshot sound of just the player's pistol, that means not simply putting in a replacement DSPISTOL file because if I do that the zombiemen will use the sound too. So far I figured out how to replace the original pistol class, insert the new sound and get it playing, and spawn the player with the modified weapon, but the firing animation is fucked.

>> No.3143074

This is true, when making your marine, take as muted colors as you can, something that doesn't stand out, with as little lights and standout features as possible, see how it works.

>> No.3143075

you have the fire bullets state lasting 6 tics

make the gunflash state last 6 tics instead

>> No.3143085


Wow, thanks. That was easy.

>> No.3143112

you can do 3D floors with doom now though: multi level buildings, rooms ontop of rooms. all legit and easy to do.

>> No.3143156

>replaces pistol

This will do nothing.
You have to have a new player class that spawns with the pistol instead.

Or if you're already done this, because it inherits from Pistol, its A_GunFlash will play the Pistol's gunflash, which has sprites in it.
Extend it to 6 tics.

>> No.3143160

Why the fuck are they posing like JoJo characters?

>> No.3143163

I wanna get the armor pickup sound as a text message sound

>> No.3143164

because they won so they get to ham it up like a real space marine

>> No.3143181

You wouldn't?

>> No.3143192

What do you guys think of Marathon?

>> No.3143195

Floaty and weird. I've only played it with aleph one or whatever it's called, though.

It's okay I suppose.

>> No.3143204
File: 10 KB, 239x253, 1450115205377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i remember playing it in the 90's and was blown away by the ability to dual-wield

also i thought the story for the first two was fucking amazing, especially in Durandal where you're being teleported into multiple trouble-spots to act as a physical asset of a rogue AI while it basically commits genocide.

>> No.3143214

GZDoom Builder is the hot mapping program, yeah?

>> No.3143220
File: 25 KB, 180x124, lydia_scuba_xdeath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mix rockets with airtanks. In related news; I think I've played way too much Chiller as a teenager...

>> No.3143237

kek do i see a cyberdemon leg-stump on the left

>> No.3143243

Naw, pay attention to her right leg.

>> No.3143252

I like the head rolling off the side. Feels solid.

>> No.3143256

its pretty decent. you can see sky and 3d floors and slopes in visual mode.

>> No.3143268
File: 999 KB, 250x251, 1450143247421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even go about making a gib animation

>> No.3143272

TNT1 A 0 and then spawn like 50 chunks and 12 blood clouds and idk 6 squirts

>> No.3143278



>> No.3143282
File: 201 KB, 354x367, 1453219126621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpOo_1qh1CM

>> No.3143294


eeeeegh what part of the song are you trying to replicate via text exactly?

>> No.3143302
File: 4 KB, 57x59, output_bFZf4b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I just study a few other good animations and try to make my own. Beats just copying the Doomguy animation again.

>> No.3143313


The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3143320

bobby prince used the same beat from king crimson's song, thela hun ginjeet

>> No.3143323

This is a dangerous place.

>> No.3143329
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>> No.3143331
File: 93 KB, 1440x976, ss+(2016-04-16+at+01.16.13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now for this 22 frame beast. To think, I plan on doing this AGAIN with her formal gown sprite. I must enjoy pain.

>> No.3143339
File: 463 KB, 730x550, smug tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3143342

Cacodemons cause I think they're cute.
Probably run away? I don't wanna get my brain melted. I'd just admire it's spherical nature from a far.

>> No.3143347

>tfw nobody listens to king crimson

great now i look like a retard

>> No.3143349

I listened to it with my dad aeons ago but not recently.

>> No.3143360

help, with what?
i beat that shit on UV on fucking 360 version of Doom man!

>> No.3143361

that IS my text sound anon, its fucking great

>> No.3143363

I want to see more by this artist, everyone always fucks up how the Shambler looks entirely but they got it dead on even with metal shit all over its 'face.'

>> No.3143367 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 500x534, 1460785251310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the east coast it's 1:40 Saturday morning, not the best time to get an opinion on English prog rock

>> No.3143368

True, but muh vanilla engine limitations.

>> No.3143369
File: 50 KB, 918x775, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too my senpai.

>> No.3143370

for those who wanna make a difference


its late and I thought posting this was a good idea

>> No.3143424

You must. I'm in enough pain doing monster replacements.

>> No.3143427

Gonna have to break with the trend and say the Baron of Hell just for the classic appeal. Though the Revenant is a close second.

>> No.3143428

Pain Elementals were the single worst fucking design decision of Doom II. Period.

>> No.3143434

PFFF, they aren't that hard to deal with. Just get in their face and bully them.

>> No.3143435

My pain elemental replacement will slap your shit if you try that.

>> No.3143436
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>> No.3143446

I do, but I've only given court and lizard a serious chance so far. I like it.

>> No.3143451

I agree that Lost Soul Dispensers are pretty fucking shitty. I find though that chaingun stunning them till they die is the best way to kill them though, or shotgunning them when they're about to launch a soul.

>> No.3143453
File: 2.72 MB, 720x360, my punches are made of explode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that shouldn't happen

>> No.3143460
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>> No.3143478

I remember some time ago there was a discussion about Quake and Q2, with some anon arguing that Q2 is shit because it leaves out the more fast and confrontational type of combat in favor of slow "peek a boo" sort of tactics.
After playing and finishing Q2 for the Nth time, I came up with the following counter arguments:

1. Flat out wrong in some cases. Many enemies don't fight in a way as to position themselves in one point and engage you on sight, but swarm you and try to confront you any way possible. This is true of most flying enemies and of the parasite, the medic and the of course the berserker.

2. Some weapons don't allow for such tactic. The chaingun and the hyperblaster, arguably two of the most powerful weapons in the game have extremely fast firing rate as well as cooldown and warmup times, all of which render "peek a boo" rather pointless if not dangerous.

3. The environment doesn't always allow for it. There are many times, especially at the third quarter of the game, that maneuvering yourself behind a corner can actually exposure you to fire and cost you dearly.

>> No.3143496

nah it totally should, you've clearly discovered something truly magical

>> No.3143513

I still think the main problem with Q2 is the fairly boring level design and low intensity of enemy encounters. If those things were better and perhaps the weapon damage was increased a bit it would have been great. Still a good game, it just could have been much better.

>> No.3143534


>> No.3143585

wouldn't increasing weapon damage reduce encounter intensity?

>> No.3143626

I meant to make up for an increased monster count. It'd be a bit bullet-spongey if there were more monsters but the same weapon damage scale.

>> No.3143636

Don't forget
>no muzzle flash
This will never not bother me

>> No.3143646

It's stupid but doesn't affect core gameplay. Kingpin had muzzle flashes by the way.

>> No.3143653

I would argue that it does affect the core gameplay.

What if the guns had no sound to them? Or no recoil? Or no kick?

Sure you could still point the center of your camera towards and enemy and click until they die, but in an FPS game the guns need to look, sound and feel good.

>> No.3143667

>dissolverlutateration of eternity has tarniggers that duplicate themselves


>> No.3143686
File: 101 KB, 512x512, FUCK YOU EEVEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The terminology used, while it would be considered offensive in most non-/pol/ venues, I too feel like shouting racial slurs at the top of my lungs whenever I fight the ink fucking bouncy exploding butthurt causers. Why did they even add those?

>> No.3143702
File: 19 KB, 300x307, michael%20j%20fox[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did they even add those?

>> No.3143703

You mean those horrible blob monsters? I hate those fuckers more then Shamblers.

>> No.3143706


Calm down dude it's only in that one level

>> No.3143707

Dissolution of Eternity is definitely the worse official expansion of the two. The different ammo types were pretty neat though.

>> No.3143727
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, quakespasm-sdl2 2016-04-16 05-54-37-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shamblers at least have a really solid design and can be fun to fight, especially if you don't have a super nailgun and have to rely on baiting them into attacking while diving for cover yourself (or have a super nailgun, lots of nails, lots of health and/or a quad damage, and want to blow off some steam as you mow it down). Spawns are just terrible, a jumping bob of gunk that can fly faster than Ranger can run, blends in with everything, and explodes when you kill it anyway after it jumps right into your face.

