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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 313 KB, 920x920, mosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3030153 No.3030153 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a mosaic thread going.

Rating system is:
games liked / games played.

With a board as slow as this, let's try to give specific criticisms or compliments instead of just seeing a giant thread of numbers. Should be a lot of fun so lets just chill and relax and remember that if you don't rate you in turn will not be rated.

>> No.3030178

Ah man, I have a 3x3 image made already but it's not specifically for /vr/. Is there a tool that people use to make these things? Too lazy to make one in Paint...

Anyway OP:

4/4. Nice to see another Smash Bros fan, even though I like Melee a lot better than 64. I've never played Seaman, but it was one of those games I read about in magazines as a kid that got me really excited for the 6th gen, so I've always been meaning to try it out.

I'm just gonna write out my list:

Final Fantasy IX
Mario 64
Majora's Mask
Super Metroid
Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario World

>> No.3030226


Shit forgot to post to mosaic maker itself.

I also prefer Melee but it's hard to deny that ridiculous charm 64 had. The hit sounds registered so well too, such a nice crisp notification that you fucked someone's day up.

8/8 on your list by the way brother. I'm sad to say that I've never completed most of them though. I have a tendency to play through to a half-way point or further and then start on another backlog game.

Currently in the process of beating Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time and Banjo-Tooie for the first time so that's rad as fuck.

What draws you so much to the platformer games? I only ask out of curiosity because I noticed that 4/9 are platformers on there.

>> No.3030370
File: 299 KB, 920x920, My Favs - Retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played Kirby's Crystal Shards, but it looks cute and fun. Pokemon Crystal for the win! Gunstar Heroes is one of the best Genesis games; I love the intense action and anime style characters. Game keeps you on the edge of your seat.
I hear Planescape Torment has lots of role-playing in it. Parasite Eve was such a good series. But I really liked the sequel the most. And Final Fantasy VI > Final Fantasy VII.

Score: 5/5

>> No.3030378

Whoops, just realized you made a list instead of pictures.

I like Banjo-Tooie, and how they added all the new gameplay elements. But I wish the pacing was faster. And I love me Super Metroid, but I love me some Metroid 1 even more.
You're a big Mario fan, I see. Love the arts style of Final Fantasy IX, as well as the characters. Nice list.

Score: 9/9

>> No.3030462
File: 301 KB, 920x920, mosaicac6d9874867b71bde56e517f4b7eea1457554642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played Planescape Torment or Seaman

Not too fond of Earthbound, even though I enjoyed Mother and Dragon Quest.

Never played Chip N Dale

>> No.3030494
File: 337 KB, 920x920, mosaicce47139dfa1494ee9aa63588c54e979145a302f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/5 Nice taste. I haven't played all of them. Legends is on my to play list though. Wish I liked Metal Gear Solid

I'm a big Turbografx fan based on my Mosaic

>> No.3030503

That's not how scores work you fucking retards.

>> No.3030524
File: 261 KB, 920x920, mosaicb97920265fc74912eba3a835bfde70cbb139538e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not one single garbage psx or sega retardware on my mosaic
Wew lad

I enjoy precision, mostly.

With Pacman, it's the beauty of 4 directions. Early cornering to outrun ghosts, learning and predicting their path to stay safe, using zones on the board for cover.

Donkey Kong is my favorite Mario game. Just pure technical platforming. No 'Super' items like the mushroom or flower. Just expert timing, patience, and pattern management.

Perfect Dark is still the best shooter of all time. No one has beat alt weapons. Not even games like Team Fortress that have different classes. PD has so much weapon variety it feels like it has classes. Doom almost made the cut here, but PD stealth put it over the top. Legendary gameplay.

Pokemon is obvious. It took stale RPG conventions and made them fun. Quirky item stores selling potion spray, balls, a pokecenter. A world where monsters lurk in the wild and are caught in capsules. 2 gud.

Metroid and Zelda are the two best faces of the exploration genre. Cave Story would replace Metroid for superior run n gun segments/bosses, but CS is not retro.

As far as Mario Tennis and F-Zero X go, they're my fav spots games. They could easily be replaced by Daytona USA, Mario Kart 64, Techmo Bowl, etc. But these 2 win out in my life right now.

>> No.3030537

Congrats on liking the most underrated Final Fantasy. Doom II is a god-tier FPS.
Score: 5/7

Soldier Blade! Nice. Glad to see that gem getting some love.
Score: 4/4

You're supposed to rate the other poster's games; not your own. Are you going to?

>> No.3030539

Yeah man its a slow board, I'll be in this thread all day. Just wanted 2 explain my own taste first.

>> No.3030540

>not one single garbage psx or sega retardware on my mosaic
Like an extreme nintendo fanboy, but I digress.


>> No.3030545

Liked/Played, anon.
Relax. It's just the internet. No need to get that frustrated.

>> No.3030554
File: 320 KB, 920x920, mosaic7c0c77b426b83837a00c575bafe812aec3705a22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I'm not that widely... read... played. Whatever. And OP's is the one I've played most from.

I've yet to 'get' FFVII, and I prefer VIII and IX, sacrilegiously.

Gunstar Heroes is a masterful piece of fun, Smash 64 is still solid as well as groundbreaking, and was one of the games that helped defined my preteen years like Melee defined my adolescence.

Pokemon Crystal might be the best Pokemon game ever released, although my nostalgia still nudges me towards gold.


Picking the 9 is hard. I get kind of autistic about making the perfect list, so I didn't try to refine it that much and just stuck in the 9 that really came to my mind as the stand-out games for me.

>> No.3030558

Fair enough.

Love your taste in Metroid and Zelda. Still think those games are better than their Super NES counterparts. Perfect Dark is a killer, killer game. Always a good time when I play it. Overall my favorite list of games, yet. But why Pac-Man over Ms. Pac-Man?


>> No.3030570

I'm actually going to legitimately say 9/9 on this. I obviously have games I prefer compared to yours, but this is a damn good cross-section of favorites.

Never messed with Bonk or Soldier Blade, though I've heard good things. It's actually nice to see someone rate Rondo so highly. I find it catches a lot of flak, when it's a completely fine game even with the flaws it has.

>> No.3030572

What is Loom about? Anyways. Nice to see someone representing the Oracle games. Oddworld is cool as hell.
Advance Wars 2 isn't retro.

Score: 3/6

>> No.3030585


Loom is a LucasArts adventure game with some of the most wonderful music and pixel-graphics I've ever had the pleasure of playing with.

And yeah, Oracle of Seasons is my favorite Zelda game. I have no idea why they don't get more love.

