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File: 273 KB, 512x512, Sector7-ffvii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3089523 No.3089523 [Reply] [Original]

>start new game, first time playing FF7
>lots of text to spam through, oh well, maybe the story will be interesting
>spam O, win every battle
>get to a shop, notice they sell grenades.
>fuck it, buy a bunch of grenades.
>spam grenades at every enemy and boss for the next 8 hours
>they all die really fast, never have to use any healing items or spells in combat.
>buy more grenades
>story is badly written and uninteresting so i spam through it to get to the next boring ass fight
>literally spam O the video game.

is there any reason i should keep playing or does it stay this bad?

>> No.3089525

Only 90's kids get it.

>> No.3089537

the most fun part of FF7 is arguably just exploring the town and dungeon screens and playing minigames and solving puzzles and shit. they packed a heck of a lot of stuff into those areas.

if it had a fixed number of encounters that occur at specific points on each screen that would probably make it a lot better.

>> No.3089540 [DELETED] 

I think the best part is mastering materia and making them have baby materia. :3

>> No.3089564

OP, do you like rpgs? You probably don't like rpgs.

>> No.3089565


I suspect you have to play these games like a kid to really enjoy them. Go out and get lost and explore, keep trying different stuff and different characters, and get into the story more. The first step is to rename Cloud to whatever your real name is, ideally in big capital letters.

>> No.3089573

Yeah, I think the only reason I like it is nostalgia. But I like it none the less.

>> No.3089604

Underrated post

>> No.3089954

FF7 is one of those games you had to be there for when it came out. It's like when Star Wars debuted in the 70s and took the world by storm. Watching it now it's nothing special, but at the time it was groundbreaking and nothing like it had ever been seen before with such scale. FF7 was the first RPG to make the leap from sprites to making the world come alive with more expressive polygon characters and the FMVs. To someone who grew up on NES and SNES this was mindblowingly realistic. Everyone at my high school was playing FF7, from the football players to the nerds. Guys you would never expect to even touch an RPG were caught up in it. Yes now it's not that special a game, but in 1997 it was revolutionary.

>> No.3089972


no. FF7 is shit. it's only popular because it was shilled hard

>> No.3089983

Seeing as you're a faggot, no you shouldn't keep playing.

>> No.3089985

OP here. Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64 are also games that first made the switch from 2d to 3d, and i had a lot of fun playing through those games for the first time over the past couple weeks. they had interesting and deep gameplay with a cool skill curve and versatile movement mechanics.

FF7 was the 3rd on my list (i'm playing a bunch of old games for the sake of seeing what i missed) and it's the first one that is truly void of fun and gameplay.

>> No.3089990

Keep with it, the most advanced materia allows you to make some interesting combinations that can utterly break the game. Try using them in various ways instead of just grenade spam.

>> No.3090002

I'll try to keep playing until disk 2 but if i'm not having fun by then i'm going to stop. one of my rules for myself was to stop playing a game if it stops being fun, but i'll try to be open minded and see this one through.

so far i don't see a reason to use any materia at all. grenades do more damage than any attack or spell i have aside from limit breaks lol

>> No.3090008

Grenades are literally a fire 1 + all materia combo
Also they won't be around for long.

>> No.3090010 [DELETED] 

>Grenades are literally a fire 1 + all materia combo
except they literally do less damage than that.

>> No.3090016

>Grenades are literally a fire 1 + all materia combo
except they do more damage. try it if you don't believe me.

>> No.3090024

also they only affect one target, while fire+all affects multiple, and are non-elemental damage, while fire is a type of elemental damage.

seems like i'm already learning more about the game than you guys did.

>> No.3090025

>complaints that can be attributed to every single JRPG: The Post

>> No.3090030

i'm new to the genre, sorry man. i didn't have any video games growing up.

>> No.3090032

>while fire+all affects multiple
That's what I said
>fire + all combo
If I'm not mistaken robots are weak to thunder anyway.

>> No.3090034

Preeetty sure grenades are fire elemental, but it's been a while since I played the game.

>> No.3090035

>That's what I said
no, you said
>Grenades are literally a fire 1 + all materia combo
which isn't true.

>> No.3090038

I see, thanks for the heads up. I'd say you should give the game a chance at least up until you leave midgar, that's one of the best sessions of the first cd right there.

>> No.3090039

If you don't like it don't play it, FFVII isn't a good game when it comes to mechanics, it's extremely simple, bland and very, very easy to break, if the story or characters don't draw you in, then simply stop playing.
While the game does get more stuff for you to tinker with, like having access to more Materia like Enemy Skill and its toolset, it's mostly just fluff that doesn't really add to the game's meta, just like most of the titles in the franchise.

It's not really a good idea to comment on a game after only playing a tenth of it, even though I do agree with you on most points.

There are much more interesting RPGs out there for you to play though, the PS has a real great library for those.

Really? I'm pretty sure you have some extensive knowledge to back that claim up, shitposter-kun.
Like, I'm pretty sure you can say that of games like Bounty Sword, Lunatic Dawn, Wild Card or SaGa Frontier 2, uh?

>> No.3090042

nope, definitely non elemental. unless "explosive" damage is an element. the description in the game of fire magic says "Fire element attack." but the description of grenades just says "explosive damage to one opponent."
I've already left Midgar. I'm in "Kalm" right now spamming my way through a long winded story segment.

>> No.3090048

>It's not really a good idea to comment on a game after only playing a tenth of it, even though I do agree with you on most points.
Well I've been playing for like 10 hours now according to the in game timer. Is the game really that drawn out? Damn. I guess my post was a little pre-emptive then, sorry about that.

>> No.3090054

That's one of the best segments. I used to have a save for right outside Kalm so I could watch it any time.

>> No.3090058

>is the game really that drawn out?
Yup, you didn't even scratch the surface, Midgar is basically a prologue.

I mean, I don't want to sound like a dick but you really should at least finish one CD of a game with 3 CDs to judge, even though again, I agree with you almost completely.

>> No.3090071

First disc is pretty much half the game anyways

>> No.3090073

>not playing end game content
I bet you didn't even complete everything in the Gold Saucer

>> No.3090148

Yeah it pretty much stays that bad anon, just turn it off if you aren't enjoying it. I could never stand VII, particularly when VI was so fucking good. I was an 80's kid, I've played nearly all the FF games (except that chocobo one on the DC LCD thing, skipped crisis cores) and I feel VII is one of the weakest in the series. Games are subjective though, OOT and FFVII were a lot of 90's kids first formative gaming experiences, hence the ridiculous amount of fandom for such mediocre titles.

>> No.3090150

>hence the ridiculous amount of fandom for such mediocre titles.
OP here again. i played Ocarina of Time for the first time 2 weeks ago and i thoroughly enjoyed it. it was well designed and fun. FF7 is far, far more boring.

>> No.3090151

Bait: The Thread

>> No.3090152

>80's kid
so you're in your 30's?
why are you still on this chinese cartoon site?

>> No.3090153


>> No.3090154

>I've already left Midgar. I'm in "Kalm" right now spamming my way through a long winded story segment.
So you aren't even reading the game's dialogue?

