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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 640x769, 92671-Blood_(1997)(Monolith)-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3083974 No.3083974 [Reply] [Original]

>He says he beat a game
>He used quicksaves while playing it
You didn't actually beat it, go back and do it again

>> No.3084120

Would you count it if the game has no save feature and I use save states as saves?

>> No.3084413

IMO, loading saves in old school FPSs is only acceptable if you just started it up to return to playing.

I seriously don't get the appeal in quicksaving and loading after every death. It just takes away the punishment for dying, and takes away the feeling of accomplishment for surviving. Its just boring.

>> No.3084435

i only save at the start of levels on the hardest difficulty, but DAMN if extra crispy is testing my limits and im an old school arena shooter player and beat lots of other FPS on the hardest settings.

>> No.3084442

This. The only thing I use quicksaves for is when I'm playing old school RPG's that you have to travel 80 years to find a save point. I usually only have time to play a little bit at a time, if I didn't use quicksaves I'd be spending all my limited time just looking for save points.

>> No.3084461

But I like my hands bloody...

>> No.3084489

Save scumming is fine if you absolutely suck at a game and are too casual to put any time into getting good. Otherwise, take the loss like a man and start over.

>> No.3084513

Wow some of you NEET neckbeards really have no life. Why the fuck do any of you idiots care how people play games? As long as someone is having fun who gives a shit. Its not a god damn sweepstakes every time you turn on a game faggots. Its supposed to be a fun activity.

>> No.3084532

Jason, stop trying to justify how much of a casual you are. Holy fuck, if you enjoy sucking at games so much then get the fuck out of here.

>> No.3084548

Nice projection. We know you have no talents or skills in anything whatsoever and have to compensate by pretending you're badass at playing 30 year old games. Nice going loser

>> No.3084550

You guys don't quite seem to understand OP's point.

Blood has a glitch that makes the difficulty easier (or harder depending on the difficulty you're using) than it's supposed to when you load a save.

The info about that glitch you can find everywhere on the internet goes like this :
The zombie will hit you for (the number in brackets is after the load game):
11 hp (36 hp) - Still Kicking
15 hp (27 hp) - Pink On The Inside
18 hp (18 hp) - Lightly Broiled
22 hp (22 hp) - Well Done
26 hp (12 hp) - Extra Crispy

but it was brought upon me that this information is wrong for Skill4.
Only skill3 is unaffected. Skill 4 goes: 22 (15)

Do not forget though that dmg isn't the only difference between skill levels. The higher the skill, the more enemies there are, and also there can be some behaviour differences between the easiest and hardest skills.

So a couple of days ago I actually started replaying the entire game skill4 pitchfork start; because I thought I did that already, but only by loading a save at the start of each level. So instead now, I use a cheat to warp to the level I want, which, after you've quit the game, is the only way to resume a playthrough where you left off without triggering the glitch.

>> No.3084552

Bite me, casual. You're in my realm now.

>> No.3084584

I never noticed this playing through

>> No.3084587

Why shouldn't I use something the developers included? It even tells me how to do it in the controls menu.

>> No.3084659

holy shit that was cringey

>> No.3084695

A lot of neckbeards in this thread getting off to their lack of social skills. Stay mad faggots.

>> No.3084707

cultist accuracy also increases greatly between difficulty levels. that's left unchanged.

>> No.3084724

when you reach a new level the damage values reset though and will stay that way unless you reload the level. it's why 'still kicking' speedrunners sometimes save but only on the preceding map just before the exit switch so that when they reload and start the new level they still get still kicking damage.

>> No.3084741

I get bored if I have to keep doing the same thing again and again until I beat it. Probably why I didn't find Dark Souls that enjoyable.

>> No.3084805

>I get bored if I have to keep doing the same thing again and again until I beat it.

I get bored if i remove the consequences of death. I might aswell just play with god mode on to save me the trouble of savescumming.

>> No.3085124

Once you've beaten it with or without quicksaves you can comfortably go through it again without saving since you'll no longer get jumped by hitscanner cultists, so why don't take this up a notch?
If your first time beating it wasn't without saving at all (died? tough, you restart the stage with nothing but the pitchfork) then it didn't count and it never will count.

>> No.3085128



>> No.3085205

Does anyone know what's the proper difficulty for this game? I hate having to pick between a ton of shit

>> No.3085217

blow it out ur ass

>> No.3085245

If you save anywhere besides the very start of a map then you should be legally prevented from playing FPS games because you are too much of a casual to enjoy them.

