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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20160131_121305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3010995 No.3010995 [Reply] [Original]

Post pics, discussion, strategy, whatever. What's your favorite pin? For me it is probably Creature From the Black Lagoon.

>> No.3011018
File: 685 KB, 500x347, 3D-space-cadet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the 3D space cadet game that came out in 1995 and was an official part of windows from windows 98 to vista. I spent hours playing that game.

>> No.3011204

As did I

>> No.3011317
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Red pill me on Black Knight. Is it as good as everyone says or is it just put on a pedestal due to what it innovative? Found one for cheap near me and curious if it's worth checking out.

>> No.3011340

Never liked it. The upper playfield is too small to be fun. But, if you really can get it cheap and are willing to deal with maintenance, go for it.

>> No.3011342

I played one recently. The Magnasave is fun, even though I only successfully used it once. But the layout is kind of boring, because it focuses too much on the upper playfield, which is fairly easy to get to.

>> No.3011462

It's a decent price but the biggest reason why I'm looking at it is dat back glass and the fact it's only 15 minute drive. Usually I'm driving 3 hours for pins or cabs.

>> No.3011483

Have yet to play it. Hopefully get a chance this summer

>> No.3012346
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Been working on my dad's Roadshow for a bit now

>> No.3012361

That's awesome man, game looks like alot of fun

>> No.3012368

Can you own a machine without even basic EE knowledge? Or does maintenance become a nightmare quickly?

>> No.3012389

I bought my first one with 0 knowledge on how they work really. After the first board repair that cost me 120 bucks, I figured it was time to learn. Lots of information out there on how to troubleshoot and fix.

>> No.3012446

What other tables do this kind of crazy shit? Because I love it.


>> No.3012802

I have a question.

So, would it be correct to say that the pinball equivilent of video game's "button-mashing" is "flipper-flapping"?

>> No.3012927


IN semantics I'd call it that, but in contrast to mashing flapping mostly won't help you, wildly flapping the flippers doesn't really have an avantage except it can sometimes save the ball from getting lost.

>> No.3012998

>What's your favorite pin?
Lethal Weapon because on the matrix display Murtaugh comes out just a floating pair of eyes on a black background. Binary threshold logic knows no political correctness...

>> No.3013005
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Pic related. Still very fun indeed

>> No.3013520
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Williams games are phenomenal
I haven't found a LW3 floating around. I like the Data East machines because of the vibrant colors and sweet licenses
He'll yes, such a complex, challenging, and rewarding game

>> No.3013570
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I loved this one as a kid.

>> No.3013898

Played it a bunch at my local arcade and honestly think it's the most overrated clunky piece of shit ever made. It's design has zero flow an is like some adhd cunt just kept sticking random shit all over the playfield along with a shit ton of modes. It's the only game in the arcade i don't bother playing anymore.

>> No.3013906

I sucked at it, I give it 0/10

>> No.3014017
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>I suck, so it sucks

>> No.3014526
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Holy shit, look what I found at the bowling alley. They have 8 tables, a rotation of 80s/90s Williams and Stern, but this is the first time a 70s game has showed up.

>> No.3014549
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Monster Madness and Funhouse are my two absolute favorites, but there are so many other good ones, I could go on with quite a big list. There really isn't that many shitty pins either. They are all pretty fun and offer their own charm.

>> No.3014553

I downloaded the first season pack to Pinball Arcade, and I'm certainly enjoying it a lot. That said, I also admit I suck royal at pinball.

How do I git gud? How does one nudge proper?

>> No.3014560
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>How does one nudge proper?

With pinball arcade? You don't. It's the one thing bad about that game. I play it all the time on my iPad and it's pretty tits otherwise.

>> No.3014594

>the one thing bad about that game
Can you do all these flipper tricks in it?

Does it correctly model ball spin?

>> No.3014620
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>Can you do all these flipper tricks in it?

Yeah pretty much from what I can tell. It's really damn accurate in the ball physics. You just don't get the ball bouncing up out of the play-field though.

>Does it correctly model ball spin?

I assume so. I can go from playing the one on the iPad to the real thing in the arcade and it's pretty much the same. I use the same strategies and everything. They did a good job.

>> No.3014636
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/vr/ct here, one of my favorite stops on my Cedar Point visits is the pinball arcade. There's something incredibly cool about a fully mechanical device like this. Always wanted to restore one or build one myself, maybe running off a Raspberry Pi or something.

>> No.3014640

Scared stiff does for monster multi ball

>> No.3014641

>pretty much from what I can tell
Even tap passes? This requires properly modeling the acceleration of the flipper assembly and high input sampling rate.

>I assume so
If you don't get air balls then the answer is no.

>> No.3014671

I love pinball. Too bad they've become relatively scarce. Thankfully a pizza place near me has five or six machines. Favorite is probably one of two Mario pinball machines, one seizure inducing model from Gottlieb, another who's name escapes me.