>> No.3090159

Seems like he should just go back to Minecraft and CoD, huh?

>> No.3090162

I'm not trying to shitpost, I'm just curious as to why he/she is playing an RPG if they are too ADD to read words. This is probably a bait thread, but oh well, I bit.

>> No.3090163

I've been skimming through it and trying to follow the story, but I can't be bothered to focus hard on it because the bad translation just makes it tedious.

So far from what I've gathered, it goes like this:

you're a vigilante group trying to save the world from a generic evil corporation that's killing the planet by sucking up all its magical energy. you learn that Aeris is part of an ancient race called the "Ancients" (lol) who know of a magical world called the promised land that the evil Shinra corporation is trying to get to by conducting experiments on her so that they can build a super Midgar there and extract a huge amount of Mako, to make more money or something.

then the much lauded Sephiroth appears, kills the President of Shinra, and flees Midgar carrying a headless cathader called Jenova. Rufus, the presidents son, takes over Shinra and his new policy is to control the people using fear instead of money like his father.

then you travel to Kalm and Cloud tells you the story of why Sephiroth is relevant to anything, and that he went insane when he found out he was created in a lab and burned down Nibelheim.

am i far off the mark?

>> No.3090173

That was just Hojo being a sick fuck
>headless cadaver
Jenova broke out of her containment cell and took Sephiroth's form (this detail is poorly explained).

Other than that you pretty much got it.

>> No.3090186

>bad translation

>> No.3090189

please, it's riddled with typos and bad grammar/punctuation. the characters are bland, gimmicky and lifeless. it's a fucking chore to read.

>> No.3090190

to be fair i didn't give a shit about the story in OOT either, but at least it had compelling gameplay.

>> No.3090257

IDK how anyone ever found OoT to be entertaining in the slightest, honesgtly...

I'm one of those fuckers who likes 2D Zelda more, so maybe my opinion doesn'tcount (or will be used to explain away my not liking OoT) but IDK. OoT is just.... Boring. Uninspired, repetitive, you name it. It's just not a good game in my eyes.

On the other hand, FFVII drew me in wth the music, atmosphere, plot (badly written, but I grew up watching anime, so...) and it's one of those games that'ssimple, but entertaining to play.

Also, I think that if you haven't played FFVII for enough hours, you aren't gonna be the best judge of it yet. It does get better, and you will eventually have no access to grenades. Or even if you keep them, they'll be useless to the spells you'll have by then.
It's like FFVIII with the Guardian Forces. Morons spam them, because they make the first hour of gameplay easy, so they assume that'll be th "i win " button. In reality, you can be doing more damage with regular attacks within 45 minutes of starting the game (or less) if you know HOW.

FFVII is kinda like that as well. Grenades are a crutch designed for lazy players, but rely on hem, and you'll end up doing FAR less damage than you could.

The thing about JRPGs is that they're not exactly about "mechanics" and "meta": and all that bullshit. They're simple strategy games. You plan, grind, execute plan, repeat (with some customization, usually). If you can't get into that, then you won't get into most JRPGs.

FFVII is still one of the best of it's genre. It's just not for everyone. But because people have been saying "OMG!!! BESTEST GAEM EVURRRRR!!!" for 2 decades now, people expect it to be amazing to literally everyone who plays it. And it won't be.

Honestly, if it hasn't turned you into a JRPG fan, then nothing probably ever will.

>> No.3090332

No, I wasn't baiting you. Not reading dialog really makes me thing he shouldn't even bother playing RPGs.

>> No.3090339

I knew that this site is +18, but I didn't know it was also sub 30

>> No.3090361

There are typos but unless you're a foreigner with a 1st grader's level of English it shouldn't pose a single problem for understand it.

>> No.3090369

I played OoT for the first time like 5 years ago and thought it was terrible. Hyrule was just one open circle with little tentacle routes you could enter and the story really went off the rails with the time travel stuff. I probably would've liked it when it came out but I just found it really annoying now.

>> No.3090385

Oh god.

>> No.3090420


FF7 is the best game in a pretty shitty genre. That's all the truth I can say.

>> No.3090429

It is terrible. Story-heavy bullcrap with glitchy controls and constantly having to Z-correct the camera to see what the fuck is going on, linear world, boring as goddamn fuck.

The original Zelda is still by far the best Zelda. I really can't understand anyone with any other point of view. You want a game that is an adventure game with exploration and the thrill of discovery and victory? The only Zelda that matters is the original.

And for fuck's sake, ALL FF games were pretty much the same linear, spam-to-win snorefests. VII amped the horrible, invasive story up several notches and made an already poor game that much worse.

>> No.3090432

I like the combatitive, argumentative nature of it. Theres not a huge amount of places to discuss retro anymore. GAF think they know fucking everything, (which they fucking do not) and reddit has a piss poor layout+shit community.

I like you assholes. We have good times here.

>> No.3090838

>Story Heavy

Have you actually played OoT beyond the first 30 minutes? The vast majority of the gameplay time is spent on exploration, puzzle solving and combat. The story is a few sentences of text here and there and a handful of 30 second engine-cutscenes.

>> No.3090864


don't respond to e-celeb parrots

>> No.3091038
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say - FF games are mostly overrated. Some are certainly good rpg's, above average, but they still have a lot of very obvious flaws and sometimes are just stupid.

ff7 is a meme game, really.
it's a bit like dragon ball in some ways. the story is flawed, characters are shallow and don't really develop and you simply enjoy it because the characters are cool and you want to see what kind of shit happens next.

square enix somehow fucks up pretty much every game they make in some way. it's like there's some guy sitting in their meetings yelling: "wait, this game is getting too good - let's do this instead" ... thankfully he wasn't there for chrono trigger

all in all ff6 might be the best ff all in all - the story and characters are really above and beyond what pretty much any other ff can offer.

nostalgia glasses can be powerful, I know - my first ff was ff8 and to this day I remember it as a perfect amazing great game made out of unobtanium ... but looking at it objectively, it's a pretty mediocre game with some interesting mechanics thrown in.

the whole "wow, ff7 is so awesome, omg" thing is probably based on the simple fact that a lot of people never played a jrpg (or even rpg) before, especially in that kind of setting, and it blew their mind wide open - despite being mediocre at best.

>> No.3091041

Seriously, you've forgotten the invasive dialog/cutscenes/other bullshit that happen the entire rest of the goddamn game?

This is what happens to kids that grew up with bad games. They can't actually remember how shit they really were.

>> No.3091087

Late 80s here. We all part of a useless generation that ain't gonna achive adulthood.

>> No.3091124

No, that's actually one of the other soldier projects rampaging around with Sephiroth's face. Everyone who had Jenova's cells injected has the ability to turn into Seph, because Seph is basically patient zero and was injected in utero, because his dad is a sick fuck. Actually maybe he injected Sephiroth's hybrid cells into all the other soldiers trying to make others super-human like him.

The important thing is that Sephiroth is half-human, half-cetra, and physically merged with an alien parasite that wants to eat the planet, that was introduced into his body while he was still developing as a fetus.

