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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 382 KB, 640x480, Eccodc_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3128449 No.3128449 [Reply] [Original]

>no one remember this game

Why? It was the best Ecco

>> No.3128545
File: 152 KB, 475x270, Pteranadon_hanging_waters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made post about it before no one likes to discuss this one

>> No.3128549

Great game. Also nightmare fuel.

>> No.3128554

fantastic music too

>> No.3128563

Awesome game on PS2 :)

>> No.3128613

I've wanted to get into this but haven't ever managed. 3D ocean simulator is a great concept but I got stuck wandering the first level without having a clue how to progress. I'll get there someday.

>> No.3128621

>thinks the buggy version is better
welp there goes the thread

>> No.3128627

There was 2 more sequels. Jeez. Not that great. Fuck. Slip in a copy of Maximum Overdrive already and jerk off to Emelio Estevezev.

>> No.3128639

It gets even more confusing from there on.

>> No.3128654

why are you such a asshat anon?

>> No.3129229

cause this is 4chan. Everyone here is an asshole. Dude this ain't the old /vr/ where everyone is nice. It's more like /v/ these days. Kind of.

>> No.3129323

They completely fucked up the precise and fluid movement control making the transition to 3D

I've never played or seen it. I'm just guessing.

>> No.3129339

It's damn near unplayable, anon.

>> No.3129360

Ecco controls like an aircraft simulation while also controlling the camera. But it kind of adds to the tension of being underwater and having to overcome the controls while being attacked by a huge ass shark.

>> No.3129391

It's not even the real Ecco 3 canonically. That's what burns me the most about this game.

>> No.3129573

Please explain, anon.

>> No.3129839


Not him, but at the end of Tides of Time you're given a code for Ecco 3, a game that never got made and that Annuziata still has folders for of notes for.

Also, Defender of the Future is not in canon with the two main Ecco games.

>> No.3130378

How so the only thing that's broken about this game is it's fov

>> No.3130382

Pitty the sequel got cancelled

>> No.3130386

I remember the last ecco thread where one guy was relentlessly bashing it, and this other guy defending was sperging out as well. I hope this thread devolves to that.

>> No.3131336

Overall it's my least favorite (excluding Ecco Jr.) but I still thought it was a pretty great game. As for why it's not as well remembered? I think even in a series known for being hard, it was more challenging than a lot of people enjoyed.

>> No.3131397


Blew my mind. The scifi, esthetics, audio, narrative, incredible.

>> No.3131405
File: 20 KB, 300x245, ecco_the_dolphin_defender_of_the_future_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aesthetics are amazing in that game. True story, I was always very skeptical of 3D since it became big. There were some great games, but I thought almost all the 3D N64 and PS1 games looked really crappy compared to what could be done with 3D.

Defender of the Future was the first console game I saw that I thought looked good enough.

>> No.3131429

How does this plays?

It's the movement really smooth or is kind of like tomb raider mixed up with Majora's mask zora controls?

It emulates well enough on PC?

>> No.3131434

It plays a lot like the 2D ones, but in kind of first person. You aim where you're going with the stick and then either tap to swim or dash.

It's quite smooth. Nothing at all like Tomb Raider. I don't know how the zora controls in MM though.

Never tried emulating.

>> No.3131437

Dreamcast is the point where I consider that 3D in vidya started to look actually good

>> No.3131440

Very smooth.

>> No.3131441

I think i will try to emulate if it doesn't work then i guess i'll be stuck with the PS2 version until i get a dreamcast.

>> No.3131443

Good luck, it's a great game. Never played the PS2 version, but I know someone who did and still had a good time.

>> No.3131463

Ecco Defender of the Future is more like a reboot than a sequel, really.

>> No.3132154

its a really pretty and atmospheric game and all I just found it a bit confusing and the draw distance wasn't so great, its easy to get lost and disorientated.

>> No.3132165


For the record I love how Zora Link controls on Majora's Mask, and always thought it'd be nice to play a dolphin game with these kind of controls. Jumping over the surface and diving again felt great, and it controlled pretty smoothly too, I thought. I loved doing the Beaver Race and sometimes I just went there to swim freely, possibly one of my favorite locations in the game along with the beach.
Talking about the original btw, didn't play the 3DS version but I know they changed stuff about the swimming physics.

Not sure about Ecco 3D because I never played it.

>> No.3132186

>its easy to get lost and disorientated
Nightmare fuel in the post apocalypse second act.

>> No.3132998

and 3rd and 4th act

>> No.3133012

Dreamcast, anon. Nobody bought it and it had some of the best games ever made.

Just like Sega Saturn. Or Sega CD.

Prime Sega games only came about when its consoles started dying.

>> No.3134303

anybody know differences between dreamcast and PS2 versions?

>> No.3134305

Yeah, old /vr/ was a lot nicer and console war bullshit was kept on /v/ for children who want to pretend they're still in elementary school.