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File: 196 KB, 700x700, so2-boxart-eu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2890706 No.2890706 [Reply] [Original]

>didn't really expect much from it, kind of a blind buy and to flesh out the collection

>that fun and fast paced gameplay
>that fucking story and the only entry in the franchise to properly meld the whole "scifi and fantasy" in a proper manner
>Claude is the best protagonist ever
>all those excellent optional character bits

Seriously, how is this game not more revered?
It's maybe one of the more ambitious RPGs of it's era, and it even has the Enix name on it. You'd think people would be lapping at it's nutsack right now, even more so with that really strange hype around the new game.

>> No.2890723

Star Ocean was like the Tales of of the hipsters. A shame because I liked 1 and Second Story a lot more than Destiny and Eternia.

>> No.2890729


Star Ocean 1/2 had MUCH better gameplay than the 2D Tales games. More interesting mechanic depth as well.

>> No.2890835

This game rules, Dias and Ashton all day. Getting royalties for writing novels was cool too

Also barrels

>> No.2890945

>Seriously, how is this game not more revered?

Bad translation quality ruined it for me. I'd consider importing, but I'd just like to forget that entire era of Enix games ever existed.

It's really inexcusable for developers to try and force half-assed localizations on its consumers. Given that the PS1 was region-locked, most players had no choice but to take whatever inferior version of the product the company pushed in their region. It's not right, and there's no logic in giving my money to companies that do this.

>> No.2890964
File: 13 KB, 320x272, PEARS INTO PEACHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2890969

For me it's the combination of this and the voices making me want to stab my ears with a fork.

It's really unfortunate, Second Story should've gotten far better treatment from Enix.

>> No.2891150

the pal version is so fucking expensive
i picked up the ps2 game pretty cheap though

>> No.2891159

Weak story, weak characters.
It does a really poor job following up on the first game's story even though it's a direct sequel. Replacing the plot about the common ancestry between humans and other races in the universe by some tired old not-Atlantis/Mu planet cliche... wasn't very good.

The only real villains take FOREVER to show up and are nothing more than a boring boss gauntlet and they come and go without pomp or circumstance. The previous villains are completely forgotten by that point, too.

Also, it completely wastes the fact that it's a sci-fi RPG instead of the usual fantasy fare. it's a flaw in the first one, but it's even more noticeable in this one.

>> No.2891175


What bothered me most about this game was how great of a first impression it made. Combat was solid, immediately lots of story, but the deeper I got into the game the more repetitive the battles got and at a certain point I just stopped caring about the story.

>> No.2892132

>Bad translation quality ruined it for me.
Does the American version have a different translation than the PAL one, I wonder? Never hear PALfags complain about the translation nor do I have any complaints myself. I think the PAL version uses the Queen's English instead of Americanese so I'm inclined to think it's different.

>> No.2892168

Anyone know how the PSP remakes of these games are? I've never played a Star Ocean game before so I was interested in try them.

>> No.2892186

>it completely wastes the fact that it's a sci-fi RPG instead of the usual fantasy fare

>> No.2892227

Bad. Lots of changes, mostly for the worst. Combos destroy balance.
Terrible new art, voices in SO2 go from 'so bad it's good' to 'not bad enough, just bad'. Just don't. If you want to play a Star Ocean game then play a real one, not a remake of a real one.

>> No.2892230

The PSP version of SO2 is largely a straight port. A few small tweaks were made to the combat, which ended up balancing the characters a bit better but also making the game slightly easier. They also added a new character and fixed a few bugs.

They also changed the character portraits for some reason, and the new ones are mostly terrible. The voice acting also went from being hilariously awful to mediocre and forgettable.

I haven't played the port of the original Star Ocean, but I heard it received much more significant changes.

>> No.2892260

This game was my favorite jrpg as a 10 year old and still is one of my favorites today. My only complaint is the extremely slow and dialogue heavy beginning.