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File: 454 KB, 576x519, the nes is racist ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3070296 No.3070296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

Is the NES racist?

>> No.3070308
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like enough colors that even imaginary races like his otherkin friends from the third harvest moon of aquaris could claim their spirit animal's skin resembles

go fucking die

>> No.3070309

Not supporting the race you want in the game due to technical limitations=/=racism


>> No.3070310

Plague is canonically black

>> No.3070316


>> No.3070318

Not retro.

>> No.3070320

Not enough for racial diversity? Just how many shades of brown does a game need to keep these sjws happy?

>> No.3070324

>Indie devs are stupid adult children who will forever have a financial/moral backing of idiots.

Film at 11.

>> No.3070325

Not /vr/
Crack wives matter

>> No.3070330

About 65000.

>> No.3070334

Funnily enough, you'll never hear them complain about the lack of yellow in the NES palette.

>> No.3070342

What does that even mean? Shovel Knight still used the NES palette, though they added one or two colors. One for one of the boss' beard IIRC.

>> No.3070343

>Is the NES racist?

I'm pretty sure that's not what he was saying. Platforms with restrictive palettes can make it difficult to represent characters with a lot of different skintones, which limits your ability to base a setting around said characters. This is especially true with monochrome platforms.

The problem with the NES comes from the limited selection of simultaneous colors you can apply to sprites, not necessarily the lack of colors that exist.

And this thread is obvious bait.

>> No.3070348

Is that one of the devs? Fuck I almost wish I didnt buy the game if hes going to be a fucking cuck. Shovel Knight is a really fun charming game why do you even need to bring race and shit into it. Fucking leftists man

>> No.3070360
File: 43 KB, 398x960, 1456793145812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Plague is best Knight to boot!

>> No.3070362

This is why I wish we still had mascot platformers

Fuck dealing with the politics of human characters, my protagonist is a gender ambiguous green bobcat who uses shitpost copypastas for dialogue.

You think I'm joking. Not a bit.

>> No.3070364

Kill yourself /pol/

Kill yourself /v/

Kill yourself everyone who didn't sage this thread.

>> No.3070367

This definitely is /vr/ worthy. Yep, not a shitpost at all and not irrelevant to the board in any way, shape, or form! No sir-ee, Bob!

Fuck off.

>> No.3070375


This. These people are cringey as fuck but Shovel Knight is an awesome game.

>> No.3070376


>> No.3070378

Did he really wear that shirt, whoever that guy is (presumably a Shovel Knight person)? If that isn't a shoop of some sort, goddamn, what a pandering worthless fuck. Not even /pol, but why the hell would you try to bring some political statement into a frigging game conference, not to mention retroactively coming up with an explanation for something just to make yourself look more PC?

>> No.3070379


It's funny you should say this, because Shovel Knight (and all the main characters in the game) have masks on and you can't even tell what race they are. I played the game and I'm guessing that it's just the random NPCs about the towns that are racially diverse, and I didn't even notice. That's what's so fucked up about this people. Nobody else notices this shit. It's basically only them and the uber right wing /pol/ types who are so obsessed with race. Says a lot about these morons really.

>> No.3070384

/pol/ is leaking again

... or is it /v/ this time? I can't even tell the difference anymore.

Either way, OP should kill himself.

>> No.3070386

Most people don't even know the NES lacks a true yellow. Though I think it's for the better, true yellow is an ugly color, while the NES' stand-in is pretty nice looking.

>> No.3070398
File: 368 B, 320x80, Scummvm-0.10.0-agi-egaPalette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The IBM CGA/EGA/Tandy palette lacks dark yellow. I mean, the card actually does generate it but they put a circuit in the 5153 monitors to reduce the green level, effectively turning it to brown. Most clone monitors then copied it.

Monitors such as the Commodore 190x don't have this feature so they will always display dark yellow, also the composite output on CGA cards.

>> No.3070406

M.C. Kids had a black kid as a playable character. He has no excuse.

>> No.3070671
