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File: 299 KB, 500x345, Dkc3_snes_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3091681 No.3091681 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this game such a disappointment?

>> No.3091684

The what now?

>> No.3091686

It had the misfortune of being a sequel to DKC2. There was no way it wouldn't be a disappointment. Still a great game.

>> No.3091690

>Still a great game.

Agreed. The popular hate it gets is undeserved.

>> No.3091753

I've always had the impression that a lot of the hate stemmed from the fact that many people simply didn't play it due to the fact that it was such a late era SNES game. They don't have the nostalgia and memories for it so when they play it as an adult, they see how different it is from DKC2 and decide that it's shit.

>> No.3091759

Never thought about it before, but that cover art is a clusterfuck. Looks like a parody mock up almost

>> No.3091761

Couldn't you have at least worded it a little differently or used a different OP pic? Your samefagging is too obvious.

>> No.3091762

Eh, it was pretty fucking good.

>> No.3091768
File: 161 KB, 800x556, donkey-kong-country-2-box-art-739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three of them are like that. DKC3 is arguably the least busy.

>> No.3091771

You see the box art and you instantly know what thread it is, again. Same with the MGS overrated topics.

>> No.3092071

It's pretty fun. I have all 4 and it's my #2 pick.

>> No.3092078


DKC3 still has some great tracks, even if they weren't composed by Wise. It also looks great, has a beautiful expanded overworld map and a far greater variety of level types than its predecessors. Very underrated game and a gem of the SNES library.

>> No.3092091

I think it's a great game. It has a whole bunch of replay value with the bonus stages and interesting scenery in the levels that still looks good today.

>> No.3092101

I think it has better gameplay than 1 and 2. Better level design, more creative, more diverse levels, and doesn't suffer from 2's ridiculous difficulty curve.

>> No.3092106


Main problem with 3 was Retard Kong, mediocre level design, too many collectibles and forgettable music.

>> No.3092113

It's not as "cool" in terms of settings and music.

>> No.3092146
File: 200 KB, 720x720, 1437626079039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my favorite
The music, the bosses, the factory stages, the gimmicks. I fucking love it

>> No.3092431
File: 30 KB, 320x400, Donkey Kong Country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't a disappointment. All three of DKC games are excellent.

DKC 1 for its brilliant stagee design, DKC 2 for being the total package, and DKC 3 for having the best adventure elements.

>It had the misfortune of being a sequel to DKC2. There was no way it wouldn't be a disappointment.
You're an idiot.

>> No.3093789

No David wise, no Dixie Kong (kiddy was bad) and some of the level design was boring. Not a bad game though. Was the gba version any better?

>> No.3093798

completely different (and better) soundtrack on gba, otherwise no biggie

>> No.3093918

It's still really good, and the overworld makes my dick rock hard.

>> No.3094515

> It's a Donkey Kong game
> You can't play as Donkey Kong
> Diddy Kong isn't playable either.

>> No.3094534

Rumor has it that DKC3 was outsourced to a Rare B-team of interns while DKC1/DKC2's team were working on 3D platformers on N64 like Banjo.

>> No.3095351

this, there's a DKC trilogy and you can only play as DK. if they had swapped out DK for retard kong it would have went over much better

>> No.3095357

*can only play as DK in one of the 3 games

>> No.3095379

>It's a Donkey Kong game
>You can't play as Donkey Kong
You don't play as Donkey Kong in any of the Country games. You actually play as Donkey Kong Junior. Fun fact.

>> No.3095389

Level design, difficulty curve and soundtrack arent as good as DKC2
Kiddy Kong
You could literally save after every stage

>> No.3095398

I'm pretty sure you're playing as DK Jr.'s son if you want the facts.

>> No.3095431

That's just Rareware headcanon. DK and DK Jr. both show up at the same time in Mario Tennis 64.

>> No.3095442

Don't the Mario babies and regular cast also show up at the same time in sports spin-offs? I don't think those are worth much as "proof" for anything.

>> No.3095453

This game was amazing. I have no idea why anybody would think otherwise.

>> No.3095462

This game feels too Canadian. Who thought that was a good idea, going from an awesome pirate theme in 2 to shitty bears and northern woodlands of 3?

>> No.3095497

Loved DKC1 and 2. Those games got me bag into gaming from when I was really young and played the NES and early SNES games.


DKCR is goat though.

>> No.3095506

>DKCR is goat though.

>> No.3095539



not wanting to make this thread on /v/ discussion but the motion controls is the sole reason why that games isnt a 10/10

>> No.3095574

It's my favorite of the SNES tri.
The bosses are tougher, which is what wins it over 2 for me.

>> No.3095589

Hey guys I just picked up DK64. What should I expect? It got really good reviews. Is it another Mario 64/OoT masterpiece?

>> No.3095601

DKC3 is a great adventure full of versatile content. I don't get people thinking it's this massive drop in quality. I think that's more of a contemporary observation because people get so emotional over 2's soundtrack or whatever.

