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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 151x149, tcrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3062071 No.3062071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let's talk about the cuck room floor

Interesting or favorite articles? Want to opine about what could have been?

>> No.3062076
File: 192 KB, 258x206, nw-huitzil-gattai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still digging stuff out of the Darkstalkers games. Shame no one seems to care, though.


>> No.3062089

>let's talk about the cuck room floor

What could have been an interesting reference is fucked up by mandatory registration and opinionated articles. I recall there being a commentary on the reasons behind Streets of Rage 3's censorship, which was entirely conjecture and frankly had a strong /pol/ bias.

That's not the kind of garbage I want to see when revisiting classic games. People need to keep their shit politics out of these hobbies.

>> No.3062097

I's agree about opinionating, but I don't see a problem with mandatory registration. The site already gets enough people just trying to plug their Youtube channels in articles instead of actually contributing content. If you've already spent the effort digging through code, graphics, and sound data for months to find something that's actually worth adding, just taking the minute or two it takes to make an account shouldn't deter you.

>> No.3062106

>just taking the minute or two it takes to make an account shouldn't deter you

That's not the issue. Having a name attached to your contributions can and does result in other users harassing you, following behind you and undoing your edits out of spite, etc. all because they didn't agree with something you said or did at some point in time.

It's for the same reason I would rather have a discussion on 4chan than some registration-based message board like GameFAQs. When everybody is anonymous, there's no reputation that's paired with your contributions, so everyone is always on equal footing.

And more often than not, small communities tend to have a good-'ol-boy mentality, with newer users being given the least consideration in matters of arbitration.

>> No.3062110

>cuck room floor

jesus christ can people stop saying "cuck" already? it's so cringeworthy

>> No.3062116
File: 4 KB, 93x117, nw-immortal--guard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see. Well, personally I have to say I haven't run into much of that myself. I'm sure it happens, but I just throw stuff I find onto the wiki, I don't interact with the other members all that much.

>> No.3062126


I always found it cool how developers embedded secret messages that were never meant to be found, and were usually extremely personal

>> No.3062128

Fuck off. We should be complaining about DYKG and their bald-faced plagiarism.

>> No.3062130

Anyone actually knowledgeable about gamee knows not to trust DYKG.

>> No.3062134

>Well, personally I have to say I haven't run into much of that myself

Yeah, well try de-politicizing that SoR3 article and see how that goes. You might be systematically harassed following your edits, especially if the originating author has been around longer and has further ties to the community.

>> No.3062137

Whenever that subject has come up, my line of thought has always been "I don't care if I get credited or not. I just want SOMEONE to know about all this cool stuff."

>> No.3062164

>tfw can't even get inside because SSL error

>> No.3062308 [DELETED] 

>recall there being a commentary on the reasons behind Streets of Rage 3's censorship, which was entirely conjecture and frankly had a strong /pol/ bias.
that's not bias, that was based after sega's official statement and in any case, >>>/tumblr/

>> No.3062341 [DELETED] 

>I recall there being a commentary on the reasons behind Streets of Rage 3's censorship, which was entirely conjecture and frankly had a strong /pol/ bias.
Like what? The "gender neutral colors" part? The female punks not showing as much skin as in the JP version? Ash being removved completely? Those are common knowledge among fans based on old statements by Sega themselves and have been recited in SoR fansites since like the late 90's not like a tumlbrita like you would know that, anyway.

>sharing public knowledge is plagiarism
Jesus Christ.

>> No.3062376

I wish this "meme" would die

>> No.3062381

I was surprised that there was so much stuff on Light Crusader. I thought I was the only one who really liked the game.

I wonder why the British and American versions had such different translations.

>> No.3062417

Have fun:

>> No.3062434

>The "gender neutral colors" part?

Where did Sega issue such a statement?

>not like a tumlbrita like you would know that, anyway

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.3062443

When they're not doing that, they're stealing research and not sourcing it.

>> No.3062450

Apparently EGM issue #60.

>> No.3062501

I used to contribute to the TCRF, but stopped after I realized some of the editors were more concerned about inserting their own opinions into the articles because apparently having a dry neutral tone proper for an encyclopedia is "too boring" for them.

>> No.3062504

>almost no articles about PC games

>> No.3062507

Yeah, most of the PC games covered are trashy ports of Japanese arcade games.

>> No.3062517 [DELETED] 

Fuck off cuck

>> No.3062520
File: 352 KB, 292x1706, EGM60SOR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I could find in that issue (it's in the first score box). I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of those things that was posted as fact early on and then taken as gospel. It certainly didn't start with TCRF, though that doesn't really excuse its inclusion on the page.