Anyone know why it got pulled from 7?

>> No.3014675
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>Even tap passes? This requires properly modeling the acceleration of the flipper assembly and high input sampling rate.

I have a real pinball and I can't even do tap passes on that. It's either on or off. I'll have to try it at the arcade next time.

NO you can not do that with the game. It's either on or off from the games I just tested it on now.

>If you don't get air balls then the answer is no.

Yeah, but it's still the next best to the real thing. Can't complain. I've got 17 pinball machines I can play and I paid probably only 60 bucks.

>> No.3014683

>I have a real pinball and I can't even do tap passes on that
In practice it's only possible with old machines (pre-DMD era).

>> No.3014693
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my favorite Pin so far is probably a three way tie between Diner, Twilight zone, and High roller casino

I'm hoping I can go to las vegas and visit the hall of fame again during my spring break so I can play the Pinball circus again and other machines like scared stiff and fish tales

got any recommendations?

>> No.3014718
File: 143 KB, 370x640, Reaching Catch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TPA physics
I don't think hacks can be considered physics

>How do I git gud? How does one nudge proper?
there's two ways to go about nudging in TPA

active: nudging, lightly (requires controller, or emulated input of one), in a way that redirects the direction of the ball

reactive: nudging, medium to hard, in a way that pushes the table into the ball to physically redirect the ball

The recent El Dorado EM release you can do both, you can actively nudge to change the trajectory as it makes it ascent to the top drop targets (it's descent too) and then if it comes down that left lane I suggest you wait till it hits rubber above the flippers and press the table into the ball to get it out of the in/out-lane area.

>> No.3014724

http://tiny DOT cc/PhysMod5

Don't play Action 52 pinball

>> No.3014730

Genie was part of Season 1, the bottom left A-B-C-D area is also a great way to learn both styles of nudging.

For B-C-D you could use a light style to redirect bounces out of that area and with the A lane you want to wait till it hits the bottom of that area then push the table into the ball to get it out of there.

If you want to see it in action here's my game

>> No.3014834

I can practice on Genie, thanks for the tip.

Though I have to say of all the tables I have at my selection, my favorite so far is Monster Bash. It just oozes charm, and that music is so good.

>> No.3014880

Was this picture taken recently? I went to Cedar Point in 2008, would be nice if these games were all still there.

>> No.3014916
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Well if you like Diner I'd rec Taxi.

>> No.3014962

Does Jackbot not get as much love as Pinbot mainly because of all the random scoring? I feel like it has more going for it to keep a casual player entertained.

>> No.3014963

Not him, but they still have pretty much that whole wall. Maybe even a few more.

>> No.3014992

I don't know, honestly. Stole that image from Google since I've replaced my phone since my last trip. Maybe >>3014963 is right though

>> No.3014997

>Anyone know why it got pulled from 7?

>> No.3015383
File: 255 KB, 552x793, ft2011-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I had never played pinball on a real machine prior to today, but I found this thing in a shitty old movie theater arcade and decided to play a couple credits since I had seen this thread earlier in the day.

I must have dumped $10 into the thing. There's something incredibly satisfying about looping the ball through the ramps 4 or 5 times in a row.

Unfortunately I was never able to get the multi-ball, and the machine likely hasn't been maintained in years, but it was a lot of fun. Gonna try to find a nicer machine somewhere near me now

>> No.3015472
File: 1.88 MB, 1260x945, Jackbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i blame that on the fact that the jackbot production numbers are low compared to pinbot

Pinbot 12,001 produced vs. Jackbot 2,428
with numbers like that i reckon It's not really an issue of people loving the machine but people actually finding one to play. Still kicking myself over not playing jackbot at pin convention last month

>> No.3015879

Agreed I think all pins are great regardless

>> No.3015886

I'd love to have an electro mechanical machine in my apartment, mostly for the aesthetics and conversation piece. Neighbors would probably murder me

>> No.3015890

Adams Family is great

>> No.3015898

It is addicting man. I'm 29 and just started playing last year, but man you get hooked looking for that replay SCREEECH. Fish Tales is awesome too, sucks you had to play on a subpar machine it is really rewarding when the machine has been taken care of

>> No.3015902

Any of you hold a high score in pinball?

>> No.3015915

think it's that bad? seems most of the sounds are bearable and certainly less noisy than, say, a good movie

>> No.3015982

Every machine plays differently so high score competition has to be local only. Global competition is based on tournaments.

>> No.3016082

Has anyone here actually purchased one in the past 5 years? How much did it set you back?

>> No.3016360

Have you ever played one? It sounds like a xylophone is fucking a slot machine. They are beautiful tho

>> No.3016363

They're is a resurgence in the market so they are pricey, the new Stearns can cost up to 10k I believe

>> No.3016464

I don't know if this is common knowledge, but if you type "hidden test" you can control the ball with your mouse. You can also use some letter keys to do things

>> No.3016476

Fuck yes. I used to draw my own tables on paper, and cut holes in them so they fit and could be put over the bumpers.

