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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3128227 No.3128227 [Reply] [Original]

I've had this game since it came out and me and my brother used to play it for hours trying to figure out what thing we needed to beat the game. Turns out this game goes for $100 or so on various market places. I didn't think it was THAT good of a game

>> No.3128257

this thread's gonna turn ugly

>> No.3128303

Super adventure island II. I don't even remember buying it which means it was an eBay lot or a couple bucks at a thrift store. Recently sold it after playing it and hating it

>> No.3128305

why? i literally discovered its worth not long ago. i went to look up a review for the game since I was curious if others though it was average or awful, and in the review they guy said copies are expensive and rare, so I went to look for myself and I was surprised

>> No.3128313


>> No.3128315

piece of shit upselling sack of scum

>> No.3128319

I looked in my dresser and saw a game called "Earthbound" then I looked it up on my phone and was like "wow now I am rich".

>> No.3128350
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>> No.3128383

>be me
>love playing point'n'clicks at parents' workplace
>get a mega drive
>"now you can play at home!"
>suddenly all these platformers and almost no adventure games
>learn about scooby doo mystery

Ok, it's pretty average in terms of point'n'click adventures, but it gets special love from me for being a point'n'click on this system. Plus, it's basically two games in one, so when you're hopelessly stuck in one of them, you can try getting further in the other.

>> No.3128401

Theres a few adventure games on Sega CD.

>> No.3128750

I have a copy of Wayne's World for NES that I bought back in the day. It's a pretty crappy game, but it goes for over $100 for some reason. I guess it was AVGN that inflated the price.

>> No.3128776

Willy Bemis comes to mind. And as much as I love that game, the load time is brutal.

>> No.3128787
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>selling things for their market value
>not giving them away to the nearest elite collector in exchange for nothing more than obscure region factoids and the privilege of getting to lay your eyes upon their CIB collection
Everyone knows a videogame is worthless until a "real" collector with a "real" collection gets thier hands on it

>> No.3129524

stfu newfag

>> No.3129854


>> No.3129868
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>> No.3130068

Cleaning out my mom's attic last week I found a box I must have put up there when I was about 15 and new GBA stuff had stopped coming out, it was the boxes and manuals for just about every GBA I own including the first megaman battle network, both metroid games, double dragon advance, fire emblem, minish cap and about 30 others. Pretty stoked about it.

>> No.3130291

Neat find anon. With exception of big-name stuff like Metroid, GBA prices haven't exploded quite yet. I'm sure it's just around the corner though. Still, it's nice to have such items.

>> No.3130294

Ninja Gaiden III and snes Sunset Riders are the two games I own which snuck up on me with their price jumps.

>> No.3130305
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this cant be real

>> No.3130324

It's a joke about that stupid meme idiot. You're lucky it's against the law to kill someone for being a fucking moron or else I'd have you dealt with.

>> No.3130408
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>> No.3130620


>> No.3130698
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Jesus nigga, relax

>> No.3130767

I found a copy of chrono trigger in a pile of poo a few years ago.

>> No.3130773

show pix

>> No.3130840
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NES Marble Madness.

>Milton Bradley Presents
>Copyright Tengen

I mean, no one would have realized unless they recognized the staff's names on the high score list.

>> No.3130847

What are you talking about? That game isn't rare in the slightest. It's a 5 buck title at worst.

>> No.3130868

take your meds you fucking autist

>> No.3130898
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Did Scooby Doo Mystery support the Genesis Mouse? It seems like a pretty obvious choice.

While not exactly a "game" (and it won't officially be retro until this fall), I didn't realize how rare the Gabecube component cables were until I read about it. I asked for them for Christmas way back when because you could only get them from Nintendo's website, and that's how I always hooked up my GC. Now that I see them selling for hundreds of dollars I'm almost afraid I'm gonna do something stupid with mine every time I touch them. I'm glad I have them though, because GC games in progressive scan look ace.

>> No.3130924

I bought ren and stimpy firedogs for $1 at blockbusters when they got rid of all the snes games.

Absolute shit and not really worth anything , but it is kinda rare

>> No.3130957

he's being cheeky, it's developed by rare.

>> No.3130968

Just get a set of Wii component cables if you ever do something stupid.

>> No.3131031
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The Wii is a fine option for playing GC games in 480p, but the Gamecube has sharper image quality in 480p than the Wii. Also my memories of the GC are much fonder than any I have of the Wii, which is the biggest reason why I prefer using it. I also modded it to read regular DVD-R backups, which I was pretty proud of.

(It doesn't play DVD movies though, obviously.)

>> No.3131043
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>> No.3131342


I remember around 2004 I was at a gamestop or EB games or something and I came across a box for PS2 component cables with a $2.99 SALE sticker on it.

When I went to check out, the clerk acted like the price was an error but sold it to me anyways, the price under that sticker was like 39.99 or something

>> No.3132028

Neat. Good quality component cables for PS2 are hard to find. I bought these ones for PS3 that are backwards compatible and they're really good. Sadly the PS2 itself isn't that great when it comes to RGB output, but having good cables at least helps.

Also, some games can be forced to run in progressive scan if you're running custom firmware on your PS2, and for the ones that support it they look really nice. One of the best examples in my library is Ultimate Spider-Man.