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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 606x796, ff6 bestiary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3018604 No.3018604 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think that back in the old days people made fan sites for old NES/SNES/PS1/etc RPGs with bestiaries, images of magic/skills and the like but now no one does this for newer titles, even more "geeky" newer titles that it would still be relevant for like dungeon crawlers?

>> No.3018609

Like, with the 3d models from newer games? Or official artwork? Aren't Wiki/wikias or whatever basically what you're asking about?

>> No.3018614

i loved browsing sites with plenty of informations on them when i was young

>> No.3018620

What is a wiki?

>> No.3018639

It still happens but not in unique websites. It's all centralized around GameFAQs and those fan Wikia things.

>> No.3018648

Yeah this.

Almost every site gets a dedicated wikia page near instantly.

Some sites have more robust pages, like the Demon's Souls and Dark Souls pages like 7 years ago.

The thing with the fansites is that they were literally the only useful places fro information. You're never going to see sites like this anymore: http://shrines.rpgclassics.com/snes/sd3/characters.shtml

It just died because it became irrelevant. Like Web Rings, remember those?

>> No.3018658

the internet was a pretty awkward place before google/wikis anon

>> No.3018717

Well dungeon crawlers wouldn't need to be 3D models. I'd expect it a lot less for 3D games due to the difficulty of extracting the models.


If you try to look for a wikia page for say Demon Gaze or Stranger of Sword City you're going to be pretty disappointed. There's no dedication. Even something like Elminage has basically incomplete listings.

So before it became clean and corporate.

>> No.3018734

>Like Web Rings, remember those?
Do I ever! Exploring shit purely through webring links was one of my favorite things about the internet back in the day. Discovering cool sites on my own before the era of non-shitty search engines was immensely rewarding. It was the equivalent of organically discovering a "hidden gem" instead of listening to insane youtubers. The advent of wikis certainly allowed information to be published and consumed faster, but I still miss the rich characterization that some of those old sites had.

>> No.3018748

I think people are sort of missing the point that now we have "nonshitty search engines" all they display are boring corporate sites. Back in the day you'd search for a video game title and get weird fun little fan sites. Now it's all just generic review sites and game news sites.

>> No.3018752

>Almost every site gets a dedicated wikia page near instantly.
You've only looked for normie games, haven't you?

>> No.3018790


What non-shitty search engine are you referring to?

>> No.3018796

I would suppose it starts with G

>> No.3018802

>If you try to look for a wikia page for say Demon Gaze or Stranger of Sword City you're going to be pretty disappointed.

make a fucking fansite for them. or better: make a wiki.

the world is going to shit because of complacent faggots like you who expect others to create content for you to consume.

>> No.3018804


Google's results get worse every year. What crack are you on?

>> No.3018807

Because all new games suck.

Except Undertale

>> No.3018810

Except that is what I always did and back then there were a lot more fan sites and such with content on the games. It has nothing to do with me.

I think it has more to do with what >>3018807 said except for his ridiculous spoiler which I assume is sarcasm.

>> No.3018812

Still better than duckduckgo's I've noticed. I've compared the two

>> No.3018898


greed it is, i'll explain

just the joke today with any major corporate site, not excluding youboob, what drives every adolescent to start a channel and clog the tubes with shit?

by late 90s early 2000s, we used search engine And Directories, the latter was much more efficient, you could filter down to the specific category you wanted, and then just control+F the exact name of the thing, for a few dozen pages of 100 listings with paragraph descriptions, you clicked some 30 links, which would all load pretty fine in 256kbps DSL in a 300MHz when there were no multistacked acmescript frameworks that would not break the site if ignored, and quickly navigated them all to decide on the ideal one.

fan made sites because they wanted to, then as soon as word of the flimsiest chance for easy cash got around, the scum of the earth pointed their braindead eyes to the web, and in droves drowned any cured content under a sea of SEO and rehash.

the wiki concept is surely superior, on the matter of purely cataloguing objective data on finite source material, it got us covered.

for the rest of the web however, the war on ads was our last best hope for a piece of the internets, but the ad empire was quick to strike back, and the war still rages on.

>> No.3018913

>Except that is what I always did and back then there were a lot more fan sites and such with content on the games. It has nothing to do with me.

>that is what I always did
>It has nothing to do with me.

that's exactly it, its got nothing to do with me, it happens to other ppl, not me. NO

who was making these fan sites in the 90s when you were 14yo? older nerds, they had the means and the mind, they came from an adolescence of scarce sources for niche knowledge, they were thrilled to add to the collective wiki that was the entire web.

but turns out that in doing so, they spoiled the next halfgen of nerds, it is now our turn to be the heralds of engrossing content, but we are hesitant.

>> No.3018918

While they may be legally and chronologically older, I don't think the minds of young nerds and old nerds are that fundamentally different beyond perhaps old nerds hating the world a lot more

>> No.3019053

Someone should create a search engine that filters out all normie sites like reddit and facebook, clickbait sites, youtube channels above a certain threshold of subcribers, scam sites ("fix dll errors"), corporate sites (Kotaku, Rockpapershotgun), and any site that tries to sell you something.

I want to see only webpages.
Webpages... that word feels so dated now.
I remember when the internet wasn't shit soup.

>> No.3019075

I don't know what your "normie" shit is, but some of the most niche and obscure games I've seen have some coverage somewhere on the internet.

>> No.3019079

"coverage" yes but comprehensive documentation? No

>> No.3019085

There would be no results for most searches.

>> No.3019112

I've found wikis, FAQs, or fansites for pretty much anything I play. What obscure ass shit are you looking at?

>> No.3019369

That's like saying the local mom & pop food joints were awkward before all the same, uniform franchises moved into every town.

>> No.3019370

I am looking for a full visual bestiary for many modern Japanese dungeon crawlers, chiefly Stranger of Sword City.

>> No.3019371

A lot of those big corporate sites pay money to get better ranking in google. In the 90's, they just had altavista, webcrawler, etc. indexing the web but not selling rank position. So that makes a big difference, and your little geocities RPG page could end up near the top, if the key words matched up.

>> No.3019375

>selling rank position.
This should be illegal

>> No.3019381


Hence my comment. We are back in an age of shit search engines. Google was glorious for a good long while; now they read like some Orwellian joke that's just not fucking funny anymore ("Alphabet Inc."? Seriously?).

>> No.3019385

The fate of everything in a capitalist system, anon. Something gets so good that everyone uses it so it drives out any competition, gets a monopoly, then turns to shit because no one can use anything else and no one dares try to supplant its entrenched position in the market and even if someone does they just get bought out.

