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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 117 KB, 851x439, MJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3064416 No.3064416 [Reply] [Original]

Why is James so shit at video games and why is Bootsy so good?

>> No.3064417

Fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.3064442 [DELETED] 

Stfu tumblr!

>> No.3064457

>"Hey /vr/, let's circlejerk over some e-celeb shit"


>> No.3064508

It was apparent through the whole video.
>James struggles in one area
>Mike takes over the controller
>gets through the area in one try
>Bootsy meanwhile is giving advice on the button configurations

>> No.3064510

>wearing hat indoors to hide balding

>> No.3064513

Not retro vidya, fuck off with all this eceleb garbage.

>> No.3064517

They're all wearing long sleeved shirts / jackets too.
Maybe James is late on the heating bill again, guess being a youtuber doesn't pay that well after all.

>> No.3064523

I keep my room with my PC and consoles pretty cold.
Often open the windows in autumn /winter.

>> No.3064532


Oh great! Another lie we can spread! :)

How insecure are you? I bet you say "cuck"

>> No.3064534

James, is that you?

>> No.3064537


Why the fuck are you guys so concerned with balding? I know you're teenagers so it seems like a long time from now, but it has a good chance of happening to you too unless you have low test. It's pretty normal. I guess all the great bald men of history are "cucks", huh?

>> No.3064539 [DELETED] 


Teenage cuckposter detected

>> No.3064542


Post a picture of yourself

>> No.3064548

>teemage cuckposter
Nope, '88 babby here and I think cuckposting is cancer. That poster was being suspiciously defensive of James though.

>> No.3064635

only cucks hate the word cuck, so when am I coming over to fuck your girl?

>> No.3064642

Joke's on you, I don't have a girl.

>> No.3064645

>James can't do a part
>gives it to Mike
>Mike does it perfectly the first time

I felt bad for James right then. That must've been embarrassing.

>> No.3064646


How the fuck can you be this delusional

>> No.3064647

how the fuck can you be this cucked?

>> No.3064649


Strange. Why are you still so concerned with YouTubers and do easily offended when people like them, then?

>> No.3064658


>baldie detected

Testosterone doesn't cause baldness either, having genes that make your hair follicle susceptible to damage from DHT causes baldness. Most hair less happens when you're older and have naturally lower testosterone levels.

>> No.3064665

>watching a cuck, fag and autist play games
holy fuck get a life

>> No.3064673

>anon makes a post not simply defending James, but to such a degree that one would think he is James himself
>I take note of this observation
>suddenly I'm "offended when people like James"
No. You must've misread my post. I think James is capable of defending himself well enough from shitposters on a Laotian comic book forum (by simply not giving a shit and ignoring them) and doesn't need people to obsessively defend his honor.

>> No.3064675


Except high levels of testosterone actually causes hair loss, which is why hair recovery treatments include getting estrogen hormones, and why hair is usually a more feminine attribute, while baldness is a masculine attribute.

>/vr/ - e-celebs & biomaterial discussion

>> No.3064680

The high test thing actually makes sense, James has a deeper, more masculine voice while Mike sounds kind of like an old lady.
Still, Mike is starting to get bald, too.

>> No.3064685

I forget, is bootsy the greaseball cuck or the cuck with the red face and the giant jew nose?

>> No.3064694


He's the cuck with the cucking cuck

>> No.3064753

>>baldie detected

It's funny how I knew this would the response I recieved. I'm not balding; I'm only 22. If I do begin to bald if I'm older, however, it won't matter to me. I'm not insecure like you are. I'll just shave my head.

>Most hair less happens when you're older and have naturally lower testosterone levels.

This is incorrect. Testosterone levels reach their peak around age 40, at which point balding has already begun to taken place.

>having genes that make your hair follicle susceptible to damage from DHT causes baldness.

This is because genetics are responsible for how much testosterone your body produces.

Here is a professional, peer-reviewed source to back up my claims.


>> No.3064772

>Why the fuck are you guys so concerned with balding?

It's less the balding and more the need to hide it. If you're bald just go bald. Don't put on a hat to pretend you're not.

I have terrible hair genes and started losing my hair at like 28 so I just either buzz cut it or go complete Lex Luthor

>> No.3064774


You're right. People who write "cuck", like the follower posters, are clearly among the best and most intelligent of men.



>> No.3064790


He's often worn hats, though. This habit of his has been present since long before the onset of balding. Additionally, it's not like he wears hats in every video now that he is balding.

I'm not sure why you're so concerned over this.

>> No.3064791 [DELETED] 

>cuck detected

you got a bull to prep cuck

>> No.3064797

when am I coming over to fuck your girl dude

>> No.3064798


I honestly don't even know what that means.

>> No.3064810


It's funny how every post that calls someone a "cuck" (meaningless insult, by the way) are the ones of devoid of both quality and content.

>> No.3064817 [DELETED] 

because they are posts focused on calling out your cuckoldry. Do you expect video game content in there when we have to tell you that you are a cuck? Like how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.3064823


What makes the posters you are calling a "cuck", and what exactly does the term mean?

>> No.3064828


Stop trying to defend your terrible posts. Why do you need to call people cucks? What is the purpose of calling people out on their "cuckoldry"? What makes these posters cuckolds? I don't get it. And why do you care?

>> No.3064830 [DELETED] 

it means you are a cuckold and enjoy watching more masculine dudes please your girl while you jerk off in the corner.

>> No.3064831


Jesus christ. Reading all of those posts in row really makes you realize how terrible the userbase on this website can be. It kind of reminds me of how people would insult each other in middle school.

>> No.3064834


That person is supposed to be humiliated by your insult, yet you're the one who took the time to type out a hypothetical cuckold fetish scenario. The only person you humiliated is yourself.

>> No.3064836

no you're just stupid. People who throw the word cuck around know exactly what they are doing, people who get annoyed by it are the simpletons who need to fuck off back to re ddit where everything is black and white and simple for their tiny brains to comprehend.

>> No.3064842

Nice re ddit logic, I don't know how explaining what the word means literally is a scenario but whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to feel better about yourself I dont care

>> No.3064846


If anything, that's 4chan's perception of the world. Everyone is either a cuck or not a cuck, a consolefag or a PCfag, a liberal or a conservative, etc. Everyone has to be on a specific side. You either like Nintendo or you despise them. You either love OoT or you despise it. There's never any middle ground. There's never any grey area. This, of course, isn't how things work in real life.

>> No.3064849


>enjoy watching more masculine dudes please your girl while you jerk off in the corner

This isn't a definition. This is a very specific, hypothetical scenario that you fantasized in your head.

Post a picture of yourself. I'm curious to see what posers like you look like.

>> No.3064851


holy shit man. just stop. this is sad

>> No.3064854

Guys can we just get back to talking about Streemerz please

>> No.3064857
File: 14 KB, 286x203, 1336351110229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at this point, i'm willing to bet that guy has an obsession with "cucks"

>> No.3064860

Not him but actually his definition is fine and the more literal meaning of the word. You have zero point whatsoever in your post.

