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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 7 KB, 300x300, thICM0RBGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3063940 No.3063940 [Reply] [Original]

>watch pickups video from a girl
>hope they will prove me wrong
>conditon on boxes is immaculate, imagine the neckbeard who sold them to her for peanuts only to never see her again
>plays Ryu/Ken in street fighter
>shows intro carnival of Chrono Trigger

OMG u guys i'm such a huge fan...

Does anything else make you want to end it harder than shit like this?

Let's see those contrarian white knights.

>> No.3063943


>> No.3063945

You sound like you play retro games because you think it's "your" little secret club.

That is wrong. You should be playing them because they are fun, and then you wouldn't have this kind of worry. I suggest you find another little "secret club" and stop shitting up the board with threads like this

>> No.3063946

/r9k/ is leaking again.

>> No.3063949

I suggest you stop being triggered and learn to not use ken and get past the carnival before claiming to like chrono trigger or street fighter




>> No.3063951


Did an AI make this post?

>> No.3063952


Did an AI make this post?

>> No.3063956

you been watching too much youtube child. your grounded.

>> No.3063962

That one asian looking chick on the MGR pet peeves video seemed pretty hip.

>> No.3063972

>pic not related

>> No.3063974
File: 55 KB, 211x211, 1448919384683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console plebs getting mad that subhumans play their shitty games that they think are amazing but in reality are all mediocre trash

>> No.3063982

It's really metastasized in the past few weeks, all over the site.

>> No.3064000

I wonder if it's just one guy on a shitposting rampage because some girl turned him down for prom or something?

>> No.3064002

That's not a girl. That's a speedrunner named Chibi who's still a man pretending to be an ugly woman.

This is a bait thread.

>> No.3064046

>This is a bait thread.
said the bait post

>> No.3064123

You're right, I suppose she should have completed the game right there and then to prove to an angry stranger on the internet how fond she is of the game.

>> No.3064135

>little secret club maymay
This isn't the maymay thread champ

Well I guess months are made up out of weeks. They really have shit the place up.

>> No.3064149

Forgive me for being old or some shit, but I don't understand this thread at all. What do you want out of a "pickups" video? What is even the point of one?

Why were CT and SF2 bad choices?

Is the box condition important? Is that what the purpose of the videos is?

>plays Ryu/Ken in street fighter
>shows intro carnival of Chrono Trigger

I this good or bad? Should they not show the game? I'm totally lost here...

>> No.3064153

He's jealous that somebody he deems unfit to share his hobby has gotten their hands on something he considers valuable, and he feels like they do not appreciate it like he would, his proof being that they showcase the games in a shallow or predictable way that betrays their relative unfamiliarity.

He's being a cunt about nothing.

>> No.3064182

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Of course no one could appreciate the games in the special way he would. You're fucking retarded if you don't understand how important this special little snowflake is.

>> No.3064245


Fucking go back to /v/ with this stupid bullshit

>> No.3064263

Actually I'd rather /vr/ didn't try to infect /v/ with it's horrible threads. This place is bad enough, no need to drag another board down with us.

>> No.3064269
File: 278 KB, 720x960, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>PCtard virgin getting mad that people don't care about their shitty games that aren't collectable because all these floppy disks are rotten since decades ago and are also shitty western games anyway

>> No.3064287

>/vr/ infecting /v/
WTF is this bullshit you're spouting?

>> No.3064291

You guys are well on your way to that becoming the truth. I barely ever post anymore in this toxic cesspit, y'all lost your way years ago

>> No.3064303

/vr/ shitposting is some of the worst outside of /b/ and /pol/. /v/ is practically a hugbox compared to this place most days.

>> No.3064318

That's a girl? Barely....

>> No.3064323
File: 25 KB, 640x219, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3064327

probably posting from school too

>> No.3064329


I don't understand what point you're trying to make.

>> No.3064334


How come all /v/ users type in the same style? Nothing but buzzwords and insults.

>> No.3064335

it's a 4chan thing not a v thing

>> No.3064340


/V/ users definitely have a specific style.

