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/vr/ - Retro Games

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3039361 No.3039361 [Reply] [Original]

What is the highest amount of money you have paid for a retro game?

Personally I wouldn't spend over $100 for a retro game. I own a couple factory sealed games I bought like 10 years ago that might be worth some money now, I only paid $20 a piece for them.

I'm really not comfortable shelling out a lot of cash for one game. It makes me wonder what kind of security is in place to prevent counterfeits. Do these 20+ year old games really remain hard to counterfeit? I imagine people are pretty good in modern times at recreating labels and making high quality fakes.

>> No.3039367

Approximately $5

>> No.3039369

This thread gun b good. Can't wait for that remorse kicking in.

>> No.3039374
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500 bucks.

>> No.3039381

>What is the highest amount of money you have paid for a retro game?

About a grand.
>Do these 20+ year old games really remain hard to counterfeit?

>> No.3039386

I own arcade stuff, so 100 bucks on a game is common place.

I'm selling a lot of my games because it's getting fucking hilarious. I bought Rule of Rose for 90 cad, and theres an auction going right now thats at 350 cad.

Just fucking ludicrous.

Do yourself a favor, use the money for stuff you can't get for free easily. Buy hardware. Buy controllers, new consoles, adapters, flashcarts, mods, modchips. Use the money for modern games.

I swear to god I'm going to make more money selling games then I would have in the stock market.

You're not

>> No.3039397


I'm not trying to make money. I'm a collector who enjoys playing the games lol.

I was just checking some prices and surprisingly my N64 games are probably the most expensive games that I own. I had no idea these were selling for such high prices these days, like Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Other than that I don't really own any rare ones, for the NES my most expensive would be Contra, which isn't even that expensive.

>> No.3039406


How can you tell a counterfeit from the real deal?

>> No.3039408

Lots of ways. Depends on what game we're talking about.

>> No.3039415

About 70 or 80 dollars for Umihara Kawase.

>> No.3039417

Like 60-70 when Donkey Kong Country first came out

Thats actually how much that game cost at the time.

>> No.3039443

So, you wouldn't buy a legit copy of Nintendo world championship(gold or grey) for...$150? Bullshit.

Where do you really draw the line?

>> No.3039448

$2000 for a Getaway pinball machine.

>> No.3039505


Obviously if it was a deal like that I would splurge on it.

I was talking about paying $100 or more for a regular "rare" game, aka one that isn't even rare but has jacked up prices on eBay.

Sure, I would love to play the game, but I gotta draw the line somewhere. At some point the entertainment value is lower than the utility I would gain from keeping that cash on me.

>> No.3039510

$20 for a loose cart Contra III. The most expensive console I've ever bought was the AV Famicom for $60.

>> No.3039568

Go away.

>> No.3039581

it's not even a good game, you retard

>> No.3039601

I bought a Galaxy Force II cab for seven hundo.

>> No.3039621


You have to look at it in terms of $/hour

You could spend 500 bucks on a game, but if you absolutely love it and get 500 hours out of it then you did pretty damn good.

Likewise, you can spend 5, or 10 bucks on some shitty game like Championship Karate on SNES and have totally wasted your money.

It's all relative. I've speedrun a couple of my rarer games so I've put a lot of hours into them so that softens the blow.

If you're talking "one and done" kind of play style then you're absolutely not going to get any kind of real value out of buying like earthbound

>> No.3039721

Doesn't matter but I emulate all the retro games I play. So my opinion is fucking pointless.

>> No.3039740

$50 for LOLO 3 and $60 for Sword Master (famicom version)

>> No.3039763

$12 just Brought starcraft battle chest again since I lost my original copies.

>> No.3039770

Modern games suck though. Retros games are much better.

>> No.3039796

Trying so hard to fit in

>> No.3039812

No just hate graphical shooters etc. Theres not that much imagination in the new games. Its like every company sticks to a safe plan. With high graphics and lots of violence.

