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File: 11 KB, 640x360, crashbandicoot-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2982793 No.2982793 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe Crash Bandicoot is Returning After All

When Shawn Layden teased the PlayStation community with his Crash Bandicoot shirt at the underwhelming PlayStation Experience this past December, there was a strong contingent of Crash fans that thought their mascot of choice would return. Though there was no announcement at PSX 2015 regarding a new Crash Bandicoot game, the conspiracy theories around the furry hero are far from dead.

Today, PlayStation Mid East’s official Twitter account tweeted out a very cryptic tease in regards to one of PlayStation’s most iconic characters, which you can see below:

For those of you who do not read Arabic or know about Google Translate, this translates to “Most wanted person … Where are you Crash?” It’s strange to see an official PlayStation account tweet something about Crash Bandicoot a mere two months after PSX 2015. Could we see an announcement sometime this calendar year in regards to a new Crash Bandicoot game?

Is he coming back guise?

>> No.2982795
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>> No.2982797
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>> No.2982801


>> No.2982825


>> No.2982849

Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Twinsanity > Crash 3 > Wrath of Cortex > Mind over Mutant > Crash of the Titans

>> No.2982851

Pretty much. 100% agree on that. The vehicles on Crash 3 were a bit too much.

>> No.2982860

Nobody really cares about crash. The 2nd game was the best and it tried to do everything mario did. Though failed.

Most people know crash as hero who could have been something but failed. Same thing happened to spyro, though less harshly.

>> No.2982861


Pretty accurate, except fuck Crash Twinsanity and its putrid Ren & Stimpy presentation and a capella band.

>> No.2982862

You forgot the shitty gba games

>> No.2982865


Crash Bandicoot is one of the few platformera at the time that didn't try to be like Mario, dunno how you came to that conclusion. Lots of people would care about Crash, but people aren't bothered with hyping a series that's been on hiatus since 2008.

>> No.2982880


>> No.2982882

Why did they even bother making those?

>> No.2982887

>crash bash
Actually yes they tried. Too bad the series had too few main characters and it was too young. Also mario series had way more popularity.

>> No.2982891

Naughty dogs did only the original trilogy and ctr. After that it has been just shit. I allways think crash as ps1 mascot but as ps2 came along the games were directed towards more "mature gamers".

>> No.2982893

>he doesn't like Ren & Stimpy
how pleb can you get, it was the best cartoon on Nick

>> No.2982895

I enjoyed CTR.
Yeah it's too bad. Around that time the production of Crash slowed down.

>> No.2982898

Pretty good

>> No.2982913


As always, you pull in the spinoffs and disregard the main platformers.

>> No.2982916


Ren & Stimpy is the tasteless and overly edgy tripe that make some people shun the 90's.

>> No.2983053

Crash an a busload of kids just got taken out by a drone.
Thanks Obama.

>> No.2983251


>> No.2983505


> Nickelodeon

> Good shows

Pick one

>> No.2983524

>Modern crash
Fucking no.

>Is he coming back guise?
Nice cancer. Exactly why this would be trash.

>> No.2983582


Nice arguments against new Crash Bandicoot there. Very convincing.

>> No.2983583

Don't worry I'm sure Sony will have the season pass available for pre order for you.

>> No.2983663


It would be the first game I would ever pre-order.

>> No.2983808


>> No.2983829
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> Posting memes
> 1996 + 20

>> No.2984827


>> No.2984848

Who fucking cares? If Naughty Dog doesn't make it, it will suck.

>> No.2984857

What about traveler's tales though? They made Twinsanity.

>> No.2985015

id be very happy to see that happening. sadly, i dont buy any console since PS2. this might give me a reason to buy a new one.

>> No.2985020

they were OK for GBA. i dont think they're that bad
i know this is a retro board but for fucks sake what is wrong with you

>> No.2985179


Twinsanity is what ruined the series.


Sure, because developer name recognition is totally what makes a game good.

>> No.2985181


Meant to reply to >>2984848
Quick reply window covers up the whole screen on mobile.

>> No.2985183

>ruined the series
Pretty sure ND did that when they started adding random gimmick shit like bike stages and jetski stages and airplane stages in Crash 3.

>> No.2985202


I agree, but Twinsanity added insult to injury with shitty replay value, shitty humor, shitty character changes, even shittier music, and some shitty locations.

>> No.2985206


Just realized people might misinterpret the music part. What I meant is that the music was the worst offense in that game.

>> No.2985229


>> No.2985237

replace twinsanity with CRT and mind over mutant with crash bash

>> No.2985806


Fuck off with your party games. Platformers only.

>> No.2985947


>> No.2986824


Why do people keep using that disgusting picture of Crash, literally the first picture on Google search?

>> No.2987687

Which picture is better? Post please?

>> No.2987725

Yeah, Naughty Dog is the only talented developer that has ever graced earth. Noone else ever has ever made a ever good game in ever, ever. Never will there ever be other good games in ever, never ever. Forever we are doomed to play the only 4 good games that have ever been made, forever and ever and never ever ending.

>> No.2987746

Crash Bash> CTR> Crash3 >Crash2 >Crash1 (Even though I love Crash1 because it's fucking hard)

>> No.2987778


> Ever prefering multplayer ripoffs over the glorious main series

Pleb, even though CTR is great.

>> No.2987813
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It's that playing it Multiplayer is more fun that's all. (favorite Dingodile)

>> No.2987902


Almost anything. Not only does it portray Crash as a failed sleazy, edgy cunt of a character, it's also the worst character model through his active years, it's also a horrendously overused image.

>> No.2988172


>> No.2988210

Thank you for reminding me why this game didn't fool me even as a kid, besides that disgusting Eurocom intro. The roster is absolutely trash.

>> No.2988236

My most prominent memory of this game is that I played it with some kid from the ghetto apartments down the street because my mom felt bad for him or something, then when I beat him he said I cheated and that he was gonna cut me.

Besides that it was pretty forgettable.

>> No.2988362

>Ren & Stimpy
You never even watched it. Over-the-top, zany, and sometimes gross, sure, but never edgy.

>> No.2988369

>it tried to do everything mario did. Though failed.
You've clearly never played the games, please stop shitposting.

>> No.2988380
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What about this one?

>> No.2988417

das it mane

>> No.2988849

Damn son.

>> No.2988881
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Imho this is one series that really wouldn't gain anything from a revival.