Why you mad, consolefags? Stop being so buttmad! It's shit, get over it. We can all agree that [insert game here] is shit and everyone who likes it is a whiny nintencuck, right? Now that the dust has settled. Fucking SJW white knight tumblrina redditor cucks! Fucking top kek lel

>> No.3064347


Have you only been to /v/ and /vr/?? Most of the boards on the whole site are like that. There's more or less outright trolling here or there, but that's all very typical 4chan.

>> No.3064357

Stopped reading there.

>> No.3064358


/vr/ didn't type like that prior to about a year ago. /fit/ is a lot more friendly than that; yes, they have their own buzzwords, but at least they aren't so quick to put down others to alleviate their own insecurities. /o/ doesn't type like that at all, and /fa/ has their own way of typing.

>> No.3064362



>> No.3064365


if you guys love /v/ so much, why don't you just post there and leave /vr/ alone?

>> No.3064367

Ah, the good ol' /v/irgin switcharoo.

>> No.3064369


I don't know man, I kind of agree with him. Most of the other boards are at least a little bit more mature than that and have stuff more original to say. even /r9k/ posts have more content that isn't just a bunch of buzzwords and phrases that have been said tens of thousands of times before on its respective board

>> No.3064371

>three year old board
>lost it years ago

>> No.3064381

Because I like /vr/ games and this is a good board for them? I like everywhere on 4chan.

This is a perfect example. Almost every thread here has at least a few of these "go back to /v/!" posts shitting things up. /v/ doesn't even pull that much crap.

>> No.3064387

Every board that knows it's own worth despises /v/ and tells it to fuck off. Heck, even crappy boards like /mu/ don't want /v/ cancer polluting their community.

>> No.3064413


Because back in the day two years ago we didn't have shitty threads like this and everyone was friendly

>> No.3064420

You are 100% missing the point, but that's somehow not surprising.

>> No.3064426
File: 80 KB, 705x604, 1411070131672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/out/ here. Just chill and jive. Fly like a river, float like the stars.

>> No.3064462

Damn normies.
You too >>>/b/

>> No.3064472

I'm the first of the two you quoted, FWIW I hate/v/ too. I came here the day the board was made because I enjoy old video games and stayed because people here actually liked having civil, in-depth discussions about them.

Yup, one year was enough for this place to implode on itself. The two years (that's plural) that have passed since that point have been with /vr/'s existing as a toxic wasteland filled with little but bitterness and resentment

It's not just memes and constantly "funposting" bad threads like this one; I noticed today that the situation has gotten bad enough you now have your shitposters enter perfectly legitimate threads to try starting shit just because some people still dare to discuss video games here


>> No.3064497


>> No.3064568

>/vr/ are the worst white knight faggots.

>> No.3064581

is that even a girl it looks like a dude

>> No.3064671 [DELETED] 

It's not a girl. It is in fact a dude. This thread is b8.

>> No.3064674

It's a mtf trans. This thread is b8, 99% sure.

>> No.3065070

oh, so it's literally nothing

>> No.3065083


why, oh why did you bump this thread

>> No.3065089

This is my board, we respect pronouns here.

>> No.3065093

i cant stand idly by as you guys declare girls as real gamers when they pick up pleb games for nerd cred.

>> No.3065098

if you have two XX chromosones you are female
if you have an X and a Y you are male
if you have 3 chromosones you are princess sevenleaf

That is all there is too it, identity is meaningless, nobody gives a fuck how you want others to think of yourself.

>> No.3065106


who the fuck cares? why are you offended

>> No.3065112 [DELETED] 

because all women are sluts and deserve death

>> No.3065119


You should go post in this thread.


Let's try to have only one containment thread at a time. :-)

>> No.3065142

lol this guys baitposting

>> No.3065145

>implying you can see through human and see what chromosomes that human has

>> No.3065157 [DELETED] 

no I can just look at the hands mens index finger will be shorter than their ring finger if you have a long index finger youre a woman or a low test beta

>> No.3065163 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 857x1323, 1457992083669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identity is meaningless
No. We're not the Cybermen, identity is very important to most human beings. This society that tries to deny trans people their trans identity, and black people their black identity, and Muslims their Muslim identity, etc., is going to change.

Don't be an agent of stagnation, anon. Be an agent of change. This world is changing, this species is becoming a newer and greater human species and I want YOU to be a part of it.