I wanted to put in Super Famicom Wars instead of AW2, but since SFW was a Satellaview game it doesn't have box art and so didn't fit my grid. Had to go with my next best thing.

>> No.3030587
File: 242 KB, 900x900, fav nes games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3030592
File: 356 KB, 900x900, favorite gb games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3030604

Can't believe how much love the original Metroid is getting! Awesome to see, though. Knew I couldn't be the only one who thinks the game is brilliant.
River City Ransom--best beat 'em up ever made.
Great list.

Score: 7/9

>> No.3030607

>What draws you so much to the platformer games?

That's just due to the fact that I limited myself to retro games. My all-eras favorites list is tilted more towards RPGs, since it includes 5 of them (FF9, Persona 4, Danganronpa 1 and 2, and Devil Survivor 1).

Although I do like the pick up and play aspect of platformers.

>Not too fond of Earthbound

Can I ask why? I just beat the game for the first time recently, and I'm eager to talk about it with people.

At the risk of contributing to the "pretentious Earthbound fan" stereotype... if I had to show someone one game to convince them that games could be art, it would be Earthbound.

>> No.3030610
File: 383 KB, 920x920, mosaic2243bfeeb9a91aefd721d49384f02adf56fb0a70 retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't a fan of MM
Loved Ghost Babel

>> No.3030616

Ok... so we have a Game Boy fan, I see. Interesting you ONLY included Game Boy titles. Is there a reason?

Super Mario Land rules.


>> No.3030619

>Is there a reason?
not really im just bored and want to share my tastes

>> No.3030624

The name of that image is "favorite gb games" and above it he has "favorite nes games", so he broke it up by system.

>> No.3030625

>why Pac-Man over Ms. Pac-Man?
Literally because playing pacman is a recent thing for me, and I haven't played Ms Pacman. More boards does seem better. But im not ready to move on.

>> No.3030629

What's that in the bottom right corner?

>> No.3030630

No offense, but your reviews of the other poster's favorite games was very plain and non-descriptive. And also, I'm not sure what some of those games you pictured even are.

Score: ?/?

>> No.3030635

You're gonna love Ms. Pac-Man. The gameplay is tighter, the ghosts can't be fooled with patterns, and there's neat bonus items. Plus, more boards means more colors. I predict once you play Ms. Pac-Man it will replace Pac-Man on your list.

>> No.3030641

Meh. Too lazy to "review"
>I'm not sure what some of those games you pictured even are.
Not my fault. If you played them, you would know.

>> No.3030654

Not when they're not even screen shots of the actual game. Like, the image on the top/right. What game is that supposed to be? It's artwork.

>> No.3030656

>3 AND world
Madman, but I understand why. The mario play in acts vs a lovable and engrossing setting.

FF9 is fucking gorgeous, too. I still prefer 7 or 10 (not retro)

>Tooie over Kazooie
It's the fps segments, isn't it?

>> No.3030668

>The mario play in acts vs a lovable and engrossing setting

I almost feel like I'll hurt World's feelings if I ever say that I definitively like 3 better. It's just so damn... happy.

>I still prefer 7 or 10
10 is my second favorite FF. I tried really hard to force myself to like 7, I really did, but ultimately it's just not my thing. Maybe it's because I played it right after 9, and for me, nothing could be a proper follow up after 9.

>It's the fps segments, isn't it?
It's the everything. Way bigger world, more abilities, more interesting Jiggies... I don't get why so many people prefer BK over BT.

>> No.3030683

>first MvC
I used to spend hours in a pizza place doing nothing but playing MvC2. I loved the first one, too. Honestly think I preferred Marvel Superheroes to it tho.

Link's Awakening used to be my favorite game until I got good at the original. Mad props here. Basically any Zelda im not surprised if it makes a list

Looked up Soldier Blade thanks to this and it looks sick. But I can't help but think all shmups are the same. I don't see how anyone beats Galaga. Maybe Galaga gets boring once you learn the patterns (I haven't)

Look into Kamui. Controls for it are so smooth.

>> No.3030691

I prefer BK because of the more compact levels which I can quickly traverse. I just find it more fun to hop around.

Tooie does have dem minigames tho.

>> No.3030706

I gotta play it soon. Im actually in the middle of designing a spiritual successor of sorts to Pacman. So I'll need to experience all those new colors for atmosphere

>> No.3030735
File: 284 KB, 904x904, taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too lazy to make a new 3x3. This one is retro enough.


>> No.3030737
File: 316 KB, 1140x1140, 1427101586382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a fan of Gauntlet and Smash. Parasite Eve is pretty enjoyable, but ultimately way too easy. I used to like Kirby, but the games just aren't challenging enough to keep my attention these days. Planescape had some terrible writing. I couldn't compel myself to continue playing it.

Big fan of the Soldier series, and shoot-'em-ups in general. I still play the original on NES.

Nintendo much?

I didn't know anyone else cared for that Bomberman platformer. It's a criminally underrated game. Too bad Hudson didn't experiment with other games in the same style.

>> No.3030753

Final Fantasy Adventure > Legend

Get at me.

Also a number of my squares could have been non-nintendo. Sonic 1, FF7,8,9, Diablo, NHL 98, Daytona USA, Joust, Defender, Raiden II, Samurai Shodown. It just didn't happen because Nintendo are the masters of this shit.

>> No.3030759

1/4, only liked PST and the things that I didn't play looks like console garbage to me for little children. How PST even got to that mosaic is a mystery for me.

>> No.3030760

Kirby 64 is one of the worst kirby games. No idea how people like that floaty, molasses speed horse shit.

>> No.3030792
File: 388 KB, 920x920, mosaicfc095a992b9a1686a6a0b5538414eff411d486ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Headdy, Pokemon and Ecco 2.

I have yet to play the oracles


CV, Shenmue, Soul Hackers, Darius

LA, final doom, DKC2, MK64

SGnG, Zelda II, King's Field, FFL, ActRaiser2

>> No.3030807

It's the cover of PS1 Doom. I could have cropped it better.

>> No.3030939

So you're supposed to display your favorite 9 or just any random games from your collection or...?

>> No.3030942

Fav 9. Think of it as a window into anon's soul

>> No.3030952

All dem colors.

I like all these games, but most of em are too slow or unremarkable (compared to games within its genre) to land on my favorites.

I will never understand the obsession with King of Fighters, for one.

>> No.3030959


that's real bout special, not kof

>> No.3030967

Fatal Fury, King of Fighters. Whatever. I still don't understand what's good or unique about it. The characters arent even memorable.