>> No.3064862


go to /v/ if you want to insult streamers. it's more a hugbox and you won't be made fun of for calling people cucks, so it's a better place if you want to alleviate your insecurities and feel superior.

>> No.3064864


imagine being a person who would post this perfectly toothless, perfectly generic retort in this context

it's not even good trolling; it's not anything

>> No.3064868

you are one salty little cuck. The only poseur here is you now go back to playing your n64

people on 4chan don't like to be told what to do, so when you whine about what someone says they are only going to say it more. You're a fucking moron for not realizing this.

>> No.3064869


I guarantee this is him. Do you know what a definition is? Or what the word "literal" and "literally" means?

Your extremely poor grasp of the English language is what tells me that you are the same person, by the way. For example, your incorrect use of "literal" and "whatsoever"

>> No.3064874


your the cuck. i bet you are licking the precum off of a black nigger's dick right before he puts it into your wife's snatch top kek

>> No.3064886


>> No.3064891

>This, of course, isn't how things work in real life.

Yeah you say that now but see who comes running to save your neutral ass when shit hits the fan.

>> No.3064893

I must be getting old, because I can't understand this sentence.

>> No.3064895


lmao fucking cucks

>> No.3064896

no it's not me actually. because I was busy typing this. >>3064868, You are such a little bitch though why do you even come on 4chan? Why do you care if someone calls james a cuck, which wasn't even me I just replied to you because the word upsets you so much. How is your keyboard not shorted out from all those tears?

Shouldn't you be watching AVGN videos kiddo

>> No.3064902


Since you don't understand cuck fetish terms, you're probably going to be called a cuck. Makes sense, right?

>> No.3064908
File: 71 KB, 640x1033, frank-zane.-1972-vs-2012-5-pics_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Testosterone levels reach their peak around age 40

Haaaahaha. Testosterone peaks in late teens and early 20s and gets progressively lower past age 30. Balding can start in your 20s but most people don't lose it all between 20 and 30, with most hair loss happening later in life. James had no noticeably hair loss before his 30s.


>This is because genetics are responsible for how much testosterone your body produces.
>Here is a professional, peer-reviewed source to back up my claims.

"Absolute serum testosterone levels were not associated with balding patterns."

Genetic factors influence hair loss


>Androgen receptor gene which is X-linked recessive has been mentioned to be the cardinal prerequisite for balding but other genes are also involved. Genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes them to shrink when exposed to it.

DHT, which is derived from testosterone, is what damages the hair follicle and causes them to eventually stop producing hair, but genetics determine how susceptible to this damage your hair follicles are.

Bodybuilders literally inject testosterone into their bodies and still keep their hair. James does not have more testosterone than Frank Zane.

>> No.3064910

>Shouldn't you be watching AVGN videos kiddo

shut up cuck. just for that i'm going to make you lick up my cum out of your girlfriend's pussy so that it doesn't get on 8 inch jamal's penis when it's his turn

>> No.3064917


only a fucking baldind nigger loving cuck would do this much research just to argue about another cuck


>> No.3064918

here's a question to ponder: of the several people who have posted in this thread, how many will eventually (perhaps decades from now) become suicides for one reason or another

>> No.3064920

Who cares what cuck means? It's a funny insult.
What matters is whether or not the person deserves to be insulted. Don't call someone a cuck if he is right.

>> No.3064923
File: 76 KB, 500x570, 1349743532283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

Geez. I preferred it when everyone called each other "autists" a few years ago. At least that made a little more sense.

>> No.3064924


Well, it took you 40 minutes of research, just to post a picture of a semi-nude muscular man and babble about things you don't really comprehend yourself.

Not the person you were replying to by the way, but sometimes I really wonder what's with people interested on e-celebs and their obsession about other men's hair.

>> No.3064927

>Morons who can't handle cuckposting fly off the handle and go full sperg

we all knew you were this retarded we just wanted to bring it out

>> No.3064928

>What matters is whether or not the person deserves to be insulted.

Only a white knight cuck would say this. We can insult whoever we want. You must be a libcuck or a cuckservative. If you don't like people being insulted, fuck off the tumblr. This is 4chan. This is what we do. When someone dies, we laugh. When someone is tortured, we laugh harder. When someone is raped, we jerk off.

>> No.3064931


We are lejun.

>> No.3064932


If anyone is a "sperg" it's these people


I honestly can't even imagine what these people must look like or act like in real life. Instead I just visualize them as robots.

>> No.3064936

this, this place has been invaded by reddit normie faggots though you can tell when they slip up and call boards "subs"

>> No.3064937


Night night baldie

>> No.3064938

thats because you're a fucking moron and think internet srs business.

>> No.3064940


Night night cuck.

I bet you hire bald cucks tofuck your girlfriend every night, since you're obviously so interested on balds you even do research on them. Cuck.

>> No.3064941


Seriously. now someone post some fucking gore so we can scare away all the cucks, normies, redditors, libfags, cuckservatives, and tumblrinas

>> No.3064946


But it's true though, you wasted 40 minutes of your life researching stuff and downloading pics of nude men to your PC just to argue on an e-celeb thread on 4chan. LOL

>> No.3064947


>baldie 2 x 4 calling others a cuck

Hair is for the bull, right baldie?

>> No.3064949 [DELETED] 


shut up cuck and continue to lick my balls as i douse your girlfriend's pussy in my gasoline cum. why gasoline cum? because imma light that pussy on fire

>> No.3064952


>replied 40 minutes later
>actual reply took 2 minutes of my time to google

>> No.3064954


bisexual jamal's coming over your house later to fuck you in the ass while he fingers your girlfriend, so shut up cuck

>> No.3064958


Bulls are usually the bald ones, the cucks watching are people with hair.

source: I'm a cuck and I hire big, strong bald bulls, and I'm a skinny white man with long hair

>> No.3064960
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1326586081038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

You should be required to verify your age to post on this board.

>> No.3064961


You still downloaded a pic of a nude man to your PC lololo

>> No.3064962


well my name's michael jordon, bitch, and the chicago bulls wanna come over and slam dunk your girl's basket

>> No.3064963 [DELETED] 

I know you are trying to kill the word cuck normies but james is a cuck and anyone who defends his actions is as well.

>Wife calls cinemassacre caucasian sausage fest
>killed his first baby because it was black
>finally accepted his cuckoldry and had his token black bull his wife made him put in the movie kiss the white girl and cuck the shit out of him.

Its not just a meme guys your idol is a cuck and so are you for defending him so vehemently

>> No.3064964


>right click, copy image address
>paste into upload file location
>no download needed

Save it though. It's all yours, friend.