People think that Jenova was the one pulling the strings all the time, but what they don't realize is that Jenova hit the planet as a corpse, and is less of an entity and more of a disease. Like interstellar mad-cow or something.

>> No.3091129

>square enix somehow fucks up pretty much every game they make in some way. it's like there's some guy sitting in their meetings yelling: "wait, this game is getting too good - let's do this instead" ... thankfully he wasn't there for chrono trigger

this is literally how the game industry works. executives and investors who own the company and only care about stabilizing and maximizing profits and don't give a single shit about videogames have all the power to tell the actual developers to do whatever they want, and if they won't do it they will get fired and taken from their own projects and replaced by akitoshi kawazu, who has autism and will do anything in order to continue making games, even if they aren't good.

>> No.3091145

You kidding? Every e-celeb cums all over this game every morning. Anyone daring to say it's not great gets zerg-rushed by angry fanboys immediately. You pretty much gotta say it's the best game ever, or else.

OoT is overrated. It's clumsy, it actually has too much story (not just "a few cutscenes", which sucks and has made every zelda game after it suck because the "hero of time" bullshit) and the maps are all empty as fuck. You gotta roll and roll and roll just to get to the next piece of content before you die of old age.

And, I don't care if you say FF7's story was shit. OoT's story wasn't any better. Zelda was much better as a dungeon crawler than the "epic of the hero of time" it got turned into. Now it's all about giving nintendo fanbois a new waifu every game while rehashing the same story over and over. Who cares about the characters if they are all "reincarnations". Might as well call the protagonist "Lonk".

Go and call me a faggot all you want. I played it and think the game is terrible, and you won't change my mind with insults or memes, so don't bother. This isn't a Zelda thread anyway, so go back to your circlejerk threads where everyone loves it instead of wasting saliva in some guy that dares not liking it.

>> No.3091176

>You kidding? Every e-celeb cums all over this game every morning. Anyone daring to say it's not great gets zerg-rushed by angry fanboys immediately. You pretty much gotta say it's the best game ever, or else.
I really can't see how this is in any way terrible. If anything I'm guessing most people adopt the contrarian point of view simply because of that reason, while not actually particularly caring about the game themselves.

Of course having rational opinions about things is probably better, with dissenting opinions garnering attention being a happy coincidence, but I can hardly expect other people to be so self-aware and dignified in this day and age.

>> No.3091179

If you can't handle skipping a few inconsequential boxes of text every hours or so, I don't know what to tell you. Do you also consider NPC dialogue to be "invasive?"

>> No.3091183

Twilight Princess is better than OoT in literally every imaginable aspect.

Yet Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening stand the test of time just fine.

>> No.3091215

>first time playing 7
>using nade strat


plus just press O works fine til you get a boss with counter attacks.

>> No.3091217

Never seen anyone daring to be contrarian about that game out of this board. In private, yeah, publicly, never.

I mean, the game has good things, but it's nowhere the perfect masterpiece people make it to be. I just can't get over how empty it feels. specially when most of the previous Zelda games had something in every single screen.

But dare saying it's not perfect and people calls you "contrarian" or starts dumping the shopping list of internet insults, slurs and memes. It's like you aren't allowed to not like it, like if the only reason to not like it was to go against "mainstream". Fuck that, I prefer the NES/GB/SNES ones or Majora's Mask, no one is going to change my mind if playing the game didn't.

>> No.3091248

>and replaced by akitoshi kawazu
So, Kawazu is /vr/'s next shitposting target?

Poor guy was always relegated to being an exec for decades outside of his own brainchild, with the exception of FFCC, it's a miracle he actually gets the greenlight to make games of his own.

>> No.3091250

TP has a shitload of fluff in between dungeons and is genuinely annoying.

OoT sucks too, but TP has its own slew of problems like collecting the light bugs or whatever being incredibly tedious and annoying.

>> No.3091271

I'm pretty sure collecting "light bugs" is not something you have to do and is probably entirely optional?
I'm just pissed that he couldn't carry Matsuno's torch. I actually really like the SaGa series though I think that they're probably more a result of his team's talent than just his ideas.
Contrarianism is characterized by a lack of critical thought, the person reacts without thinking because of a gut feeling as a form of dialogue with what they consider to be the majority. A person having a well formed dissenting opinion is not being contrarian.

>> No.3091326

>I'm just pissed that he couldn't carry Matsuno's torch

He took over as the executive producer there, he had little to no influence over the actual product and was mostly there to oversee the project and make sure people were working as intended, especially because Matsuno already did the bulk of the work, same for the late FFCC titles, and it shows considered how bad the Wii titles are compared to the GC games.

The guys you'd want to "blame" are Ito and Minagawa, though I personally kind of enjoyed FFXII so I don't really get your criticism.

Producers are mostly there to coordinate the staff and work as promoters, basically, they're there to get interviewed by famitsu or whatever, fill reports for the company CEO and give general direction to the development team.

That doesn't mean that they don't influence the game's design because that would be a gross lie, but again, their influence is arguably important when it comes to the final product, simply because it's not their job, otherwise I should blame Matsui for FFXI's deficiencies just because he took over Tanaka as producer after two years or so after working as battle designer.

By the by, you might want to read this:
It's a neat little set of interviews with the Legend of Mana guys, which also includes Kawazu, Ishii and Ito, Kawazu also talks about his role as producer there.

>> No.3091329

Can anyone direct me to a site that has the maps laid out fully rendered like in op? Much nostalgia has bit me

>> No.3091554


Not true. I didn't play it for years (well after the 7th gen started) and I love it.

>> No.3091579

Because you can play stupidly doesn't mean you have to.

Half of the fun of the game is fucking up with the system, trying a bit of everything, trying to find the tricks and secrets, etc

This is just like playing claiming FF8 is shit because they spend hours drawing magic.

>> No.3091584

A solid RPG with a shit ton of stuff to do, but certainly not the greatest thing ever.

You should only bother with RPGs if you like the aesthetics and gameplay. I absolutely like PS1 RPGs to bits, so I even thoroughly enjoyed polarising games like Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross. Were they exceptional games though? No, not really, but I just love the feel of those RPGs. I had a similar experience with Panzer Dragoon Saga, just something about low-poly RPGs of this era do something for me, but if you don't enjoy it then it's probably best just to stop.

>> No.3091585

Yup, it's why I could never get into J-RPGs. Literally spam one button and read a bunch of shitty text: the genre

>> No.3091593

can't find anything other than FFwiki, which weirdly lead me to the exact page OP image comes from..


find gallery, ..., profit!

I spotted a how to map to .obj aswell but 'ain't nobody got time for that'

>> No.3091594

>not likeing story
Jesus, did you people even read books as kids?

>> No.3091597

Story doesn't make up for lack of gameplay

>> No.3091620

RPGs might not be the genre for you.

>> No.3091624

RPGs are fine. These games are just bad RPGs.

>> No.3091628 [DELETED] 

Then what is a good rpg in your opinion? Babby's first like mario and zelda XD

>> No.3091636

Grenade spam was a standard speedrun strat last I checked. I think you switch to Molotovs at some point.

