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3107673 No.3107673 [Reply] [Original]

Which do you prefer?

>> No.3107771

System Shock, actually. Even though I've played a LOT more halflife, I liked System Shock. Deus Ex was kinda meh, despite how everyone else seems to come in their pants about it.

>> No.3107790

System Shock 2 > Deus Ex > HL1

but they're all 3 masterpieces desu senpai

>> No.3107817

Half Life.

>> No.3107828

All 3 are great. I wanted to say SS2 but then I realized I've replayed Deus Ex more so I go with that.

>> No.3107846

Deus Ex > (by a hair) SS2 >>>>> Half-Life

>> No.3107870

DX > SS2 > HL1

>> No.3107872

half-life because counter-strike

>> No.3107974

SS2 > HL > Deus Ex

I played all of them for the first time within the past few years. I can see why Deus Ex might have been great when it came out, but I thought most of the game was boring. I liked the first level, Hong Kong, and the last level. I don't remember much else.

>> No.3107982

Half-Life. I like Deus-Ex and System Shock 2 was okay. However, I feel that I was way more immersed in Half-Life than I was Deus Ex or SS2. Too bad that HL2 is "everyone's" favorite, because while it's good it is dogshit compared to the first.

>> No.3108060

Depends on what I want to play. If I want semi-platforming FPS action, HL. If I want multiple ways of working through a level, DE. If I want sci-fi FPS/RPG action, SS2.

I can't wait till tomorrow when this eye-searing page layout goes away.

>> No.3108461

System Shock. Deus Ex had fantastic story, atmosphere and worldbuilding, but the technical aspects of the game are woefully dated, and I was never impressed by Half Life.

>> No.3108465
File: 89 KB, 464x640, Thief-2-The-Metal-Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real LGS masterpeice, tbqh

Deus Ex ain't half bad as well

>> No.3108474

I haven't played any of them.

>> No.3108486

Well that's depressing, on this board I mean

>> No.3108501

Half Life
System Shock is fantastic though
Deux Ex is.... Interesting

>> No.3108502

Of those, Deus Ex.

System Shock was more impressive than any of them though.

>> No.3108504

depressing because I haven't played few games?
Lmao what are you doing with your life if you think this.

>> No.3108519


>> No.3108521

You haven't played possibly the 3 single greatest games of all time in their prime, that is depressing

Now their cutting edge is dulled and archaic in many ways, can't possibly make the same impact on your feeble millenial mind

>> No.3108527

>possibly the 3 single greatest games of all time
Says who?
Some people on internet that nobody gives two shits of a fuck about?

Ah you are one of those people.
Work on yourself first buddy,then talk about others.

>> No.3108546

Half-life solely because its the only one of the three to be a solid FPS. SS2 and Deus Ex have a lot of good going for them, but they feel like the FPS part of them was an after thought.

>> No.3108549

nigga what

>> No.3108552

>Says who?
Literally everyone born before 1992

>> No.3108553

Of the three, definitely Deus Ex. I never got why Half Life was so popular.

>> No.3108567

SS2 and Deus Ex have too many weird design choices that make the shooter aspect not fun at all.

>> No.3108596
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, thief2-2016-04-02-11-23-15-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why you sneak in Deus Ex and go full Psionics in System Shock

I still maintain Thief 2 is the best "immersive simulation", though

>> No.3108607

Shut up you codcunt.

>> No.3108615

Thief 1 > Thief 2 imo

after life of the party 2 falls off hard. Before that it's probably better than 1 though.

1 starts with the relatively lame shit (cragscleft and bonehoard) and then stays pretty fuckin sick throughout the rest

>> No.3108623
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>Literally everyone born before 1992 love action games with built in savescumming feature.
Kill yourself.

>> No.3108667

You are a literal retard, but it's impossible to prove it to you vis a vis your condition

Such is life

>> No.3108679

Half Life. Those two other games have shitty gameplay, as RPGs usually do. RPG is fucking trash 99.99% of the time.