>> No.3085274

Loading a save to keep weapons after death, even if its the start of the map, still removes some of the punishment.

>> No.3085280


Good point. Restarting a map with all your weapons goes against the developer's intentions.

>> No.3085324

Not exactly... Both starting weaponless and with previous weapons are intended.

Yeah like I said, that's what I count in "other behaviours", like the cultist accuracy or the way Zombies fall down to the ground or not.

Good to know.

Skill#3 (Lightly Broiled) is perfect for a first play. There is no glitch on that skill and difficulty is just in between.

>> No.3085487

Kek. Why would devs give you the quicksave key if they didn't intend for you to use it?

>> No.3086078


Blood binds certain actions to clock rate. If you don't play with unplayably choppy emulation cycles that give you migraines from the sheer screen tearing, the chokeyhand enemies are instant death because keyboard input doesn't support mashing a million times a second. Every game that has a technical flaw that makes it unstable or makes mechanics dysfunctional justifies frequent saving.

>> No.3086161
File: 82 KB, 752x659, Mechanic being sneaky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're in my realm now.

>> No.3086319

You people are pathetic

>inb4 casual

Fuck off

>> No.3086684

>Blood binds certain actions to clock rate
Interesting if true.

>Mashing keyboard
Why would you?

>> No.3086685

While I prefer restarting from death from scratch, I don't think it was the only intended way. These games did have the option to quicksave out of the box.

>> No.3086741


Oh sorry I misspoke. Though it is possible to play the game without a mouse too, so in that instance it would be a keyboard input restriction.

>> No.3086817

There's hundreds of games I want to play before I die. I'm not gonna master any single individual game if I don't have to, just for internet epeen points.

>> No.3086845

But no one says that, stop forcing this meme.

>> No.3086885

You don't need to master a game to play with little to no quicksaves. Mid-90's FPSs generally arent hard enough to need them, for the most part.

>> No.3087021

>cultists that insta-hit you for half your health as soon as you see them with no way to dodge
Uh, I'll take my quicksaves thank you

>> No.3087105

>not taking cover
>expecting to be able to "dodge" bullets
>not throwing dynamite around corners
>not stabbing them to death with the pitchfork, keeping them in pain so they can never fire

I'm sorry, are you used to games that treat firearms much more survivably? because in the real world, you cant dodge bullets, and a few bullets cause you to die. Its not rocket science, you've just been playing games where firearms are the equivalent of annoying peashooters.

>> No.3087170

BUILD games all have a quicksave hotkey. Don't be autistic, faggot. You want restrictions forced on you? Be a consolefag.

>> No.3087282
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Also, duck.

Simply ducking makes you avoid a great deal of their bullets. Plus, the game even hints the player how OP ducking is: when cultists duck themselves, it is a LOT harder to hit them with hitscan weapons.
Though of course you'd have to actually REALIZE that, just saying 'cause I've heard people complain that cultists are "glitchy" and are hard to hit when they're on the ground.....

>> No.3087337


>> No.3087379

My GOD. I thought E1M5 was tough skill#4 pitchfork start? Well E3M8 is just suffering.

>> No.3087394

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.3087412

skill #4?

>> No.3087447
File: 9 KB, 63x106, 1407957390960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, 4th difficulty out of 5, Well Done.

I must have died 10 times in E3M8 so far. Doesn't help that I often fuck up of my own doing. The trick is to try to kill as many of the Hellhounds at the start as possible with grenades, trying to pack them.... there is like 5 of them.

I'm learning new tricks in this playthrough, like for instance how easy and safe it is to kill Gargoyles with a pitchfork if you pin them down with just one flare. That can save some precious ammo

>> No.3087602
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>> No.3087620

If it's not how it's meant to be played, then why did the developers include it?

>> No.3087787

What about Half Life 1?

jumping puzzles need quicksaves otherwise you're just being silly.

>> No.3087789


Git good.

>> No.3087921
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>> No.3087943


The game has a hazard course with jumping sections for a reason. You're supposed to master the controls before having to do jumping puzzles. Plus the game has autosaves. And I'm not saying "git gud" because that implies challenge.

I'm terrible at Super Mario but its control works on the same principle as Half-Life's. You have momentum and it takes a bit to slow you down to a full stop. Both games also have limited air control, that lets you retroactively choose your jumping speed mid air in order to land in the right spot. The choice needs to be retroactive because PC and NES controls are digital.