>> No.3091668 [DELETED] 

Christ, quit being so butthurt. It's embarrassing to look at.

>> No.3091674 [DELETED] 

Small child detected.

>> No.3091682 [DELETED] 

Cute/10, remove stick from ass and try again later

>> No.3091685 [DELETED] 

careful with that suggestion. These people tend to use that stick in their ass as a spine substitute, because they lack one of their own

>> No.3091693

>The original Zelda is by far the next Zelda
I really can't stand people like you who insist older is better even though we've done nothing but improve upon those ideas

>> No.3091698

That's fair, I can't stand people that are unable to read, take a bit out of context, and then turn it into a strawman

>> No.3091702 [DELETED] 

I'm not being butthurt. If anything I'm trying to help you enjoy something you might overlook before even giving it a chance.

>> No.3091727

>it's like there's some guy sitting in their meetings yelling: "wait, this game is getting too good - let's do this instead" ... thankfully he wasn't there for chrono trigger

Yeah he was, Masato Kato. Except everyone else on the team was able to reign him in. But in Cross he got full control and drove the series into the ground with his absolutely insane plot and completely new battle system. If they had just stuck with what made CT so great it probably would've spawn a new series, but Kato made sure to kill it with Cross.

>> No.3091758

FFVII is the best game of all time, and there's nothing you can do to change that, take your impotent criticism elsewhere.

>> No.3091805

I'm a FFfag but I appreciate your honesty OP. You should try to play through it all considering FF7 is probably the most popular FF (perhaps not around here but in general) so unless you finish it you won't have a complete opinion of it. You've already started anyway so why not seeing it until the end?

>> No.3091882

>so unless you finish it you won't have a complete opinion of it
If the first third feels like tedious shit, what makes you think the rest is gonna be any different?

>You've already started anyway so why not seeing it until the end?
They're not even off the first disk. So, to answer your "why?": because it's just not fun to force yourself through something you don't enjoy, and there are more entertaining things to play.

>> No.3091893
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, 6989387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3091929

do you like granstream saga anon?

>> No.3092034

>start new thread, first time trolling /vr/
>lots of text to spam with, oh well, maybe I won't sound too retarded
>spam text, I win every time
>get to a McDonalds, notice they sell McDoubles
>fuck it, buy a bunch of McDoubles.
>scarf McDoubles at every breath and wheeze for the next 8 hours
>thread starts to die really fast, never have to post any more shitposts
>buy more McDoubles
>my text is badly written and uninteresting so i spam through it to get to the next boring thread
>literally spam trash the thread.

is there any reason i should keep postimg or do I stay this bad?

>> No.3092052

The most fun part of FF7 is turning it off to play FF6.

>> No.3092068

Both FF7 and OoT have suffered over the time with graphics, but both are not the be-all-end-all for their respective series'. FF9 and FF10 are both better (but both suffer with their own ageing flaws); whereas Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Twilight Princess, and Four Swords Adventures are all superior to OoT.

Both the games set the standard for their series' but have both been surpassed. Currently though both series' are stuck in a rut with bad games (Skyward Sword, FF11 onwards) and are hoping that FF15, Zelda Wiiu/NX/whatever and FF7Remake all pull through.

>> No.3092082

>GAF think they know fucking everything, (which they fucking do not) and reddit has a piss poor layout+shit community.
Good to know. I had been putting off taking a peek at these places, but now I know I was better off not.

>> No.3092441

if you're not emotionally involved in the story you won't enjoy ff7

>> No.3092476

FFX is a terrible game and a well voiced series of cinematic cutscenes, but only in Japanese.

The music in the final boss battle is some of the worst shit I've ever heard.

>> No.3092540

>Seriously, you've forgotten the invasive dialog/cutscenes/other bullshit that happen the entire rest of the goddamn game?
implying FF7 isn't literally 90% boring text.

>> No.3092545

>The music in the final boss battle is some of the worst shit I've ever heard.

Are we talking about Kessen or OTHERWORLD here? Because both are great.

>> No.3092551

>plus just press O works fine til you get a boss with counter attacks.
you mean like the first boss in the game?

>> No.3092554

yeah, i read them as an adult too, and would much prefer to read a good book than spam through a shitty JRPG.

>> No.3092596

that's true for any game. The problem is, FF7 never gives a fuck if you are. It just rambles on and on and on, in its own self-important way. Eventually you just leave the senile little game alone and play something else

>> No.3092608

>that's true for any game.
i disagree with this. the rest of your post was good though.

>> No.3092762

fuck games with story. if i wanted that shit i would red a book

>> No.3092768

story's fine. If it claims to be more important than the game, then we have a problem.
Also, there are better means to convey a story in games than through text or cutscenes. They're the real problem, not a story

>> No.3092789

are you actually fucking serious anon

>> No.3092847

OTHERWORLD is like my second-favourite FF song, yeah. Lots of people like it.

>> No.3093043

If you're hating it in Midgar you may as well quit now. The game ends up dropping that cool setting for generic JRPG towns afterwards.

>> No.3093052

that is incredibly terrible and awful and makes me fear for the future of our species

>> No.3093571 [DELETED] 

i'm not playing stupidly. grenades literally do more damage than any other spell or ability you have in the first 15 hours of the game or more. purposely doing less damage is playing stupidly. i'm playing smart.

>> No.3093578

grenades literally do more damage than any other spell or ability you have in the first 15 hours of the game or more. purposely doing less damage is playing stupidly. OP is playing smart.

>> No.3093597
File: 214 KB, 699x523, ayyy30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having a spasm, OP, or is this an acute case of shameless faggotry? At least delete your previous post before attempting to fake a third party. Also, only fags exploit broken mechanics that make games trivially easy, because one of the fundamental aspects of video games is enduring and overcoming hardship and adversity.

>> No.3093637

>Also, only fags exploit broken mechanics that make games trivially easy
how is buying grenades and using them a broken mechanic? sounds like that's what the devs intended players to do.

>> No.3093658

>one of the fundamental aspects of video games is enduring and overcoming hardship and adversity.
If a player can overcome hardship and adversity by using exploits, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the player, it means the game was designed badly.

>> No.3093659

>because one of the fundamental aspects of video games is enduring and overcoming hardship and adversity.
Not anymore. I can think of at least one game specifically that I just heard comes with a literal invincibility mode. It's so easy even the eldest gramma could do it. This is the environment that kids who play vidya now are being raised in. They already expect, and worse, demand, hand-holding...

What do you make of the above as well.

>> No.3093674

>What do you make of the above as well.
I believe it's silly to place arbitrary restrictions on how a person can and can't beat a game as long as they aren't using 3rd party peripherals like turbo controllers or game sharks, which exploit the game using external tools.

If you can beat a game using nothing but the console, the game, and a normal controller, you can't possibly be cheating. If devs fail to remove something that makes their game easy, tough shit, the game sucks. You can't blame a player for taking advantage of your terrible design.

