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File: 36 KB, 390x261, sega-genesis-console.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3090176 No.3090176 [Reply] [Original]

>Genesis had 4 pallets of 15 colors
>TurboGrafx-16 had 16 BG pallets of 16 color, AND 16 sprite pallets of 15 colors

Why were the Genesis's graphics so gimped?

>> No.3090183
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you tell me

>> No.3090185
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>> No.3090187

Okay, now let me remind you that the one on the right is an 8-bit system.

>> No.3090191

You already got owned, kid. Don't take it personally. But here's some advice, put some ointment on that burn.

>> No.3090197

...How did I get owned, exactly? You just proved that a console as powerful as the NES could look as good as the Genesis. Plus you're conveniently ignoring the actual fact that the Genesis has a fraction of the colors that the exponentially weaker system has.

For the record I love the Genesis. That doesn't change the fact that it's graphics chip is a piece of shit.

>> No.3090207

The Genesis had an early lead on 16-bit graphics but ultimately couldn't pull it off in the end. The bottom line is, Sega did it first but Nintendo stayed with their 16-bit system and did some serious fan-service.

I'm a Sega fan though for their unwavering stance on keeping a high difficulty level overall. Beyond that I truly felt that Sega was ahead of their time but that was their downfall.

I understand this is mildly off-topic and I do apologize. Sega gets such a bad rap from noobs that don't know any better. Plus, Dreamcast was a beautiful end.

>> No.3090210

The PCE/TG-16 can't do as much detail as the MD/Genesis because of memory issues. So just because it can display more colors doesn't mean that the games will look as good.

>> No.3090221

OP here, and I agree. I love Sega, but I was looking at hardware specs and the Genesis's lack of graphical power just struck me as odd. Not only were the colors limited, but it also couldn't do things like rotation and scaling.

My understanding is that there were a couple graphics features like a shadow and highlight mode that could darken or brighten colors, but that was the extent of it.

>> No.3090225

>Why were the Genesis's graphics so gimped?
They were just fine as first and then the devs used dithering extensively to cover that lack up. That's why some of the games need composite to actually look good.

>> No.3090236
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>muh colors are everything there is to graphics

>> No.3090281

If the Genesis only had 2 sprite layers and a HUD layer, how did some games do foreground parallax effects or have the sprite go behind things?

Come to think of it, how did the SNES do it? Was the player sprite not always on the foreground layer?

>> No.3090286
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>stupid developers confusing the 64 color palette limit with them being the global palette as opposed to colors at once.
>overused dark murky colors of mustard colors cause they just ported graphics as opposed to start from scratch
>american developers pandering to american grittiness and overused of grays.
>overused of dithering and to contrasted shades.

I mean how many patches Pyron has already released that fixes the colors and shading on genesis ports?

>> No.3090296


>> No.3090301


And yet the Genesis looks way more colorful. Even to SNES except for some RPGs.

>> No.3090305

It's that pallette limit. So let's say you use all 15 colors in one pallete for your main character, power ups, and HUD. Now you have 3 pallettes of 15 colors to use for everything else. You can swap colors in the pallete but you've got to be careful you don't ever see anything that uses a different pallete until you've fixed those colors.

>> No.3090319

Side note:

Genesis is much more like the arcade, but the Turbo version has far better music and controls

Would you also believe that the Genny port has load times?

>> No.3090321

You sega faggots are so fucking delusional

>> No.3090342


>far better music
>Lets convert a great FM soundtrack to shitty wavetable

Yeah, no. And it replaced a song outright because it couldn't replicate the original sound.


No it doesn't. It doesn't even have the same level layout.

>> No.3090350

Compare Sonic 3 to Super Mario World. Tell me which one looks more colorful to you?

>> No.3090352

At least pick games that came out in the same year.

>> No.3090373

Sonic 3 wasn't very colorful, fampie. Sonic 2 and even Sonic 1 had better artstyles. S3 ended up looking too gritty and drab.

>> No.3090374

Yoshi's Island vs Sonic 3 its more fair (only a year apart).

Or Super Mario RPG vs Sonic 3D Blast.

>> No.3090386
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Mario World, is this a serious question?

>> No.3090387

>looks more colorful

Dude. The Genesis literally, LITERALLY displays only 64 colors. The SNES does 256. This isn't a personal values judgement. You cannot argue that 64 is more than 256.

I mean fuck, I love Sega, but the SNES is a more powerful console. What you're doing is the equivalent of saying the Dreamcast is more powerful than the PS2.

>> No.3090395

why not the equivalent of DC>GC, why even involve Sony

>> No.3090398
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>> No.3090419

>more colors = more powerful

This is the argument born from nugaming millennial stupidity. The Genesis/MD STOMPS the SNES in raw power, and that is all that matters. Not graphics, not sound. Raw fucking power.

Sure, the SNES has great games. I love the SNES. But if you actually argue that the SNES is more "powerful" because it has more colors?



>> No.3090427

>saying the Dreamcast is more powerful than the PS2.
it is though, some DC games are simply incapable of being run on PS2, like Shenmue 2 (according to SEGA-AM2 developers). the ps2 gpu is simply too weak to handle that game

>> No.3090439

The Genesis GPU is worse than the SNES GPU. You are a delusional fucking retard if you think otherwise.

>> No.3090441

Oh look, again, children think graphics matters.

You're what's wrong with gaming. Seriously. You need a serious attitude adjustment.

Go back to /v/ and play your fucking Cawadootie and Dank Souls shit.

>> No.3090442

What's the fucking point of raw power if it looks worse? It's like saying its preferable to run Quake 2 in a Pentium 2 using the software render than on a Pentium 166 with the shittiest Voodoo Rush.

You can shove the power of that P2 and its SDR memory up your ass cause its gonna look like shit anyway, and beautiful in the weaker system capable of displaying more stuff cause of the superior graphics chip.

This analogy represents exactly the difference between the snes and the genesis, you are a faggot.

>> No.3090448

Are you mentally ill?

>> No.3090459

>what's the fucking point of raw power if it looks worse
This place is just /v/ all over again.

This board should honestly be only for people that actually remembered the old generations in their adulthood and not through playing old systems after being corrupted by modern gaming.

>> No.3090461

You must be 35 or older to post on /vr/.

>> No.3090482

You are a hipster moron.

Graphics always mattered and were a matter of discussion between players, and the very center of TV commercials at the time, even stronger than today, nothing was corrupted, there were tons of shitty games back then too, you are literally being a nostalgicfag and the one bringing modern games to the topic.

The faggot I replied to was too concerned with raw power (specs) just for the sake of it (like the PC Masterfags), I'm talking about the one with better practical capabilities, if I can choose between the same game with 64 or 256 colors, why choose the worst? Why pretend it doesn't matter? It's stupid.

>> No.3090486

You're welcome to leave anytime

>> No.3090489

Not that guy, but gameplay matters more than graphics to me.

Compare Thunder Force III to Thunder Spirits. Same game, and it looks better on SNES. However, it has such crippling slowdown that it ruins the game.

>> No.3090501

There's an anecdote about one of the mid-1991 gameshows, where Nintendo was advertising how the SNES is so much more colourful than the Genesis, and they showcased Mario World for this. When people asked the Sega execs on site about this, they just ran a demo of Sonic 1 and suddenly no one was paying attention to Mario World anymore, and the Sega guy told them that it isn't the amount of colours that matter, but what you do with them.