Why not just play retro? Its fun and doesn't require logging in and tracking every click you make.

>> No.3039820

"new consoles" doesn't necessarily mean a PS4 or Xbox One.

Buy something else, buy a Turbo Grafx, or a Dreamcast, Jaguar, Saturn, N64, something else you didn't own.

It's a -waste- of money to buy a game from a reseller. Period. Mega Man on NES is pushing 100 dollars. There is no reason to pay that kind of money besides autism.

You can buy the legacy collection if you want to support Capcom. You can get the roms for free. You can buy the Anniversary collections on PS2/Xbox/GC for significantly less if you need to own a physical copy.

>> No.3039836

rebought a Xenogears and Legend of Mana bundle for $110

totes worth it

>> No.3039839

That's none of your god damned business.

>> No.3039841

>being this jealous

Get a job kid and maybe you too can enjoy some games without having to beg mom.

>> No.3039912

both quake mission packs for a little over 40 bucks.

>> No.3039930


>> No.3039939

Earthbound for $770.

It was a bad deal, the box is pretty beat up. Live and learn.

>> No.3039945
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>I swear to god I'm going to make more money selling games then I would have in the stock market.

>> No.3039951

200 bucks to build my emulation machine

>> No.3039952

>>I swear to god I'm going to make more money selling games then I would have in the stock market.
Highly unlikely, if you know the first thing about returns on stocks

>> No.3039953


$20, and I was reluctant to pay that much.

Anyone who pays more than that for a retro game is severely retarded and needs to be put down. At that point, the retro market would be outright exploitation.

>> No.3039962

True. I wouldn't spend much cash on a retro game.

Wow a voice of reason! How rare to hear these days.

>> No.3039963

$120 for a complete copy of Super Metroid. Everything on it is in absolute mint condition, totally worth it in my opinion.

>> No.3039964

>Buying crapy game because is rare

>> No.3040027



>> No.3040037

Angry because you wasted you money?

>> No.3040059

I think Lunar 2 for like 60 bucks or maybe CIB FF 6 for like 100. I got most of my collection at garage sales for pennies on the dollar. If I had the money to spend I'd probably buy an expensive game every once in a while for my collection.

>> No.3040209
File: 500 KB, 2144x1608, 100_3410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the highest amount of money you have paid for a retro game?

More than I care to admit and I own pic related.

>> No.3040234

If you were ever going to sell it, would you rub your sweaty balls over the hucard, knowing that someone would touch it?

>> No.3040338

$20 for Chrono Trigger at a pawn shop in 1998. $20 for a copy of Earthbound at a rental store in 2000.

>> No.3040395

I gave away Conker's Bad Fur Day a few years ago.

I mentioned my vidya games to a coworker and he was kinda blown away.

I told him the game was fucking terrible, but that if he wanted to try it, go for it.

Conker isn't one that goes for comical amounts, so it's not like I screwed myself over. The guy probably would have been willing to give me a little money if I'd asked but whatever.

>> No.3040398
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You tell me senpai

>> No.3040437

Myself, $60.

An acquaintance of mine, $135,000, but he got a store along with it.

>> No.3040450

Man fuck living in Vancouver. I could've owned dozens of houses anywhere else in the world.

I gotta move somewhere, by a shitload of real estate and just become a landlord.

>> No.3040464

i bought street fighter alpha 2 for snes pal for 150
most i paid for a game

>> No.3040473

how bad does it feel. You can literally beat that game with your eyes closed. The snes port is just too damn easy.

>> No.3040523

funny thing is i got a Japanese copy for 35 dollars a week later

>> No.3040534

I spent over $200 USD to import the Shining Force Premium Disc back in the last 90's. If you include all episodes as a whole game, then I was in for almost $500 because I also imported all three episodes NIB sealed as well.

I opened the fuckers up and played that shit, too, as did my younger brother. It did not just sit on a shelf all these years, collecting dust.

