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File: 72 KB, 631x559, Romancing SaGa 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3123461 No.3123461 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3123476

Damn. I'm down.

>> No.3123503

YES, I don't even care that it's on smartphones

I wonder if this means that translators won't even bother with the SNES version now

>> No.3123547

literally who cares

>> No.3123583

People who've been waiting to play this game in English.

Also, it's a turn based RPG. I'm going to grab a controller for my phone and be fine.

>> No.3123610
File: 71 KB, 594x515, 1443346341500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im gonna purposely ignore advancement in phone technology because I can only get a boner for things made before 1989

>> No.3123620

Hell fucking yes!


RPGs are the only acceptable type of game to play on a phone with a touch interface, so I'm down as hell for this.

>> No.3123639

This is fantastic news, I don't even care that it's for phones.

>> No.3123643

But how well does it emulate? That should be more important for the users of this board.

>> No.3123646


>> No.3123647

A shame they're not working on the Vita port.

But this version isn't bad, got it on launch on my Vita, the only qualm with this version is that the extra content fucks up the balance in terms of equipment and that the sprite scaling is all kind of bad.

For those interested though, there are quite a new good things in the game, for instance they put a scale in the castle treasury so you can see each character weight, they put a similar device in the magic research facility too so you can see what I presume is what we unofficially call the Dark Score in the west, there's a neat Imperial Chronicle function which records every single important information in the game even depending on which route you chose and so on...

Despite the so so new graphics it's a great remaster, the bugfix alone it's worth it, believe me. Happy for you guys who can't read Jap, hope they don't fuck up the translation too much, but it's so simplistic I doubt they will, or at least, I hope so.

>> No.3123690
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>> No.3123692

You can play it in your PC as well with Andy

>> No.3123693


After a bit of playing, it's not really any different from playing on any old handheld. It'll probably be cheaper this way, too.

>> No.3123695

Well I was hoping they were going to release the Vita version as well.

>> No.3123697


Oh, yeah. That's a darn shame. Still, the fact that Square-Enix cares about us enough to give us these scraps is nice.

>> No.3123718


>> No.3123732

I'm fine with this news.

Except that it doesn't work on my Android phone for some reason (according to the JP version)

It's kinda low powered but still.

>> No.3123741

Tbh it's still not advanced enough for me.

>> No.3123746

If the scripts good, I'd imagine this would only ease the RPM hackers job. Extract the script from the smartphone version and insert it to the SNES rom. Sure it'll need tools but at least the translation itself is done.

>> No.3123749
File: 33 KB, 795x423, aeon genesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Aeon Genesis will use this official translation to make an English patch for the original game like they did with the Super Famicom version of Tactics Ogre by using the PS1 version's official translation.

>> No.3123768

>Extract the script from the smartphone version and insert it to the SNES rom.

It would be kind of a pointless job since the new version also has extra lines for the new dungeons, quests and characters, it doesn't really warrant a 100% playthrough of the new version just to know what to put in the SNES one, and as you said we still don't know how good the official translation is going to be, and considering the terrible jobs they're doing with most of their titles maybe you'd be better off retranslating the thing completely anyway.

Besides, considering how the game works I guess it's basically the old mobile ROM with new assets, content, bugfixes and an extra save slot, much like they did with the FF "HD" remakes, there's even the same curiosities like the NPC that jumps off screen in the Thieves' Guild, though maybe they didn't alter that for keeping the dank meme.

We'll see anyway, I'm kinda curious, I'm not going to buy it since I already have it on my Vita, but this localization is definitely a good signal all things considered, especially for Scarlet Grace's possible localization.

>> No.3123945

If this means 2 never gets translated for SNES then I'm gonna be fucking pissed.

>> No.3124012

Blame Gideon for being a tortoise anyway.

>> No.3124041
File: 265 KB, 680x486, RocYourWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soon a new audience will learn to Do It For Her

>> No.3124049

>Muh nostalgia for a game I've not even played
Shove it up your ass fuccboi. Be gratefu we are even getting this because if we'd have never gotten anything if we kept waiting just like >>3124012 said.

>> No.3124059
File: 1015 KB, 1000x1000, d3380b66b2df74945fcc78f1f56ddc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I didn't buy the remaster for her in the first place

Also, rough translation, feel free to correct.


>――今回『ロマサガ2』が配信されたことで、ほかの『サガ』シリーズ作品も移植されるのでは!? と期待しているファンも多いかと思いますが、いかがでしょうか。

Now that the RomaSaGa2 remake has been released, is there a possibility of another SaGa game being remade? I believe that's what the fans have been hoping for, what do you think?

>河津 『ロマサガ3』は、いままで一度も移植されていないので、やりたいという気持ちがあります。もうちょっと作り込みたかったところもありますし。コマンダーモードですとか。

Kawazu: RomaSaGa 3 is the only one who hasn't been remade up to now, I would like to do something about it. There's a few things I feel that need to be expanded/worked on, Commander Mode, for instance.

You better get hyped.

>> No.3124162
File: 13 KB, 188x140, 1331092010664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


RS3 is the best one in the series. My ideal scenario is this:

>RS2 gets translated, sells enough to warrant localizing other titles in the series
>RS3 gets released, subsequently gets localized as well
>both games get released on Steam/PC like some of Squeenix's other mobile ports so I'm not forced to buy shit on a phone
>someone takes the official translations, and patches them in the original SNES games

That's all I'm asking for. All I ask.

The list of worthwhile SNES RPGs left to fully translate gets smaller and smaller. All it's missing is about a dozen or so like Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu, Thracia 776, Solid Runner, Albert Odyssey 1-2, Lady Stalker, Super Famicom Wars, Metal Max 2 or Traverse Starlight & Prairie.

