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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2879472 No.2879472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a brand new thread for the discussion that was going on in here >>2870374

People were talking about retro forums, the good/bad/decline of /vr/. If you missed it, the discussion started with a lot of despair about there not being good places to discuss retro stuff. Some people were talking about the possibly of creating a new place.

>> No.2879481 [DELETED] 

Jesus you guys are some of the biggest babies on this site. /vr/ has some issues but it's no where near being bad enough to warrant a whole new website to discuss retro games. Fuck if you guys would just learn to ignore shitposters instead of derailing half the thread screaming about /vr/ being dead like half of our shitposting would disappear.

>> No.2879485

What is wrong with /vr/?

>> No.2879487

forums are cancer.
fuck off

>> No.2879496

>asking 4chan

All you'll get is /pol/tards whining about "muh SJW boogeyman" in every message board that doesn't have a racist spin to it. Really, just Google around until you find an active retro community.

The reason I came to 4chan in the first place was because I was tired of usual board politics - having a name attached to my posts, having people dismiss me because they see my username and think "I'm that guy" who somehow upset their autistic tendencies at one point in time, having to deal with good-ol'-boy moderators basically breaking the rules at their leisure, people pushing censorship and political correctness, and shit like that. With 4chan, you have to deal with a ton of shitposting, but at least every post and poster carries the same weight due to their anonymity.

So personally, I'd just stick with /vr/. Don't mind the shitposters and shills. It's a small price to pay for the comparative liberties we have here.

>> No.2879497


Shitposting, basically and bait threads/holy war threads (whether it be CRTs, emulation or just specific games and genres).

I was lurking in the other thread, but basically I think it is fair to say /vr/ is good but over time it is worse than it used to be. There are fewer and fewer active places that discuss retro that are any better though, which is masking the problem.

>> No.2879502 [DELETED] 

We've always had those out the ass though. Did everyone forget the constant barrage of retarded zsnes vs bsnes threads we had during the very early days of this board?

>> No.2879504

I think /vr/ is fine. If you can't ignore shitposting then you probably shouldn't even be on the internet.

>> No.2879518

I made a thing on that one other website, check name

>> No.2879523

That is the cheesiest shit I've ever seen and I'm nearly 40. Enjoy having 2 posts per month.

>> No.2879525

I'd stick with /vr/ too but I'm worried about those PS2/Xbox/GameCube/GBA kiddies gaining enough traction to change the rules here and effectively turn this into "/vr/ - Halo & Kigndom Hearts"

>> No.2879531

Kingdom Hearts is weebshit but it's still retro, dumbass.

>> No.2879539

I can't type the name without getting marked as Sir Spamalot, but if you were to take the first character of the name of this website (4) and double it (8), you would find yourself a much better and more reasonable /vr/ community that understands what retro actually means, and isn't full of pants-pissing autist kings.

>> No.2879546

>effectively turn this into "/vr/ - Halo & Kigndom Hearts"

I believe the 6th gen should be considered retro. In fact, I'm one of the most vocal supporters of it. This is the most fucking retarded argument against it that has been put forth, and what sad is it's really all you guys say when the issue is brought up... You're just blowing out of proportion some hypothetical future situation that there's really not that big of a risk of anyway.

>> No.2879552

I couldn't agree any more. But unfortunately the janitors are among the pants-pissing autist crowd and keep deleting any threads where people even mention the concept. Obviously we want it to happen. The community has made that clear. 6th gen is objectively retro at this point, that's what happens when things get old.

>> No.2879584

>This is the most fucking retarded argument against it that has been put forth
I really don't think its "retarded" at all. There's a lot of threads here that just won't survive the sort of traffic that would come in with that change. Gaming in the PS2 era was much more popular than it was in say the SNES era, nevermind the NES era or the era that predates that. I don't want to see the discussions that take place here blown away for these newer generation games

>> No.2879601

This place is fine.

>> No.2879605
File: 13 KB, 210x240, dingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe that's the case. There are other... /vr/ communities that allow 6th gen discussion, and it hasn't killed off the rest of the generation's threads. I think you vastly underestimate the amount of games released before the 6th gen if you think changing the rules would overshadow them.

>> No.2879609 [DELETED] 

They've been trying and failing for like three years now I don't think it's ever gonna happen. The most you'll get is another stupid meta thread about it that the janitor will conveniently not notice for a week.

>> No.2879610

This. The 6th gen will destroy /vr/.

>> No.2879616

You fucking tard, 6th gen IS /vr/!

>> No.2879618

/vr/ is fine
we can still improve this board because its still pretty slow.
>make OC
>make good threads by lurking and doing research
>contribute to other peoples threads
>if you going to shitpost at least be funny.

>> No.2879620

>The 6th gen will destroy /vr/.
>Get off my lawn!

>> No.2879623

>Comparing Dreamcast to ps2, Xbox and GameCube

>> No.2879626

I really wish someone would put forward a valid argument that justifies why they don't want 6th gen to be on /vr/. All I ever see is vague doom and gloom statements that really amount to nothing and just nonsensical stuff like >>2879525.

In my opinion the 6th gen has much more in common with the consoles that came before it than it does with the ones after.

>> No.2879629

The problem with /vr/ in general is this: half the posts are noobs looking for recommendations. So there's really no actual conversation to be had there, just: "tell me what to play!", "Tell me why it's good", "how dare you tell me to leave!" and etc.
Another 1/4 of the posts are trolls and shit posters from /v/ and most of the rest are retro "snobs" who are basically just collectors, or fad followers who don't actually like most /vr/ games, and wouldn't know a good game if it slapped them in the face. Mainly focusing on the main "AAA" games of the past, and not venturing beyone.

Oh, and don't forget the endless CRT autism and MAYBE 3 posts a day that don't fall into any of the above categories.

/vr/ may not be bad by 4chan standards, but it's fucking bad, lol.
If you really want to have decent /vr/ discussions, then we should consider starting up a new site or something. But given the potential costs involved, weighed against the likely low user count, it may not be worth it. Plus, could we really guarantee that no losers from here would find their way there and shit it up?

I say what we need to do is just start generals here, and ignore shit posters in those generals. That's very likely our best option.
Make it like a "serious /vr/ discussion general" and keep it going for as long as possible. Kinda like the Doom threads, only less focused.

Create a sense of community, and allow people to joke around, but any obvious bait and shit posting should be ignored entirely. In fact, incorporate it into the thread's rules.

But I doubt that anyone who just sits around and complains has it in them to put together such a general thread. So yeah...

>> No.2879630


I would prefer partial 6th generation discussion. Maybe GBA, GC and nothing else. If all goes well, then maybe the remainder of that generation could be incorporated in the future.

DC is technically sixth-gen, so I'm not sure why a unique exception was made in its case. Maybe because of the relatively small library? If so, then that's a suitable argument for incorporating GC as well.

>> No.2879635

I used to go to Retrogaming Roundtable back in the early 2000s (WORTH 2K MONIES). I liked it, I guess, but it has been so long ago since I've been an active member that I don't know what it is like these days. I rejoined it a couple years ago but never really got into it beyond trying to find something to buy.

NintendoAge is alright and has some members who make decent contributions to the community. I do get the feeling that there are more hype-follower folks and investors than on here, though. Could be wrong.

I used to post on the Arcade-Museum forums from time to time but haven't in quite some time. Same with ArcadeOtaku. Not much into arcade stuff these days an unless you are into the physical side of arcade gaming and collecting I don't know how much you'd get out of those sites.

The Shmups forum might be a place to check, though I can't say much since I pretty much only visited the hardware section.

I like /vr mostly because of the anonymity, variety of topics and posters, and my longtime (albeit on-and-off) use of 4chan.

>> No.2879636

I don't understand why you would incorporate GC, but not the rest?

>> No.2879648

Things got way way less blocky in the 6th gen. I feel like 5th-6th gen graphics was the most improved between a span of 2 gens

>> No.2879649

I agree with you thoroughly on all of these counts. I really do want to find positive methods of being actively helpful for this community. I've tried to make that general in /vg/ several times, but that board moves so damn fast that no one ever sees it, and no one at /vg/ cares about retro games anyway.

>> No.2879653

The problem is that those consoles ARE retro now. Maybe not YOUR retro, but retro none the less. So let's say that I decided to start up a thread about Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction on /v/. It would catch maybe 4 shit posters, then die. If I could do it here, I MIGHT actually tickle someone's nostalgia, and get a short, but comfy conversation about a game that I love. So where's the harm in that?
It's old enough that new gamers will just mock it (if they remember it at all) and fucks like you will scoff at it because it's not literally a short an balls hard SNES game for autists. So where can I go with this?
And the same goes for virtually ALL non AAA gen 6 games and hardware, honestly.

I suppose the best solution would be to go to our new jap 4chan overlord abd beg for an "in-between" board for all gen 5 and 6 games and gamers. But that's just too nitpickey, honestly. You retrotards' board would fucking DIE without the N64 and PSX (and even Saturn, pathetically) to keep it afloat, and 2 whole gens aren't honestly enough for an entire discussion forum. So what the fuck?

If you see a PS2 thread, then fucking ignore it you god damned baby. That's the best solution of all, honestly.

>> No.2879665

I literally could not have said this better myself. This could be an official letter to the mods at this point.

>> No.2879676

Because you did say it yourself, samefaggot.

>> No.2879712

Nope. Nice try. Not me.

>> No.2879713

If by better, you mean dead and about to die even more, sure.

>> No.2879716

That's fair. But I think mostly because of the small size of the user base. I think the quality of discussion is generally higher and more intentional though.

>> No.2879721

I agree, but that comes with the smaller user base and speed of the board. Where you may go weeks or even months between responses to a thread, people tend to put a bit more thought and substance into a post.

>> No.2879728

I love traditional forums.
There is nothing better than being warned or banned for saying anything that a power hungry moderator doesn't like.

>> No.2879729 [DELETED] 

That happens here all the time. Hell just go mention Brutal Doom in the Doom general and see how long you last before jani-kun gets upset and asks a mod to deal with you.

>> No.2879761

>So let's say that I decided to start up a thread about Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction on /v/. It would catch maybe 4 shit posters, then die. If I could do it here, I MIGHT actually tickle someone's nostalgia, and get a short, but comfy conversation about a game that I love. So where's the harm in that?
So if the board where the topic belongs doesn't give the topic enough posts to suit you, you should just post it wherever? That's like saying your thread about 20 gauge hunting shotguns didn't get many replies on /k/ so you are gonna go post it on /an/ instead.

>You retrotards' board would fucking DIE without the N64 and PSX
This is your first day on /vr/? If you had been here longer than an hour you can clearly see that SNES, PC, and Arcade games get the most discussion here.