>> No.3017402
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This is the most disappointing game I've ever played.
But of everything I dislike about it, WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS PINBALL MACHINE HAVE A PINBALL VIDEO MODE? FOR WHAT PURPOSE? They have this whole magic theme going and that's the best god damn thing they can come up with?

>> No.3017698
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1016, ProPinball 2016-02-22 15-10-41-378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3017746

I think it quite good and the galloping sounds and voice add a lot of excitement and buildup for the multi ball. Definitely ranks high for me in that era of table.

>> No.3017749
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One day I will own this.

>> No.3017765

I really enjoy that game and video modes as well because they add more variety to the games.

If that is the most disappointing game you've ever played then what is your favorite?

>> No.3017769



>> No.3017896

>Video modes
It was a way for the pinball industry to compete with the vidya in the 90s, as the industry started to lose sales. Alot of 90s machines have video modes. Also, I really enjoy that game

>> No.3018054


I mean at your local arcade or something.

>> No.3018191

I've got on a few machines, probably when they reset the scores tho because they're usually tripled a few weeks later.

>> No.3018224
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>local place has brand new GOT table
>spend a night drinking beer and playing that shit
>games on that fucker usually don't last long
>get that one game where I'm on fire and getting the modes
>over 700million points, ranked 1st
>admire my rank every time I go in there and see that no one else can get near my score
>3 weeks at top spot and they reset the scores

>> No.3018235

Lol 3 weeks is not long enough. Bastards. That game is kind of dull IMO compared to the other Stern's. Of course I played the basic one and am not a GoT fanboy so that makes a difference too

>> No.3018271

Yeah what assholes for keeping the machine updated with the latest version software. They should leave inferior code on in order to cheat people out of money with bugs and flaws.

>> No.3018406


>> No.3018550

>>I suck, so it sucks
Weird assumption i actually dont suck at it at all and have had some strong scores that doesn't change the fact it's a flowless uninteresting piece of shit with 3 million useless modes. Someone doesn't like what you like get over it cuntface,

>> No.3018552

Damn man lucky you I fucking love 70s tables, they have such an addictive quality to them that i just dont feel on many modern tables.

>> No.3018557

>It's really damn accurate in the ball physics.
>I can go from playing the one on the iPad to the real thing in the arcade and it's pretty much the same.

Lmfao fuck off mate pin arc is fuck all like real life it's physics are shit, the only reason you could not notice is due to being a shit player. You can't do all flipper tricks on pin arc either ive never heard such bollocks in my life. Pro pinball and vpx are the only 2 that even come close.

>> No.3018562

>Any of you hold a high score in pinball?
Yup on a Williams jokerz.

>> No.3018572

The finest simulation ever created i look forward to my fav table fantastic journey getting the ultra treatment someday although im more than happy with the original i play very often.

Behave yourself its a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.3018587

Bummer. I'm sure it's emulated somewhere. If not I'm sure somebodies ported it. Worst case scenario I just run a virtual copy of XP if I care so much I don't care that much, there are probably greater pinball games I could be running in the pinball version of mame or something.

>> No.3018591

I like video modes, but Theatre of Magic's video mode is literally pinball. Like a shoddily programmed digital pinball within the pinball machine. It's bizarre.

>> No.3018740

Aussiefag, is that you?

>> No.3018761

Fuck Visual Pinball X it's fucking shit, real men use Visual Pinball 9.9 PhysMod5. Visual Pinball X has like 4 tables, PhysMod5 has over 100 Real Man tables.

>> No.3018770

Why don't you like VPX? Is it because of the lack of tables? It's legit far and away better than anything PM5. Just be patient and let the authors do their thing. Since the new year there have probably been like 20 new tables. Have you tried any of Jp's vpxs tables like TOTAN or AFM?

>> No.3018780


>> No.3018830
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>I will mesmerize you with my semi-circular movement!
I laughed heartily.

>> No.3018968

No, I don't play Popadiuk scammer games but I have JP's PM5 versions of those tables installed and indeed play AFM.

There are 20 different beta versions of VPX and each of those 20 tables you mentioned only works with one of them.

>> No.3019305
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The campy puns and one liners in that game put me in the mindset of the Groovie Ghoulies cartoon from the 70s. Wolfie even talked like a beatnik in it.

With the great music, I just keep coming back to it. I'm thankful it was in the Season 1 pack I downloaded: I would have never given such a great table the chance it deserved had it not been.


>> No.3019343
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As said before, it's my favorite pin. I'm lucky my local arcade has one in great condition.

>> No.3019478

>Aussiefag, is that you?
yes and im still british.