>> No.3064965


>liking sports
>literally watching muscular black men run around swaety

spotted the cuck

>> No.3064969


Excellent example, I'd love to have big bald niggas like Jordan to take on my wife while my skinny white metalhead ass watches and sobs

>> No.3064970

>forgotting he had to click on the "I agree" button all those years ago

>> No.3064972

>>Wife calls cinemassacre caucasian sausage fest
>>killed his first baby because it was black
>>finally accepted his cuckoldry and had his token black bull his wife made him put in the movie kiss the white girl and cuck the shit out of him.

did you get hard while writing out this fantasy?

>> No.3064973


how the fuck does that verify your age

>> No.3064975 [DELETED] 

There's literally nothing wrong with being a cuck. Women were put on this earth to get fucked by a nice BBC. Women should be allowed to enjoy that pleasure. I know I can't compete with a black stud, and I've accepted it.

>> No.3064976
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1450218981077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does the thought of a strong black man like him fucking your girl get you off?

>> No.3064979

What do you want? Me to send moot a pic of my id to post on an anonymous image board?

>> No.3064980

>>finally accepted his cuckoldry and had his token black bull his wife made him put in the movie kiss the white girl and cuck the shit out of him.


>> No.3064981


go back to /o/, you cuck.

>> No.3064987

>>finally accepted his cuckoldry and had his token black bull his wife made him put in the movie kiss the white girl and cuck the shit out of him.

wait... so every director who has ever included a kiss in his film has a cuckold fetish, unless he was the actor?

>> No.3064990

JIDF detected
thats james internet defense force this time

>> No.3064992
File: 146 KB, 406x415, 484949499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these teenager shitposters will end up being both bald and cucks in the future

>> No.3064993 [DELETED] 


well considering every single directer is a jew, a nigger, a libcuck, a coservatard, or nowadays a tumblrina, yeah. every director is a cuck

>> No.3064997 [DELETED] 


i'm a neo-nazi you fucking idiot. god damn cuck

>> No.3064998

fantasy? all of those things actually happened though.

How many directors are right there in the shot watching it go down? If james wasnt part of the scene it would just be a kiss, the fact that they did it right in front of him only reinforces his cuckoldry

>> No.3065000


Neo-nazi people don't call themselves "neo-nazi", good try though cuck

>> No.3065003

My girl is a pure blond haired blue eyed aryan beauty no black man will ever lay a hand on.

>> No.3065004

>fantasy? all of those things actually happened though.



>> No.3065006

>How many directors are right there in the shot watching it go down? If james wasnt part of the scene it would just be a kiss, the fact that they did it right in front of him only reinforces his cuckoldry

...Every single director ever? Directors have to be there to, you know, direct. What difference does it make whether or not they're in the shot?

>> No.3065008


That's what you believe. She has probably cheated on you countless times, and will continue to do so. And if you ever break up with her (because honestly, that's what you should do), the next women you will find (if any), will also cheat on you.
Why? Because you're a short dick man.

>> No.3065009


alright well i'm not officially a neo-nazi yet but i will be soon

>> No.3065010

His movie, his wifes shit tier blog post on his website. Theres your sources you fucking retard.

Or your explanation


>> No.3065014


Blond haired blue eyes boys are literally at the bottom of the fuck chain, and at the top of the cuck chain.

>> No.3065015


Your little white dick can't satisfy her, cucky

>> No.3065018


Don't bother, we don't want people like you on our groups.
Better stay with the meme kids on 4chan and keep on being a cuck, will you?

If you ever try to come with us, we'll beat your sorry teenager cuck ass.

>> No.3065020

>His movie, his wifes shit tier blog post on his website. Theres your sources you fucking retard.

post the links

i really want to read the part where he kills his baby

>> No.3065021

my dick is pretty big, also my girlfriend loves my shitlording she is my shitlady afterall

>> No.3065023 [DELETED] 


imma cuck n fuck you


dude i hate cucks

>> No.3065024
File: 14 KB, 236x235, 988b33667f50dd8ac7b30705fd50be4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

All I wanted was an enlightening, albeit mostly off-topic discussion of certain YouTubers and their gaming abilities and instead I wound up getting a shitload of fuck. Thanks a lot.

>> No.3065025


Your dick is not big, stop lying.
Also your girl doesn't exist and you're still a virgin.

Sorry for reminding you.

>> No.3065026

his first baby died, the killed part I was just filling in the blanks. It died because it was black though

>> No.3065028


i literally call people cucks at every chance i get, including in real life. i was forced to do fucking home schooling because of it (thank god, i can't stand all the cucks and SJWs at school, as well as the three niggers who dare set foot in there). I think i qulaify to be a neo-nazi, don't you?

>> No.3065029

Are you literally retarded? Where did I say I was blonde?

>> No.3065030


i still have yet to see a source

oh right, they're your fantasies so there is no source

>> No.3065032


Not really, again, if you ever dare to talk to us, we'll beat your sorry meme internet-kid ass, you fucking cuck.

You are weak, we don't allow the weak.

>> No.3065034


shut the fuck up cucky

>> No.3065035 [DELETED] 

It's huge you just want me to show you because you're a flaming faggot. I would too because I have nothing to hide

>> No.3065036


>admits he isn't blond

So you aren't worth of your imaginary aryan girlfriend.

>> No.3065039


i bet you never even callede someone a cuck in person

what's your name? i wanna get you kicked out when i become a neo-nazi

>> No.3065040


You've already posted your penis a couple of times, see:


>> No.3065041

You won't do shit, in fact if he did call someone a cuck you would probably do nothing walk away and make one of those "im such a hero" posts on your tumblr blog where you killed the guy who said cuck or whatever other power fantasy you want to live out. You're a spineless weenie irl though.

>> No.3065043 [DELETED] 


>having a girlfriend

real men only pump & dump, not cuck & fuck

there's not a single girl in the world who wouldn't cheat on you with a nigger bull. so why have one? real men only fuck prostitures, whores and club girls (but only high end, real men pay at least $500 for a fuck to insure that they haven't been pre-cucked by a nigger)

>> No.3065045


I never meme'd in person, you're correct.

As for a sorry teenager weak ass like you kicking me out anytime: LMAO

>> No.3065047

White men with dark hair persistently are seen as the most attractive. Just look at average game protagonist.jpg

>> No.3065048 [DELETED] 


teenagers are at the height of phsyical strength and sexual maturity so i'd think twice because next thing you know a teenager "weak ass" like myself will be the one fucking your girlfriend

>> No.3065051


I think if I saw someone say "cuck" in real life I'd just laugh, would neither get mad or post anything on any tumbler blog that I don't have.

Also, chances are, if someone spoke memes out loud IRL; they will be very young kids, and I don't go around beating up kids, I'm not that fucked up.

>> No.3065053


the only person i'd ever let cuck me is mike matei becaues he's the only person i believe to have a bigger dick than me, and i would never let a nigger touch my girlfriend. also mike would have to be my best friend first (if it were the sims, he would have to have at least 80 relationship points)

speaking of the sims,i recommend you all make a rolfe household in the sims 3. it's hilarious. i put his black baby in a room where it is neglected and i make mike and a black nigger fuck his wife daily while he is forced to watch

>> No.3065056


>Just look at average game protagonist.jpg

Oh you mean Bald ones?