>> No.3062523

Cuck off, fuck.

>> No.3062526

Fuck cucks, Chuck

>> No.3062534

We should totally keep politics on our hobbies, but only when they agree with me. Well noted.

>> No.3062537

Fair enough, I don't see how bright yellow is more neutral than white anyway.

>> No.3062541

Xkeeper is chill
Bmf is a total douchenigger
Love the site idea and the original research people put into it. Agree with >>3062126 those are the best. Also version differences are interesting.

Fuck every single video game trivia YouTube channel, especially dykg. They seriously said they can't link to tcrf because "YouTube spam filters" or some shit.

>> No.3062545

Can you please check the reader mail section for me? I think I recall reading something there.

>> No.3062560
File: 119 KB, 400x385, Yes, What If.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Couldn't find any mention of Streets of Rage 3 in the letters section.

>> No.3062768

Bomberman did the WTC bombing?

>> No.3062849

Ah the 90s when it was still okay to joke about terrorist attacks

>> No.3063667

The New Tetris is the motherload for that kind of thing.

>> No.3063848
File: 10 KB, 800x370, DynaMike-GBC-Brunette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I seriously hope you guys dont leave porn in the rom.

>> No.3063850

I definitely wouldn't take statements from old game magazine at face value without doing a bit of cross-referencing to confirm. Not sure about American publications but the UK ones were often full of outright lies. When they reported on upcoming Japanese games I'm not really sure what their deal was, but I'm thinking they didn't bother getting putting any Japanese speaker on payroll and just guessed out their articles from looking at press pictures.

The quote in your picture seems like another example of pure conjecture. The "GamerGate" movement spawning out of concern for the "decline" of journalistic integrity in video games media must be too young to remember there never were any integrity to begin with.

>> No.3063853

agreed. I respectfully don't want unfunny /v/ jokes in /vr/ really.

>> No.3064176

I made an account and made a few articles.

Then I asked if they were good and I could keep going.

None of the admin ever replied, so I kept going.

I asked again if novel games such as Umineko and Unteralterbach would account for an article.

They said the first was fine and the later one was awful and they didn't want it in here.

And then I kept making articles and whatever.

>> No.3064194

But they didn't agree with my politics, so that means they're evil! I won't contribute to blah blah blah

>> No.3064401

that one was hilarious

>> No.3064452

>mandatory registration
You missed the botspam that was pelting the site for years.

>> No.3064460

The only voice I ever ran into was either spam, new retarded users, or the first line of the article, which no one gives a fuck about.

Which articles were yours?

>> No.3064478

I find TCRF really easy to read because it's not written with dry descriptions.
But I've never seen a page where it's distracting or harmful.

I guess I could see how it would be annoying to have your page edited just to add more "lulz."

>> No.3064489 [DELETED] 

No pedophile game????? why? Censorship?!!!!! MRA MRA help me raid these cuck room floors they are oppressing us!! It's Treehouse all over!

Xenoblade tits Fatal Frame panties Dead or Alive!! Head patting! Pedo games!!! We can not let these tyrants get away with it

I'm calling it in

>> No.3065251
File: 111 KB, 400x298, The_New_Tetris-title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interesting or favorite articles?
The New Tetris article is pretty funny.

>> No.3065291


That's so touching. I bet he was a great man.

>> No.3065445
File: 18 KB, 181x181, 1438516355780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really think they'd say yes to that?

>> No.3065508
File: 16 KB, 256x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys...does anyone see the irony of someone complaining that politics ruined the website and then most of the posts in this thread were ruined by complaining about politics one way or the other?

Post cool hidden shit! Look at this shit. Look at these birds. Look how mysterious these fucking birds are.

>> No.3065509

Stop derailing you feminist shit, pedophile rights are being infringed here. So fuck off.

>> No.3065512

calm down you fucking retard nobody is even stressing

>> No.3065520

There's a hidden Mother 3 texture in Smash Bros Melee. I hope the prototype surfaces one day.


>> No.3065629
File: 368 B, 80x16, ssf2-sarah1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street Fighter's Cammy could have been named Sarah.

>> No.3065641
File: 1 KB, 152x56, lifefrcej-ships.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between both versions, Salamander has over 20 pieces of unused music. Also a cool graphic of the player ships probably intended for the title screen.


>> No.3065645

Just got this from the main page, huh wow.