I can cite you reviews of the GBA DKCs from the early 2000s that were basically writing off the entire trilogy as overrated shit.

>> No.3095640

You can patch the waggle to roll if you play on emulator.

>> No.3095661

You can on a console too with cheats. The roll is far from the only problem with DKCR, shoddy fucking level design possibly being an even larger sin

>> No.3096114

>I can cite you reviews of the GBA DKCs from the early 2000s that were basically writing off the entire trilogy as overrated shit.

That pissed me off. They gave stupidly high ratings to the Mario GBA remakes, while rating DKC remakes as average. And it was obvious that they didn't put much effort into appreciating DKC. The only reason Mario scored higher was that it was an official mascot, and "safer" to high-rate, because they obviously didn't have to time to fully play through the games they were reviewing. DKC games need a relaxed pace.

The GBA remakes are still to be avoided however. They came after the buyout, as rareware declined to shit, as shown by various subtle changes they made. Fucking rareware. I'm still hurt by them decades later. As soon as Microshit brought them, the army should have flattened the building and executing any traitorous developers that hadn't jumped ship already. It would have at least been an honorable death.

>> No.3096131

You can't play it with a classic controller?

>> No.3096276

>called Donkey Kong Country
>second game in a series of three games without Donkey
>arguably no longer in Donkey Kong territory

>> No.3096515


>> No.3098676

You mean "Diddy"

>> No.3098681

Totally agree. Donkey could help Dixie in rescuing Diddy. In the end, Diddy is Donkey's best friend and Dixie's boyfriend.

>> No.3098701

but at that time donkey kong was learning how to race in a kart

>> No.3098716

I had no nostalgia attached to any of the DKC games due to my consoles skipping from NES straight to N64. In my later life I decided I would beat DKC1, 2, and 3 in around a one week timespan (each game I sat down and played in one sitting.)

DKC 1 was very short but tasty. The level designs all flowed extremely well, and not only did it feel fair, but it felt very much in the player's favor. Bouncing off enemies' heads while charging straight forward often lead to long strings of enemy kills, and the player would soar straight over any death pits. This carried through the majority of the game and the difficulty was not too high otherwise.

DKC2 was great, but considerably longer. I believe where DKC1 was 2-3 hours, DKC2 was about twice the length. It was also about twice as difficult, but considering the difficulty of the first one, that wasn't saying much. Now levels were considerably more challenging, and took more thought. You wouldn't accidentally pull off long combos your first time through a level, but the level design was still very strong and intentional. The end-game rampup was huge, if I remember correctly, and it put the player at risk for a game-over, but with caution it was still a non-issue. The final bossfight had a huge payoff. It was frustrating but 100% possible to memorize and execute perfectly after a few tries with open-eyes.

DKC3 was about the length of DKC2 content-wise. However, the level designs became at the very least a bit worse. They weren't horrible early on, but they weren't great either. They didn't provide the speed of DKC1's sweet combo strings of enemy bounces, nor did they provide the thoughtful intricacy that the design of DKC2 had, but they weren't that far below DKC2. They just didn't have much to improve on. As the game progressed, however, the levels turned to shit. There was artificial difficulty out the fucking ass with one level I remember having a random lightning mechanic that I >

>> No.3098724

There was artificial difficulty out the fucking ass with one level I remember having a random lightning mechanic that I couldn't figure out. I had to play with a friend finally because this one was such a stressful trudge. I was always holding out for having both apes, because the difficulty was such a fucking pain in the tits that you never wanted to die and experience an area again. The forced animal transformations were also pretty shit. I didn't mind the bird in DKC2, as it was basically a mechanic swap for swimming from DKC1. The spider in DKC3 however was a pile of shit. He handled sluggish if I remember correctly and his only saving grace was a potential buggy maneuver you could pull off where you would land directly on a platform that you spawned beneath you and could spam this forever and basically skip those segments which sucked. The difficulty of the game just got worse and worse and there wasn't much fun between it, nor did I feel like I was learning level patterns to succeed. It was a lot of not-so-happy accidents that let me progress past chokepoints in levels (cannons that blasted you off-screen toward unkillable bees, impossible to anticipate enemy spawns, etc) I dunno it just... it just felt like shit. I really wish I could phrase it better but I feel like capturing the differences between DKC2 and DKC3 would require like a whole video because the differences are slim but they really disturb a delicate balance of difficulty and fairness/reward that DKC2 had and 3 did not.

>> No.3098737

It's not random you just suck. It flashes right before a strike. Dodge it, get under a bee, Dixie can use a barrel as well. Make sure you're not in the water. It is a tough one to get down pat though. By the time you've cleared all the bonus and dk coins you'll have the pattern.

>> No.3098927
File: 1.10 MB, 280x207, 1450322119742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b e t t e r
