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File: 2 KB, 128x128, Ninten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3115853 No.3115853 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a remake of pic related?
I'd like to play the original but the controls are pretty annoying

>> No.3115854

To the best of my knowlage there wasn't a remake, but mother 2 (earthbound) and mother 3 sequals

>> No.3115856

Not that I'm aware of. Only a port.

>> No.3115862
File: 5 KB, 256x224, graveyard2_by_dragondeplatino-d7vcrmj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat, there is the mother 25th anniversary rom hack with the gba translation. This is a picture of it.

My preffered verion is the gba version with the translation patch and the color restoration patch. If a music patch is ever made there will be no reason to play the nes version.

>> No.3115864

i hate remakes

>> No.3115882
File: 5 KB, 256x224, mother-remake-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fan remake being made by members of Starmen.net using the Earthbound engine. It's been in the works for years. I'd guess there's at the very least something like six months left of work left, if not considerably more. It seems as if most if not all of the graphics and music have been created and now all there is left to do is ASM hacking.

>> No.3115898



>> No.3115901

then why are you in the thread

>> No.3115960

>I'd like to play the original but the controls are pretty annoying
What? It's basic RPG fare. Same controls as DQ or FF games. Could you explain?

>> No.3115991

I was gonna ask about just this.
Guess I'll have to wait for that while I'm waiting for Mother 4. Here's hoping THAT'll be as good as it looks.

>> No.3115992

everything's delayed a second or two
also I don't play DQ or FF

>> No.3116063
File: 256 KB, 1600x1200, 2772458559_3695cb85a2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The GBA versions of the music
God, going cheapo on the sound with GBA was the biggest mistake ever

>> No.3116114

if you play them both at the same time and get them to sink up properly, it sounds great

>> No.3116191


>> No.3116206

I'm confused myself. Never had any delay in Mother, or early DQ or FF games.

>> No.3116221

I'm terrible at editing audio

>> No.3116241


>> No.3116253

There are like 8 different remakes, and almost none are even remotely close to completion (and probably never will be). Your best bet is the 25th anniversary edition.

>> No.3116257

haha sorry wrong number

every time I try to move it's delayed and feels terrible to control

>> No.3116472

it's not the game, it's the phone you're playing it on.

>> No.3116514

The one linked to in this thread has all of the maps, sprites for characters and enemies and their overworld sprites, all of the music as well as a good chunk of the ASM hacking done. I'd call that "remotely close.

>> No.3116528

not playing it on a phone

>> No.3116790

>that screen

My dick.

>> No.3116865

Are they reducing the encounter rate and boosting the EXP? The game is apparently quite a slog vanilla, especially near the end.

>> No.3116876

Well then what ARE you playing on?

>> No.3116910

Yeah, that ROM hack nerfs the ENTIRE game. It's basically baby-mode. MOTHER isn't actually that hard, it's just unbalanced at the end, but you can run from every battle. You beat the game at like level 30, it's not worth nerfing to play through. Also it's an amazing game.

>> No.3117340


>> No.3117364

Do you experience the same input lag when playing either windowed or fullscreen?
If it's only on fullscreen, is mostly a video latency thing on your part, not the game's.

>> No.3117379

no other game does it

>> No.3117523

That's just how MOTHER controls, there's an actual lag before you move. It's tile based so you get used to it. I played through it on real hardware so I can speak from experience.

>> No.3117536

I know, and I haven't, that's why I made this thread

>> No.3117562

I replied to the wrong anon, my apologies. That said, you should probably just deal with it. The controls are really not that terrible, I mean it's an RPG, and totally worth playing. I mean you could play the GBA version, but then you get NO tile-based movement and it's even weirder imho.

>> No.3117632

>you get NO tile-based movement

Does the GBA version go by the Earthbound engine? I thought it was just a straight port.

>> No.3117635

It's not even out yet. How the fuck do you know?

>> No.3117715

They've based the translation off of Tomato's re-translation so they might have included the optional Easy Ring which gives considerable EXP boost.

Encounter rates won't be an issue if you're seeing all enemies on the overworld.

He might be talking about the 25th anniversary version or the GBA retranslation with the Easy Ring

>> No.3118214


Damn. They didn't cheap out so much as they couldn't think of an acceptable alternative to the DPCM channel. They should have just cheated and used a GBA channel with equivalent samples.

>> No.3119432

I have no inherent dislike against the concept.

The encounter rate is seriously annoying, to be honest famicom

>> No.3119740

It looks like the Famicom version, but you don't move on a grid. I think it might be a new engine with old assets? Or they just modified the hell out of the movement, also the music SUCKS.

>> No.3119743

I'm talking about the '25th Anniversary Edition' ROM hack.
I didn't find the encounter rate any worse than other DQ style Famicom RPGs of the day.

>> No.3119969

>I didn't find the encounter rate any worse than other DQ style Famicom RPGs of the day.
I'm not a fan of that model of RPG t b h pham

>> No.3119986

The gba was capable of better, maybe it was because it was not composed with the hardware in mind but this is dogshit even for the hardware.

>> No.3120123

Isn't Earthbound engine like, particularly fucked up and hard to work with?

>> No.3120134

Yes, that's why it's taken so long.

>> No.3120310

Those RPGs have a lot of artificial length from unnecessary grinding, the easy ring is a time saver if anything. That being said though I don't remember the anniversary patch that well and it could have made a manageable game in to a cakewalk.

>> No.3120796
File: 972 KB, 540x405, tumblr_o2vad0S0kw1u9lxjdo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit being a bitch nigga

>> No.3120802

Itoi's guys were fucking expert trolls.

>> No.3120808


>> No.3120937
File: 39 KB, 600x615, carlcuck[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3121035

The combined computing powers of all of mankind's supercomputers could not process a series of X's and D's necessary to convey how epic your posts are.

>> No.3121194
File: 490 KB, 1085x581, 1425998630457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3121610

but in GBA ver. , you can DASH!

>> No.3121919

You can in the US Prototype too...

>> No.3121921

In the NES you warp time and space so everything around you moves faster. lol.

>> No.3122504

Yes, even writing dialog is complex.