>> No.3020894
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Got down on some Dracula today. Love that pin

>> No.3021065

What differentiates a good pinball table from a bad one? My uncle had the JOKERZ table and I always liked playing it when we went over to his house.

>> No.3021340
File: 1.54 MB, 1179x1766, Stern-WWE-LE-Detail-07a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a very good question actually
I feel it's something you'l figure out when you play enough whether it's based on experience or preference i have no idea. maybe i just don't get it but i got to play that new WWE pinball machine and i was hyped as shit to play it when i saw it had hulk and his theme song, but as i was playing it it felt kinda shallow. maybe one of they keys to differentiating good from okay machines is whether a machine has a gimmick or toy that actually adds something to the game without taking away too much from the rest of the playfield

I'm probably wrong though I only started getting into pinball a year ago and i only played WWE legends once

>> No.3021347

I know nothing about this table, but that ring looks pretty fucking cool.

>> No.3021370

Are Hulk and Undertaker only in that limited edition? The Wrestlemania at my arcade doesn't have them.

>> No.3021395

I played the heck out of that Hulk table one afternoon and had a blast. The ring is actually a really cool feature and you're right about the depth, there's not a whole lot to do on it. It's good to play once in a while but it would get tiresome if you owned it or didn't have anything else to play.
It's loud as fuck too, the way it simulates physical bumps could be a love/hate thing depending on personal preference.
Do you mean in-game selectable characters? The one I played had Stone Cold, Rock, Cena and Hulk. I think some others too.

>> No.3021481

The limited edition has extra characters.

Layout and code/rules.

>> No.3021553

>My uncle had the JOKERZ table and I always liked playing it when we went over to his house.
damn lucky you I love jokerz always play it at my arcade. A good table is honestly just one you like the feel of and rules, for me that tends to be 70s and 80s tables for others it's the modern styles some people love ramps others like drop targets and spinners it's not really an objective thing.

>> No.3021835

I've played the original Data East with with Hulk, Taker, Bozo the clown on it. I like the ring playfields. He'll I like any secondary playfields.
This is my first year as well. I feel like our generation helped kill pinball, now we are burnt on vidya and pinball is awesome. I enjoy it much more than my PC or PS4

>> No.3021898

That's a nice little lineup. I'm not a huge fan of Dracula but do like when the magnet ball "flies" across the table. I actually really enjoy Street Fighter though as it is a fairly easy and forgiving table to play and fighting through everyone is cool. That Chun-Li shot is tough though.

Twilight Zone has a lot of awesome stuff in it but like someone else said, it just doesn't have enough flow to it for me.

>> No.3021916

My favourite part of that pin is Drac Attack. Try hitting the Count from behind, you'll laugh your ass off.

>> No.3021926

Even though I consider myself a pinball fan, I would probably dump more quarters into that Neo Geo than any of those particular pins.

>> No.3022351
File: 465 KB, 1280x918, bludroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel man
I got a ps4 for christmas in 2014 but im seriously not feelin it, I got a neo geo cab a few months later and i honestly enjoy it more than the ps4, and lord knows how many time I've started my dad's 8 ball deluxe in comparison to it I've been saving money for a pin of my own for a few months and im seriously considering just selling it so i can knock some time off having to wait to be able to buy a pin

>> No.3022373

what's your budget? what are you looking for?

>> No.3022558
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I'm pretty much open to any 90s williams it all depends on what lines up for me once i save $2,500 mark then il decide what i want, I do have a list a large list of games ranging from different prices mostly williams, mostly the ones i think are in my range Diner, Fishtales, funhouse, termnator 2, taxi, high roller casino, black rose, jackbot, cyclone hurricane, road show

and for the higher end pins I know a dad of a friend of mine used to hangout who was a big pinball collector he has scared stiff, tales of the arabian nights, twilight zone, ripley's believe it or not

once I get some money together I'm thinking of paying him a visit to hopefully hear his stories with those machines, and see if he's interested in selling any of his machines, so i can save a bunch of money from having to ship a machine from somwhere. but if he isnt interested im probably gonna settle for the 1.5-3 grand range.

Unless by some miracle the pinball circus remake gets announced for pre order

I do like 80s games like 8 ball deluxe but i want a bit of pin variety when it comes to my game room, and i tend to get burnt out with 80s era games quite fast unfortunetly

>> No.3022591

Draculas two ramps are so hard to have consistentcy on, at least for me but they feel so rewarding. Yah the Mist Multiball is awesome
I just care less about vidya these days, even tho that Neo Geo does have a nostalgia factor for me
Go for it. I'd love to get one but being I'm a student and in an apartment, it wouldn't work out.

>> No.3022596

Have you guys noticed there are new makers entering the market? 10 years ago it was only Stern, there's like 4 or 5 mfgs now I believe. Pretty cool, just thought I'd throw that out there. Sucks Williams-Bally, Gotlieb didn't survive

>> No.3022618

WMS still exists as a slot machine manufacturer. They obviously make a lot more money from slots than they ever could from pins.