>> No.3090506

>millenial detected

>> No.3090510

>it is though, some DC games are simply incapable of being run on PS2, like Shenmue 2 (according to SEGA-AM2 developers). the ps2 gpu is simply too weak to handle that game

That's because they'd want to run it in a traditional cpu-gpu setup, ie. a straight port, in which case the PS2 could obviously not run it - all the early PS2 titles had to be cut back extremely in textures and resolutions because they tried running games like that. But that did not work since the PS2 had less video memory and broken antialiasing.

Then a few years down the road they figured out that you can texture from system memory as fast as from video memory, giving you 10-30x more space for textures (depending on what resolution you are running your game at).

PS2 could've handled Shenmue 2 fine, but would've took a LOT of time to get ported with all the graphics intact.

I think the bigger limitation would've been that the PS2 has higher access latency on the dvd drive, which would've caused more NPC popups.

>> No.3090513

What, revisionists too?

>> No.3090515


If you think that the PC Engine and the Nes have the same capabilities you are seriously retarded. It's like saying that the Atari 2600 and the Nes are the same because they are both 8bit consoles.

>> No.3090519

The problem is smw looks too dorky and the first Sonic can be really appealing to the eye sight for how its designed, but its rather the exception.

In multiplatform games sega was on the losing side most of the time graphically speaking.

And gameplay wise smw its far better too than any Sonic, and I like all Sonics pre-Dreamcast era.

>> No.3090562
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Even an 8-bit system has better colors than the Genesis.

Shit SEGA, are you even trying???

>> No.3090596

are you blind? more saturated =/= better, genesis port's colors are closer to the arcade.
Also PCE has tons of flickering as usual

>> No.3090602

>but it also couldn't do things like rotation and scaling.

Gunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier say wassup?

>> No.3090617

the pc engine version obviously has more unique colors on screen than genesis', also runs at full screen unlike the gens

>> No.3090634

Honestly I think the Genesis version looks better. The bar on the side sucks but you forget about it pretty quickly when you start playing.

>> No.3090641

>also runs a full screen
It's the same resolution stretched at 4:3 on a CRT retard, the Genesis added black bars to maintain the right aspect ratio.

>> No.3090652
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>> No.3090658

That's cool and all, but this is a thread about hardware and tech specs. The Genesis GPU is objectively worse than the SNES's

Look nigger, the Genesis can't do sprite rotation. It can't do scaling. You can simulate it with sprite sheets but that doesn't change the realities of the hardware.

Use your goddamn brain for a second, fuck

>> No.3090659

Seriously, fuck off with this bullshit back to /v/

>> No.3090738

Genesis uses less color in order to conserve memory. It seems that the designers of the chip had a preference for resolution over color.

SNES can only display more colors than Genesis when the resolution is set lower. It's nice that the SNES has several modes that allow the developer to determine what kind of trade off they want though.

Also SNES cannot do sprite rotation. It can only operate on backgrounds, not sprites.

In terms of number of sprites per line, background scrolling, etc the SNES and Genesis are highly comparable.

>> No.3090741
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>pallet instead of palette
Why don't you actually learn to speak English before you start using words you don't understand?

>> No.3090747

sega AM2 should not be taken as an authority on ps2 programming given their mediocre track record on programming for that console

the PS2 GPU would literally have no problem with shenmue 2

Dreamcast fill rate: 100 MPixel/s (albeit with tile rendering which is more efficient)
PS2 fill rate: 1200 MPixel/s

>> No.3090751

I think the textures are the main issue, with dreamcast having more vram for that along with texture compression to help.

>> No.3090763

>Why were the Genesis's graphics so gimped?
The VDP and the selection of colors that could be used at any given time. Anyway it's what you do with it, this goes for any system. Go look at Yu Yu Hakasho and Beyond Oasis, the colors are beautiful

I also see you idiots are very content with having the same arguments over and over again. Here's how it goes, someone claims that their opinion is objective truth, another person calls them a fanboy, blah blah hipster, system specs are shouted back and forth when people seem to forget that not every dev was God's gift to whatever platform they were developing on. It's like clockwork, you niggers love this shit so I won't stop you. As a matter of fact, I can't stop you

to another year of /vr/, cheers

>> No.3090776

both PS2 and Dreamcast support VQ texture compression

initially though developers did not know you could texture from main RAM on PS2

>> No.3090858
File: 472 KB, 248x200, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it go my friend
Dreamfags will forever spouting about the holy trinity
Never understand the first is a game made FOR the DC, (like RE4 was made only with the GC in mind) and ported for Xbox because the microsoft console was a beast and so easy port.
The last two are simply early sloppy conversion.
Dreamfags still believe today DC can run titles like Soul calibur 3 or God of war 2...

>> No.3090898

>wider pallete is more important than processing power
Is your SNES capable of this?

>> No.3090915

i wish westerners were more interested in making a good game than a tech demo 2bh

>> No.3090959

You seem upset. You ok?

>> No.3090994

>He still thinks bits mean shit

The CPU's number of bits doesn't mean anything when it comes to graphics. The TG16's graphics chip is 16 bit.

>> No.3091006

Is the Genesis meme here for real? Or just trolls having fun?

It had a lower resolution, shit-tier audio and a fraction of on screen colors and a tiny total palette of colors to choose from.

It was a fun system, but please just stop.

>> No.3091008

Compared to the SNES.

>> No.3091012

>things I don't like are shit
>people who like things I don't like are just memeing

>> No.3091014
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>It had a lower resolution

>> No.3091017

SNES faggots literally think their console was more powerful than the Neo Geo.

>> No.3091019

>Lower resolution
The SNES was theoretically capable of a higher resolution but the majority of games ran at 256x224, same as the Mega Drive.

>shit-tier audio
Simply false. Don't get me wrong, when a Mega Drive game's soundtrack is shit, it's REALLY shit, but most of the time the music is just as good or better and it basically comes down to opinion and the games you play. I was playing Cybernator (badass mech action game) on my SNES the other day and as much as I like it I couldn't help but think it would have had a better soundtrack on Mega Drive. I find that the Mega Drive's synth audio tended to be better for arcade/action games. As a side note, I simply couldn't imagine Ecco the Dolphin's OST on the SNES.

>fraction of on screen colours
>tiny total palette of colours
This is where I would agree with you and say the SNES won on this front. There are plenty of amazing looking Mega Drive games, but that's in spite of the console's graphics capabilities, not because of it. I will say though, that a lot of the games people praise the SNES for, graphically, were released around 1995, and the Mega Drive probably would have had a better reputation for graphics if Sega hadn't abandoned the console early for the Saturn.

Where the Mega Drive loses in graphics, it makes up for with processing power. This is why it tended to run action games more smoothly than the SNES. At the end of the day the two consoles' strengths and weaknesses seem to gear them towards certain types of games. That's probably why I love both, because their differences caused them to have vastly different libraries.

>> No.3091024

>Look nigger, the Genesis can't do sprite rotation. It can't do scaling.

Neither can the SNES, unless you're talking about a single BG layer improvising sprite work.

>You can simulate it with sprite sheets but that doesn't change the realities of the hardware.

