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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3046085 No.3046085[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you do it /vr/? In one sentence (no run ons) why do you play these old games years later?

>> No.3046090

I like them.

>> No.3046092

It's still fun.

I play all kinds of games. I'm playing Bionic Commando on PS3 right now (and it was so close to being at least decent).

It's just enjoyable still. I've been doing it for like 20+ years. It's fun to do cool shit in games. I mean I still watch movies and TV shows but I'd rather play a video game.

What's getting really sad is that I was taking a class at college in nighschool (web dev) for interest sake and I started talking with some younger (19ish) year old guys there and they were talking about games and going "Lol its shit, did you watch this guys lets play" without even playing it themselves. That is truly the cancer.

>> No.3046093


>> No.3046094

I do it because i find them fun.

>> No.3046101

I couldn't have played everything I wanted to when they were new, so I play them now.

>> No.3046103

Best reason so far

>> No.3046104

The games are fun, and sometimes it's nice to go back to an older games that's more simple to play and doesn't have so much stuff going on. Also it's just fun to catch up on games you missed out on in the past.

>> No.3046106

Continued disappointment with modern games.

>> No.3046117

please, that sounds like a foreigner asking why do people laugh about a local joke.

>> No.3046118
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>Why do you do it /vr/?

I really can't sum up my reasons in one sentence, but if you prefer brevity, I'll try to summarize with a list.

- More emphasis on gameplay than QTEs or producing a cinematic experience.
- Nintendo Hard difficulty feels more rewarding and keeps the game fresh longer.
- Usually simple to emulate, so retro games are easy to bring to multiple devices and platforms (e.g. I can actually keep my entire retro library on my PSP)
- How much more innovation can the industry bring at this point without producing diminishing returns? Gaming has reached its technical apex, where it now sits and stagnates. e.g. Dark Souls is basically just King's Field with next-gen graphics. Unless we start going full VR, everything has already been done.

>> No.3046121


>Nintendo Hard


>> No.3046129
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I still find retro gaming enjoyable.

>> No.3046136

Why watch old movies?
Why read old books?
Why listen to old stories?

>> No.3046138

Because unlike most modern games, old games are games.

>> No.3046146

Why play modern games?
If your answer doesn't also apply to retro games, you're probably doing it wrong

>> No.3046162

Because they do things that new games don't.

>> No.3046165

Is the reason you need it in one sentence important? Are you stupid or just inattentive?

>> No.3046324

I'm extremely gay.

No one cares, you long winded retard.

>> No.3046339
File: 4 KB, 200x158, special-feature-atari.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because modern vidya games are for casuals.
Old school games like Rayman will test your gaming prowess.

Also are you seriously referencing hipsters in your image OP? Hipsters aren't even a thing anymore. That shit is dead.

>> No.3046341


it must have died because when you became one nobody wanted to be around you

>> No.3046348

That may be the case as well. kek. I listen to /mu/core and play vidya. I'm such a hipster.

>> No.3046373

new games are fine. But sometimes you need to play tecmo bowl and have a guy fumble in the fourth quarter and lose the game.

captcha: that was not a car it was an suv and a truck.

>> No.3046393


You know your attention span has been reduced to that of a goldfish when you think writing four sentences is long winded.

>> No.3046432

You know you want to die when you insult someone like me.

>> No.3046435

So girls will like me

>> No.3046437

Does it work?

>> No.3046438

Only when paired with amime and figurine collection.

Soon I wil have my prize

>> No.3046439

oh it aint of computer electronic player.


>> No.3046443


>> No.3046454

You know why I keep the handle to my 2ton jack in my front seat? Because if you fuck with me you'll get hit in the head. Solid fucking steel.

>> No.3046467

Because I admire the creativity you don't find in most games nowadays.

>> No.3046541

My computer can't run anything made after 2004 and I can't afford a new one.

>> No.3046559

*unsheathes katana*
that's what you think, gaijin
*teleports behind you and cuts you in half*
heh... nothin' personnel, kidd

>> No.3046560

Yeah, this too

>> No.3046578
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>> No.3046614

Why OLD games in these modern times?

Because the mechanics were thought out, the aesthetics were deliberate and every game worth playing then is still worth playing today.

>> No.3047105

Old games have their merits but making a blanket statment that all old games are good and new games are not is plain wrong

>> No.3047108

He never said any of that, retard. The text is right there. Is english your first language?

>> No.3047119

game design philosophy has changed.

>> No.3047392

Because I prefer a simple idea done properly to a lot of half-assed ideas done improperly.