>> No.3019386

Then something is very wrong with the web.
But I'm guessing that in most cases you'd get some results, just not nearly as many.
But if the goal is to get away from centralized, corportate bullshit, it's worth it.

>> No.3019392

That sounds way better than search engines now. Seriously what the fuck is the point of google returning 320,000 results when I search for something retarded like "dragon dildo simulator." Most people don't even read past the first page because that shit is all spam or irrelevant.

The search coming up blank would be a lot more meaningful because it leaves a clear message: there is no dragon dildo simulator yet.

>> No.3019427

>The fate of everything in a capitalist system

What a retarded thing to say.
"Muh ebil capitalism" is just what people who know jack shit about capitalism or economy in general say when they want to look like they understand what they are talking about.

If you think Google turned to shit boycott it, use another search engine or better yet, create one yourself that fulfills your personal needs.

>even if someone does they just get bought out.
And nothing stops them from using the money they won to start up another search engine, or simply not sell their project.

If people won't stop using Google and move to another engine it's because they think Google is still the best/worth using and that's why it'll remain on top. This is called meritocracy, whoever fulfills the wants and needs of the people better will be rewarded more, how can anyone over the age of 12 consider this a bad thing is beyond me.

>> No.3019429

the problem isn't even about the engine

>> No.3019461

heh, someone was a toddler when everyone was using yahoo and alta vista

>> No.3019464

humm, at some point google had a couple dozen boolean operators

+you +(could|might|"were able") to +super +"narrow down" +your +search

but i guess having that instead of some obscure HAL9000 that knows better than you what you want, you wouldn't get random sponsored links or google would be mischarging adversiters for showing ads when search criteria clearly excludes ur product/service

>> No.3020186

>If you think Google turned to shit boycott it
Doesn't work. Everyone else will still use it.

>create one yourself that fulfills your personal needs.
"If u don't code ur own u can't criticize ^__^"

>And nothing stops them from using the money they won to start up another search engine, or simply not sell their project.
Humans will always want to be bought, because money is more important to them than ideals.

>If people won't stop using Google and move to another engine it's because they think Google is still the best/worth using and that's why it'll remain on top.
And yet the "best" is shit because they destroyed any potential quality competition. Race to the bottom.

>> No.3020227

Is there any browser plugin that filters out all the tracking elements, background code, cross site loading, javashit blur sludge, social media integration, and all other bloat that makes 2016 internet barely faster than dialup.

I already have adblock but how do I disable shit further without rendering sites unusable?

>> No.3020243


Why the fuck are you on 4Chan, Mark Cuban? Don't you have a well-splooged copy of The Fountainhead tucked away somewhere on your yacht to jack off to?

>> No.3020257


Adblock is obsolete. Use NoScript + UBlockO or get raped. You _will_ have to do battle with each site you visit if you don't want to be tracked and analytics'ed, so tough shit.

>> No.3020261
File: 762 KB, 900x2002, 150304_consumer-internet1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet is a lot more focused and less personal now.

On one hand, less www.thisismydogcalledwoofie.com GeoCities sites, on the other hand far less personal hobbie-based content.

>> No.3020401

>Doesn't work. Everyone else will still use it.
What do you mean by "doesn't work"? I said if you dislike Google you can simply boycott, i.e. not use it, what you said doesn't make sense.

>"If u don't code ur own u can't criticize ^__^"
Strawman, i never said you aren't allowed to criticize, i merely suggested that you should make your own search engine if you think Google is so shit and despise the fact it's a monopoly.
I liked how you purposely wrote everything wrong and used a emoticon to make my statement seem childish, i would not expect any different from someone who has no capability to make actual points to defend his opinions.

>Humans will always want to be bought, because money is more important to them than ideals.
Another bullshit i would expect to hear from a middle-class suburban comunisteen. A generalization with no empirical foundation to back it up, based solely on your own ignorance and pretentiousness ("to them").
You're not morally superior than "them", you're not better than people who actually do put money above all else, you are not an enlightened human being who gets to be the authority on what is moral and what priorities should humans have.

>And yet the "best" is shit because they destroyed any potential quality competition. Race to the bottom.
It's shit, in your personal opinion, which nobody cares about.
And as i said, you are free to make a better one, if it's so shit it shouldn't be hard for you to make one many times better and become a billionaire, after all, you would never sell it to google anyway, you're not like the rest of the humans, like "them", right? Your ideals should be stronger than any amount of money they offer.

>> No.3020458
File: 35 KB, 666x575, newsrog-spoiled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me want to start a retro retro games group.

Like a usenet or BBS for retro games.

>> No.3020492

>What do you mean by "doesn't work"?
You boycott. You don't use the site. Everyone else keeps on keepin' on and nothing changes. You're fucked no matter what.

>Another bullshit i would expect to hear from a middle-class suburban comunisteen.
Too bad it's true, no matter who says it.

>You're not morally superior than "them", you're not better than people who actually do put money above all else
But I did say "humans" as them, and I am disqualified from being human because I am a scum of the earth neckbear.

>It's shit, in your personal opinion, which nobody cares about.
Seems like a lot of other neckbeards agree. But neckbeards are not the majority and never will be, so neckbeards don't have the demographics to shape public Internet usage and thus search engine priorities. Only in the olden days when the Internet was a neckbeard haven could it do that.

>And as i said, you are free to make a better one, if it's so shit it shouldn't be hard for you to make one many times better and become a billionaire, after all, you would never sell it to google anyway, you're not like the rest of the humans, like "them", right?
No one would use it because it doesn't appeal to the majority. Neckbeargle: The Search Engine for Neckbeards. Wow so much traffic I would get.

>> No.3020524
File: 790 KB, 614x880, 1452004521338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone notice the problem? Back in the old days tons of search engines sprung up constantly. Now, anything new if it is not backed by a huge corporation is destroyed immediately. Bing isn't even new but is just a rebrand of MSN's search. The winners have won and the losers have lost. Now Google owns you. You will never escape.

Oh yeah and uh...video games.

>> No.3020686

>old days
>fan sites
Exactly how young are you? In the old days we had books/magazines, maybe some text files. In the new days we have Google that lists lots of sites that have what you don't believe exists.

>> No.3020737

If you're looking for Japanese shit, use a Japanese search engine.

Like, if I want info about X for the gameboy, using google.com doesn't net me much information, but using google.co.jp gives me plenty of results.

>> No.3020930


You really did just discover Objectivism, didn't you? Holy fuck, just admit you're sexually attracted to Ronald Reagan and be done with it.