Half Life's gameplay isn't even that great but compared to those other two pieces of shit it's a godsend.

RPG is a genre for losers.

>> No.3108683

>>Says who?
>Literally everyone born before 1992

>>3108679 here.

Born in '86. System Shock and Deus Ex have always been overrated trash. I'd call Deus Ex the single most overrated game in the history of PC gaming. Hated it on release and I hate it now. It was trash then, it is trash now. Even on release it looked like literal eye cancer -- both in terms of technical graphics and art style -- and there was no saving its shitty, clunkfest gameplay. Tried System Shock 2 for the first time in the last few years and as expected it sucked ass. Stop parroting silly memes.

HL is a solid game but there are much better shooters to play in the FPS genre alone. I would never consider it to be one of the single three greatest games ever made, you stupendous faggot.

>> No.3108717
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>> No.3108785 [DELETED] 

thanks keep 'em coming

>> No.3108789

thanks keep 'em coming

>> No.3108862

I don't mind opinions, but your post is bad because you repeat the same sentiment (overrated, trash, trash, shitty, sucks) while only giving two arguments: bad visuals and "clunky". Not exactly deep insight. Considering those titles are widely acclaimed, liked for their style and gameplay and influential, you just come across as a not very bright contrarian shitposter.

>> No.3108896

I find 2/3 of these entirely unplayable. Half-life is the only decent one of the three.

>> No.3108906

You can press F5, try to prove it and if this won't work out press F9, you know, just like in your 'greatest video games of all time', you casual piece of a faggot.

>> No.3108908

System Shock 2. HL is a cinematic corridor shooter and the novelty have been worn off. To play Deus Ex back in the day you needed a monster PC and I never got to play it until recently, cant say I liked it.

>> No.3108909

Deus Ex; sort of a shame it's been memed to death though.

>> No.3109018

I like each of these for completely different reasons so I can't really choose.

>> No.3109046

HL for gunplay and sound design (also the multiplayer which was excellent), SS2 for gameplay in general, DX for exploration, atmosphere and writing.

I'd choose SS2 if I had to pick one, but Deus Ex would have been the best by far if the combat and AI hadn't sucked so much.

>> No.3109075


Half Life 2 as an FPS

Deus Ex as an RPG

I liked System Shock 2 less than Deus Ex

>> No.3109118

>AI hadn't sucked so much.

I'm surprised it never took more flak for this.

Imagine you're a MJ12 security officer stationed in a secret outpost at the Paris Cathedral. One of your comrades suddenly falls over with a visible pool of blood expanding from his head. Do you:

A) Dive behind the nearest cover and scan the area for threats
B) Rush to the nearby alarm to alert the base
C) Run out to the lifeless corpse in the open courtyard and quietly stand in place a meter away for exactly 1 minute while staring at the gaping 30.06 head wound and contemplate the fleeting transience of life before assuring yourself that everything is back to normal and returning to your post as usual.

If you picked C, you have the makings of a foot soldier for a rising international shadow government of cunning tactical masterminds.

>> No.3109213

>I'm surprised it never took more flak for this.
It did get some flak, look up Warren Spector's postmortem on Deus Ex

IIRC it starts with "Yup, AI is shit and we should've done a better job"

>> No.3109310

>a game is bad because users can abuse the save function

literal retard

>> No.3109320

>literal retard
I agree

>> No.3109345


would have been harder if Thief was in the mix.

>> No.3109428

>I'm a scathing faggot: the post
here's your (you)

>> No.3109635
File: 21 KB, 300x300, unrealmp6_9197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the above.

>> No.3109654

>not even UT
wew lad, here's your +(You)

>> No.3110001

I can't really get into SS2, haven't played Deus Ex due to not having a capable windows computer at the moment, but I just today finished HL1 and I can safely say it's my favorite pre-2000's fps because of the sheer amount of areas it succeeds in.