>> No.3093683

Your main criteria for evaluating a video game appears to be its difficulty. That's stupid. And not just simply difficulty, but apparently the maximum possible difficulty the game design fundamentally accommodates. The difficulty ceiling, as it were.

Who cares if they use 3rd party peripherals? That's arbitrary (and hypocritical of you to make that distinction, given your own view that you think it's silly of others to place "arbitrary" restrictions). Don't you see you're arbitrarily placing your own restriction -- of not, not using in-game exploits? It's the same thing. Exploits are exploits. In fact, I believe the terms exploit, cheat, glitch, etc are all more subjective than you realize.

>> No.3093690

>Don't you see you're arbitrarily placing your own restriction -- of not, not using in-game exploits?
I don't think it's arbitrary. If you use external tools, the tools are beating the game, not you.

>> No.3093702

You'd better just drop it now. If a game can't impress you within the first hour or two then it's not for you.

Depends which part of Dragon Ball you're comparing it to.

Original Dragon Ball is great and holds up just fine without nostalgia goggles.

Dragon Ball Z though, yeah it sucks and is carried pretty much entirely by nostalgia, and even for its time there were far better alternatives in the same genre.

WhileI I can agree that FF7 (along with the rest of the franchise tbqh) is overrated as fuck it certainly has more redeeming qualities that make it much more enjoyable as an adult than DBZ .

>> No.3093705

That's the FF series in a nutshell, and trust me when I say it got much worse after 7.

>> No.3093707 [DELETED] 

>Your main criteria for evaluating a video game appears to be its difficulty.
I also care about it being fun, too. Often exploits and glitches make otherwise boring games much more enjoyable.

>> No.3093727
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Just curious, what about the story was so badly written and uninteresting? I mean sure, the translation was laughable but even taking that into consideration I never had any problems with the story or characters.

You're right about the game being mind-numbingly easy though. My biggest complaint about the game is that it almost never required any strategy whatsoever. Hopefully the remake will fix this.

>> No.3093738

What the fuck why didn't I ever think of buying those, it'd make things in the first part of the game so much less tedious.

>> No.3093741

it's because most people who play FF7 don't experiment with using different abilities in combat, despite regularly lauding this as one of the strong points of the game.

>> No.3093743

>characters are shallow and don't really develop

Except when Cloud got over his insecurities and identity crisis and led the group to victory.

And when Tifa learned to reach out and trust the one she loved.

And Barret realized that acts of terrorism are probably doing it wrong.

Hell pretty much everyone in the game had their own mini-arc or development.

FF7 does have its flaws but the characterization is not one of them - unless you think characters can't be depressed or unsure of themselves and need to be chipper and upbeat 24/7.

>> No.3093747

The game is still easy as fuck without grenades so nobody thought of wasting money on them.

>> No.3093753

>ff7 is a meme game
>the story is flawed, characters are shallow and don't really develop and you simply enjoy it because the characters are cool and you want to see what kind of shit happens next.

The teenage internet critic has spoken.

>my first ff was ff8

You have my condolences.

>> No.3093762

>Your main criteria for evaluating a video game appears to be its difficulty.
I also care about games being fun, too. Often exploits and glitches make otherwise boring games much more enjoyable, or add depth to already amazing games.

People who say that Ocarina of Time speedrunners, for example, are cheating and playing the game wrong don't realize how much better and more challenging the game is when you learn about the engine and utilize it in a context like this. The glitches add depth, they make the game more difficult, they make it more interesting, and they make it more fun. I'm not referring to the 18 minute any% category, I'm referring to categories with additional requirements like MST or 100%. Or even just fucking around. It's truly a sandbox game before sandbox games became a thing.

>> No.3093778
File: 2.34 MB, 470x355, 956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying FF10 wasn't a hallway-simulator with an even more convoluted nonsense story and shallower characters than FF7
>implying Twilight Princes isn't literally OoT 2.0 furshit edition

>> No.3093786

What was convoluted about FFX?

>> No.3093794

>convoluted nonsense story

I'd understand if you were talking about Xenogears, but not X

>> No.3093797
File: 12 KB, 125x126, sue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't even care if his first FF was VIII. I would personally take any Lunar or Grandia or even some of the more niche and fresh Square RPGs such as Live-A-Live or Romancing SaGa any day. Final Fantasy games are usually bland in their plot and battle system (Specially after VII). I enjoyed FFIV a lot though. It's infinitely better than VII.

>> No.3093805

Convoluted as in sort of like VII but much worse and made even less sense. From characters' actions to the lore itself.

>> No.3093807

maybe its because of my own strategies that I don't see the point of grenades but they are supposed to be for the shinra building. if you grind for limits and items in train graveyard (you can go there before the bar with just cloud) you do more damage anyway. basically if you're not speedrunning nades have only few uses (battle square mini or weapon broken, throw grenades..if you can still item)

OoT speedrunning isn't even funny you can arbitrary code execute your way to the last boss in 5 minutes. like the yuffie warp but doesn't take 2 hours to get there. just gameshark yourself onto the credits screen and call it a day, you arn't playing anything.

tl;dr: stop cheesing it and play normally

and dissing the text isn't a valid argument cause they could not get all the voice overs back then onto a CD. barely any game did.

>> No.3093810

Well every FF had an awful story that barely made sense but X's was the worst until XIII happened.

>> No.3093813

>You gotta roll and roll and roll just to get to the next piece of content

too shit at games to figure out how to get Epona?

>> No.3093824

And VI is infinitely better than IV. In fact IV is easily the worst of the SNES games (not counting Mystic Quest, but then again nobody does) and did as much damage to the franchise as VII did (the greater focus on story over gameplay, the ATB system etc.) unlike VI, which actually deserves most of its praise. IV was simply VII for an older generation and almost as guilty of nostalgia goggles.

>> No.3093827

You really need to elaborate because the story and lore is pretty damn straightforward.

>> No.3093828

>you can arbitrary code execute your way to the last boss in 5 minutes.
or you can do one of the other 8+ categories that all involve much more than that.

it's ironic how non-speedrunners use any% as a trump card for how lame OOT speedrunning is while the vast majority of actual OOT speedrunners don't run it or take it seriously.

just goes to show how ignorant your average gamer is about speedrunning.

>> No.3093835

I didn't play it back then, so it's hardly nostalgia goggles.

Although I never finished VI, I remember back when I played it that the music and the graphics being really good (specially terra's theme). Should get to it someday.


>> No.3093836

Same could be said for VII, yet many here would argue that game being convoluted, and X was even worse, especially regarding Dream Zanarkand and all that Fayth mumbo jumbo.

Also Yuna is quite possibly the dumbest character in the whole franchise, yes even worse than fucking Rinoa.

>> No.3093839

what were some JRPGs with good storylines?

>> No.3093840

>Also Yuna is quite possibly the dumbest character in the whole franchise
Yuna's pretty dense but Agnes couldn't pour water out a boot with instructions on the heel.

>> No.3093845

I'm playing through Star Ocean 2 and I like it a lot.

And while I haven't played it yet I've heard a lot of great things about Suikoden 2.