Cool, because that's precisely what SMK did.

>> No.3091025

nigga i'm tired of educating /v/tards and cinemassacretards

>> No.3091026

Road Rash had scaling in everything you retarded fuck, that's one of the reasons it was never ported to the SNES.

>> No.3091028

>The SNES was theoretically capable of a higher resolution

Which would've sucked for anything but static gameplays.

>but the majority of games ran at 256x224, same as the Mega Drive.

Only the minority of games and arcade conversions ran at 256x224, the rest was pure unfiltered 320x224.

>> No.3091029

Sega faggot projecting

Don't be a faggot, just stop. The more powerful SNES was capable of running at higher resolutions than the Genesis and I can give you a long list of examples where that was used. Basic fact. The SNES had far fancier audio hardware, basic fact. You faggots are turning people off to sega with this nonstop retarded bullshit.

>> No.3091032

>I can give you a long list of examples
go on

>opinions are basic facts

>> No.3091034

>Only the minority of games and arcade conversions ran at 256x224, the rest was pure unfiltered 320x224.

I had a suspicion when I posted that that might be the case but for some reason I didn't bother to check.

>> No.3091035

That you James?

>> No.3091037

I'm not sure how you think tech specs are an opinion, but okay.

Do you also think that 2+2=5 if they're having a bit of an off day or something?

>> No.3091040


>> No.3091043


You stupid bastard. Let me say it again:





How fucking retarded are you? Jesus fucking christ it's like talking to a brick wall

>> No.3091045

You can write SNES instead of GENESIS and it would still be true. Learn the actual specifications before accusing others, faggot.

>> No.3091047

You can't even have console wars without them being derailed into another console war?

>> No.3091049

So are you going to list those examples?

Also the audio thing isn't fact at all. Where's your solid proof that the SNES sound chip is objectively superior? And I don't just mean links to songs, because for every amazing FFVI or Chrono Trigger song you post I can post an equally good Mega Drive song. Unlike graphics you can't really compare sound capability using numbers, especially when the Mega Drive and SNES both generate sound in completely different ways. I can think of just as many amazing songs for the Mega Drive as the SNES.

The only reason the Mega Drive has a bad reputation for its sound is because of companies like EA who barely put any effort into programming the chip and produced shit as a result.

>> No.3091052
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>lazy EA developers sabatoged the Genesis

B-but I thought sports games were best on Sega?

Having trouble keeping your bullshit straight?

>> No.3091054

sports games are shit on any system

>> No.3091057

When did I ever say sports games are best on Sega? Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, I never played them because they're shit regardless of console.

Obviously one publisher didn't sabotage the console, as there are fucktons of 10/10 Mega Drive songs. I'm just saying that EA and some other developers that were shit at audio are mainly responsible for the modern retrospective belief that the Mega Drive had shit audio.

>> No.3091069

there's that and also the fact most genesis emulators still don't emulate genesis audio correctly

>> No.3091072

True, true.

>> No.3091075

Kega Fusion comes fairly close, but it still needs that model 1's echo to be perfect.

>> No.3091076
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>> No.3091081
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enrage Sega faggots.

>> No.3091085

B-but it's a conspiracy! M-muh Genesis and its original Gameboy equable sound...

>> No.3091089


l o l

That's not even mentioning Genesis can reach 320x448 without even trying.

>> No.3091090

If you think this sounds comparable to a Game Boy then you need your ears checked.


>> No.3091092

>Oh look, again, children think graphics matters
By your retarded logic, we could have never evolved from atari graphics and the games would still be just as fun as they are with better graphics. Imagine playing Sonic where instead of a hedgehog you play as a blue set of dots running around in a completely black screen collecting yellow dots for rings.

But it would still be just as fun as actually having something pretty on screen, cause
>graphics don't really matter!™

>> No.3091093

This is now a post awesome Megadrive music thread.


>> No.3091096

>give example about sprite scaling
When were you when clueless /v/tards invaded /vr/?

>> No.3091101

>runs away from spec stat sheet as fast as he can

>posts dank youtube links of an apparent fart machine to change subject instead

Seems about right. Enjoy posting your links, faggot.

>> No.3091102

>apparent fart machine
That's the SNES. Genesis is the ear-grating rape machine.

Get your memes right /v/kid.

>> No.3091103

Give me a SNES game with no additional chips with sprite scaling, I'll give you two Genesis games.
SNES CPU alone is worse in scaling.

>> No.3091106


>> No.3091107

>apparent fart machine

Haha, you don't even try. Why is it so hard for you people to like the Mega Drive? I could understand back in 1992 when your parents would only let you have one console so you had to defend your choice in the playground, but there's no need nowadays. They're both good consoles and you can emulate both these days. You're only screwing yourself if you refuse to play half the 16-bit library out of some dumb principle you formed in elementary school.

>> No.3091120

This, my underage cousin does't differentiate between the Genesis and the SNES because he was introduced to their games through emulators and still plays them exclusively through emulation.

>> No.3091127

>ou're only screwing yourself if you refuse to play half the 16-bit library
Way to go ignoring the two other consoles of the generation.

>> No.3091134

Well, most of the 4th gen was pretty much restricted to SNES and Mega Drive. I suppose I should have mentioned the TG16 as well.

>> No.3091149

I play both, and like both. What I don't like are fanboys making up shit simply to be contrarian hipster doofuses.

Head to head, the SNES could do things graphically and soundwise the Genesis simply couldn't. This is the simple reality of the hardware. See the spec sheet above.




SNES had more colors, higher resolution, more and bigger sprites and could reproduce realistic instrumental sounds instead of just chip tunes.

The SNES had more advanced hardware. End of story. These differences in specs made for differences in games that were fun and interesting. The above Genesis chip tune is endearing. It is cool. It is NOT as realistic as the SNES. Stop arguing the Genesis was more powerful, that's simply ignorant and it's become annoying.

>> No.3091151

SNES was farty samples, the Genesis was ear-raping FM synthesis.

There's no actual comparison here.

>> No.3091152

No, you should have mentioned both the TG16 (really, PCE) and Neo Geo.

>> No.3091153

Are you counting the Neo Geo as a console? Or try to make the Super Acan or CDi relevant?
Other arcade systems and computers shouldn't be ignored either.

>> No.3091154

oh so this is the same shitter from the other thread, australia-kun's nemesis

>> No.3091165

I consider Neo-Geo to be an arcade system and I don't think arcade systems fall into the same generational boundaries as home consoles.

>> No.3091172

I assume this song is based on an Aerosmith song which I haven't heard so I don't know which sounds more faithful (probably the SNES) but the Mega Drive version honestly sounds way better to me. Those guitar samples on the SNES one sound terrible.

>> No.3091180

>Head to head, the SNES could do things graphically ... the Genesis simply couldn't

OK, lol

>> No.3091181

lol shit tier system for autists can't even compete with an 8bit system. What a surprise

>> No.3091191

I don't speak basement dweller, what?

If by better you mean sounding like something the NES could easily do, then yes, the Genesis version is better. If sounding EXACTLY like Aerosmith track (the intention) is what matters, then the SNES is better.


By your logic, the 2600 version could be "better" as well, huh? Beep bop fart boop.

>> No.3091195

Sound matters too.