>"We came up with him later on and he was so tough that we couldn't use him too much." -Romero

I can definitely see why it's worse. The alt ammo types are neat (and the heated nailgun glowing in the dark makes my dick hard), but Scourge's actual new weapons were definitely more fun, especially the proxy grenades. The new enemies are mostly annoying or die just as easily as their stock counterparts, and the maps in general feel more amateurish- not just in terms of lame traps or enemy placement, but also stuff like blocky brushwork and Z-fighting on lots of secret doors and such.

>> No.3143736

I still think Vores are the most annoying enemy in Quake. Revenants with more health and homing missiles that home even harder are not fun.

>> No.3143742

Vores are lame but at least they're slow and don't move much so you can plink at them from around corners and walls (and if they're on a ledge or platform, bait them into wearing themselves down with their own projectile explosions to save yourself ammo).

They're only really annoying when they're in big wide open areas where the player can't do much but flee while hoping to find something to intercept the purple spike ball thing or in worst case scenarios (i.e. dropped into a room with no immediate exit), has no choice but to try to kill the Vore(s) before dying from the damage.

>> No.3143745


Z-fighting doesn't happen in the software renderer

>> No.3143748

Doesn't Eternity also have those fuck-off floating swords which mince you up?

>> No.3143751

>playing with the software renderer


>> No.3143767


Also, there's a bunch of z-fighting in Quake's stock maps too. Even in E1M1 there's a very noticeable occurrence of z-fighting near the quad damage secret. If you aren't seeing them in Quakespasm, then it's because you're loading quakespasm.pak which alters the maps to fix them. Try playing the game with the -fitz parameter and they'll show up again.


The point I'm making is that maybe they simply weren't able to test the maps on the hardware renderer, maybe they were contracted by id to develop them long before GLQuake was available and testing the maps under that renderer wasn't part of the contract, or maybe during that time the consequence of using the OpenGL renderer wasn't widely known yet. I think the fact that Hipnotic has less z-fighting is just coincidence, its maps are more spacious so there's less reason for walls to start overlapping. It's the same thing with vanilla Quake. Most of the z-fighting happens in E1 and E2, there's probably zero instance of them in the more spacious E4 maps but that doesn't mean Petersen is a more experienced mapper than Romero.

>> No.3143770

That's a pretty neat texture set, sauce?

>> No.3143771

Looks like Epic 2

>> No.3143772

Looks like Epic. Doom megawad set in Egypt, so has a Serious Sam feel.
Has a sequel as well.

>> No.3143776
File: 864 KB, 1920x1080, quakespasm-sdl2 2016-04-16 06-40-08-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hey, how 'bout that. I learned something today!

I noticed adding the -fitz launch option plays the demos at startup and includes a different exit screen that shows up even if you hard quit with F10; I knew there were various differences between Fitzquake and Quakespasm that can be disabled with the -fitz option but haven't been able to find a full list of what exactly is changed.

>> No.3143791


Vores are great for starting in-fighting. Their bombs are easy to lead to hit another enemy. Once an Ogre or Death Knight gets within melee range to a Vore, the Vore is as good as dead because it has no melee attack.

>> No.3143794

What exactly is Z-Fighting?

>> No.3143797

That's actually pretty cool.

>> No.3143798
File: 431 KB, 1122x1024, 1122px-Wikipedia-logo-v2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z-fighting, also called stitching, is a phenomenon in 3D rendering that occurs when two or more primitives have similar values in the z-buffer. It is particularly prevalent with coplanar polygons, where two faces occupy essentially the same space, with neither in front.

>> No.3143804

Quakespasm was basically just a fork of FitzQuake anyway after it stopped getting worked on.

>> No.3143810
File: 22 KB, 794x561, Z-fighting[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a less copypasted explanation, z-fighting is the glitchy black/flickery shit you see when two walls sit in the exact same spot and as you move yourself/the camera around that one spot spazzes out like it can't decide which wall to draw (which is exactly what's happening).

Yeah, I know (Quakespasm still lists Fitzquake 0.85 in the console when you start a map), I was just interested in what little things exactly were changed.

>> No.3143813

Oooh! That's what that's called. I've officially learned something today.

>> No.3143816
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all learning things today!

>> No.3143818
File: 161 KB, 1280x853, aham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The worst DOom 2 song bar none.

And yet one of the best tracks in a videogame. DOOM 2's quality bar is just is too high.

>> No.3143829

Into Sandy's City is the best track.

>> No.3143834
File: 18 KB, 400x400, i3eTxXhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best song

>> No.3143839 [DELETED] 

kek what a shitter doom babby

you other babbies know the breakdown from 3:16 is a slowed down version of Atheist's Samba Briza?


>> No.3143842

Fun fact: The breakdown in the song is a slowed down version of Atheist's Samba Briza.


Sorry for reposting, I just wanted to see what that fact looked like when not posted by an obnoxious German faggot on a proxy.

>> No.3143843

>ywn run from evil
>ywn be stalked by the healer
>ywn count down till you die
>ywn travel between levels
>ywn capitalize all the letters in DOOM
>ywn remain in the dark
>ywn give the shotgun to Shawn
>ywn be in a shitty dive listening to Dave D. Taylor singing his blues
>ywn travel into Sandy's city
>ywn kill the demon and fetch his head
>ywn wait for Romero to play
>ywn get a text message from the Archvile
>ywn say bye bye to Amerian Mcgee and bake him a pie
>ywn wake Adrian up
>ywn get too tense
>ywn open a gate to hell

>> No.3143850

>You will never be at doom's gate
>You will never hear the Imp's song
>You will never experience the Dark Halls
>You will never be a kithen ace, nor will you ever be taking names
>You will never experience Suspense
>You will never be on the hunt
>You will never see demons on the prey
>You will never see the sign of evil
>You will never be hiding the secrets
>You will never have sawed the demons
>You will never see the demons from adrian's pen
>You will never intermission from doom
>You will never be going to be gotten
>You will never be sinister
>You will never dance the waltz of the demons
>You will never have been told about id
>You will never untitled
>You will never have donna come to the rescue
>You will never be deep into the code
>You will never face the spider
>You will never have a sweet little bunny

>> No.3143851

Y-you don't know that

>> No.3143859


>> No.3143868

Don't have to pretend to like something just because it's in Doom.

>> No.3143870

>You will never be deep into the code
sez u

>> No.3143873


>> No.3143878

>You will never be deep into the code
Would you fuck the code?

>> No.3143895

What must it feel like for all these younger people working there when all the elites have left. I'd feel like fucking imposter

>> No.3143897

i fuck up the code on a daily basis

>> No.3143902

How was he not as important. Can you elaborate? I believe Doomguy's arms are his so that's pretty important

>> No.3143904

They're probably just psyched to work at an iconic game studio. They're living the dream: developing games for a living.

>> No.3143906

When the original people aren't there it's not really iD anymore though. It's a shell

>> No.3143910

Coming from a 3D artist:
"Oh nice, a paycheck for making cool looking stuff"
The shittiest game with the artstyle of D44M would still be rad as fuck to work on.

>> No.3143917

it looks a lot nicer when you strip away the motion blur and chromatic abberation. a lot of it's packed too close together but the maps worked nicely with different structures still working together within their theme.

>> No.3143919

Certain Affinity is making the mp

>> No.3143920

Still the same game doe

>> No.3143935

There's a chromatic aberration in newDoom?
Eugh... I hate that effect with a burning passion. It looks like it's all the rage now, esp. on DevArt. For me any image that has it is ruined.

>> No.3143939

That, and if you're a dev it's easy to get stuck doing a job like modeling boring assets for a shovelware iOS game for prepubescent girls. They're probably counting their blessings.