>> No.3022634
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Jersey Jack and some small Welsh company that have the rights to Alien?
The guys that initially designed and made this though It's by Stern.

Who else?

>> No.3022650

There is an Americas Most Haunted pinball by Spooky Pinball (although they got rid of the local one from problems) and I believe there is a different company that makes either that Full Throttle pinball game or The Big Lebowski one?

>> No.3022652

There is a documentary about Pinball 2000 and the end of WMS Pinball out there, sucks how it ended

>> No.3022772
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About to get down on a few games

>> No.3022779

I played AMH at MAGFest. I believe it belongs to Flippers Arcade in Grandy, NC. I don't live too far from there. I should go sometime.

>> No.3022786
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Other side of bar. Really lucky to have a huge pinball scene here

>> No.3022817

Aw shit, I had this exact same one too. I thought it was just some generic one-off toy, never expected to see it anywhere else. Much less in an international board.

>> No.3023127

meant for >>3022373

>> No.3023157


maybe they wanted to put in an upper playfield or soemthing but because of pinball starting to lose its popularity they had to cut it for budget constraints but decided to put it in as a video mode or the most likely answer is they didn't know what to do so they just resorted to something quick and easy

>> No.3023163

Dutch Pinball is making big lebowski
Heighway Pinball made Full Throttle, and is working on an Alien Pinball machine

>> No.3023174

>they had to cut it for budget constraints
Unlikely. TOM is full of expensive parts. If they wanted an upper playfield but had to cut it, lack of playfield space is more likely.

>> No.3023183

>What differentiates a good pinball table from a bad one?
Is the layout fun? There should be a wide variety of shots all over the playfield. The ball should return to the flippers reasonably quickly.
Is the scoring balanced? More difficult accomplishments should give more points. There shouldn't be heavy randomness. Knowledge of the ruleset, eg. stacking modes, should be rewarded.
Is the scoring interesting? You should be forced to make a variety of shots instead of just doing the same thing over and over. You should sometimes have to make dangerous shots but not all the time.
Does it look and sound good?

>> No.3023417
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>max score 9,999
>coins don't register during attract mode
>third flipper activated by third button
>weak flippers
>very little to do
>ball gets stuck on bumpers

Quality Soviet engineering for 1990.

>> No.3023454
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It's Циpк, by Unknown Manufacturer:

>> No.3023468

More info:

>> No.3023823
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>spend monthly beetroot ration on 1 game of ping pang
>drain ball
>sent to gulag for of 1 whole year

>> No.3024282

This is why capitalism and free markets won. Because we like cool shit, hobby markets, and the state produced some pretty lame products.

>> No.3024337

I find it interesting how the two most stand-out components of this table (gumball machine and the power) have absolutely nothing to do with The Twilight Zone.

>> No.3024352

Hmmm never noticed that. I personally enjoy the table. The music and the position of the lock are awesome

>> No.3024363

I think you might have it installed incorrectly. I have the latest version and have had no problems. Some of the newer tables are absolutely fantastic. There is a new Medieval Madness that you should check out.

>> No.3024661

>I should go sometime.
Motherfucker you should go RIGHT NOW. That place is unreal. Not sure how much of a pinhead you are but that place is a hidden oasis of pinball on the east coast. No one ever there, limited edition everything, 50 cents per games. I honestly shouldn't even be posting how awesome that place is to keep it secret.

>> No.3024751
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>I honestly shouldn't even be posting how awesome that place is to keep it secret.

>> No.3024873

So Dutch, Highway, Spooky, and Stern. 4 companies producing games. That is badass. Definitely a reemerging market, I try to get as many people into it as I can. It's a blast

>> No.3024884

I own 3 machines myself. Only reason I haven't gone is because I don't have time. It's still like 2 and a half hours away, so even though I say it's "not that far", it's still a full day trip.

>> No.3024912
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My current favorite is Champion Pub. (Bally) It's a boxing themed pin. There's a big centrally located punching bag when hit enough times spins around to reveal a boxer which you hit the fuck out of. Even registers higher points for head shots vs body blows. It's also got training bonuses in the upper corners with a speed bag in one and a "jump rope" in the other which is hella fun. (Rotating u-shaped bar with a spring underneath that launches the ball when you hit the flipper buttons.)

>> No.3025432

Spooky isn't really a manufacturer. It's a family of collectors who produced their own machine and probably shouldn't be expected to have regular releases. Also, you forgot to include Jersey Jack in that list.

>> No.3025437
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One of my favorites

>> No.3025441


Yes I know it's in the sticky and all, but I find sad that pinball has to be considered retro nowadays. That's like considering any major sport/activity/hobby in the last century retro.

>> No.3025451
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>implying you won

>> No.3025464

Enjoying the oil crash?