I still remember entering that cave level in Super Mario World for the first time with the awesome music and echo effects etc. I had never heard anything like that on other systems and was blown away. Never heard anything of that quality again on other systems until the next generation.


>> No.3091196

>the snes could graphically better than the gen...


Red zone.

>> No.3091204

I really don't think sound chips can be compared because I honestly think the NES chip is just as good as the SNES and Mega Drive chips. It's about what you do with it, any decently-capable old sound chip (as in, not counting Atari or like shitty Spectrum speaker etc) has it's own distinct sound and can be used as an instrument in its own right.

>> No.3091207

The elephant in the room, I see.

>> No.3091210

>replying to the 5 seconds loop aerosmith shitter
shiggy diggy

>> No.3091220

SID master race

>> No.3091223

I love this thread. I grew up with SNES. Super Mario World and Killer Instinct defined my childhood. I'm enjoying the Genesis as an adult now. Anyone have any must-have games for GEN that you would recommend? So far, I've got: Ecco the Tides of Time, Phantasy Star IV, Dragon the Bruce Lee Story, Jungle Strike, Alien 3, Earthworm Jim, Mortal Kombat 2, Blades of Vengeance, Vectorman 2, Art of Fighting, The Jungle Book, and a slew of board game games and game show games. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated but I don't expect anyone to.

>> No.3091227

Road Rage

>> No.3091228

Yes, the NES and Genesis were in the same ball park.

The SNES sound chip was technically superior in number of sound channels, sample quality, among other things.

These are the facts on the spec sheets.

Whatever you prefer (chip tunes or realistic instrumental sound) is opinion. I'm sure some think the Atari 2600 had the "best" sound as well.

>> No.3091229

>sample quality

>> No.3091238

I will never understand why people argue over the specs of 25 year old game consoles. Who gives a fuck? Just play the games you like and quit trying to justify why the shit you like is "better".

>> No.3091241

The SNES NEVER had music that sounded this good in any of it's games:




>> No.3091243

but muh vaporwave remixes of aerosmith songs

>> No.3091270
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No, the deciding factor is the hucard size limitations. Compare TurboCD to SegaCD and the results are significantly different.

>> No.3091272
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>> No.3091274

Why is the Genesis version brighter?

>> No.3091284
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I prefer the Genesis (Mega Drive for you PLEBS) because of the three button controller.

Yes, a three button controller was retarded and yes it made games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat impossible to play properly... but I have fat sausage fingers. So I prefer 3 giant buttons instead of the so-called revolutionary SNES pad.

Plus I love the Mega Drive signature fart sounds! Reminds me of my aftermeal toilet routine when I process my 8,000 calorie meals.

>> No.3091303


What bothers me is that people always forget Mega Drive came in '88 as a "home arcade", if we can call it like that, and like 99% of the arcade games of the time it only needed at most 3 buttons plus the dpad.

>> No.3091306

This nigga's anus more blasted than the World Trade Center.

>> No.3091314

I'd imagine so, nigga looks like he be eatin McDonalds 8 times a day. Daaammmmnnnn.

>> No.3091324

Lol, thread should've ended here.

>> No.3091327 [DELETED] 

That was an allusion to butthurt. Because you keep sperging about the Genesis even though most people like both system and realize both of them had their unique highs and lows.

Get it?

>> No.3091328

That was an allusion to butthurt. Because you keep sperging about the Genesis even though most people like both systems and realize both of them had their unique highs and lows.

Get it?

>> No.3091331

What about the 6 button controller? What games utilized the 6 button controller?

>> No.3091332

Friendly reminder that SNES failed miserably every time it tried to do FM.






>> No.3091335

No knock on the Turbografx, but Lords was one of the games that pushed it to its limits

Sega CD could have done much better than a quick and dirty port. It's issues are weapon balancing, control delay and slightly muted colors

>> No.3091336

Stay out of our conversation, we were talking about how fat that nigga is. Get it, white boy?

>> No.3091338

Towns is the only FM worth considering.

>> No.3091339

SNES trolls are quite obese, yes.

>> No.3091341

25 years and people are STILL fighting console wars. Holy shit.

>> No.3091343

shitty second rate sytem, x68k is where it's at

>> No.3091349

Enjoy your 5.25" dick.

>> No.3091356


Usually fighting games (FF, MK, SF, SS). Streets of Rage 3, Mig-29, International Super Star Soccer, YYH Makyoutohissen and a few others, they're pretty rare in MD library. IMO it's a better controller than the 3button because the dpad is less rapey to my thumb, controller is less suited to my big hands though

>> No.3091358

Could be worse

>> No.3091390

The tg16s graphics chip is 16-bit. The CPU being 8 bit has literally no bearing on the graphics/colours.

>> No.3091468

Genesis sound chip can do both FM and PCM channels.

How many FM channels can the SNES sound chip do?


>> No.3091671

>holy war
>that never ends
sandniggers been doing it for much longer

>> No.3091801

SNES was only good for JRPG, but only people with shit taste like that genre.

Genesis was better at every other genre.

>> No.3092378

There's not a single thing the Genesis did that the SNES didn't do far better. You know this, troll.

>> No.3092383

Love the strawman replies to this guys factual statements.

>> No.3092394

A single thing Genesis did better? How about running action games at steady framerates?

Checkmate SNESeists.

>> No.3092405

What, were they brought in on forklift trucks or something?

>> No.3092409


Blame the fact that Ctrl-W (which I accidentally pressed instead of shift-W), closing the browser and making me lose track for that mixup.

>> No.3092423

>fast action with lots of moving objects at a solid 60fps
>music that doesn't sound like muffled farts
>high resolution outside of menus

SNES a shit

>> No.3092425

Genesis was gameplay first, art second. Processing power was its focus.

>> No.3092428

This, especially the music.

I'll take a genesis soundtrack over an SNES soundtrack any day of the week.

>> No.3092439

PC engine was for people who like fun games and bright visuals,Genesis was for edgy faggots who don't like colors.

>> No.3092442

More like people who didn't like framerate drops or shit-tier music.

>> No.3092443
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>> No.3092448
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>this is what nintendrones actually believe

>> No.3092450

>this starts playing in my head the second I see it


Good Christ I loved Aladdin.

>> No.3092451

Pirates of Dark Water was infinitely better on Genesis.

>> No.3092461


>> No.3092535

Then why was its flagship game (Sonic) blatantly art first, gameplay second?

>> No.3092541

Nice try, but Sonic put the two in equal spots.

>> No.3092559

hi rez snes game rpm racing, notice the frame rate


>> No.3092564

and the shit graphics

>> No.3092574

i know this from childhood experiences...

that isnt the only fighting game from SNK that is bad on snes. WORLD HEROES 1&2 are bad as well. They may look better and sound better (music only, the echo sound effects are bad) but it runs slower than Street fighter 2. GEN runs closest to arcade speed.

>> No.3092578

Thunder force 3 looks way better even without slowdown spirits is still worse

>> No.3092616

also flickering every fucking where, not to mention the shit music

>> No.3092637

Typical low color palette and shitty sprite Genesis graphics, nothing to explain really.

>> No.3092664

>thinks the graphics chip takes precedence over the CPU

>> No.3092668
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>> No.3092669

>You faggots are turning people off to sega with this nonstop retarded bullshit.
How else do you think Genesis collecting is still affordable?

