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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3050564 No.3050564 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me not to buy a Retron.

>> No.3050578

IMO original hardware is irreplaceable.

>> No.3050591
File: 204 KB, 1000x750, eccoDSCF7588 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I don't see the point of them at all. If you're into original hardware then why would you want one? If you're not then emulating is better and cheaper in every way.

One of my friends has one (no joke, to appease his wife not wanting the house cluttered). His daughter apparently plays it sometimes, but he tried booting up Actraiser to show me it working and it ended up as 10 minutes of him messing around trying to get it to boot properly and then giving up in the end.

It's your money, do what you want with it. But I am utterly confounded that those things are successful at all.

>> No.3050592

>spend money on beer instead
>play games on emulators while drinking
>invite a friend over (if you have any) to join you in drinks and games
>more fun than you'd have with a retron 5

>> No.3050595

It's an emulator so why don't hook your laptop or PC onto your TV and save the money.

>> No.3050597

>inb4 I live in an oldass farm, I can't into power strips, I HAVE to show off my games in front of my hipster friends while we play, and hate emulators/downloading roms to the brim

>> No.3050604

Why should we? It's your wife.

>> No.3050612

No. I don't care if you buy it or not, faggot.

>> No.3050625

It's a piece of trash. If you really must spend your money on an emulation box, get a softmodded Wii or Raspberry Pi instead and thank me later.

>> No.3050661

>implying OP has a friend

>> No.3050680

>One of my friends has one (no joke, to appease his wife not wanting the house cluttered).
fuckin l o l

>> No.3050681



It's just RetroArch and its libretro cores on hardware. You can do the exact same thing with a laptop that you already own. Or a Wii or anything else.

Plus it has bugs not found in RetroArch.

And RA has more systems covered than Retron.

>> No.3050706
File: 134 KB, 873x800, my wife and her son cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we love it so much my wife and i decided on getting it as our cake with her son standing with us on our magical day

>> No.3050728

11 star post. "Her son" takes it to the next level.

Fact is the retron exists in a strange place.

It's an emulator, that requires real carts.

If you own carts, chances are you own real hardware.

If you don't own carts, then it's worthless to you.

Honestly, as a device, it's not terrible, especially if you know what you're getting into, like super tight connectors and an emulator. For your average "normie" it's probably fine.

It has some "nice" features like HDMI out, a bunch of controller ports, emulator features like savestate and filters (if you're into that), and being compatible with GBA is nice, since the only other device that does GBA is the gameboy player on gamecube, which is getting pretty pricey.

The thing is the Retron is pretty expensive, and it's not necessarily more expensive to buy a Genesis NES and SNES. It also has pretty spotty compatibility.

So if you want to pay for a box that does emulators that can run on any old toaster, and requires real carts, then I guess it's fine. But you're probably better off using real hardware and like a framemeister if you want HD, or just emulating and getting a controller to USB adapter.

>> No.3050734
File: 94 KB, 873x800, retron family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3050748
File: 143 KB, 873x800, wife and son retron cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin l o l

made it a lil more obvious

>> No.3050790
File: 208 KB, 426x306, 1445946928053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO the Retron 5 is a complete waste of money, it's basically an underpowered Android box with stolen Libretro emulators and can't do much else without hacking.

Assuming you absolutely have to have the real carts, you may as well just buy the real hardware and a CRT TV to go along with it. Makes sense really, no input lag, higher accuracy and just more authentic overall.

If you have no love (or room) for a CRT, but don't want your games to look like ass on an HDTV, and don't want to shell out for an XRGB, consider an nVidia Shield TV. It's another Android box, but far more powerful, has RetroArch, (which is completely free and has probably the best Android emulators available on top of being highly optimized for the Shield TV) supports those Retrode cart adapters for your real carts, and has other functions beyond what the Shitron 5 can do. Forgive me if i sound like a shill, but it's just a far more sound investment.

>> No.3050798

You don't even need a fuckhuge CRT, those are just the easiest ones to find "for free" because the cunts who own them are too lazy to haul them outside themselves. I bought a 13" CRT with a built in DVD player and Stereo audio, shipped from fucking New York to Vancouver for 60 bucks CAD on eBay (was 30 + 30 shipping) because I was sick of waiting for a decent one to show up on craigslist. It's fucking great. Sits on my desk, looks good and it's easy to move and if it ever breaks I can just throw it in the trashcan and not worry about trying to get rid of it.

>> No.3050816

>buying an emulator
If you're that fucking stupid then go for it.

>> No.3051060

Does it have lag?

>> No.3051061

emulator that requires physical media.

wii is a better option in every way.

>> No.3051135


They give those things away for free around here too, and I live around Vancouver. You overpaid for a piece of shit. Even thrift stores sell them for $10.

>> No.3051145

Can you play games from flashcarts?

>> No.3051172

Your wife's son will love it.

>> No.3051173

putting roms on a cart that supports the original hardware so you can plug the cart into a piece of hardware that emulates.

seems logical to me.