>> No.2988905


How? It has an entire archipelago that just screams for more exploration.

>> No.2988946

God damn that would be awesome.

>> No.2991237


That and the Rayman 1 world (especially Band Land) are two platform worlds so full of untapped potential that it makes no sense to leave it as is.

>> No.2991270

Hell yeah brother.

>> No.2992138


>> No.2992203

I feel that a Crash reboot is overdue, on one condition. On lots of conditions, seriously, the Crash series has been fucked bloody and needs urgent fixing

Get rid of this gay aids fucking new EVERYTHING. The good Crash games ended at Twinsanity. A reboot will be fine but
>Replace the stupid 'muh grafix' character models with the traditional ones from the original games
>remove all combat other than sliding and spinning
>Never, ever mention anything to do with mutants ever again
>Don't go overboard with graphics
>Bring back wumpa fruit and a lives system
>Make the game about platforming and finding well hidden secrets in LEVELS, not a map. Actual levels you can go back and play multiple times, seriously what happened to levels in games?

It needs to be like DOOM 4 is supposed to be: adding enough new stuff in to make it worth playing, but don't make drastic changes to the traditional formula
Yes I know D44M wont turn out like I just mentioned

>> No.2992621

Solid points. I hope that a new game will actually come out. Crash Bandicoot's 20th anniversary is actually this year.

>> No.2992798


>Replace the stupid 'muh grafix' character models with the traditional ones from the original games

Please elaborate. The updated character models may have been a mixed bag, but it wasn't all bad. Coco and Crunch undoubtedly got their best character models for Mind Over Mutant, and Cortex looks good too. Then there are some failed abortions like the masks and Tiny, fair point.

Crash himself leaves a lot to be desired, though. Forget about the tattoos, those are hardly the biggest issue. People don't seem to care about how is eyebrows have been shrinking and getting the Tom Preston treatment of floating on their own, or how a character that was originally intended to have a wide variety of emotions and facial expressions have only had the shitty, wide open, 1000 yard stare and shit eating grin (Titans being an exception) ever since Twinsanity came and took a dump all over the series' values.

By 'muh grafix', I assume you mean Crash's more believable fur texture, which in my opinion is the best addition to his new model. The slightly unkempt, but clean cream colored fur on his chest and lower face certainly make him appear a lot cuter, which I welcome. I liked the tufts on his cheeks that he only had in Titans as well.

>remove all combat other than sliding and spinning

This, I totally agree with. I'd also welcome attacks that don't slow you down, or don't try to emphasize brawling, which is what was really annoying with Titans and Mutant's combat.

>> No.2992802


>Never, ever mention anything to do with mutants ever again

The mutants themselves were fine. They were recognizable enemies, that had a bit of character on their own. I especially liked Snipe, Stench, Ratcicle and Spike. One thing I do have against them, is that they completely ignored the Australian fauna, and went with generic animals like gorillas, rats and mundane shit like that. Why not make giant huntsman spiders, or red kangaroos, anything actually indigenous to Australia?

But for real, your major problem with them is how they controlled the gameplay, and that Crash completely relied on them, and I agree with that. In Crash Bandicoot, I think you should primarily play as Crash, not a bunch of other, less athletic mutants that were clearly optimized for brawling over platforming.

>Don't go overboard with graphics

What do you mean by this? Crash Bandicoot was the absolute epitome of going overboard with graphics. If you're talking about overly detailed graphics, then I can see your point. I think a hand drawn look fits Crash a lot more than doing realistic graphics, for sure. I think Uncharted 1 totally had that Crash Bandicoot feel going. Just gotta make things bigger and clearer, really (Uncharted was notorious for unclear graphics in platforming segments).

>Bring back wumpa fruit and a lives system

Yes, absolutely.

>Make the game about platforming and finding well hidden secrets in LEVELS, not a map. Actual levels you can go back and play multiple times, seriously what happened to levels in games?

Also a good point, but I would love to see the separate levels actually connect with each other (think like Duke Nukem 3D, where the end of one level and start of the next level connect very clearly), instead of just having a bunch of typical disconnected level themes that platformers usually do. Having a level or two that gradually change from exotic jungle to snow covered mountains, for example, would make me so happy.

>> No.2992808


Also, I would like to add one condition to this list:

> Get rid of the GOD AWFUL forced humor that has plagued the series since Crash Twinsanity, and been amplified with a bombardment of out of place pop culture references since Crash of the Titans

>> No.2992830

100% agree with you on that.

>> No.2993026


Crash 1 and 2 are the ones i replay the most and for a good reason, the challenge of 1 and the overall fun of 2 makes me scratch my head at the other games that are more mini games than platforming, Warped is only great if you like to speed run, at least in 2 they put the jetpack at the end so most of the game you actually control crash and not a vehicle.

My guess is that they tried to expand the gameplay but i think it failed because Crash 2 was already pretty crazy, there's no level in 3 that gave me the same feel that Unbearable gave me the first time i played it and somehow i enjoyed the jetboard levels more than any of the vehicles in crash 3 or wrath of cortex.

Twinsanity is real fun though, the only modern crash game i actually enjoy, and the beat em up games aren't that bad if you ignore they are crash games.

>> No.2993045

Actually i wouldn't mind a reboot having amazing graphics, just keep a good balance between realistic and stylish but yeah the levels should still be linear but be really complex with different paths in them, and like >>2992802 said connect the levels so they form a consistent world, this could be used to make a challenge mode where you play all the levels as one or something like that.

>> No.2993054

People actually like Twinsanity? And you post on /vr/?

Anything after the PS1 games was trash. That's not an exaggeration. The series lost focus and Twinsanity just narrowly avoided being an Sonic 06. Terrible gameplay, terribly optimized and was I guess the start of the new "art" style of Crash. It's a really bad game.

And what's the hate with Crash 3? The vehicles were creative if anything. Suppose to be some autistic argument about how platformers should only be be platforming?

>> No.2993104

I like it because at least they tried something new instead of being Crash 3.5 like wrath of cortex but yeah it isn't good as the original trilogy by any margin.

And i don't think no one here "hates" Warped, personally i think the minigame levels ruin some of the pacing but they are not bad, some would hate it for it due to the first 2 games being mostly platforming but as you say they are being autistic.

There are a lot of things crash 3 did better than 2 like the Coco levels being better than the polar ones and the time trials were a great addition.

>> No.2993873


>> No.2993925


>> No.2994119
File: 26 KB, 256x327, Wrathofcortex_boxart[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is wrong with this?