>> No.3065656
File: 13 KB, 165x131, vs2-huitzil-vulcananim-alt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Vampire Hunter 2 has joke takes of Demitri's VA saying "Genmai Rice!" and "San Bai Gaeshi!", which are both famous mishearings of his "Get My Rage!" voice clip.

Basically would be the equivalent of a Street Fighter game having hidden joke takes where Ryu's VA says "I'd Like Some Pound Cake!" or "The Pipes Are Broken!"

>> No.3065703
File: 187 KB, 640x480, MML2_Debug_Unknown_Text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually help with the Megaman Related Articles.

I just like neat things like that and those games are what i know best so it only seems right that i add what I can find.

Generally speaking my favorite article is https://tcrf.net/Proto:Mega_Man_Legends_2/English_Debug_Prototype

I'm also now realizing I fucked up and need to put in a new picture of this

The other page I want to help with is the Battlefront 3 page but I have my concerns

>> No.3065790

the image guidelines are rather specific.

At some point i had to ask whether 360 titlescreen pictures should be 1280x720 or 1920x1080 and because the 360 CAN support the 1080p but didn't initially launch with it they said to keep it at 720.

Granted quality only mattered because artifacts appeared when grabbing screenshots from the frame buffer but when i posed the same question to them about the PS3 they gave me the answer of "whatever the initial resolution is for that game". Journey for instance started as 1080p, but an update made it 720p. That's fine and all but that means every game has to be checked in this regard.

Added some Dark Souls stuff too...

id add some other things that fit /vr/ more but it's hard to when most are covered already.

Any dreamcast things you guys want me to look into? been feeling like adding to the sonic adventure stuff since theres some prototypes missing on the pages but im not sure how far i can put myself into that autism

>> No.3065868

I'm surprised there's still no page about Daraku Tenshi.


>> No.3065876

theres usually one reason for no pages being made
"If there isn't a page for something, it's likely because someone hasn't made it yet."

The expectation of it being there is a problem. All the pages are created by users, any content added is by users (usually fact checked). That and theres usually a page for a build that is available in some way (one person or online rip). If there isn't any build then they usually dont put one up because there's no real way to check it for accuracy

>> No.3065882

>not reproducing the full text on the page (or reproducing it and redacting any links or whatever)
for some reason this bothers me greatly.

i think it's just because i'm such a fan of verbatim reproduction instead of modifying original material, even when it's distasteful.

>> No.3065887
File: 132 KB, 320x240, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only sucks about this site is the lack of the Twisted Metal games.

>> No.3065912

They have a download link for the entire thing though.

>> No.3065917

there's just something bad-feeling about cutting it off.

i almost feel like it'd have flowed better if they'd not bothered reproducing anything (except maybe the screenshot) and gone "you can download it if you really want, we're not reproducing it." than reproducing a tiny bit and then going "well, that's enough of that then."

>> No.3065928

>cutting room floor cutting porn off

there's a joke here somewhere.

>> No.3065969

Go to its page

Become enlightened

>> No.3066002


This is my favourite error message

>> No.3066061


Seems like you are the one who needs to grow up hmmmmm

>> No.3066103


>> No.3066786

Not really, but I've been digging through the game's files and early alphas and there's a lot of cool stuff.

>> No.3066814

I like the site, many games i like have barely any content tho, and the mgs article is a fucking mess

>> No.3067150
File: 9 KB, 343x178, 2323223322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best article

>> No.3067170

>The New Tetris
Laugh every time I see that rant.

Loads of interesting content on Unreal, particularly with regards to the beta versions:


>> No.3067205


>> No.3067219

There's where I would take issue with TCRF not being able to remain clinical.

Explaining how a thing works isn't an endorsement of said thing. Some people just can't seem to rationalize the separation of the two.

>> No.3067223

Holy fucking fuck that is some cool-ass hidden shit!

>> No.3067271

>many games i like have barely any content tho
That's how it is with unused content. Some games have a ton of it, others have none at all. It all just depends on how the development of that individual game went.

>> No.3067672
File: 14 KB, 567x483, ss (2016-03-15 at 03.40.05).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this


>> No.3067990


>> No.3068040
File: 15 KB, 175x231, 1452918221332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fire Matt after kicking him decidedly in the nutsack

>> No.3068134

Lots of Nintendo games have a surprising amount of unused content hidden away within them.

>> No.3068160

I binge read a lot of this stuff a while back. utterly fascinating

Matt Furniss has some real kickers in there too

>> No.3068160,1 [INTERNAL] 

why did this get delelted?