>> No.3020938


I wish someone would start an alternative to this autistic shithole. But knowing the internet these days it would be one of those hipster "no piracy allowed" dumps that looks down its incredibly long nose at anyone who even implies they emulate.

>> No.3021069

Autists would just come and shit it up.

>> No.3021132

>2016 internet barely faster than dialup.
preach brother

a friend got an AMD vision or AMD A-series something like that, must be somekinda intel Atom equivalent, its still said DUAL CORE
>F1 race car printed on the box.
I tried opening 3 tabs with JS heavy site, facebook, reddit, imgur, and pressed ctrl+end to force content load, it was shitting its pants to render the pages, its a 6GB RAM laptop mind you, ethernet connected to modem at 10mbps, jesus, an AMD duron 1GHz 512MB RAM from 2001 could take you anywhere

>> No.3021167

what shall be the next step in this cold war?

some reworked firefox fork that instead of parsing html&js and later parsing its result thru extensions, goes the reverse route, and only render whitelisted pieces of codes based on general settings and per domain basis?

haha, most users would be content to have this browser all setup for the 1000 most common sites used, but powerusers would have to depend on a whole referal system just to contribute and use others contributions to a decentralized whitelist, to stay afloat the predictable falseflag flood.

>> No.3021185

looked interesting at first, but dumb study

ofc for a barista that spends 10hour on facebook, he needs only to watch one episode of beverly hills 90123 in 1080 for netflix to be atop the traffic stats for him, if thats not what they meant, and actually time spent, same shit, netflix is a just TV over IP, you dont interact, its not "internet"

which brings me to wonder, AMAZON? do ppl shop at amazon every day? wwhat?!

are they counting wherever a reader is turned on for an ebook to be read and its connected to amazon cloud or some shit?

are they perhaps counting traffic to amazon EC/S3 and other services?

>> No.3021194

>Autists would just come and shit it up.

not if one of you two create it and put me and the other one as moderators, perhaps keep a deletion log like eight-can, and keep a couple administration stick-threads for openess.

theres even the chan avaiable for this with /vr/ board waiting for you to take it over

msg me at triangles
at the host ghost [removethisbit] mail [comma] com

and ask to take over /vr/

>> No.3021216

Too bad I'm looking for english websites about Japanese shit so I can read my results ;_;

>> No.3021221


Ghostery and noscript

>> No.3021229

u sure its not the language?

type the search you're trying at goggles.jp in the same kanji but at goggles.com

>> No.3021234

what this guy said >>3020257

but in PaleMoon, as firefxo will in the coming months stop working with its long list of advanced extensions, and become pretty much a chromium/opera wannabe

>> No.3021247

>as firefxo will in the coming months stop working with its long list of advanced extensions, and become pretty much a chromium/opera wannabe
They'll be out of business in 5 years.

>> No.3021339

Better buy a new computer, goy.

>> No.3021352

I think if the guy running it asked for piracy to be kept off it for legal reasons then that's fair, and going against that is really dickish. I mean, I don't see why whether you're playing on original hardware or a ROM file is really an issue. Due to the collection market most of the great games are insanely expensive and the hidden gems are becoming lost. Emulation is really the best solution to this problem if you don't have the cartridge already, and floppies for PC games are degrading by the day.

Surely the game is what's important, not the medium?

>> No.3021364

The connection is faster, but like with how the hardware is faster but the software stayed the same speed, the user experience is slowed down by bloat. There's news sites where you need to enable a whole list of various vague sripts in sequence to read a stream of pure text! It's insane.

But the worst part is that it's not in our control. It's not like with user-side software where low-weight alternatives exist if you just want to keep a computer that works (my main is a t60 thinkpad with 1.8ghz and 2gb of RAM), and in most cases even modern software is fine (though Unity, GNOME or KDE are pushing it, but fuck those guys). When it's on the internet and you want to access that page, at it throttles your CPU and takes up all your RAM just to list some text and an image, then there's something toxic going on, but no one seems to say anything. What really amazes me though is that legacy software on MS's site is still on the modern page, so you need to allow a bunch of scripts and have a bunch of features that wasn't even a possibility when the software you're trying to download was even made.

>> No.3021378

Obviously by old days he is referring to old days of the web. Obviously there were no web pages before the web existed.

>> No.3021383

Amazon Prime is trying to become a hybrid competitor to both Netflix and iTunes. Not to mention e book shit.

>> No.3021426

Doesn't explain why he can't into google. I think the lads just retarded and hoping to get a post on the fourth channel.

>> No.3021491

Firefox is already dead, the body just hasn't cooled off yet. Addon devs are saying fuck signing and are switching to the forks.

>> No.3021497

There are forks besides PaleMoon?

>> No.3021676

Is access to information a right or a service?

>> No.3021683

>You boycott. You don't use the site. Everyone else keeps on keepin' on and nothing changes. You're fucked no matter what.
I think it's pretty clear by this point that you don't understand what boycotting is supposed to be.

>Too bad it's true, no matter who says it.
It's not unless empirical data proving so is shown, which will never happen. Repeating it 1000 times won't make it become true.

>But I did say "humans" as them, and I am disqualified from being human because I am a scum of the earth neckbear.
Guess i can't disagree with the second half of this sentence.

>Seems like a lot of other neckbeards agree. But neckbeards are not the majority and never will be, so neckbeards don't have the demographics to shape public Internet usage and thus search engine priorities. Only in the olden days when the Internet was a neckbeard haven could it do that.
Then you neckbeards have two choices, sit idly and complain about things you dislike like Google or try to create alternatives that fulfills your desires as neckbeards.

>No one would use it because it doesn't appeal to the majority. Neckbeargle: The Search Engine for Neckbeards. Wow so much traffic I would get.
I said nothing about traffic, i said if you dislike something you can sit and complain or try to make something better that gives you satisfaction.

>> No.3021686

fucking kid, get out of here.

>> No.3021697

Personal websites such as fansites have declined dramatically. Almost everyone now has a social media account, a YouTube channel, or a blog. Or in the case of what OP is talking about there's a wiki.

>> No.3021840

>It's not unless empirical data proving so is shown
No. Something can be true and not recognized, for example, like the whole kerfluffle with the earth being round instead of flat. Evidence simply serves to convince.

>> No.3021921

>I think it's pretty clear by this point that you don't understand what boycotting is supposed to be.
>>to combine in abstaining from, or preventing dealings with, as a means of intimidation or coercion

>It's not unless empirical data proving so is shown
Something isn't dependent on evidence to be true. It can be true that aliens exist on the planet Zarbulon no matter whether you or I can prove it or not.