>> No.2994247

What is this even supposed to be

>> No.2994254

According to the game dude it played too much like the classics. Speaking of game dude, remember when there was that leaked story of how he was going to a film school in Vancouver and supposedly everyone hated him and picked on him for being not only bad at film making and editing and the such but for also being an annoying tool

>> No.2994285

Was tiny tiger supposed to be called taz? Because if you pause the boss fight with him in crash 2 it says taz tiger

>> No.2994339


Too bad. I think Alexander may be a genuinely cool guy, but has some minor issues that turns people away from him.

About the game... Sure, it did play a bit too much like Crash 3. Actually worse. The camera movement was more disorienting, jumping felt floatier, and obstacles no longer moved fast and rigidly, and instead moved as sluggishly as they did in Mario 64, one of the things that made me dislike Mario 64's levels as a whole.

Other than that, there's the rather weird presentation. Speaking of 'muh grafix' character models someone mentioned earlier, what about these? The models in this game are just high poly turds compared to the well made models from Titans and Mutant, and these animate poorly for the most part as well.

The music, too, was a mixed bag. It has its moments, but what's with the strange techno and jazz elements? They don't really work.

>> No.2994343

I don't know
It just wasn't fun though
They tried, and I give them credit for that
But it's just missing the magic

>> No.2994386

It was the first platformer without naughty dog, it tried to do too many things like with the mech suit, the helicopter thing, and the plane levels. Too much shit thrown together. Also it felt like crash warped minus some of the charm and effort. This game felt like some sort of experiment with all the different music choices and level designs.>>2994339
This game always felt like a downgraded version of 3 to me. It also seems kinda like a beta of some sorts with the presentation.

>> No.2994402

People bitch about warped and the gimmick levels, WOC amplified it by 10

>> No.2994405

>plane/spaceship/mosquito thing levels
>rollerball levels
>the personal helicopter level
>underwater ship levels
>mech suit levels
>jeep levels
I'm sure i'm missing a couple but holy shit those are alot of gimmicks

>> No.2994462

Crash should just be left alone

>> No.2994491


You could say the same thing about Adolf Hitler, but some things are just too dank to be left alone.

>> No.2994806

We all know it's going to be the Sonic 06 of Crash

>> No.2994843
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>Create an new character instead of adding in somebody like Komodo Joe/Moe, Pinstripe, Papu Papu, etc.
>N. Brio

>> No.2995085
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> TFW Moe and Joe are the coolest animal villains in the series, and are constantly ignored by the devs

>> No.2995168


It's just Tiny in the PAL version, so it must have been a mistake, probably got his name wrong, since he's a tasmanian tiger (don't believe Titans' lies)

>> No.2995492

What was wrong with Sonic 06? Enlighten me please.

>> No.2995501

Play it and enjoy one of the worse games ever made. The worst when you consider the devs should had known far better.

It's so comically bad it's almost reached "The Room" status.

>> No.2995515

Damn son I'll check it out.

>> No.2995524

Do you guys believe there's a possibility that Crash will actually come back? This is the most they've ever teased at it specially considering his 20th anniversary is coming this year. Although I must say that if it's a bad game, it will truly be the death of Crash. My other question is, why has Sonic been able to live for so long but not Crash?

>> No.2995526

Yes if Sony/Naughty Dog see it's profitable to be raped by DLC.

>> No.2995527

Latest news. It's happening:

Crash Bandicoot Revival Mentioned by Director of Toy Company

"I see they're bringing Crash Bandicoot back, which is really cool."

>> No.2995536

More evidence to suggest that the Crash series is being resurrected has come to light. In an interview withPixel Danat the New York Toy Fair this week, NECA director of product development Randy Falk mentioned the Crash series as one that the company is excited about for the future (via NeoGAF).

"Finally, we've been able to get back in with Sony," he said, referencing new toys it's making for the Uncharted and God of War series, among others. "Looking at some of their other titles, I see they're bringing Crash Bandicoot back, which is really cool."

NECA has a number of figures based on Sony franchises coming out this year, including Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Sakcboy (LittleBigPlanet), and Kratos (God of War) figures.

The above-mentioned interview was even promoted by NECA on its Twitter account.

GameSpot has followed up with NECA in an attempt to get more details on the company's plans for the Crash series. We'll update this post with anything we hear back.

Earlier this month, the PlayStation Middle East Twitter account posted the tweet below, the English translation of which is, "Most wanted person... where are you Crash?"

Before that, at PlayStation Experience in December 2015, PlayStation boss Shawn Layden wore a Crash t-shirt, but no Crash announcements were made during the show.

The latest Crash Bandicoot game for consoles was 2008'sCrash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant, which was published by Activision. The series was created by Naughty Dog and was for a time developed exclusively for PlayStation systems before Activision apparently scooped up the rights.

In November 2013, it was suggested that the Crash IP might have switched hands and gone to Sony afterall mention of Crash was removed from Activision's website. However, Activision at the time confirmed that itcontinued to own the franchiseand was still looking to "explore ways in which we could bring the beloved series back to life."

For its part, Naughty Dog has said it's open to the

>> No.2995539

idea of making a new Crash, though it's a Sony-owned studio, which could be problematic.

"It's never off the table," Naughty Dog community strategist Arne Meyersaid in July 2014when asked about bringing back Crash. "It's not too much time passing, but it's the same issues we explored with the Jak game: Is it something that makes sense to us now? I mean, we still have people that worked on the Crash games in the studio. We never forget our past and it'd be great for nostalgic reasons. It'd be the same reason as why there isn't a Jak 4: I don't know if it's playing to our strengths right now."

>> No.2995565

>caring about Crash outside of 1-3, CTR and Crash Bash

Fucking shigged

>> No.2995580

>liking Warped
loving every laugh at your bad taste

>> No.2995586

It's my least favorite of the trilogy due to shit like the motorcycle races and the stupid biplane shit but you can't say the tomb, "techno" and "middle east" levels weren't fun. Additionally, it's canon.

>> No.2995594

Imagine if the mutant Crash games were canon.

>> No.2995612

Unpleasant :[

>> No.2995718


They are. All the platformers are (CTR and Crash Bash are not), and Crash Nitro Kart has a complete standalone story that could fit anywhere.

>> No.2995731


> I don't know if it's playing to our strengths right now

Yeah, gameplay isn't exactly your strength right now.