Every time I found a character in SNK vs Campcom that made me think "wtf is this generic punk?" It was a KoF/FF character.

As far as SNK goes, Samurai Shodown is at least interesting, varied, and unique.

>> No.3030980


KOF was one of the first games that implemented tag team battle, and Fatal Fury has the bi-plane mechanic that, I believe, remained unique to the Fatal Fury series excluding Garou MOTW.

>> No.3030983

I dunno, I didn't find it that slow at all personally. It just plays like what I usually expect out of a Kirby game.

>> No.3030990

Neat. I didn't know that and I don't care for it. No wonder I couldn't figure out the love

>bi-plane mechanic
No idea what this is.

>> No.3031003

I'm guessing you haven't played very many Kirby games because Kirby 64 is laughably slow.

>> No.3031007

Kirby's Adventure

Kirby Super Star

Kirby 64 (lmao)

>> No.3031012
File: 63 KB, 400x350, FF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can switch planes within the stages and perform special attacks, or use it as an evading tactic.

>> No.3031045

over 9000 hours in paint and still looks shit

>> No.3031056

OP back here

Metal Gear Solid is such a wacky experience with such fucking ridiculous dialogue it's hard not to love that charm it has despite me hating some of the later backtracking. Metroid is amazing especially considering the time it was released and DK Jr. has that classic arcade charm to drive it.

Doom 2 is a bold choice considering the iconicism that doom holds for most people but I respect people that can appreciate its sometimes chaotic level design and god damn great taste in ya for loving marvel v capcom man I poured so many hours into that game with my dad such a fast paced finger blisteringly fun game.

I love to see other enthusiasts of turrican on here it's a weird marriage of contra and bionic commando

Dynamite heady is SUCH a great game that sadly never gets the love it deserves. Obviously since I'm OP, Gold is a great choice as well and Ecco is such a strange marriage of tones and genres that I can't help but love it even if I hate hunting for shit with the echo locater in some levels.

Your two games that I couldn't get behind were Seasons and Advance Wars. For some reason Seasons never really connected with me despite loving Links Awakening and other Zelda games. And advance wars has such a long fucking tutorial bit that I just can't stomach it but I get why people have love for it.

>> No.3031062

Pac Man is a new thing for you? You lucky son of a bitch. You're in for a goddamn cultural awakening my friend. Pure arcade bliss.

>> No.3031070
File: 422 KB, 915x917, tiles Retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3031082
File: 32 KB, 540x705, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man I'm hooked for sure. The level of depth this simple game has is totally lost on modern games as they expand the boundaries of the playfield.

I honestly love it so much I've dreamt up a sequel with pitfalls like wooden labyrinths and skill-tilt sections with freerolling like Run Yourself Ragged (Pic related)

>> No.3031085

how do you guys get these to look so good?

>> No.3031090

Third post, friend. Unless you mean aesthetics, then it's just personal artistry in choosing your images.

>> No.3031093

in google images go more options go sizes and put in say 300 x 300

>> No.3031202

does the arrangement in a 3x3 follow some pattern, or is it just 9 items of your choice?

>> No.3031225

To explain why I don't like Earthbound:
I played it after Mother (and obviously well after it came out), which made it feel like a retread. Maybe there was a point to it that went over my head, as admittedly, this was a decade ago. There's good points to it, primarily a setting not commonly seen in JRPGs of the time, but overall I found it to just be a middling experience compared to stuff like Romancing SaGa 3 and Phantasy Star IV.
It's not a bad game, I just don't see it as living up to a lot of the hype it's amassed over the years.

>> No.3031234


>> No.3031241


the only reason anyone likes earthbound and the reason it costs so much is because it's so fucking cute

its why people like pokemon so much too and why thats so fucking expensive

because its cute

Of course people try to justify it in other ways, but all of those things are found in plenty of other games. But none of those games are as cute as EB.

>> No.3031276

Nice, anon. I'm almost like you. I'd change just Earthbound to Tomb Raider 2, Super Mario World to Donkey Kong Country 2 and FF9 to Chrono Trigger.

>> No.3031465

>and the things that I didn't play looks like console garbage to me for little children.
Mustard plz

>> No.3031813
File: 235 KB, 912x912, gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've been playing since I got back into retro vidya over the summer. It was my first time beating all the non-5th gen games in my list (except for FFIV, which I'm still playing). Probably going to play either Terranigma or FFVI next, but feel free to give me some recommendations if you'd like.

2/2, THPS 2 and Pokemon G/S/C. I really liked Mega Man 3 when I played it, but have yet to play the MM2.

1/2, Link's Awakening. I always though Super Mario World was kind of boring to be honest, but maybe that's because I never completed it. Also, I want to play Mischief Makers soon.

3/3, LA, MK64, and Counter Strike, if you count the original Xbox port. Spent way too much time playing that game without Xbox Live.

1/1, Pokemon R/B/G.

>> No.3031819

>10 is my second favorite FF.

Jesus Christ not you guys too.

>> No.3031850

VIII is sacrilege, but IX is objectively better.

>> No.3031854

What's wrong with liking FF10? I probably wouldn't call it better than 7 but it's still a good game, certainly better than 8 at least.

>> No.3031856

+OoT, SMB3, SM64
>playing console counter-strike
I'm so sorry.

>> No.3031859

mgs, mm2, cb, thps2

Man, I've just realised how much I miss the THPS games. I haven't played one in over a decade.

>> No.3031860

>entire game is a linear hallway
>UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes
>"Dad...I hate you!"
>only one minigame and it sucks ass

Nah it's shit, worse than every FF before it except 2.

>> No.3031906
File: 153 KB, 500x362, Kirby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring Dark Souls and Vice City for not being retro. Blood is an underrated classic. Hell, Quake has become an underrated classic, too.

Exodus III? Ghouls 'n Ghosts? Zelda II? Why don't you pick hard games, next time.

Perfect. Your taste is god tier. But what's the game at the top?

Classy. Typical, but still good. Hard to go wring with Most of those games.

You like some of the best games ever made. Oh, and Illusion of Gaia is on your list for some reason.

>> No.3031927

Buncha shallow shit if you ask me. Linear? Oh no!

People dont play games because theyre non linear. They play cause it's fun. Think about that next time you cite linearity as a flaw

>> No.3032049

Honestly the old ones are 'shit'

the newish ones say pro skater 4 are alot better.

>> No.3032053

>entire game is a linear hallway
There were enough towns and things to break up the flow. This is contrast to 13, where the majority of the game was a very literal straight hallway. That was too much.


>UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes
It was only a problem if the cutscene was before a boss that you kept losing to.

>"Dad...I hate you!"
Some of the dialogue was a little cringey. The other FFs fare little better. The story and world were interesting enough in 10 that it made up for the rough patches.

>only one minigame and it sucks ass
I don't play FF for the minigames.

You forgot to mention that 10 has the best battle system in the main series, btw.

>> No.3032067
File: 494 KB, 920x920, threebythree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/9 I kept Pokemon Crystal for mine as well, I think it was the height of the series.

I like all the Kirby's, FFVII isn't my favorite but is decent, Planescape Torment was cool. Never cared for Seaman (didn't play a ton though), and Gunstar is one of the few Treasure games I find dull for some reason.

Like, MGS, Metroid,
sort of like Mario RPG and BoF III (decent but no candle to IV)

Like: FFT (best of the tactics/ogre games), Link's Awakening (second fav Zelda to WW), Doom 2, Ghost Babel is just awesome.

Never cared for DWM or Capcom's VS games.

Of those the only ones I really like are Metroid and Pokemon. shrug.

Tides of Time over Ecco 1 makes me a little sad, but seeing Ecco at all is always nice. Both games are great anyways. Dynamite Headdy is good fun. Oddworld was cool. Haven''t played the others. Loom looks interesting.

Soul Hackers gets a huge thumbs up. Favorite SMT game by a good margin. Doom makes me happy.

Castlevania's alright, but I'm a werdio who like Simon's Quest the best. Shenmue bored the crap out of me. :(

FF Legend and FF II almost made my list. Super GG as well. Never cared for King's Field, Zelda 2 or Vagrant Story.

Here's mine, rip my asshole open over them. :)

>> No.3032076

Fuck you. "Only pokemon and metroid"he says. I shoud slap your shit for that. I haven't even looked at your 3x3 yet. Im too fuckin STEAMED right now.

>> No.3032085
File: 354 KB, 920x920, Arcade Master Race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it HAS to be all /vr/ then replace Street Fighter IV with Super Street Fighter II Turbo and replace Fire Pro Wrestling Returns with Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium.

















>> No.3032087

>This is contrast to 13, where the majority of the game

The first two chapters are the majority of the game? Did you even get to Gran Pulse - why even ask, of course you didn't.

>> No.3032089

If you're going to get upset over other people not liking the same things as you, you're in for kind of a miserable life lol. Here's my detailed breakdown of your mosaic.

Zelda 1: Barely played, never cared for.

FPS game I don't recognize: Probably an N64 one, not a genre I usually like anyways.

Smash: Decent fun in a group but never really my cup of tea.

Donkey Kong: Never liked Donkey Kong, meh.

Metroid: Rocks.

Pac Man: I got one of pic related when I was 10 or so and played it a bunch, but I would never call myself a fan of Pac Man. Couldn't tell you the last time I played it.

Mario Tennis: Never played, don't care for either Mario or tennis. Can't imagine loving it.

F-Zero 64: I played maybe once or twice. Not a big fan of racing games in general and the first F-Zero didn't do much for me.

Sorry we don't like the same things? I'm sure once you look at my games you'll hate them all too.

>> No.3032092

I didn't like 10 either and was kind of with you till this.

>worse than every FF before it except 2.

>> No.3032103
File: 108 KB, 977x1023, pacmanZ0057585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic because I'm a tard.

>> No.3032120
File: 3.18 MB, 5000x5000, 9x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3032125
File: 447 KB, 927x921, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started playing video games somewhat regularly around 5 years ago, so I only have 1-2 games that I played in majority of your lists.

Contra is one of the games I remember beating in my childhood. Can't get around to play other games from the series.

Played Bangai on DS, didn't hold my attention much. Love Shiren.

Played 5 of these as ports and remakes. Dropped Yoshi's Island because couldn't find red coin somewhere, but want to pick up it someday again, want to try Quintet games and I played through OoT not long ago for the first time and haven't found it better than modern 3D Zelda games.

>> No.3032137
File: 1.98 MB, 380x227, bangaiol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DS Bangai-O is a totally different game and I didn't find it fun either. The DC and N64 games are the good ones. I really should play Sin and Punishment some day.

What's the game on the right in the middle?

Wonder Boy is pretty great.

>> No.3032145

Sin and Punishment is really great, please find time to play it!
That one is Umihara Kawase.
Others without captions in the left column are Shiren the Wanderer and Esprade.

>> No.3032156
File: 344 KB, 922x922, vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not full retro but whatever.

>> No.3032183

I beat the game.

Every area outside of Pulse is effectively a straight hallway. And Pulse was the shittiest open area I could have asked for. A big open field where you hunt monsters, cool. Even though I play Final Fantasy for the towns, the characters, the sense of exploration, etc. You can't get that with a big grassy field.

>> No.3032186

>F-Zero 64: I played maybe once or twice. Not a big fan of racing games in general and the first F-Zero didn't do much for me.

How can you not like F-Zero? By far the most technical racing games ever made, with the highest skill ceiling.


>> No.3032190

5/5 p cool

>> No.3032191

Racing games have never really interested me in general. Aside from sports games they're one of the genres I find most boring. To each their own though.

>> No.3032219
File: 326 KB, 920x920, mosaic01605fc37a8223ee9669353d0c10a62fab1f1d40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5/6 (never was a fan of yoshi's island, LOVE Chrono Trigger)

My mosaic's pretty crappy visually but watevs.

These are all my favorite retro games. I actually really love other non actioney games like OoT , MM, SM64 etc. that I grew up with, but these are the games I like to play today.

>> No.3032226

Even >>3030494 had the decency of getting the Japanese cover for his favorite Megaman

>> No.3032228

>But what's the game at the top?

mitsume ga tooru

>> No.3032231

should you get the japanese cover of a game that you didn't play the japanese version of?

>> No.3032239


I chose the american ones, because I like them. I assume that's why the other guy made his choice as well.


>> No.3032240

Now you're being pedantic. You should just get the nicest looking one. Or at least I would've done that.

>> No.3032247

Someday I'll play Guardian Heroes and found out what all the fuss is about. Legend of Oasis really that good?

Two of your games aren't retro. Contra and King of Fighters for the win.

Not retro. Final Fantasy VI is amazing. Love that fucking game.

Can you say Mega Man fan? Also noticed you like hard games. Good list.

>> No.3032248
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>> No.3032249

>Didn't rate anyone else's games

>> No.3032252

kinda mad that my mouse cursor got into some of these. oh well, can't be bothered to redo it.