>> No.3092673
File: 29 KB, 234x347, 1389213935474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ al-fuck-mighty are you kidding?
We're still having this fight?

Even Sanic and ITSAMEEE have hugged and made up by now.
It doesn't matter what system was more powerful. Nintendo won. Sega has long ago acknowledged this shit, and now they're best buddies with their rival.
Corporate marketing tricks decide what system is best. Not processing power. Funny enough, Sega had more jews on its side than Nintendo(including its founder David Rosen) but Nintendo's corporate connect allowed them to get a handle on the industry over Sega. But then, lol, Sony split off then showed they had even more connects than Sega or Nintendo, and they won the 1990s handily.

Sega was third place overall. It's established fact now. Everyone has moved on. Just stop.

>> No.3092689

>Sega is shit now overall. It's established fact now.

>> No.3092694

>Genesis fans thinking they have a right to talk about music

come the fuck on man

>> No.3092698

It's affordable because it had sub-par graphics and sound for its generation. The also-ran. It is indeed easy and fun to collect for, being so cheap.

>> No.3092708

The graphics and sound were different. Definitely not sub-par.

Can you stop with the dickmeasuring shitflinging?

>> No.3092709

Enjoy your pedo visual novels.

>> No.3092710

>le anything that isn't CD-quality audio is bad music meme
Shouldn't you fuck off back to >>>/v/ already?

>> No.3092713

ban everyone in this thread including me

>> No.3092714

This isn't a thread about personal values. This is a thread about hardware. The SNES is more powerful in almost every way than the Genesis.

>Weak as fuck GPU
>No hardware graphics effects
>Absolute shit sound chip
>Tiny amount of cartridge space compared to the SNES
>Good CPU (The only place the Genesis wins)

The Genesis is a good console, but it was the weaker of the two. It was released first so it's understandable, but let's not kid ourselves. And this is coming from a huge Sega fan.

>> No.3092715

>clueless retard thinking he has the right to shit on most popular synthesis used in top tier arcades and many other systems for about a decade
look thiscinemasacre faggot

>> No.3092716

Genesis was what put Sega at its peak. Nobody's saying Nintendo lost, just that Genesis made the rigĥt sacrifices to ensure optimum gameplay.

>> No.3092724

Definitely. Almost every arcade port from the same time as it was a perfect conversion (just look at Final Fight and Space Harrier ports and compare them to the arcade originals). Capcom even used it to develop CPS1 games.

Only thing that prevented tje x68k from skyrocketing outside of niche scenes was it's astronomical price.

>> No.3092725

It was weaker. Look at the fucking specs. It doesn't matter if it was popular.

It also sounds like a robot shitting itself 90% of the time.

>look thiscinemasacre faggot

I'm sorry, I don't speak retard. You'll have to actually use words if you want me to understand you.

>> No.3092727

>It also sounds like a robot shitting itself 90% of the time.
That's the SNES though. I mean compare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xGYzLL8lP0
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LC4exY8lSM

>> No.3092728

Final Fight is a good port, but it has a problem, only 4 enemies on screen.

>> No.3092732

epic memes there pillows-on-the-speakers mongoloid

>> No.3092737


>> No.3092740 [DELETED] 
File: 702 KB, 1179x1157, ffights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, and the soundtrack.

Graphically it was an exact replication of the arcade version.

>> No.3092742
File: 702 KB, 1179x1157, ffights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, and the soundtrack.

Graphically it was an exact replication of the arcade version.

>> No.3092743

They're all shit now. They all lost to the PC in the end.
The Megadrive(I like this name more than Genesis despite being a murrlard) has some stellar pieces, but the SNES has some stellar pieces + far more stellar pieces.
Nintendo kicked Sega's shit in. Then Sony kicked Nintendo's shit in. And the PC and arcades just happily tootled on.

Arguing system specs is meaningless. Emulators eat up both system's games like they're cheap buffet food. Complete with the ability to alter or adapt the original machine limitations and BT the FO. My goddamn PC expends more processing power keeping track of its processing power than it does devouring little pussy 4th gen games.

>This isn't a thread about personal values. This is a thread about hardware. The SNES is more powerful in almost every way than the Genesis.
Absolutely. And even with a slightly slower CPU, the SNES could still do "blast processing" speed. See- DKC minecart level

What's really retarded is how these two companies cared about that shit considering 90% of their customers played the games on 20"(or less) budget TVs connected through FUCKING RF.
You can't talk shit about colors being better when the reality is most of the people playing will be using RF or at best SCART/composite.
>look at our colors and shit! better than the other guy!
No, because your parents weren't rich or technofags who knew how to milk out pure RGB signals. You'll play this shit muddy on a cheap RCA tv through RF cable. And the consoles will look the same overall.
They look equally as good on a shit RCA TV. I promise you. You won't notice better colors on DKC.

>> No.3092745

And as for sound, you won't notice that either because it's mono going through RF and coming from a shitty 25 cent 1' speaker at the bottom of the shit TV.

>> No.3092747

It's crazy how Sony went to Sega after Nintendo ditched them, and how Sega ditched them too.

>"Sony came to us after they had been rebuffed by Nintendo," Kalinske recalled. “They had wanted Nintendo to use some technology that they had, and Nintendo instead chose to work with Philips. That really annoyed Sony. Olaf Olafsson [Sony Electronic Publishing President] and Micky Schulhof [President of Sony America] came to my office and said, 'Tom, we really don’t like Nintendo. You don’t like Nintendo. We have this little studio down in Santa Monica [Imagesoft] working on video games, we don’t know what to do with it, we’d like Sega’s help in training our guys. And we think the optical disc will be the best format.'"
>"Next, we went to [Sega president] Nakayama and the Board at Sega, and they basically turned me down. They said, 'that’s a stupid idea, Sony doesn’t know how to make hardware. They don’t know how to make software either. Why would we want to do this?' That is what caused the division between Sega and Sony and caused Sony to become our competitor and launch its own hardware platform."

We could have had the Nintendo Playstation, then the Sega playstation, but in the end alas.

>> No.3092756

Whether you like Sega or Nintendo, we can all agree Sony is the fucking devil

>> No.3092757

SNES version had Guy removed and changed to Cody?

>> No.3092758

>They said, 'that’s a stupid idea, Sony doesn’t know how to make hardware. They don’t know how to make software either.
Famous last words.

Oh shit. This is why my words are the absolute truth. System power means nothing. Corporate jewry means all.
Especially when the majority of your customers are technologically illiterate and playing your hardware on goodwill refuse.

>> No.3092764
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SNES version didn't have Guy AT ALL.

They later released a separate version with Guy instead of Cody, called Final Fight Guy, exclusively in Japan and as a US Blockbuster exclusive.

>> No.3092780

Sony probably would've had some stupid contract like "every IP made on the Sega Playstation belongs to Sony and Sony gets 90% profit" or some shit like they pulled with Nintendo.

>> No.3092823
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The two companies disregarded the terms and ended up worse than if they had signed with the devil however.
Sega was basically KO'd by Dec2000, and Nintendo's 64 was an amusing toy with a few noted gems, whereas the PSX was still smoking the shit out of everyone, not even counting the fresh PS2.

