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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 81 KB, 530x398, way-of-the-warrior_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3083048 No.3083048 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we talk about underrated MK knock-offs

Just off the top of my head:

Way of the Warrior
Time Killers
Eternal Champions

Did anyone else dig these as much as I did?

>> No.3083070
File: 110 KB, 800x571, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of trivia: Time Killers came out within a couple months/maybe weeks of MK, it's not really a ripoff.

I think it was inevitable that an American dev would make an ultra gory digitized fighter given the trends at the time, MK just got there first.

But yeah, I unironically enjoy these.

>> No.3083080

Are you just calling western fighters "MK knock-offs"? They don't even have much in common with MK.

>> No.3083085
File: 108 KB, 384x240, timekillers-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really know what to refer to these games as, y'know? Deathmatch fighting games? Kumite sims?

Speaking of Time Killers, I remember the first time my brother and I played it in the arcade. I picked Mantazz and he picked Chainsaw. As soon as the round began, I slammed my hand on all five buttons and immediately decapitated him.

Pic pretty much related.

>> No.3083086

They all are fighting games involving some kind of fatality or finisher. I guess they're all Western, too. Didn't think of it that way.

>> No.3083103
File: 153 KB, 620x388, 47051-179249-tsmaingif-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget

>> No.3083105

>Time Killers

Are you pulling my leg? That's some of the trashiest trash around, brought to you by the people who made such amazing games as Golden Tee and Street Fighter: The Movie and other garbage that gets put in bars to trick drunk people into wasting money.

This is monumental though. I didn't think I'd ever meet a real Incredible Technologies fan.

>> No.3083112

An MK knockoff is usually a fighter that uses digitized sprites or has an emphasis on gore.

>> No.3083140

Way of the Warrior is the only game in his list like that.

>> No.3083146

I still find it hard to believe that the same team was responsible for NESticle

>> No.3083147

>Street Fighter: The Movie
that game is fun as hell, everything combos into everything

It's actually not worse than the shittier japanese street fighter rip offs that were coming out at the same time. Feint praise but stuff like Tongue of the Fatman is a couple tiers lower than that.

>> No.3083150

>feint praise
Well I fucked that up

>> No.3083156
File: 181 KB, 900x550, Chilli_Gold1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that game is fun as hell,
>everything combos into everything

Those two statements don't go together at all. Saying there was worse garbage in existence doesn't make it good.

But hey, maybe we just have different standards of what makes a game good. Have you played this gem they also made?

>> No.3083190

You seem pretty good at reading and understanding the point of things being said, thanks for contributing to the thread.

>> No.3083216
File: 139 KB, 668x376, crazy money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks XD!!! Keep having fun with them awesome games, bra!

>> No.3083421

That's what I happened to be into in my early teens. Also, taste is subjective.

>> No.3083446

If you consider Killer Instinct an "MK ripoff"

I also enjoyed Mace: The Dark Age quite a bit in the arcade

My high school weed dealer had a Sega CD with Eternal Champions but he was unreasonably better than all of us at it

>> No.3083462

I thought eternal champions was pretty cool, could never get the fucking finishers though

>> No.3083485

I have a soft spot for Eternal Champions as well. I only own the Genesis (well, pal version, so Mega Drive) version, which isn't as good as the CD one, but it was fairly fun.

I mean, it's not great, but it sure gets points for originality, it had some unorthodox moves like buffs/debuffs and a couple nice extra modes. I am rather fond of the game overall.

>> No.3083495

Battle Monsters

>> No.3083798

People that was not around then tend to be more critical cuz the Internet told them to be. They don't understand that when you was young and on a limited console/game set anything could be fun.

Imagine you had only played nes or genesis until you set foot into an arcade, all the new stuff is fun as hell even if now it is considered "bad".

Tl;dr; older guys would understand but anything pre28 probs won't.

>> No.3083876
File: 144 KB, 1104x832, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say Bloodstorm is pretty well known solely from 14 year olds looking up "goriest games ever made" on the internet and seeing it on a bunch of top ten lists. It doesn't even have an abysmal reputation like Kasumi Ninja either even though the god awful looking weapons seem like perfect fodder for e-celebs to slam that game into the ground.

>> No.3083915


Not everyone had shit taste as a kid. It was painfully obvious what were the great games, mediocre ones and the "give me my money back" games.

>> No.3083917


>dat voice acting

>> No.3083924
File: 38 KB, 269x270, 1452468178165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Golden Tee

Get a load of this casual not enjoying lonely middle aged man-core games.

>> No.3083957

>even knowing what games they made
if you're so smart how about you go fix their wikipedia article faggot

this is correct

>I mean, it's not great, but it sure gets points for originality, it had some unorthodox moves
goes for a lot of them, hell time killers had air blocking, a command run, air specials, and all sorts of other weird shit that didn't turn up in good games until years later

>> No.3084313

I don't even like Street Fighter:The Movie but your argument is fucking retarded. What a company makes in the future has absolute no effect on the quality of the stuff they made in the past. It's like saying Gradius is now irredeemable garbage because Konami focuses on pachinko these days.

>> No.3084916

You would have a great point if their early games were better than their sports bar gambling machines. But they're not.

>People that was not around then tend to be more critical cuz the Internet told them to be.
>was not
>cuz the internet

This just made me laugh. I always imagined that's how people into these games spoke.

>> No.3084947

No those fighters were shit back then as well.

>> No.3084953

>Time Killers
>Way of the Warrior

Those games were shit tier now as they were then.
The arcade at the local mall had Time Killers on freeplay and literally nobody touched it.