>> No.3143943

you can disable it thankfully

>> No.3143945

>Chromatic aberration
Literally disgusting.

Can you disable it on console?

>> No.3143971

>On console

>> No.3143976

You can disable it in menu. Both Abberation and motion blur.
They've actually listened to people and added FOV setting too.

>> No.3143979

It's fucking important m8

>> No.3143981

No, as in, will I be able to disable this bullshit if I'm playing it on a videogame console?

>> No.3143985

How many console games have graphical settings menu?

>> No.3143996

>tfw u r not fabulous enuf

And I've slept with men before, too.

>> No.3144093

What does doom baby mean?

>> No.3144094

"Hello I'm a shitposter from /v/"

>> No.3144129
File: 519 KB, 1280x1024, city map at 2016.04.16 11-30-22.023 [R2582].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new version of my city map uploaded. You start out in a nightclub thing which has got some really neat things that I'm proud of.

>> No.3144137


So I made some progress with the Mechwarrior mod.
The flamer has been given better effects, and you now have the ability to get in and out of the mech (with code ripped and modified from Xaser's NecroDoom).
When outside the mech you're armed only with a pulse laser pistol and a jetpack without a hud, so getting out is a pretty bad idea (though it's useful if you think your mech is about to meltdown).

The video itself is pretty long, so if you just want to see the new stuff skip to 11:00.
I also forgot how dark youtube makes videos, and since Hellbound's outdoor map lightning can best be described as "moody" results in the video itself being pretty murky.
The monsters are from a custom edited version of Mutiny v3. Though in my very quick makeshift edit job to get it working I broke a few of the monsters attacks, so you will see them try to shoot me but nothing happens.

>> No.3144150
File: 88 KB, 1108x317, 1460817229559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming John Romero FPS...

>John Romero, the legendary visionary behind the Wolfenstein, Doom, and Quake franchises is hard at work on a new shooting game. Though he’s worked on games that have become the basis for all of the modern first-person shooters we enjoy today, he claims his upcoming game will be "something that hasn’t been seen before."

>"Shooters have so many places to go, but people just copy the same thing over and over because they’re afraid to try something new. We’ve barely scratched the surface.”

>“I’m really excited to start making it because it’s just such a great idea. Instead of just pumping out game after game after game, it’s like waiting to come up with something that’s really unique, that no-one’s seen before, and enables you to make something that you hope will be really amazing. So, we’ll see. It’s got a pretty cool fiction around it. It’s got an interesting story."

>“Call of Duty is enough of a deathmatch game to keep people coming back to it year after year, but the design isn’t breaking people’s brains – it’s expected, in the same way Madden is. You see it, you know what it is, and you know the next iteration is going to be like the previous one but in a different location, maybe a different time period. It’ll have guns and a lot of the same features.”

>“I don't want to talk about it because it's a really cool idea, it's a unique idea,” he said. “I've never seen a game like it."

Pls be good, pls be good, pls be good...

Idk we'll see. He said something similar before Daikatana though didn't he? I like how he kinda calls out Cowadoody, too.

>> No.3144169

Is there a way to make it where crossing a set of lines exits the level, therefore you have to seek out all the lines necessary? But if you cross any one of those lines twice, it's instant death? I got a neat idea for a puzzle.

>> No.3144171

I wonder what Romero thinks of Super Hot...

>> No.3144182

>the design isn’t breaking people’s brains
oh god
i think this is going to be fun

>> No.3144183

I think he should go with something basic first, like a Quake-clone, just to prove to people that he can manage a project, still get the fundamentals of FPS gameplay right and come up with a good engine or make good use of an existing one.

>> No.3144195

I also wish he just made a classic style shooter too.

I wonder what kind of budget he has for this.

>> No.3144201

http://www.hoxar-inc.com/ Related, seems to be promo for the game. The stuff about holograms seems to point to a VR shooter, unfortunately. If you don't understand why it's unfortunate, there's literally no VR game that isn't just using VR as a gimmick for an otherwise boring game.

>> No.3144216

Maybe it's all just meant to establish the game's setting and the premise of the story. I'd like to think that it's mostly just a standard shooter but it has all these crazy variety of settings, time periods and architecture because of the hologram technology and mindfuckery because of the "Predictive Memory Technology" or whatever.

>> No.3144221

No, if it's going to be virtual reality in the game and not IRL, it'll be used for a Hellish virtual reality, not Assassin's Creed Animus with a gun. It's John Romero.

I really hope that it has plenty of mindfuckery though, given "Call of Duty is enough of a deathmatch game to keep people coming back to it year after year, but the design isn’t breaking people’s brains – it’s expected"

>> No.3144230
File: 33 KB, 1600x1200, 1439809585592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144238

I didn't mean stuff like Assassin's Creed, but more like a surreal amalgation of various things. Like maybe there are pharoahs with beam weapons and gladiators with sawn-off shotguns and levels comprised of floating chunks of objects in a void, some forming part of an Aztec temple while some forming part of an aircraft carrier.

>> No.3144247

That would be cool, I can't think of anything that's done that in the last decade. Maybe longer.

Unreal kind of had that, but they were Space Egyptians I think.

>> No.3144263

Where'd you hear that VR project has anything to do with Romero?

Romero has said in the past that he thinks VR is a bullshit gimmick.


>> No.3144269

I remember there being a proper lazer posted somewhere in the previous thread. It looks about same as lazers did in MW 3/4 so I guess you'd better use it.

>> No.3144271

Romero's twitter linked me to some article saying HOXAR is related to his new game.


But now I feel a lot more confident in the game.

>> No.3144273

Are you referring to this?


It looks pretty neat, but it requires the latest GZDoom dev build, and I would like to retain compatibility with Z&.

>> No.3144280


More like HOAXR.

>> No.3144281

Can anyone recommend some awesome Quake maps?

I tried Arcane Dimensions and it's awesome. I want some GOAT level sets.

>> No.3144282

more like


>> No.3144293
File: 39 KB, 425x334, 2771[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funky balls

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3144294

shed a manly tear

>> No.3144297


I never played MW2, but I have played MW3 and by the looks of things, I prefer MW3's take on some of the weapons.

For example, for the SRM, instead of being a stream of missiles, they would be fired all at once in a cluster and the rockets start off slow as they come out of their tubes then accelerate as the rocket engines kick in. Then for the AC20, instead of being hitscan, it's a gigantic yellow ball of a projectile that moves a bit slow but hits like a truck and has massive recoil.

>> No.3144303

Just search up Quaddicted's map base by user score. That's how you find most of the good stuff.
You could also try searching up for The Innocent Crew's Quake maps to see how they did after leaving Doom.

>> No.3144305


How does he not know what an Arch-ville is?

>> No.3144312

it seems like you don't, either. i hope that's a typo.

>> No.3144318


Welcome to Arch-Ville, where nobody ever dies, and the streets are always in flames !

>> No.3144319

Thanks for the suggestions. The AC/20 is already a non hitscan weapon, though I wasn't exactly pleased with it. I'll probably make the shell it fires more visible and add some recoil to discourage rapid fire bursts.

>> No.3144339

Thanks, I have a new idea for a map now.
That I'll start making monday when I'm back at my place

>> No.3144341
File: 11 KB, 100x100, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instakill meelee

>> No.3144347

Don't let the idea rot away! You have to seize the moment!

Draw it out! Plug it in! Type it up! Write it down!

>> No.3144348

The Final Frontier

>do it first try
>archviles, mancubi, pain elemental, cyber demon
>all easy

The Temple of Darkness
>die 3 times to shot gunners at the beginning

Did the game intend for hit scanners to be such high damage output? Really, a room with a bunch of them can be a thousand times more diffucult than any of the demons.

>> No.3144350

i can't tell if the sly smile means you enjoy it, or that you think it's stupid

>> No.3144368


Upgrade your computer, idiot.

>> No.3144371


Are we going to fight Demon 'Mechs in the full mod? pls say yes.