Don't listen to anyone who says Xenogears or Chrono Cross though.

>> No.3093846

this was a real shame. midgar was confusing but cool, but it felt reallt out of place in the otherwise really generic JRPG-world.

>> No.3093847

Mana Khemia, some of the Tales games, Radiant Historia, Bravely Default, FF Tactics, Xenosaga, and several Megaten games.

>> No.3093848

Is BD even part of the franchise? I always considered it a spin-off like with Kingdom Hearts.

>> No.3093851

>some of the Tales games

U avin a giggle m8? What Tales games have even remotely decent stories?

>> No.3093857

Can't you fucking read? Is it 1997? NO. That's why the experience isn't the same for you, dingus.

Jesus Christ, if you don't like the game, don't fucking play it.

>> No.3093860

It's a successor to 4 Heroes of Light.

Abyss and Symphonia.

>> No.3093862

Exactly. Despite Shinra being supposedly the most powerful organization on the planet, only two towns (three if you count the remains of Corel) show any signs of Shinra's influence. It's a shame because Midgar's atmosphere and style is really fantastic, but all that grinds to a halt as soon as you enter the bog-standard fantasy world map.

>> No.3093865

Interesting point. Does that mean it's like a CG overblown Michael Bay sort of flick? I would agree to that. Its quality as an engaging RPG is questionable to me.

>> No.3093868

I thought Junon, the Golden Saucer, Fort Condor, Cosmo Canyon, and Wutai were all pretty interesting.

>> No.3093873

Too bad Abyss had an unlikable and unsympathetic cast.

Not really. FF7 is more like the original Star Wars trilogy like the other anon said - it was revolutionary and mindblowing for its time, but looking at it objectively it's nothing special and is definitely overrated thanks to its frequently rabid and obnoxious fandom.

>> No.3093879

I was asked for plot, I gave plot.

>> No.3093880

Fair enough.

>> No.3093882

>Except when
how is any of this reflected in the gameplay?

>> No.3093886

He wasn't talking about gameplay though.

>> No.3093887

I didn't play it in 1997 myself, but like 10 years later as a 16 year old and I really enjoyed it, although back then I had no idea on RPGs and I was pretty much high on the hype. Playing it some years later I realized how bland it actually was.

>> No.3093890

no problem, I am.

>> No.3093893

Remember when Dagger in FF9 was rendered completely useless for a chunk of the game because of PTSD?

You want more of that?

>> No.3093895

JRPGs generally keep story and gameplay separate though.

>> No.3093896

this is one of my major problems with ff7, the settings/world feally really disjointed and weird. in the AC movie, despite being mostly a movie-length fight scene, they improved on the setting imo. there were roads and cars (more than like 2), infrastructure and the world didnt look medieval outside of midgar. thats how i wish the world wouldve been presented in the game.

>> No.3093897

>You want more of that?
Story actually having an effect on the game? Sure, why not?

>> No.3093901

indeed, they're VNs with a grindfest mechanic between the dialogs

>> No.3093902

Too bad AC failed in every other aspect, and is one of the biggest reasons for FF7's unfavorable reputation today.

>> No.3093909

Welcome to Japanese role-playing games.

>> No.3093913

Indeed. AC may have been a steaming pile of shit in terms of its treatment of FF7's story and characters but it did (sort of) improve on the setting.

>> No.3093923

And here we have the babby who grew up in the 6th gen and thinks FF10 and TP are the best games ever.

>> No.3093925

yeah AC was bad overall but in terms of the actual world it felt more believable

>> No.3093932

I don't personally see the point in speedrunning and limiting what you can do to justify a time, the only ones that make sense are glitched and non glitched. if your time is anything but 0:0:0 in glitched you can't hack, and while its interesting to see tricks in code I don't see how its a legit speedrun with full on code rewritting, whats next, fastest to complete mario chainloaded into OoT? madness.

im hardly ignorant of speedrunning either, i've seen half of the ff7 ones and am just stating an opinion.

'if you can't accept that, go fuck yourself'

>> No.3093937

>the point in speedrunning and limiting what you can do to justify a time
added challenge, replay value, competition, etc.

pretty easy to understand why people do it.

>> No.3093939

>if your time is anything but 0:0:0 in glitched you can't hack
There's a difference between using glitches present in the code, and altering the code. I say that as someone that loathes the concept of speedrunning, or glitch using

>> No.3093950

>Your main criteria for evaluating a video game appears to be its difficulty. That's stupid. And not just simply difficulty, but apparently the maximum possible difficulty the game design fundamentally accommodates. The difficulty ceiling, as it were.
No, that's the criteria of the people saying I'm cheating when I use a glitch. If you think using a mechanic included in the game to my advantage makes me a cheater, you must think your game is pretty shitty. Meanwhile I'm over here having fun with glitches and/or exploits and think the game is great.

>> No.3093953

the original Zelda is awesome but it has its flaws as well. In my book spending hours trying to burn every single bush or trying out every possible direction in lost woods doesn't count as "exploration", it is only tedious tile-hunting.

>> No.3093959

>I use a glitch. If you think using a mechanic included in the game
That's dishonest, and you know it. Glitches are not intended by the developer or designer

>> No.3093968

>Glitches are not intended by the developer or designer
Lots of devs were known to leave glitches on purpose though, Square devs did too.

>> No.3093969

>Glitches are not intended by the developer or designer
what does that have to do with anything? along this same line of reasoning you could say a buggy unplayable game is awesome because the developers didn't intend to put glitches into it.

i play games as they are, not as what they were meant to be.

>> No.3094003

>what does that have to do with anything?
Just playing a different game

>along this same line of reasoning you could say a buggy unplayable game is awesome because the developers didn't intend to put glitches into it.
I can, and would say, that conceptually the game is awesome, but the glitches make the implementation suck. These are indeed two different things

>i play games as they are, not as what they were meant to be.
Just don't expect everyone to follow your stance

>> No.3094025

Yeah well I remapped the O button to X so joke's on you

>> No.3094030

>Just don't expect everyone to follow your stance
oh i don't, believe me. speedrunners and other types of gamers who are interested in glitches/exploits tend to understand and enjoy their games on a much deeper level than most gamers, in addition to experiencing many more hours of replay value.

most people who play video games are far too casual to bother learning the nuances of any game to that degree. they just aren't that interested in video games, and that's fine. i think the problem is when that type of casual gamer tries to tell someone who has 2000 hours of passion and learning into ocarina of time that they're enjoying it wrong.

>> No.3094035

Two reasons that's done.

1: It's not really worth the time or effort to fix, or fixing it would result in other bugs cropping up.
2: It's just too cool.

>> No.3094053 [DELETED] 

>on a much deeper level
Oh fuck off, asshole

>that they're enjoying it wrong
You stopped playing OoT long ago, and are too stuck up to realize it

>> No.3094064 [DELETED] 

>Oh fuck off, asshole
it's true though lol. nobody is as passionate about individual games as speedrunners, superplayers, score runners, tasers, and glitch hunters are. outside of esports communities, anyway.

