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3043021 No.3043021 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.3043042

The epic tale of a bunch of porn actors going out to save the world.

>> No.3043050

More focus on Heroes than on the RPG games, Lithtech and Ubisoft.

>> No.3043124

M&M8 went away from building the whole party and added the OP dragons (and, on the other hand, utter horseshit minotaurs) and M&M9 shat the bed by being rushed. Tbh you can see that M&M games were rushed in some way ever since 7. NWC always had terrible management policies.

>> No.3043171 [DELETED] 

Are there any modern team-based 1st person 3d RPGs similar to M&M 6-8?

>> No.3043172
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Because they started focusing on anthropomorphic candy people, and that wasn't nearly as good.

>> No.3043245

Might and Magic X

>> No.3043313

Japan has decided to make nothing but Wizardry clones because they liked the first 5 games so much, so yeah, Elminage Gothic and Etrian Odyssey should be right there. Otherwise, Legend of Grimrock.

>> No.3043325

Elder Scrolls?

>> No.3043347

Not that I'm aware of. I guess the modern console style RPGs (Elder Scrolls, Fallout and whatnot) are the most similar, only with 1 character. Not that I'm recommending them.

There's quite a big selection of purely turn- and grid-based dungeon crawlers on the other hand like those mentioned here >>3043245
but they're almost nothing like MM 6-8.

6-8's hybrid, and party+first-person gameplay is probably too weird for modern audiences to make such games profitable, even among RPG fans. Or at least that's what publishers/developers think.

>> No.3044032
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What went wrong when exactly?
If post-3DO, then Ubisoft happened. That's pretty much a 'nuff said right there.
If pre-bankruptcy, 3DO demanded a new game every year from NWC which led to less creativity and more rushed products and by the end JWC just distanced himself away from the franchise, even before it was sold off.

Unless you're implying MM6-8 went wrong
In which case I will fuck you up you little shit

>> No.3045821

There's literally nothing wrong with HOMM 1-3 and MM 3-8. Also King's Bounty was great.

>> No.3045829

What's your problem with MM1?

>> No.3046486

I could find several problems with all of those games if I wanted, but this is the Internet where we only work with "perfect" and "shit" categories.

Goddamit MMH6 why can't you stop being so hard

>> No.3046498

I'm certainly biased because it was my first, but MM8 was the only one I ever enjoyed. Building your party throughout the game, rather than all at once is pretty much a deal breaker for me.

>> No.3046774

I like muh graphics. My first MM related game was HOMM.

>> No.3047043

Play MM1's console version and MM2 has pretty okay graphics and an automap.

>> No.3047047
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>Play MM1's console version
ew no
NES version isn't that good
If you can't stand keyboard-only interface, just get the emulated MAC port

>> No.3047060
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>actually liked M&MX

Apparently I am a minority. People also call it a LoG clone, which it plays nothing like those games.

>> No.3047136


I also liked it. It was far from being perfect, but seeing another MM game after all these years was quite enjoyable.

Also it made me hope they would make MM6-8 style game if X was successful

>> No.3047678

MMXL is a decent blobber on its own, it's just a terrible Might and Magic game.

>> No.3048421
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literally nothing went wrong with MM6 and 7
MM8 is really casualised though
>party is mostly made from pre generated NPC and few of them
>Dragons and cool races to appeal to retards
>smaller world
>retarded fetch quest like going to all the 4 planes of elements doing the same shit 4 times
>shitty end game

>> No.3048439

MM6 cut out all races aside from humans, reduced the number of classes to 6 and the number of characters to 4.

>> No.3048528

honestly 4 characters is good enough
For classes I agree that 6 is too few
for races, I dunno I feel it's ok to only have humans in this version, it would feel like a clusterfuck if your party could be full of weird races when you only ever meet human NPCs

>> No.3048567


I'm glad it exists because it lead to all the other games which I love (at least as long as they were being made by NWC) but MM1 is basically a proof of concept. It was made by a teenager in his parents basement and it shows.

>> No.3048638

That actually sounds like a remarkably appealing premise for a game

>> No.3048649

>made by a teenager in his parents basement
That's why it's better than later M&M games, except the first few that followed it.