>> No.3065171 [DELETED] 

>named Chibi
You mean Cosmo. He's fucked on the head.

>> No.3065180

Important to idiots like you who literally could not function without receiving attention. I dont give a flying fuck what someone wants me to think of them I can form my own opinion when I watch their stupid ideals take form. Trans people can say whatever they want but if they want to act like sick freaks I will identify them as such regardless of how they want others to perceive them.

>> No.3065205 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 196007_5_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This society that tries to deny ... Muslims their Muslim identity
You moron, if islam won't be forbidden in the first world countries, there will be no first world countries.
God bless Israel, those guys surely know how to live with mad muslims.

>> No.3065218
File: 16 KB, 877x384, privilegeflags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W o o o o w

You do realize that before westerners went into the middle east and started cutting up borders, there was no problem with "mad Muslims"?

>> No.3065223


I actually thought that was a pretty interesting poem.

>> No.3065243

we basically wouldn't have had half of the middle-eastern instabilities we have now if israel hadn't been allowed to exist. every time a moderate group popped up asking for better treatment, they were ignored, eventually dissolved, and re-emerged as a more radical group. israel basically broke every rule in the UN book, and a bunch of their own promises, up to and including straight-up imprisoning and mass-murdering palestinian civilians for seemingly no reason.

meanwhile, in other parts of the middle east, the west propped up the regimes of insane dictators and armed extremists and rebels in a bid to topple russian-aligned leaders. the US basically created most modern terror groups

what was this thread about?

>> No.3065245

>tripfag is an identity politics idiot

Wew. that sure came unexpected.

>> No.3065246

Collecting is trendy.

Youtube/Twitch is easymode if you're not a completely hideous girl.

Faggots literally send youtubers/twitch people stuff. I think the trend-setter for that was Mark with Classicgameroom, where he marks his stuff on the map.

Then guys like Metal Jesus Rocks who gets sent CIB earthbounds and other rare games -for free- by fans. This is a guy who has over 5000 games and probably doesn't even play 15 of them.

It wouldn't surprise me if he pops a game in, plays for 15 minutes, goes "WOW THIS SHIT WAS AWESOME" then moves on. All the footage he shows is literally from the first hour or less of a game.

Fuck collectors on youtube.

My channel is going to be dedicated 100% to games.

>> No.3065247 [DELETED] 


go be a good cuck and jerk off:


>> No.3065248 [DELETED] 

>never being asked what country you're from

what stupid nigger made that, is that saying stupid niggers are the racists just assuming all whites are american? I know you post this shit to feel better about yourself just like any other leftist but do you ever stop to realize your more racist than the people you claim to be against. Nobody should feel guilty for something they didnt do. I never personally enslaved any black people, went on any crusades or did any of that shit so please just fuck off with your white guilt bullshit.

>> No.3065252

>Then guys like Metal Jesus Rocks who gets sent CIB earthbounds and other rare games -for free- by fans. This is a guy who has over 5000 games and probably doesn't even play 15 of them.
>It wouldn't surprise me if he pops a game in, plays for 15 minutes, goes "WOW THIS SHIT WAS AWESOME" then moves on. All the footage he shows is literally from the first hour or less of a game.

I think he seems like a pretty cool guy and his videos are pretty informative (plus I actually got a bunch of good recommendations from his hidden gems videos), but I do sometimes get this vibe too. But hey, I'd prefer that over the people who play a game for an hour and say "it's shit"

>> No.3065256 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 900x413, Map_of_expansion_of_Caliphate.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before westerners went
>there were no islamic expansion
>Byzantin Empire wasn't conquered by muslims

>> No.3065258

I honestly can't take someone's opinion on a game seriously unless they've beaten it.

MJR's hidden gems videos are beyond cancer. He's also totally reliant on others for channel content.

>> No.3065261

sevenleaf is just a white guilt retard who buys into leftist lies. Feel sorry for her

>> No.3065263

Perhaps you should stop being triggered by people using Ken.

Why were you watching these videos anyway?

>> No.3065268

>I honestly can't take someone's opinion on a game seriously unless they've beaten it.

