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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 496 KB, 1496x1281, Europe vs America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3133409 No.3133409 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel bad about the primitive, inferior non-games that Americans had to play on their home computers?

>> No.3133476

We didn't givea shit about computers when we had consoles with better games, that ran at the proper refresh rate to boot. Nice troll though, faggot.

>> No.3133486

This thread again? Give it a rest, OP. Your penis will remain small no matter how many times you post it.

>> No.3133960


>> No.3133983
File: 176 KB, 341x239, 20160412 130414 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this? It looks playable

>> No.3134001

Nice bump, retard.

>> No.3134067

>Does anyone else feel bad about the primitive, inferior non-games that Americans had to play on their home computers?

You mean like Wolfenstein 3d, Doom, Prince of Persia, Monkey Island?

>> No.3134073
File: 75 KB, 634x680, justo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, we are watching and laughing at you, Australia.

>> No.3134103

>americans tried to innovate while yuropoors kept ripping off japanese games
i dont know anon i dont feel THAT bad

>> No.3134112


>> No.3134126

Sometimes it amazes me how inferior European computer games were to American computer games. What amazes me further is that euros have deluded themselves into thinking their games were better. Give me point and click adventures over 2D platformers and Tetris any day.

>> No.3134145

Does anyone else feel bad that nobody cared about PAL regions like Australia back in the day and they missed out on several masterpieces like Super Castlevania IV and Chrono Trigger?

>> No.3134150

>Sometimes it amazes me how inferior European computer games were to American computer games

Yes I'm dying to play this:


Over this.


>> No.3134208

yeah and i'd rather play wolfenstein 3D than turrican

unless you like those jumps you had to do with shitty joysticks where you weave in and out constantly

>> No.3134212

"When we first saw a Nintendo running, we were blown away by the sophistication and polish of its games compared with the usual standard of home computer gaming at the time."

-- Chris Stamper

>> No.3134215

Nintendoes what computers can't.

>> No.3134243
File: 74 KB, 1447x985, turrican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but no, tell me more about how europlatformers are really great

not pictured: turrets that shoot at you on the walls and they're pretty much unavoidable

i laughed so hard when some yuropoor in some other thread didn't understand why megaman was better than this

>> No.3134269

i also forgot to mention, you press UP to jump in this game

so yes, back then you had shitty low quality joysticks and you had to jump diagonally by pressing up, but no Amiga games are TRUE QUALITY

>> No.3134271

ain't this the first level? damn, son

>> No.3134273

it's level 1-2

even if it was like level 6-1 this shit isn't justifiable, turrican commits almost every sin in the book when it comes to platformers and it's STILL considered the best by yuropoors

>> No.3134281

it ain't even hard, son

>> No.3134283


I don't think he means it's hard, but that it's an unavoidable hazard, making it bad level/control design.

>> No.3134286

no, but it's bullshit level design that wastes your time

and there's still unavoidable turrets in a game with no invincibility frames

>> No.3134290

I had a Spectrum when I was 8 years old, then later when I saw a NES I realised just how cheap, poorly-designed, and hard to control that most Speccy games were. Many of them didn't even have an ending and often times the game would simply crash when you reached a certain level or overflowed the score counter.

>> No.3134295

oh and in level 1-3 you have to do it again but this time you do it above spikes that drain your health

and i guarantee you will fall a lot

>> No.3134298

I sure do love how this place has turned in to /v/.

Every single one of you 'people' should probably kill yourselves. Probably.

>> No.3134881


>> No.3134914

Computer gaming didn't get good until Steam was created and all the developers began developing games for PC for that sweet Valvebux.

>> No.3135292

>An army of salarymen working 60 hours a week for months to send their game to be scrutinized by a certification board

Compared to

>Some high schoolers cobbling some BASIC code together in a handful of weekends and farting it out on cassette for the price of a latte

>> No.3136495

Eat shit, OP.

>> No.3136805

>bunch of lads making interesting games as a labour of love because they liked doing it


>soulless corporate wage slaves working to enrich Nintendo's shareholders

>> No.3136809


I bet you believe in communism too

>> No.3136814

Here is a better one, which region had the best computers?

Personally I think that Europe had the best Microcomputers (I.E. Speccy, Elk etc.) but America had the best home computers (I.E. Apple Mac).

>> No.3136820

Well, he is in Australia, which is more or less a socialist toilet that swirls backwards.

>> No.3136936

Because the Amiga had 1 joystick button. American design.

>> No.3136938

American design that the Europeans loved, for whatever reason, despite the fact that plenty of consoles with more than 1 button had been out by then.

Even the Intellivision had more than 1.

>> No.3136963

This also means another thing, were the developers even aware of the Amiga having only one button? Why did they make jumps like this?

>> No.3137126

Castlevania IV came out in Australia. And Chrono Trigger was easily importable.

>> No.3137136

I doubt Chrono Trigger would work well in PAL consoles.

>> No.3137146

Not true. SNES wasn't sold at all in that shithole. That's the only explanation for Australia-kun's undying hatred of the thing.

>> No.3137185

Stop with the memes, shitposter. I'm sick of this Australian bogeyman bullshit. There's more than one person from that continent that contributes to this board.
SNES existed and still exists here.

>> No.3137209

>easily importable.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3137215


Not him but Australia-kun is a known shitposter on castlevania threads that's easily recognizable, they call him australia-kun because he always insists that everything from australia is better, including the way Sega is pronounced there.

Not everyone from Australia is Australia-kun, >>3137146 is just shitposting, maybe because the OP from this thread is likely Australia-kun. He mentioned Castlevania IV because that game always triggers Aus-kun.

>> No.3137229

But retro computers are more useful and often cheaper

>> No.3137270

It's a well-known fact that Australia didn't receive anything Nintendo until the Wii, which is why Australia-kun was stuck with only Sea-guh games and shitty European computer games.

>> No.3137393

I imagine that one could use the keyboard, which allows for a multitude of buttons.

>> No.3137396

Yeah, that's great when you can't control most of the game with the keyboard and to use the bombs you have to press space with your toe while you're playing.

>> No.3137397

Sensible Soccer was brilliant with one button, shut up you fags.

>> No.3139645

>soccer games

>> No.3139646


>> No.3139664

>not playing SS with updated rosters everyday

>> No.3139684

Any non-contact sport like soccer is for gayboys.

>> No.3139695

They still shower together after the game, though.

>> No.3142741


>> No.3142761

Some yuropoor got triggered and BTFO in the C64 thread so he made this

ignore and sage

>> No.3142791


He's not european, it's australia-kun.

He shitpost daily in multiple threads by now you should know him.

>> No.3142824

>Turrican looks badass
>Plays it
>Screen starts scrolling when you're near the right border
>Can't avoid shit

Fuck, I really wanted to enjoy the series.

>> No.3142825

desu American 16 and 32bits were far superior

>> No.3142830

im the anon who posted that picture, mega turrican is as good as it gets for that series, it's not as retarded