>i said if you dislike something you can sit and complain or try to make something better that gives you satisfaction.
Making a search engine isn't going to give me satisfaction. Changing the world so Normie-chan and his brother Chad don't have control over all major search engine results.

>> No.3021924

The damn wiki writers are too damn lazy

>> No.3021953
File: 4 KB, 75x100, trixie1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Web 2.0, cookie cutter blogs/twitter, wikis, etc. killed the creativity of the old hand made pages. Anime fan pages were wonderful for their quirkiness and variation: have a look at those listed on the old Anipike (saved on Internet Archive): https://web.archive.org/web/20100210043427/http://classic.anipike.com/

Dig around with old links and you will find tons of shit preserved on archive.org. The past lives on if you know where to look.

>> No.3022061

All of geocities is archived too, there's even a few mirrors online.


>> No.3022071

sheet, Ani turnpike died? ;_;

>> No.3022074

Go too deep and it just leads to 302 errors or whatever. archive.org really failed at its job to archive sites. It would've been better to have less but more concrete archives at specific points rather than just the front page and a few side pages 900 times

>> No.3022092

The archive can be spotty at times, with some pages without images and shit, and you sometimes have to look through various crawl years to find a working version. Still, I've been pleased to find stuff lost online for sometimes 15 years or more there, and you can often dig pretty deep.

Following old link pages yields lots of shit: it's a rabbit hole that can provide tons of treasures at times.

>> No.3022108
File: 189 KB, 800x600, dp89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's been a few years now. Here's a living fossil that might interest you, the SUNET ftp archive of the old Venice anime ftp: http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/tv+movies/anime-manga/sorted/

An example, the oldest Dirty Pair image on SUNET was last modified in Aug 1988 and such pics date from the dialup BBS era. SUNET is sadly on borrowed time, as it's Swedish hosts announced they are retiring this ftp server- though it's saved on archive.org it's nice having such relics still working.

pic is dated 1989 from a BBS with a staggering 120 megs of storage.

>> No.3022113

Stuff like Grim Dawn and Path of Exile is extremly well documented. That's more of a product about how it has to be so given that the more subtle aspects of the mechanics are not explained in game.

>> No.3022132

>that link

Well I know what I'll be saving images from for the next few hours.

Fascinating ancient Internet relics.

>> No.3022137

>it's not in our control
It is, somewhat. Don't visit sites that act up (yes, that shrinks the web considerably), produce your own sites, that don't act act, encourage people to produce sites that don't act up

>no one seems to say anything
you do
and so do I

>> No.3022145

>Stuff like Grim Dawn and Path of Exile is extremly well documented.
That's because they're "le ebin western rpgs so much more mature and edgy than teenager saves da world"

>> No.3022146

>Web 2.0, cookie cutter blogs/twitter, wikis, etc. killed the creativity of the old hand made pages
it offered an alternative, for many people with fewer technical skills. What should have happened though is what seamonkey does. Integrate web authoring, make it accessible. web 2.0 is just providing a service, it's taking away autonomy. The web is meant to be decentralized and interoperable, these services are centralized and walled

>> No.3022152

>yes, that shrinks the web considerably
I use NoScript, RequestPolicy, and AdblockPlus, and in spite of that, most sites are workable. Obviously I have to whitelist certain websites but you develop an intuition for what you can leave blocked, and it speeds up browsing considerably.

>> No.3022161

NoScript, RequestPolicy and uBlock here.

>Obviously I have to whitelist certain websites
Or not. Like I said, it shrinks the web considerably.

>> No.3022226

Is RequestPolicy a nonbotnet version of Ghostery?

>> No.3022230

RequestPolicy is manual ghostery. For any site/domain you can decide individually which requests to other domains to allow, deny. It does offer to whitelist a few things on install, common cdns and stuff, but if you're paranoid you just leave it on deny all, watch the web break, and then very carefully decide which domains to allow from where.

>> No.3022237

That also means, unlike ghostery, it won't just block requests to tracking domains, it will block all requests to domains other than the current one. Many sites break hard, because they're using CDNs nowadays. Many others break because they use centrally stored versions of common libraries, like jquery. Request Policy is a severe lockdown, which does require quite a bit of tuning and work to get a functional browser. It's no enable-and-feel-good.

>> No.3022283

I can't believe IcyBrian is still up.

>> No.3022319

My go-to was always fantasyanime.com
I was so mad when he updated half the site to web 2.0

>> No.3022659


Speaking of news pages.

>> No.3022707

Yeah I don't get the point of making sites shittier with updates but it seems to happen quite a lot

>> No.3022864

I am still not sure if old-style web like those http://samisdat.com/index.htm
are disappearing, or just dwarved by the sea of 'new form' content (hence searching becomes harder) - since web became more accessible, more people post more stuff on new easily accessible media. For one hand crafted web place, there are like 100 blogs, twitch channels or smth.
The bad thing about centralization is that they can wipe you out instantly, and they often do.
Many of my favourite places died off, or went corporate. Like a hobby gallery going to flick or wherever. And then they are held firmly by the balls by the platform - content-wise and otherwise. Kinda sad.

>> No.3022870

>fan pages were wonderful for their quirkiness and variation:

- the page uses lore elements in its layout hnnnng

>The web is meant to be decentralized and interoperable, these services are centralized and walled
while i like this "meant to be" sentiment, youre dellusional, while the university internets might have been created by autruisticaly inclined hearts, the internets are the oceanic fiber companies, and the land fiber concessionaries in each country.

but im sure 200 years ago water distribution companies in urban centers would play a similar argument that "rivers are free, start your own sanitation co."

>web 2.0 is just providing a service, it's taking away autonomy.
its giving autonomy, in that sense that publishing content became easier, you're thinking free hosting for specific content system, well, other autruistic minds created FOSS versions of those too, so in tha same way you could create a page on seamonkey and publish on a hoster, you can just cotract hosting with these web2.0 services for no direct or indirect extra cost, because it didnt cost them anything also.

>> No.3022910

Perhaps there should be sites that index "old style" sites so it's easier to find amidst the sea of corporate shit

>> No.3022956

>publishing content became easier
Did it though? Most content gets buried in algorithmic news feeds, even when drawing from a relatively small pool of publishers. The algorithms are designed to promote content that is already popular, and they are always getting better at it, so the era of crowdsourced content progressively resembles old school publishing more and more.