>> No.3040568

i also have it on everything like saturn and a emu on the psp go

>> No.3040857

Resident Evil 2. N64. $50 US

>> No.3040862

$25 for legend of dragoon. Saw it in a comic shop and bought it on a whim.

Reeeeee? Over $500 spent on gt6 and peripherals.

>> No.3040962

the most i can think of is $50 for a mint copy of Brave Fencer Musashi with the FFVIII demo disk

>> No.3041050

I can't remember. It was so long ago. Most games are so much cheaper now.

>> No.3041093

i spent 150 bucks on Wild Arms, Jade Cocoon, Alundra and Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Did I do well?

>> No.3041106

It amazes me that people seem to find old games in charity/thrift shops, I have never seen anything cartridge based for sale anywhere IRL.

All I see are scatterings of PS1 games.

>> No.3041165

$110 for Conker's BFD. That's the most I've ever spent on a used game. After that the next closest price would be $40 for Banjo Tooie

>> No.3041459

Tron Bonne goes for around that alone.

>> No.3042174

i paid $35 for FF8 about 15 years ago because i was convinced it was going to be another FF7

>> No.3042181

Around $50 for a Majoras Mask cart. Never played it, heard only great things, didn't even get through the first temple before I got bored of it.

>> No.3042184

$4,000 for Stadium Events, the NTSC version, for NES.

>> No.3042193


Got a picture for proof?

>> No.3042264
File: 338 KB, 1280x960, Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photo is kinda blurry, but it's in there.

>> No.3042273

Still don't believe you, I'll have to see it in person. What's your address?

>> No.3042276

>Shitiest game in the pile is the only one with any kind of cover
It's shit like that were you really got to stand back and realize these people have a mental problem. Either that or they just don't care about video games.

>> No.3042282

>Still don't believe you, I'll have to see it in person. What's your address?

>Most valuable game in the pile is the only one with any kind of cover
Fixed that for you.

>> No.3042291

>>Most valuable game in the pile is the only one with any kind of cover
The game is shit.

>> No.3042303

>The game is shit.
You don't seriously think I bought it because of the gameplay, do you?

>> No.3042308

As I said before.

>> No.3042313

about $60

Probably wouldn't spend anymore then that

>> No.3042315

About 25 euro.

>> No.3042316

With the price of NES games on the rise, owning Stadium Events is like money in the bank. It will most likely profit me a ton of cash, someday.

>> No.3042643

i havnt spent more then 20 bucks on retro..i usually just stick to yard sales

>> No.3043248

>You could spend 500 bucks on a game, but if you absolutely love it and get 500 hours out of it then you did pretty damn good.

By your logic, Skyrim is worth $700+

>> No.3043250

Rose glasses set to maximum denial.
Companies have always stuck to a safe plan or tried to shamelessly knock off popular titles.

The industry has really not changed as much as you think it has.

>> No.3043251

You can buy a cart containing all the NES megaman games and 100 others for $16.

There's no real reason to fork out so much for the original cart when you can play it for so little on original hardware.

>> No.3043259

Despite what your mum or teachers always told you, sometimes people are mean for reasons other than jealousy.

It's probably safe to assume anon actually thinks the game you bought is rubbish. That's alright, as long as you like it. You don't need to accept his negativity, but to brainlessly proclaim he must just be jealous is deluded as fuck.

>> No.3043262

Quality of entertainment =/= quantity of entertainment.

Most expensive games are expensive because they're uncommon. Most uncommon games are uncommon because they were trash.

>> No.3044257

$250 for tron bonne.

2nd highest was 100 for magical knight rayearth that I could sell now for like $300-400

>> No.3044451

Couldn't agree more with this. Recently sold all my games and got flash carts, made a small fortune. Then again I'm not a "collector"

>> No.3044458


There's a sucker born every minute. Looks like you were right on time.

>> No.3044505

I paid $120 for Luciennes Quest.