>> No.3087946

I never really get why so many people think the jumping/platforming is hard in Half-Life.

Very good point, and I'll tell you, basically, OP wants to come off as macho, because taking videogames too seriously is one of the few things he has.

>> No.3087996

Just because the quicksaves are there, doesn't mean it's only function is to be abused.

Also, some games have really long levels, or specific parts are hard to specific players, should they redo an entire level again and again because of a fuckup? People have other things to do with their time, and games are supposed to be fun, if they can reload from a few minutes ago and try to approach that one hindrance in a different way, to attempt to enjoy the rest of the game, have they not beat it when they reach the end?

It obviously varies from game to game, and many are constructed in such a way that it makes sense to quicksave, and many are in such a way that it's reasonable for you to have to restart the level if you fuck up, my point being that you're trying to blanket one kind of mindset on all kinds of games, when really, it isn't actually at all appropriate to do so.

>> No.3088005

Way to misrepresent what he said you big fat faggot.

It honestly isn't THAT hard to learn to deal with cultists.
I'm not saying "never quicksave", but I think you'll probably enjoy the game more if you figure out their behavior.

Also never underestimate the value of taking cover in Blood, because gunshots hurt a lot in this game, never stand still out in the open during a fight.

>> No.3088056

Oh okay. I thought you meant like how people button mash.

>> No.3088059

>because in the real world, you cant dodge bullets
Not typically, no.

>and a few bullets cause you to die
That's really debatable.
With a shotgun or rifle, you have pretty good killing power, but with pistols, it can vary wildly.
Also, adrenaline can radically alter any outcome, someone completely pumping on adrenaline can take multiple lethal gunshot wounds and still keep fighting for minutes.

Look at the 1986 FBI Miami shootout, one Army Ranger (Michael Platt), with a Mini-14 rifle killed like 4 or 6 FBI agents and wounded 2 more.
The first gunshot wound he sustained was from a piddly .38 revolver, and it was a lethal injury, causing immediate hemhorrage, he was then hit a bunch more times with .38s, 9mms, .357s and a shotgun as the fight went on, but he kept fighting until the bloodloss finally got him, because he was just fucking surging with adrenaline.

And then you have cases where someone gets shot square in the chest with a tiny .22 and they immediately drop dead like a sack of potatoes.

There's such an _incredible_ amount of variables and factors to gunshot wounds that hoping to portray them truly realistically would end up being a huge, unfun, uphill battle, you eventually have to start balancing/rounding off values and make compromises to make the game fun.
I think you should ideally pick what seems to make for a fun game, "realistic" or not.

>> No.3088232

I do this, but if it gets too frequent it's a strong sign that either I'm at the wrong difficulty or I'm not liking the game.

>> No.3088381

i like the Rainbow 6 and Blood tier of realism, where a few shots will kill you.

They usually add in some RNG to represent different types of hits.

Usually it does take a few rounds to down someone who's running at you pumped on adrenaline. Especially if you're using a pistol.

In Blood we're talking about guys with sawn off shotguns and tommy guns, so its understandable that they tend to fuck you up.

Either way, hitscan enemies aren't the problem. hugbox firearm treatment in most games is.

>> No.3088560

Half-Life is pretty easy specially the platforming, git gud

>> No.3088580

>he says he beat the game
>he used guns

How does it feel to be a nitpicking autist who hates basic functionality?

>> No.3088583

I get bored if I have to become a life-less NEET in order to "git gud" at a video game. Better do nothing but play video games all day then die a kissless virgin!

>> No.3088586

>Save scumming is fine if you absolutely suck at a game

Of if the game designers were shit-heads and didn't properly balance it.

>> No.3088592
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>>He says he beat a game
>He used quicksaves while playing it

>saving at any time is a built-in mechanic of DOOM, BLOOD, Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior

>> No.3088603

>implying you have to become a lifeless NEET to be good at games
You're just bad retard.

>> No.3088618
File: 52 KB, 664x246, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not so bad that you hide behind artificial difficulty to make up excuses as to why you're good

Kek, get a life kiddo.

>> No.3088632

>Of if the game designers were shit-heads and didn't properly balance it.

or, if the game designers kept making it more difficult as they were playtesting it.

That's what actually happened by the way.

>> No.3088637

What did you gain from being good at games?