>> No.2879764
File: 244 KB, 1124x1024, cat waffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The addition of sixth gen will kill all slow threads and flood the board with some of the worst fanbases in existence.
How is there anyone here that opposes CRTs and the discussion of the technical aspects of them? They are retro, they are the way that people originally played retro games. It doesn't matter how much you cry about >muh autism.
Sixth gen is not retro, there is a huge difference between a PS1 and a PS2, your opinion can't change that; dreamcast its an exception because it released very early compared to other 6th gen consoles.
There are people younger than 18 that owned brand new 6th gen consoles, you can't say that about any other console. This alone opens the gates to underageb& shitters from /v/

What /vr/ really needs its serious rule enforcement

Discuss sixth gen on /vg/ or /v/

>> No.2879773
File: 106 KB, 300x400, dracula01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What /vr/ really needs its serious rule enforcement

Perhaps the same could be said of ALL boards.

>> No.2879776


>discussing video games
>on /vg/ or /v/

The real solution is to make a /v/2.

>> No.2879784

>How is there anyone here that opposes CRTs and the discussion of the technical aspects of them?
I don't think there is anyone seriously opposed to CRT threads... Hell the CRT generals are amazing.
>there is a huge difference between a PS1 and a PS2
Can you clearly define those differences without mentioning graphics?

>> No.2879786
File: 62 KB, 300x447, richter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your words are as empty as the board moderation! /vr/ shitposting needs a savior such as you!

>> No.2879803

>I don't think there is anyone seriously opposed to CRT threads... Hell the CRT generals are amazing.

There seem to be some people opposed to them lately. There was even a likely rage-spawned LCD thread.

>> No.2879806
File: 124 KB, 640x480, sotc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without mentioning graphics?
Graphics are the biggest point here, no more blocky models, no more ugly textures and 480p. The change here is bigger than 4th gen to 5th gen.
Some other changes are standardization of controller layouts (no more innovation), standardization of controls themselves (1 stick to move, 1 stick to aim), addition of the dvd and even the advances on 3d animation allowed for more complex cutscenes.

Tell me how this is retro at all.

>> No.2879813

>Can you clearly define those differences without mentioning graphics?
Pressure sensitive controls, HDD capability, Online capability, should I continue?

>> No.2879830

To me graphics matter very little in this discussion. I'm more interested in the gameplay aspect of it.

After the 6th gen (but not during) everything went to shit. DLC/microtransactions, the homogenization of game types, and the move away from local/couch/offline multiplayer (and even singleplayer entirely) all happened in the 7th gen.

If you look at the mechanics of games released during the 6th gen they all have much more in common with they're predecessors than the schlock that came after.

Again, graphics to me have never really mattered. I'm sure there are many here that fetishize the pixel art of yesteryear, but for me it has always been about gameplay mechanics. That is what is important.

>> No.2879916

>"muh SJW boogeyman"
Fuck off SJW shill.

>> No.2879923

I think most people are annoyed by CRT posters because they (or more likely trolls pretending to be them) sometimes hijack other threads and turn the discussion into CRT talk.

Speaking of which, can we lay off the 6th gen shit? Go start a new thread about it if you must. If you're worried it'll get deleted, well, stay the fuck out of this thread anyway since you'll just get this one deleted instead.

Actually, if we make a branch off of this place but allow for 6th gen, that might solve the issue of getting enough posters to try it out. As long as we actually enforce strict moderation the shitty fanbases shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.2879927 [DELETED] 

There was an extremely brief period after /vg/ was created where mods on /v/ were actually cracking down really hard but the posters there threw a shitfit about it so they gave up.

>> No.2879929

ShitPusher and his band of KMS mode switching trolls with their input lag are the real CRT trolls

>> No.2879931 [DELETED] 

>since you'll just get this one deleted instead.

Good we already had like three other meta threads this week and this meta thread is a split from another meta threat that's still up anyway.

>> No.2879934

God of war is my favourite retro series

>> No.2879936

It's not shit. 6th gen is retro. That's why people are asking for it. And I've still yet to see a single solid argument against it.

>> No.2879939

I know you're shitposting but the first one is, and arguably so is the second.

>> No.2879946
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>fucks like you will scoff at it because it's not literally a short an balls hard SNES game for autists.
>the same goes for virtually ALL non AAA gen 6 games and hardware, honestly.
>You retrotards' board would fucking DIE without the N64 and PSX

Its these sorts of posts that make it obvious to me why we haven't included the rest of the 6th generation here. Trust me, with your buzzword-slinging and shitposting capabilities you'll fit right in over at /v/.

>> No.2879947
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There is not much wrong with /vr/. If you care enough about peoples opinions on emulators, filters, TVs, and the like then you should step away for a bit and get back to the games rather than a bunch of superfluous crap.

Yes certain things will always generate shit storms like SNES vs Genesis, or a Final Fantasy/Castlevania/Chrono Trigger/Zelda thread (possibly others as well), but that just happens when people can say what they want without a name holding them back. It is a good place, you just have to look. Hell I don't even post in a lot of threads at times, sometimes I lurk, other times I like to comment in threads. Not everything here pertains to my interest but that is alright, sometimes I get so lurk on certain things I never knew of.

The death of SEGA as a home console manufacturer was pretty much an end of an era.

>> No.2879951

Exactly. They keep on forcing their threads, then say that there is a large demand for 6th generation to be included while ignoring the fact that there is a demand to have 6th generation to be excluded, then they throw a hissy fit with a bunch of name calling, saying the board would die, or what have you. They are continually proving time and time again why 6th generation shouldn't be included.

I wouldn't mind it being included in the future, but this is years down the road, and maybe by then they will behave themselves better.

>> No.2879953

>The death of SEGA as a home console manufacturer was pretty much an end of an era.

So true.

The era that followed was and still is the modern era, the only difference really is the increase in resolution and the like in the following generations.

Gen 6 came with standardized controls, standardized graphics, "AAA" titles, extensive use of cutscenes, and the shift from local to online multiplayer.

The culture of gen 6 is the culture of gen 7 is the culture of gen 8.

It doesn't belong here.

>> No.2879954

I've said it time and again, but the most caustic side in this discussion are the people against 6th gen being incorporated. I have been absolutely nothing but civil with my reasoning, and have been met with nothing but incredible rudeness, name calling of every flavor, and an immaturity level that's pretty remarkable even by general 4chan standards.

>> No.2879964

>standardized controls
Not really true. There were still a great variety of game genres, all with very different controls.

>standardized graphics
What does that even mean?

>AAA titles
Every console ever has had big studio releases. Do not kid yourself.

Games have used cutscenes since Ninja Gaiden on the NES.

>shift from local to online multiplayer.
Technically this started on consoles with the dreamcast, but did gain a wider use in the 6th gen, but there were still a majority of multiplayer games in that generation with an emphasis on local multiplayer. If you're trying to use online multiplayer as an argument though, what do you have to say about PC gaming, and things like Quake, Unreal Tournament, Starcraft, and old MMOs?

>> No.2879965

>oldfags getting mad that they're getting old

Cultural irrelevance is upon you, my Generation X-Y friends.

>> No.2879968

Don't be rude please.

>> No.2879969

You can want what you want, but as it stands the intended content of this board is games made for consoles that were released before the year 2000. Whatever you consider to be a retro console is up to you, but for this board it means consoles made before 2000.

>> No.2879971

>complain about oldfags in a /vr/ board
bravo, now go to /jp/ and call them a bunch of weeb losers

>> No.2879973

That's why I don't attempt to discuss the content of the 6th gen yet. I simply discuss the possibility of changing the rules.

>> No.2879974

Your apparent lack of self-awareness is amusing. That is, unless you don't post on this board at all and just happened to wander in so you could reply to that one particular post.

>> No.2879976

People have tried to make arguments for or against it, but the rules haven't changed to include 6th gen. Your best bet would be to contact Japamoot and request that he make a new board for non-current-but-post-2000 game consoles or something since he seems to like making new boards.

>> No.2879981

I don't feel like a new board is the best course of action. There are already three video gaming boards. I legitimately feel that the 6th gen has achieved retro status, and as such, should be incorporated into /vr/

>> No.2879985
File: 224 KB, 968x1186, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not really true. There were still a great variety of game genres, all with very different controls.
Compare controller layouts of Gen 5 and Gen 6 and you'll see exactly what we mean. Two joysticks. Four face buttons. Dpad. Left joystick to move, right joystick to aim.

>What does that even mean?
3D was well established at this point, only games that used 2D as a "gimmick" didn't push forward with it and it's been unchanging since, we just up the quality as best we can from generation to generation now. See pic.

>Every console ever has had big studio releases. Do not kid yourself.
But it wasn't until gen 6 that AAA culture came to be. On the N64 or the PSX there was just "good" games and "bad games" not good, bad and high budget games. It's a very noticeable difference in culture.

>Games have used cutscenes since Ninja Gaiden on the NES.
There is a massive difference in the text based flashes on the NES you're referring to as "cutscenes" and the constant movie-like gameplay intermissions of generation 6 that are ever present across all games. This much is obvious.

I don't even have a response to your last point because it completely misses what I was talking about, the SHIFT from local to online multiplayer. Games massively cut back on support for 4 player locally and started to push towards online play or "system link" which is a vastly different experience than sitting together to play a game.

>> No.2879991

I would argue that the shift from local to online multiplayer largely happened in the 7th generation. There was still a very large emphasis on offline multiplayer during the 6th.

Also in another post ITT I claimed that I do not feel that graphics are as an important aspect to games as the actual gameplay mechanics.

While controllers were generally similar (Nintendo's controllers have always tended to be rather different) the actual control schemes for most games varied wildly across genres.

>> No.2879995

>didn't push forward with it and it's been unchanging since, we just up the quality as best we can from generation to generation now. See pic.
Using a cross gen port/release and "remake" in a situation like this makes no sense. I get it's the easiest way to make a direct comparison, but still.

>> No.2880000

Look man, I get what you're saying here but the reality is there is substantial enough difference between gen 5 (and earlier gens) and gen 6 (and later gens) and people feel strongly about that. That's why our board was outlined with the rules it has in the first place

If you truly want a place to talk about generation 6 (outside of /v/) why not petition for a new board? The truth is that generation 6 discussion alone would swamp a lot of the slower moving threads here on /vr/ as it welcomes in a different and larger demographic.

I'm sure a Gen 6/7 board (for example, Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, GBA and Wii) could stand on its own very well as Gen 8 comes to market saturation and Nintendo's Gen 9 rapidly approaches.

>> No.2880003

I just don't feel like another board, even further splitting of the video game related boards, is the best course. I legitimately feel like gen 6 belongs here. In my opinion gen 6 has more in common with the console before than the one's after.

>> No.2880004 [DELETED] 

>I simply discuss the possibility of changing the rules.

If you really want that a possibility then stop making threads every other week whining about 6th gen not being allowed here. All you do is just make everyone else on this board push that idea away as a knee jerk reaction to those constant threads.

>> No.2880007

I'm not personally the one who starts those threads... I do wholeheartedly support the sentiment when it's brought up though.

>> No.2880008

>retro "snobs" who are basically just collectors
I really hate this collector meme. Poorfags like you are part of the problem here. If you don't have the money or the inclination to buy the carts, that's fine. But emulating doesn't make you anymore a "real" retro gamer than someone willing to hunt the games down and own the actual carts. And dips like you who try and draw a line in the sand make this place worse for everyone.