>> No.3110017

All three are fairly crap.
SS2 is the worst, Deus Ex is second worst but still pretty close to SS2 in being terrible and HL1 is the least worse.

No. And they're not even in the top 50.
All have problems in technical areas or design areas that make them awful.

>> No.3110023

No. -50 points for using the Unreal Engine.
>But it's unreal of course it would anon.
Doesn't matter. Shit engine is shit.

>> No.3110026

>Can't appreciate a good ol' fashioned single player campaign

>> No.3110029

How so?

>> No.3111673

Unreal is a boring shitty shooter, but they did get some things right like dodges and weapons in general, hence Unreal was overshadowed by its multiplyer only spin off since the dawn of time

>> No.3111868

Weird, I remember my PC runs Deus EX on software better than HL using the same.

>> No.3111876

Among those, Deus Ex.

But I consider System Shock 1 to be better than all three.

>> No.3111891

Half-Life is the only game I played

>> No.3111893

What? Unreal is considered bad now? GTFO
The original singleplayer campaign is awesome you fucks, a stylish dark sci-fi FPS with some light adventure/exploring elements, cool weapons and good level design.

>> No.3111898

It tries to one up quake so hard, it forgets what made quake fun

Weapons ARE great, nobody can argue with that, hence Unreal Tournament's lasting popularity

>> No.3111913
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>> No.3111994

Half-life. Mainly out of nostalgia (albeit it ran like shit) but i think system shock is the better game out of the three.

>> No.3112000

>Half-life. Mainly out of nostalgia (albeit it ran like shit)

When HL came out I played it on a 500mhz, any loading time (whether a level switch or a load save) would take almost five whole minutes.

It was a nightmare, especially when I was low on health in shitty situations or when I'd get that gltich which would prevent me from moving after loading a new map (which happened often), but I beat the game that way.
Funny thing is minimum system requirement was a 233mhz, I don't wanna know how it'd run on that...

also I had to start over in the level with the tight cliff and the helicopter shooting at you. At the start of the level there is a fall that forces you to take damage (shit level design by definition), albeit a little, it was enough to make me die; and since there was no health pack and the first version of the game had no autosaving, I had to start the entire game over.

>> No.3112009

Heh, it wasn't really the loading that slowed me down but it was just the framerate. i think it was about 10 frames (i was about 8 so i can't remember much) but the area in the opening with the elevator was almost impossible.

>> No.3112017

I can't really rate these having not played system shock but I have to rate deus ex at top because having your limbs blown off is as much a technological milestone as tunneling through walls in red faction.

>> No.3112069

All this bitching makes you seem like a real flatlander woman anon.

>> No.3112092

Oh, the TOLD

>> No.3112119

Red Faction

>> No.3112159

You seem confused, this is a thread about glory days when PC gaming mattered and was steadily raising the bar for the medium.

>> No.3112209

Deux Ex > System Shock 2 > Half Life

SS2 might edge Deus Ex out if it wasn't for that final chunk of the game that was just a pain in the arse. Might.

Odd, my 500mhz P3 PC ran pretty much everything more than well enough. Even things that should have been pushing well out of it's league, somehow it even managed Tribes 2 really well and Morrowind better than some people were managing on 1.5Ghz processors. No idea what was up with that.

Did you have some insanely low amount of RAM in it?

>> No.3112221


D) Die, because J. C. Denton just shot you in the head with a sniper rifle.

Most of the time I just sneak in, do my thing and sneak out. But sometimes I choose violence.

>> No.3112235

If you're gonna go full ultra violence in DX1, at least do it with heavy weapons (don't take plasma becaue it's useless)

Seriously GEP gun and Flamethrower destroy everything

>> No.3112238

NESfag is the resident board troll, just ignore him. It ran fine at 500Mhz and even lower and didn't take anywhere near five minutes to load a level. If it did your drive was probably two weeks from dying.