I totally agree. My only exception is when games are obviously broken (Big Rigs, Superman 64, etc).

>> No.3065270 [DELETED] 

and once again OP was a faggot.

sega goes in all fields

>> No.3065272 [DELETED] 


>> No.3065276
File: 4 KB, 220x200, meme_arrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> for her

>> No.3065279


sorry to offend you

>> No.3065292 [DELETED] 

i'd jerk her little trap cock

>> No.3065296

I do agree there are some exceptions, like you posted. Or games that are just unrealistically hard and unreasonable to beat, I still think you need to put in a minimum amount of time in, if you're not going to beat it before you give your opinion.

Otherwise it's not really a "review" it's just a "first impression". I could give a really good first impression of something like Brutal Legend, which I thought had an awesome opening (and demo, which is why I bought the game) but it would definitely be irresponsible to review the game with limited experience.

It really came to light with Mark from CGR's review of Sengoku 3, where it's just so blatantly apparent that he didn't play the game for longer than 15 minutes. If he did he would've included a lot more. Considering you can beat Sengoku 3 in an -hour-, maybe 1:30:00 if you were absolutely shit and quarter feeding, it was just inexcusable to me.

>> No.3065297

>W o o o o w

To think that I actually thought this board had the oldest posters...

>> No.3065301


Do you know of any YouTubers who do really thorough reviews that are designed for people who have already beaten the game? That would be pretty cool.

>> No.3065302 [DELETED] 

You're just jealous because us millenials are smarter and more tolerant than you will ever be :^) we all know whites were the only ones to practice slavery.

>> No.3065305


At one point, it did. But as you can tell from skimming through this thread...


...not anymore.

>> No.3065310


Huh? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make is.

I think the "millennial" generation begins in the early 80s, which means that even 30 year olds are millennials.

>> No.3065315

no it's not

>> No.3065323

Most of the really "deep" reviews are just long winded for the sake of being long.

I think a review needs to be 15 minutes or less. Anything that's over 15 minutes, hell even 15 minutes definitely needed to some of the fat cut off.

It's why I can't watch guys like Super Bunnyhop (despite my friends worshipping his content), their videos are just so fucking long winded for no reason. Same with Jontron, or anyone that incorporates skits or whatever for entertainment.

I haven't found anyone that I really like and jive with. So I basically decided to make my own content.

>> No.3065335
File: 119 KB, 900x1165, velma hijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3065339

why are leftists so obsessed with hijabs?

>> No.3065361


Are you a trap?

I come from /k/ and you will be welcome there.

>Muslims their Muslim identity


>> No.3065364 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nhk425YpTw1sx6vbgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're comfy, and they show our closeness to God.

>> No.3065371

god wants you to smite faggots with rocks though

>> No.3065386
File: 671 KB, 1747x1747, art_47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to smite anyone... I just want to eat seafood and play fun videogames.

>> No.3065395

You know the devil gets the souls who eat shrimp right?

>> No.3065403

yeah seafood is an abomination unto you. How the fuck does your brain work? Like how to you buy all this religious dogma yet are a leftist retard? Everyone who thinks you are a tranny is wrong because there isn't a shred of male logic in your brain and everything you believe is based on not hurting peoples feelings. Too womanlike to be a tranny.

>> No.3065420
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>> No.3065425

>seafood is an abomination unto you
No it's not, whiskey tango foxtrot?

>> No.3065431

old testament god says its an abomination. Just because jesus forgives you for your sins doesnt mean you should knowingly consume abominations of the devil without remorse.

Its still not okay to kill someone even if you ask for jesus to save you. I know youre not a muslim unless you like recently converted or something which wouldnt surprise me you are an attention whore

>> No.3065441

No one cares.

>> No.3065447
File: 498 KB, 1000x1000, 1454118033186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish and Islamic dietary laws both allow the consumption of fish. I'd think you would be aware of this, with all the bait you're slinging my way.

>> No.3065449

not fish you dope shrimp and other shellfish

Leviticus 11:10

And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

>> No.3065469
File: 39 KB, 269x363, green.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. I'm having shrimp for dinner tonight and you can't stop me.

>> No.3065472

I won't I don't really care either you're just really silly.