>> No.3144373

>Throwing hardware at a software problem
Carmack is rolling in his grave.

>> No.3144375

>We are now in the age where consumers just have to shill out more money rather than developers optimising their shit
Just fuck my coding standards/practices up senpai

>> No.3144384
File: 44 KB, 480x720, video games are dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still really excited for the new DOOM, but this still made me really fucking sad.
It really hurts when it sinks in that the happy, fun, golden age of gaming is gone, and probably won't ever come back.

>> No.3144397
File: 98 KB, 314x335, im starting to get sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the Revenant, from the original DOOM
I knew Tim Willits was a fucking faggot even before he admitted that he's literally in it just for the money, and not the games or passion.
Please send help. Deliver me from this.

>> No.3144402

Func mapjam 6,1, 2, and 3.

>> No.3144403

this is /vr/, where the "happy, fun, golden age of gaming" never ended. stop bringing your misery into it.

>> No.3144404
File: 76 KB, 462x550, aEKKbmH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3144409

>or passion
Well he did get into id through his mapping efforts. And his and McGee's maps for Quake are many times better than what Romero put out for the game.

>> No.3144426



Add that he misidentified the archvile as a revnant in his doomwiki page. It's relevant.

>> No.3144428


Neither do I.

>> No.3144435


>> No.3144437

Woah, apparently Mick Gordon has been hiding stuff like this in a lot of DOOM's songs and sound effects.

>> No.3144438
File: 413 KB, 849x286, DOOMOSTspectogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image.

>> No.3144447
File: 312 KB, 640x485, blonde 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Plutonia is kinda shit

They should have taken the best maps from TNT and Plutonia and merged them into one campaign.

>> No.3144448

>Well he did get into id through his mapping efforts.
more like through his sisters mapping efforts

>> No.3144451

I love when people put images inside spectograms of their music.

>> No.3144458

You could each line actually be 2 lines on top of each other. One has a generalized linedef action to raise a bridge a little or whatever. The other had a generalized WR linedef action to lower a ceiling 24 units, with the crushing flag on. Then put a voodoo doll outside the level with a bunch of bars above him tagged to the linedef. So when you walk over it once they lower 24 and it's fine, but if you walk over it a second time they lower again and crush the voodoo doll to death.

>> No.3144470
File: 115 KB, 1162x688, 1396103404567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is /vr/, where the "happy, fun, golden age of gaming" never ended
This man speaks the truth.


>> No.3144475

It's main draw was that it was hard. I never liked it very much either and thought Evilution was the better commercialized megawad.

>> No.3144476

Thanks, this is really useful.

>> No.3144494

typing on mobile keyboards tends to fuck up words, in case you didn't know.

>> No.3144495
File: 136 KB, 325x325, 498ed76be651cffb6bb9bac6a9bb75c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3144504

Did ID know that Mars' moons have no atmosphere? They portray them in the games like you can just put a breathing aparatus on and be fine. You'd need a full space suit.

Or is part of the story that Mars and its moons are teraformed?

>> No.3144505

Hey man, the next version will have a zandro compatible version of the effect. It'll involve acs calls though.

>> No.3144513

>level completely designed around archville mechanics
>no archies

I love psx doom, but this map just should have been left out.

>> No.3144518


its a video game

no need for science mr vsauce
no more big words

>> No.3144532

i havent laughed this hard in forever

>> No.3144557

>that shitty car locking sound when you leave the mech

i laughed way too hard at that

>> No.3144563

If you jumped off of Deimos, you'd fly right off into the never ending abyss of space.
That's why Doomguy never jumps.

>> No.3144581

looks pretty good, dagumi. only real lore nitpick i have is that the flamer doesn't use ammo in BT, it's actually generating extra heat in the reactor to vent out and set things on fire, so instead of using fuel it overheats the mech

>> No.3144584



>> No.3144586

Even people with GTX 960s are having problems with it even on low graphics. You know, a GTX 960 is meant to be able to run Crysis 3 on Ultra.

>> No.3144618

Have they tried lowering the resolution?

>> No.3144619

What's the HL version of a pistol-only start? I'm trying to start every chapter crowbar only but it's pretty much impossible once you get to like the 5th chapter or so.

>> No.3144625

Probably something like Satchel Charge only

>> No.3144626

impulse 101

>> No.3144651

I just went and loaded up a Quake soundboard to relive those sounds.

There was always something incredibly satisfying about how crunchy a lot of the pickup and weapon effects were, how grisly pain/damage sounded, and the almost diseased sound of the gasps and such of the enemies were.

>> No.3144685

Doesn't reqlly work when it isn't designed with that in mind.

>> No.3144713

I'm that anon from the previous thread. Any other wads with a great atmosphere like UAC Ultra ? I beat Hellcore already, it was nice at first but the last levels where you kill cyberdemons by the dozens get tedious quickly. Preferably something not too rough, I'm the kind that struggled a bit to beat Doom 1 on UV. I play on Zandronum.

>> No.3144725 [DELETED] 

Not retro.
Fuck off.

>> No.3144726

Cheogsh has nice atmosphere.

>> No.3144735
File: 721 KB, 360x270, 1459578184679.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not retro.
>Half-Life (stylized as HλLF-LIFE) is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Valve L.L.C., released in 1998

>Not DOOM.

>> No.3144736

So you probably didn't play Quake 2 that much.

>> No.3144738

From the sticky
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
Let's see, half-life release date
>Half-Life (stylized as HλLF-LIFE) is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Valve L.L.C., released in 1998

Now, is this thread Doom-exclusive?

Well gosh jolly darn, I guess he is allowed in here.

>> No.3144769

>>3144735 >>3144738
i think he knows that and was baiting

>> No.3144771


>> No.3144815

so, just releasing plutonia then? i agree actually.

>> No.3144831

So the AC/10 & AC/20 now fire visible yellow globs (which is supposed to be the shell) and have recoil, and the SRMs now fire as a cluster rather than rapidly in sequence.

I didn't plan to add any new monsters, it was going to be strictly a weapon mod. Maybe in the future. In the meantime the bosses from Mutiny are a good stand in as enemy mechs.


I've changed it so the flamer doesn't use fuel anymore, and made it so when it hits other players it gives them heat alongside doing damage.

>> No.3144837

I prefer Plutonia, because even if it's retardedly hard, the difficulty gives it a bit of a "spice", instead of being the boring slog that TNT is.

>> No.3144904
File: 25 KB, 200x303, 1401595175199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck on map 30 of scythe. It's just too chaotic and I can't find a path after the yellow key that doesn't lead me back to a wall of woken enemies. Not even too sure where I'm supposed to be going. First pwad I've attempted on uv and pistol starting. Trying to play it through as legit as I can, but I saved or looked up runs on a few maps. Should I just put it off for a while and start another pwad? I've done ep1 of btsx and some of alien vendetta. Trying to git gudder.

>> No.3144924


See that's the problem. Romero had little passion for quake.

He was pissed off it became another shooter. He wanted a melee focused game based off of a DnD character the guys had during their sessions. But the team was strapped for time while Carmack worked his voodoo in making another game engine, they couldn't afford to try something new so they opted for a shooter.

>> No.3144934
File: 89 KB, 358x285, 1456341315850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, TNT was good.

>> No.3144938

>He wanted a melee focused game based off of a DnD character the guys had during their sessions.
Yes, that was his idea, and he was the project leader, but he wasn't doing his fucking job, so the development was stagnant, it was turned into a Doom style shooter purely because of him procrastinating and being absent.

If he wanted that fantasy game so badly, he should have put the fucking effort into making it happen, not playing Doom deathmatch.

>> No.3144963

i wish i could help you but i've only ever managed to pistol start 100% that map on Hey Not Too Rough, which removes some of the cyberdemons and gives you a lot more spheres

generally at first i exploit the monster blocking line by the berserk secret to kill all the barons, but even that is troublesome because at some point an archvile will teleport from the nukage pool up ahead and start bringing all those ammo eaters back to life. i suppose you can release the cyberdemon to infight with them but that opens up a whole new direction you get shot at from. and you have to be really careful not to release the revenants/archviles from the side passage unless you are prepared. you probably want to dive for the bfg, but there's too much in the way.