>> No.3065059

It's not because it's more attractive, it's because it\s the broadest audience.

Most people want to live vicariously through the protagonist and the easiest way is to make them relatable is to have them look like them.

So that's why you're often seeing a shaggy brown haired white person at the core.

>> No.3065061


imma let my black bull friend shove his shiny black bald head into your girlfriend's pussy

>> No.3065062

>teenagers are at the height of phsyical strength and sexual maturity

Teenagers are full of acne and nothing else.

>> No.3065067

>Posters: 21

Well, that at least gives me a little more hope for this board...

>> No.3065068


Teenager here (18 already, don't freak out).

I wish this was true, I'm a skinnyfat faggot and permavirgin.

>> No.3065073


Just let the cuckposters have their containment thread. And I'd say only roughly half or a little more of the posters in this thread are the ones going around calling each other cucks, so it's not as bad as it seems.

>> No.3065078

>I'm a skinnyfat faggot and permavirgin.

Don't ever get a girlfriend. You will be cucked.

>> No.3065082


In terms of average, yeah a lot of teens reach the height of their physical prowess because they just give up on working out.

I'm stronger and more fit at 26 then I ever was at 18.

>> No.3065084

can you make videos of this and put them on youtube to piss off his stupid fucking fans?

>> No.3065085



You may be /fit/, but you need to work on your orthography

>> No.3065095




Men reach their physical peak in their early 30s, in actuality. This is pretty evident if you compare the average 16-18 year old to the average 30 year old.

>> No.3065097


you're a fucking cuck lmao

>working out

what, afraid jamal will steal your girlfriend?

>> No.3065102
File: 64 KB, 320x308, 1334630921965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking of the sims,i recommend you all make a rolfe household in the sims 3. it's hilarious. i put his black baby in a room where it is neglected and i make mike and a black nigger fuck his wife daily while he is forced to watch

Wow. Teenagers have become a lot more pathetic nowadays, haven't they?

>> No.3065107
File: 212 KB, 600x450, avgnmagfest1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying James is a cuck
>implying James doesn't cheat on his wife every time he goes to a con and has hundreds of girls wanting his nerd dick
>implying Mike is remotely popular outside of 4chan memeposters
>implying you will ever be as popular as James
>implying the cuckposters aren't just insecure teenagers fearing for the grim future they choose

Let's face it, you're jealous.

Yeah, Jame's wife is probably a SJW bitch, the "caucasian sausage fest" post is real, but let's be honest, James fucks pussy like pic related all the time, he doesn't even care about his wife at this point.

You guys are all obsessed about some fantasy where James is actually a cuckold and Mike is some big dick monster (just because "OMG look at this fold on his pants"). In reality Mike is just a sidekick, a literally who, and James is The Nerd, he's the famous one, and he's the one getting pussy. Not Mike, not you, not even me.
It's all about James Rolfe.

Like it? No? Fuck you then! Because this is how it is.

>> No.3065115

>Yeah, Jame's wife is probably a SJW bitch, the "caucasian sausage fest" post is real

She just wanted the main cast to be more diverse and suggest he add a girl and a guy. I don't really see the big deal.

>> No.3065116 [DELETED] 

When did /vr/ turn into /b/? Can the retarded teens please fuck off.

Sadly this is true, and to make it worse it's niggers who get more testosterone.

Testosterone isn't "alpha", and all men should strive to be "alpha" anyway. It's all retarded nonsense, just live the way you want to live and do what you want.

The only single thing to look out for is how toxic chemicals in modern times and also lazy and fat ways of living literally feminize men. That's the main reason guys who work out look good - it's the NORMAL way for a wild man to be. The alpha/beta stuff is fuckwit nonsense and I've been saying it since years before the "PUA" nonsense collapsed.

>> No.3065121 [DELETED] 

because if its not in the script then why the fuck do you need to put one in there. James had an idea and like the cuck he is he watched it get fucked by other people.

That was old james before the death of his first black baby

>> No.3065130


Shut up, jealous teenigger.

>> No.3065135

>James had an idea and like the cuck he is he watched it get fucked by other people.

Since the movie was crowd-funded and not funded by a publisher, that means he had complete creative control. His script was less edited than any other scriptwriter's out there.

>> No.3065137

When did /vr/ turn into /b/? Can the retarded teens please fuck off. You guys are crazy, you are wasting your lives.

Sadly this is true, and to make it worse it's niggers who get more testosterone. However I think I know where he got that from - older men seem somehow more "manly" usually, you can't just shoehorn everything about masculinity into one hormone.

Testosterone isn't "alpha", and all men shouldn't strive to be "alpha" anyway. It's all retarded nonsense, just live the way you want to live and do what you want.

The only single thing to look out for is how toxic chemicals in modern times and also lazy and fat ways of living literally feminize men. That's the main reason guys who work out look good - it's the NORMAL way for a wild man to be. The alpha/beta stuff is fuckwit nonsense and I've been saying it since years before the "PUA" nonsense collapsed.

>> No.3065138

>james's baby gets literally raped to death by a black guy
>he still goes on to create videos

say what you will but he's actually pretty tough for that

>> No.3065141


I still don't get why people are so bothered by his hair loss. Who cares? Hair loss really isn't a big deal. James is like 35.

>> No.3065146

actually it was that stupid faggot kevin finn who wrote the movie. I blame him for everything james is pretty cool but that doesnt stop cuck memes from being funny.

>> No.3065147 [DELETED] 


show me ONE person who isn't a cuck who's hair fell out

every single alpha male ever keeps his hair his whole life. every nazi had hair, you ever notice that, cuck?

>> No.3065149


they wrote it together actually

>> No.3065159


All the black bulls that will fuck your wife in the future are bald.

>> No.3065160
File: 246 KB, 881x848, this woman is your friend, she fights for freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Testosterone isn't "alpha", and all men shouldn't strive to be "alpha" anyway.


>> No.3065162

Just get an implant with that beta money, problem solved. Tru cucks get on finasteride.

>> No.3065165


yeah because they shave their heads you idiot

>> No.3065168


i don't even know who that is

>> No.3065170


I think it's mostly teenagers who freak out about the thought of losing their hard. I guess since they're teenagers, they value their hair a lot since teenagers care about trendy hair styles and what not (although this being 4chan, most people are are probably obese metalheads with long, greasy hair).

I'm 27 and I keep my hair really short. I wouldn't care if I started balding, I'd just shave.

>> No.3065172


Well I see you're very intimate with your bulls, you know everything about them.
Do they shave their pubes, too? Or you tell them to keep them so you can eat them when you slurp their cum out of your girl's vagina?

>> No.3065176


Yeah. That's probably true.

>> No.3065181


i watch cuck porn, idiot. but i am not a cuck. i will never have a girlfriend by choice.