>> No.3088645

being able to say "I've finished blood on level 4 difficulty with no saves"

Thats about it. Probably some new tactics if multiplayer existed

>> No.3088723

looks like I hit a nerve :)
>Kek, get a life kiddo.
the irony of this or the previous comment coming from a tripfag on 4chinks is not lost on me

>> No.3088725

Having fun with your favorite games in new, challenging, ways.

Why do you play video games at all?

>> No.3088727

>not savescumming makes you a life-less NEET

Good one.

>> No.3088732

I'd rather aim for personal goals than try to fit in among disgusting autists.

>> No.3088746

>says the anon sperging out on /vr/

aren't you convincing

>> No.3089062

>IF multiplayer existed

Confirmed for having never played Blood before in their life.

>> No.3089708

Was the multiplayer any good? I'd like to try it but it seems like a hassle to get it set up and all

>> No.3090180

I installed BMOUSE and the mouse controls are still dogshit

Is there anyway to correct this?

>> No.3090248

Describe dogshit. Did you try upping the mouse sensitivity?

>> No.3090631

Yeah, it fucking rocks. Super fun. When I was a kid on LAN we played Blood MP more than any of the others and we had all of them. It was our favourite PC FPS MP game.

>> No.3090635

Dude, it's Blood, but instead of AI it's other people. Of course it's good.

>> No.3090640

Feels like it has some awkward mouse acceleration. Very slight movements don't register

>> No.3090671

>Mid-90's FPSs generally arent hard enough to need them
we're talking about Blood though. Its a bit different. The designers kept making it harder and harder as they playtested.

>IF multiplayer existed
so tell me, where is this online original blood multiplayer that your post implies exists?

What I meant was there's no vanilla online blood scene in this day and age. Before making comments like this you should really ask yourself, why would someone be in a blood thread if they had never played blood? are you slow or just lack common sense?

>> No.3090703

i havent played blood and im here to call you a faggot

>> No.3091368

>Where is this online original Blood multiplayer that your post implies exists?

Start the game, select 'multiplayer', choose from one of providers available at the time. It had co-op and Deathmatch.

>> No.3091509
File: 7 KB, 140x99, blood-cerberus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any protip on beating the Hellhound boss of ep3 pitchfork start ? There doesn't seem to be enough weapons in the map for it, only thing are dynamites and a shotgun. There is ammo for other weapons but not the weapon themselves.

Maybe there are secrets i'm unaware of? I only know the small alcove in the rocks behind the boss start point.

>> No.3091526

NVM that, got him.

>> No.3091641

I used to think like this. Yes, blasting through as many great games as possible gives you a really varied and awesome experience, but you're only scratching the surface.

However, for a lot of these games, putting some time in to get decent at the game can be much more rewarding. I'm not talking about mastering the game like being in the top league or speedrunning or whatever, but at least try to 100% games or beat them on the hardest settings with zero cheating/save scumming where possible. You owe it to yourself. Just think of 4 or 5 games that you really enjoyed, that have mechanics you feel you can get into, but that haven't really beaten to the extent you could.

I recently went back to several games I had played previously and had such a satisfying experience beating them with this new criteria. Really requires you knowing the game mechanics rather than just fumbling your way through like a casual.

Some examples:

DMC3:SE, played it through on normal initially. Came back to it 5 years later and beat it on Dante must Die.

F-Zero X. Loved this game as a kid. Never tried the staff ghosts. Have now beaten all of them and I appreciate the game a lot more now.

Doom. Only ever played through on UV like a save scumming little bitch. Have beaten Episodes 1 - 3 on Nightmare! with a pistol start, no savescumming. The game is a completely different experience like this. Absolutely awesome.

Warcraft 3 campaign - Played through on Normal initially with saves. Played it on Hard without saves. You actually have to know how to play the game.

>> No.3093296

>we're talking about Blood though. Its a bit different.

Indeed. Its the only mid-90's shooter where I'd say the middle skill is the best for beginners, rather than hardest or second hardest.

>> No.3093313

Blood has a multiplayer function (obviously) but there is no online scene where you can play it. Unless you're LANing with buddies, there is no blood mutliplayer.

see my post
is says:
>What I meant was there's no vanilla online blood scene in this day and age.

Some reading comprehension might help you discuss better in future.

>> No.3093331

You guys are retarded. What kind of NEET autist has the time to replay entire levels of a game over and over with "pistol start" (or its many equivalents in other FPS games) because of one hard room or fight at the end of a level.