>> No.3112258

>things that literally never happened

>> No.3112259

As far as I remember HL was specifically aiming at smaller portioned levels/faster load times. Compared to Unreal, Quake 2, the levels seemed to load almost momentarily.

>> No.3112280

SS1 > SS2

>> No.3112321

The first and second System Shocks feel so different at times it's hard to compare them.

The first System Shock has little to no character building but in 2 the amount of cybermodules you receive on default makes it hard to have a clear build the whole game.

>> No.3112642

That number of cyber modules being too small or too high in your opinion?

>> No.3112701

>after life of the party 2 falls off hard
You what mate?
Sure, Casing the Joints sucks, but everything else is great, especially the pirate ship mission.

>> No.3113179

Too high on default difficulty.

>> No.3113181


>> No.3113297

doent deus ex use the unreal engine?

>> No.3113754
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>> No.3113887

The high number of modules means character builds end up more homogenized as the game goes on. Instead of doing a pure tech or pure psi run, you'll probably end up with psi with boosted endurance.
It doesn't help that the game does stuff like unbalanced weapon trees, forced upgrades for hack, and has the final boss marked as immune to some damage types.

>> No.3113997

Deus Ex is the only one that's actually fun

>> No.3114014

Does the number of modules you get vary by difficulty? I started a run on hard, changed to impossible 3 hours in when I came upon an abundance of ammo/supplies, and I still have a metric fuck ton of modules for pretty much whatever I need.

I do think playing psi/hacker/energy weapons would be a hell of a lot harder than just standard weapons (what I'm doing now) though.

>> No.3114053

Dumb question. Only Deus Ex > SS2 > HL1 is correct. Anybody who tells you otherwise is lying about having played them or is rusing.

>> No.3114164 [DELETED] 

>Does the number of modules you get vary by difficulty?
Can't remember, but module costs for upgrades are beefed up highly.

>> No.3114234

>Anonymous 04/04/16(Mon)05:09:35 No.3112642▶>>3113179
Unreal really deserves more love! I remember going into that game expecting a Quake clone with really good graphics, what I got instead was an audiovisual experience that really, truly moved me, in a way that no other game really has before or since. The atmosphere of the original Unreal is just immense.

Anyway, on original topic: While I spent many more hours playing Half-Life than the others, Deus Ex is the game I find myself appreciating more when I revisit it these days. The writing's quite hamfisted at times, but I'd argue it was one of the first action games to approach topics and issues thoughtfully, and I appreciate that it's only as much of a shooter as you want it to be. The subject matter the game covers seems to get more and more topical with every passing decade.

All three games are some of my all-time favourites and arguably some of the most important games ever made, but DX to me is transcendent.

>> No.3114245

deus ex always

>> No.3116075

Not letting this thread die

SS2 > all, but it could've been more competitive with Thief

>> No.3116360

>mfw I'm in SS2 and being spawn-camped by a Cyborg assassin

>> No.3116379

upgrade them psionics, son

and by upgrade I mean minmax to be a psi god, just don't forget that hacking is essential

>> No.3116881
File: 13 KB, 249x213, 1451683524656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw make it almost to the end of the game, low on health, zero ammo, and no melee weapon
>mfw have to start a new game

>> No.3116893


>> No.3116895

Why would clunky as fuck FPS games with poor mechanics and gameplay be better than a mediocre title that sort of manages okay gameplay?
That doesn't make any sense. It sure isn't the trope filled generic scifi stories that are going to make a bad game good.

>> No.3116897

Tough choice but it's deus ex for me.
Playing that through multiple times and finding all the contingencies blew my mind back then. Like killing the russian chick on the plane or saving ur bro from the MIB.
Good times.

>> No.3117104

Are you at that portion of the Command deck? That happened to me on my last playthrough.

>> No.3117183

yeah I'm I'm the main Ops hub area lol
had to reloado :(