>> No.2880009

What a stupid fucking thing to argue or bitch about to begin with.

>> No.2880016

>Can't enjoy retro communities in my native language because most of the people there are about to hit their 40s and only talk about retro computers I don't know shit about
>This board get created, finally found a place I can fit in, not too old but not too young either
>"Hey guys let's talk about PS2 and shit, if you didn't play Halo you had like no childhood man xD"

>> No.2880021

You are free to discuss anything retro you feel like. The 6th gen isn't currently allowed.

>> No.2880025

Please stop shitposting.

>> No.2880027

I don't think I see those kinds of posts on here.

I do wonder, though, if letting in PS2 and XBOX kinds would lead to a war between older users who want to talk about pre-2000 games anD people who think those are too old and only wish to discuss 6th gen. I mean, even with the current rules that seems to be happening.

>> No.2880032

I don't think that's happening currently, nor do I believe allowing 6th gen would reduce the discussion of much older games and consoles.

>> No.2880034

>He's just old, that makes his opinion invalid

>Get off my lawn!
>implying old people are detached, unstable people just because they don't want kids ruining their garden

Fucking degenerate.

>> No.2880040

>I don't think that's happening currently
Happens constantly. People are always trying to shoehorn in gba or ps2 games or saying "not retro but..."

>nor do I believe allowing 6th gen would reduce the discussion of much older games and consoles.
It actively would. Even if there was only one single thread about 6th gen (yeah right) it would mean one less thread on current /vr/ content.

>> No.2880042

Exactly, that's what I really worry about. Allowing gen 6 would cause anything pre gen 5 to become niche because way more people played it, prepare to be displaced in your own board. So no, thanks but no thanks. I would only be ok with single 6th console generals, at the very best.

>> No.2880043

>potential costs
>low usercount
For a low usercount you could just set up a server in your own wardrobe or something. it's not a difficult thing to do and the only thing you need to pay for is the DNS (in addition to your ISP bills of course).

If the community grows beyond the capabilities of the wardrobe server you might want to invest in a VPS or something though.

>> No.2880048

What about people that only like NES era games? Should no one be allowed to post SNES, PS1, N64, etc because it would push out NES discussion? This line of thinking is very strange.

>> No.2880053

In an ideal world, I would advocate an extra board for everything not covered here but still out of circulation.

I don't think Retro is best defined by simply pre-2000, or that it should be a shifting date like "15 years since release".
I think it's a static time period that should be more concerned with technology used, game design philosophy or other hallmarks we could agree on than just hard dates.
The Dreamcast is pretty lucky to be allowed in, since in my opinion it's basically underdog ps2.

I think Retro would be best covering up until n64 and PS1

Out of Circulation would cover Dreamcast, PS2, GBA upward. This board would change over time to include newly-defunct consoles.

Eventually I'm pretty sure this would get bounced down into its own closed board much like Retro, once we come up with an equally cringey name for the timeperiod. Then we can get all elitist and pissy all over again about electronic toys on a chinese picturebook website.

>> No.2880056

Again, this line of thought is strange...

"As a fan of NES games I feel displaced by SNES threads, so they should all be quarantined into a single general..."

Just a hypothetical analogy, but do you get where I'm coming from?

>> No.2880061

I think the problem is the 1999 wall has created two things:

>A safe haven for people who like old games
>An Us and Them mentality

If you have a nice settlement carved out away from the slavering barbarian masses, then somebody suggests "Hey, you know those troglodytes we have a great refuge from? How about we relax the rules and let some of them in?"

I liked my ps2 and everything, but I will not abide listening to a grown man in Ben 10 pyjamas telling me why Kingdom Hearts is epin.

>> No.2880063

It's not strange at all: there is a huge difference. The N64 was available until 2003, the PS2 until 2013.

The PS2 is in incredibly recent memory. PS2 alone has the numbers to overwhelm generation 1 through 4 posters easily.

>> No.2880064

But a grown man in X-men PJs telling you how xenogears is epic is totally fine?

>> No.2880068

I really don't think older games will be overshadowed... There are 5 whole generations of consoles and their games to that 1 generation.

Again, I think you guys are underestimating the amount of games released before the 6th gen.

>> No.2880069

Came to this thread to find new places to lurk/post, was let down

>> No.2880070 [DELETED] 


>> No.2880071

Nope, never said that.
It was a cheap non-argument- think nothing of it.

The reason /vr/ exists in the first place was because we didn't have room to breathe in the larger videogame board. I think it's pretty understandable people are at least considering that could happen again, especially since a lot of /v/ debate of the time when this board was made was ps2 oriented.

Right now we're either going to have to keep the doors closed and keep having these conversations, or open up provisionally to the next gen and hope it doesn't kill the feel of the board.

>> No.2880072

Man how naive are you? It's not about the number of games it's about the number of posters. This much should be incredibly obvious.

I'm sure there's a great likelihood of there being more people on 4chan that had a PS2 than people that had any of the consoles discussed on this entire board. We are niche and the PS2 is about as mainstream as a console could get.

Why don't you go and convince /jp/ to talk about Chinese culture as well.

>> No.2880080

It's not the games people don't want to let in.
It's not the consoles, it's not the franchises or spin-offs, the shovelware or gimmicks.

It's the people. Stating this or that console can now be discussed is easy, but the implication is that you're also now shifting the demographic that visits the site, and that is a much greater change to the board's *ugh*.. Culture.

>> No.2880084

I really need to go to bed. It's 5:30 here in GA.
I really think you're all wonderful people and I cherish the chance I have to discuss games with you guys.
6th gen is retro.

>> No.2880085

>We are niche

>> No.2880090

It seems that people that actually want to talk about retrogames in any other fashion than "game x is really hard lol" are a niche, otherwise there would be more boards/communities

>> No.2880098

>I really don't think older games will be overshadowed...

They will be, gen 1 and 2 are almost non existent already because they're massively overshadowed by the others in terms of sheer demographic.
Putting the sixth generation in will not only be against the rule of it being not retro(because it's not, go suck a dick if you really that Kingdom Hearts has the same design of a 5th gen game), but it will also maim all the other generations, which are already half dead due to shitposting.

Take a good look at this board, there's barely anything of worth going on in a sea of chronic FF/CT/Waifu threads that are either devoid of content or full of inane shitposting, even most of our stable generals are far more productive than most of the threads that spawn everyday, at least those have great resources for people who want to get into a game or series, besides the STG which is admittedly complete garbage plagued by legit sociopaths and the Tibia thread which is cirklejerking general.

Any interesting discussion about games 404 after a few days because there's no following, a dude made a thread about JRPGs with choices some time ago, which turned out real good and really helped some people in finding out new games but it died in a week because nobody else but three people bothered.
Most of this board's users aren't interested in talking about anything but the big titles and the eventual "niche" title, the topics are all the same ones, and sadly it isn't because there's a lack of games, it's because most people here are uninterested in digging through libraries(granted that a lot of us don't have the time), don't know japanese and aren't interested in learning it or are just unreasonable fanboys.

If you let in gen 6 it will only kill this board further, do you really want chronic Luigi's Mansion, FFXII, Halo, KH or SotC threads? Granted that there would be some other rare discussion about the eventual niche or obscure titles, do you think it's worth it?

>> No.2880103

It seems to me like you just quite simply do not like /vr/ (4chan) in general.

>> No.2880105

Well, I sure don't like it as I did back in 2006, but /vr/ used to be a good board and I'd be very sad to see it die so quickly, and 4chan is still the only place on the internet where you can talk about certain things even with all its problems, so yes and no.
I just can't fathom why people think stuff like "6th gen is totally fine and retro" or fail to acknowledge all the problems of this board, I love this place as much as the average /vr/trooper but I sure know that there's much room for improvements and that certain things shouldn't be allowed, not just for general coherence but survival as well.

>> No.2880132

Not that other guy, but the doom and gloom scenario is absolutely real.
Are you American or did you grow up in the American 90s? Are you over thirty? I grew up in the American 90s and I'm over thirty.
If you are, too, then you'll likely have parents or grandparents who watched TV. And who watched American Movie Classics, who proudly showed classic, American cinema "without that colour stuff," as one of their commercials once proudly stated.
Well, eventually, American Movie Classics began showing colourised films from the 40s-60s. Hey, they're classics, too! Technicolor can be classic! Then the 70s. Then they started to produce their own TV programmes. Mad Men. Breaking Bad. Walking Dead. And others. And guess what? They no longer show American Movie Classics at all anymore.
What about MTV? When it debuted, its whole schtick was music set to visual media. Music Television. Then Real World happened. Then Beavis and Butthead. Then Road Rules. Then other and other and other programmes until it eventually became Reality TV with an edgy, sexy late-teens/early-twenties demographic and no longer plays music videos.
The Learning Channel is no longer about learning. Bravo is no longer about stagecraft. And Reader's Digest is slowly starting to be read by people other than five-figure-income old white people who hate Commie/Pinko bastards.

Offer an inch and they take a yard. And that's exactly the sort of thing that will happen here if you crack open the flood gates: the original purpose of the board will disappear, never to be heard from again, drowned under the tide of newer and newer and newer platforms. It's a fact.
If that's what you want, fine. Have at it. But don't pretend that it's not going to happen.

>> No.2880134

>lets shit up the board some more
Knock your self out kid. There's only only a few more days till you're back to school and no one has to listen to your shit except your teachers.

>> No.2880290

Yeah, but the difference here is I'm anonymous, don't have to sign up for the forum, and can change my IP everytime I get banned to continue on like nothing happened.

>> No.2880294

Because he's a fat neckbeard nintendo babby

>> No.2880302

I miss when History Channel was actually educational with a bunch of dry but interesting documentaries.

>> No.2880306

I like the arbitrary rules of this board. I would also like to discuss 6th gen here but you have to realize comfiness comes with a price.

>> No.2880327

>"muh SHW boogeyman"

It's not a boogeyman when games from Japan are coming over censored, or just not coming over at all. It's not a boogeyman when Square says they might censor the FF7 remake because of "changes in the social situation".

I don't care what you call it, I just want it to stop.

>> No.2880354

Less popular and fewer worthwhile games, so fewer people shitposting about Halo and Kingdom Hearts.

It's not based on some criteria where the GC is objectively more retro, it's a pragmatic recommendation to try and broaden the board's scope while also keeping the quality of discussion high.

I don't think discussion of the GC should be allowed here anyway, but that's where the argument was coming from. I don't agree with the people who think that retro is a single static time period (you're going to tell me that Yars' Revenge and Final Fantasy VII share some special "retro design philosophy"? Really?), but I do think there should be at least one more console generation before the 6th gen is retro.

>> No.2880359

We're not a tv channel run by executives trying to maximize ratings. We're a gaming board with an arbitrary line drawn on what can and can't be discussed. /vr/ is a slow board where a topic doesn't get dropped because it was pushed off by 4 dozen threads about some AAA game that was (about to be) released. We won't be bombarded by 6th gen topics beyond a few genre discussions and a specific titles here or there.

