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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 400x333, Castlevania_SotN_Europe_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3108780 No.3108780 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best Castlevania and why is it Symphony of the Night?

>> No.3108790

Because you never liked Castlevania to begin with.

>> No.3108797

Yeah I did.

>> No.3109360

Where were you when you realised these threads are just console wars in disguise?

>> No.3109494

Neve realised that. Where were you when you realised you were a projecting autist that's obsessed with retarded ancient console wars?

>> No.3109524

If you mean specifically Richter mode then you're right.

>> No.3110010 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.87 MB, 1476x1476, 1459631326343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, that's not how you spell Harmony of Dissonance

>> No.3110015
File: 227 KB, 418x308, super4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do you like a Metroid game instead of a real Castlevania game?

>> No.3110031

Why do /vr/ memelords hate SotN so much? It's legitimately good and fun, and the soundtrack is fantastic.

>> No.3110036


>> No.3110046


>> No.3110047

Are you calling out your attacks? This is just like my Japanese shounens!

>> No.3110052


>> No.3110094


>> No.3110136

Actually, /v/ loves the Metroidvanias, so maybe you should fuck off back there.

>> No.3110137


>> No.3110145

That's not Rondo of Blood but SotN is probably my favorite Metroidvania. It's pretty good but i was disappointed a majority of the game's sprites were recycled from SCIV or Rondo but the music and newer sprites like the Evil books were pretty good. Bloodlines and Rebirth are pretty good games as well.

>> No.3110154

Opinions are a good reason.

>> No.3110157

Because it's popular. For some reason /vr/'s getting infested with contrarians.

>> No.3110180

>It's legitimately good and fun
no, it's boring and repetitive. alucard is way too strong in this game. also no platforming in a series known for, you know, platforming

>> No.3110210

>No platforming.

Oh boy I can smell the shitstorm this retardedly wrong post will bring.

>Inb4 lol it's not platforming to me because it doesn't meet my castlevania MLG pro criteria!

>> No.3112491

I like 1-2-3-Rondo. SOTN is the best

But I hate IV and dracula X. I think their design was shit. Simon design is terrible in IV. DraculaX look like a wash off version of Rondo, music is terrible and the dracula fight with the pits is bullshit.

>> No.3112503
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>> No.3112529
File: 38 KB, 540x405, draculax1055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DraculaX look like a wash off version of Rondo

When will this meme finally end?
It's 2016 people, everyone has already played Rondo of Blood either through emulation, re-releases or the actual thing by importing it. It's not the late 90s/early 00s anymore where people fantasized about Rondo being a "Much better japan-onry masterpiece" version of Dracula X, they are both different games completely outside of the setting of the first level (and only the setting, because the design and the boss are different).

Also Rondo is nice, but a lot of the backgrounds are really ugly (like just plain brick walls that look like a NES game). Dracula X has much prettier graphics.
And the music is not terrible at all, in fact I prefer the arrangements of the music on Dracula X than those on Rondo, even if it's not CD quality, Konami were masters of the SNES soundchip by 1995, it sounds really good.

>> No.3112560

I still say not having Dracula X in DRACULA X CHRONICLES on the PSP was a crime.

>> No.3112589

>Dracula X has much prettier graphics.
That stops being true after the first level. The rest of the game looks absolutely putrid.

>in fact I prefer the arrangements of the music on Dracula X than those on Rondo
Shite taste. The music in the SNES port sounds dreadful, completely butchered the original's fantastic soundtrack. The Stupor Nintendo didn't receive any good Castlevania games, get over it you pathetic Nintendildo.

>> No.3112597
File: 23 KB, 256x224, Castlevania-Dracula-X-U-20101226-215852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for proving me right with the use of ad-hominem and nintendo boogeymen.

You probably couldn't even get past the first level of Dracula X without abusing save states, lol.

>> No.3112605


Honestly if you don't like Dracula X, you probably you don't like Castlevania that much. Dracula X is the game that's most similar to the NES games in terms of design and difficulty, Rondo is very casual in comparison.

Then again you said you like SOTN the best, so it figures.

>> No.3112614

>Stupor Nintendo
Are you like 10 fucking years old? Get a grip you pathetic man child.