I'd have signed with Sony. Then again, I'm not a greedy "chosen" or a retarded as shit Japanese salaryman.
They have a huge tie-in with many MANY tech companies and their AV products are goddamn everywhere. I sign with them, my own company gets in with the largest AV tech corporation on earth and our games crush that other guy's shit into nothing.
Sony's terms look fair to me. And I wouldn't want em going to the other guy or getting a wild usagi up their ass...

And now, many years after Sony's bloated head finally gets popped....
It would have been so much better to keep the Nintendo-Sega thing going to present day. Microsoft and Sony have collectively broken the gaming industry by making it into a fucking DLC shitfest muddled with casual plebeian horseshit. Autosave? WTF? Get out of here with that fuck.
If either Nintendo or Sega had kept with Sony, sony would likely still just be a HW partner and unknown except for console-specs labeling.
Preferably, Sega and Sony should have been the ones going forward. Nintendo needed the fire under its feet, lest it get presumptuous. And it had a LOT to be big-headed about in the mid-90s.

Alas, it's all gone south.
That's what happens when you let a damn OS developer and a general AV manufacturer become the dominant game companies over ACTUAL game companies with a history in the business.

>> No.3092837

I think x68 has a similar number of them as the Towns. In both cases it's just PC98 ports.

>> No.3092841


>> No.3092860

Look on the bright side. Even if Microsoft and Sony hadn't entered the console market, Sega and Nintendo were inevitably going to be killed off by mobile gaming regardless.

>> No.3092865

>Autosave? WTF?
Of all the things I expected to hear this is the one you complain about.

>> No.3092878

x68k also has a higher number of non-VN games than the FMT.

>> No.3092890

It's crap and you know it. It's like a baby-step down from savestates. That it's a legit thing in the majority of modern games shows how broken the industry has become.

Nintendo's strongest modern card is mobile gaming with the 3DS.
Can thank Pokemon for that one.

>> No.3092903

Can you back that up? Mobygames lists 400-500 for both.
VNDB also lists similar numbers.
Number of games isn't a strong point of either system.

>> No.3092928

429? Minus certain revision and plus some doujin titles, I'd say the x68k has around 700-800 games.

I don't deny the x68k's VN library has the most games but the system as a whole is mostly remembered for it's shmup library and arcade ports. The FM Towns on the other hand is the go-to VN console.

>> No.3092940


>> No.3092941

>The FM Towns on the other hand is the go-to VN console.
That's without question the PC98, which still has more non-VN games than the competition.
Towns is famous for its high quality import games showcasing the technical prowess of powerful hardware and CD storage.

>> No.3092950

>Towns is famous for its high quality import games showcasing the technical prowess of powerful hardware and CD storage.
But library-wise it's notorious as a VN console.

Can you name any classic FM Towns shmups? The x68k has Cho-Ren-Sha 68k, Nemesis 90' Kai, Olteus II, from the top of my head.

>> No.3092954

Rayxanber, Alltynex

Does your entire world revolve around shmups and visual novels?

>> No.3092959

>bullshit the post

Genesis GPU was equal to the SNES in terms of virtually everything except that it didn't have modes with as much diversity. Once again, the SNES GPU cannot do more colors unless the resolution is set lower.

The thing is, having a better CPU is the most important part of the consoles, since with a better CPU you can more than compensate for a lack of hardware effects with software effects: see Red Zone which does effects impossible on SNES without adding chips.

The cartridge space between the consoles was virtually the same. SNES was less efficient with space because it's graphics do not compress as well and it needs more room for samples. This is why Genesis ports (e.g. Toy Story) tend to have mor animation and levels.

Lastly, Genesis RAM is much faster than SNES RAM which really helps with large block DMA transfers. That is what Blast Processing was always referring to.

>> No.3092963

>Rayxanber, Alltynex
Those aren't classic, they're just the few examples of those genres available on the system. And Rayxanber III and Altynex Second are wider regarded than their FMT prequels, anyway.

>Does your entire world revolve around shmups and visual novels?
Of course not, the other guy (you?) claimed both systems had an equal number of games and were flooded with VN shovelware. The x68k has more games than the Towns but less than the pc98. Both x68k and the pc98 truly bloomed with their doujin scenes.

>> No.3092964

nigga just stop replying to the aerosmith shitter, he's braindead

>> No.3092976

>The x68k has more games than the Towns
You can't base that solely on what gamesdb lists because they don't have a comparable list for the FMT.
It's not like the FMT didn't have doujin soft.

>> No.3092986

It's dumb to base either system on any list considering all the unknown games that are yet to be dumped or have been lost to history. This is especially true for doujin titles.

My arguments have been based from personal experience though, I know more x68k and pc98 games than FM Towns games. w/e I guess

>> No.3092989

*I know of more

>> No.3092996

SNES can do 256 colors. Genesis can do 64.

How in the fuck is this hard for you retards?

>> No.3092997

I guess Genesis really did what nintendidn't.

>> No.3093008

Not even the Marty really qualifies as a console.

>> No.3093023

computers are consoles

>> No.3093028
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>computers are consoles
Strike that.
Reverse it.

>> No.3093031

Holy fuck, you are really dense.

>> No.3093035

256 >64

please tell me how it isnt

>> No.3093061

I'm starting to think the Genesis guy is genuinely autistic.

How else could someone be so invested in a 25 year old system that was an also ran/had shit sound/had a smaller color palette than 8 bit systems etc.?

>> No.3093065

EWJ on SNES displays better colors than Gen EWJ.

Stop arguing about the color palette. SNES had that in the bag technically.

If you REALLY wanna argue this shit, just point out as I did that the palettes didn't fucking matter because 90% of the gamers were playing on shit-tier TVs through RF or composite AV which made their colors a moot point.
Do any of you fags remember the horrible 16" RCA TVs with monaural sound you played vidya on as a kid?

Hell, SNES using a pro RGB connection and a pro CRT monitor vs. SNES as we all played as little shits might as well be a different system altogether. Games devs and the system makers all had their shit streamed through the best RGB into the best AV equipment possible using dev-kit systems with enhanced customizable configurations. When they were jerking themselves off about their respective system specs, they weren't using consumer model systems on RF links tied to $150 16inch "guest room" TVs.

>> No.3093068

>had shit sound
stop this. genesis had better sound than the snes.

>> No.3093071
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It's not even close.

Muh Genesis is the worst troll going here.

>> No.3093072

nigga you already posted that earlier in the thread

>> No.3093078

You stop it, autismo.

Now go construct some more dank strawmen.

>> No.3093079

I think the point is that some people prefer a higher resolution over more color.

Which is exactly what Genesis vs SNES is.

>> No.3093082

>SNES has better hardware than Genesis
>doesn't have a single beat-em up as deep as SoR 2 & 3 or a shmup as frantic as any of the Toaplan ports
What gives?

>> No.3093084

Why does SNESfag think it's acceptable for his games to have slightly more colors at the expense of massive slowdown, lower resolution and inferior audio?

>> No.3093085

Stats, facts and simply reality are triggering to autismo delusionalals, huh?

>> No.3093086

Muh cherry picked theoretically maximums are useless due to all of the caveats involved.

>512x448 resolution
>oh right, but only in 16 color mode

>128 sprites
>oh right, the CPU chokes before you get that high anyway

>> No.3093089


So how much gaming hardware did Sony produce prior to PlayStation?