>> No.3022964

use some spider anon

or at least Jdownloader with clipboard watching, so you contro+C urls when youre at a page with links that you want all saved

youl do in 5min what yould take half an hour

>> No.3022971

Yeah I used DTA in firefox

>> No.3022993
File: 11 KB, 801x366, Odp_sitecount_tOpen Directory Project sitecount_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last of the web directories, i believe, i myself havent visited in a more than a couple years

>> No.3023000

>b-bb-but- anon, flick, faceboj, etc, WILL NEVER CLOSE
geocities gone, orkut gone, what else?

but i guess you meant "they" the hosters can close your account on a whim, which is also a huge problem, that's because youre the product, you just serve to fatten the content so they can have more htis

>> No.3023005

"When you don't pay, you are the product being sold. Do you enjoy being a product, anon?"

>> No.3023009


>When I click on a New York Times article page, it takes about 4 minutes to download 2 megabytes of data through… 192 requests, some to Times’ hosts, most to a flurry of others servers hosting scores of scripts. Granted: the most useful part — 1700 words / 10,300 characters article + pictures — will load in less that five seconds.

>But when I go to Wikipedia, a 1900 words story will load in 983 milliseconds, requiring only 168 kilobytes of data through 28 requests.

REKT, get fucked bloaters, the days are counted when 50% of laypersons will be all blocking all this shit and you will either reform or be gone!

>> No.3023017

dta is great read on their page why development just stopped, and jump to a firefox fork next month

but even with its anti-container, its just a link grabber, Jdownloader even from a user perspective can go several levels if its something a plugin already exists, you dont have to open each gallery page and hit DTAoneclick, you just point 1 url and its done.

>> No.3023070


This is a beautiful site

>> No.3023212

You usually got wiki's now with all info, some of them have way more info than any fansite ever had.

Runescape wiki is an example that cointains shitton of crazy info from common to obscure.

>> No.3023334

>the internets are the oceanic fiber companies, and the land fiber concessionaries in each country.
I said web, not internet. I'm fine with the internet being a commercial thing, and pay my provider to get on there. The web though, is a different beast. Static IPs, symmetric speeds, every peer able to host a server, every user able to not just GET, but also to POST, and PUT. In a distorted way, Web 2.0 provides a lot of this "peers can put things on the web" aspect. But instead of everyone being able to do it on their own page, their own server, it's on centralized servers, owned by commercial entities. Providers actively work against people being able to host, unless they pay a lot extra, etc.

>its giving autonomy, in that sense that publishing content became easier
That's the thing. It was easy by design. These mechanisms just weren't put to use.

>you're thinking free hosting for specific content system
I'm thinking of being able to hook up my own little box to the network, registering a domain, and serving web pages through it. None of that is free, and I'm fine with that.

>publish on a hoster
That is the centralized problem. The web does not have the concept of a hoster, that one came after the fact

>> No.3023374

Japanese wikis are the best for this kind of stuff. There's even some that still keep their personality and aren't just white, lifeless graphs and numbers.

>> No.3023470

He said *without* rendering sites unusable.

>> No.3023480

>how do I disable shit further without rendering sites unusable?
You don't. That's by design. Make up your mind what you value more.

>> No.3023567

Well what do these calls do that wouldn't get blocked in a more compromise-level tracking blocker like Donottrack or ghostery?

>> No.3023579

Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and centralized utilities and libraries, like jquery, bootstrap, etc.
While they have a purpose for the site, they also allow for tracking. You can bet your ass that google knows what domains you access their jquery library from, and will enhance your profile with it.
Think extra evil tracking cookies, because they serve a purpose, and shit breaks if you deny them.

>> No.3023589

So doesn't this almost make anti-tracking add ons pointless since google and the big trackers will get your info anyway? I guess some smaller ones won't, but...

>> No.3023596

correct. That's why I said, you got to make up your mind. If you don't want centralized tracking, you will break sites, hard, and a lot of them. Hell, even 4chan right now, you won't do much without including google for recaptcha. Don't know how well you can bypass it with money

>> No.3023652

If you go back to a much earlier time period (the 90s or early 00s) the links should mostly work. >>3021953 linked to a 2010 date, and at that point Geocities had already been closed and most of the old web had been swept aside.

uMatrix can replace all of those extensions, although it takes some time to learn how to use it effectively.

I used to go there a lot in the late 90s and early 00s. I read FFVII and Chrono Trigger fanfics.

Probably my number one destination in those days was PlanetQuake (and later Planet Half-Life). PQ worked in a very different way than sites do now, because it consisted of hosted sites whose owners could design them any way they wanted to, and their topics ranged from maps to mods to fanfiction to movies to multiplayer to level editing to console commands.

>> No.3023663

>In the beginning, every single Quake game site out there was done for only one reason: the love of the game, and perhaps for meeting new people/getting hits — but still, the intentions were true enough (and for some, still are). Most webpages were hosted on local ISPs and college servers, except for the rare occasion that someone loved the game enough to setup a web server dedicated to hosting pages, for free. Back then, there was only one game in the community: Quake/QW, a few cool mods (remember the day when you first wandered onto a server playing E1M1, only to find some weird keys floating at the beginning and end, and everyone was red & blue?), and a bunch of hardcore fans.
>Evolution always comes, even if it is not always welcomed. The large hosting sites multiplied, and people realized they might be able to make some bucks covering what they love, and everyone was all for that! That dude's hosting page's/doing news and he might even be breaking even, cool!
>I don't know when, exactly, the tone of the community changed. Actually, it probably never shifted dramatically, it just nudged along slowly, till, now, some of us can't even recognize what we once were a part of. The community is commericialized, splintered, and webpages are more often created just to create an inroad into a bolstering new industry. Frankly, I don't like this tone, but it's something you accept — b/c at the same time, how we grow! So many new players — and yes, I know, they all start out as lamers — but haven't we all? We might have sacrificed our elite stature online, now, but in return we have so many excellent games to play, and people to play with. This is a great thing, and though I miss the old, the future is bright and exciting. And maybe, one day, everyone who works on a professional site will be paid, and those of us who only wish to exhort our hobby will be able to do so for no profit, at all.

>> No.3023704

Reminder that |tsr's NES Archive still exists:
Newfriends, pay your respects.

>> No.3023712

Absence of information compared to modern times. Plus, for fun.

>> No.3023718

Color scheme is killing my eyes. NOPE

>> No.3023749

I use uBlock and Disconnect. Disconnect does the no tracking and blocks some adds, uBlock cleans up the ads that Disconnect misses and can further block other elements.
Not quite as in-depth as what you're wanting, I know, but I've convinced myself it's enough for me.