>> No.3112615

3 reasons:
-inverted castle

+ a billion other smaller reasons.
like: using familiar to unlock secret passages.
the ape which throws the bomb to blow up the bridge.
the countless other secrets/small things.

game truely is a master piece.
its amazing even if you didnt know about the inverted castle/other secrets.
the fact that there is so many little nuances that you have to think outside the box to discover elevates it to plain shared by very few other video games.
no other castlevania comes close. if i had to choose though next best would be aria of sorrow.

>> No.3112617

>You probably couldn't even get past the first level of Dracula X without abusing save states, lol.

Emulators are for bitches. I beat them all on real original hardware.

>> No.3112618

Go back to playing the PS POO

>> No.3112623

SotN is not the best of the series, it was a welcome change of style that, unfortunately, became the mold for too many future CV titles. The series was moldering at the time of its release, but SotN gave it a much-needed shot in the arm. It's a fun game with plenty of spectacle and action.

Castlevania III is the best, by the way.

>shit-tier music and sound
>huge, empty rooms
>many assets taken entirely from SotN
Yeah, okay.

>> No.3112629

Not retro, we call it the PS ECCHS

>> No.3112679

Sorry, did I offend you and your love for the Subpar Nintendo?

>> No.3112682

Not even the best Metroidvania. Still better than the awful DS ones, though.

>> No.3112684

>I like 1-2-3-Rondo. SOTN is the best
Why must retards like you always compare apples to oranges? Especially since Classicvania is a fresh honeycrisp apple while IGAvania is a rotten months-old orange.

>> No.3112739

>Still better than the awful DS ones
That was my point really.

>> No.3112741

Sorry, did I offen you and your love for Subpar Sega?

>> No.3112742

Circle of the Moon > Portrait of Ruin > Aria of Sorrow > Symphony of the Night > Order of Ecclesia > Harmony of Dissonance > Dawn of Sorrow

>> No.3112749

I've never played a Castlevania before and I just booted up SoTN

what the fuck is going on with this voice acting lmao it's like a 70s kung fu movie

>> No.3112753
File: 500 KB, 987x766, pleb detection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Circle at top
>Portrait near top

I'll give you points for not having Harmony at the very bottom.

>> No.3112758

I like Circle and all but putting Portrait above Ecclesia is a death sentence.

>> No.3112779

VA in 90s games was always really cheesy.

>> No.3112809

As in Castlevania The series, yes SOTN is the best. Best artstyle, best soundtrack, Great gameplay. Too easy though

But just for you...The best Classicvania is Rondo

>> No.3112810

>Liking literally the worst fucking one.
>Sluggish as fuck whip attack.

>You jump like you weigh a thousand pounds.

Seriously why is your character so fucking heavy?

>> No.3112818

You jump fine, the problem is you fall like a fucking titanium brick.

Also you forgot
>How much of a bitch it is to crouch.

>> No.3112819

He's wearing steel boots.

>> No.3112827

Fair enough.

Still his swings feel so sluggish compared to say simon's or ricthers.

>> No.3112832

I thought the card stuff made up for some of the movement stuff but I just like shit like that in games.

>> No.3112841

Hell even Juste swings faster.

Fucking REINHARDT swings faster.

>> No.3112861

It's isn't the best, OP. It's awesome, but it's not the best.

>> No.3113606
File: 334 KB, 438x370, tattoos give you superpowers because reasons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ecclesia was really, really hard. I basically never stopped dying in that game.

I beat it eventually but holy shit, I was not prepared for that level of difficulty.

not retro

>> No.3113621

Not retro shitlord.

>> No.3113631

Classicvania Power Ranking
>dracula's curse
>rondo of blood
>adventure rebirth
>dracula x
>belmont's revenge
>super castlevania iv
>dracula x chronicles

Does Legacy of Darkness count as classicvania?

Metroidvania Power Ranking
>symphony of the night
>aria of sorrow
>harmony of dissonance
>portrait of ruin
>dawn of sorrow
>order of ecclesia
>circle of the moon
>simon's quest

Do Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness count as metroidvania? Curse of Darkness was great, but not retro.

>> No.3113653

I hope Bloodstained is good.

I hope it actually gets finished/released.

>> No.3113779

What is with the enjambment?>>3110137