Look at Duke Nukem 3D with the Alien Commanders that can instagib rocket you on higher difficulties if you're not always topped up with hp, Redneck Rampage with the Alien Vixens that can instagib titgun you on pretty much any difficulty, any old FPS with a high amount of hitscanners that can completely fuck your day up if you get caught off-guard for one moment by a monster closet (Doom 2, Blood 1, Blood 2).

What about boss levels where the developers clearly intended for you to have built up at least some sort of arsenal over the episode and there isn't a massive room filled with weapons at the start of it. Just because you can "pistol start" every level doesn't mean the developers ever did it, or even remembered it during game design and testing, because they were probably using the quicksave and quickload features they implemented into the game.

>> No.3093339

Also there's this shit that happens in BUILD engine games constantly that you can't ever account for: being fucking squashed from 200hp to 0 by doors that autoclose or open towards you, that's the good shit.

>> No.3093348

>Just because you can "pistol start" every level doesn't mean the developers ever did it, or even remembered it during game design and testing, because they were probably using the quicksave and quickload features they implemented into the game.

That's bullshit.

Starting the level over with the basic weapon when you die is one of the base gameplay elements of Doomd-era FPS, pretty much until "realistic" FPS like HL and Unreal came out.

It has become a forgotten gameplay element because from the HL period onward everyone started savescumming and using continues; because the kind of games FPS become were no longer arcade-ish and didn't call for the old gameplay standards anymore.
But that doesn't mean it was never there.

When you die, you're supposed to start the level over with what the game gives you. Keeping your weapons is a reward for good players, who do not die.

Most levels were built independantly. Of course, some are better designed than others. But if you were right, the game would stop giving actual weapons after the first few levels, and would only give the AMMO for it, since you already got the weapons from previous levels.

Now the great thing about those games is that, unlike post HL/Unreal FPS which are very one dimensional, you can play them however you want. You're free to save or not. You're free to load your save or not. When you die, you're free to load your save or just restart the level over.

The way you're playing isn't "THE" way, it's "a" way. I've already played those games tons of times that way, so now I'm replaying them another way, it gives them a whole new dimension you're too afraid to experience, but don't hide behind the "developers intention" argument because they clearly intended all of these ways at the same time.

>> No.3093352

Doesn't stop you all from being NEET autists for having the elitism to make threads like these, as if everybody has infinite time to do anything.

>> No.3093361

>Just because you can "pistol start" every level doesn't mean the developers ever did it, or even remembered it during game design and testing, because they were probably using the quicksave and quickload features they implemented into the game.

I'm fairly certain pistol starting was tested and given balance. Ever notice why weapon pickups are very common throughout the levels in FPSs back then? Its so you can recover yourself from a pistol start. Hell, the inbuilt demos in these were generally done through "pistol starting".

>> No.3093364

Good argument.

>> No.3093376

alonside what >>3093348 and >>3093361 have said, Levels in the FPSs back then were generally not that long. Usually only 5-15 minutes on a single life (hell, Doom E1's levels were barely even 3 minutes each). So its not like you're repeatedly losing hours of progress each time you restart the same level.

>> No.3093380

Unless in DN3D you can sequence break some levels if you keep the jetpack from previous levels. That's a reward for not dying, not the 'normal' way.

>> No.3093527

>Itt scrubs getting mad because people play games in different ways to them

It's okay if you suck, nobody's judging you for it. Well apart from OP.

>> No.3093556

I always kinda wish old school FPSs had a separate "Ironman mode" that overhauled the save system so that it autosaves after each new level and pistol restart, and you would not be able to manually load/save during play.

>> No.3093557

Oldschool FPSs would be impossible for me without quicksaving. I use them in games like Doom and Duke3D because they were a feature from day one, and as such are an entirely intentional part of the experience. It may cheapen the experience for people like you, but so what? I play games to have fun. If your definition of fun is not using quicksaves, go hard. In the meantime, I'm going to keep beating games with them.

>> No.3093623

I did it DOOM style: save at the start of the level and that's it

>> No.3093627

Pistol starting is overrated IMO, it kills all sense of progression for me and makes the games feel more arcadey and less like an adventure. Which isn't inherently a bad thing, but I feel that adventure is a better formula than arcade when it comes to FPS.

The fact that a game is balanced to be playable from pistol start doesn't necessarily mean it's designed solely to be played that way, or that it's the primary intended way.