>> No.3025480

>Even in modern Russia they import American pins
Yup I'd say that's winning

>> No.3025484

Spooky are producing a Rob Zombie machine that looks really cool actually. But yeah JJ as well, so there's still 4-5 which is awesome

>> No.3025619
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spooky is also producing the domino's pizza pinball machine.

>> No.3025695

Wut lol

>> No.3026650

Damn, I remember that one, had the chance to play it a few times. I don't remember much about it, but the fighting and the visuals were pretty cool

>> No.3026865

Have you ever broken a machine? Beyond normal wear and tear.

>> No.3027121

As an owner? Yeah, I've broken shit by accident.

As a player? I generally don't play aggressively enough to do any damage.

>> No.3027130

by accident meaning not during play?

>> No.3027193

I managed to get a ball stuck in the slingshot once, caught in between the rubber bands.

>> No.3027250


lets start a petition to rename this board to "Arcade & Retro Games"

>> No.3027394

Is there some list of every pinball machine ever made and its average price?

I'd like to pick one up sometime for my game room, but No idea which one i'd want.

>> No.3027403


>> No.3027404

I'd actually be for that. "Arcade" on its own sounds like a hook to bring people in since "Retro" has become somewhat derogatory on 4chan.

>> No.3027406

>Can't see images or pricing of any of them


>> No.3027428

I probably put like 5$ in Fish Tales today. Man that game is fun, fast paced

>> No.3027479



>> No.3029167
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.3029262

If is a deeper relevation about the impact of loosely regulated economic environments of the 1980s

>> No.3031247

No it hasn't

>> No.3031841

Pinball generals never reach bump limit.

>> No.3032158



This is by far the best one. It constantly tracks ebay selling prices. Overpriced ads that don't sell aren't included and as a fairly experienced collector I think the prices on this guide are usually pretty close.

You can always google "x machine price" and if it's a newer machine you'll see price check threads. But I find those to be pretty inaccurate a lot of the time, because game owners or just fans will make it seem like the game is worth more than it really is.

>> No.3032251
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Skimming over this list is interesting.
>Sexy Girl
Well, this one is new to me.
Anything else like it?

>> No.3032294


>literal pornography

No, nothing else like it, although tons of older games feature cartoonish (or better) artwork of scantily clad ladies. For a few examples take a look at Fathom, Paragon, and Bally's "Strikes and Spares".

>> No.3032296

didn't mean to repost that link, but watev

>> No.3032615 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 388x690, 1456781060254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Python Anghelo worked on an erotic pinball table for Capcom called "Zingy Bingy", but that never got finished due to Capcom shutting down their pinball division.

>> No.3032643
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>Strange employee, Python Anghelo took it upon himself to design an outrageous pinball that would turn the industry on its head. He created an X-rated game, complete with artwork of foul genitalia and a concept of "having sexual intercourse" as part of the rule set. He constructed a single prototype to a reported 80%. When the president of Capcom Japan arrived in January 1997 to assess the viability of its pinball division, he was given a brief demonstration of Zingy Bingy for the first and only time. His reaction was to leave the company premises without a word, and he returned to Japan immediately. Capcom Pinball was closed 2 days later.
What a god.

>> No.3033389
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>> No.3034453

That game is the hardest Pac-Man I've ever played. Getting past the first stage is a challenge. I wanna know the mad man who thought it would be a good idea to give every ghost super aggressive AI.

>> No.3037284
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My favourite when was young was this...

>> No.3038572

The great debate.
Attack From Mars or Medieval Madness?
Or Cactus Canyon?
Or any other game with similar gameplay that's slipping my mind?

>> No.3038852

I like the ramps and trolls on MM but the UFO in AFM is better than the castle IMO.

>> No.3038892

That's a tough call but I'm going to say Attack From Mars. It's a slightly more simple table and maybe the callouts aren't as good as Medieval Madness but I like how it plays and enjoy the alien theme more. Medieval Madness feels easier too but maybe that's just the machines I play on location.

To add to this, anyone feel like Wizard of Oz and Twilight Zone have a somewhat similar layout and which one do you prefer?

>> No.3038943

I like the castle destruction more, but hitting that UFO feels so good.

>> No.3039354
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>that helpless feeling when you shoot the ceramic ball into the power field

>> No.3040595
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Cactus Canyon is nice but I wouldn't put it in the same league as Attack From Mars or Medieval Madness.

>> No.3040653

CC has those cheap looking plastic guns blocking your view, so it automatically looses.

>> No.3040682

Also it was rushed out before it was finished.

>> No.3040687

What are the advantages of pinball over pachinko and why did they catch on in opposite parts of the world?

>> No.3040694

pachinko is gambling for old Japanese businessmen and requires little skill at all

>> No.3040695

Brian Eddy layouts or Lyman Sheats rules or only the lethal combination of them both? Outliers would then be The Shadow on one end and Monster Bash on the other.