Hell, if Hiroshima gave a shit, we could do a preliminary testing to see how much 6th gen actually impacts the board. If the place becomes unmanageable, just swap the rules back.

>> No.2880361

>It's not a boogeyman when games from Japan are coming over censored
>or just not coming over at all.

And that is different from almost thirty years ago?

>> No.2880363

Games really should be broken down by whether they are sprite based or polygon based. That's really the point where the largest divergence in game design arises. /vr/ is niche enough already though. Not enough traffic to justify vr-Sprites and vr-Polygons.

>> No.2880372

Because the situation had actually improved over time and we didn't have access to as much information on the differences between versions. These days the second something is changed, we take note and it gets plastered where anyone can look it up.

Hell, 30 years ago it was mostly Nintendo trying to be family friendly. Some how we've backtracked to the Japanese citing a completely misunderstood concept of the US, just like when the guys making final fight thought saying Poison had a penis makes it allright to beat her up.

>> No.2880382


The censorship was bad then and it's bad now. But thanks to the Internet we know exactly what gets censored, and we also have more power to make our voices heard and try and change things (a power that the proponents of censorship have been using to their advantage).

>> No.2880389

Why does it matter to you? If we expand the purview of this board, then we run the risk of pushing obscure and low-traffic topics out. If we create another board, there's no change in the content here and you have a place to discuss 6th gen that isn't /v/. Everyone's happy.

>> No.2880396

> discussion about retro communities is not a common topic on /vr/
> see new thread last night created specifically to sidestep derailment
> wake up
> it's turned into another discussion about increasing the scope of /vr/ generations

>> No.2880405

>Because the situation had actually improved over time
Your very first post proved you wrong though.
Localizations and translations got even worse now that people push their ebin memes into games.
What's worse than that is that even old players got all buttblasted about the wave of moe and ecchi shit coming out of japan saying that's something that never existed where in fact it was always present but never had an occasion to create a market outside of Japan.
The situation is much, much worse now, ironically because there's at the same time more and less awareness and knowledge about the subject of videogames and general societal norms and customs.
>These days the second something is changed, we take note and it gets plastered where anyone can look it up.
And barely anything changes after you do, in fact you give even more fuel for the SJW's fire.
What has changed when a bunch of nerds asked for Senran Kagura games? "Feminists" and SJW got even more angry and shitted out more venom on videogames and people who play them as a whole, just like back in the 80's or 90's videogames were for losers and potential killers now they're for losers and rapists.

The situation hasn't changed on a social point of view, we do have the huge advantage of being able to not only check out the differences in version, but also have relative ease of access to all versions, back in the 80's/90's games weren't import friendly at all, now you can even make an account on a JP shop and directly download them with next to no problem, besides language barrier of course.

But noooo, people nowadays must go on a crusade about how they got some tits censored in an ecchi videogame and how that limits their freedumb.
If you care so much about censorship and SJW there's only two ways to deal with it, either you learn japanese, import and give them a huge Fuck You or you beat them at their own game and promote a different view on things.

>> No.2880407

top kek bro

>> No.2880418

>Localizations and translations got even worse now that people push their ebin memes into games.
People were always forcing memes in localizations, the only difference is that back then it was Star Wars references and space restrictions limited the amount of memes they could put in.

Actually IMO a lot of the problems with games today could be solved by pretending you don't have unlimited space for text and editing everything down to be reasonably short.

>> No.2880428

>What has changed when a bunch of nerds asked for Senran Kagura games? "Feminists" and SJW got even more angry and shitted out more venom on videogames and people who play them as a whole

The solution is to just... not ask for the game? Because the morality police will get mad at us? Fuck that. It's a fight, yes, and I intend to fight it.

>you learn japanese
>what is Capcom removing R. Miia's butt slap
>what is Square censoring the FF7 remake

>promote a different view of things
That's what I'm trying to do. Posts like yours, on the other hand, don't seem very constructive for those who are trying to fight against censorship.

>> No.2880441

hey it's capcom, I'm sure they'll release the butt slap as paid DLC

>> No.2880449
File: 49 KB, 608x342, rt_anti_gay_marriage_protest_jc_140903_16x9_608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a boogeyman when games from Japan are coming over censored

Were you even alive in the '80s or '90s? Your "SJWs" were called hippies back then, and nobody gave a shit about their opinions. In fact, they were routinely censored out of the media. Fundamentalist conservatives / far-right groups were the ones pushing for censorship / abolition of everything they deemed "ungodly," including all forms of pornography, LGBT characters, the sexualization of women, and non-Abrahamic religious references (which conservatives would broadly categorize as "Satansim")

This was the entire basis for Nintendo's absurd "family-friendly" policies, then ultimately the founding of the ESRB itself. Censorship geared toward conservatives carried on well into the 2000s. Female characters in various series were often given less revealing attire, cursing was reworded or blatantly censored out, drug and alcohol references were often dropped, Harvest Moon and The Sims (GBA, DS) had to be localized without the gay romance options, else the ESRB would have bumped up both games to a T rating, which would have impacted sales on a "family-friendly" Nintendo platform. The list goes on and on. Your "SJWs" have nothing to do with this, and in fact would have taken exception to all the censorship aimed at LGBT characters and gay options, which is *still* happening today.

Maybe there's some overlap between your "SJWs" and far-right groups wanting to abolish the sexualization of female characters in video games, but otherwise I fail to see how the SJWs are anything but marginally involved in censorship.

>> No.2880457

I used to frequent the HG101 forums, but left when it gradually became a hugbox for special snowflakes.

>> No.2880459

I agree that censorship was pushed for more often by right-wing groups than left-wing groups in the '80s and '90s. I think those examples of censorship are just as unforgivable as the ones we have today, but for the reasons cited in this thread, it was harder to learn about and mobilize against, so it seemed like not as many people cared.

Currently it's left wing cultural elements that are the main drivers of censorship, and not the right wing. Check out what happened with Xenoblade Chronicles X recently, and DOAX3 as well.

>> No.2880476

>People were always forcing memes in localizations
No, not really, the only one who can maybe count on that is Vic Ireland and that was actually the lesser problem with him and his terrible working and localization ethics. Back then there weren't as many memes shoved in by translators and if there were usually it was on the jap side as well, nowadays it's much more common.
>The solution is to just... not ask for the game?
I haven't said that.

>>what is Capcom removing R. Miia's butt slap
>>what is Square censoring the FF7 remake
You do realize that this has been going on since the nineties? Have you actually read any Ultimania or Perfect Works volumes to see all the stuff about jokes and sexual innuendos devs removed while making a game because on a second thought it wouldn't have been appropriate?
Sensibility changes and media have to adapt to it, nothing new, you don't see Carpenter movies anymore, nor you see stuff like Last Tango in Paris, and they're even much less offensive than most stuff people are allowed to say on TV, but that's how it goes.
Not to mention that it goes without saying that the remake of FF VII would have been different, and considering who's behind it I'm a bit less inclined to believe that they're removing stuff like the Honey Bee because of "censorship" alone, but it's just my view on this matter.
>That's what I'm trying to do.
Good for you, I also hope that you don't do it the same way SJW do though.
>Posts like yours, on the other hand, don't seem very constructive
Because I don't care, I learned and am still learning Japanese to circumvent that and I'm fine with that, I don't get my pants in a twist for a removed buttslap or joke from the source game either.
If you have a problem with censorship, you have a problem with your country, possibly your entire culture as well, you either accept it or find a way to circumvent it, can't expect to change it a few months either.

>> No.2880495
File: 27 KB, 405x285, 5433556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately I don't care.
/vr/ sucks but so does the whole internet.

People suck, their opinions are rarely interesting and most of the times wrong.

I just laugh it off and keep playing the games I like.

Some internet human being is saying the games I like are shit? Oh, what a problem.

You guys need to spend less time reading idiots' opinions and more time playing actual video games.

>> No.2880507
File: 29 KB, 464x289, 1447201515342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The left censors because it's offensive, the right censors because it's obscene and perverse. It just so happens that the balance has shifted and the left has a lot more power and influence to do it now, and some of them have gone a bit too far with their beliefs.

Also historically the influence of popular media was always a bipartisan issue. Democrats like Tipper Gore, Hillary Clinton, Herb Kohl, and Joe Lieberman always criticized games and media in general for depiction of crime, violence, alcohol, etc.

Now please stop turning this into another SJWs/censorship or /pol/ thread, it's bad enough on other boards.

>> No.2880510

I don't post here much because my interest is mainly old computers up through the 90's, and not so much console stuff. That said, the nice thing about this place is you don't have to register, like all the typical web forums normally expect you to.

There's also the other chans, but I haven't visited them much so far. But they're a viable alternative.

>> No.2880523

>Ernest W. Adams
Why the fuck is this loser relevant? Looking up his resume, the guy was a code monkey for a bunch of shitty Madden games and not much else.

>> No.2880547

I got the impression that this board was pretty computer friendly, admittedly focused on 90s DOS/Windows stuff though.

>> No.2880549
File: 37 KB, 192x171, 1364902013308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if he is, but if that's the case, probably because he helped fund the IDGA and has a bunch of connections in the industry because of it. Don't ask me why someone with this kind of resume speaks at the GDC and has written books about game design though.

>Known for: Interactive Storytelling Research (notability under dispute)
>(notability under dispute)

Okay that made me laugh.

>> No.2880704
File: 120 KB, 450x399, 1134850596997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you honestly believe in the /v/ boogeyman you shouldn't be here in the first place. 4chan is not the right site for you.

Likewise, if you want a tight, well regulated and very specific niche forum then 4chan is not the right site for you.

I'm honestly glad you're leaving if it means you're not here to complain every day that 4chan isn't fulfilling your needs as a video games forum. I just wish you'd listened to me and figured it out ages ago.

Good luck out there!

>> No.2880815

I wonder how many people who want 6th gen are people who want to feel accepted by having their childhood systems marked "retro" as well.

>> No.2880856

I'm in my 40's, I want it here. I think two generations back is good. /v/ is for talking about current and recent games, I think /vr should be for generally outdated games. Not just PS1 and earlier.

>> No.2880889

>complains about SJW boogeyman and then political correctness in the same breath

what are you trying to say, exactly?

>> No.2880896

but why? then you're adding thousands and thousands of games into the discussion that'll totally flood out the discussion of other games that already get little recognition elsewhere. seriously, you want every single game before the 360, wii, and ps3 to be retro? that's fucking retarded.

you HAVE to be underage if you want games that are sometimes less than 5 y/o to be considered retro

>> No.2880915

Let's use a rolling twelve year limit, in addition to the two-generations-removed rule.

Right now that puts the cutoff at 2003. When the cutoff eventually reached 2005/2006, we can still have discussions about 6th gen games from that era (though honestly there are few) but not allow 360/PS3/Wii/DS/PSP until 9th gen is released. How does that sound?

Either way, we can at least try it for a while, and if it doesn't work we can go back to the old way.