Duke 3D doesn't feel like it's a game that has all levels properly balanced for pistol start at all times, there's some levels where it really is a monumental task to beat it, let alone clear it, because there just isn't enough ammo, health or heavy ordnance to handle it, like it's really meant for you to have carried over stuff from previous levels.

>> No.3093732

It does. If your FPS is too high, the chokey hands will choke you very fast (instantly if FPS is above 150 which is easy to get), and become impossible to throw away (which is done by mashing USE button at least once in X frames)

>> No.3093773

Never said it's the only way or primary intended way.

And nah, I've never had any problem clearing levels on pistol start in DN3D on skill3, I'm sure it's doable on skill4 too.

>> No.3094125

>The fact that a game is balanced to be playable from pistol start doesn't necessarily mean it's designed solely to be played that way, or that it's the primary intended way.

Old school FPSs did have the option for both. So yeah. No disagreement here.

>> No.3094148

>Duke 3D doesn't feel like it's a game that has all levels properly balanced for pistol start at all times, there's some levels where it really is a monumental task to beat it, let alone clear it, because there just isn't enough ammo, health or heavy ordnance to handle it, like it's really meant for you to have carried over stuff from previous levels.

Could you name a few levels as examples?

>> No.3094260

I remember some old 90's FPS game FAQs suggesting artificial self-imposed limits for people who complained about games being too easy even on the hardest difficulty levels. These limits included restricting what weapons you use, how often you save (if you save at all) and maybe even pistol starting. But they were always that: self-imposed *artificial* limits, not "official" or otherwise "suggested" ways of playing.

I guess I am the arch-nemesis for many here on /vr/, because I've never cared about these limitations. I've always saved regularly. If I die, I restore and try again. I like to keep my weapons and stuff from the previous levels. Essentially, I complete the whole game in one long "uninterrupted" run. This is how I've rolled since the 90's and no one can stop me.

I also don't ever remember seeing anyone playing with these self-imposed limits in the real world. Everyone I know who has played Dooms, Quakes and other FPS's have used savegames and not pistol starting every level. The only places where I've seen it are some YouTube videos and speedruns (which obviously are an exception).

>> No.3094612

I can't remember the name, but there was a map in particular that stood out to me in Lunar Apocalypse, there's three Battlelords (two at the exit) and VERY sparse with explosives, ammo and health in general is sparse, there's LOTS of bomb drones, two swarms at least.
Very frustrating to pistol start

>> No.3095690

That could've been pretty cool, actually.

>> No.3095702

thats just you being bad m8

i hate it when retards confuse their own lack of skill for bad game design

that's a hallmark trait of participation trophy gen faggots and why you're so bad for this board

back in my day, if a game killed us we'd accept it was hard. nowadays if a game kills you it's because the game is bad itself, rather than you being bad at the game, because there's simply no way a player like yourself could have improved and not gotten himself killed in whatever situation it was

i'm not saying btw that cheap games didn't exist, but 9 times out of 10 i'd bet when you scream artificial difficulty or whatever it was you being bad, rather than the game being poorly made

for your example, i've also pistol started each map on duke 3d on skill 3 and i had no problem with it (in fact I've also gone through each episode from start to finish without dying on damn i'm good). sounds like you're talking about fusion station which is easy to pistol start if you're not brain dead.

sorry champ

>> No.3096043
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So I'm done with the original game skill#4/pitchfok start/no save inside levels.

Ep5 has some of my fav levels; some are the definition of everything I love about Doom-era level design. Like E6M3 Public Storage, E6M4 Aqueducts, E6M6 Frobidden Rituals, E6M9 Forgotten Catabombs...

E6M3 and E6M9 got to be my fav levels in the game alongside E4M5: Fire And Brimestones. That one almost feel like a Quake level.

Moving on to Cryptic Passage now. A shame that one is so easy due to the over abundance of supplies...

I'm sure it'd be easy to make a mod like that for DN3D. I've seen mods with autosaves, and mods in which they take out manual saving.

>> No.3096047

I play like this sometimes, to see how far I can go, but it's unlikely I ever manage to complete game with permadeath that isn't geared toward such restrictions.

That said, I'm not good at roguelikes either.

>> No.3096175

I agree episode five is the best episode, or at least tied with the first. It doesn't have the best atmosphere/environmental detail, and can be pretty bare bones in places, but it has the best gameplay and combat situations by far.