How many games did they develop prior to PlayStation?

Sega didn't need to sign onto a promise.

Especially when Panasonic, NEC, and Philips all got BTFO.

>> No.3093090

>shit sound
I'll take the crisp, clear, sexy music of the Megadrive over the compressed low-bitrate shit samples of the Stupor Nintendo, thanks.

>> No.3093093

snestards just care about shitty casual genres like jrpgs and kiddy platformers, what do you expect

>> No.3093096
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SMC-777 and MSX

>> No.3093102



And there's the strawmen :) So predictable.



I'm sorry you were stuck with barely adequate first party support and inferior ports, poor fag, while other kids were playing the high watermarks of the era.

Hell, for example DKC looked and sounded as good as anything the Playstation or Saturn had initially.

Spaz on.
Glad you made due with your farting and dozen on screen colors, though :)

>> No.3093106

So you think Rushing Beat Shura is better than SoR 3?

>> No.3093109

>Hell, for example DKC looked and sounded as good as anything the Playstation or Saturn had initially.

except, you know, for being a quarter of the resolution

>> No.3093116
File: 54 KB, 640x448, astal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DKC looked as good as early Saturn titles
Is this nigga for real?

>> No.3093125

>some people prefer a higher resolution over more color.
You're not telling the difference between 320x224 and 512x448 on a shitty standard def 480i guest-room TV using RF or composite.

Again it's a moot point. On the typical TV of the day using the typical input methods, both systems will look identical enough as to show no difference to anyone but people tripping on LSD or autists, and the sound flowing through RF/stereo composite and being shat out by the shitty speakers in consumer sets at the time makes the sound issue a moot issue as well.

We might be able to see/hear the differences now because we're using professional-grade equipment of PC monitors+emulators.
But on a 1990 18" RCA boob tube with one pussy-ass speaker connected at best with composite or SCART, no. We're not.

>Hell, for example DKC looked and sounded as good as anything the Playstation or Saturn had initially.
It was no better than Vectorman for most players, for the above reasons.

>except, you know, for being a quarter of the resolution
Doesn't matter. Resolution was capped until HD came along in the mid 2000s. 480i is 480i, and 224 on 480i isn't going to be noticeably different than 448 on 480i. Hence why the smoothness of sprites in DKC is as good as the smoothness of the polys in Crash Bandicoot.

>> No.3093127

Yeah, he is, and he's right.
Stop using emulator screenshots.
Take a shot of comparative games on a shit-tier NEC 20 TV running the games via AV instead, and they're look practically the same.

>> No.3093135

>You're not telling the difference between 320x224 and 512x448 on a shitty standard def 480i guest-room TV using RF or composite.

You're telling me you can't see the obvious difference in viewing area here >>3091014

Get f'ed m8ty

>> No.3093139

pick one

>> No.3093140

Sorry anon, not everyone was a poorfag with shit TV's and cables back in the '90s.

>> No.3093168

No clue, but the slowdown is always terrible. Why would you sacrifice playability of a game for a more colorful screen?

>> No.3093172

What I see are two hugely misrepresented screenshots.
A proper screenshot to compare SNES vs. Gen realistically is-
1. Use actual hardwar
2. Connected to the typical TV of the day(cheap shit RCA/Magnavox/NEC/etc)
3. Using RF, or composite AV
4. shots taken so that the screen is just about equal in your pic(so a 20" TV should make an image of almost 1500pixels wide)

That's how you honestly compare the two systems if you're discussing their historic performance.

>> No.3093174

Are you actually disputing that the Lion King on Genesis has a larger viewing area?

>> No.3093186

>No clue, but the slowdown is always terrible.
More bullshit. Both systems had equal slow in actual practice.

The Gen screen is in 16:9, the SNES one is 4:3
That immediately destroys the image as an argument for anything, because neither console output at 16:9. On a typical shitty early-90s TV, they will look identical.

>> No.3093203
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>> No.3093207
File: 13 KB, 500x314, fp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Gen screen is in 16:9, the SNES one is 4:3

it's 320x224 vs 256x224, neither is 16:9 or 4:3, Genesis and SNES have the same vertical resolution but Genesis horizontal resolution is much higher

>That immediately destroys the image as an argument for anything, because neither console output at 16:9
both images will get resized

non-square pixels you dense motherfucker

>> No.3093213

>anyone who doesn't agree with me that SNES was best and Genesis was trash has autism!

Compelling argument, Reddit.

>> No.3093215

Exactly, although Genny is closer to 4:3, so it will look nice on a CRT will little stretch. SNES is 8:7 so the stretch on a CRT is kinda annoying, and the smaller viewing area will still be noticeable in games like Lion King.

>> No.3093220

>More bullshit. Both systems had equal slow in actual practice.
Really? Then give me some examples because slowdown often rears its head in some action orientated SNES games, some games it brings it to the point that it isn't fun to play like Super R-Type.

>> No.3093221

On a 4:3 shit TV they look exactly the same.

What part of this can't you fools get?

>XXXX system looks better than the other guy!
Yeah, on pro AV gear or using an emulator on a pc.

Using an RF switch and a $150 20" RCA with a single speaker and no contrast or sharpening menu feature as typical of 1990s TVs in most middle-class homes, they look exactly the same. Like ass.

Hence why the argument is pointless.

>> No.3093227
File: 18 KB, 238x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're arguing with autismo. Obviously the images are shopped, that's why he used them. Here's an undoctored Genesis screenshot with its typical 8-bitish lack of colors and dithering etc.

>> No.3093228

Nigger you don't have idea about what you are talking about. In western shit like Lion King the resolution is a GAMEPLAY problem because the viewing screen is smaller on the SNES, and that's noticeable even on the shittiest TV.
Hell Cool Spot is almost unplayable on the SNES because of this.

>> No.3093229
File: 14 KB, 238x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the SNES.

Autismo gonna Autismo.

>> No.3093232

Try changing your meds.

>> No.3093234

When talking about colours of course it fucking does. The CPU doesn't even think about colours, it just sends numbers to the graphics chip.

>> No.3093235
File: 62 KB, 640x479, fds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's an undoctored Genesis screenshot


>> No.3093237

Damn, the Genesis version looks even worse than I remember :/

>> No.3093241
File: 87 KB, 612x451, Roger-Ebert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genesis team: argues with well moderated facts and logic
>snes team: argues with ignorance, cherry picking and photoshop


>> No.3093247

try sucking my dick

>> No.3093260
File: 532 KB, 550x400, being tailed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both sides: argues moot points
>>3093227 and >>3093229 will look the same on a 20" RCA using RF.

When Sega does what Nintendon't, it's on pro AV HW using dev consoles connected via hardwired RGB.
And vise versa.

>> No.3093262

What do you expect? Nintendo fans are manchildren with the mentality of 10 year olds.

>> No.3093302

Maybe if SEGA games had soul like Nintendo games they could possibly be considered good. That is why the Genesis library is forgotten, because it lacks the soul Nintendo games have.

>> No.3093307
File: 33 KB, 512x446, boss_motherbrain2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cinematic qte experience
>muh shoot diagonally to win
i prefer good gameplay thx

>> No.3093316

Shut up, you don't even know what a soul is.