>> No.3023767


>> No.3023787

If you download all this stuff you should note that there are going to be conflicting filenames if you're on Windows, e.g. filename.gif and Filename.gif.

>> No.3023798


>> No.3023848

>Providers actively work against people being able to host, unless they pay a lot extra, etc.
u meant the block of home connections on ports 80, 21, 25, and what not?

>Static IPs, symmetric speeds, every peer able to host a server, every user able to not just GET, but also to POST, and PUT.
>I'm thinking of being able to hook up my own little box to the network, registering a domain, and serving web pages through it. None of that is free, and I'm fine with that.
yeah that much is true they took it away this functionality of mids 90s..

But isnt the cost of hosting pretty much the cost of electricity?

>> No.3023862
File: 8 KB, 192x122, cave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this gif on the homepage looks too much like that strip about a man bit by a giant fly and taken to a deep cave thru a vertical tunnel...

is it based on some NES game?

>> No.3023873

Those colors really are trash.

>> No.3023876

uses half my screen width, saving tha page doesnt break the thing, what a refreshing experience

>> No.3023894

I thought the same thing when I saw your thumbnail. Then I read your post and thought you were me.

>> No.3023897

But I am you.

>> No.3023915
File: 998 KB, 500x500, deja vu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, did i write this post just now?

>> No.3023919
File: 56 KB, 682x732, Gnus-reading-news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really thought the proliferation of mobile phones would see a return to text-based internet browsing and simple web sites.

Oh how wrong I was.

I'm not saying that we should go back to BBSs and measuring speed in baud, but there should be a middle ground. Things should be made and designed around what they actually are.

If all you need is a vehicle to get to work and back you get something small, cheap and economical. You don't buy a Porche 911. And a manufacturer of a 125cc motorbike knows it's not meant to be a powerhouse, because it's not what it is.

So why do simple web pages with a very simple reason to exist pretend they're something else and just make everything more unpleasant and complicated?

>> No.3023921
File: 91 KB, 1423x2120, website bloat kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im cracking up

i just tried one of the examples

pic related requires 26 requests nearly 1MByte transfer (gzip? becasue the resulting code is 2Mbyte)

>> No.3023928


>> No.3023930

garbage, i cant even see the page being rendered, i like watching websites appear slowly

said no one ever

>> No.3023936

You know what I miss about the old web (mostly forums), and I imagine the same was true for BBS and Usenet, that I really want to make a come back?

Patience, and not minding an old conversation being brought back if you've got something useful.

I've seen people get mad for bumping an old thread on forums that have been inactive for only a few weeks, even if what they posted was a solution to the problem the thread was about.

>> No.3023942

im always torn between forum and anonymous imgboards

forums on small scales work wonderfully,

this thread recycling for /vr/ and /vg/ annoys me

btw, besides hg101, isnt there a forum to talk about olden goldies games??

>> No.3023945

No, because I wrote it. Didn't I?

>> No.3023947

Necrobumping can be bad. Let's say there's been a big argument for tens of pages, and then it dies off. Months later someone digs up the thread and posts something that's inconsequential or just rehashes things people have already posted. The thread gets bumped and other people rush in and also also rehash things. Then it dies off again, and then someone digs it up again...

For example, this was posted in a thread about the anime industry YEARS after it had died off:
>Its getting more popular in the west but very little by little less popular in japan so its not dying but if your from japan you know you can say its dying i guess
This highly insightful commentary caused the thread to go on for six more pages.

There's Classic Game Room, but right now the website is broken.

>> No.3023948

I think the solution is something in between the two. Like a more elegant text board. You get the permanence of a forum, and the anonymity of an imageboard. That is the great advantage of text, you don't have to worry about storage or bandwidth on the scale we're talking about.

>> No.3023952

>text boards



>> No.3023983

>This highly insightful commentary caused the thread to go on for six more pages.
well, then how was that bad?
personally i would have created a new thread linking the previous one, copying some quotes and a small paragraph intro and updating the subject from 2010 to 2015

but say its a forum that deletes 5.1 yo threads, i would have just added to it... but yeah, its just a matter of opiniong yours and mine in this example, but in general, bumping is controversial to bad on thread that discuss events...

now a thread about a game narrow niche, some pattern found in several games, or about BGM, or pretty much half the topics discussed on /vr/, its all atemporal discussions that wouldnt suffer a bit from necromancy.

btw, anime industry is dying on japan huh? (since this thread pretty much became a chat room, haha)

>> No.3024020

>btw, anime industry is dying on japan huh?

>> No.3024272

>This is called meritocracy
Except it isn't. People are lazy and don't give a fuck.

Google remains supreme now because Google was supreme before. Claiming meritocracy in the technology industry is hilarious, it's like saying our king is there by merit because his father's father's father's father was appointed by god (read: killed the right people and was thus recognised as powerful enough to unite some disjointed tribesmen.), Google could show a single page of results and refuse to go further and most people would keep using it.

It's the same as with Microsoft and Windows, although their peak-position among consumers has slightly withered because of indirect competition with smartphones and tablets taking away desktop-PC users.

>> No.3024460

hg101's forum is kinda shitty.

Still love the idea of us finding some dead old fanforum and making it a new home.

Or finding one of the many abandoned usenet groups for games and resurrecting it.

>> No.3024464

>But isnt the cost of hosting pretty much the cost of electricity?
Apart from
>u meant the block of home connections on ports 80, 21, 25, and what not?
>yeah that much is true they took it away this functionality of mids 90s..

These are pretty fundamental parts of hosting. Providers don't like you hosting. Their whole plan model is based on consumption. You download more than you upload, you're dynamic, you run no services, etc. If, and that's a big if, we could get all these things as the default on every line into the net, then yes, hosting is just the cost of electricity, and we'd be on equal footing with other hosts, could do some actual decentralized peer-to-peer networking, etc.

>> No.3024698

Wget seemed to suck it up pretty well, but with a few errors (maybe because what you mention). It all seems to be on archive.org but I like having a local copy since archive.org honors robots.txt and I've seen them remove sites retroactively when new owners of a domain change robots.

>> No.3024712

>remove sites retroactively when new owners of a domain change robots.
This is the worst thing in the world.

I understand removing sites if the owner actually wants them gone from the archive, but arbitrarilly deleting a 90s fansite because some soon-to-be-bankrupt startup happened to pick the same tld is awful.

>> No.3024842

>remove sites retroactively when new owners of a domain change robots.