>> No.2995749
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>non-Naughty Dog stuff is canon
w e w l a d

>> No.2995848

You been living under a rock m8? But yeah the Retsupurae playthrough of it on Youtube is pretty good if you want to get the gist of why its bad

>> No.2995873


>> No.2995898

>recommending the Retsuplay LP of that game instead of the far superior Nintendocaprisun one

Hell, even Game Grumps' LP was better.

>> No.2996027


It doesn't matter if you personally like the games or not, Saladina.

>> No.2996041
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Oh, so that means Skylanders Spyro is also canon because it includes the character Spyro, from the original Insomniac series. Got it.

>> No.2996063


Skylanders has nothing to do with the Spyro franchise, just because Spyro is in there. That's like saying Diddy Kong Racing was a prequel to Banjo Kazooie, just because Banjo was in it.

>> No.2996073

>what's canon is the entire franchise, regardless of what companies come in and muvk about with the original formula laid out by the creators of the game and characters themselves

Could you have any shittier of an interpretation of the word 'canon'? Holy kek

>> No.2996095


Sure, Star Wars: The Force Awakens is not canon because George Lucas wasn't involved. Or maybe you personally liked that one, so it counts?

>> No.2996108

I'd probably argue it isn't, unless he provided any guidance or approval or something. If he's completely uninvolved with the movie in any way it's not.

>> No.2996117

Yeah, Skylanders is canon to the Spyro universe. Did you not play them?

>> No.2996135

>Game Grumps' LP was better.
That is the first one I watched, but it's pretty fucking bad, especially after the first few videos

>> No.2996136


Nope, he was completely uninvolved. However, fans of the series would argue that George Lucas screwed up his own creation so badly with the prequels, and even went back and screwed up his old films, that maybe this whole canon thing shouldn't be attributed to his involvement.

>> No.2996152


Retsupurae are the coolest and realest guys in the Youtube gaming community. It sucks that they are really uninformed about the game series they comment on, though.

>> No.2996156

They're not Spyro canon, are you serious?

>The game has received generally favorable reviews. GameSpot gave it a 7.5 out of 10, praising its family-friendly gameplay and role-playing-style character progression, but criticized the lack of online multiplayer, the cost of buying a complete set of figures, the arbitrary inclusion of Spyro, and the unreliability of the Portal of Power peripheral.
>arbitrary inclusion of Spyro

And as I've been arguing, Insomniac had nothing to do with the games so they're not canon. They stopped at 3 and moved on to stuff like Ratchet and Clank.

My argument remains the same. The first three movies may suck (and they do, with only 3 having redeemable qualities), but they're still canon. Even if the movie content was bullshit (podracing, Jar Jar) the important parts are the major events, their locations, etc. that build up to the sequels.

>> No.2996226

>Retsupurae are the coolest and realest guys in the Youtube gaming community.

Not since they went full SJW and don't even riff on people's shitty let's plays anymore.

Also Gamesack is more real and down to earth.

>> No.2996873


best crash song

>> No.2997049

Kickmaster and Crash 2 are my favorite videogame soundtracks

>> No.2997052


Good, but the gem path version of it is way better.

>> No.2997057

Post the gem path version.

>> No.2997058

Crash 2 has such a good soundtrack

>> No.2997062
File: 27 KB, 378x273, Animaniacs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash music sounded too much like mid 90s cartoons, it's basically background noise not music.

>> No.2997089

But it sounds nice

>> No.2997095

Yeah i like it

>> No.2997135




Uh, what?

>> No.2997149


It's supposed to be an icon resembling Tawna, Crash's girlfriend, but it looks more like some weird bear in a party hat in front of a yellow sheet of paper.

>> No.2997176


>> No.2997180

Thanks man

>> No.2997183

You know what I mean. The random marimba notes that sounds straight out of a tiny toons episode.

>> No.2997353


It's not random, it goes well with the environments.

>> No.2997358

This guy has been in every crash thread Ive ever seen. Literally lanced jack of crash threads. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.2997395
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Will pic related be in the new crash game?

>> No.2997550
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My fucking nigga. I was so prepared to correct you if you didn't post the sewer music.

>> No.2997570

One of the composers/audio guys actually worked on the Rugrats, which I always thought sounded like videogame music in comparison.

>not posting Josh's demo track


>> No.2997576

Mark Mothersbaugh?

>> No.2997609

>New Crash Game
>Systematic retelling of the original first two games
>Little bit more grittier for the teen rating
>E.g Usage of the word "damn", Pinstripe using a cigar, Cortex is a little bit more menacing (he's a goddamn excommunicated scientist for Pete's sake)
>Crash hoppin' and stompin his way to save Cocoa (rather than the random bandicoot babe).
>Actual reasons why Uka Uka and Aku Aku are around in the beginning rather than just being shoved in.

>> No.2997626

What is this post accomplishing? Is this info you know, or wishful speculation?

>> No.2997629

Yup, although most if not all of the soundtrack was definitely Josh Mancell's work.

>> No.2997638

>Naughty Dog is the only talented CRASH BANDICOOT developer that has ever graced earth.
fixed that for you

>> No.2997658

If they do a new crash game, my biggest fucking requirement for buying it aside from it being made by Naughty Dog... was that Josh would have to have made the soundtrack

My favorite song will still always be Rock It though

>> No.2997662

I kinda figured it had to be him. He was always a musical oddball, but definitely in a good way

>> No.2997689

>being made by Naughty Dog

You mean the same Naughty Dog that has little to none of the developers that made Crash Bandicoot?

>> No.2997704

Not him, but yeah, it's irrelevant at this point. The Crash series has been finished since 'nam imo, and Naughty Dog is not what they were.

>> No.2997721


All of it was done by him, or at least he said so in a Skype interview. He just worked for Mark. Mark's company Mutato Muzika was offered the job, and Josh was the only one with some experience with video game music, so Mark made him do it.

>> No.2997747

Not him but good to know. And what a fantastic result.

>> No.2997801


Turtle Woods was always be my favorite song on Crash 2, I always loved how the bass comes in at 0:25.

>> No.2997815

I retract my previous statement then, my main requirement would only really be that fucking Josh Mancell makes the music

And that he doesn't look like a fucking retarded furry punkrocker

>> No.2997826

We're talking about the 90s here Aiden

>> No.2997852


>> No.2998061


>> No.2998293

Latest news state that the NECA guy has retracted his statement. Although there has been some speculation that he may have accidentally let the cat out of the bag and that Crash Bandicoot really is coming back.