>> No.3093323

Rigged. The SNES runs @ 256x224 with most games.

>> No.3093340


>Genesis library is forgotten

By who? By eternal kids who never bothered to learn about it and almost 30 years later still like to console wars?

>> No.3093378

Genesis NEVER had games as pretty as these:
>Donkey Kong
>Yoshi's Island

SNES NEVER had games with gameplay as crazy as these:
>Gunstar Heroes/Alien Soldier/Contra Hard Corps
>SoR series
>Thunder Force 4
>Shadow Dancer

>> No.3093403

But F-Zero isn't pretty, it's legit fun, fast paced and challenging, which is rare for a popular SNES game.

>> No.3093427

Shoo, shoo Autismo.

>> No.3093494

>everyone should have the same exact opinion as me!
talk about autism

>> No.3093723

lol the autists still arguing their shit tier console made by a shit tier company any good. muh sanic! literal autist tier series on a shit tier console.

>> No.3093826

>Genesis NEVER had games as pretty as these:
>Donkey Kong

You wish

>> No.3093903

What kind of retard can't even speak their own language?

>> No.3096148

Shit sound, shit colors, shit voice samples, shit animation, shit music... Yep that's a Genesis port alright, Autismo.

>> No.3096161
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>> No.3096219

Games on the Genny can look every bit as good as SNES games.
See- Eliminate Down, Thunder Force 4.
It really did all come down to the devs when it came to visuals on 16bit titles.
DKC did shit without any enhancement chips using raw SNES muscle that many enhanced games couldn't pull off. That's dev skill winning over tech limits. Vectorman looks far better than Virtua Fighter on the 32X or Virtua Racer which uses an enhancement chip.

>> No.3096224

>virtua RACING

>> No.3096226

I'm not really sure why that guy posted it because It's a shitty pirate game and is clearly inferior to DKC. If somebody tried putting actual effort into a DKC proof of concept homebrew on the Mega Drive it could probably do a lot better on all those fronts. The colours might still be off though.

By the way, ending every sentence with autismo doesn't validate any of your arguments or make you right.

>> No.3096240

>inferior audio


>> No.3096275

It's a chinese pirate done in approximately 5 days by some taiwanese codemonkeys.

>> No.3096297

OK, Autismo. We get it. Genesis was more powerful than a PS4 and needed good programming to shine. Don't suicide yourself over this latest evidence of its hilarious lack of colors and ear raping shit sound.

>> No.3096314

All this does is make you sound like a child. I'm not even arguing that the Mega Drive was super powerful or that it has colours comparable to the SNES. I just play the games I like from either console. I'm just trying to say that not everything people say on the internet regarding SNES vs Mega Drive is true.

>> No.3096329
File: 84 KB, 845x391, cwspmax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the games that get me nostalgic, it's the console warfare.

It's almost been 30 years guys. come on.

>> No.3096332


>> No.3096339

x68k has pretty over powered stats for 87.
10 MHz Motorola 68000 CPU (similar to MD and Amiga)
Maximum colors on screen: 65,536 (in 512×512 resolution)
Maximum resolution 1024×1024 pixels @ 16 to 64 colors
Sprite count: 128 sprites on screen, 32 sprites per scanline, 256 sprite patterns in VRAM (can be multiplied up to 512 sprites on screen with scanline raster interrupt method[8])
Sprite size: 16×16

>> No.3096347

I think it's unfair to compare a port made by NOVOTRADE to anything made by Konami back when they knew what they we're doing.

But sure the x68000 was a beast compared to pretty much anything when it was released. That's why it cost 5 times more than a A500 at release.

>> No.3096349
File: 149 KB, 970x1397, 635228_20150427103234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is about Genesis vs Turbografx
>still devolves into Genesis vs SNES

>> No.3096352

Because nobody fucking played Turbografx. Nobody cares.

>> No.3096353


Holy shit that Amiga Castlevania lmao.

Those ports of japanese games made by clueless european or american devs for home computers are always hilarious.
I had the DOS Mega Man games when I was a kid.

>> No.3096363

Why do I think half of your chart is crap?

>Simultaneous Colors
>not 32

Ayy lmao

>b-but my raster effects

If we're talking raster effects then the Genesis could just as well display all them 512 colors at once.

>> No.3096437

The PC-Engine outsold the Mega Drive in Japan.

>> No.3096438

Then go talk about it on 2chan.

>> No.3097208


SNEZZ audio was shit. Even Earthworm Jim's composer said Gen's sound chip is better.

>> No.3097265

>That's why it cost 5 times more than a A500 at release.
The x68000 sold for 369,000 yen which with an exchange rate of 150 yen per US$ equalled $2460. The A500 was released for $700 so the x68k was only 3.5 times as expensive.

>> No.3098672

Ok Autismo, we believe you.

>> No.3098703


>> No.3098843

Thank you Autismo. Good work!

>> No.3098865

Second background layer, M2's Giga Drive did fix that however but no games use it as it's only used for making Genesis game have extra background layers for 3D effects.

Why has homebrew not bother making Giga Drive software?

>> No.3098873

Anytime. :)

Now, can you list some composers who were happy to program music for the SNES?

>> No.3098882

Sounds and looks like it was pushed through a cheese grater.

>> No.3098885

That ending lol. 5 minutes of donkey looking at the floor in sadness and diddy scoring him

>> No.3098902

>The SNES does 256
You can do programming wizardry to overcome that. A few games HDMA'd new colors to places you wouldn't expect. Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Donkey Kong Country 2 have a few scenes where there are over 256 colors displayed.

>> No.3101472

What the fuck is even "raw power?"

>> No.3101495

I'd imagine clock speed, but it's but a useless buzzword in that context.

>> No.3101558

>Why has homebrew not bother making Giga Drive software?

Because the only documentation about it is ina locked closet at M2 headquarter.

>> No.3101591

If you use transparency effects then you can overcome that limit easier.

But, if we are talking of programming limits, then the Genesis can easily do 70+ colours in-game and some even did 200+ in cutscenes. Any game that changes the palette on a raster, or uses shadow/highlight mid-game can bypass the 61 colour limit, and at least Toy Story used that in cutscenes to dramatically increase the colour count (albeit to display still images).

Then again Toy Story also shipped with a fully functional amiga mod-player.

>> No.3101593

And an FPS mode that didn't look like shit.

And a racing level with pretty nice looking software scaling.

>> No.3101646

>If you use transparency effects then you can overcome that limit easier.
got any screenshots, bub?
Legitimately interested.

>> No.3102032

So true. I was playing some sega games on my pc and the audio sounded like total crap.
Went back to my Sega and the sound was back to what i remembered.

>> No.3102084
File: 516 KB, 810x1080, DORIMUKASUTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dreamcast was a beautiful end

>> No.3102106


>> No.3102292

This is true. Genesis and SID are still incomplete/not perfectly emulated.
Any others? I only know those two.

>> No.3102434

what's wrong with that image, and why did you have it on your computer

>> No.3102443

beautiful 5k genesis graphics, eat shit nintendorks

>> No.3102446

this massive bait
end thy life

>> No.3102480

It has cooler particle effects though.

>> No.3102481 [DELETED] 

You know, they can't look the same because half that rock to the right gets cut off.

>> No.3103496
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>> No.3103514
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