>> No.3124189

The Metal Max 2 DS remake was being worked on but they dropped the project afaik, I don't see people working on niche releases like Solid Runner, though for some reason Dark Law did get a ENG patch, so don't lose hope, Solid Runner being a sci-fi RPG with action-y battle system might make someone interested, it's also relatively short so it shouldn't take much time unless there's some problems in the patching process.

Traverse, I don't really see anyone wanting to work on that, same with games like Bounty Sword, especially because Traverse has quite a lot of text to work on and it's a quite large RPG, a shame since they're some real hidden gems in the system that only a few try out and keep on playing.

Overall, the fantranslation scene is quite erratic, on one hand they work on literal who games on the other they hardly work on either cult games, see Metal Max series, Traverse or Hero Senki or big sellers like Tengai Makyou or Romancing SaGa, which is only recently getting attention, with Romancing SaGa 3 old patch being literal garbage.

>> No.3124191

i read salsa in op's pic

>> No.3124220
File: 236 KB, 570x1055, 40630323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't quite know how to feel about this.

Perhaps if I knew Jap or something it wouldn't affect me so much oh well either way. I guess this any fan translation attempts will die out now(You hear me AG? it's your fault for sitting on this for so long!) this will be the first official SaGa release we gotten in a while won't it?

>> No.3124226

You are one dumb weeaboo faggot.

>> No.3124231

>this will be the first official SaGa release we gotten in a while won't it?
>in a while

If 11 years is just "a while" for you, yeah.

>> No.3124235

hurray for shit fucking graphics on one of my favorite classic games

fuck you

>> No.3124239

Oh I see I guess that is a long time.

>> No.3124252

Is it better than the first one on SNES? I played that last year and it was all kinds of bad. The musix was amazing, but the graphics werent the best and the gameplau was really slow (walking speed, battle pace, thousanda of unavoidable enemies in the same small corridor).

Is 2 better?

>> No.3124279

Who is this cute lady?

>> No.3124296
File: 123 KB, 354x472, I made a huge mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess this any fan translation attempts will die out now

ROMhackers/translators are even more obsessive than regular anons. They're the kind of people who will retranslate an entire game like Chrono Trigger so it's more accurate to the Japanese version.

I'm sure they'll eventually do it and won't be fine with a Japanese classic only having a redone mobile version as an option to play it in English forever.


The sequels are definitely much better. They're still weird games with pretty niche appeal even among RPG players outside of Japan. Akitoshi Kawazu is a mad man.

>> No.3124304

>Makes his games so complicated and full of RNG because "he wants to be surprised at his own game whenever he plays it"
Absolute madman.

>> No.3124305

Well, at least it looks like they've put some effort into the game, looks better than the FFV-VI remakes.

Still looks kind of weird, though. "HD" backgrounds clashes wth the original character sprite work a little.

>> No.3124345
File: 471 KB, 700x645, 17440713_p9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocbouquet. Sorry if you already looked it up.

Perhaps. I guess I can have some hope in them.

>> No.3124569

2 is an amazing game, but you'll need to invest some serious amount of time and effort in learning how the game works, 2 was the first "modern" SaGa game in the sense that it took a lot of concepts from 1 and polished/elaborated on them, it was a huge hit, sold 1.4 million copies in Japan alone with an additional 400K outside, it was a hit on par with the first two GB SaGa, what's hilarious is that it's the second best game according to the fanbase and the worst in terms of ratings on Famitsu.
This remaster is actually very good for newcomers as it makes a lot of things explicit, as I said before you can now check your character weight, dark score and even see each formation effect and waza properties without needing to infer it from empiric knowledge or a guide. There's also a few changes like being able to see the map when you run, the SNES version restricted your field of vision when running because Kawazu liked being a dick and making the game even more difficult.
SaGa isn't even full on RNG, it's actually a really RNG friendly series outside of Unlimited, try out a Lunatic Dawn game, like LD3, now that's obsessive compulsive RNG.
I've been playing for a while and most backgrounds are fine in terms of being true to the original aesthetics, I've been to almost all regions so far besides Austoroth and the only change so far was the roof section for Cat's quest, they made it fairly different and added a humorous sign for you to read, problem is the images are pretty compressed, so on a Vita screen you can see a lot of compression artifacts if you're watching it close, I don't think they would be too noticeable on the average smartphone though.

>> No.3124639

Hopefully someone takes the translation and patches it into the SNES version. I'm all for remakes, but this one's UI looks ugly and touch screen controls really aren't my thing.

>> No.3125115

For fuck sakes anyone who thinks the SNES version isnt going to get translated is underestimating the autism of the rom hacking community. This probably means its more likely to get translated because all the translation work will be done and will only have to be hacked into the game.

>> No.3125118

If the "autism" of the romhacking community were as high as you imply it to be we'd have the game translated already.

>> No.3125130

My ideal scenario is that the RS3 crossover hack gets translated.

>> No.3125158

Where's my Tales of Hearts DS translation?

>> No.3126443

Tales of Hearts R has new/altered scenario, and kaji, the main guy on the project hates most of the translated script. If he resumes he'll probably continue from scratch.

>> No.3126824

This. I've been waiting for years for the translation of Shin Megami Tensei If... and it's been "fully translated, 80% done" for over two years now.
Fucking ghideon zhi is busier retwetting brianna wu than doing anything of value.

>> No.3127079

Not all autists are the gifted kind...

>> No.3127269


Kaji's a giant faggot that has never released a completed patch and instead spends his time writing long-ass blog posts criticizing official releases (and he's right, but that's not the point).