>> No.3032254

Actually, I did. I've been in this thread since yesterday.

>> No.3032257

No one gives a fuck. Some of the games aren't even retro, and you didn't rate anyone's mosaic, faggot.

>> No.3032258

Only 2 of the games are "arguably" not retro, and yes I did rate other mosaics. I've had this thread open for over 24 hours now and have been posting here sporadically.

>> No.3032267

moreover, i don't give a fuck if anyone rates mine. i just got bored and decided to make one. you're free to completely ignore it.

>> No.3032284

4/4, 'sup FF9bro.

I have MGS (1 and 2) sitting on my shelf but I haven't gotten to it yet. I'm really excited to play it, given how much praise the series gets.

>> No.3032286
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2/3 (Mega Man X4 never really did anything for me)










>> No.3032308

Yoshi's Island rocks, but why Super Mario Kart when Mario Kart 64 exists? NBA Jam is hella fun.

>> No.3032310

>why Super Mario Kart when Mario Kart 64 exists?
Why not? You're on /vr/, you should know best that sequels are not necessarily better in every way

>> No.3032314

the charm of the pre-rare donkey kong sprite, of course

>> No.3032324

word. muscle shirt > necktie

>> No.3032336
File: 64 KB, 640x512, LegendOasis-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really like Legend of Oasis. I would recommend playing Beyond and then if you like it seek out Legend. It's basically a bigger, better version of it. Cool puzzles, really interesting world to explore and it's one of the most gorgeous games ever in my opinion.

>> No.3032345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3032437

Don't resize the images in MS Paint, use Gimp, Paint.net, Photoshop or any application that scales images well.

>> No.3032445
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Might as well do one. Not fully retro but I like Ghost Trick too well to not put it on here

If you told me I only like games for their OST I would believe you




I used gimp for setting the images and scaling

>> No.3032457

4/8 I love Crazy Taxi, JSR and the Metroids. Sega Rally's fun as racers go, but not my bag. I've tried so many times to get into DQV with no luck.

What kind of game is Ghost Trick anyways?

>> No.3032481

Metroid fan huzzah! Really wanna get into Dragon Quest V, sometime. Ghost Trick isn't retro.
If you could only choose between Ridge Racer Type 4 and Sega Rally 2, which would you choose?

>> No.3032491
File: 68 KB, 256x156, Cabanela_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like JRPGs I totally recommend DQV, its extremely long but fun the whole way, with a great story and lots of content

Ghost Trick is that strange mix between VN and puzzle game you see in Phoenix Wright, but leaning more toward the puzzle side. The story is the strongest aspect, with a lot of depth to every character, scene, etc. It fucking floored me the first time I finished, and it's worth it to play it one more time after knowing all the twists.

Oh, and the animation is gorgeous. See pic related. These are sprites

>get into DQV
Have you played the other Dragon Quest games? It's one of the more accessible ones (no 1 hour intro or long completion time) but if you're new to the series I recommend starting with III
>between Ridge Rader 4 and Sega Rally 2
Sega Rally 2, but I think I have a curse where if I go a month without watching the RR4 intro I will die

>> No.3032503



R4 was graphically impressive at the time, although the number of tracks is pretty limited compared to other racing games at the time.

It goes without saying that Super Metroid is one of the most enjoyable games ever made. The original Metroid is just too dated for me anymore.

As for DQV, I hated the restrictive romance system in that game. If the developer can't do it right, then don't do it at all. Unfortunately, the remake did nothing to fix it.

>> No.3032512

Ohh I've tried DQV many times, I just find it really boring for some reason. Not quite as bad as IV was, but everything feels really slow. I got as far as being a teenager and escaping the slave bit but it pissed me off my only other companion was a tiger that almost never even did what I wanted in combat. I liked 2, 3 and 9 a lot but other than that I think the series just isn't for me. Whatever though.

I didn't like the Phoenix Wrights much and not into VNs, but I might give it a try sometime if I come across it cheap.

>> No.3032593

I do that purely to provoke people into breaking the rules.

>> No.3032659


When I make a football game, I'm going in the direction of NFL BLITZ. Fuck yeah.

>> No.3032664

Finally someone who understands the greatness of DKR

>> No.3032753

Just like you did.

>> No.3033117

Which FFs are worse?

>> No.3033286

When the game is literally a straight line from beginning to end it becomes a flaw. Hence why linearity is a bad thing in both FF10 and FF13.

>> No.3033310

>When the game is literally a straight line from beginning to end it becomes a flaw
Nope. You're projecting your own criteria because you have a narrow minded vision of what makes a video game good.

Plenty of timeless classics are totally linear. Giving you a sandbox to dick around in is irrelevant to enjoyment unless it's designed that way.

Basically you're a spoiled kid. Go play on /v/

>> No.3033384

The problem of linearity is not the route from a to b, but the way you experience the route.

If the plot demands that you (as the PC) must do x or y, a well constructed game will not make you notice that you're doing this for the sake of a game as you are out of caring for the plot. A good game that has a linear plot usually has characters that the player cares for, or a plot they feel involved in.

This is where the Final Fantasy games start to fall apart, at least for me. Starting with 8 (maybe earlier), the plots seemed to be more like a movie that the MC was watching, instead of events that you are involved in. To go along with this, the character that is the MC is defined and independent, and it always alienated me from what his actions were. It reached a point where I wasn't playing through the events, I was playing a character that was playing through the events.

>> No.3033398
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>not a single mention of game mechanics that are rewarding and challenging

>> No.3033401

>final fantasy
>ever having game mechanics as a strong suit
haha ok nerd

>> No.3033409

You're spot on. Being dragged along, without personal involvement, is what killed for me the only FF game I ever played, FF7. Linearity means fuck all, if the player WANTS to do what the game wants, simple as that. The tricky part is making the player care. FF7 (or 8 in your case) failed that, simple as that.

>> No.3033434

I have no problem with linearity in classic RPGs because, get this, I'm not Cloud. Cloud is a character in the game with his own motivations, not an extension of my own ego. That's not me in there, that's another guy entirely, and why shouldn't I want to help these little people out in solving their problems?

if what I really want is freedom, the question then is why am I playing a videogame

>> No.3033487

As someone who played 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 I can confirm they suffer from the same bullshit. None of them had any personal involvement and felt more like you were playing an interactive movie, especially noticeable in the later games.

>> No.3033489

>if what I really want is freedom, the question then is why am I playing a videogame

Wish fulfilment

>> No.3033550
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>> No.3033563

Sounds to me like the story just wasn't to your tastes hence why you didn't care.