Its not something I would have done generally but I was on vacation it just felt like it was meant to be.

>> No.3044517
File: 833 KB, 864x1296, ys__team_up_for_adventures_by_lunartakiro-d40vuuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where in the fuck is your Ys 3?

>> No.3044536

I don't have the TGCD version, but I do have the SNES version and the PSP remake. I thought the TGCD was Japan only, but upon further investigation, there was an English version too. It's also fucking expensive. Not like I couldn't afford it but eh.

>> No.3044551

That game goes for more than double that. I bought my copy of Snatcher for $100 at a time when it was going for $200 online. Now it seems to be going for $400 - $600. This shit is getting ridiculous. Sometimes, I think I should just cash out now and buy flash carts for everything.

>> No.3044558

$220 for earthbound

I had wanted one for years and play it often enough, don't regret it.

>> No.3044583

I got mine for $50 back in the day. $220 is pretty hardcore. You must really love the game! Is it your favorite?

>> No.3044642

about 45$ but I felt sick and my eye twitched for three days like donkey in shrek 3.

>> No.3045006

Don't worry you will, regret takes time but eventually you will realize just how much money you wasted trying to be cool.

>> No.3045017
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I might prefer mother 3 but typically I think they tie as my favorite games. I've been a mother fan for about five years and decided I wanted a physical copy. I know it's not perfect and is definitely flawed but the series just really speaks to me. Good find getting it $50, sounds like you were lucky enough to get one before the whole retro gaming boom.

>> No.3045021

Fuck meant for >>3044583
Nah (:

>> No.3045224

75$ for this game. Master of Darkness SMS. Its pretty hard to find and i enjoy playing it. I am happy to add it to my collection.
I don't like paying more then 50$ for a game. Just doesn't seem like a good investment for my money.

>> No.3045283

Most I've spent was $105 for Gotcha Force after regretting selling it for years

>> No.3045291

not a game, but I did pay 150 CAD aka 110 USD at time of conversion on a Sega Nomad.

>> No.3045296

did he buy Gamedeals?

>> No.3045308

That store is so fucking terrible.

I'm still mad I didn't pick up the copy of Rule of Rose that was at the time overpriced at 110, becuase one just sold on eBay for 400 cad.

>> No.3045310

is it Press Start?

>> No.3045320

I dont think the guy who posted his friend bought a gamestore bought it in Vancouver.

>> No.3045326

damn, I was hoping a /vr/-trooper bought Press Start, cause that store is actually pretty good

>> No.3045331

Friend is a bit much, he's an acquaintance. He bought the store in Hephzibah, Georgia and I've never seen it nor have I talked to him in the last 6 years, though he was certainly excited to have bought it and showed me a list of its inventory - crazy fuck probably kept the best shit for himself. He got divorced since the last time I saw him so I assume the store might have been a factor.

>> No.3045361

That's pretty sweet you own your favorite game. Especially a game as rare and cherished as EarthBound. And with the price of games on the rise, it's only gonna increase in value. Would you be tempted to ever sell your copy?

But yeah, owning EarthBound officially makes you the coolest kid on the block.

>> No.3045449

>being a filthy reseller.

>> No.3045876

$46.46 in an ebay bidding war for Harvest Moon 64. A bit more than I was hoping to pay, but considering most go for $50+, I'm not complaining.

>> No.3045890

I'm thinking of getting an everdrive 64. I'd love to play Japanese titles and since I frequently haul my n64 and games for multilayer sessions it's be convienent.

>> No.3045919


I agree with this. I can remember thrift stores and flea markets having mountains of 80s-early 90s PCs. 286s, 386s, amber monochrome monitors, 5.25" floppies up your ass.

Where it all now? Gone. Pffffff......

>> No.3045935
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I swapped a old SNES, a gamecube and a couple of games and controllers for pic related complete. Did it because I like MD shooters and I wanted to downsize.