>> No.3047404

I think you just summed modern video games

>> No.3047409


>"old" games

Because I actually think this designation is stupid. And it's just plain wrong. I listen to music that is 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, hell, 250 years old on a regular basis, and it's still good. I watch films that are decades old, that everyone considers classics and must-watch.

Videogames have a technology and culture problem. The technology problem is clear cut - it's HARD to run older games on newer hardware and software platforms. Games get "old" fast and it's only great communities that can keep a game alive (communities more dedicated and involved than that of any other medium IMO).

The culture problem is looking at something from a previous gen and saying it's bad just because the graphics aren't cutting edge. Or it's "too old". Obviously this isn't an issue for people on this board, but your average/casual vidya player won't even look at a game from 2005 let alone 1995 and take a chance on it. They "can't get over the graphics" or "it's so retro." The audience is trained to believe newer = better, EVEN WHEN newer sometimes means a retro aesthetic that they may have spurned before.

Just like I enjoy good music and good films regardless of when they're from, I enjoy good games. And so many of the "greats" are considered "old" now.

>> No.3047417

I also want to add the irony of the fact that these same people would have said a game's graphics are great if they had played it in 2005, but now that it's 2016 suddenly they are unable to immerse themselves in it despite possessing the exact same biological apparatus that humans had in 2005 while playing those videogames and enjoying them fully?

It's fucking nonsense.

It's not as if our brains evolve in pace with vidya graphics tech. The human brain is able to understand simulated environments and visuals on any level, once it has a chance to get accustomed to that level. This is why I never worry about getting into a good lo-fi game. The only annoyance can be things like UI or mechanics, which in some cases years of design have found more convenient ways to accomplish the same things (e.g. movement and aiming in Ultima Underworld vs. a modern first-person game).

>> No.3047421

I find them more fun than most newer games and personally dont consider games to age.

>> No.3047663

I don't. I come here to discuss games I played in their proper context.

>> No.3047671

Because I don't have to deal with a 50GB mandatory hard drive installation and a 5GB mandatory day 1 patch and a 4GB day 4 patch and a 6GB day 7 patch and 5 unskippable company logos and the game kicking me to the desktop when the always-online DRM fails.

>> No.3047683

Games without save points force you to git gud instead of just brute forcing a level until you get lucky.

>> No.3047696

They are superior in every way to new "games".

>> No.3048062

We're trying to go back to our childhood because our adulthood is sucking ass tbqh senpai

>> No.3048075

Hi child

>>>/v/ is the board for shitposting retards

>> No.3048083

The real question is: why do you care?

>> No.3048090

Why do you think that newer automatically means better?

>> No.3048092
File: 51 KB, 249x296, michael.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks /vr/ has less shitposting than /v/

>> No.3048104

Most people around here just save state abuse hard games to beat them. If you want a dose of depression, read the save scumming topic that may still be up.

>> No.3048116

I grew up with them, and I don't like the new-fangled stuff.

>> No.3048138

I played video games before you could pause.
What kind of casual little bitch are you?

>> No.3048159

agree with everything except the retro game community being the most dedicated

the fucking modular synth community, that's dedication

>> No.3048172

I think it's hilarious people have problems with how other people play their games. I never ever would have beaten Super Ghouls n Ghosts without save states. I find it fun, but only for 20 minutes or so at a time. Even aside from the fact that I probably wouldn't ever play long enough to beat it in a single sitting, I definitely never put the time into mastering it enough.

Once emulators came along though I played through it stage by stage with saves and had a fun time with it though. It turned a kind a game I didn't care enough to see all the way through into one I did, and I had fun.

I do the same thing with Shmups. I think they're fun for a few minutes at a time, but they bore me quickly. Save states lets me pick up and play whenever. Turned a genre I never used to play into one I sometimes enjoy. If that depresses you for some reason you have problems.

>> No.3048186

You can talk about games here. Let's keep it that way.

>> No.3048189
File: 83 KB, 740x1079, zelda__s_got_a_heart_container_for_link__full_by_umbrafox-d4j4gi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you never forget your first love, And it takes me back to childhood when times were simple, plus I am finding out games I couldn't beat when I was younger I am finishing now.

>> No.3048191

They were made with fun in mind

>> No.3048210

No joke, most threads get more shitposting and less actual video game talk here than on /v/ these days.

>> No.3048357

cause im FAT and i luv dongy gong :D

>> No.3048362



>> No.3048387

They're fast and easy to pick up and play.