>> No.3144969


This is fucking rad. I would suggest adding at least a lifebar when out of the mech, and have it slowly recover when back inside.

Metal Warriors did something similar with their little character when out of the suit, and it was made useful in a few scenarios for little hit and run attacks.

Didn't you mention something about a chainsaw for the mech as well?

>> No.3144985


From my understanding, he wanted to, but the art guys couldn't do shit while Carmack was doing his engine trickery, and by the time they could get around to it, they'd be really short on time, hence why they opted for the shooter style of gameplay. Which in turn pissed Romero off and that's why he started giving less of a shit.

Though this was around the time in general when Romero's head started getting bigger and going up his own ass, so I can believe him starting to fuck around and goof off BEFORE the decision was made to make Quake into a shooter. I always took it as him doing that AFTER that decision.

Either way I wish he didn't let his fucking ego get out of control.

>> No.3144994
File: 720 KB, 418x329, seeing a girl in public.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know I gotta be honest. I really do love seeing the negative feedback in the d44m beta forums. Not because I'm a Negative Necromancer, but it's definatley vocal enough for Id/Bethesda (I know I know Beth isn't developing it) to likely take it all into consideration. Furthermore, it's mainly complaints about the movement and generally stuff that can be easily fixed (relatively speaking) before release, so I have some fairly high, yet cautious, hopes for d(11*4)m.

>> No.3144997


I'll be waiting for that map, man.

>> No.3144998
File: 679 KB, 499x275, Surrounded by skeletons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's definatley vocal enough for Id/Bethesda (I know I know Beth isn't developing it) to likely take it all into consideration.

Alternatively they could just take it as "no one really wants a new Doom game" and then let the series die again.

Allow me to be the negative necromancer

>> No.3145002
File: 1.41 MB, 360x198, CHAINSAWDICK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chainsaw ? Make it a chainsaw dick. Like in RoboJox !!!

>> No.3145005


Finally good to see a Corporation get it's just deserts.

>> No.3145006

Personally from what id's done to the game since the E3 reveal and what complaints we made from it (i.e. color scheme and to a certain degree the movement overall), they seem to be pulling a "I wanted waffles" kinda thing. Like when Eidos did Dues Ex Human Revolution

>> No.3145007

So is that what we can consider Quake to be about? Antithetical Horror?

>> No.3145008

I'll work on the on foot hud next, after I fix up the pulse lasers to look more "beamy", and not like a bunch of fireballs placed in a row.

There's a chainsaw that you can use in the mech with altfire. It has a bit of a longer reach and does a bit more damage than the vanilla Doom chainsaw.

>> No.3145010

Quit spamming

>> No.3145013
File: 100 KB, 300x300, bueno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you're still working on this

>> No.3145015

i don't care if there's a new doom game or not, i just want it off /vr/

>> No.3145016

>There's a chainsaw that you can use in the mech with altfire. It has a bit of a longer reach and does a bit more damage than the vanilla Doom chainsaw.

That's pretty fucking awesome, now because the player in a big ass mech, does that mean we can freely move while chainsawing or does that traditional "lock" when chainsawing things?

And any plans for getting a replacement mech or recalling your mech when on foot? Doesn't have to be a thing but I like the idea of the mech taking a critical hit, getting ready to explode, and you bail out of it metal slug style.

>> No.3145017

I didn't make >>3145010, though.

>> No.3145020

Whoops fuck me, I meant that I didn't make >>3145005.

>> No.3145034

I have it set currently to the tradition "lock and pull" of the vanilla chainsaw, but I can easily change that. You think it would be better to have free control?

Currently, getting out of your mech is really just a feature for the sake of having another feature. It doesn't serve any useful purpose and being outside your mech is pretty much a death sentence.
The only use getting out has at the moment is if you override the emergency shutdown and keep firing till your mech is about to detonate. Then you can hop out before you explode and wait for the mech to cool down, then get back in.
I didn't really think of the player getting a replacement if they get their mech blown up, as I thought that would be an amusing "oh shit" moment.

>> No.3145037
File: 223 KB, 400x324, 657564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think it'd be better to have free control given the context of the mech, it's strong as fuck and would be able to control its chainsaw with ease.

as for hopping out of the mech, I'm fine with how you got it set up, I'd personally go for a method of recovering your mech in some way whether it be from a pickup or some timer based thing, but I like making really arcadey dumb bullshit mods, so take that for what you will.

It's still a cool feature and I'm glad to see you adding so much to this mod. I look forward to playing this.

>> No.3145046
File: 19 KB, 350x300, 1397339964480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else have issues with ZDL when trying to select multiple files? Whenever I try to ctrl+click multiple wads my Disk I/O maxes out for some reason.

>> No.3145047
File: 16 KB, 551x352, 1448697521468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've just started playing Doom 2. Installed Zdone, and did the autoexec thing.

Is it supposed to be so goddamn dark? I'm on MAP05, and I can't see shit past my nose in the hallway near the start, and MAP04 was a fucking nightmare in the hallway filled with imps. Is there a way to make shit less covered in pure darkness?

>> No.3145056
File: 47 KB, 418x470, stock-photo-sad-boy-depressed-teenager-at-home-problems-at-family-95819308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That video is pretty crappy because it's trying so hard to shit on the new DOOM, but when the old camcorder footage of id in the 90's pops up I feel some fucking feels that I never wanted to feel.

>> No.3145072

>he wanted to, but the art guys couldn't do shit while Carmack was doing his engine trickery
The engine might not have been fully finished by the time game development started, but the Quake engine started development before Doom 2 even, it was stable enough to work on by the time they got around to actually start Quake, they made levels, the artists were churning out resources and assets (usually waiting for directions from Romero).

He cared, but he didn't care enough to put enough effort into seeing it done. There's a clear distinction between Romero's situation and Hall's situation when it comes to id

>> No.3145093

Well, Z& doesn't support the flags to stop the chainsaw from locking on and pulling you in, so I guess the chainsaw is going to function like the normal Doom chainsaw.

>> No.3145167

I've just been releasing the cyberdemon to take care of all the barons, maybe grabbing the berserk if I need it and just hauling ass out to the yellow key, just ignoring everything outside. If I get lucky with enemy collision I can get back inside and hit the switch behind the yellow door, but I don't survive long after that.

>> No.3145271
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20160416_212132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over how much I love this. It's cheesy to call something "inspiring", but the whole time I was exploring I thought to myself how cool it would be to make a hub world like this for my own game. I was all like "Oh neat! This could be what a docks level would look like!" "Oh cool! Lydia could go to this titty bar to find a suspect!" Arrggh, so fucking good, so much goddamn potential. I can't praise this enough.

>> No.3145289

So I just logged into my Zdaemon account for the first time in probably 5 years, and its fucking dead.

I looked and see that Skulltag stopped updating their shit like in 2010.

Is multiplayer dead or is there somewhere else to go?
I would think on a saturday night Zdaemon would be filled with players

>> No.3145296


>> No.3145383

For yellow area you should A) push the button and B) get the key as fast as possible. This way you can create in-fighting between cybers and skeletals. The other barons and revenants, which flock to the area where you start, can be made to in-fight with the 2 cybers in the room to the right of your start. If you push a button a wall goes down and they can fight each other.

The rest of the level is not that difficult if you are methodical. Be prepared for the red key fight (just hide in the red corridors and BFG'd them from there) and that's mostly it. Blue key should be last and easiest.

>> No.3145404

Thanks! I've been watching the progress of your project. All of the new sprites are looking pretty sweet, makes me want to attempt to sprite again.

>> No.3145418

As the other anon said, Zandronum is your option now, and it's certainly leagues ahead of ZDaemon.