>> No.3033601

yeah, that's why I started to play the game to begin with, because I didn't like the story, that's the ticket.

>> No.3033620

Eh I wouldn't go that far.

No as in you played the game and simply didn't like anything about it so you didn't like the game. It's not rocket science.

>> No.3033621

>you played the game and simply didn't like anything about it
If thinking that makes you feel better, go for it. Got nothing to do with reality though.

>> No.3033650

It's not sacrilege, just incredibly poor taste.

>> No.3033652

Isn't that what happened though? You played the game and it wasn't to your taste so you didn't like it. What else is there to it?

>> No.3033669

Didn't younread his dissertation up here >>3033286?

Linearity is bad because it's a flaw that's bad.

Pay attention to the debate, kid.

>> No.3033698

There are varying degrees of linearity. I assume what that anon meant is that FF10 is stiflingly linear to the point where all you do is run from point A to point B and offered very little room for side exploration. Heck the airship you get for exploring the world is literally just a list for selecting locations you instantly teleport to. That is much worse than any FF that came before it.

>> No.3033713
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+ Super Metroid, JSR, Ghost Trick, Metroid, Crazy Taxi and MvC2
I really need to finish DQIV so I can get around to playing V.

+ Yoshi, Puzzle Bubble, NBA Jam, Mario Kart, Smash TV and Pokemon

+ DKR, Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Kart, MGS, FFIX and Mario 64

Still haven't played Battletoads

9/9 you're a cool guy

+ Castlevania, S&P, HotD2, RE, Umihara

>> No.3033773
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Rockman dash 2, Chrono trigger, super metroid, and metal slug 3. Dash 2 being the obvious champ outta those.

+ metroids
- MVC2 (brother whipped my ass in it, no fond memories)

+ Pokemon blue, smash tv, NBA Jam, NFL blitz. All four of those hold fond memories with my brothers, NFL blitz being the win.
-MVC no happiness for shitty fighter me

Metal slug, NBA Jam, smash TV, Super Bowl, Contra. Nba Jam wins that one, smash in a close second.

8/8 (we could be pals)
All but MGS. Crystal wins slightly over Forbidden memories, though I've probably played forbidden memories more.

>> No.3034198

Well I like Final Fantasy 2 over most of the other games. I really like the SaGa games as well though.

>> No.3034213

9/9, though I've only played a little of Parasite Eve and Torment. I actually really liked Seaman, even if it's not really "fun". Gunstar Heroes is great too, one of my favorites growing up, along with Smash and Final Fantasy 7 funnily enough.

Pokemon Crystal blew my mind with it's animations when it came out, but I only own a gold cart.

>> No.3034215

The Final Fantasy series is closer to Visual Novels than exploration and mechanics based RPGs. The first few were more open and experimental. But the shift really started with IV where they first moved to pre-defined characters and little customization to give a more consistent story.

That's more or less the path they've been on ever since. I think it's either a love or hate thing, you dig Final Fantasy for what it is or you don't. Same with Dragon Quest, some people love them and others it just doesn't click.

I liked them for a long time, and there's something in most of the earlier games that I like, but with IX I was done. Even though I really enjoyed it, it also felt like the Final Fantasy formula done just right to me and after that I wasn't interested in the newer ones.

>> No.3034218

5/5, I only just got into sega rally recently but I really like it, the whole bottom line are in my top 10 dreamcast games (which is saying a lot because I have played an absurd amount of dreamcast). I don't hate Metroid but I only ever really got into 2, super and prime. I haven't played Dragon Quest V but I really liked 9, Ghost trick and ridge racer I never really liked played at all.

>> No.3034220

Meant to link to

>> No.3034223

>Linearity is bad because it's a flaw that's bad.

It's bad when it's something you don't want out of a game. But some people like a linear experience.

>> No.3034224

Linearity in Story is fine but in Mechanics it's kind of shitty, at least in an RPG where player agency is kind of important.

>> No.3034225

4/5 FFVIII, FFT, Poke and CC all enjoyed. Didn't like Mega Man Legends, but don't really like MM.

I really need to play Star Ocean one of these days.

>> No.3034231 [DELETED] 

Stop breaking the rules.

>> No.3034235

Well that was kind of my point here >>3034215 in that a lot of JRPGs (FF especially) are designed specifically with linearity in mind and easy to grasp mechanics. They're not made to be deep and challenging games, because that's the audience they're going for.

When they made IV like that is when the series really exploded. Personally I don't like that game at all, but there's no denying it's popularity. Visual Novels are a very Japanese kind of game, which is I think partially why the JRPGs tend to follow in that vein a little more. In general Western RPGs are a lot more about player agency while JRPGs are more about focused story and characters.

So it's definitely a contentious design choice, but whether you think it's bad or not depends on what kind of games you like.

>> No.3034237

>Linearity in Story is fine but in Mechanics it's kind of shitty
So I take it your least favorite games are Streets of Rage and Yoshi's Island?

>> No.3034238

Read literally the second part of the sentence numbnuts.

>> No.3034243

>In general Western RPGs are a lot more about player agency

That is extremely debatable though.

>> No.3034247

>at least in an RPG
"at least" implies that this statement applies to RPGs as well as other genres

Also why do brawlers and platformers get a pass on linearity but RPGs dont?

>> No.3034249

I'm speaking more traditionally, and there are of course plenty of exceptions. In general WRPGs give the player a lot more do to mechanically. JRPGs streamlined the RPG genre on purpose.

>> No.3034254

They get a pass because the gameplay is more engaging, RPG's don't have the crux of being fun kinesthetically, so they need to be fun through player choice and tactics as well as good storytelling. Without those elements I personally think and RPG is shit, but obviously that's subjective.

>> No.3034264

>In general WRPGs give the player a lot more do to mechanically

Come again? Maybe you mean in terms of content, and that's a given since the vast majority of them are on PC, but mechanically speaking they're not really more elaborated than a console RPGs.

>> No.3034290
File: 306 KB, 920x920, mosaicbf6ca3f4fce63c0eb0a47d3fb71342d497849532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant get into ff7, loved thps2 to death i used to wake up in the middle of the night as a kid to play, mgs2 is still my fav but 1 is the best of the series

didnt complete ffvi, sonic 2,zelda and soul reaver, just got boring fast for me
think i played resident 4 the most out of all the games, including my own list. have played SotN most but i don't have the urge to play it again, still looking for my fav castlevania

>> No.3034294

>WRPGs give the player a lot more do to mechanically
Something as simple as JRPGs with job system offer much more choice in its combat (e.g. mechanical part of the game) than games like Fallout which is considered as the best WRPG out there.