>> No.3096215

>Oldschool FPS where ducking actually does something
With this one post you convinced me to pickup Blood.

>> No.3096223

Ducking is OP as fuck in Blood. Too OP even. It helps avoid hitscan bullets, but you're also completely immune to Butcher's attacks (as long as they're not on a higher plane than you and as long as you're not too close to hem) as well as the Grey Gargoyle boss and mini-bosses, you can just crouch, arm yourself with the pitchfork and patience, and he'd never hit you.

>> No.3096375

Occupied Territory, you illiterate dumbass, I love how you immediately start a spergrant about "kids these days" because the statement was "this level is pretty difficult from pistol start"

But I get it, you're a pro, gotta flex and show people who's boss around here.

>> No.3096446

The enemies also duck.

If you haven't played blood, you're in for a shock. dont expect to enjoy it lol

>> No.3096553


>> No.3098284

I like that these games allowed you to choose to play with saves or not.

>> No.3098351

Has anyone else here played the Deathwish mod? If you haven't and you liked the base game, I highly recommend that you do. I've been playing it over the past weekend and I think the level design frequently even surpasses the official levels.

>> No.3098919

I'll say that I prefer naturally pistol starting from death over deliberately starting every map from pistol start, regardless of previous map outcome.

>> No.3098945
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I'd rather enjoy a game using one of its built-in functionalities than be an autist and start the level from scratch with no guns, no ammo and no items whenever I die.

>> No.3098974

>I'd rather enjoy a game using one of its built-in functionalities than be an autist and start the level from scratch with no guns, no ammo and no items whenever I die.

But that is also a built-in functionality. You have the option to do either.

>> No.3099117

>he isn't a life-less neet
classic tripfags

>> No.3099272

Every Blood fan has played Death Wish pham. Yeah it's awesome.

>> No.3100104
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Holy shit, how is /vr/ better than /v/ at this point?

Why are you on a gaming board if you're gonna call anyone who puts any amount of dedication to games "autists" "NEET" "social retard" and other buzzwords to make yourself feel better about your personal lack of skills or knowledge?

>> No.3100978

Think doom has a mofified zdoom that does something similar, in that you can't manually save unless quitting, and cant manually load during play. Though its more a perma-death mod, as it deletes your save if you die, and brings you back to titlescreen.

>> No.3100985

Because no one cares about your arrogant bullshit about how much "better you are" than everyone else at playing video games.

>> No.3100993 [DELETED] 

You have to be an autist to not complete an FPS without god mode on. I don't have the time to die in games.

>> No.3100998 [DELETED] 

You have to be an autist to not complete an FPS with god mode on. I don't have the time to die in games.

>> No.3101002

You have to be an autist to not complete an FPS with god mode on. I don't have the time to die in games.

>> No.3101036
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It's not like anyone is forcing you to play a certain way, they're just saying limiting the amount of save-scumming you do will always provide a better challenge.

First time I played DOOM, I just saved all over the place so I could get to the end of the game sooner.

Then the second time I started thinking to myself "You know, being able to save anywhere I want kind of breaks the game. There's no risk-taking, no consequences for my actions since I can just load the save state I made 15 seconds ago. These designers obviously intended the level to be played in one go." So I played the game that way, only saving once in a while before jumping into a pit to find out if there was a secret room or something.

The third or fourth time, I played every level starting with a pistol. So instead of starting every level with a full inventory, I actually had to carefully learn where to pick up ammo in every level and learn the best path though a level with limited ammo, sometimes being forced to punch my way through enemies.

I thought it was more fun personally. Nowadays I only really use save states when I don't like the game that much, I'd never go back to the days of making my first playthrough of a great game like DOOM worse by saving/reloading constantly.

I still haven't beaten Battletoads without save states, but it's not like I'm gonna blame someone for calling me a casual because I didn't beat it the "proper way" (it's true, I didn't).

>> No.3101047
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>no one cares

I do. Anyone that has legitimate respect for retro does.

Go away, you're not welcome here.

Then you also don't have time to play games at all. Go away.

>> No.3101052
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>Then you also don't have time to play games at all. Go away.
>taking that post seriously

>> No.3101057

Yup. If you shitpost on /vr/, you're a fucking retard that needs to go away.

Also, go away.

>> No.3101184

god shut the fuck up

>> No.3101191

>If you shitpost on /vr/

Does that exclude samefagging? Thats what you seem to be doing..