>> No.3065474

see you in hell cakeboi

>> No.3065497



>> No.3065654

this isn't a retro game

reported it

>> No.3065742

Not defending 7pleb, but at least in Christianity, lots of Old Testament restrictions were lifted by New Testament. Seven seems to not be Christian, so this wouldn't apply to her.

>> No.3066358

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh there were wars in the early middle ages and sometimes christians lost them waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>muslims and jews being enslaved and slaughtered en masse is perfectly fine, however

>> No.3067274
File: 2.70 MB, 500x281, fedorable.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

>> No.3067542

That's because you're too dumb to understand sarcasm.

>> No.3068586
File: 215 KB, 400x524, 1444158271427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anything else make you want to end it harder than shit like this?
I think you should end it.

>> No.3068610

>watching pick-up / unboxing videos


>> No.3068652

Commie scum mods confirmed.

>> No.3068683

Someone needs to tell Cosmo he sucks at looking like a girl.

>> No.3072156

>watch pickups video

i still can't believe that there's an audience for these, attractiveness of whoever is doing them aside.

>> No.3072241

Youtube is full of dumbasses.

Look at the things that are on youtube.

>Debunking Feminism
>Unboxing Videos
>"Reaction videos"
>guys like that faggot leafy who just play CSGO Surfing and talk shit about other youtubers
>all of leafy's copycats
>guys doing pickup videos
>pewdiepie and all his imitators like Markiplier and that limey cunt.

Youtube has changed. It just really sucks because there is literally no alternative. The search algorithms make it incredibly hard for someone to actually rise through the ranks on youtube, and usually need to do something extraneous like post on reddit, or advertise elsewhere to get noticed.

>> No.3072250

>leafy and copycats
Holy shit these guys are faggots. Just like "reactors" except they think they're better than that.

>> No.3072267

I watched an unboxing video of somebody opening the $300 Cave games bundle. He was really excited. It was enjoyable and relaxing. Those videos of people unboxing bootleg consoles/games are usually great too.

Everything else I agree with though.

>> No.3072289

Fuck you and fuck your pronouns.
I come from a time when we ignored females for anything other than sex and shot trannys on sight for being an affront to god.

Tl;dr fuck off tripfag this ain't your board.

>> No.3072294

You post a shitty picture from some shitty teenager using a shitty trip code.
Why can't you just go away and die.
You are the reason trump will be the next president.

>> No.3072310

Seven leaf is a man that wants to be a woman, didn't you see its pictures?
Its ugly either way.

>> No.3072317


Great the tripfag is arguing with himself now.

>> No.3072328

This is a cool discussion about retro games. I'm glad it didn't get derailed with off topic things.

>> No.3072363

There are exceptions to every rule. There are some really good unboxing videos, but you'd have to sort through a shitload of slop to find them.

That's the worst bit. They are 100% reaction videos yet they hold other reaction videos in such low regard. It takes only an iota more effort to cut between CSGO surfing and a clip from some dudes youtube video.

The only reaction channel I like is h3h3, because a lot of it is genuinely funny and it's not just unscripted reactions, it's well thought out and presented.

>> No.3073317

>it's an it

>> No.3073361


>> No.3073369

>still pulling the "sekhret klab" maymay
I think you're on the wrong board.

>> No.3073378

This, when /v/ and /vr/ was separated everyone was willing to make this place something better than the shitstorm that was /v/.

>> No.3073390

/vr/ is a cool mature community

and that means you need to fuck off with your racism and misoginy

>> No.3073518

ITT: /r9k/ and /v/

>> No.3073537

every board is shit

>> No.3075005

>that means i need to fuck off with my feels and frogs
FTFY faggot.

>> No.3075093
File: 12 KB, 880x499, ISLAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.3075146


Did an AI make this post?

>> No.3075151

in before ice cream

>> No.3075167

why get so mad? I grew up on retro games, it was my hobby as long as I can remember. Chrono Trigger and Legend of Zelda are the things I did when I was procrastinating on homework.

but, I don't rage at stuff like this. every hobby/popular thing has trend-hoppers and people exploiting it. whether it's this, music, or any other scene. the best thing is to ignore it.