>> No.3024875
File: 75 KB, 731x720, triggered - darkest dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3024885

Yeah, the Internet Archive really needs to get with it and start fucking ignoring robots.txt, or at least make a new algorithm to not heed robots files that cause infuriating retroactive removal. They already rely on grey area "fair use" for shit like scores of web emulated classic games and software, so dealing with the issue makes sense.

>> No.3024890

Why don't you start your own archive for 90s weebo pages you fucking nerd.

>> No.3024901

Ha! Burn!

I bet he posts on retro game forums as well.

>> No.3024917

That policy applies to everything, you fucking self hating obsolete videogame nerd. All online history is subject to that shit, so quit sucking mom's tit and let the adults talk.

quit sucking >>3024890 dick and think for yourself.

>> No.3025447

Samefagging at its finest.

>> No.3027025

I swear google ignores that shit if they feel like it these days.

>> No.3027035

+ has not been working for a long time. - might work, though by default verbatim search is off, which means google will override your search string with synonyms. I seriously doubt alternatives (foo|bar) work at all. And even with all that, there are some switches you can't control. For example save search is only enabled by certain keywords.

>> No.3027198

No one uses it except for old Internet users and they aren't "relevant" to google anymore

>> No.3027212

Because autistic kids who spent weeks copying the exact same information that was in the strategy guides by hand eventually grew up.

>> No.3027272

So I upgraded my Adblock Plus to uBlock Origin and I am very pleased with the results.
The load time of a particular site I frequent reduced from 6 to 4 seconds.

Now that I have blocked the surface level garbage I want to go deeper and disable all the underlying botnet to gain even greater freedom and speed.

Which is the best extension of the following?


>> No.3028165

i meant as an example of what was avaiable
+include became "include" and offcourse "exact phrase" ceased to exist, along wiith (|) and a dozen others, i checked a couple g.support pages and yeah, ots pretty much only

"add" -exclude @SocialMediaIDs #hashtags and still a good portion of the html filters like

>save search is only enabled by certain keywords
save search?

>> No.3028254

If you're that concerned you should just browse the internet with Javascript and cookies disabled, IMO.

>> No.3028539

safe search, I can't spell. Google used to have a safe search setting, that any normal person disabled. It's my understanding that it is enabled by default now, excluding nsfw or otherwise problematic results. The way to bypass it is using certain keywords. No setting anymore. Or maybe that just applies to image searches, I don't know.

>> No.3028725

Why didn't new autistic kids replace him? Supposedly the rates are skyrocketing

>> No.3028816

Styles are shit. The first mother fucking website was the better one, how the page looks should be controlled by the viewer, not the author. The author needs only write. And plain text is beautiful.

>> No.3028864

>Styles are shit
>how the page looks should be controlled by the viewer, not the author
The first page is styled. The different fonts and text sizes, the bullet points, event font color and background color, these are all part of the default style sheet that comes with the browser.
By design CSS knows three levels of style: author, browser and user. User can override author and browser at any point. Firefox uses the nearly unknown userContent.css file for this.

>plain text is beautiful.
What's plain text? serif, sans-serif? monospace font? Wrapped at the width of the window, at 80 characters, or not at all? Big or small font? White on black? Black on white? Something else? And as said, the original site is already not plain text.

>> No.3028872

that said, some of the choices the author made are annoying, like fucking with the contrast, or the default font size (and using fucking px for that). It's extra work to force the reader to override that stuff. Say, you're having bad eyesight. You might have your browser font configured to be 30pt or something. The new website overrides that, and you need to add an extra user style rule to say "no! 30pt, I mean it, fucker!". The line width is good in concept, but gets retarded on modern full screen resolutions. Neither the old nor the new site have a solution for that.
And the sentiment expressed in
>"You're a fucking moron if you use default browser styles."
is downright rude. That's a serious dick move, and the new site can fuck right off with that. (and let's not even get into the new site using default browser styles)

>> No.3028892


If you try to look for a wikia page for say Demon Gaze or Stranger of Sword City you're going to be pretty disappointed. There's no dedication. Even something like Elminage has basically incomplete listings.

You do realize that's irrelevant. They literally proved what the OP wanted to know. Why it doesn't happen today and the answer is it does.

You're excuse of, but not every game does not make the games that it does happen for not exist. Therefore it happens.
Likewise, those types of sites didn't exist for every game released back then either the same way you're arguing for less mainstream titles now.

>> No.3029236

Policeman and Requestpolicy block everything except things you whitelist, so they make an adblocker redundant. If you want to use an adblocker you shouldn't use those addons (use Noscript instead). Conversely, if you want to go the whitelist route then you don't need an adblocker. Policeman and Requestpolicy also make Noscript redundant (though Noscript might have some extra functionality that makes it better for script blocking).

I'm not sure what exactly the other addons do and if they do anything that uBlock doesn't already do.

I only use uMatrix, which is like Policeman and Requestpolicy. It blocks everything except things I whitelist. But it takes some time to learn how to use it effectively. There's probably a tutorial somewhere.

If I used uBlock and Noscript I would also use Self-Destructing Cookies and Cookie Monster.

>> No.3029247

The problem is that without styling the text stretches across the browser window, and the higher your resolution is the harder it is to read.

>> No.3029256

>the higher your resolution is the harder it is to read
If your display has a higher dpi, you should increase your font size to the same physical size, or you're just making it harder for yourself. The text running wide is a side effect of displays being wider in terms of physical dimensions.
And as said already in >>3028864 the default style is a style. All a CSS does is override it. And as said in >>3028872 with a limited line width you experience the opposite effect on wide displays, you get a narrow column of text and a lot of background.

>> No.3029637

The problem is just like everything else, it moved away from JRPGs and to WRPGs. Every one listed by people as an example was a WRPG rather than a JRPG.

>> No.3029667

JRPGs are dead now, bra, give it up. That's why you're only able to list games which are obscure that you want covered, because all JRPGs short of Final Fantasy are obscure now. The market has dictated that it wants WRPGs and even fanbases have moved away from JRPGs to cover WRPGs. There are just stragglers that remain on half-dead zombified sites dedicated to JRPGs.

>> No.3029686

I don't get it, don't walkthrough and guides take away from the only thing that made japanese role play games interesting, the feeling of discovery?

>> No.3029697


You don't actually need an extension to block ads. Using an extension would just introduce needless bloat. You can edit your HOSTS file to blacklist IPs that belong to advertising agencies instead, and this is accomplished on an OS-level, so filtering doesn't eat up resources.