>> No.3101194

The interesting thing about this thread is that the shitters are claiming that anybody good at games is an autistic NEET, yet they appear to be the ones sperging out the hardest. Whether or not the skilled fags are autists or not is unknown, but it seems the shitters are clearly sperg af and are bad at video games on top of it. Wew.

Anyway I miss the days when 4chan was genuinely elitist about these matters, however trivial they may be. It meant the community actually knew its shit about video games and the resulting discussion was thus much richer. Now you have angry edgy 18 year olds getting upset that they can't do the vidya and their redundant opinions permeate all aspects of this board. Too bad. What can you expect from a generation raised on COD and Halo though?

>> No.3101225

>The interesting thing about this thread is that the shitters are claiming that anybody good at games is an autistic NEET

It's so weird because from my experience, people who are excessively good at games generally do okay in terms of social standing. I met with lots of arcade nuts, people like Billy Mitchell, FGC players, Starcraft/Quake pro players, and they were incredibly skilled at games on top of being a lot more well-adjusted than the average bumbling MMORPG player.

The sad part is you don't even need to be that skilled to avoid save-scumming, it just takes a bit more effort.

>> No.3101230

Depends. You could argue it sort of simulates leaving the console on when you cant play. However i would argue that doesnt take into account power going out or siblings turning it off. Furthermore i feel that any game that doesnt at least have a pw option, even platformers for at least stage select, were originally made by the devs with the intention of being completed in a single session.

>> No.3101260
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Well I can say I'm an attractive man with a beautiful girlfriend, highly educated with an above average sized penis. I'm good at the vidya.

>> No.3101280
File: 92 KB, 500x743, 70s girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



To keep it retro...

>> No.3101283
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>mfw I savescum but pretend not to when posting on the internet

>> No.3101287

even retro girls are better s m h

>> No.3101303

Therefore it wouldnt be a decontextaliized portrayal of the original product wouldnt leave you with the full effect. Like for example a young kig could read about a history on another place and fail to accurately imagine it, ie nomadic pastoralism.

>> No.3101678

>if you're gonna call anyone who puts any amount of dedication to games...
That's not what's happening here, what is reacted against is people who argue that it's a bar of entry and shit like "if you used saves, you didn't really beat the game", self-congratulating arrogance about things that really shouldn't matter, because this is fucking videogames.

Nobody argues that beating Blood in skill level 4 (or especially 5) ISN'T impressive, but when you start obnoxiously stroking your ego and calling people out for not being as 1337 as you, with an unwarranted sense of self-importance and imagined machismo, why the fuck SHOULDN'T people react against you?

>> No.3101696

Look, about this thread, it is pretty obvious that OP is not being serious about it (and NOBODY itt claimed OP's statement seriously).

This is obviously a joke/troll thread to mock threads in which people say you haven't really beaten a game if you used emulation and/or savestates.

That or OP is refering to the difficulty-changing glitch Blood has, like I mentioned earlier ITT, or just used the image to pretend his point has backup.

Honestly the fact that you take it seriously shows that you don't know much about this board. You should have seen /v/ 8 years ago, half of the threads were like this, everyone knew it and that's how we discussed matters.
You're being too first degree for this board, for OP's delight.

>> No.3101697

I'm being 100% serious itt.

>> No.3102065

OP here, this man is correct. It was all a trick to start a Blood thread

>> No.3102071


>he thinks that just seeing the ending means you beat the game

Yeah, you can also beat a game by cheating to give yourself infinite ammo and infinite health and all the guns from the start, pretty much the same thing as spamming quicksave quickload

>> No.3103338

Must be nice to get neetbux and not have shit to do.

>> No.3103343

You have to play Nethack. If you can resume from a save after dying your game is retarded and for babies.

>> No.3103542

>not ADOM or IVAN
casual af

>> No.3104094

>Seem to be
That one.

I was the lucky one. I hated it, but in the end, I learned a lot more about my personal tastes. Makes me feel bad for people that are totally okay with shelling out $70 for the next generic shooter skin pack. But then again, I'm about to shell out 170 on a CDX, so I'm really in no position to criticize.

I completely agree, elitism forces the conversations to be about less discussed topics. I miss that.


They BEAT BLOOD on a HIGH SKILL LEVEL. They have an understanding of how the levels works that lower level players don't. Don't get all bent outta shape because someone's better than you. Become better yourself.