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3126107 No.3126107 [Reply] [Original]

is Shenmue really as good as this makes it seem? because I'll pick it up right now if I can pet a cat in a video game

>> No.3126113

Can everybody who sees this post please reply to it? Gonna be honest, I'm desperately craving some (You)s.

>> No.3126118

It was alright, but I just played the demo version for DC. Don't remember much.

>> No.3126142

burning some disks right now

>> No.3126157

Shenmue is a game in which you play out the daily routine of a young Japanese man in the 1980's. It's exceptionally dull, but it has a nice atmosphere and lots of attention to detail. It's pretty damn clunky, and the story/VO is fucking awful. I would call it more of an "important" game than a "good" one. Shenmue II is a little better.

>> No.3126164
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>> No.3126170

Yes you get to pet a cat, not only that but
you get to feed it and decide on what kind of
food to feed it.
If you are planning on playing this just remember
it's very cinematic game with some pretty innovative mechanics for it's time.

>> No.3126174

H-hi, anon.

(You) okay?

>> No.3126183

Ina-san isn't mommy-san! Fucking TRIGGERED.

I don't find the bad VA charming but I guess some do.

>> No.3126186


>> No.3126214

If you are the kind of people who likes to pet cats in videogames you're probably gonna like it.

>> No.3126240

There's really not much time for the cat because you have to go get those sweet, sweet gachapon toys.

>> No.3126270

It's a walking simulator and a QTE simulator all rolled into one big pile of autism.

>> No.3126302

and sometimes it's Virtua Fighter

>> No.3126356

Don't know shit about Shenmue, I came to this thread to see what the fuss is about too.

But hello anyway.

>> No.3126357

Sounds like something I would totally not play.

>> No.3126368

Yo can work at a pachinko stand in 2

>> No.3126417

idc about shenmue but holy FUCK the art sucks in the new penny arcades

>> No.3126432


>> No.3126451

I loved Shenmue but haven't played it since it was new so no idea how it holds up(probably not too well). I mostly remember spending all my money at the arcade just like in real life.

>> No.3126462

Shenmue is a hit or miss with people. I liked it but understand why other were disappointed. You basically live Ryos life and the beginning will make you quit. By the end of disc 1, things get better. Also the fighting engine and racing ones are amazing. Also Space Harrier isn't arcade perfect the sound emulation is off.

>> No.3126803
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>fighting engine
So my opinion on this game is extremely biased because the only person that I knew who owned it was this really weird creepy kid that is the son of some family friends.

He wouldn't shut up about Shenmue at the time, and knowing him, that meant it was probably garbage.

Anyway, his family came over for dinner one night, and he brought his copy of Shenmue along, so I sat down and played it for a few minutes. I got into a fight, beat up some guys, thought it was kinda of slow and clunky, and then he told me I just beat the game.


Anyway, I recognize now that it might have been a really cool game, and perhaps one day I will give it a try. Still, can the fighting really be that good if I picked it up for the first time and beat the final boss(es) or whatever without even realizing it?

>> No.3126818

This game is literally hot garbage

Its a boring and insanely dull

it was a neat idea when i came out, but it really nothing to this game aside from QTEs

The second game is technically better because of the bigger locations andthe game gives you more hints on where to go next, but it still more QTEs

the series is shit

Yakuza is infinitely better

>> No.3126819

It was probably clunky because he was a scrub that didn't get the full move set training scrolls (each special is individually unlocked). Also remember that they anticipated releasing a new chapter every year or so and they didn't want too much of a climax at the end of the first game (I know that kind of sucks) but first and foremost you need to keep in mind that Shenmue is much more about the journey than about the destination.

>> No.3126826

I love Shenmue but Sega were idiots for spending so much money (it was once the most expensive game ever produced) on a game with niche appeal.

>> No.3126837

>Shenmue is much more about the journey

yeah, the journey of pretending to have a job driving a forklift for a fucking week as the final part of the game

shenmue is trash

>> No.3126884
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Welcome to /vr/. How contrarian are you?

>> No.3126885

the fighting mechanics are more akin to virtua fighter so if you like something like that then you'll enjoy this. You needs to train Ryo to be a better fighter. There are moves you learn in the game and you have time to practice them. You might end up beating the gollum looking guy who is the final boss with a certain move. But the 72 man fight was the best part of the game for me and the racing forklifts and motor chase to find your waifu.

>> No.3126906


no, just simply pointing out how shit the game is

or are simple facts too hard for your feeble ming too hard to handle

>> No.3126925

Shenmue is literally a Kung Fu Revenge Simulator, with everything that tracking down the man who killed your father and defeating him with your kung fu would actually entail.

Which is to say, you mostly go around trying to find out where that guy went, practice kicks in a parking lot, and work a shitty job at the docks, while very occasionally kung fu fighting.

>> No.3127186

Fucking "Gabe" takes his art way too serious now, and focuses way too much on these long serious projects that suck. They realized that they no longer have to work to be funny, and can afford to let their comics stagnant while they try to be more artsy.

>> No.3127401
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> or are simple facts too hard for your feeble ming too hard to handle

> spells mind wrong
> calls other people feeble

>> No.3127430
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>he journey of pretending to have a job driving a forklift for a fucking week
as is proudly referred to in op's image

There are two kinds of gamers: gamers who would work as a forklift driver in the industrial section of Yokosuka in 1986 if they could and gamers who wouldn't. If you're the latter, don't play Shenmue.