>> No.3045943

You got fleeced. Also you should have gone for the superior sequel. Why trade all that shit when the NA version complete is like $80.

>> No.3045979
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No, I don't see why I should sell it. I understand some people really need money sometimes but people who just sell off their collection will probably just end up regretting it probably.

>> No.3046056

I literally just changed my ebay id to reseller scum as a joke.

>> No.3046168

I bought a boxed TG16 for $100. I think that's the most I've spent on any one thing in my collection.

>> No.3046453

Retro gaming is expensive in 2016 and more if you aren't muricafag

>> No.3046470

What the fuck? When was this

>> No.3046501


>> No.3046760

My personal thoughts anon.

>> No.3048675

About 250$ for boxed Terranigma

>> No.3048686

Two months ago.

People have paid more.

>> No.3048710

Terranigma was not an ntsc release is that what the pal or Japanese goes for?

>> No.3048834

Jap version is cheap. The PAL version is a bit pricey, though. He could have bought a US repro as well.

>> No.3049058

That's the price for the Japanese SECAM version.

>> No.3049109

whatever flea market price is

unless i win the lottery or get a SHIT TON of money, im not paying for retro unless i get it CHEAP AS FUCK.

fucking faggot reseller scum upping the prices because regular retards can do research and buy shit cheaper.

>> No.3049114

that doesn't fucking count
it was new at the time, not retro

jesus, read the OP next time.

>> No.3049132


holy shit, games can be sold for any price.
i got a turbo duo for 250$ when its normally $500+

i sold a CIB conkers, near mint, for $80

stop this shit, it starts with us selling this shit cheaper than the fucking resellers. the only problem is the resellers like to buy my shit on ebay, so i sell locally or on FB.

im fucking done with this shit, we need to bring back the market from 2006, when magical chase was $250 CIB and little sampson was a $40 cart.

>> No.3049153

It'll never happen.

As much as we want it to, those days are over. We can't go back. There are way too many people now. The unfortunate reality is youtubers and the internet made people a lot more aware of these things, and introduced a lot of scalpers, and hipsters who wanted in, and now that things are "known" to be legendarily rare, like Magical Chase, NWC and others. No one is going to go and sell something they paid over 200 bucks for because it's value "should" be closer to 20-40.

I would love to do trades/sales but people aren't willing to do it. I'll make a /bst/ later on with some of the stuff I have for sale but I doubt anyone will be interested in trading.

>> No.3049174

not sure bout cart games, but i find tons of good disc games at sally armies and thrift shops.
no goodwill in my area for at least over an hour away.

>> No.3049180

i used to have the MM boxes, then i sold most of them, kept the games.used to have a sealed DW4 too, opened it, played it and sold it back in 2005 for about $100

>> No.3049193

i blame people like Pat, everytime he or James or Gamegrumps say or play ANYTHING the price jumps.

fucking shit man, im gonna do what i can to sell shit at fair prices. fuck this, mario 3 being $20 cart only, shit should be $25 CIB, IT SOLD 1 MILLION PLUS COPIES!!!

>> No.3049209
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I paid $100 for Earthbound on SNES, back in 2009.
That's the most I've spent. However, I've bought a number of other games in the $25-75 range - mostly for the SNES.
I've never spent more on the NES or N64....maybe only $40 max, for Conker's Bad Fur Day.
>pic is not of my games.

>> No.3049238

I blame Pat too.

I mostly blame Pat because he targets "collectors". He says repros are fine in one breath (back in like 2014) and now repros are the scum of the earth because they're ripping people off in auctions or BiN's when they are cleared mentioned as being a repro. I think he just sees the rising prices and sees $$ because when he finally says he's going to sell, some faggot is going to drop 150k on it because not only is it a complete NES collection, but it's -Pat's- complete NES collection

>> No.3049267

I think the most I paid was $45 for Final Fight 2.

