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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3119846 No.3119846 [Reply] [Original]

I contribute to a minor gaming site and I'm undertaking a big project - a top 100 list of RPG battle music. Since I've only played a fraction of all the RPGs out there I'm looking to compile this list from as big a pool of opinions as possible. So what are your favorites?

They can be from either Japanese or Western games. They can be either turn-based, action, or tactical RPGs. It can be a normal theme or a special one which only played for one specific fight. And the only limit I'll be enforcing is only 2 songs per game will be allowed on the final list. So, feel free to give me as many suggestions as you wish so long as you genuinely believe they're among the top 100 of all time. Thanks, all.

>> No.3119848

yeah no fuck off and do your own job you ignorant faggot

>> No.3119849


Fucking this man.

>100 battle themes from JRPG's

good fucking luck.

>> No.3119857

Sure we'll help you with your homework and hey if you need help writing that thesis
They LOVE spoonfeeding

>> No.3119858

FF6 Boss theme
FF6 Dancing Mad (final battle)
FF4 Battle theme
FF4 Zeromus (final battle)
Phantasy star 2 battle theme
Phantasy star 2 Boss battle theme

Some of my favorites.

>> No.3119882

I've always really liked the sega CD Lunar 2 boss theme. Very punchy and dramatic.


Final boss music is pretty great as well

The remix of Integral Body Imperfect Soul from Star Ocean 2 is pretty amazing as well.


Also, not retro but Etrian Odyssey 3's boss theme is one of the best ever.


>> No.3119889

Persona 3 is on there, right?

>> No.3119893

It makes me want to talk about the game every time it comes up on my music player

>> No.3119895

>Traps, even on /vg/

fucking 4chan

>> No.3119902

>coming to 4chan
>not liking traps

It's like walking into a gay bar and complaining it's a sausage fest in there.

Persona 2

>> No.3119962

holy shit is this bait cause it's fucking working jesus christ that is shit taste


>> No.3119982

>some anon doesn't like my taste in music

>> No.3119985

Nikki was such a mistake. The first two hours I had him I thought he was a woman. The name, the look. Neither fits in with the CT universe at all. It's like you're playing Dragon Quest 3 and all of a sudden AC/DC just shows up and everyone acts like it's normal. It's not.

>> No.3119990

I would go so far as to infer that you are actually a fucking a casual based on your taste in music actually

>> No.3119993

Chrono Cross is just so fucked up on so many levels

Mitsuda did such a fucking great job too

but then his tracks are always better than the game itself ends up being

>> No.3119998

>Neither fits in with the CT universe at all
But the CT universe isn't the same as the CC one which is already a crazy mishmash. That's a lot of it's charm. He's no weirder than a skeleton clown, an alien or a turnip party member.

>> No.3120002

You know, Turnip doesn't even seem out of place at all in Saga Frontier

why couldn't Chrono Cross just do it right like SF did

>> No.3120003

What does that even mean? I like different things than you so I'm casual? You mean casual about video game music? Cause I'd sure agree that I'm not serious about it.

>> No.3120008

I think Chrono Cross did do it just right.

>> No.3120035

That is one flat-chested woman

>> No.3120038

as in you are a peasant, a plebeian, a background character, you're expendable, boring, replaceable, average, mundane

if you were an artist you'd be a wage slave animating little 3d models for someone better than you

if you were a game designer you'd be making little cellphone games about cartoon animals or small colorful objects

if you were to get married you'd find some average girl with slight imperfections and insecurities that make you feel comfortable, and you'd both cheat on each other and learn to forgive and forget because you have no integrity or any sense of real ambition or pride. You know you don't deserve better, and you'll never surpass your own expectations of others

you're just another shitty little floater drifting along on the wave, never to be able to imagine and actualize your own world, because you simply have no existing potential to utilize

you're nothing more than meat, tricked and manipulated so someone else can benefit from your mediocrity, and there's a billion more just like you

>> No.3120040

>The first two hours I had him I thought he was a woman. The name, the look
Doesn't help that he's named Slash in japanese, if some translator hack didn't mess with Trigger it wouldn't have been a problem.
>Neither fits in with the CT universe at all.
Has it never dawned on you that Cross and Trigger are not in the same universe or even dimension at all?
>why couldn't Chrono Cross just do it right like SF did
SaGa Frontier's premise and general mood is like that of old sci-fi anime like Cyber City Oedo, where crazy technology and magic or fantastic beings like vampires coexist, Chrono Cross is more wacky in nature and the elements are more balanced in favor of fantasy rather than sci-fi, which is arguably a very minor portion of the game, SF works because there's enough of both elements that coexist harmoniously everywhere, CC uses sci-fi as surprise element and doesn't make non-human party members like Turnip, Sprigg or Grobyc common elements of the scenario, but rather funky exceptions to the rule.