>> No.3084957

>You would have a great point if
No, that's not how logic works. But it's gold medal shitposting to come across as an insufferable cunt even to people who agree with what you're trying to say, gj.

>> No.3084958

So you were an edgy, virgin loser with shit taste in games.

>> No.3084963

If /vr/ has taught me anything, it's that even the shittiest, bottom of the barrel, gutter games have fans that unironically like them.

>> No.3084968

>No, that's not how logic works.

How is that not how logic works? That guy was saying that what a company makes in the future has no effect on the games they made in the past. Castlevania III is still excellent even though steaming shit like Lords of Shadow exists.

It's a fine point and I agree with it. But Incredible Technologies is no Konami and Time Killers and SF:Movie are bottom of the barrel garbage. If anything their games got better with time.

Which isn't me telling you not to enjoy them. Go for it, if you dig that. I'm just a little shocked I finally got to meet a fan of those games.

>> No.3084990
File: 45 KB, 849x484, blqyt9pnbjsqkrondb8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is that not how logic works?
>It's a fine point and I agree with it.
I don't know how to walk you through this any simpler.

/vr/ has taught me that even in the most poorly-made game, there is MAGIC waiting to be unlocked.

I wanted to post some footage from Death Cargo but apparently it turned out to be a scam and its website disappeared and it's been scrubbed from YouTube.

>> No.3085000
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, witcheverest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vr/ has taught me that even in the most poorly-made game, there is MAGIC waiting to be unlocked.

What do you think of the games that get made these days?

>> No.3085021

I already reminded you that taste is subjective. Grow the fuck up, already.

>> No.3085025
File: 455 KB, 810x688, 1458516570510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because something isn't the best doesn't make it the worst. Fuck you shitheads. Never coming here to discuss anything I likeagain.

>> No.3085031

>Just because something isn't the best doesn't make it the worst.

No... but something being the worst does. :)

>> No.3085036

Now that's a low blow.

>> No.3085242
File: 110 KB, 498x368, weaponlordd4q8ao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most games with finishers are pretty stupid. But Weaponlord is a legitimately solid retro fighter.

>> No.3087084

>No hope for there ever being a Weaponlord 2

>> No.3087101
File: 11 KB, 400x170, Soulcalibur_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were 6 more Weaponlords, anon.

>> No.3087152
File: 94 KB, 640x480, 403549-744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of an SF ripoff but still

>> No.3087159

They use swords and the japanese devs mentioned the american made weaponlord once, so they must be related.

>> No.3087191

I know it's hard to beleive for someone as young as you but try going from nes to an arcade. You would've loved ut back them.

>> No.3087206

That wasn't him it was me, and that fact that you are on about grammar totally shows your age.
You are of that newbreed that thinks everything is bad.
The games back then was entertaining and that is pretty much what gaming was about in the 80s- early 90s.

It's the man children that came along around 2000 or so that tried to make games deeper than what they actually are. Christ this board is a prime example now of the post 2000 gaming logic.

>> No.3087208

>I'm a humourless asshole

>> No.3087209

Then you just didn't play those games after the first quarter, or walked away from the machine. If it wasn't played the arcade owners would replace it in a few months.

>> No.3087253
File: 83 KB, 384x255, AC_SF_Movie_Gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that game is fun as hell, everything combos into everything

I have a soft spot for SF The Movie, but fuck how I hate the the Incredible Technologies art director.

The digitized sprites look great, but everything around it just fucking yells LEFTOVER TIME KILLERS/BLOODSTORM ART.

Hard to explain, its just a certain style that IT used to have in their art, and instead of mimicking the SF2 style in their game they did everything in their.. metalic/3D/spikey/cgi kinda thing.

>> No.3088781

To be honest I personally prefer the console port that was pretty much SF2 with a movie skin and EX moves

>> No.3089104


oh yeah I forgot they changed shit in the console ports.

After checking it out you clearly see that Capcom wasn't a fan of IT's crude spikey cgi art either, everything has been replaced with more SF2 like art.

>> No.3089212

It's all about the game and how you play it.
All about control and if you can take it.
All about your debt and if you can pay it.
It's all about pain and who's gonna make it.

>> No.3089261

Body Blows is good though, I thought we were talking about shit fighting games?

>> No.3089272

>I thought we were talking about shit fighting games?

No, we were talking about underrated MK knockoffs.

aka fighting games that tried to ride the MK realism or gore hype but ultimately were still decent (or even good).

Not sure where Body Blows fall under that though,
that's more of a "ITT we talk about underrated SF2 knockoffs" kinda thing.

>> No.3089436

>That wasn't him it was me, and that fact that you are on about grammar totally shows your age.

Here I thought I was going to get called grampa again, but now you're equating that to me being young?

>You are of that newbreed that thinks everything is bad.

I think tons of new things are great, actually. But I'm also not blind to quality. The games OP mentioned are legitimately terrible.

>> No.3090410

Nah, the console port was just a mediocre ST clone. Why not just play ST instead?

Just because a game is shit doesn't mean it can't be fun. SFTM is dumb, trashy fun. It's so bad it's good.

>> No.3090561

I wouldn't call you grandpa cuz there is a great chance you are younger than me.

>> No.3090603
File: 66 KB, 220x208, 1454639292794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.3090606

>time killers doesn't have an emphasis on gore.

>> No.3090636

This is so strongly evocative of late 90's/early 2000's flash videos. The audio could be straight out of stickdeath.