>> No.3049394

fucking repros are the best, you get to play your game for cheap and most repros look exactly like the real cart.

its BS, pat wouldn't sell his NES collection. he worked too hard getting it all. the ONLY way i sell my shit is if i downsize, get combo carts like All Stars/SMW or a Sega CDX, or if i needed the money BADLY like for a car repair or something.

>> No.3049779

I'm europoor so Pal version. There are about 50 games that I paid more than 50$ though.

>> No.3049784

Why won't you buy a cartridge with SD card then? It's all retro games in one package. For me repros are just at the same level as flashcartridges, labels aren't original, it's not an official version etc. Hell, you could actually buy pirate/bootlegs, since these games were produced back in the day, so they're still retro.

>> No.3050203

A little over 100 for Megaman 3 CIB

>> No.3051442

>buying repros
Might as well buy a damn flashcart then.

>> No.3051473

He still says repros are fine. He doesn't hate them, he hates sellers who try to pass them off as legitimate when they're not... along with the fact that selling reproductions is illegal. Do you really think he "sees $$" when he put in years and thousands of dollars into something that he's been doing it for decades?

>> No.3051498

Most I've ever spent for a single retro game is $50~ for Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu for NES.

I hate myself for not picking up games that go for hundreds now when I saw them years ago for under $30. Stupid stupid stupid. Can't stop beating myself up for not grabbing them.

>> No.3051581

I hope that was complete. I got my copy a few months ago for $4. It was cart only, though.

>> No.3051592


You're just asking people to give away money because it's the nice thing to do. Fuck that.

Not that I really have a say in it anyway, I've never sold a game and never will.

>> No.3052154

It's cart only and I got it last year. You got a hell of a deal since pricecharting says it's currently going for $66.48 for a loose copy.

>> No.3052418

I knew it was around $30 at the time I got, but holy shit. Did some youtuber play it or something? I was extremely lucky to find it, since I got it at a flea market from some dude that always has the same old picked-through filthy sports games every month.

>> No.3053170

Probably Garou Mark of the Wolves on MVS, paid ~$150 for it. It now seems to go for a bit more on ebay.

Other expensive games I remember buying are Radiant Silvergun, Rondo of Blood and Windjammers. Apart from those I've tried to keep it affordable.

>> No.3054737

I thought the average price for an MVS game was under 80 bucks?
unless it's a rare or hard to find title

>> No.3054761

5 years ago maybe.

I think some good ones are still stable at ~40-60 (Puzzle Bobble, Metal Slug X) but most games seem to be going for 100+.

>> No.3054773

Most are pretty cheap. $150 for Garou is about average ebay pricing though.

>> No.3054776

I don't even want to think about AES prices then

>> No.3054782

$40. Clock Tower.

I didn't pay it though, it was a gift from my ex.

Money I've personally spent? Not sure, probably ten bucks or so.

>> No.3054801

Pretty sure most AES stuff in a box is like 1000 easy. You'd be a fool to even try unless you were a youtube e-celeb.

>> No.3055460

I keep forgetting that AES stuff came in a box. Got MVS on the brain.

>> No.3055879

MVS stuff came in a box as well. An ugly cardboard box.

>> No.3056071

$200 for the GBC version of wizardry. The game's rare, had to import if off of Japan amazon since that was the lowest price going for it.

>> No.3056089

You can get shockboxes with inserts for like 14 bucks or something off of southtown homebrew.

Nice quality. I have a few. Gotta grab a few more for most recent acquisitions, and my friend bought some games from Japan so I'll probably buy him a couple.

>> No.3056103
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For a retro game?
thirty bucks.
I have a policy about spending more than 75 dollars on one game.
The most I've spent on a game was probably 56 dollars.
But it was an Limited edition so I guess it was worth it.

>> No.3056107

Lunar silver star complete, believe I paid around 70-80 for a good condition complete copy.

Most of my expensive games I got when I was much younger and they were cheap.

>> No.3056115

Like $7 max.