>> No.3065182

So you're a weeabo with imaginary waifu

>> No.3065184


Now, don't call me an idiot.
I'm way smarter than you, you simian.

>> No.3065189

There are multiple designated avgn eceleb meme shitposting threads on /v/. Nobody wants you here fucking up another board.

>> No.3065191 [DELETED] 


i explained it above. a true alhpa only fucks expensive prostitutes and club girls because a true alpha would never allow himself to be cucked by getting a girlfriend


shut up, cuckcumslurper. and you're right, i am a simian, because my trademark attack is the simian slam. i simian slam your girlfriend's pussy every night until it bleeds cum

>> No.3065193 [DELETED] 


/v/ links us to this thread just so we can fuck up your cuck board

>> No.3065195


go cuck yourself

>> No.3065196


I see you liked the cuck cum slurp thing I said before. I hope to see you use it frequently on there threads, you uncreative, unfunny faggot.

You're not funny, never will be.
You are a waste of human DNA.

That's why you will never have a girl or reproduce.

>> No.3065203
File: 81 KB, 330x495, 1330639640722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f "cuck"
>more than 100 matches

>> No.3065204

Nigger, literally anyone can fuck an escort

>> No.3065208 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come again?

>> No.3065214 [DELETED] 


not one that costs more than $500 dollars. i only fuck expensive ones to ensure that no nigger bull has ever touched her

>> No.3065215


Is that your mom?

>> No.3065216


>having a picture of a gorilla saved on your computer

i bet gorillas remind you of your bull, huh?

>> No.3065219


you want more pics?

>> No.3065224

OKAY GUYS, hold on a second.

video games

There, please go on now.

>> No.3065229 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't even play retro games. they all aged like shit

now be good cucks and jerk off to one of my prositutes who you will never ever get to fuck

and the funny thing is i'm still a teenager and i've already proven myself to not be a cuck. thank god for trust funds

>> No.3065231
File: 103 KB, 739x606, shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3065232

That game they played looks kind of fun actually, I might try it out since I like Bionic Commando and Umihara Kawase.

>> No.3065239


>watching cuck rolfe

>> No.3065324

Excess testosterone converts to DHT and when it accumulates in the scalp it causes male pattern baldness. It is also causes benign prostatic hyperplasia. Note how both of those are exclusively tied to the male sex. When women have balding/alopecia it's never because of DHT, it's due to other factors.

Also note how DHT itself is a masculine type androgen and is responsible for various types of male secondary sexual characteristics. If you had no DHT in your body, you may very well have a nice head of hair, but you'd also likely look like some kind of androgynous eunuch or somesuch.

>> No.3065334

I totally agree, but you think some jock who played football in highschool and maybe first year college, but then became a fucking lazy cunt who just drinks beer all day is your "average" stronger teenager.

>> No.3065337


Hm? No I don't.

>> No.3065340


you must have just got done jerking off to my $500 prostitute, huh cucky?

>> No.3065345

Actually, I just looked it up and turns out dihydrotestosterone is even more crucial for males than I had earlier supposed:

>An example illustrating the significance of DHT for the development of secondary sex characteristics is congenital 5-α-reductase (5-AR) deficiency. This gene lesion can result in pseudohermaphroditism. This condition typically presents with underdeveloped male genitalia and prostate. These individuals are often raised as girls due to their lack of conspicuous male genitalia.

>> No.3065349

I'm amazed you wasted 500 dollars on a girlfriend you could have fucked a few times and then broke up with her for like half the cost. Like that does not look like 500 dollar ass to me.

>> No.3065375


>> No.3065894


>> No.3065919

James lusts being fucked by niggers.

>> No.3065930


Shut up, cuck.

>> No.3065939


You've never even fucked a girl you cuck

>> No.3066119


it should be called up-cuck when you throw up

>> No.3066126 [DELETED] 
File: 923 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3242 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like thick girls because i'm not a le cuck

>> No.3066128 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come to mama you cucks

>> No.3066131
File: 92 KB, 574x960, IMG_2893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a cuck so I'm going to masturbate to this, ok? Pic related is me.

PS.) James is a cuck whose baby was raped to death by a black nigger

>> No.3066139

Mike practices the games before they record so that he is better, James goes in blind. Mike has admitted this and it is the reason he doesn't like to stream cuz it makes him look like he sucks.

>> No.3066143


>actually admitting to watching cuck and cuck mondays

you're a cuck

>> No.3066150
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading this whole shitty thread.

Man for hating e-celebs /vr/ sure has a lot to say about them.

>> No.3066151

Yeah play an actual game like any normal autist.

>> No.3066154

This is the worst thread ever

>> No.3066178

>new thread as soon as the old one got deleted
sup mike

>> No.3066209

this is the best thread ever
well, at least it's better than discussing shitty e-celebs

>> No.3066816

>this fucking thread
well done

>> No.3067156


Shut the fuck up you God damn cuck and finish kicking my crusted cum from your girlfriends hairy 62 year 3 month old snatched so jamalique can have his turn

>> No.3067162


What did I say about watching cuck and cuck Mondays, cuck slave? I won't let you have your treat for being a good cuck, my cum-crusted sock on a stick (cumsock lollipop )

>> No.3067298


shut up cuck rolfe

>> No.3067664

Cuck up, cuck.

>> No.3067676

Come on /vr/
Can't believe it's become this
Knowing that /vr/ is dead

>> No.3067713


>> No.3068326


Cuck made 4chan better including this board

>> No.3068479

that is because they are all autists and don't even know it.

>> No.3068483

cuck just makes life better its just one of those words that rubs tight wads the wrong way and its so satisfying because of that.

>> No.3068546
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>> No.3068557
File: 179 KB, 597x968, nintendrons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there TWO threads about this attention whoring twit?

>> No.3068567
File: 184 KB, 845x589, B8yjTZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the opposite of cucking

>> No.3068576

FINISH...the fucking story! What happened? What about the DRUGS?

>> No.3068904

Try started thinning at ~18, started shaving daily at 25

>> No.3069060

This isnt about james, its for spamming the word cuck

>> No.3069069


Spoken like a true /b/tard XD

JOKES ON them I'm only pretending to be retarded you cucks I'm actually a really good poster

>> No.3069075


Yes! How dare people yearn for this website to have discussions of a higher quality?! Good thing there are people like us around to destroy their dreams and prove our intelligence in the process! KEKS

>> No.3069090

>>Way too many to link back to

Seriously, why do you even come here if all you have to say is off topic BS?

On topic: James is just a casual gamer. Mike is a little more passionate about it than he is, and Bootsy seems to thrive on it. In all reality there are probably games James is better at than Mike or Bootsy, but there might not be. Film was always his passion and he fucked it up.

>> No.3069094


>admitting to watching the cucks and trying to discuss them

Bootsy accidentally uploaded a video of himself playing with his ass

>> No.3069097

he'd rather eat, his wife's used asshole

>> No.3069104
File: 247 KB, 283x427, tumblr_inline_nri0k46pTG1rcatwu_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3069113

>Admitting to watching gay porn
Hey, at least I only watch the gaming videos. No gay sex to be seen there.