ZDaemon still kind of works I think, and there's people who use it (I hope you can speak Spanish though), but the software is just hopelessly obsolete.

ZDoom itself still has just as bad multiplayer support as it's always had.

>> No.3145438

Thanks I'll give that a shot

>> No.3145460

>(I hope you can speak Spanish though)

what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.3145465

you're welcome

>> No.3145472


There's this (erroneous) concept of ZDaemon being filled with spanish-speaking people, which doesn't make sense because Zandronum shares the same (if not a bigger) amount of spanish-speaking folks in their servers.

Apparently this is relevant for some reason.

>> No.3145535


Simple: make the chainsaw fire super short range projectiles or hitscans.

Default vanilla doom melee code is annoying anyway

>> No.3145538
File: 54 KB, 580x504, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran some typical heat vision palettes through the Doom palette so see if any of them aren't complete shit.

Iron looks cool but Doom's purple range is shit. Arctic could use a rebalance so it's more orange to grey to light blue and not the yellow. Lava is embarrassing. Rainbow offers a lot but I imagine it'd be tiring to look at.

The solid blue isn't great because it looks very dark. If it used more bright blues by using two translations to have bright blue stretch further out into the darker to-be-translated colours then it might be alright.

I'll see if I can figure out a way to get a sensible gradient within the Doom palette based on Artic since it's the most viable as Orange and Blue have a lot of range.

>> No.3145572

Last Man Standing, No Jumping, No Crouching, No Mouselook, udmx.wad

>> No.3145614
File: 168 KB, 800x484, Brutal_Doom_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very first FPS I ever played was Doom 3.

Before that I mostly played RPGs and strategy games. I wasn't into guns IRL so I never thought that an FPS would be interesting. Doom 3 received a lot of critical acclaim though so I thought I would try it... I ended up liking it a lot, despite it not being well regarded as a 'Doom' game.

Since Doom 3 I've played dozens of FPSs and come to love the genre, but I could never get into the original Doom games because of their antiquated controls. No jumping, no manual aiming, etc..

As I was reading about the new Doom '4' game I found 'Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth v20b.' I really fucking love this game, and it is absolutely my first step into 'retro' FPS games. The flow of the campaign was AWESOME. The intense blast of blood, gore and suffering was great. I completed the campaign on the 'medium' difficulty and I'm thinking about going through it on a higher difficulty.

I've read a little about it and apparently it is kind of controversial... Some people claim it is the 'best ever Doom experience' and others hate it. I guess I can't really judge since Brutal Doom and vanilla Doom 3 are my only experiences with the franchise.

So I'm just looking for pointers on where to go from here. I would like to try some other Doom mods, especially if they're compatible with Brutal Doom since that's what I'm used to. I also really want to get into Duke Nukem and Blood, but is there a similar modernization of those games?

Any help is appreciated...

>> No.3145619
File: 3 KB, 98x98, Lydia_formalmug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man, you're making me want to get mapping again. I'm not doing much of anything useful right now anyways, just revamping one of my many mugs.

>> No.3145621

ggs sleep tight anon

>> No.3145623
File: 204 KB, 851x1305, palettes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would need a multi-section translation, if it's possible for fullscreen colour effects. If it isn't, then I have no idea how to do this.

>> No.3145630

Please tell me the obituary for getting killed by a nailgun included the word "nailed"

>> No.3145691

Please play Doom without Brutal Doom for once. Brutal Doom isn't the best Doom experience at all, it's loud, garish and headache inducing.
Try something like Smooth Doom which only adds more frames of animation to everything with some small other options you can turn on if you feel like.

>> No.3145735

Just play through Doom 1 and Doom 2 (at least until map 12) with ZDoom, no jumping, it gives you a close enough feel.
If you want, try it with Smooth Doom or something.
My point here is, the level design and gameplay of Doom is inherently very solid and it's worth experiencing, and I say this as a complete mod-whore.

The dislike for Brutal Doom comes from a dislike for a very vocal (and underage) fanbase that give it more praise than it deserve, the author being a professional faggot (boy is THAT a huge can of worms), and how in the ZDoom community, it frequently brings in a lot of people who simply are completely retarded and insist that any and all mod content and level sets should be made with Brutal Doom compatibility in mind.

Personally, I don't think Brutal Doom is -bad-, it has some things going for it, but I dislike a number of things about it, such as the sound design, which is some of the worst ever, and then we have the graphics and detailing, which isn't quite consistent, and often is very cluttered (and sometimes is very unappealing too).

If you like the flashiness of Brutal Doom, you should check out other mods as well.

>> No.3145747

Gameplay mods are usually mutually exclusive, only exception is DRLA+DoomRPG.

BD is good for flashiness, effects and visual feedback, but not much else. It makes combat with any respectable ammount of enemies a complete clusterfuck. If you enjoy that though, try Project Brutality.

For other Gameplay Mods: Samsara, MSX, Demonsteele, Colorful Doom and GMOTA are good places to start.

>> No.3145790

These aren't compatible with Brutal Doom

Metroid: Dreadnought, Samsara with the expansion roster addon which I think is http://www.best-ever.org/download?file=samsara_extraheroesv1.1za.pk3 , Hideous Destructor, Action Doom, Demon Eclipse, Shut Up and Bleed, The Space Pirate (RIP), The Adventures of Square, Nazis v2, Accessories to Murder

>> No.3145807

Opinions on Daedalus' Complex Doom? just found it in my temp wads folder from a server i joined that was running it and the japanese community pack (absolute clusterfuck in combination) and it works well with the first few levels of Doom 2 but seems to feel a bit harder. Variety of enemies is nice but I reckon i'd get tired of getting jumped by that quad shotgunner.

>> No.3145808
File: 12 KB, 640x400, DBg2apQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3145821

>the whole time I was exploring I thought to myself how cool it would be to make a hub world like this for my own game.
>tfw feel the same way but not skilled enough to make a whole mod

I just love hub worlds, especially ones that use bits of the levels they link to within the hub.

>> No.3145823

Does anyone have the Samsara comic with Chexguy zorching an enemy while the rest of the squad kills the other demons?

>> No.3145843


Holy shit he finally released the damn thing after fucking YEARS! This is newsworthy as fuck! >>3140817

>> No.3145849

Was this trying to look like a Doom-clone on the GBA? It looks pretty cool.

>> No.3145868
File: 39 KB, 438x377, 12418114_678805635589687_4456661894065626166_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggesting replacing doom wad downloads (in pastebin http://pastebin.com/vPbiw4NR)) with the one I've uploaded here:


Why? I added console exclusive Doom 1 levels (PSX, jaguar) in the form of console doom wad by Kaiser and the lost episode wad by Xaser.

I also added XBOX exclusive levels SEWERS and BETRAY, released on Doom 3 special edition, which had Doom 1 and Doom 2 included.

I also added an "improved" version of the official Doom 2 expansion "No Rest for the Living", only released on Doom 2 on XBOX 360 and Doom 3 BFG edition.The version I uploaded is NRFTD+.wad, and added music and improved the sky of the original NRFTD. Otherwise from what I can tell it is identical.

If anyone has the original NRFTL or NERVE.WAD file, please upload and share! If you own Doom 3 BFG on steam then you own NERVE.WAD in your steam game files.

I also added DOOM64.wad, made from the DOOM64EX tool that turns a Doom 64 rom file into a WAD file.

Lastly, patches for TNT level 31 and official "Perfect Hatred" map are included.

Chex, Strafe, Hexen, Heretic, Master levels for Doom II still included.

Any more official Doom goodies we might be missing?

I can also upload Super Noah's Ark 3D.wad if wanted, but that's a wolfenstein wad.

>> No.3145908

I like Complex Doom but I hate its addons. They make things way too luck based.
Quad shotgunners are mean, yes.

>> No.3145915

A bit late to the draw here, but there is a way with GZDoom. There are a bunch of sector lighting modes and a minimum sector brightness slider to play with.