>> No.2998405


Just like Vicarious Visions took down the picture with the Crash poster in the back.

>> No.2998408

Damn never heard of that. Have you got a source?

>> No.2998418
File: 293 KB, 300x530, Crash-Jessenhanced1-300x530[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind. Found it. If that's the new Crash, I must say I'm pretty disappointed. Not much of a fan of this new model.

>> No.2998506

Looks like a Skylander desu.

>> No.2998510

Why is t b h equal desu?

>> No.2998528


I hate how Crash is so chubby there. Also tongue sticking out, disgusting.

>> No.2998532

Yeah not a fan of it. Hopefully that won't be the actual model they use.

>> No.2998543

Do you really want another current day Activison game?

>> No.2998552


There was no current day Activision game. Titans and Mutant were under Sierra.

>> No.2998558

Sierra fucking wrecked it.

>> No.2998569

Yeah, if Naughty Dog doesn't make it a cinematic walking simulator it will suck.

>> No.2998583


Let's face it, the NaughtyDog brand means fuckall for Crash Bandicoot now.

However, some key people who initially worked on Crash include David Siller, Charles Zembillas, Joe Pearson and Josh Mancell.

They are the silent heroes of Crash Bandicoot, while Rubin, Gavin and Cerny ran away with all fame and fortune.

>> No.2998594


>> No.2998598


Nigga, why are you bumping a thread that's highly active?

>> No.2998603

I'm sorry. I just really like the thread. I won't do it anymore.

>> No.2998612


Bump when it closes in on the bottom of the catalogue, bruh. It's been high up all day.

>> No.2998615


Not samefag. That post is so old that I can't even take screenshot because i've already changed my old IP.

Crash is the poochie of video games, this isn't new and there isn't only one person who says it.

>> No.2998694
File: 2.02 MB, 432x352, 3429387463246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, post the vastly superior version while you're at the best track through the series.


>> No.2999187

Crash was my hero growing up

>> No.2999213

>this isn't new and there isn't only one person who says it.
But I never hear anybody compare Crash to Poochie aside from that one guy here.

>> No.2999215

I've never heard anyone say that about Crash.

You're thinking of Bubsy.

>> No.2999237


Crash NOT coming back.

The tweet made was a hypothetical situation in response to a fan-made image.


>> No.2999275
File: 30 KB, 640x328, crash bandicoot no jason rubin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2999336

Probably for the best.

Nothing can top the original trilogy.

>> No.2999409

The live shows were better than they're cartoons, I'd rather watch 2 hours of Hey Dude than 1 minute of hey arnold.

>> No.2999572

The question is, will there be a new Crash Bandicoot game?

>> No.2999576


Or Sonic, but being commercially successful makes him different from Poochie too.

Crash was neither an edgy in your face product shill character, nor a commercial failure. The only thing they have in common is the color.

>> No.2999583


All That is honestly the only thing I ever saw on Nickelodeon that made me laugh. The cartoons always had this insipid and depressing tone about them.

>> No.2999718

Let me clear up a few of my statements for you

Regarding the graphics, I feel that Crash doesn't need them. People remember the original games as having ps1 tier graphics. I am not saying that they should keep the low quality graphics of the first 3 games, I believe that a graphical upgrade is mandatory for a reboot. I do however, believe that they should not go overboard. Just because developers have the potential to create near-photo-realistic games, doesn't mean they should. Crash needs to be stylishly animated and textured:
>Simple, effective character models that are not lavishly detailed but don't make the player think 'that's a poorly designed model'
>Textures that get the job done. Bright colours, easy to identify different objects.
>Simple lighting and details. Don't have gritty, dirty rocks and trees where shadows play upon cracks in the bark etc, keep it simple
If you think of a game like Firewatch or Team Fortress 2, that's kind of what I'm imagining

As for the mutants,
While it is true the mutant gameplay and combat was quite fun and a breath of fresh air in the franchise, it was stale by the time MoM came around. If more games had come out, they could have gotten away with it. However, mutants DO NOT belong in a reboot. A reboot should be about reliving the things that made the originals great, and bringing the series into a new age. Mutants were just riding the waves made by the original games, but they never made the splash.

>> No.2999852
File: 39 KB, 410x396, Akuaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2999872
File: 106 KB, 268x378, Aku-Aku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2999904

That's honestly what I hear.

>> No.2999913

I hear
"Woobidega" (badumdum)

>> No.2999914


>> No.2999942

Oh god why? Why would they do that?

>> No.2999963

As a kid I heard "puperat!"

>> No.2999964


>> No.3000268


OOGABOOGAH (just toned a bit differently)

>> No.3000451





>> No.3000651


>> No.3002172


Thanks for derailing an interesting Crash thread

>> No.3002925

Well it can be I guess re-railed. What are your thoughts on a new Crash game? Do you think it'll happen? Also 20th anniversary is this year as the first game was released in 1996.

>> No.3003086

I'm intrigued, but i'm also very worried about it.

>> No.3003197


I don't think it will happen. No key people from Crash Bandicoot have been contacted, and it's Activision, the worst publisher in existence.

>> No.3003475
File: 2.73 MB, 264x313, Thingken-of-fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q&A session with David Siller, producer and disputed lead designer of Crash Bandicoot 1:


It starts off a little slow, and the audio is stupid af, but worth listening to.

>> No.3003585

Definitely how I feel about it. It's either the chance to revive it, or they'll completely ruin it and it'll be dead forever. They NEED to make a good game in order for him to survive.

>> No.3003594

I believe your statement that Activision is quite possibly the worst publisher in current existence. I like to believe that it will happen and the rumors continue to rage on. But until something is announced, I believe they'll remain just that, rumors.

>> No.3003601

Thanks for this will definitely check it out.

>> No.3003961

Holy fuck my fucking ears

>> No.3004074

Damn son. I haven't checked it out yet.

>> No.3004131

Big Sal E Graziano is my all time favorite wrestler

>> No.3004139
File: 13 KB, 320x320, tumblr_leogrfglpi1qcmxm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys, somewhat industry fag here.

I've been going to the E3 expo for the past 17 years. I've worked as both a retail buyer and as a member of the press.

Here's what I can tell you.

Crash is DEFINITELY coming back. Cap this post. There will be a big announcement at E3 2016. Not only is Crash coming back, but so is some of the original creative team from the classic PS1 series.