>> No.3069127

>why do you even come here
To talk about retro video games, not e-celeb bullshit.


>> No.3069203



>> No.3069209

Cinemassacre Extras (Mike Matei)
The Irate Gamer
Happy Console Gamer

All others can fuck off back to >>>/v/

>> No.3069214


The only one that's actually based is uli, the rest is trash

>Mike Matei

He actually shitposts on 4chan, he's the worst.

>> No.3069224

>He actually shitposts on 4chan, he's the worst.

Yay! More baseless rumors!! :) So funny.

>> No.3069243

>irate gamer
Yeah you can stick your dick in a piranha now

>> No.3069253


Hey Mike.

>> No.3069257


>this guy probably thinks he wrote a funny post

>> No.3069262


If you guys hate James so much, why do you post in these threads? All you're doing is drawing attention to him and his channel. If nobody hated on him, his threads wouldn't get any replies and you would never have to deal with it and get angry.

>> No.3069275


Nobody actually hates James, it's just the whole cuck meme (which actually pretades AVGN and comes from /tv/ shitposters) and vitriol hatred for the boogieman "AVGN fans who praise Nintendo games because James do, curse you kids!" from Sega fans.

I'm actually surprised how a lot of Sega fans hold a grudge against him, most of the times he shits on games, are games on the NES, not Sega consoles. I guess most of the hate come from the SNES vs Genesis video where he favored the SNES (aqnd only slightly, he always said he likes the Genesis a lot, too). But I guess people can't read between lines and they just saw that James favored the SNES more, even if it was only slightly, and then came to the conclusion that AVGN is the reason why there's so many Nintendo fans on the internet and why Sega is dead now and why they are not happy with their life.

TL;DR: people have issues and blame internet personalities for it

>> No.3069284

>from Sega fans.

your post was good until you got there. Not everything is black and white, my friend. There's not a unified army of people completely united through their pro-Sega ideology, just like there's no such thing as the bogeyman. It's ridiculous to assume that people hate James because they love Sega, and that the only people who hate him do so because of that love.

>> No.3069308


Just to clarify, I didn't mean that all Sega fans are like that. I like Sega a lot myself but don't consider myself a proper "fanboy" of any specific company, there's Sega and Nintendo games I like, and also games I don't like from both companies.
But I'm basing what I say from what I read here on /vr/ at least, lots of people defending Sega consoles (fanboys), blaming AVGN for the Nintendo fanboys boogiemen. Now, I didn't meant that all Sega fans are like this, of course.

>> No.3069327

Bootsy isnt actually that into a lot of games. hes been on shows that featured very common games and bootsy had never heard of them. The thing with bootsy is he plays the games he knows and likes a lot. He also doesnt get super emotional about fucking up, instead he figures out what he did wrong and how to do it right.

>> No.3069394


Thanks for letting me fuck your girlfriend last night. Will you clean up the cum that drips out of her pussy for me? Thanks, cuckling

>> No.3069396


Fucking cuckold I hooe you die

Suck my cumsock lollipop

>> No.3069398


I will probably die... someday.

Too bad you wish for that kind of thing, though. Even if you're just joking/shitposting ironically, that's kind of awful.

>> No.3069406

>There's not a unified army of people completely united through their pro-Sega ideology

That's what they want you to think.

>> No.3069415


they think they're funny

>> No.3069446

Dumbass, that wasnt my girlfriend, that was me.

>> No.3069453


He's a 16 year old kid. No point in trying to talk sense into him. Hopefully he matures and cringes when he looks back on his "cuckposting".

>> No.3069463 [DELETED] 


Oh, and try not upcuck it back up again. Swallow it and keep it down like a good cuck and I'll let you suck on my cumsock lollipop.


I may be young, but I'm extremely mature for my age.

1. I hate James Cuck Rolfe.
2. I'm a neo-nazi: I've seen through the Jewish propaganda that is written in my high-school textbooks and I'm not afraid to tell the teachers.
3. I call people cucks in real life. I'm not a pussy like most 4channers.
4. I have never had a girlfriend because I will not allow myself to be cucked. Instead I use my trust fund to purchase expensive hookers (expensive to insure that no blackcuck has ever fucked them)

>> No.3069471



>> No.3069473
File: 2.13 MB, 480x360, Mad_Max_bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3069475
File: 361 KB, 414x464, 1458113877551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to /pol/ dude. No one cares that you're a willing loser for life you fucking faggot

>> No.3069479


Then why are you replying you stupid cuck? You must want to see cum leak out of your girlfriends ears..
MY cum or maybe one of my Bulls her I employ to fuck the girls of pussies like you

Let me see your girlfriend. I posted one of my $500 hookers earlier but the post got deleted by a cuck mod because he wanted to jerk off

>> No.3069486


You mad? You mad because retro games all aged like shit and Jamess baby got literally and objectively fucked to death?

And just because /pol/ is my home board doesn't mean j can't come here to make fun of you retrocucks. EVERY SINGLE came older than 10 years aged like Fucking milk and wine and is pointless to play

>> No.3069487
File: 262 KB, 1315x1784, 1458112552266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found you

>> No.3069492
File: 142 KB, 634x954, 1458107566985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're just mad and projecting. Why waste your time? Why give a shit what people do with their time?

>> No.3069494


I ain't reading all that cuck shit
That dying buck shit
He's like a buck because he's gonna take a hit
From my Fucking shotgun, bitch

You won't see me comin
Or cummin in your girlfriend he's lovin'
It because she knows youre a cuck
And she doesn't give a fuck

>> No.3069498

Oh so you're one of those dumb fucks who thinks listening to hip hop makes you cool. OK.

>> No.3069514


>hip hop

more like fucking cuck hop because it makes cucks hop away from their girlfriends vaginas so black niggers can fuck it. it's called poetry you god damn blackcum-gargling idiot

>> No.3069515

Do you think Mike spare some youtubebux with 4chan's administration/moderation so that they don't delete his threads on here?

>> No.3069518

Here's your (you) you fucking dumb ass pimply faced fucking faggot

>> No.3069535

Watch out, we got an edge lord over here...

>> No.3069536
File: 279 KB, 245x291, 1458120697454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a James Rolfe thread

>> No.3069548

>Do you think Mike spare some youtubebux with 4chan's administration/moderation so that they don't delete his threads on here?

You don't seriously think this, right?

>> No.3069552


Really? Because he hasn't been discussed at all.

>> No.3069557


I'm honestly not sure.

I mean, other e-celeb threads get deleted almost instantly (the Pat one just got deleted a few minutes ago, thankfully).
But the AVGN ones remain, despite them being completely and utterly offtopic shitposting. And these threads will remain until they 404. The last AVGN thread hit auto-sage after 500 replies, and it was just like this one, nothing but cuck memes, not a single post about video games.

It's, at the very least, a bit strange.