>> No.3075564

Sounds like you got chrono-triggered.


>> No.3075575

It's okay, dawinism will sort out the neckbeards shit posting because they'll never reproduce.

A shame it'll take ~30 years before they die from heart failure because cheetos + sedintary lifestyle

>> No.3075595


>> No.3075597

Looks like we won't be seeing any of your genes in the future either.

>> No.3075607

>not eating incredibly healthy and delicious food because some goat fucker's interpretation of a cult that worships a sky man.

The fuck are you doing with your life?

>> No.3075613

It's okay, I already passed my genes on via ur mum.

>> No.3075617

Don't talk shit about aahnold

>> No.3075684

Oddly enough vr is the hostile place now while v has actually topics and discussions now it's weird how it is so inverse now.

>> No.3075686

You forgot your trip.

>> No.3076152
File: 70 KB, 800x382, fedora divine comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goat fucker
>sky man

>> No.3076646

You're free to believe in whatever you want m8.

But let's not pretend that every single major organized religion doesn't look like a giant cult worshipping a sky man(s) from a 3rd party perspective. Also, Christianity was created in a place where fucking goats is commonplace even today.

Doesn't make it wrong, or right. It just is what it is m8. But Imma eat all the fish I want.

>> No.3076671

>this thread is still here
>/vr/ will never have janitors

>> No.3076708

> Just because jesus forgives you for your sins doesnt mean you should knowingly consume abominations of the devil without remorse

It's not a matter of God's grace stemming from an overall or general interpretation of the new testament. There's literally a verse in the Bible which allows the consumption of any kind of food, given that, according to a the true Christian proselytism, mere dogmatic, blind faith which reveres formal rituals comes down to the degeneration of the Christian belief as opposed to instead a real, factual and practical faith of abnegation and poverty which is the epitome of a real Christian life. Formal faith is no more than an abject Pharisaism.

Even a brain dead child can properly interpret this sentence from the Bible as a new pact that permits the consumption of sea food:

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.

Mathew 15:11

>> No.3077025

psst, /vr/, Princess Sevenleaf is Yamino

>> No.3077029

All the teeth are arbitrary

>> No.3077131

Who is that?

>> No.3077171

"she" has already bothered to make a youtube video to show off "her" fandom to strangers. What you're ironically implying "she" should do, doesn't even count as going an extra mile.

>> No.3077183
File: 86 KB, 499x368, velma stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3077210

Man do I love threads being derailed by massive attention whores who feel the need to let everyone know who they are on an anon image board. Where most people are fine with not having a bunch of attention. But then there are the few that crave it so badly they go into threads and try to stir shit so someone will finally pay attention to them. Also inb4 I'm ban for being "off topic" when the namefag went way off topic just so they could get people's attention.

>> No.3077254

the only thing that bothers me is when i got to yard sales and 8 years olds pick up games before i get there for systems way before their time...i lost a mega man 5 to a kid 2 weeks ago.

>> No.3077263


>> No.3077289

not saying that...i usually don't care but when the kid never held a nes controller in his life, and only get the stuff because he saw some youtuber playing it drives up prices and makes things alot harder to buy

>> No.3077293

>Imma eat all the fish I want

There's no law in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam against eating fish. You're a dumbass who doesn't even understand the religions you harshly criticize; this is why people make fun of atheists.

>> No.3077312


>> No.3077439

You sound like a complete loser.

>> No.3077712


>> No.3077716
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to God, Gamergate supporters are becoming more and more like Muslim fundamentalists.

>> No.3077779

>>plays Ryu/Ken in street fighter
What's wrong with that, Anon?

.>shows intro carnival of Chrono Trigger
Do you buy games expecting them to start at the ending, especially if they don't seem to be played that much

>> No.3078002

If youve got only 3 chromosomes you wouldn't be alive because human cells need 46 to live.

>> No.3078252

This thread is pure cancer.

>> No.3078768

theres an age gap; if you're born after '85, fuck you, you're playing 3D games.

>> No.3078772

said the guy that's on 4chan

>> No.3079295

>implying it is human

>> No.3079302

It's impossible to find videos like this without literally seeking them out. OP is a fucking idiot.