If you use the autoexec.cfg mentioned in the OP, the commands that control those are gl_light_ambient and gl_lightmode.

>> No.3145920

Neat. Thanks for the hard work, anon. Hopefully next OP will replace it with yours.
But damn, this kind of well put together retro FPS playing pack makes me wish there was one for like, Quake/Quake 2 or Duke Nukem 3D/Other assorted BUILD games.

>> No.3145921


Here is the nerve.wad from Doom 3 BFG edition, you can verify it by comparing its md5 checksum to what's listed in doomwiki


It loads the music and skies correctly (at least on ZDoom) so I see no reason to keep that dodgy NRFTL+.wad along with it.

>> No.3145959
File: 594 KB, 800x2750, spriteFun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a plan to get together a mappack for your mod or anything?

>> No.3145968
File: 24 KB, 400x394, MI0001952878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. I started playing Doom on the PSP and loved it and found betray and sewers back in 2007ish. Some autism got in me today and I just learned about NRFTL today and was disappointed in my lack of doom knowledge. I had to find NRFTl and chex so I spent time hunting them down.

And thanks for NERVE.WAD. The checksums match of course, but NRFTL+.wad has a different checksum. Can anyone point to the differences? Perhaps the + version fixes some glitches? Or is the + version somehow malware? The maps look the same to me, maybe someone with more experience can use a tool to scan the + wad and see what has been changed from the official NERVE.wad?

I'll upload a new WAD.zip folder with NERVE.wad soon, but I want to see if I should include NRFTL+.wad

if I accidently type "NRFTD" I really mean NRFTL.

I was thinking of adding a few sourceports (gzdoom, zdoom and doom64EX) and popular PWADS (pirate doom, epic 2) to make a very light version of the "SO YOU WANT TO PLAY FUCKING DOOM.zip" 2GB zip file OP included, thinking noobies would prefer a leaner download to see if they like doom, and then could move onto the big 2GB file. Is that smart, or should I just stick to IWADS?

>> No.3145971

Adding some PWADs from the chart in the OP wouldn't hurt I think.

>> No.3145982
File: 29 KB, 251x251, 1372981411233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also thinking about adding reelism pk3 file and the oblige random level (pwad) generator for shits and giggles. And also have some guide images (like the one in pastebin) to form a doom newbie "starter pack" but again in a slimmer form.

I'll probably just do it once others weigh in on NRFTL+.wad vs NERVE.wad

>> No.3145985

NERVE.wad itself is totally fine to play in ZDoom and the like. I never had problems with it.

>> No.3145987
File: 2 KB, 58x130, mister_stabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some of the gameplay features I want, making my own maps would be required to trigger certain things. Who knows, maybe it'll be a whole iwad.

>> No.3145991
File: 208 KB, 602x792, 1390630366100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, I just found pirate doom today and man is it awesome. Map quality on par with official doom, and the visuals are ace. Some weapon spites look a little goofy but it's so atmospheric and awesome for free that that little flaw does nothing to it.

Also does anyone have the original chex2.wad? I couldn't find that, I found someone's gzdoom remake, attempting to be 100% the same. It seems like the original game because the they also remake chex1 and it plays and looks the same to me, and because the remade chex2 looks like footage of the original chex2.

I found chex3.wad which also remakes all the chex2 levels, and I found the original chex.wad, but no dice on the original chex2.wad :(

>> No.3145994
File: 2.04 MB, 262x425, laughingGas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to it either way. If you do get more mappers on board you could maybe set up a doc on how to use your custom assets and triggers and all that good stuff.

I've always wanted to see doom do sneaking well.

pic unrelated

>> No.3145998

d-did they perish

>> No.3146006
File: 749 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20160416_212325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of it will be basic shit like music changes to fit a different event in a level. Term is also helping me do some neat shit with the mug, such as her putting on sunglasses in sunny areas.


>> No.3146009
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, metroid and his girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both versions are official...


NTFTL+.wad has md5

NERVE.wad has mdf

For some reason id released different versions of this. This seems odd to me, because D3 BFG for steam has nerve.WAD but according to the second link the BFG for xbox has NRFTL+.wad

I think I'll include both for completeness sake, and include the list of hashes too.

>> No.3146013

Well if that's the case, then include both. Would be interesting to see what the plus version changed.

>> No.3146015

A bit offtopic. I replayed Halo recently, and for some reason it reminded me heavily of Unreal, but was worse in every aspect.

IMO Unreal is the last real "Retro FPS", where leveldesign is still abstract enough to allow levelmaker enough freedom, but at the same time it allows to make locations "realistic" in a sense so you know what was supposed to be what, and a village indeed looks like a village.

FPS further down the line loose the abstractness of level design in favour of realism, and all attempts to recreate that abstractness failed.

>> No.3146018

I'm pretty sure they were okay. I don't have a news article to back this up, but after the initial flame the oxygen would be exhausted and the fire would dim. Worst thing after that is a lack of oxygen, but they still have arms with which to operate doors, so after that I imagine they just have to worry about putting out some embers and losing some hair. Fucking stupid though.

>such as her putting on sunglasses in sunny areas
that sounds fucking fun. Neat details like that are the best. NOLF did that sort of thing. Not interactively, but Cate Archers outfit changed with the mission and location and all. Nice touches.

>> No.3146031

The way it's typically done now, for arena shooters anyway, is a level designer makes an abstract blockout of a map and then a bunch of artists go over it and make it pretty. If you took that approach to single player games you might be able to get decent level design out of modern games again.

They often have to design around a centerpiece of some sort. There's no reason you couldn't do a few main details in a single player map and map around them, while allowing the freedom of interesting design. Thief did something like that. Grounded levels, but with interesting layouts. The gameplay allowed for it a lot better than a twitch shooter though...

>> No.3146040
File: 16 KB, 320x200, Lydiatitle3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea...I loved the fuck out of NOLF. That might have been the reason I went with a leather coat for Lydia.

>> No.3146042

>>IMO Unreal is the last real "Retro FPS", where leveldesign is still abstract enough to allow levelmaker enough freedom, but at the same time it allows to make locations "realistic" in a sense so you know what was supposed to be what, and a village indeed looks like a village.
>FPS further down the line loose the abstractness of level design in favour of realism, and all attempts to recreate that abstractness failed.
What about HL1? It has a more realistic setting but that breaks down once you look at it harder due to the still abstract level design (the fan with the power switch underneath it, the box crane that leads nowhere over the bottomless pit, etc) and aside from reloading, shares most of its gunplay and movement with the Quake engine it's based on.

>> No.3146052

Still, it has way more realistic obstacles (industrial machinery, technical gadgets and stuff)

>> No.3146053
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I think she used the leather coat in NOLF 2? I never beat that one.

I think HL1 suffered from linearity, level design wise. I love the shit out of it, but it's not as much exploration. There are little off shoots, but nothing like the openness of some Unreal maps.

They were abstract, but not terribly retro feeling. I wish the linearity it introduced never become the norm, but people blaming HL as though it's a bad game bothers me more. The idea that there's not enough room in gaming for both schools of thought is why we're stuck with one and one alone in the first place.

>> No.3146068
File: 10 KB, 296x400, Unused_Lydiatitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I didn't care for NOLF 2 as much as the first one, even if NOLF 1 had a ton of broken stuff, like an often bullshit stealth system.

>> No.3146069

It does, but you still have stuff like aliens spawning in out of walls and luring the Gargantuan into the tesla coils and so on, and you do get to mix up the pistol and rifle with the Gluon gun and Gauss cannon (a chargeable railgun that you can also use to rocketjump? Fucking genius!).

I'll give you that it's linear, but most older shooters were, with Unreal's big ol' expanses being the notable exception; HL just replaced the usual id slipgates/exit arches with hallways to load the next map.

To its credit, though, the linearity actually makes sense- someone figured out if you physically connect every map in the game, they do make one big sprawling facility with almost zero overlap. And that's pretty neat.