>> No.3094087

>I can, and would say, that conceptually the game is awesome, but the glitches make the implementation suck.
So the game sucks. Peter Molyneux intends every game he makes to be the second coming of video game Jesus, but somehow all his games end up being empty shells of his grandiose delusions. It's fucking irrelevant what developers wish their product were. All that matters is what their product IS.

>> No.3094098

>Glitches are not intended by the developer or designer
Most devs intend their games to not be horrendous pieces of shit either, but look how that turns out 90% of the time. Imagine how retarded it would be if we lived in a world where the developers intentions were more important than the actual product they released.

>> No.3094103

>Imagine how retarded it would be if we lived in a world where the developers intentions were more important than the actual product they released.
I don't even have to imagine, I've seen that shit with indie early access shit where the fans are rabidly defending the concept/potential of the game and throwing more money at the devs.

>> No.3094128

>confusing mindless, mechanical, repetitious slogs for true passion
>doesn't realize that such people can't actually articulate their "appreciation" for a game beyond parroting what they heard someone else say
I recommend watching the next GDQ and really listening to the speedrunners who comment on the game as they play it. Don't listen to the people talking but NOT playing, listen to the guys who do both.

>> No.3094135

>Peter Molyneux intends every game he makes to be the second coming of video game Jesus
Learn the difference between an announcement and a concept

>what developers wish their product were
Good thing we're not talking about wishes

>> No.3094173

>confusing mindless, mechanical, repetitious slogs for true passion
more blatant ignorance of how speedrunning works. also i mentioned more than just speedrunning.

>listening to the speedrunners who comment on the game as they play it. Don't listen to the people talking but NOT playing, listen to the guys who do both.
yeah, turns out awkward nerdy kids suck at public speaking while simultaneously performing mentally demanding and precise execution. what a shocker. it's almost like the people on the couch are there for some sort of purpose.

>Learn the difference between an announcement and a concept
the two aren't mutually exclusive.

>Good thing we're not talking about wishes
"wishes" and "intentions" are synonymous in this context.

>> No.3094180

Not really. It's the single most overrated game of all time. Where are you at right now? The story gets a little more dynamic on disc 2, but if you're not engaged in the story by this point, you probably won't care about what happens later.

>> No.3094209

>"wishes" and "intentions" are synonymous in this context.
nobody's talking about intentions either. Glitches are fairly straightforward. Requires understanding a game's ruleset though, and your hobby is all about disregarding them

>> No.3094226

ff1 had a weird but cool story

>> No.3094227

>nobody's talking about intentions either.
>Glitches are not intended by the developer or designer


>Glitches are fairly straightforward.
some are straightforward. others are extraordinarily complex.
>Requires understanding a game's ruleset though, and your hobby is all about disregarding them
the ruleset in any piece of software is what the code allows you to do. anything else is a restriction dictated by a ruleset that doesn't exist in the game.

>> No.3094241

>the ruleset in any piece of software is what the code allows you to do
Figured, you don't understand. Expert speed runner and glitch finder/user, but completely oblivious to games. You are not in a position to be smug in.

>> No.3094245

>Expert speed runner and glitch finder/user, but completely oblivious to games.
oh man that's cute coming from some retarded casual who probably sucks shit at video games.

>> No.3094254

That's not what casual means, babyraper.

>> No.3094590

>more blatant ignorance of how speedrunning works. also i mentioned more than just speedrunning.
You misunderstand. They don't appreciate the game for what it is. They understand it as a sequence of button pushes and commands to be conquered. That's it. They're not passionate about the game as a GAME.

>yeah, turns out awkward nerdy kids suck at public speaking while simultaneously performing mentally demanding and precise execution. what a shocker. it's almost like the people on the couch are there for some sort of purpose.
Ah, hiding behind "lol, awkward nerds are awkward" instead of addressing the actual point. Talking about the SUBSTANCE of what they say, not their literal delivery.

Come back after the next GDQ and say your shit in earnest.

>> No.3094603

>They're not passionate about the game as a GAME.
this is a lie. good speedrunners know everything about their games, not just the parts that are relevant to speedrunning. they play through their games without using glitches faster than you could too. and do all the sidequests, and know the story, and the characters, etc.
>Talking about the SUBSTANCE of what they say
care to provide an example? i'm not sure what you mean. it's often difficult to adequately explain an entire speedgame in the length it takes to run one because there's so much to go over that they only partially explain it.

i wouldn't consider GDQ to be a fair representation of the speedrunning demographic either. a growing number of of runners try to distance themselves from theose events, as they're more aimed toward a casual audience than people who are actually interested in speedrunning.

>> No.3094614

it took you 10 hours to get out of midgar? You could try to kill the zolom.

>> No.3094621

>this is a lie. good speedrunners know everything about their games, not just the parts that are relevant to speedrunning. they play through their games without using glitches faster than you could too. and do all the sidequests, and know the story, and the characters, etc.
Truth, good speedrunners have a vast knowledge of virtually everything about their game. They're very interested in their game mechanically, but often talk about and show appreciation for the art, level design, history, the developers intentions and so forth. You can learn a lot about games that you never knew before by watching speedrunners. Developers put so much detail into their games that just get glossed over by most casual players, but speedrunners pick up on all the little details and love it to bits.

It's really a shame they're painted in such a bad light around here.

>> No.3094647

If it took you 10 hours to reach Kalm then consider gene therapy, you might be mentally challenged.

>> No.3094660

Why not give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he left his console on while he made supper or something?

You people are all so quick to antagonize others.

>> No.3094728

>thankfully he wasn't there for chrono trigger
Chrono trigger is honestly pretty shit. It is even more tedious than the average FF somehow and way too easy.

>> No.3094742

Biggest problem was the long delay between triggering a fight and actually starting it.

>> No.3094902

Awwwww look, he thinks he's fitting in by wanking over FF6!

>> No.3094903

Not OP but is there a way to get into Rpgs? Never really played any as a kid but as I get older I feel like I'm missing out on some cool games if I never try them.

Have never tried any final fantasy, chrono trigger, xeno gears, earthbound, quest 64. Nothing!

What's a good starter one?

>> No.3094906

Coma sequence and onward was pretty fantastic IMO. I've finished this game at least ten times over my life.

>> No.3094912

Strongly recommend

>> No.3094919

All JRPGs are tedious shit honestly, even the ones like Star Ocean and Tales where you get to run around you're still just mashing X to win with no real strategy required.

>> No.3094927

>all in all ff6 might be the best ff all in all - the story and characters are really above and beyond what pretty much any other ff can offer.
>muh joker ripoff is the best villain ever

Found the edgy teenager.

>> No.3094937 [DELETED] 

Sounds like the genre isn't for you. But I recommend Breath of Fire 3 and 4 anyway.

>> No.3094950

You left it too late. JRPGs are like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Cool when you're a teenager but your standards should be much higher by now.

If you really want to play one I recommend FFVII purely for the historical significance, in an emulator with fastforward.