>> No.3040707

I took this apart when I was little and learned how pinball machines worked.

Played the shit outta it. I had it mastered to the point where I could rest the ball on a bumper and just rack up points.

>> No.3040716

Those quick draw and gun fight shots are the best shit, though.

>> No.3040742

Pachinko is glorified slots. You get a little control but not much.

Pinball is an actual game of skill. There's an element of randomness, but you can still control the ball quite a lot. You need to be able to make precise shots and make split-second decisions with quick reflexes. Every machine plays differently and has a unique set of rules. You can't just get on a machine you've never played before and expect to do well. It takes time to learn the ins and outs of the game.

>> No.3042594
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How come there's no soundfonts based off of pinball sound systems like DE's BSMT-2000 and the MA series in Gottlieb machines? They'd be really useful for people making custom virtual tables.

>> No.3043513

which manufacturer produced the most realistic pinball machines?

>> No.3043527

This has got to be the most vague question I've ever heard in regards to pinball. What do you mean by "realistic"?

>> No.3043532

everything, but mostly the ball physics, I suppose, as they're the thing you notice first. Though also the visuals. I heard some machines in the 60s already had realtime reflections, which sounds pretty damn awesome.

>> No.3043567

what's the most interesting toy or feature you ever encountered on a machine?

>> No.3043647

>I heard some machines in the 60s already had realtime reflections
Theater of Magic uses realtime reflection as a gameplay effect, to simulate reversed gravity.

>> No.3043649

I miss those weird old lower playfield layouts. It's always outlane/inlane(s)/slingshot/flipper now. Bring back unique lower playfields!

>> No.3044173
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>tfw live in small city in Midwest
>mfw found out local bowling alley has a T2 table that's in really good condition
I lasted about 30 seconds since it's been forever since I last played a physical table but holy shit it was fucking good

>> No.3044565

Are modern Sterns actually good? I've never given them a chance, but they always have this air of uncertainty about them.

>> No.3044859
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>Are modern Sterns actually good?
But seriously, almost always not.

>> No.3044910

>it was fucking good
>posts Ash
>fucking good
>not fucking groovy

>> No.3044974

Moreover, why hasn't pinball as a form of gambling really hit it off in the West? Sure there's a good element of skill involved, but RNG can be manipulated by the creators and there's no reason that it couldn't be adapted to a casino game.

>> No.3045050
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>using the term RNG to describe the general concept of randomness

>> No.3045382
File: 53 KB, 855x575, 54caa4c266522_-_pinball-2-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why hasn't pinball as a form of gambling really hit it off in the West?
Because gambling is degeneracy and pinball is for kids

>> No.3045418

Had to play Avengers today, it was such fucking Borg shit. They had the tilt bob set to double danger at the slightest nudge in order to rip off families and children. Also had it set to constantly get the ball stuck so you had to lose a ball at least once a game.

>> No.3045421

>had it set to constantly get the ball stuck
How can you set that?

>> No.3045431
File: 297 KB, 746x960, c9b222de71a1e9eb53744c24ed60fedd72813a6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metallica is as good if not better than any of the Bally/Williams classics.

>> No.3045435

By refusing to implement well-known solutions


In combination with the zero lack of tilt leeway it's clear that this is an explicit strategy to rip people off and make a terrible game even worse.

>> No.3045442

>By refusing
So it's not about setting something, but about modding the machine. Kind of a difference.

assuming the operator is part of the pinball community

>zero lack of tilt leeway
What's the stock setting?

>> No.3045456

It WAS seen as gambling for a long time. And it was fucking BANNED for decades because of it.

>> No.3045865

That and AC/DC are what really got me wondering since they're both in Pinside's top 10. An arcade somewhat near me has AC/DC and The Walking Dead, so maybe I'll stop being a jew and try them for once.

>> No.3045883

The artwork is up there as one of the best STERNs ever but I'd take a Bally/Williams over it anyday

>> No.3046804


The best modern Stern is Star Trek

>> No.3046856

>The best modern Stern is Star Trek
This. Flashy and fun.

>> No.3046876

Don't forget Tron as well. I agree about Star Trek.

>> No.3046953

Tron is pretty and has a unique play-field compared to most of your other boring "play-it-safe" Sterns but not that engaging for me.
Nice table but it just doesn't quite "click" with me flow-wise.

>> No.3049141
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Video games that made the jump to pinball...