>> No.2880972

Because this board is hellishly slow already. We really don't need a millionth castlevania thread. Anyone could be making 5 topics a day on 16 bit games but they're not. We need more discussion here, not less. ps2 era would be good for that.

>> No.2880976

You're not in love with having four different Chrono Trigger Waifu threads in the front page at the same time?

>> No.2880987

>Because this board is hellishly slow already

Only relatively to fast boards, and you say that like that's a bad thing. Image boards were never designed to have /b/ or /v/ speed. Not everyone has time to browse this place every day, so it's nice that you can come here only occasionally and rarely miss any notable threads.

>> No.2880992

Slow can be good. Too fast is a bigger problem than moderate slowness (/vr is not that slow - make a relevant post and you probably won't have to wait more than at most a few hours for a reply during normal usage hours). Also, the answer to not enough to discuss shouldn't be to just start bloating the board with random stuff just for the sake of making it more lively, even if it is against the current rules and wishes of posters. By that logic let's just discuss new games, too.

>> No.2881009

>not having comfy board timing. Being able to come back to the same thread day after day.
>he wants shit to scroll off the board in a flood of memes like on /v
No one that plays retro has time for this shit. We check on our lunch break our when we are unwindingat home after work. We are not neet teenagers that get all of our satisfaction from shitposting in threads 24/7. Letting them age slowly is fantastic.

>> No.2881029
File: 551 KB, 1024x768, 1388992057299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one that plays retro has time for this shit.

You say that like there aren't teenagers or unemployed people that spend a lot of time playing all sorts of games, including retro, especially now with emulators. Honestly it's a good thing, better than spending all that time on MOBAs, MMOs, or only modern games because anything older than the 360 is "outdated". It should be encouraged.

>> No.2881041

Because the subject is naturally slow, hence why it can't survive on /v/ so /vr/ was made. Naturally it makes for a slower paced board. What you are suggesting is make it less /vr/.

If you want speed go to /v/. I like the ability to come back to a thread three days later and have the discussion still up.

>> No.2881065

It's not just that it's slow. It's true that slow on it's own isn't necessarily bad, but that it's slow with limited content. The reality is that there aren't many people on this board, common topics like CT, castlevania, final fantasy, doom etc are talked to death.

Less common games don't generate a lot of discussion and drop off the board. At least letting PS2/GBA era would increase the range of things to talk about. This place has been feeling like a broken record for ages and ages now.

I think letting more room for discussion and getting more activity going is exactly what this place needs. There are only so many "recommend me a rare game" threads that can happen.

/v/ is no longer a good place to talk about GBA and PS2 era games, I think it's only natural that discussion of them moves here.

>> No.2881090

Of course things will be talk to death around here, but games like MDK, Pilotwings, handhelds like Game Gear, series like SaGa, HeXen, and so forth can really only thrive on /vr/ due to its slow post rate.

New news won't come up often because the past is the past. Only things that are new would be new fan translations, or new tid bits of history that have been uncovered.

The games you mentioned are popular games or series, of course they will come up often. Just like how /v/ has constant threads about Undertale often dominating it or derailing threads. It is the popular thing to like or dislike so it comes up often. You can't change it, it is the nature of the beast.

>> No.2881094


Someone needs to create a compromise. You have to sign up for an account, but your name is not tied to your posts. However, your account and IP can be banned, and after that you won't be able to post because you forfeited your account by being an idiot. Of course, this would require good moderators.

>> No.2881101


They should make a separate board for 6th gen. That would be sweet. It would definitely be well populated. Maybe /v/ can be changed to "modern video games".

>> No.2881105

I've never considered it, but I think the point made here is pretty valid. Consider that PS2 alone had a MASSIVE library of games. A lifespan up until Fifa 14 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 which both came out in 2013 closing the video game line-up for that console. Imagine all that suddenly appearing on the front page of /vr/. Smaller threads like the one about microcomputers wouldn't have any chance to survive being easily pushed off the board in no time. That's one of the reasons why including anything past the point already set is a bad idea.

>> No.2881107

>You can't change it,
Sure you can, I just described how. More available topics of conversation both broadens the threads that gets made and brings more people in with more opinions.

It's not just that there are Castlevania threads all the time, it's that they're all the same. Rondo waifu bitching, 4 sucks cause whip is too east, 3 objectively perfect, talk about Iga and a shitstorm happens. I say I love 2 and that's about it, again and again. It's almost like the text baords now.

I love /vr, but I think it can be better. It's slowness and small population is really just holding it back. New blood, new topics. It's time to bring on another era!

>> No.2881112

>Less common games don't generate a lot of discussion and drop off the board

Sometimes it does, you don't need to have a 300-post thread to talk about an obscure game either. It makes sense that less popular games will generate less dicussion. By adding more stuff, those less popular games would be given even less attention and probably just disappear.

>/v/ is no longer a good place to talk about GBA and PS2 era games, I think it's only natural that discussion of them moves here.
I think it's sitll possible to have some decent PS2 discussion on /v/, although what you're describing is more of a problem with 4chan than /v/ or /vr/. The same thing would happen to older consoles on /vr/ if you allowed newer consoles.

I don't feel strongly one way or another but I think we can wait a while before adding more stuff.

>> No.2881113

People would just sign up again. 4chan already IP bans if you fuck up.

>> No.2881115

You misunderstand what I typed. You cannot change the fact that there will be certain topics that will always come up and dominate. If those topics you mentioned get thrown off as topics that dominate the board it is because they would have been replaced with other ones due to the introduction of 6th generation.

There will always be certain popular topics that will be ongoing. As I said you cannot change that.

>> No.2881121

>It's slowness and small population is really just holding it back. New blood, new topics.

Holding it back? Are most people disatsified with the board as it is? What is the goal that you're implying exists? A post-a-second marathon of cluttered nonsense? Popular and busy is not the same as being good. Besides, the average post of a new-blood poster originating from within 4chan would likely be EXPAND DONG, "what is your favorite retrogame meme," doge posting, and Cory in the House or other bullshit.

>> No.2881123

We should have it cut off by year, not by system. Early PS2 games like GTA III resemble older games in style and design more than later PS2 games like Persona 4. And early PS2 games are quite old too. Same logic applies to the other systems too of course.

>> No.2881152

Even the mainstream media is no longer able to hide their existence. Anyone who claims SJWs are a "bogeyman" or some niche Internet thing or completely ignored by anyone who matters is a guaranteed SJW shill. They're still trying to pull this "we don't really exist, go back to sleep" shit.

>> No.2881250

I'm disatisfied with the stagnation this board has developed. Nothing against SaGa, I liked most of the SaGa games. But we really don't need an eternal thread about it up 24/7. And saying this board NEEDS to stay slow enough that the handful of people who post there can ignore it for days on end without it 404ing isn't a good reason to keep the board population so low.

If you want super specific, slow boards then Gamefaqs has one for every single game. I've been a member there for over 15 years, I can tell you from experience it can be a great place.

But permanence is not what 4chan is about, and striving for it here is pointless. It's a different experience, let it be different and let it evolve. I think it's high time for some fresh conversation around here.

>> No.2881274

>Nothing against SaGa, I liked most of the SaGa games. But we really don't need an eternal thread about it up 24/7

I'm pretty sure it's the same autist constantly bumping the thread to the first page. Every reply is essentially a blog post about every little thing he does in his latest SaGa playthrough, even though nobody else replies to him. I eventually ended up filtering it.

I like(d) the series as well, but now I'm starting to develop a distaste for it.

>> No.2881276

maybe /vr/ would be better if you guys would stop bitching so much and made better threads?

>> No.2881332
File: 104 KB, 1280x960, 4L_JiclmQW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think we could solve all of this by changing the name of the board from "Retro Games" to "Old Video Games". If you feel like having a discussion about a game you feel is old, go for it. If you don't want to talk about that game, don't hop into that thread. Just embrace the inherent subjectivity of time.

>> No.2881367

Yeah, TF2 has been out forever, we should talk about it on /vr/.

Last I checked the majority of users were happy with the board the way it is, only wanting some better moderation. Seems like in the past 6 months or so some faggots from /v/ came over and saw what videogame discussion looked like, and now they want to change the rules to include a bunch of newer consoles since they don't wanna go back to /v/ to talk about the games they like.

I'm starting to think the same fuckers wanting PS2 and shit here are the same ones that whined until the DC was allowed. I think this because each and every one of the people arguing for having 6th gen here conspicuously avoid mentioning that the DC is 6th gen but allowed. They use a lot of the same arguments the DC whiners used early on as well, about how this is a "slow board" and it's "always the same threads" and how the board needs "some new discussion".

Seriously though, all /vr/ needs is better moderation, that's it. Range ban the retron5 spammers and obvious /v/ shitposters, and the board will be fine.

>> No.2881401


I know "make another board" is a slippery slope and all that, but I really think it could be a solution.

There are fundamentally two conflicting approaches: viewing "retro" delimited by a fixed point in time, or "retro" as a moving target.

We should let this board keep their fixed point in time. Hell they could even move it back in time to 1993, or 1985 if they please. There's at least a (vocal) fraction of NES posters on this board that want no part in discussions of Katamari Damacy or Bomberman Tournament, and furthermore can't even stand to see discussions of them on "their" board.

Make a new board for those of us that would prefer a rolling release model. Breakpoints that might work could be 10, 15, 18, or 20 years. I'd do 15 years by game, not platform, but there's obviously room for debate.

There are those of us who can accept that Fallout 4 will someday be "retro" and those who can't, and I'm not really sure the two sides will be reconciled.

/vsr/, /vkr/, /var/, /vrr/ - sorta retro, kinda retro, almost retro, relaxed retro

/vog/, /ogv/, /ovg/ - old video games

>> No.2881410

>Last I checked the majority of users were happy with the board the way it is

Considering the amount of vehement shitposting that gets into almost every thread, I would strongly disagree with this statement. And people like you are some of the worst offenders. I've been on /vr since day one and think this place needs some serious changes.

Also, coming to 4chan and believing in the /v/ boogeyman is pathetic. If you come to 4chan, accept it. You're just as bad as half the trolls on /v/ are.

>> No.2881415

If they want to live in childish denial, that's their problem, but they're fucking up our board with their inane WAHHH SIXTH GEN WILL NEVER BE RETRO nonsense. They are vocal, but I think it's the same small handful of turbo-autists because they keep recycling the same empty arguments and pissy crying.

>> No.2881431

Well shit if we're going the 'make moar boards' route we might as well do it right
/vo/ - real old shit
/v3/ - 3rd gen video games
/v4/ - 4th gen video games
/v5/ - 5th gen video games
/v6/ - 6th gen video games
/v7/ - 7th gen video games
/v/ - current gen video games and shitposting
metric fuckton of boards but it theoretically pleases everyone
>nobody's board gets invaded with kids over time, all boards have fixed content
>flavor of the month blunder of the year bullshit will always be contained in /v/
>there is a place to discuss games of all ages

Here's my take on the whole "is 6th gen retro" thing though. This board exists because you couldn't discuss retro games on /v/ anymore, they'd just get knocked off the 10th page by WHICH CONSOLE IS WORSE THE XBOX OR THE PLAYSTATION spam. When 6th gen threads are like that, they'll become allowed on /vr/. But we're not there yet.