>> No.3069570


It is strange, but the idea that Mike Matei somehow got in touch with 4chan's administration and offered them money and is ridiculous and, quite, frankly, a bit delusional. It's highly doubtful that Cinemassacre is aware of 4chan or cares about the website at all. There's no indication they would ever try something like this; in fact, I don't think they've ever done any marketing at all other than making guest appearances for other YouTubers (usually at their request) and making appearances at conventions.

The most likely reason that these threads remain open is to function as containment threads. If you notice, there is generally only one e-celeb thread at a time (or overrated games general or any similar bait/shitposting thread). I think the mods like to let at least one remain open because it honestly does improve the quality of posting in the other threads. Another thread of similar quality will be made almost instantly if this one is deleted anyway.

>> No.3069571


fucking cucks

i notice you didn't even insult each other even once. this is a prime symptom of cuckery. you're not even man enough to call each other faggots or cucks. next thing you know you'll be jerking each other off as you watch your girlfriends getting plowed by black penis!!

>> No.3069575


Yeah maybe I got a bit paranoid, but for some reason I can picture Mike shitposting on 4chan. I don't know why.

The problem with your "containment thread" theory is that right now there are 2 AVGN threads on /vr/ and they don't seem to be getting deleted any time soon.

Also I don't think letting a "containment thread" is a smart idea, it just reinforces shitposters to keep shitposting. The best way to deal with shitposting is deleting the threads, and banning them until they get bored and go back to /v/.

>> No.3069581

>The problem with your "containment thread" theory is that right now there are 2 AVGN threads on /vr/ and they don't seem to be getting deleted any time soon.
>Also I don't think letting a "containment thread" is a smart idea, it just reinforces shitposters to keep shitposting. The best way to deal with shitposting is deleting the threads, and banning them until they get bored and go back to /v/.

Probably true. That's just my best guess. It's highly doubtful that there's any sort of conspiracy going on or anything, though.

>> No.3069584



Tell your girlfriend that i'm coming over RIGHT NOW and i'm bring Tyrelljamalique with me. I bet you're german or nordic or some other type of cuck ancestry you faggot

>> No.3069592
File: 705 KB, 675x634, 23453267272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i'm a cuck
>mfw the new hatred of cucks is actually beneficial to me because i get to see cuckhaters write out elaborate fantasies in order to "insult" other users and i get horny from them

>> No.3069594


i'm kind of new to cuck porn, can you recommend me some good vids? unfortunately my girlfriend isn't open to the idea of another guy fucking her so i've been anti-cucked

>> No.3070134
File: 418 KB, 600x791, 1457939797614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Little White Guy series is top notch friendo

>> No.3070391

Where the fuck did James go during this episode? That was a weird departure and reappearance.

>> No.3070396

Went to watch his wife get plowed by her bull.

>> No.3070568


You watched cuck and cuck Mondays? YOURE A FUCKING cuck

my dick needs sucking BTW, get your wife in here now! I'll let you jerk off but you can't cum, otherwise I'll make you lick the cum out of your wife's shitty fuckin ass (ass lick lolli stick)

Are you hard at the fantasy?

>> No.3070570


I'm not a gaycuck

>> No.3070589

Funny how these threads have mirrored the Nerd's rise and fall; When AVGN threads first showed up here, you could have a decent discussion while remembering the good times you had from the old Nerd.

Too bad that nerd and those threads are gone. Gone and away, now we get "James and Mike couch-day"; The perfect solution for those that don't have an annoying friend or a couch...
Now we get the thread equivalent of someone sitting on their mother fucking couch, playing games with their friend and saying whatever the fuck comes to mind(while editing out anything TOO outrageous).

Too bad we aren't getting paid to do it though...
At least we have Mad Libs(Every word is cuck or some bastardization thereof)!

>> No.3070674

>playing games

Nothing like that in these threads though, it's just memes.

>> No.3071252

Why are you people obsessed with Mike and James' appearance? It's one thing to throw the cuck word around, but you all analyze the fucking balding patterns of these guys and what they wear. It's really weird.

>> No.3071259

Agreed. It's literally a girl thing, and not one of their good traits.

>> No.3071307

Why do mods allow these garbage threads to stay up?

>> No.3071331

Why are you so new that you dont know how to hide threads that trigger your autism?

>> No.3071341

You know what makes me mad about it? I actually like James and Mike mondays, avgn is over...it is what it is, this is a decent way for fans to still get content from them

But I hate how the onle games they treat with respect are the very small hamdful of franchises theyve always been fanboys of. We get it, you like Contra, Metroid, and Castlevania and NES/SNES are the only good consoles

We also get that yeah, you wont be amazing at playing a game you never really did before, but put some consideration into it...you do this for a living, the least you can do is twenty minutes of research tops into a game and give it a legitimate chance.....what the fuck is the fun in seeing them both stumble through games uninterested while saying it sucks and how it does measure up to the ones they arw fanboys of

>> No.3071375


There's your mistake. This board is dead, and if you come here then you come here to experience death.

>> No.3071461


You remind me of the old guys who post on local news websites.

>> No.3071462


only a cuck would hate this thread, now sniff jamal's panties and cry you fucking liberal conservacuck.

>> No.3071465





James baby literlaly fucking died because he went too far and let a nigger stick his dick in it!! (I think it was Tyronejamalique). I AM GOING TO SHOW UP TO ONE OF THEIR CONVENTION APPEARANCES AND CALL THEM KEKS!!

>> No.3071471


Guys, let's have a mass reporting from this thread.

To everyone who sees this post, report OP's post. Maybe we can finally rid of this horror.

>> No.3071530


4chan is full of actual homosexual teenagers, more news at 11.

>> No.3071531

>Guys, I gotta go for a bit, pause the game
>when James comes back, Mike and Bootsy are on the last level

No respect for a cuck these days...

>> No.3071563

>shitposting is okay because you can just hide it

No wonder moot left.

>> No.3071574


That's probably how he gets cucked when he's with his wife.

>Hey honey, pause the sex, I'll be back in a minute
>closet opens up and Booker T. comes out and shows her "the final boss"
>James comes back to observe the ending

>> No.3071593

Moot likely left more because of autistics like you. He was quite the normalfag, and you're likely a furry

>> No.3071595


Not him but moot left because he was a cuck (and, like, an actual, proven cuck, not a memecuck like AVGN).

He left because everyone was making fun of how he got cucked by that sjw girl

>> No.3071618

I really would be surprised about that

That'd be like whoever runs McDonalds leaving because of the two cheese slice fiasco

Moot doesnt give a fuck about people who post here

>> No.3071632
File: 750 KB, 2400x2400, mcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, your comparison would be like, "moot left because of chanology" or something like that.

Moot left because he got public shame for something about his personal life, not because of something about 4chan.
He used to post on 4chan a lot, and said /v/ was his favorite board many times. He was also in contact with /a/ (that's how we know he likes Asuka), etc, etc.