It appears that the Sony Gods heard our prayers, and Crash will finally be returning to home consoles.

I can dig it!


Oh, and Sony is going to be pushing PlayStation nostalgia in a BIG way. I can't say anything more about that for now, but if you've been a fan of the PS franchise since the beginning, you're going to be very happy.

Be seeing you!

>> No.3004146
File: 462 KB, 721x773, coco5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they bringing back Coco and Tawna too?

>> No.3004153

Please stop doing funny things to my cock.

>> No.3004163
File: 622 KB, 550x574, toto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat generic faux-90's animu artstyle for Coco's initial concept which clashes with the Saturday Morning vibe the series is known for
wake me up

>> No.3004231


I've suddenly got a tingling feeling in my privates.

>> No.3004363


>> No.3004374

>Saturday Morning vibe the series is known for

I dunno

>> No.3004424

Post sexy pictures please, i need to fap

>> No.3004427

I've never heard that it's known for that, but I can see it.

>> No.3004428

Please let it be the Crash suit dude talking smack in the TV spots

>> No.3004446

Does crash have aspergers

>> No.3004459

Was cortex cucked by tawna?

>> No.3004501
File: 49 KB, 450x750, CrashBandicootTawna3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Coco or Tawna?

>> No.3004537
File: 531 KB, 1024x577, bossheads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been going to the E3 expo for the past 17 years. I've worked as both a retail buyer and as a member of the press.
prove it.

>> No.3004538

Why would he have aspergers?

>> No.3004540

Would be nice if you proved it if you could.

>> No.3004542

No, you fucking cap your post you lying fuck. Nobody's interested in keeping your shitty lies on their hard drive, especially after those actual industry people just said it wasn't happening.

>> No.3004554

My hopes are that it actually happens in the first place.

>> No.3004603

Well stop having hopes.

>> No.3004681

I hope they bring back Tiny's hat.

>> No.3004687


>> No.3004691

I hope it's a shitty cellphone casual fest.

>> No.3004791


Please don't. It would do nothing but reinforce le Poochie memes.

>> No.3004797


Tawna has been established as a gold digging whore.

>> No.3004802


Wow, shit like this takes me back to the Sierra forums.

I especially remember someone wanting N.Gin to be more feminine, or have a complete sex change, and people suggested relationships like Coco/N.Gin, Cortex/Nina or Crunch/Tiny.

>> No.3004803


The picture you used most definitely makes you less credible.

>> No.3004828

Hell no. That's too ridiculous.

>> No.3004854


>> No.3004865

I loved that game, don't know why people don't like it.

>> No.3004947

Did Tawna fall for Crash for his Diamonds? I mean, you don't even see Tawna if you didn't bother collecting clear gems right?

>> No.3004957


Yeah, and she dumps him for that shady Pinstripe mafia dude.

>> No.3005053

He seems a bit autistic here

>> No.3005104

Naughty Dog doesn't make fun games anymore.

Have Sanzaru make it. They did a good job with Sly 4

>> No.3005109


That's not canon. Crash cannot speak, let alone have an Australian accent when everyone around him speaks Americlap English.

>> No.3005115


It's a better hypothesis than him being retarded, like so many people think for some reason.

>> No.3005161

Yeah, but part 12 was hilarious.

>> No.3005452
File: 83 KB, 469x458, tawna6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was only canon in the Japanese version, wasn't it?

>> No.3005528


Manga confirms it, even though that's probably not canon, but I think the rest of the world just stuck with that. It's certainly better than saying that some feminazi at Universal got pissy.

>> No.3005574
File: 57 KB, 164x234, Tawna_(Mind_Over_Mutants).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading about the whole Tawna dumping Crash thing in an old official website (not a Japanese one), but I don't remember where. At any rate, it always seemed odd to me that Crash still had a picture of Tawna in his house in later games.

>> No.3005971

I don't think he's retarded. Otherwise he wouldn't be able to do all the shit he does.

>> No.3006051


I think he's very lonely. It doesn't seem like Coco and Crunch appreciate him that much. He's treated more like a pet than an equal family member.

>> No.3006058


That's what I mean. Then people pull that dumb shit "he's a functional retard". There's no difference between that and a someone who is a genius - but only in a few fields.

>> No.3006064

Truth spoken

>> No.3006069

That's actually a pretty good possibility which opens the door to much more.

>> No.3006078

I didn't know Crunch was actually related to Crash. I always assumed he was just a friend.

>> No.3006087


They are not related, but Crunch has been close to them ever since they saved him from Cortex.

>> No.3006136

Is that canon?

>> No.3006139


He's always hanging around their home, so I'm assuming they live together.

>> No.3006142

Yeah that's true.

>> No.3006534


Do you think Crash is having trouble dealing with sexual frustration?

>> No.3006573
File: 92 KB, 392x640, GCcoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should've gone for one of the podium girls in CTR.

>> No.3006659

Josh posted this, among other, today:


Alright, with this one, I can understand what that Animaniacs guy in this thread meant by random marimba notes (haven't actually watched that show, but I guess it's what he's refering to).

Pretty bizarre hearing this as the main theme now, since most of it ended up as the music for the second half of the first level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3E_B1AVCnY

Bizarre for me too, since I made this kinda music tribute a while back, which I never got to finish, and upon hearing this, I might have make some changes to it, because it sounds too similar now. Fuck.

>> No.3006721


Definitely Isabella, if he has any taste at all.

>> No.3007085
File: 87 KB, 800x343, 1663e8b61df1f8cd0c20780b51dcf451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Liz (the black-haired one) the most, but Isabella seems to be his most likely choice, given how she resembles Tawna the most. I'm willing to be he still yells Tawna's name during orgasm.

>> No.3007703


>> No.3007708

That was interesting to hear.

>> No.3008272


If he even gets any.

>> No.3008324

Take note that Twinsanity was shit bacause of how rushed it was

>> No.3008335

Crash had a wierd desing, Crunch felt underwhelming and load times on ps2 lasted for an eternity

>> No.3008339

Sonic has sega
Crash was always changing Dev

>> No.3008378


>> No.3008383

That was just a shitty non-cannon promo

>> No.3008386

He hasn't let go

>> No.3008456

Yeah had they had more time, I think it would've been amazing.

>> No.3008462

I know right, had I seen that commercial when I was a kid, I probably wouldn't have bought the game.