>> No.3048670

I prefer it over the rest. 2 just went overboard with the scale and 3 onward made it too simple.
1 is a decent Wizardry clone with some nice extra features. The only real problems I had was the need to search after each fight and how useless robbers were.

>> No.3048681

This. Why were aesthetics in wrpg so shitty?

>> No.3048702

it's not shitty it's cheesy as fuck

>> No.3049170

This fuckin' guy.
>no wizard eye
>not a single hired NPC

Nothing better than a full party of spell casters and two hirelings that boost your magic by eight points. Half my gold? completely worth it.

and now I want to play mm6...

>> No.3049202

>>no wizard eye

>> No.3049840

At the time MM1 was really fucking great. The world was large, the visuals were there, confusing though they might be. And it was easier to get into than most contemporary CRPG.
Jon was 24 when he published the first version of the game.

>> No.3049846
File: 4 KB, 320x200, Might and Magic - Secret of the Inner Sanctum_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's confusing about the visuals aside from the water walls?

>> No.3049854

It's not clear what's passable and what isn't, and forest "walls" look paperthin. Oh well, technology.

>> No.3049869

In some cases that's the point. Hidden passages and all.
There's also light forestation that can be passed and thick forestation that's normally impassible.

>> No.3050101

>At the time MM1 was really fucking great.

It wasn't bad. It every bit as not bad today. Funny, game hasn't really changed so I don't know why you think it was fucking great at the time but not now.

>The world was large,

This part is true.

>the visuals were there, confusing though they might be.

This part is not. Well, the confusing part is spot on. If you were expecting nothing to look any different from something. Admittedly this was fixed on the console ports.

>And it was easier to get into than most contemporary CRPG.

We had four Ultima games by the time M&M came out.

>Jon was 24 when he published the first version of the game.

Yeah, and he started developing it when he was in his teens.

>> No.3050551

Are you implying Ultima games are easier than MM1? Because that's really untrue.

>> No.3050559

That's bretty gud monochrome art.

>> No.3050581

MM series was like Wizardry on easy mode. Ultimas' "easiness" varied a lot. U1 was simple enough. U2 is retarded and probably needed a walkthrough to beat. U3 had contrived "puzzles". U4 forced you to be a moral tumblrfag or BTFO. I wouldn't call most of the Ultimas "easy to get into". I think only Runes of Virtue was truly babie's first RPG-tier.

>> No.3050584

Personally, I've only finished M&M1. I then tried too but I found the leveling too fast (overwhelmed with new spells) and there were too many monster gimmicks (ex: only females can hurt the monster).
What's the next M&M that's both simple and large?

>> No.3050586

I tried M&M2 too*

>> No.3050667
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Screen like this looks kinda confusing, with that empty space (spot with red X).

>> No.3050696

>What's the next M&M that's both simple and large?
Just play World of Xeen (4+5).
It's the shining crowning gem of the series (although it can get too easy in places).

>> No.3050785

Isn't Darkside of Xeen & Swords of Xeen actually hard unless you transfer your party over?

>> No.3050793
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Forgot pic.

>> No.3050842

>they unironically used the Heroes V engine.

>> No.3050858

You can't transfer party to Swords, unfortunately. That's why I still haven't played it. I booted it right after completing World of Xeen, discovered that you can only use new characters and closed it. Should try it now that I don't remember much about my old party.

>> No.3050968

>caring about engine in a turn-based RPG
this isn't doom. as long as it works, it works.

>> No.3050992

They didn't use HoMMV engine, MMXL is made in fucking Unity

>> No.3051585
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close but not quite.

>> No.3052029

I've been playing these games for too long.

anything similar out there?

>> No.3052061

the wizardry series?

>> No.3053281
File: 397 KB, 640x480, 2327195-mm7_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think about Might and Magic 7 ?

>> No.3053413

personally it's the best from the three (6-8). it's more refined and has more stuff going than 6, while not as chaotic and rushed as 8. I really don't understand when people say 6 is better, especially when they say it's the graphics unless they were saying it ironically.

>> No.3054429

Pinnacle of the series. The world is a little empty in some ways. The dungeons in six told much better stories, but the loot, classes, spells, character progression is all way better in seven.

>> No.3054526
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>> No.3056589

I never played X but I thought IX was ok.

>> No.3058498

too linear and streamlined compared to 6.

not as good loot as 8, or as fun character builds

still a great game though.