He felt like a god to millions of 4chan users, then he got cucked, these million users started making fun of him, and he couldn't take it.

There's a difference between AVGN's cuck jokes because of his movie, and pic related.

>> No.3071685

>and, like, an actual, proven cuck, not a memecuck like AVGN

Oh? Really? Tell me more, with source.

>> No.3071687


He wasn't "cucked". Are you guys all teenagers? He dated a girl and now she's dating someone else. So what? You guys are fucking losers. I really wish 4chan was more authoritarian so we could ban shitty users like you and actually make this a good place.

>> No.3071689


Hi teenagers :) How's high school going? Or are you still in middle school?

>> No.3071693


Except the moment she started dating another guy happened at the same time she was dating moot.

>> No.3071695

>Gamesack thread deleted
>this one left up

Janitor confirmed biased for cucks.

>> No.3071697

>He dated a girl and now she's dating someone else.
More like he had a romantic interest towards another girl and she ended up friend zoning him. If you're a girl, you just don't bring a guy with you if some other dude invites you to have a Romantic candle light dinner.

>> No.3071702

>He felt like a god to millions of 4chan users, then he got cucked, these million users started making fun of him, and he couldn't take it.

There is literally no evidence of this. People have always made fun of him. You guys just like to blow things out of proportion and make shit up to alleviate your teenage insecurities. You don't have any idea what it's actually like to live life as an adult.

What, do you think people date the same person forever? I know you haven't dated yet, but generally you date many people before finding someone who you marry; and those you date do the same. You get a girlfriend, things don't work out, and you break up later on. It's not being "cucked". It's just the way things work. Sure, some people marry the first person they date, but it's not common. I bet your dad (if you even know him) dated someone before your mom, right? And your mom was with someone before your dad? That doesn't mean the people they were with were "cucked".

I can't believe I'm actually explaining this to you, but a cuckold is the partner of someone who was unfaithful to them during a marriage. That's it. It doesn't mean you like watching your wife get fucked by black guys or whatever. That's ridiculous. There are many great men of history who have been cuckolds at some point.

>> No.3071706


So? Maybe they just went out together a few times and that was it.

And? What's the big deal? Seriously, why the fuck do you guys even care? Do you know what relationships are even like? Not everyone you like is going to like you back. It's normal. It doesn't mean you're a "cuck". If that's all it takes, then I guess we're all "cucks" because none of us can get any girl we want.

>> No.3071708

he's the angry nintencuck neeeerd

>> No.3071709

>And? What's the big deal?
Me in particular? I don't give a shit about Moot (or the AVGN for that matter), I merely stumbled into this thread. At any rate, it's obvious from the photos posted that the Gawker girl never really saw Moot as a serious dating choice.

>> No.3071715


>I can't believe I'm actually explaining this to you, but a cuckold is the partner of someone who was unfaithful to them during a marriage. That's it. It doesn't mean you like watching your wife get fucked by black guys or whatever. That's ridiculous. There are many great men of history who have been cuckolds at some point.

No sir. A cuckold historically has been a man whose wife fucks other men, while he's aware of it happening and doesn't do anything about it. The modern definition of a cuckold, mainly in regards to the fetish, is a man who allows his wife to have sex with other men and achieves sexual satisfaction from knowing or seeing it happen.

>> No.3071716


You don't get it. ANYONE who dates or has a girlfriend is a cuck, because no matter what, they will be cucked. The only way to not be a cuck is to only fuck hookers like me.

>> No.3071718

Anyone who makes shit up about James or calls him a "cuck (or says the word at all, really) is pathetic. Also, I refuse to believe that anyone who uses the word isn't a teenager (or a "manchild".) No actual, confident adult man would call someone else a "cuck".

>> No.3071721

>>Gamesack thread deleted

good. just go fucking post that stupid shit on /v/

>> No.3071724


Or maybe they realize they're on 4chan.org and like to make crude jokes and not take things too seriously.

>> No.3071734


This is not true. It's the husband of an adulteress, even if he is unknowing. Here are some historical uses of the word:

>Speak, I say, have you considered what it is to cuckold your husband? (The Comedies of William Congreve,William Congreve)

>Right; and who so fit to make a man a cuckold, as hee that keepes his wife?
)Kemps Nine Daies, Wonder William Kemp)

Don't believe everything 4chan tells you, friend. Here are some various dictionary definitions, some which are over a hundred years old (Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1898).

>The husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision
>a man whose wife is unfaithful
>a man whose wife has sex with someone else : a man's whose wife commits adultery

There IS a word, however, for men who became aware of their wives infidelity and reconciled with them: wittol. So if you want to make a tiny bit more sense with your ridiculous insults, call people wittols instead.

>> No.3071736
File: 846 KB, 975x830, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cuckposters btfo

>> No.3071739


So in other words they are either teenagers or manchildren

>> No.3071740

so since the janny knows e-celeb shit is against the rules, why does he keep this one up then?

>> No.3071746

The #1 Internet definition of cuck has undoubtedly become a male who gets sexual satisfaction from watching his partner fuck different males, or, similarly, any male who seems to thrive on glorifying or pleasing others at his own expense (though the sexual connotation remains to an extent).

>> No.3071754

You mean the 4chan definition? Yeah, I think I trust professional dictionary writers a bit more than teenage 4chan users.

If you don't mind my asking, why do you fetishize the word cuck so much? What makes you use it so much and defend it? It's essentially a meaningless insult and only detracts from the quality of your posts.

>> No.3071759


i wish i knew

>> No.3071761
File: 15 KB, 259x289, derr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cuckold studies will be a college course in the future

>> No.3071763


dude just admit it, "cuck" is a really stupid meme ruins the quality of discussion on this website and needs to die

people like you who glorify shitposting are part of the problem too

>> No.3071767


hm? you mean etymology?

>> No.3071775

Yes, the 4chan definition. We are on 4chan. I'm not arguing that it is the right definition, of course, nor that it is an amazing insult. It is just another term like *fag, epic, etc that has taken on a new meaning in certain sections of the internet.

>> No.3071784
File: 32 KB, 358x511, 1458118028917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a load of this cuck

>> No.3071785 [DELETED] 


>the quality of discussion on this website

You still don't get it. Might I interest you in reddit?

>> No.3071791


who is this semen demon?

>> No.3071802
File: 46 KB, 338x475, MV5BMTM0NDYxMTM5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzk3MzAwMQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3072379
File: 147 KB, 455x300, 1314190920103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened in this thread

>> No.3072385


We mounted an operation to see how much mods would tolerate pure shitposting.

310 posts later, no signs of mods giving a single fuck.

>> No.3072453


310 posts later and your ass is still blasted

>> No.3072456

how many people have rubbed their dick on her furry eyebrows for good luck?

>> No.3072467


what a shitload of fuck

>> No.3072495

Stfu cuck

>> No.3072790

edgy cuck

>> No.3072791

Try bringing up the framerates of different game systems in the Arino thread when people are arguing for 24fps episode encodes though.