>> No.2881453

I've been on /vr/ since day one too, that doesn't really change much of anything.
>>Last I checked the majority of users were happy with the board the way it is
>Considering the amount of vehement shitposting that gets into almost every thread, I would strongly disagree with this statement.
So because the mods aren't doing their jobs, the board is the problem? Because some shitposters show up and start spewing shit that means the BOARD is the problem? Like I said in my post, /vr/ is fine, it just needs moderation.

Do you even understand how logic works?

And don't start with the boogeyman BS. You've never seen a cross-posted shitthread from /v/? I'm starting to doubt you've been here since day one.

>> No.2881454


well, I don't have strong opinions on whether we keep /vr/ or they do. Either way I think spinning off a separate board.

I think the NEShard/Amiga/SNESweeb set are rightly afraid that their niche threads will sink to the bottom if we allow discussion of the massively popular games of the 6th generation.

Super Mario Sunshine, Halo: Combat Evolved and GTA: Vice City all reached massively bigger audiences than Obscure JRPG #167: Fighting Sunshine Warriors and it's reasonable to expect that would be reflected in thread and bump count.

So, we get our own board that recognizes the passage of time, and they get to keep their secret club. It doesn't make a huge difference to me whether they keep /vr/ and we spin off Relaxed Retro or if we keep /vr/ and they get Strict Retro.

I do think it would be easier shitposting-wise if we created a new board with a new mission statement rather than trying to change (>"ruining") the mission statement of a previously existing board.

>> No.2881507

>talked to death!!!
I will never understand what people like you might mean when they say things like that. Let me get this straight: you're upset that people are having discussions in a forum? Really?

>n-no!! i'm upset that those topics don't interest me and i want to talk about what i want to talk about!!
Go ahead. Start a thread for whatever game from whatever pre2k console (and Dreamcast), you'd like.

>b-but it gets ignored!!
So what you're telling me is that people like discussing things that you don't like to discuss and don't like to discuss things you like to discuss? Like I said to the salesbitch at Yankee Candle: I ain't buyin' it.
Have you considered that maybe you're not presenting your threads well? Look at that thread on Marvelous. The majority of us had never bothered playing it and I'm sure many of us had never even heard of it before, yet the thread's alive and thriving.

I feel ya, /vr/o, I really do, but if you don't like those threads about topics you don't care about, why not do as I do: hide'em. John Waters once said that he'll never understand people who complain about his movie Female Trouble and how crass and outright disgusting it is. Singing sphincter muscles and literal shit-eating trannies aside, if these viewers didn't like it, why did they keep watching? Change the channel. That's what Mr. Waters did when Forrest started running. And that's what I do here: I don't like a thread, I hide it. That simple, friendo.

>> No.2881516

>Singing sphincter muscles and literal shit-eating trannies aside

I think you mean Pink Flamingos not Female Trouble

>> No.2881556

>completely missing the point of literally everything

No, people are bored of the same small set of topics happening over and over again. "Talked to death" doesn't mean "I don't like this" you dense fuck, it means "We've had the same damn discussion two dozen times and no one is saying anything new".

>> No.2881569

>people are bored
talk for yourself faggot

>> No.2881605


>Post you're retro waifu
>Sonic CD soundtrack
>Which Final Fantasy
>FF7/OoT overrated thread
>Hardest NES game

>> No.2881634


>chrono trigger
>weeb shit
>that stupid fucking online RPG
>SNES vs Genesis
>N64 good vs. N64 bad
>CRT smugfest

>> No.2881643


>poorfags complaining about the free market
>android emulation
>obscure/underrated games general
>retronwife memeing
>shooting game autism
>e-celeb cancer
>arinocuck /tv/ thread

>> No.2881648

Bruh it's only 2 gens old

>> No.2881649
File: 2.85 MB, 640x480, gears.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>popular topics get more threads

>> No.2881657

>Like I said in my post, /vr/ is fine, it just needs moderation.

I know that's what you said, I am disagreeing with you. More moderation is not what this place needs, if you think it is then you don't belong on 4chan in the first place.

Furthermore, if you think posters coming from /v/ are interlopers, then you don't belong here in the first place.

Why you came to 4chan in the first place I have no idea, but I was on /v long before there was a /vr and have been a regular poster on many forums here for years. You and your crying about mods not doing their job don't belong on this website at all. Period.

>> No.2881710

No, I think you're missing the point that not everyone else is you. But that's to be expected. The egocentric worldview doesn't generally go away until kids age into the double digits. You'll get there eventually, champ.

The fact that these threads get posted, that they get sustained, that they survive and thrive and have long discussions over the course of days or even weeks all suggest that at least some of the other 7+ billion people on Earth who aren't you still like talking about these subjects at length. So again: if you don't like it, hide it. And if you want another thing to talk about, start a new thread about it. It's That. Simple.

Sorry, Christmas was a few days ago and I didn't get my cha-cha heels, so I'm a little off-kilter at the moment.

>> No.2881721
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>weeb shit
Also to this, people who complain about weeaboos on 4chan. Why the fuck did you come here in the first place? If you don't like Japanese culture, why are you on a website like this in the first place? We coined that term in that way. Coming to 4chan and complaining about weebs is like going to the SA forums and saying people are acting like goons.

Obviously no one is going to stop you, but why on earth do people like you come to this site? That's a serious question. What brought you here? And why do you continue to return?

For me it's obvious, I love everything about 4chan. But the people who come here, bitch about how miserable they are, how much it sucks, how terrible the people are and what a waste of time it is... why? Why subject yourself to this if you don't enjoy it? It's so strange to me.

>> No.2881727

>The egocentric worldview doesn't generally go away until kids age into the double digits. You'll get there eventually, champ.

All this condescending drivel only makes your points seem worse, friend. You or people like you pull this exact baloney with me and I'm one of the oldest people on this board. Grow up and drop the dad talk. You sound like an idiot and it only hurts every point you try to make.

>> No.2881734


Would you like to scrape my cheesy asscrack and top your salad with it?

>> No.2881769
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>> No.2881781

Because weebs fucking ruin everything they touch.

>> No.2881785


Actually that's a trait all humans share. If someone, somewhere, likes something, there is a 100% probability that there is at least one other individual on the planet who will become instantly dedicated to ruining the aforementioned object of enjoyment. Often on-sight.

>> No.2881801
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>> No.2881818

>No, people are bored of the same small set of topics happening over and over again.

If you are tired of what this board discusses, maybe try going to another board instead of trying to get this board to change into what you want it to be. That is an easier solution and can get you results this instant instead of hoping that enough other people agree with you and that action is taken by someone else in order to get your desired results. /vr isn't the only place on the internet where you can discuss games.

>> No.2881882

It's almost like this website spawned new boards that have topics other than anime or something.

>> No.2881895

more like to sort threads and conversations

moot encouraged crossboarding

>> No.2881921
File: 74 KB, 750x600, 1153236284642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you even trying?

Why are you here then?

That doesn't change the fact that everything here is centered around Japanese culture. Look at the banners. The people they're advertising towards are the core 4chan demographic.

Again no one's telling you to leave, it's your life do what you want with it. But if otaku piss you off, you sure picked a weird website to frequent.

>> No.2881934

Like it or not, a sizable percent of the 4chan demographic doesn't care about anime. The amount of times your argument has been repeated to someone is evidence of that. And it's pretty ironic to hear you talk about "Japanese culture" because if you knew anything the terminology you would know that not all otaku are anime fans.

>> No.2881938

Nope. The last thing we need is the same old Shmups thread with the same old Ikaruga fights over and over and over. What we need is more posters with more opinions for more varied conversation. /vr's population isn't growing on it's own. If anything it's shrinking. Allowing ps2 era games will both bring more topics of conversation and bring in fresh posters. That's what this place really needs.

>> No.2881941

>a sizable percent of the 4chan demographic doesn't care about anime
maybe like /b/ or something, the rest of all the boards I have ever went on care about anime somewhat, even if its not their daily conversation topic

>> No.2881947

>Like it or not, a sizable percent of the 4chan demographic doesn't care about anime.

Which is fine. I haven't seriously watched anime since Cowboy Beebop. But coming to 4chan and complaining that there are weeaboos around is like going to a Trump convention and being shocked it's full of bigots.

All I'm saying is understand where you are. If anime triggers you, maybe think about how you're spending your precious life minutes.

>> No.2882000

>And it's pretty ironic to hear you talk about "Japanese culture" because if you knew anything the terminology you would know that not all otaku are anime fans.

lol what? where did he mention anime?

>> No.2882014
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If they were bored of them then those threads would be dying due to lack of replies because they are bored of participating with them.

Seeing how they are reoccurring popular topics you can say that people aren't bored of them. Only you are.

Why would we want to house new blood if they aren't even interested in our current topics if you have to change things to make them come? If you want a speedier board about video games then look no further to /v/, and you will never run out dry of topics to discuss.

Hell maybe it is because a trickle of new blood that is coming in is continually fueling these threads because they never played those games previously due to not growing up during that era or didn't even own video game consoles during that time and they explored a bit outside of /v/.

Why are you bitching about Japanese culture on a retro video game board on a website inspired by another Japanese website?

>> No.2882067


>> No.2882095
File: 33 KB, 332x327, 1450794222285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This subreddit is for those of us who still love the golden-age of video games, before it was all about the graphics.
>before it was all about the graphics.
It was all about the graphics before as well.

>> No.2882117

this is you


>> No.2882120


no one care what you believe. you are the cancer that needs to leave.

>> No.2882128
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This is you.

>> No.2882195

This is how I know that you are underage.

>> No.2882234

I agree with you op.
/vr/ is only shell of what it was in the beginning.
>I have filters that I use on /tv/ and right now and in the /vr/ catalog there are 8 threads filtered
>then we have -meme come from- which is typically used for troll threads on multiple boards including /v/
>we have thread with troll topics like scanlines usage in retro games and whatnot they act like we all had HDTVs 20 years ago
>troll topics on ROM owning and playing
>There is not a single day not to have at least 2 FF topics
>threads where something is objectively the best
>Youtube people advertising themselves.
>-why this were/were not allowed- threads

>> No.2882245

>then we have -meme come from- which is typically used for troll threads on multiple boards including /v/
Even with such a thread good discussion does come out of it.

Just take it easy.

>> No.2882287
File: 348 KB, 240x155, PEPSIMAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fun of 4chan is that it's in a perpetual place of chaos and disagreement, it can get annoying at times (which my advice to it is just take a break from it) but it's better than everyone politely nodding with each other.

There's nothing wrong with /vr/, and if you think its shitposting is out of hand you really should visit the other boards. /vr/'s australianposting is fucking tame.

/vr/'s only problem is that it's fucking slow, but that's by 4chan standards, compared to any other retro board on the internet it moves way faster.