>> No.3034301

4/4, You have good taste in horror, but I haven't played ILLBLEED. Skies Of Arcadia is fantastic and Silent HIll 2 is an obvious masterpiece of the genre. Only played a little bit of Parasite eve 2, Resident Evil I have played quite a bit and I watched my brother finish it when I was a kid.

>> No.3034302

Fallout has way more options, it has individual stats and multiple unique weapons with different strengths and drawbacks, as well as finite supplies that affect those choices.

Fallout also isn't considered the best WRPG, you seem not to have much of a grasp on the genre. If anything Baulders Gate 2 is regarded higher, story wise Torment is probably more liked.

>> No.3034303

Why do you guys keep posting non-retro games?

>> No.3034307

Some people just don't feel like remaking all new mosaics when most of the games are retro and those that aren't are at least old.

>> No.3034309

Can you name me a WRPG that gives you less player agency than Final Fantasy IV?

>> No.3034320
File: 262 KB, 1000x627, 1446632496279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fallout has way more options, it has individual stats and multiple unique weapons
Nah not really. In comparison to the freedom of party customization in FFV, the difference between them is just superficial and doesn't affect the flow of the combat at all.
>Fallout also isn't considered the best WRPG
I just posted the experts opinion, it's in the top 3.

No, the respond picker adventures are not really my cup of tea, so I only played few WRPGs which are considered the best and it was enough for me.

>> No.3034323

Forgot to mention, it's the top 50 WRPGs by RPG codex's version.

>> No.3034327

You clearly haven't played Fallout in any real capacity.

>> No.3034329

I played through at least it 3 times. You clearly are a blind drone.

>> No.3034340

The thing is though that FFV was a final last hurrah for FF games with a lot of gameplay options. It was nowhere near as popular as IV was with it's streamlined everything and after that it's the direction the series stuck with.

>> No.3034354

>the experts opinion

>> No.3034373

Yoshi's Island is actually extremely non-linear for a 2d platformer.

>> No.3034380

>No, the respond picker adventures are not really my cup of tea, so I only played few WRPGs which are considered the best and it was enough for me.

So you're talking about games you haven't even played? lol

>> No.3034482

I played up until Gold Saucer, thoroughly enjoyed Midgar.

>What else is there to it?

>> No.3034483

>The Final Fantasy series is closer to Visual Novels than exploration and mechanics based RPGs
And that's perfectly fine. I played a few VN-like JRPGs, they can be fun. It gets a problem when none of the character decisions mean anything to me, when the exposition of the story is fucked, or the motivation of the characters is so broken, it takes aggressive suspension of disbelief to carry on. Even worse, when the game pretends to give me choices, and then ultimately doesn't care about them. I'd rather have honest linearity and solid storytelling.

>you dig Final Fantasy for what it is or you don't
I enjoyed the story up to a certain point, and have little to no issue with the mechanics of the game. It just lost me along the way, and I reached a point where I realized the only reason I was doing things in the game was that it told me to, and not that I had any motivation to find out how things continue.

>> No.3034485

>It's bad when it's something you don't want out of a game. But some people like a linear experience.
And that's a false dichotomy. Several anons simply jumped on the linearity thing, accusing people of being a wrpg nut or something. Linearity is fine, perfectly fine. I've played games more linear than FF7, and enjoyed them fully. The key is, what ever linear story is being told, must pick up the reader/player, captivate them, and kindle the desire in them to want to see where the story goes. FF7 failed to do that for me, that is all. It wasn't the mechanics, it wasn't the linearity. Think of the game as someone who tells you some really really big story they absolutely love. At some point you get bored and your mind wanders, but that person just won't read the cues and keeps rambling on and on and on. Eventually you just shrug, leave the room, confident that said person will still be rambling for a few more hours, because they are absolutely oblivious to their (lack of) audience

>> No.3034491

>>accusing people of being a wrpg nut or something.

Who or what are you referring to? All I've seen is people talking about game mechanics and player agency.

>> No.3034495

>combat (e.g. mechanical part of the game)
I hate that with a passion. Reducing the whole concept of an RPG exclusively to violent conflict resolution is repulsive. Sadly, plenty of modern wrpgs are guilty of the exact same sin.

>> No.3034514

>I hate video games with passion and demand me some chose your own adventure bookread (and it's better be made by Chris Avellone - the best dad jokes writer in the industry)

>> No.3034516

This is what JRPG babies actually believe. Heaven forebid a ROLEPLAYING game has some roleplay, that would get in the way of their belts and emo monologues.

>> No.3034520

>And that's a false dichotomy.

What's false about it? Personally I can't stand FFIV. I'd rather go to the dentist than play that game, but it's got legions of fans who love it to bits. All I'm saying is not everything is aimed at everyone, and just because you or I don't like certain things in a game doesn't mean our opinions are universal. FFIV sure as hell isn't for me, but it's for someone. Many someones actually. And I think that's cool.

>> No.3034527

JRPG is a bit of a misnomer of a genre name. It comes because the earlier ones were based on western RPGs and tabletop roleplaying games. FF1 specifically is very heavily based on D&D.

But in Japan especially, it's really just means it's more of a story game and there they prefer pre-made characters and stories.

People talk about mechanics in RPGs because that's where the actual "game" part lies. The part where the player gets to make choices. The rest is exploration and story which rarely have much of that.

>> No.3034539

It is not necessarily a decision between linearity vs. choices. You can have linear games that are super entertaining to play, you can have linear drivel that you turn off just to not fall asleep. You can have choices that are plenty, but not enjoyable, and you can have choices that work out just fine, and you can have a world of games between all these extremes. Trying to boil it down to linear vs. choice is completely dismissing the quality of the game

>not everything is aimed at everyone
the problem is not the linearity, or even the mechanics.

>doesn't mean our opinions are universal
I never claimed they are. You are (or that anon was) trying to claim there's only two styles of games, and you must necessarily love all of each type, or hate all of each type. That is the false dichotomy.

>But some people like a linear experience
That part specifically. It's not about liking or disliking the linear experience. That was not even up to debate, until some anons, probably including you, were convinced, that people who enjoy linear games must enjoy FF7, and likewise, if they don't like FF7, they must dislike linearity. These two things simply are not related.

>> No.3034551

It was me who replied with this >>3034223 but I was in no way claiming there are only two styles of game. All I was saying is that even though I hate how linear and sparse with gameplay options that say Final Fantasy IV is, that doesn't mean that type of game doesn't appeal to other people.