>> No.3008591

Any good crash creepypastas?

>> No.3008621


Actually, they might have had too much time. They had an awesome idea going, but when they realized that the plot was similar to Ratchet & Clank, they scrapped the original game and made that gay ass Saturday morning cartoon we all know.

>> No.3008632
File: 21 KB, 161x232, PasadenaOpossum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sure he's not secretely getting pegged by Pasadena?

>> No.3008653

Never have heard of such a thing. Would love to read one.

>> No.3008664

Damn that sucks.

>> No.3008746

what was the original plan for it?

>> No.3008749

Crash was created by cortex because he wanted a son to take over his work

>> No.3008752

Is that really it? He wanted a son?

>> No.3008754

What would be the plot if crash got a new game?

>> No.3008759

It would make sense for crash to be aussie since bandicoots are located in Australia.

>> No.3008791


Not a son, but a mutant animal to lead his new army of mutated animals.

>> No.3008792


No, because everyone close to him speaks American English.

>> No.3008793

Crash is dead and he will never come back.

>> No.3008794


The original plan is kinda hard to explain. I think Crash Mania has pages of info.

>> No.3008796

Because Australia is in America

>> No.3008804

The original plan for twinsanity was for crash to confess his love for coco

>> No.3008839


Hopefully reuiniting with their parents. We know nothing about that.

>> No.3008982


>> No.3009717

Crash is cool

>> No.3009727
File: 48 KB, 450x550, crashcocot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3010038

Yeah those motorcycle levels where badass.

>> No.3011138

But is he?

>> No.3011153

Any drawfags here?

>> No.3011175


I'm an aspiring one, I guess. I have been off an on, because of lacking motivation, but now I'm really motivated. Never drawn Crash, though. I'm saving him for when I'm good enough.

>> No.3011182


Nope, an Activision representative said he's just chillin' on the beach.

>> No.3011186

I was thinking of having Crash Bandicoot on his bike (like in this image >>3009727) dressed like the real Big Boss at the end of MGSV.

>> No.3011421


Just request it in a draw thread on /v/, surely someone will take it.

>> No.3011459
File: 971 KB, 605x904, crash_bandicoot__crash_the_wrath_of_cortex__model_by_crasharki-d9lnir9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree. Though to be fair, I think they might have had the right idea, but couldn't really get it right because of either lack of experience or polygon budget. The eyes especially, are just fucked up.

>> No.3012202

I'm hoping that if they do bring Crash back, it'll be done nicely and creatively like Rayman Legends. I've honestly thought that if they mess up a new Crash game, it'll likely be the end of Crash, forever.

>> No.3012227

would rather have a Spyro game that stayed true to the originals but im down for crash

>> No.3012451


Rayman Origins and Legends did't feel right at all for me.

>> No.3012475

Yeah I see where you're coming from but they were at least finished and polished. For example, Twinsanity didn't get that treatment and Titans and MOM where too far gone. I still don't know what the fuck they were thinking, but I guess they were trying to be ambitious about it.

>> No.3012518
File: 119 KB, 800x600, 1456054469397[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man I made your request on a thread on /b/ and a nice anon filled it. Here you go.

>> No.3012523


Not him, but bredy gud.

>> No.3012541
File: 60 KB, 615x430, End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them feels

>> No.3012543


Just don't use headphones.

No idea how Matt could get the first interview from David Siller, and fuck up the audio this much.

>> No.3012746

Now thats crash bandicoot, not that cunt in the OP

>> No.3012762

Without out jason or andy im sure it would suck

>> No.3012940


Jason and Andy aren't really the most important people. Jason was an animator and Andy was a programmer.

Bring in Charles Zembillas (character designer), Dave Siller (level designer and producer), Josh Mancell (composer), and you've got a lot going for it already.

Jak & Daxter (the first game), who made that game work at all? Definitely not Jason and Andy. That was essentially Charles Zembillas' game, and they even sent their artists to Zembillas' school without telling him before Jak & Daxter came out. Jak & Daxter would not have happened AT ALL without him, just like Crash Bandicoot would not have happened without Dave Siller.

There's quotes from Zembillas himself on the Untold Story Facebook page, but the page is so cluttered up with nonsense now that it's way back in there, kinda hard to find.

>> No.3013018

Missed this out. Thanks! I always forget /b/ has drawthreads.

>> No.3013184

No problem man. Looks pretty good doesn't it?

>> No.3014543


>> No.3016171


Didn't like the bike levels. Most of the vehicle levels in Crash 3 were a drag.

>> No.3017136


I picture Twinsanity Crash as a retarded guido. Not exactly what I would want.

>> No.3019502

New thread soon? This one is old and dying.

>> No.3019713
File: 44 KB, 1000x750, coco_bandicoot_2_by_erfadads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to make one until it reaches the bump limit. Now have some Coco.

>> No.3020303

They actually look pretty intimidating all together

>> No.3020550
File: 90 KB, 794x1280, 81256169784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She cute.

>> No.3021525


They are fairly intimidating individually as well. I dunno what happened to the villains of Crash Bandicoot after that. They just got progressively worse, except for the mutants, which did up the game significantly from Crash Twinsanity, the rock bottom.

>> No.3022058

What date is E3?

>> No.3022067


June 14-16

>> No.3022078


>> No.3023028

Imagine meeting a muscular tiger or a mutated dingo crocodile thing in real life. Or even like a weird blue chinese clock dude or a androgynous scientist with half his face being metal with a rocket sticking out of his head. Even worse, a crazy excommunicated doctor who would try to turn you into one of his abominations.

>> No.3023534
File: 16 KB, 169x202, aynDNrp_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get why people here puts Crash 3 below 2, all my friends and acquaintances always considered 3 the best one, 2 sometimes felt too repetitive (I still really like the game tough) and 1 was kinda barebones and short compared to the others, the so called "gimmick levels" in 3 were a great spice for me, my friends and I were always excited for them. Except for a bit of the flying levels, it kinda hard to learn it at first, but pretty ok later.

>> No.3023543

The flying levels were bullshit.

>> No.3023708


All of them felt like a chore before more platforming. If Crash 3 had vehicle levels that were more like CTR, it could have added variety while keeping platforming elements in the levels.

Crash 2 also had better graphics, sceneries and music.

>> No.3023735

Too many bullshit gimick levels

>> No.3025681

I really didn't like the plane levels, and they didn't need so many of the bike levels imo.Surf levels and tiger levels were good

>> No.3026010

The first time a video game treated me like dirt.