/vr/ dindu nufin

>> No.2882302

>i have no rebuttal for these valid points, so i'll just criticise tone and wordchoice, instead

>> No.2882334

All nerd/gaming/internet culture including 4chan has been going downhill since 2007, took a nosedive after 2010, and crashed in 2014. There's not much to do about it, I'd still recommend staying here because no matter how bad it gets, it's better than nothing and other sites are usually worse or have other issues that outweigh what they do better.

>> No.2882349

OP of the threads here, I'm sorry if you got offended by that, I just wanted to give people like you and me a place in which you could discuss about the series and have some general info network, if you guys just don't want the threads anymore
I'll stop making them starting from now.
It pains me a bit since people contributed a lot of stuff to share but if the thread has overstayed its welcome there's nothing to do I guess.

>> No.2882353


Don't worry about it, the thread belongs here and these guys can just hide/ignore it if it bothers them, the function is there for a reason. It's on-topic and a good place I guess if people want to get into the series so it's fine.

>> No.2882361

You're right but I also don't want to keep something that nobody wants anymore.

I also made the thread with the intention of making people interested in the series too but if that ends up driving them away it defeats its purpose.

Anyway, I just posted about it in the thread, so let's discuss it there if you're up to it, this isn't the place to do this.

>> No.2882365

Why is this shitty circlejerk still up? Is it really that hard to talk about VIDEO GAMES on this board?

>> No.2882369


And yet he does have a point- egocentric worldview is no longer the foible of the young, it's now a defining characteristic of Americans in general. It's why your country is failing.

>> No.2882375

You misunderstand, I'm not saying there shouldn't be SaGa threads around. I come to them sometimes as well. It's that I don't think people should be relying on the slowness of the board to keep them active.

I want more traffic and discussion around here, not less.

>> No.2882378

Why would you spend time reading and replying to a thread you don't care about?

>> No.2882381


Who said he didn't care?

>> No.2882418

>I just wanted to give people like you and me a place in which you could discuss about the series and have some general info network, if you guys just don't want the threads anymore

I don't think it's possible to weed the autists from generals, so IMO they're largely useless to anyone else. I even tried to participate in the Doom general once, but my post was largely ignored among the sea of autism that followed it.

/vr/ probably would be a better place if there were fewer generals, and more threads geared toward specific questions or topics related to one game at a time.

>I'll stop making them starting from now.

No arguments here. I don't like seeing my favorite series turned into autism food.

>> No.2882419

When someone refers to a thread as a "shitty circle jerk" it's a pretty good indication he doesn't care about it. But by the same token he was one of our local retards who likes to complain about people not talking about video games instead of using that energy to talk about games himself or start a thread. So it's not surprising.

>> No.2882439

>I even tried to participate in the Doom general once, but my post was largely ignored among the sea of autism that followed it.

Translation: I went into a thread full of people discussing a game I'm barely interested in. They didn't all immediately get on their knees and start worshiping my cock over the erudite opinions I bestowed upon them so the whole thread is a sea of autism.

I know this board and you like to throw that word around a lot, but in all seriousness have you been tested?

>> No.2882463
File: 61 KB, 555x428, Average Sonic Fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss when the term autism was reserved for real freak shows like Chris-chan instead of "anyone who puts effort or enthusiasm into anything", "anyone who's smarter and more knowledgeable than me" or "anyone who doesn't have the social graces of a Hollywood actor".

>> No.2882465

That happens to most words that become slurs, and even positive exclamations as well. People start wanting to use it, so they end up doing so out of context and pretty soon the word or expression barely means anything. "those people ignored me" becomes "they're all autists!"

>> No.2882472

/vr/ is a lot better than it was several months ago when the quality of moderation was questionable at best. Threads were mysteriously vanishing left to right, and people were banned for "quality of posts" for no apparent reason, even though everything deleted was actually on topic. Now it's a lot more lax. The shitposting is easy enough to ignore / hide, and you're going to deal with that on any board regardless of the topic. If that bugs you, then 4chan definitely isn't the place for you.

>> No.2882480
File: 86 KB, 625x468, such an autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even positive exclamations as well

"Autist" is basically the new "nerd" so yeah, maybe it will eventually get a positive connotation like "nerd" did.

>> No.2882508

It could well, but that's not what I was referring to. I'm talking about people saying something like "fuck yeah this is awesome!" over something like bananas being on sale. The word awesome no longer means you've been filled with awe at something.

Not a complaint though, that's just the natural evolution of language.

>> No.2882520

autism is a disorder. there will never be a time when being autistic is viewed in a positive light.

>> No.2882525
File: 849 KB, 825x589, 1448010046396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went into a thread full of people discussing a game I'm barely interested in.
don't know about the doom thread in particular (never really visited it beyond quick browsing for funny images), but many, if not all generals/persistent threads, devolve into a massive circlejerk that is often more off-topic or focused on the regulars than the supposed subject of the thread

i might be interested in the topic but not the socializing, feeling disgust towards a thread does not mean i am uninterested in the topic it's supposed to be about

>> No.2882706

That's just the natural evolution of a group of people discussing something. Doom has been around and the general has been going long enough that pretty much anything that could be talked about has been already.

There's only so long that you can go over favorite levels, strategies, weapons etc before it's completely talked to death. Regular posters get to know each other a little better and the conversations go into tangents.

There's nothing autistic about that, it's the opposite. A group of people becoming friends and forming a community.

So of course if you come along and say something, I don't know what but it would likely indicate that you're not much of a fan of the game or part of the conversation and are just popping your head in. So of course they're going to ignore you a little. They're not there for your entertainment. It's not their job to drop everything and cater to you. They're there to talk to their fellow Doom fan friends.

And if that part upsets you, that 4chan forms communities like this, then you're on the wrong website for you.

>> No.2882715

Obviously, you don't know much about the Doom community. It churns out new content on daily basis and Doom4 is on the horizon. There's always something new to talk about.

>> No.2882716


There is compelling evidence that most evolution in human thought processes was simply having a mental illness that proved to be beneficial.

>> No.2882721


I think quality has improved, but just barely. I wish we had a team of Jannys/Mods that didn't seem hellbent on swinging from one extreme to the other (mod with an iron fist versus no mod at all).

>> No.2882727

You're right I was talking out my ass a little. Using other communities and generals on this site and applying it to the Doom thread. I enjoyed Doom when it was big, but FPS bores me in general so I don't come by your thread much. My impression is it's a neat little community at this point though, and I'm happy you're here. Anyone complaining that you don't kowtow to him just for showing up has something wrong with them.

>> No.2882741
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Britbong gaming forum. Most of the regulars are older than the /vr/ crowd, but it's not as active. A few game developers post there. Nobody famous, just some ex-Spectrum guys.

>> No.2882746
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>> No.2882750

None of that is any better or worse than what gets posted here already. People who have problems with those kinds of threads are wasting their time coming to 4chan in the first place.

>> No.2882752

/vr/ is significantly better than the example content listed in the image. The example content is shit you find on /v/, not here.

>> No.2882756


/vr/ discussion can get heated and we have our share of shitposting, but we discuss video games here. /v/ is mostly porn and gaming journalism.

>> No.2882761

An issue both sides are ignoring is moderation. /vr/ has pretty much no janitors or mods. We have to moderate ourselves here, and that will get way more difficult as the board gets bigger.

>> No.2882768

If you think /v/ is shit, and /vr/ is some sort of refuge you shouldn't be on 4chan in the first place. Waste your time if you want, but at least don't then go crying about how much you regret it the way OP does.

>> No.2882773

>An issue both sides are ignoring is moderation.

That's because it's not an issue. Anyone who wants strict moderation shouldn't be here.

>> No.2882776
File: 7 KB, 220x220, smug cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't be on 4chan in the first place
oh, its you

>> No.2882779

>Anyone who wants strict moderation shouldn't be here.
fuck off

Every board at least needs /a/ level of moderation.

>> No.2882781

Yeah it's me. I still don't understand why you spend time on a site you don't like and waste your effort trying to change it. This is a silly, goofy website. If threads like that bother you and you want serious, deep discussions then you picked one of the worst places on the entire internet to try and do it. :)

>> No.2882785

>fuck off

No thanks. I like it here.

>> No.2882792

>I still don't understand why you spend time on a site you don't like and waste your effort trying to change it.
I'm not the one trying to get 6th gen discussion allowed on a retro video game board.

>> No.2882803
File: 12 KB, 400x300, swb251lt7ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retro means things of the past. 6th gen is of the past. But you're missing the part that even though I think this place could be better if we get more posters and open up the discussion, I love all of 4chan either way. I don't think /v/ is the best place to talk about 6th gen anymore, but that's nothing against /v/. It's always going to be focused on current gaming.

If /vr/'s rules never change, it won't stop me from coming, I still love the place either way. But many people come here day in and day out and complain bitterly about it and the dreaded specter of /v/ encroaching.

It's the same as weeaboo haters. What on earth brought them to this site? And why if it bothers them so much do they return? It's equal parts hilarious and confounding.

>> No.2882814

>If /vr/'s rules never change, it won't stop me from coming
But, will it stop you from wasting your effort on trying to change it?

>> No.2882830

Probably not. But partially because simply tossing my opinion into the ring when the subject comes up really doesn't take any effort and I enjoy posting here. I see it as an ongoing discussion. If this place is still around in another 10 years, there's very little chance the board structure will be the same. I might as well give my two cents on how I'd like to see it evolve.

>> No.2882841

>But partially because simply tossing my opinion into the ring when the subject comes up really doesn't take any effort
Well, I don't mind that. And you seem chill.

I just hope that you aren't the anon who keeps spamming Original Xbox threads or PS2 threads on /vr/. Because if you're trying to get 6th gen allowed on /vr/ that's probably the worse way to do it.

>> No.2882848

>In my opinion the 6th gen has much more in common with the consoles that came before it than it does with the ones after.
i completely disagree with this statement. although 3d graphics became common in the fifth gen, they have not aged well and the technology to render 3d graphics at the time was fucking terrible. because of this, and because this was also a generation that still didn't have dual analog controls as the norm, many elements from previous gens were present in the fifth gen that were lost in translation when games went 3d full time in the sixth gen, and the 3d was used in a way that was appealing to the eyes as well as being easy to control. there are few 3d ps1 and n64 games i wish to revisit simply because the games have aged poorly. the sixth gen, on the other hand, has full dual analog support among all the consoles, solidifying itself as the first truly 3d generation for home consoles. because of this, the sixth gen really doesn't have anything in common with the generations that came before it.

i wouldn't be surprised if there are people on this board, like myself, who owned a fourth and fifth gen console simultaneously, but felt like we could get a more solid gaming experience from the fourth gen too many fifth gen games had 3d that felt as if it were tacked on last second and wasn't executed very well, so the sprite-based sidescrolling games felt more polished and refined. i don't want to sound like i hate the fifth gen, because i don't, but it was a transitional generation. there were plenty of must play games on the systems, no doubt, but as a whole they've aged poorly

>> No.2882854

No, I've never started an off topic thread like that. I think 6th gen is retro by this point and the board should expand to allow it, but I don't care nearly enough to try and force the issue like that and don't think it would be a good way to go anyways.

