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File: 29 KB, 250x244, 250px-MMLegendsBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3047904 No.3047904 [Reply] [Original]

so I picked up Mega Man Legends sealed at a retro gaming store I just found in my town
got it for trading in watchdogs and like 10 dollars
anything similar happen to anyone?

>> No.3047908

It's not a rare game so .

>> No.3047914

it isn't?
was under that impression for awhile lol

>> No.3047915

Legends 2 is is a bit on the rare side. Legends one is common and is only expensive because of the Popular Franchise Tax. Either way, nice score there, OP.

>> No.3047935

Misadventures of Tron Bonne is the rare Legends game.

>> No.3048152

man, I really want to buy legends one. I can't find my copy I've had growing up.
I guess psn is the only real option.

>> No.3048202

Come to think of it, I had a lucky score with MML myself.
>In Middle school; 5th Gen was still the current gaming gen
>Be on vacation with family in North Carolina
>Eat at Bob Evans
>See a glint in the grass
>it's a naked disk of Dance Dance Revolution on PS1
>Take it home & test it - it actually works works.
>Have no damn interest in DDR
>Was also a member of a game trading website for it
>Some father wants it for his daughter and offers Mega Man Legends for it
Looking back, totally fucking baller deal there.

>> No.3048385

I picked up 3 sealed copies of Sonic R just last week

>> No.3048656

You can get a complete copy of Legends for like $30-40. I nabbed a near mint copy for about $35 last year just before the whole Red Ash fiasco.

Legends 2 is a whole different story though, you're pretty fucked with that one unless you wanna emulate.

>> No.3048672
File: 404 KB, 631x627, 1347555114907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing through the Nino Island dungeon on an emulator

>> No.3048685
File: 80 KB, 425x960, 1425880962103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing through the Nino Island dungeon in general

>> No.3048712

>Red Ash fiasco

>> No.3048782
File: 202 KB, 1024x768, Literally Tiesel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last summer Inafune launched not just one, but two more kickstarters, this time for a spiritual successor to Megaman Legends called Red Ash, along with an anime adaptation. The whole damn campaign was full of red flags and warning signs that, in conjunction with Mighty No. 9 looking like it wasn't going to be very and still not even being out, led a lot of people to avoid the whole thing. Red flags like hiding almost half of the game's intended plot and content behind stretch goals, underselling the amount they needed because they thought they'd be funded immediately, and outright lying about Mighty No. 9 being finished.

Inafune came out half a week before the deadline, with the project having only gotten 500k of the 900k it needed to succeed, and announced that they'd brokered a deal with some shady Chinese company to fund the whole thing, and that the kickstarter money would now go towards extra content and DLC.

They then proceeded to lose somewhere around $100,000 in pledges over the next few days before the deadline finally hit, cementing its failure.

The whole clusterfuck actually caused prices of Legends and Legends 2 to rise for a week or two in there, before everyone realized the project was going nowhere and the hype died almost immediately.

>> No.3048795

Wow, damn. Inafune is like the Bernie Madoff of game kickstarters.

>> No.3048803

That's small change compared to Tim Schafer and Peter Molyneux.

>> No.3048810

Eh, at least Schafer actually delivered on his game. Took forever, but he did it.

>> No.3048815

So did Molyneux.

>> No.3048832
File: 33 KB, 480x360, What a horrible creation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest, most damning part of the whole thing is what happened with Mighty No. 9's release towards the end. During the last few days of the kickstarter there were rumors going around that Mighty No. 9's release, which was supposed to be only a month or so away, had been delayed til February 2016. When backers tried to get a straight answer Comcept's people said that no, the game was finished and would be released on time. The same day the kickstarter failed Comcept came out and admitted Mighty No. 9 was being delayed due to a bug with the online leaderboards and as an apology backers would be recieving a demo build of the game on a specific day in September.

So the day comes, and no demo. Two days later, Comcept breaks radio silence and admits that the apology demo has also been delayed.

Also the demo looks like ass, doesn't play very well, and is poorly optimized to fuck and back.

>> No.3050196

Got Tron Bonne for 15 bucks right before ps3 came out, if that counts.

The real gem was Einhander for 1.99 when Blockbuster went under.