I've been going this route for 10+ years and frankly it's every bit as effective as extensions are. Nothing has slipped past my HOSTS file yet. If you want step-by-step instructions on how to set it up, try this link: http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts2.htm (Note that this HOSTS file can also be used on Linux systems, but you'll have to copy it over manually)

As for updating it, I update mine about every six months.

>Which is the best extension of the following?

The only thing you really need is NoScript. RequestPolicy or anything else would be pretty redundant.

Optionally, I also use BetterPrivacy to deal with Flash cookies. If you don't want your browser to have a unique footprint, also consider Blender. It spoofs your useragent string to make your computer's configuration look more like everybody else's.

>> No.3029708

the mob guides are a form of shared knowledge, a way to communicate with a community about what you, as individual, and as a group, found in the game.
The engine guides are for the minmaxing retards, that think these games need to be beaten, instead of played.

>> No.3029768

I have nothing of value to provide here, but I recall searching for every possible Chao (Sonic Adventure) fan site possible when I was younger. Good times.
I miss when midi music would play on sites.

>> No.3029805

Some of us don't want to bother playing the game if we think it's likely shit but we might want to see the monster designs

>> No.3029956

the story is fun and it's significantly more engaging to press the buttons yourself than to watch some youtuber (who likely can't shut his stupid pie-hole and talks over the game) do the same.

plus it lets you say you beat the game.

>> No.3029960

>plus it lets you say you beat the game.
But it's an jerperger. You're gonna beat it no matter what.

>> No.3030110

Not true. Star Ocean 4 was such a bad game that I could barely tolerate it and rushed through the game without leveling much and was severely underleveled for the bosses. I got to the Mysterious Masked Man and barely beat him, but that wasn't the end, no, he transformed into SATAN HIMSELF to defeat me, and after a grueling 50 minute battle, his power kept increasing as his HP got lower and it became too much. He prevailed. After that it was over. I was busted, beaten, destroyed, never again to play the game

>> No.3030332

seem like you had a much more engrossing experience then many so rpg fans that just take the logest possible path to engage in as much boring confrontations as possible and just soar thru the whole game pretending its story is as immersing and interesting as even a highschooler's favourite high fantasy novel.

you expected to just enjoy a sequence of text baloons while hiting some buttons and watching numbers accumulate by barely using half a brain just not to make irremediable mistakes, but instead you learned a lesson that will be with you for the rest of your life, some fights you cant win, or the cost of victory does not justify it's pursuit, and so you retreated to find other battles, in fiction and in life.

>> No.3030521



>> No.3031072

>Binding of Isaac is an RPG
>Fallout is a new game

>> No.3031130


If you're looking to (re)discover a whole bunch of those types of fansites, I recommend checking out https://millionshort.com/

>> No.3031274

Looks like it has a lot of potential. Hopefully it won't collapse under google's weight

>> No.3031562

What about delving into the old catacombs of the internet that normies are unaware of?

Protocols like:

Are these forgotten ruins free from advertising, tracking, and bloat?
Are there any discussions of classic gaming going on in these dusty crypts?

I want to get away from the kind of people who post their Zelda tatoos on Reddit.

>> No.3031569

IRC is definitely still alive in some places and probably there are video game channels on some of the larger networks.

As far as FTP, can't really have discussions over FTP.

>> No.3031617

Those aren't fansites. This is a fansite: http://thief.nov.ru/azal/

>> No.3031634

on endchan some phaggots were advertising a BBSchan, actually a text board accesibble via telnet, but tbqf what the point

gopher still exists? how would we even host a server on shared webhosting? PHP gopher library?

>> No.3031875
File: 41 KB, 602x240, Karin no Tsurugi (Japan) [En by Filler+KingMike+Satsu v1.0] (~Sword of Kalin, The)_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread (and specifically the talk about web page bloat) got me thinking about Gopher. This morning I learned that MetaFilter put their Gopher server up again.

Gopher is free from advertising, tracking and bloat; plus it is cross compatible with many web browsers (from Lynx on up).

I'm thinking of setting one up, but my ISP gets quite pissy about anyone hosting servers.

If I get some /vr/ type content up, I'll post here so it can be enjoyed until my ISP pulls the plug.

>> No.3032295

Just tell them that it's for Minecraft.

>> No.3032302

aspect raidou.png

>> No.3032326

I think we can totally remake these sites, and better, in the real 90s style.

I have a MMO fansite (aberothblog dot blogspot dot come) that is designed to look old fashioned, but is actually well known on the game, people regularly talk to me about it.

If I had the time, and you guys surely have time, make one for every game. Go and emulate your favorite N64 game or something and start uploading screenshots, write about them.

I think the /vr/ community is capable of bringing this stuff back and making something more enjoyable than corporate websites.

Also, bear in mind that occulus rift is going to have simulated 90s living rooms, with Michael Jackson tapes in virtual stereos, Super Nintendo emulated on a virtual CRT, and virtual pentium 90s which connect to a community-organized 90s internet. Inevitably someone is going to rebuild geocities, and people will be making these sites again anyway - though underlying it all will be strict rules to ensure time period immersion. Adults pretending to be teenagers and kids.

>> No.3032360


Holy fuck I've thought this for so goddamned long. And you've articulated it so well you've put me to shame. ;-;

>> No.3032364


Isn't robots.txt increasingly being ignored by all commercial interests anyway?

>> No.3032376


The "/vr/ community" has been shit for nearly a year now. Do you _really_ think it has any moxie left in it (honest question)?

>> No.3032381


IRC is alive and well, especially among the GNUtards. Only useful thing they've ever really done for me, to be quite truthful. Still, freenode (main Lunix IRC network) is gay as all hell. Never encountered anything on it besides mental code-monkeys and over-idealistic 15 year olds.

>> No.3032385

This board went to shit when people started playing backseat moderator. The owner whose name I forget needs to make a global rule against that.

>> No.3032386


Usenet is still ticking, albeit increasingly a service you have to pay to access at all (assuming your ISP even knows what the hell you're on about). From the looks of it it's primarily used for piracy, so prolly a pretty goddamned cool place to hang.

>> No.3032387


Is he dead? Because he might as well be with as much administrative attention as this board gets. They're pretty much leaving it to rot.

>> No.3032403
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News.aioe.org has some games groups, but nothing centrally retro that isn't far too specific.

>> No.3032687

I'm surprised such specific channels can survive. A general one would seem to be better suited to that since people can pop in and discuss any old game

>> No.3033697

Wow! Great post!

>> No.3035494

Wow! Great post!