I more just think it's weird that there are people who really don't like this place but continue to subject themselves to it. The results are always amusing, but more and more I've started to genuinely wonder why they do it day in and day out.

>> No.2882858

6th Gen was the last before consoles being online hit big, and that was a massive, massive change. Really though, you can draw big lines at every generation.

>> No.2882863

>i wouldn't be surprised if there are people on this board, like myself, who owned a fourth and fifth gen console simultaneously, but felt like we could get a more solid gaming experience from the fourth gen

I agree with this. 5th is my least favorite generation. 3D got used a lot but still wasn't very good while at the same time, the systems weren't great at doing 2D games either. Most graphically intensive ones like fighters struggled badly on PS1 hardware. Saturn did better, but wasn't popular enough and died too soon.

There are a few gems of course like in every generation, but it wasn't till 6th gan that 3D got decent enough to have really robust games and the systems were powerful enough to made 2D great again even if it wasn't the direction most developers wanted to go.

>> No.2882868
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>In my opinion the 6th gen has much more in common with the consoles that came before it than it does with the ones after.

6th gen games get remastered for new consoles, while 5th games do not.

MGS1 was not on the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, and Final Fantasy X and X2 were remade before the more popular Final Fantasy 7. PS2 games can be emulated in "HD" on the PS4, while PS1 games do not get that treatmenet.

>> No.2882870

And 6th gen also mostly completely abandoned 2D. The only 2/2.5 sidescrolling platformer I can think of for the PS2 is Klonoa. While the PS1 and Saturn both had plenty of 2D platformers.

6th gen shooters also feel nothing a like the outdated shooters of the 5th gen. And I'd say that the shooters from the 6th gen share more in common with the 7th gen. Fuck the PS1 and N64 still had Wolfenstein style shooters.

It also introduced genres like Hack & Slash games (I don't think the PS1/Saturn/N64 had one. Maybe there were some action oriented RPGs, but that's it) which were still common in the 7th gen, and even today. 5th gen from 6th gen felt like the last huge leap in evolution when it comes to gaming, now each new gen just fine tunes the previous one.

5th gen is probably the most unique and weird generation, and the refined gameplay of the 6th gen makes it feel more in common with it's successor than it's predecessor.

>> No.2882886

HD remasters aren't remakes, I could be more autistic about how triggered I am by people calling remasters remakes, but I'll spare you.

>> No.2882889

>And 6th gen also mostly completely abandoned 2D.

The awesome PS2 Metal Slug ports would like to say hi. Also 6th gen is when figthers got good on home console again. It still took till 7th gen and online to make them really explode again, but that was the start of the resurgence.

Hack and Slash is an evoluition of the beat em up genre. At least according to Kamiya

>> No.2882902

i don't think anyone is going to say that the sixth gen didn't have 2d games on their systems. hell, on my PS4 i still find that i play some excellent 2d platformers such as shovel knight or 2d metroid clones like axiom verge.

that said, my contention is that there was a gigantic transition period in gaming where these types of games were phased out of the mainstream, and the fifth generation acted as the transitional period for, essentially, the death of a style of gaming. perhaps a better way to split /vr/ and /v/ would be to have 2d gaming and 3d gaming into two completely separate boards, not bound by date of release. though even that is completely inferior to what exists right now, but perhaps would be preferable to the inclusion of xbox, gc and ps2 being "part" of the board

>> No.2882927

I would argue that we're in something of a resurgence of 2D gaming, which I love. I think this is an amazing time for gaming in general though.

At any rate, I do see the point you're making. But I think every generation had major leaps and persistent online for consoles is at least as big of a leap as the 3D was. In 15 years I think PS1 and 2 will be lumped together more than PS2 and PS3 for example.

>> No.2883010

Some of the good parts of threads is how spontaneous they can be. Even if they only garner twenty to forty posts and then vanish for awhile, they can still be enjoyable. Kind of like that one Final Fantasy Legend thread that cropped up a few days ago.

>> No.2883016

>the awesome ps2 metal slug ports

Hack 'n Slash is nowhere near Beat'em Ups

>> No.2883021

How so? What differentiates the two?

>> No.2883026

i feel hack n slash came from dungeon crawlers like gauntlet

>> No.2883038

Well right there you can see two different definitions, one with Diablo in mind and another with games like Devil May Cry in mind.

>> No.2883132
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Contrarian shitposters that think their memes and antimemes are fun for everyone.

Also people also being overly defensive about criticism on games they grew up with gets old fast.

>> No.2883223

>And if that part upsets you, that 4chan forms communities like this, then you're on the wrong website for you.
4chan is actually where I *should* be able to avoid topics deterring into circlejerking, given it's an anonymous imageboard and not a classic topical forum with registrations and whatnot. this kind of normalfaggotry is killing 4chan in the sense of turning it into yet another website that doesn't differ from any other

why is it impossible to find a place where people focus solely on the subject discussed without any socializing?

>> No.2883229
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>Millenom meme
>Bonus AmeriKKKa meme

>> No.2883236

At least half of the threads on /vr/ is shit or don't have anyone responding to them to make them matter. Nothing of importance will be lost.

>> No.2883250


If I was president 4chan I would get rid of tripcodes and namefags forever.

Maybe leave the fields in place and honeypot for a week just to gather up IPs so I can perma-ban them.

/vr/ seems mercifully pretty free of them but there's a few that manage to shit up /g/ on a regular basis. I really need to figure out how to use filters.

>> No.2883252

>threads age

Can we please get over this meme already

>> No.2883262

This is because 5'th gen looks jarring as fuck when you give those crude models high resolution textures. 6'th gen models are high detailed enough to benefit from sharper textures.

>> No.2883346

This is the only place where Metroid discussion doesn't turn into a Primefag circlejerk so it's alright in my book.

>> No.2883348

Also you can actually talk about fighting games in here.

>> No.2883361


It doesn't change the fact that 6th gen games get remasters of remasters, while older games get left behind.

>> No.2883390

I will tell you EXACTLY why /vr/ sucks lately. People are mostly unwilling to post helpful advice.

"what game should I play?"
>my balls
>your mom

"Hey /vr/ how do I emulate said system my fellow emulators?"
>read the wiki fag
>sure is summer in here
>emulation a shit

I would understand it if you posted in /v/b/rk9/ but shitty attitudes will kill the board. If you want to post vitrol please go somewhere where it will be effective

>> No.2883393

>"Hey /vr/ how do I emulate said system my fellow emulators?"
That's literally in the wiki though. We don't need stupid questions getting their own thread, it bumps something that may have been of value off the bottom of the board.

>> No.2883412

I suppose we need a more detailed wiki then. That mame shit is frustrating.

>> No.2883415

You think that's bad? Try actually liking original games and systems. Even talking about owning carts is met with a flood of shitposts.

>> No.2883442

Because 5'th gen is largely ugly by modern standards and 6'th gen is a whole lot easier to polish up. It also typically has more refined 3D gameplay made with controllers that are very similar to what we still have today.

They also had a much larger audience than gen 5 so they are in a bigger demand.

>> No.2883445


Well, I at least try to be helpful. But there's only so much time I can dedicate to /vr/. Then it eats into the time I'd rather be actually _playing_ the retro games.

>> No.2883454


The wiki needs more love. This is true.


Bullshit. If anything the opposite is true: a vocal minority of assholes here will loudly _insist_, despite all evidence to the contrary, that real hardware and cartridges are the only way one could ever experience retro gaming in all its splendour. All responses even hinting that emulators are just as authentic will be met with opinions so laced with ulterior emotional attachment and nostalgia that they quickly become indistinguishable from mental illness.

>> No.2883457


I think 5th gen graphics are beautiful. I'm sorry you are incapable of appreciating graphics that aren't 5K anisotrpic bogo-MIP'ed or whatever the latest buzzword-laced fad is these days.

>> No.2883458
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>> No.2883469

I said by modern standards.

I can't say that I was ever really content with most of the 5'th gen 3D graphics back in the day. So I was happy when we got out of the origami renders era.

>> No.2883520

kind of wish 4chan never had those in the first place, so ignorant people couldn't dismiss you with "just filter it"

hiding shit does not make it go away, or worse yet, stop shit spreading

>> No.2883531


>> No.2883534

people asking for advice usually have no intention to contribute anything to the board anyway. no one is entitled to get help, this is not a support hot-line
often it also shows blunt ignorance, that the person asking does not even bother to lurk the board

>shitty attitudes will kill the board
as some wise anon said a gorillion years ago, a bit of hostility is required for the quality of content and also filters out the overly sensitive
what really kills unique places is when they become normally friendly, casual and just like any other place

>> No.2883546

Doom memers destroyed this board. Go to their general and see the reddit for yourself. They are also our closest link to v. Sheer unadulterated and inoperable cancer. Too bad they don't fuck off to vg where they belong.

>> No.2883902

>Bullshit. If anything the opposite is true: a vocal minority of assholes here will loudly _insist_, despite all evidence to the contrary, that real hardware and cartridges are the only way one could ever experience retro gaming in all its splendour.

Oh, you're one of them.

>> No.2883921


Stay mad, original hardware faggot. 8)

>> No.2883924

>All responses even hinting that emulators are just as authentic will be met with opinions so laced with ulterior emotional attachment and nostalgia that they quickly become indistinguishable from mental illness.
What argument do they have when it comes to cycle-accurate emulators?

>> No.2883929


Would you believe me if I told you they still insist that they can "tell" the difference? Then they go off on a jag about inherent PC lag and USB/Blutooth specs as if you, personally, are the developer of said emulator (and thus would give two shits about such minutia).

>> No.2883941

You can actually smell the sense of superiority with this one

>> No.2883942


Thank you.

>> No.2883945

If you are trying to argue that we don't have JUST EMULATE IT fags, then you're delusional.

That being said, I don't give a fuck how people play their games nor do I care if people on the Internet give me shit for buying games. If you see a thread for people who play on real hardware with real carts, don't bother shitpost about emulating - they already know about emulation. If you see a post about people discussing emulation, don't bother calling them poorfags - they just play how they choose to play.

Or do shitpost about it. It can make for entertaining bickering.

>> No.2883967

no they often don't know jack shit, they don't know that playing with original hardware is better sometimes and sometimes playing with an emulator is way better, they're ignorant sometimes willfully

>> No.2883983

Is there a way to select threads I want to be shown, so I can just see 4-5 threads and filter the 120 others? Hidding threads isn`t feasible, because there are too many.

>> No.2884146
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>"what game should I play?"
>my balls
>your mom
I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.2884175

>This. The 6th gen will destroy /vr/.

I think so too. I'm already seeing this on /vr/ with people posting DOS games and responses along the line of "ew, that looks OLD".

Well, that's the point asshole.

I'm sure that's going to be a huge problem once people who began gaming with more conventional platforms enter /vr/.

Or maybe the younger dickheads will look at PS2 games with the same disinterest. I doubt it as they will be raised on mobile apps and big budget quality will be a thing of the past.