>You can have linear games that are super entertaining to play, you can have linear drivel that you turn off just to not fall asleep.

Point being that one game can fall under both those categories depending on who's playing it. Is Final Fantasy IV a good game or a bad game? I think it's all about perspective. It's good for some and bad for others. Nothing wrong with that

>> No.3034558

>that doesn't mean that type of game doesn't appeal to other people
There you go again. It is not, never was, about "that type of game". The linearity has nothing to do with the issues voiced by people in this thread.

>> No.3034573

Okay then what exactly is your problem?

You consider some things "issues" that are bad where as that exact same thing either doesn't bother or is a feature to other people.

>> No.3034581

>Okay then what exactly is your problem?
People jumping to linearity as their strawman to dismiss opinions about games, because they can't be arsed to actually read

>> No.3034594

Welp, I replied to a guy saying
>Linearity is bad because it's a flaw that's bad.

So that's why linearity was what I was replying about.

>> No.3034615

Are you this guy >>3033286 ?

Because that's what I've been talking about. Calling the design of FFX or XIII a flaw because it's too linear. But the point is that it's only a flaw to you because you don't like that. Some people liked that the games are like that.

>> No.3034625

I am not, and rereading the exchange with them in context, I do have some egg on my face.

Though even in your statement you try to contrast
>it's only a flaw to you because you don't like that.
>Some people liked that the games are like that
dismissing people that don't care about that aspect either way, because it's just not that important to the game

>> No.3034646

>dismissing people that don't care about that aspect either way, because it's just not that important to the game

I just didn't they were worth bringing in, because of course they exist. I come at this from the perspective of someone who think FFIV is one of the most boring games ever, but at the same time understanding it has a legion of fans that love it for many of the exact reasons I can't stand it.

>> No.3034653

>I come at this from the perspective of someone who think FFIV is one of the most boring games ever
Yet you (or at least some anons here) chalk this boredom completely up to linearity. Why? Why make that the sole defining trait?

>> No.3034687

"Linear" might not be the best choice of words, but it's the one being used a lot in the thread. I don't like that there's very little you can do to customize your party. The first three FFs gave you a lot of freedom in what your party make up is like and what strategies you want to use to make it through.

Then in IV you have premade characters that you can't really customize at all and all the areas are designed around that so that the player doesn't have to worry about party make up or balance. The focus is more about just going through and experiencing the story.

>> No.3034943
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8/8 Cool dude here.

>> No.3036134
File: 336 KB, 920x920, retro nine by nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty neat. You can easily see people with their own preferences that even gravitate towards certain genres. There is a lot of variety of games among these lists and it is refreshing to see them rather than most of them adhering to what are considered the greatest games of yore. Like these lists are made by people who like to play video games and delve into them rather than scratching the surface and get those core games. It is what I find dull on /v/ when I see these sorts of threads, there is a /v/-core and you see dozens of games that prevalent on many lists. It isn't that they are good games, it just feels like it conforms into /v/'s taste rather than the individual branching out and defining their own taste.

>> No.3036142

>Sonic 1
One of us

>> No.3036161

It holds a special place due to it being my first video game, but I tend to replay it more than the other ones on the Genesis.

>> No.3036275

>Didn't rate anyone's games.

>> No.3036482

SaGa Frontier 1 over 2?

>> No.3036489

Not many people like 2, and the first one has a more unique scenario.
Can't blame him.

>> No.3036494

Yeah you're right. I think because I only liked 1 but then really loved 2 that I always forget it's the less popular one. Either way some SaGa made it on his chart so thumbs up from me.

>> No.3036518

I love them equally because they're very different from each other, I don't post much in these kinds of threads because I'd put at least four SaGa games in the mosaic, and that would be boring.
9 games are also not enough for my favorite retro games.

>> No.3036529

I'm with you on IX. Some people complain about how it blatantly rehashes a lot of JRPG and FF tropes, which is true, but it represents the perfection of those tropes.

>> No.3036556

I hear you. FF Legend, SaGa Frontier 2 and FF2 came close to making my list, but I couldn't pick and they got edged out in the end anyways. 9 really is a tiny number for favorite games.

Exactly. IX to me was a perfect blend of the old and new Final Fantasies into a good distillation of the classic "Final Fantasy". And in some ways it was like that to the JRPG formula in general. I tried a whole bunch in the years after that, but can count on one hand the ones I actually finished. In the end I came to realize I was overall satisfied and kind of done with that kind of game.

>> No.3036758
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Yes, I was an N64 kid.

>> No.3036797


>> No.3036863

There are literally no better gaming memories I have than being 12 and playing N64, both single player and multiplayer.

>> No.3036892

>no better gaming memories
Well, that's sad to hear.

>> No.3036896

I found that heroin brought the feeling back.

I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.3036912
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Haven't played much of Gunstar, so I'll give 3/4 until I play it a bit more.

>> No.3036920

lylat wars is starfox64?

>> No.3036949
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Haven't made one of these in a while. My true top 9 would have a lot of 6th gen stuff so this JUST my retro taste.


Fallout 1 just wasn't that much for me. Road Rash is pretty cool too, and well we both have Gunstar on ours.

4/4 I was not an N64 child, but Star Fox 64 is so much damn fun. Not actually a huge Ocarina (or Zelda) fan but I threw it into the like counter anyway.

Aw shit, I knew I was forgetting Earthbound. 6/6, you are a cool guy imo.

>> No.3036958


>> No.3036975

3/5 Seeing Mario 2 there makes me happy.

>> No.3037314
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Need to play more retro JRPGs.

Digimon World is just too good. I can't name any other trainer game that comes close in terms of gameplay.
CD is also my favourite Sonic game.

Agree with what you said. I also think some retro games have more variety than modern ones (like the driving genre) which makes it easier to like multiple games of the same genre.


2/3, Couldn't get into DW2 but I'll try again since I enjoy dungeon crawlers now.

1/1, Metal Max 2R has a more polished gameplay but I still prefer 3 in terms of plot and character/level design. Also need to get into Summon Night, played Twin Age long time ago and I enjoyed it.


4/4, Pepsiman was pretty cool.



>> No.3037501

Not as sad as your face is to see m8.

>> No.3037578


Soldier Blade best TurboGrafx shooter, bar none.

>> No.3040542
File: 314 KB, 920x920, retrovidyamosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here´s mine
darkstalkers, lammy and re2, i like your style
oddworld. heart of darkness and ecco, you have great taste in atmospheric games
ghost babel is absolutely perfect, also didn´t knew ther was a toshinden on gameboy