Think about it, every region of SF, especially Koorong, Manhattan, Tanzer or Scrap has a mixture of almost every race and it has distinct features, tone and scenario, Koorong is a classic cyberpunk slum with glowing neon signs and in a perpetual night, Manhattan is a superfuturistic Manhattan with robots, skyscrapers and corrupted megacorporations, the Magic Kingdom is a typical medieval fantasy village with Furdo's eerie workshop, Fascinaturu is a stereotyped vampire village with a rather gothic castle full of mystics and magical beings such as Kurenai or Gozarus.

Chrono Cross takes place in an archipelago where the only distinct difference in tone was finding out Chronopolis, the dimensional rift and places like the Dragon Fort, everything else was very coherent in the scenario context, a swamp, a beach, a volcano, pirate ships and a city created by the invaders who colonized the islands, it simply isn't daring enough to make the cast work.

>> No.3120042
File: 376 KB, 800x619, dragonfly in a meadow_ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were an artist you'd be a wage slave animating little 3d models for someone better than you

You'd have a great point there if I didn't make most of my money through commercial illustration and commissioned artwork. But hey, continue to feel special over your preference in video game music. I'm sure it's very fulfilling or something.

>> No.3120054


>> No.3120058


>> No.3120075

>thinks he's an artist
>can't even stop accidentally drawing dicks everywhere

>> No.3120118


Did no 6th+ because of the artistics 1999'ers

>> No.3120120

You don't know me at all, anon. :)

>> No.3120218

They also respond to all bait, every bait.. so, have fun and don't forget to install gentoo

>> No.3120263

Yeah and none of those guys fit. And I don't know what you mean it's not the same universe, it's a split timeline but it's the same world. They even said Nikki gave concerts in Porre. Can you fucking imagine that happening in CT? Some tranny rocker showing up and Lucca going to the concert?

>> No.3120283

It's a game about dimensional travel. Multiple realities means anything can fit. QED Rick & Morty.

>> No.3120295

sounds like Ed Boon

>> No.3120302
File: 109 KB, 500x438, 1452819044681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you have no business writing that article bro.

>> No.3120303

>referencing garbage tumblr-tier post-2005 cartoons

no thanks

>> No.3120304

anon how many dragon dildos do you actually own

>> No.3120308

well maybe he does, I mean it's clear he in no way has the chops to do any real journalism

>> No.3120318

You DO realize how politically incorrect and generally opposite of tumblr that Rick & Morty is, right?

>> No.3120338

Who hurt you? Jesus Christ.

>> No.3120395

I once killed an elderly relative by trying to tell them about my problems as a child.

She literally had a heart attack and died from the force of sadness.

>> No.3121076

Pain The Universe
Legend of Mana PS

>> No.3121094

I actually settled for a girl with lots of imperfections. The rest are spot on.

>> No.3121123


>> No.3122945


that man's chest is plainly exposed dipshit

>> No.3122992

and you were a doofus for getting him in the first place. guile is a way better character, plus his path is a lot more fun.

>> No.3122997

dont know why theyre being dicks to you. thats a cool drawing. i really like the way you did the background to give it a worms-eye perspective (if thats the term)

>> No.3124404


>> No.3125397


>> No.3125606

Uriah Heep tier:

Netflix and chill tier:

Ho ho ho ho ho tier:

>> No.3125724

>dat MIDI version of FF7 music

>> No.3126275

Because reasons, I won't post FFIII's battle music, even though it's my favourite.
Instead, here're two from Sega CD games I used to just sit around and listen to rather than play the game instead:

Sheena's battle theme from Dark Wizard:

Lunar 1 boss battle theme:

There was some classical piece I can't remember the name of that sounded damned near identical to it,

I also like the Vay boss battle music because it reminds of every Japanese 80s and 90s action cartoon ever.

Each of those is strong nostalgia for me. Well, except FFIII. I can't read rune and I only played the translated rom in 2001 or so. Can't really be nostalgic for it.

>> No.3126304


I prefer the regular battle theme of Lunar 2, to be honest.


>> No.3126841

>Top 100 Battle Themes
>Chrono Cross screenshot
Dude, no. CC's regular battle theme is boring as fuck. The boss themes and such are fine, but the standard battle theme sucks.