>> No.3094971

>You left it too late.
You have a point. One of my worries is, do I even have time for an rpg now, being an adult. Still want to give one a try tho, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.3094973 [DELETED] 

Soul Blazer
Illusion of Gaia
Lufia 1 and 2

CT and FF6 are overrated as fuck even by supposed RPG aficionados so I don't blame you at all for being disappointed.

>> No.3094978

Just play the PS4 version then, that one has the fast forward option.

>> No.3094985

More anime in general is cool when you're a teenager but not anymore.

>> No.3095017

FF6 honestly isn't that great either. Kefka gets praised for being an edgy joker ripoff but he's really just a generic "I'M DA BIG BAD AND I DO BAD THINGS COZ I'M DA BIG BAD" villain, no beter than momma's boy Sephiroth, and the rest of the cast is as one-note and undeveloped as any other cast from any other game in the series. Final Fantasy as a whole is grossly overrated.

>> No.3095026

Why are we talking about irrelevant shit and not the gameplay, which is the real problem here?

>> No.3095032

He's an underage faggot trying to feel special by shitting on FF7 even if it has nothing to do with anything. You get them all over the internet.

>> No.3095078

>unless you're a foreigner with a 1st grader's level of English
I think you just described OP. I have never heard anyone say anything negative about the translation.

OP, get Rosetta Stone.

>> No.3095089

>the most fun part of a shit game is turning it off to play another shit game

>> No.3095092

What about "Attack while it's tail is up!"?

>> No.3095140

Honestly, I bought it on Steam for a few bucks because I figured I should probably experience it myself. I've known the majority of the story for years though and I'm pretty unimpressed; the fact that there's no mystery left about the world is really spoiling it for me.

I'm thankful my first FF was IX. I'd never experienced anything like that when I first played it at the age of 8, it was an incredibly seminal experience for me and it went on to influence me in a lot of different ways. It taught me to read at a level way past 3rd grade, the drawn backgrounds defined my taste in visual aesthetics and when I started to become a more savvy musician I realised how pivotal the soundtrack was to developing my sense of melody. Christ, I love that game.

VII is fucking boring though; I'd be keen on seeing how the remake fares, even though all the charm of the original will most definitely be gutted.

>> No.3095151

So then you don't really have anything to blame other than yourself playing it so late that you had the story spoiled for you for years.

Also you just openly admitted than your love for IX was entirely based on nostalgia. What were you trying to accomplish by posting that?

>> No.3095162

I wasn't trying to accomplish anything, my post was just an attempt to highlight the importance of the context in which you experience these sorts of games. I wonder all the time if I would even come close to enjoying IX as much as I did with a kid, or even if I had played VII first.

If I'm trying really hard to be non-biased I still think IX has a more interesting cast, story, soundtrack and world design, but I'll never be able to give an accurate measure of that.

>> No.3095179

Well IX does have a more interesting characters but the gameplay was very lackluster even by FF standards. Also for me the story took a nosedive when it went all sci-fi and Zidane was revealed to be a saiyan sent to conquer Earth/Terra and so on.

>> No.3095191

I'll agree that the gameplay leaves a lot to desire; thankfully I wasn't very good at videogames when I was a kid so I found a more than adequate challenge in IX. The story does get a little silly, but the saving grace of it for me was that it tied in so damn fluidly with the theme of death and inevitable expiry - that was very poignant to in my mind. I loved how Kuja ended up being a complete wimp in the face of his own mortality. I wish the ending was a little less rushed though; foreshadowing about the Crystal/Necron/Memoria would have been excellent but what're you gonna do?

>> No.3095237 [DELETED] 

If a game doesn't grab you within the first 10 hours you should drop it. Like everyone else said FF7 is extremely overrated anyway, I mean it's definitely a solid game and maybe even a classic (at least for me it is), but it's far from the masterpiece the rabid fantards claim it is.

>> No.3095271

>"Attack while it's tail is up!"?
How in God's name did this bother you? I know autism is a /v/ word, but shit man...

>> No.3095283

Is that your yardstick for texts in a supposedly excellent game? "it's understandable"? Especially in a game where the player spends so much time on reading the texts, I expect the texts to be fucking novel level, not bored-intern-with-a-dictionary level

>> No.3095285

It's an example of a shit translation. Not that it matters anyway since I'm pretty sure OP is a teenager with ADHD.

>> No.3095294

No Japanese game has novel level text. Not even ones like FF6 which are circlejerked by edgy teenagers constantly despite not being any better than the rest of the schlock.

>> No.3095327

>b8 thread
>200+ replies

>> No.3095390 [DELETED] 

>it's a pretty mediocre game with some interesting mechanics thrown in.

That's putting it mildly. FF8 is easily the second worst retro Final Fantasy in the series, and in general one of the worst JRPGs of all time. Literally everything it tries it fails; the gameplay is unintuitive, poorly-thought-out and stupidly broken, the main character is unlikable and unsympathetic, the supporting characters are annoying one-note retards with zero depth or development, the story starts off okay but shits the bed after disc 1 and gets worse and worse etc. I agree that FF7 is mediocre at best and disgustingly overrated, but it's a masterpiece compared to FF8, a mountain of shit so enormous that it's snow capped and has little skiers slaloming down the sides.

>> No.3095406

>it's a pretty mediocre game with some interesting mechanics thrown in.

That's putting it mildly. FF8 is easily the second worst retro Final Fantasy and in general one of the worst JRPGs of all time. Literally everything it tries it fails; the gameplay is unintuitive, poorly-thought-out and stupidly broken, the main character is unlikable and unsympathetic, the supporting characters are annoying one-note retards with zero depth or development, the story starts off okay but shits the bed after disc 1 and gets worse and worse etc. I agree that FF7 is mediocre at best and disgustingly overrated, but it's a masterpiece compared to FF8, a mountain of shit so enormous that it's snow capped and has little skiers slaloming down the sides.

>> No.3096247

I am so glad you decided to make a completely pointless thread about it instead of, you know, deciding for yourself.

>> No.3096512
File: 60 KB, 800x600, final-fantasy-vii-hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why FF7 should not have an HD remake, it needs to stay preserved in its era

>> No.3096556

The point of the setting is that the discovery of Mako lead to such rapid development that the entire industrial revolution and 20th century advances were squeezed into about seventy years or so. That's why so much of it looks like Old World villages + TV sets

>> No.3096587

Get to Emerald and Ruby Weapon

>> No.3096615

Try Paper Mario, it's probably one of the most accessible turn-based RPGs I've ever known. If you can't get into that, you're not made for RPGs.

>> No.3096628

*led. Apparently I'm still learning my tenses.

>> No.3096647


Outside of Midgar, the world looks very 19th century. Mako is like Nuclear energy but can be used like oil. So it led to a rapid development.

>> No.3096659

>there is a difference in using glitches and altering the code (context: arbitrary code execution)

there literally isn't. I don't really care like I said I enjoy seeing the glitches too, just bit fed up with egotists saying 'yeah thats the world record strat' every time in a glitch run. and then other people assuming I don't know shit because I don't play like them.

>> No.3098545

The game was designed for children.

>> No.3098851
File: 31 KB, 232x357, 1427059625932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bumping your shitty blog thread you underage cancer