>> No.3026109
File: 6 KB, 127x219, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye pic related ;_;

>> No.3026221

Crash 2 has god tier music, warped has a decent soundtrack though

>> No.3026347


Good, but lazy. Why are all the death/gem themes and bonus themes just variations of the main theme with different instruments?

Crash 2 instead has variations of the music of the actual level you're in for the death/gm and bonus routes. It makes it much more varied, and some of those death/gem tracks in Crash 2 are among the best in the series.

>> No.3026375

If they want to make the Crash reboot play like the older games and not open world, here what they should do
> Base the story on Crash 1
> Keep riding levels
> Keep running away from things level
> Hub world like Crash 3
> Time trials like Crash 3
> At least 40 levels
> More level variety
> Online leader boards for time trails
> Unlockable Fake Crash after you beat the game, is hard mode without the uses of Aku Aku

>> No.3026415

Isnt that what Wrath of Cortex did, but had awful controls?

>> No.3026417

No, had over long levels, awful truck, robot and Coco levels, less levels and not much level variety. Also has no animal raiding levels

>> No.3027051


I wouldn't want to see the same highly restrictive levels in a new game, though.

>> No.3027609
File: 84 KB, 480x338, crash-of-the-titans-20071004073914658-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That one looks a little better the few times you see him with a less extreme facial expression.

>> No.3029183


Why animal raiding levels? Why not just segments of a level?

>> No.3031574


Yeah, those fucking mech levels. Crash could have gotten through those by himself.

>> No.3032567

Crash Bandicoot had some fucking top quality music, Generator Room is probably one of my favourite bits of music from a gmae

>> No.3032575


>> No.3032698
File: 113 KB, 732x960, Lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lore, you say?

>> No.3034054

What is this?

>> No.3034813


It explains all the ancient mechanisms scattered around the islands in Crash 1.

>> No.3034825

better than the last version of him at least

>> No.3035085


Are you serious? Previous Crash was at least adorable. That one looks like it belongs on a cereal box. Look at that hamfisted fatass with the tonguesticking out.

>> No.3035281

Crash 2 is like Crash's best album, and Crash 3 is like the live show. What it means is, it's debatable on which one you enjoy more, but Crash 2 still reigns supreme when you rank them.

>> No.3035901

Crash 2 is amazing but I believe Crash 1 is the most difficult one.

>> No.3035967

Yep, by far.

>> No.3035980


Correction: The most difficult in the right way.

Crash 3 is to me the hardest one, maybe slightly behind Wrath of Cortex (not retro), but it's not based on platforming, but mostly racing and flying.

>> No.3036679

Crash 3 without minigames > crash 2 > crash 1 > crash 3 with minigames

>> No.3036774


I still really miss the sceneries, music and more sinister atmosphere from Crash 1 and 2, though you might have a point there.

>> No.3036856

I thought temple run is the continuation of crash bandicoot and moved that kind of game play to mobile to focus on serious games like drake and last of us on consoles

>> No.3036859
File: 84 KB, 466x492, 1435499974239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serious games like drake and last of us on consoles

>> No.3037180


> Crash Bandicoot is a joke game

Just get the fuck out

>> No.3037885

>retro games are awesome. they still had good gameplay and story
>modern games suck, especially mobile gaming which is for toddlers and is literally the worst
>crash bandicoot resembles modern mobile gaming

>> No.3039473
File: 295 KB, 2879x3157, Crash handsome face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I downloaded Temple Run because of you. Unsurprisingly, the games have dickall in common, the only vague resemblance being the scenery, which is a landslide more refined in Crash Bandicoot.

It's shockingly easy to tell when someone criticizing Crash Bandicoot to this degree hasn't even played it.

>> No.3039526

wow you must be really butthurt. i played both. it's essentially the same. compare temple run to bandicooch 1. there is no difference besides boss fight. there is also another game that resembles bandicooch it's called PITFALL https://youtu.be/TX2Xe4Sx4sw

I like pitfall, its better than temple run and more resembles bandicoot

>> No.3042387

This is a travesty compared to the original Pitfall.
Fuck that shitty piss stain Android.


>> No.3043610

No thank you I prefer the ipad version. After seeing this my ears hurt. I had headphones on.

>> No.3043662

Play crash 2, the first game is good if you want a hard 3D platformer but the second game is what made crash iconic.

>> No.3043667

>>>/v/, kids.

We don't talk about ANY modern sequels to old games. ANY.

>> No.3043812

I've played through it. I like it more. But I'm kinda lacking motivation to collect the diamonds as well.

>> No.3044408


That's basically the same shit, but admittedly with WAY nicer visuals than Temple Run.

The most important difference between these games and Crash Bandicoot, is that Crash Bandicoot has free movement like any other 3D platformer. Did you honestly not notice that when you played Crash Bandicoot?

>> No.3044415
File: 2.93 MB, 250x250, 0923709823746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, have the modern Crash dance. Just for you.

>> No.3044537

Of course I did. It was just the first thing that came to my mind. This may sound harsh or triggering so beware:
Last month was the first time for me playing Crash Bandicoot 1. The first five minutes for me literally in my head were omg this is like temple run/pitfall - huh so this is what inspired mobile gaming. interesting. so temple run was never a new concept. This is my honest a opinion. This is what I thought in that moment as a 5th gener myself. Of course looking closer you see how Crash is superior and not always running, but those games are all somehow similar if you get what I mean. Temple run/pitfall is just the ADHD version of Crash Bandicoot for Kids with iPads.

>> No.3045357

That is an absolute fucking atrocity.

>> No.3045824

I didn't need to see this.

>> No.3047650


Oh yes, you did. If you care about Crash, you should know what happens to him, and expresd your disgust towards it, otherwise the trainwreck will choo choo on like a motherfucker.

>> No.3047652


Express *

>> No.3047957

Der animation actually got worse. Doesnt look like Bandicoochie.

>> No.3048146


Actual animation is good, but the dance is shit.

>> No.3048181

no i dont mean animation, i mean cgi model

>> No.3048462


Oh, I think he's very cute, but but the cool factor is completely missing.

>> No.3048470

i think it's ugly

>> No.3048731


To be fair, Crash wasn't particularly pretty to begin with, but his in-game model in Crash 2 and 3 just worked wonderfully. I think the best looking Crash is the FMV model from Crash Nitro Kart.