>> No.3146079
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This is taking longer than expected because the version of TNT and Plutonia I have are the second newest, not the rare fixed versions. TNT31.wad fixes it but I don't have a copy with the fixed plutonia. Apparently it's all MP problems only, no single player fixes.

I'll have it in an hour, and the doom starter in another hour.

>> No.3146080

That pisstol looks more like scissors.

>> No.3146081

If it'll take that long you might not have enough time for it to be put in next thread's OP, but there's always next next thread.

>> No.3146082

I got pretty annoyed early in the game. The stealth was a little too broken in it for me. People were sensing me when I couldn't logically see why.

I want to finish it, but I've just never gotten around to it.

>but most older shooters were
I don't think they were. Not many of the ones I played, or consider a gold standard of retro FPS's anyway.
Duke, Dark Forces, Quake, Blood, System shock (if you want to count it as an fps and not an rpgs)... They're all pretty or extremely non-linear...

And yeah. Don't get me wrong, HL is impressive in more ways than one - or 3, or 10. But its still not what I would consider the epitome of retro level design. Thief takes that. If we're talking pure FPS games, it's probably still doom, or Unreal for me.

>> No.3146086

That HL1 map look awesome, but some areas that are supposed to be outdoors, are under the underground areas for some reason.

>> No.3146123
File: 289 KB, 650x1000, 1372982556697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some versions of the Doom Anthology version released on CD in c. 2004 had the fixed wads. So does GoG.com. I actually bought final doom and sure enough, they have the fixed, final versions of plutonia and TNT.wad. OP's link and my previous links don't have that. I'm uploading the new WADS.zip now and will upload a starter pack soon.

Doom is fucking awesome.

>> No.3146125
File: 571 KB, 450x632, 1372979754489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the steam version has the rare fixed final doom wads. Only gog and that anthology CD.

>> No.3146127

There's probably a reason as to why Doom's modding community is still very much alive after 21+ years. It's a game that captures your heart.

I'm pretty nostalgic for it myself cause I played it on my dad's old PC a lot along with Duke Nukem 3D.

>> No.3146134
File: 79 KB, 319x400, best ps3 exclusive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All official Doom and Doom derivatives WADS with latest patches, including patched Plutonia and TNT, included.


>> No.3146136


OP, please consider updated the iWADS.zip dropbox download with http://www.mediafire.com/download/5daxmd5azqmrvvz/WADS%282%29.zip

That file has the improvements in >>3145868 but also has the rare multiplayer map patched versions of TNT and Plutonia.WAD available only on newer versions of the doom anthology PC release and gog.com

Or possibly merge the two.

>> No.3146138

Has anyone done a remake of SNES doom? no monster rotations, and no flats? Plus the maps, and slightly off-feeling everything else.

>> No.3146139

What ever happened with Powerslave EX?

>> No.3146145

It's floating around on the internet somewhere for free, and it's pretty fun overall. I dunno about anything else though

>> No.3146146

I'm more just wondering why the download links were removed from the blog. I would assume it was a takedown but there were posts made after it so it seems like that's not the case.

>> No.3146153

Are you looking for a copy or something?

>> No.3146154

Its still around and completely playable aside from the fact that you take way more fall damage than you should and some minor graphical glitches.

>> No.3146156

No I'm just curious as to what happened with the project.

>> No.3146157

A link to it would be cool.

>> No.3146193

Just a zip of my poweslave folder. Should just extract and run perfectly though. You might end up with my save file.

>> No.3146224
File: 45 KB, 1142x471, 1372980842307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, I think the music wad is available somewhere. But you could probably rip the files if you get a rom of it and run it with Kaiser's console doom project ripping files (google it).

doom starter guide uploading now. I'd be interested if you all think the read mes added are helpful or not, I tried to make it idiot proof for a new doom player.

>> No.3146230
File: 11 KB, 251x226, 1398025342358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I haven't played an arcadey fast actioned addreline pumping FPS like Doom ever. It's the original and best.

The Halo campaigns are pretty mediocre but the multiplayer was the jam back in the day, both online and local.

>> No.3146232

Cool, thanks for this. Powerslave as a game always felt cozy and satisfying to me.
I'm having a problem with the HUD clipping the bottom of the screen though, I can't see how much health and weapon energy I have left.

>> No.3146237

>I'm having a problem with the HUD clipping the bottom of the screen though, I can't see how much health and weapon energy I have left.
Change your resolution.

>> No.3146243
File: 158 KB, 600x767, 1396186162618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Doom starter pack, with gzdoom, zdoom, chocolate doom, all official DOOM Iwads and pwads, chex quest, heretic, hexen, strife wads. Also included is some community levels (pirate doom, doom the way id did, etc), some mods (beautiful doom, reelism, the control mod in the pastebin) and several readme files to help a newbie understand how to load everything correctly.

It might be worth adding to your first post because at 300MB it's noticeably lighter than the 2GB "So you want to play some fucking doom" zip file. It also has the rare patched versions of TNT and Plutonia.WAD, only available on newer copies of the doom anthology CD and on gog.

See >>3145868 for more info about official doom content added to this zip file.


>> No.3146247

Changed the resolution to something else then changed it back to native and it's fixed. Thanks.
God I love Powerslave.

>> No.3146249

It was probably using my native resolution, which is 1600x900. I dunno what your monitor is, but it's probably less wide or something... Or not. Who the fuck knows.

>> No.3146251

1366x768 here.

>> No.3146263

Very friendly starter pack you've made. It'll be useful to someone at least.

>> No.3146270

>It also has the rare patched versions of TNT and Plutonia.WAD
does it have the originals as well, or just the patched versions only?

>> No.3146272

this is too confusing for me, i've had at least three requests to rewrite a document i inherited from the previous thread maintainers, and we're already on page 8, help

>> No.3146275
File: 41 KB, 815x509, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul launcher weapon designed and rendered and painted up. The actual colors will probably be a little off when it's paletted though.

>> No.3146278
File: 28 KB, 1010x1000, 1372980484680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just the newest versions. The new plutonia fixed a minor MP bug, the new TNT fixes the yellow key card in map 31 and also fixes a minor MP issue.

If you don't want the starter pack, at least merge the pastebin's iwads.zip file with >>3146134

>> No.3146281

>CyberShade - 20151214
heh, it might have been newsworthy four months ago

>> No.3146284


damn, played like a damn fiddle, oh well

>> No.3146285

>Nope, just the newest versions.
this is a problem because all tnt/plutonia demos are recorded on the original versions

>If you don't want the starter pack, at least merge the pastebin's iwads.zip file with >>3146134
you seem to be under the impression that i own those dropbox links and can modify them. i don't and i can't.

to be fair i don't remember reporting it at the time so i'll post it under "slowpoke edition"

>> No.3146296
File: 68 KB, 916x622, 1412454112333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you record on these versions? They are largely the same, save for those 3 bugs I mentioned (two of which are multiplayer only).

You can also just exchange the dropbox links with the mediafire links. Or make your own dropbox links.

>> No.3146297

If you are going for celtic-fantasy style as I assume, I'd suggest remaking lower plates into wood. Otherwise looks awesome.
it would be especially awesome if the jaws would move when weapon fires.

>> No.3146298
File: 101 KB, 500x501, 1405247493467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try being smart and sequence breaking with multi rockets again
>multiple Shamblers waiting for me

>> No.3146301

>jawbones riveted on a PVC pipe ring, fixed on its pipe and glued on a shield

i like it.

>> No.3146303

Welcome death, anon.

>> No.3146307

I'm too young/fat to die.

>> No.3146314

i'm just going to punt on this. adding both links and leaving the original.

>> No.3146319



>> No.3146320

Zandronum 2 doesn't even have the chainsaw pull in, just lock on.

Use a bullet attack if you don't want the lock-on either.

>> No.3147335


Dank photobashing.

I really hope you get this stuff finished, it looks real nice.