This flipper setup looks insane

>> No.3049159
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>> No.3049206



I would rate that game "okay", not even great. If modern is since, say, 2010 then Stern's worthy titles are something like:

Star Trek > Tron > Metallica > Iron Man > AC/DC

>> No.3049259

I've never seen The Walking Dead show and I've only played it a few times but I immediately liked it over other modern Sterns. My reasoning is thus;
Walking Dead doesn't fling the ball around the table at 100 miles an hour like Metallica and Iron Man, it has a slower pace reminiscent of a classic era table. With 'tallica and IM there's a real loss of control with more things that propel the ball into the outlanes or off the flippers. The zombie theme lends itself perfectly to a pinball table and the objectives are clearer than any Stern rock band table.
Star Trek is a fast paced table as well but the lay out and build is near perfect. It just works. I rate Star Trek as a great game, everything else is just "okay" to "meh".

>> No.3049287
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x2448, expo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the oldest pinball machine you've played? I've played early 60s games at an arcade show, the kind where you push a lever to load the ball into the shooter lane. Anyone play anything from the 50s or earlier?

>> No.3050087

>With 'tallica and IM there's a real loss of control with more things that propel the ball into the outlanes or off the flippers
Never played IM, but Metallica does not seem unusually difficult. Compare with Attack from Mars, which has a similar layout. In AFM you frequently get straight down the middle balls off the saucer forcefield, enough that it's worth going for the super skillshot to open it, or waiting for multiballs. In MET I've never had a SDTM ball off Sparky. Sparky is offset to the side, unevenly shaped, and has a magnet that adds some sideways motion (but not so much that it risks going down the outlanes). But are uncontrolled shots (which is good! it's boring if every shot feeds back to the flippers cleanly), but the Sparky shot is noticeably safer. It's also tighter than the saucer shot, which means it doesn't feel too easy.

>> No.3050112

In a previous thread an anon commented on the "randomness" of the 'tallica table. It's a fast moving table that requires lightning quick reflexes. The first time I played it the snake would spit the ball out SDTM (that shit was fixed not long after). I thought it unusually difficult.
Shooting for sparky is a relatively safe strategy, getting that multiball and the puppets multiball aren't incredibly hard, it's just surviving the aggressive slingshots and the ramps that require perfect shots

>> No.3053478 [DELETED] 


>> No.3053703

I like KISS
and if high roller casino counts as modern than that as well although i admit it's a flawed pin

>> No.3054045

What do you guys think of Necronomicon?

>> No.3054056
File: 45 KB, 382x640, lastglad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't played it yet, but I love Last Gladiators, one of the best pinball simulators imo.

>> No.3054184

Just got my first (and likely only) pinball machine.

Its a 3/4 size Briarwood/Brunswick Aspen machine. Its simple but good for a quick 15 minutes.

I wish it was easier to find 3/4 size machines. They are way more managable.

>> No.3054226

I think that one is made by the same devs as Necronomicon, been meaning to try it.

>> No.3054397

any pics?

>> No.3054462
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>> No.3055110

>love pinball
>play pinball arcade a lot
>never played a real machine or seen one in the flesh

Fucking UK. Clearly pinball was popular enough for The Who to write a song about it, but the only arcades in the UK are just full of shitty gambling machines.

>> No.3055112
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The red lights in the centre is a maze, sort of emulating Pac Man but not quite, seems like an alright table, nothing special.

>> No.3055609
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>theme that should have been done in the 80s
>the original movie, not the remake

This is the most I've ever been excited about a Stern game.

>> No.3055701


>> No.3055725

Fucking nice

>> No.3056097

Better not cock it up.

>> No.3056310
File: 54 KB, 748x483, Bongistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every pin in the universe is mapped to Pinside but it can give you an idea. Where you at?
Try pubs and drinking establishments other than just arcades?
Movie theaters as well might have one snuck in with the shitty redemption machines.

>> No.3056392

Don't care, if they can work with Filmation to get rights to that then they can give us a He-Man table. Wake me up when they do.

>> No.3056396

Oh never mind it's not John Borg. HELL YEAH, GIRL POWER BTFO take that Leslie Jones.

>> No.3056460

>no slime coloured flippers or rubbers

>> No.3056490

>cartoony style artwork
>not the reboot

what are some franchises/artists you'd like to see get pinball machines of their own but will most likely never happen

go easy on me
Game: Hotline miami
artists Perturbator/carpenter brut

>> No.3056495

go meta, a table about pinballs, maybe about creating one (add features, lower component prices, hire artists, marketing deals, etc)

>> No.3056518

Bought one of the original 100 Doctor Who's for $2800.00

I had to drive out of the country to get it.

>> No.3056527

Love the soundtrack; hated the Samurai table.

>> No.3056679

Arcade on minehead sea front that i go to has a load of machines.... t-2,addams senpai,twilight zone,flash gordon,fish tales,dr who,all 3 pin bots,jokerz,pool shark,frankenstein,apollo 13,indiana jones and party zone.

>> No.3057636

Does the T2 super jackpot have the same pattern every time? Is there a trick to hit it consistently?

>> No.3059564

I solved my own problem. The launcher hangs around at the bottom target perfectly long enough for an accurate shot when the two overlap. EZ