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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2877418 No.2877418 [Reply] [Original]

Was there a better licensing team that capcom and disney?

>> No.2877425


>> No.2877427

Sega and Disney come pretty close, I'd say with their Illusion series of games on Master System, Game Gear, and Genesis.

>> No.2877434

SUNSOFT and Warner was pretty good.

There were some great Batman and Looney tunes games from them.

Also, Konami did some great Tiny Toons games.

>> No.2877436

Genesis Aladdin is better than SNES Aladdin.

>> No.2877483

Wait, was Bonkers good? I mean the show was kinda crap so I never wanted to touch its video game.

>> No.2877764

The only good Looney Tunes games Sunsoft had a hand in were the handheld titles

the SNES ones were just kinda published by their American division and depending on how you feel about those is up to you. Road Runner Death Valley is hard and fun once you manage to get the hang of it. Rabbit Rampage is repetitive and has wooden controls, and Marvin Missions is ok. Not great, not bad, but okay. They all managed to have pretty interesting music though. Have a listen.

>> No.2877773
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Bioware and Wizards of the Coast.

>> No.2878114

Baldur's Gate is trash, sorry.

>> No.2878135

Capcom and Marvel?

>> No.2878215 [SPOILER] 
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No, only the sprite animation is better, everything else better on the Capcom game.

>> No.2879206

>the boring, dull colored game with clunky controls is better

Stop spreading this meme, faggot.
>inb4 'b-but, much sword'

>> No.2879212

capcom and Wizards of the Coast.

>> No.2879218

>>the boring, dull colored game with clunky controls is better
You described the SNES version perfectly.

The Genesis Aladdin is superior in every way. Its not even close.

>> No.2879220

Capcom and Wizards of the Coast have no /vr/ games. You meant TSR.

>> No.2879236
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>Capcom Aladdin
>clunky controls


>> No.2879313

SNES Aladdin is just too stiff. Once you get used to the 'floatiness' of Genesis Aladdin it feels much nicer to play 2bh.

>> No.2879320


you're objectively wrong.

>> No.2879329

Go shit post somewhere else.

>> No.2879337


It's not "stiff", it's more precise.

Look at this and tell me if it looks stiff at all:

It's swift, not stiff.

Maybe you yourself prefer floaty and imprecise controls, to each their own I won't judge your own personal taste, but the Capcom game has anything but clunky controls.

>> No.2879342


I can't believe that there are still apologists for the SNES version of Aladdin.

>> No.2879363


It's a Capcom game, not their best, but it's not as bad as the Virgin shovelware, for sure.
The Virgin game has nice sprite animations. And that's it really.

>> No.2879368


What do you mean apologists?

The only reason people hate on Capcom's Aladdin is because they partake on console wars, hence why you call it "SNES version fo Aladdin" instead of "Capcom Aladdin", you care about it being on SNES rather than who developed the game. Newsflash: it's not a Nintendo-developed game, same as Virgin's Aladdin is not a Sega-developed game. If Sega themselves did Aladdin, it would have been a much better game than what Virgin did.

>> No.2879416
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>> No.2879419

the SNES Aladdin was great, graduate middle school and revisit this topic

>> No.2879430


what are you doing here, /tv/?

>> No.2879507
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>GEN Aladdin shovelware
>designed by the guy that made some of the best mascot platformers of the '90s

Are all SNESfags this delusional? I bet they think the Megaman X's are good action games too.

>> No.2879520
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Because Vidya games when they were actually good

>> No.2879553


Well, I like EWJ but they also suffer from the same issues Aladdin does: floaty controls, wonky hitboxes, etc. Although EWJ were made after Aladdin, so he had a little more experience with the genre, EWJ were an improvement over Aladdin for sure, still I wouldn't call them "some of the best platformers of the 90s", not even close, but I do like EWJ.

okay but don't bring your stale memes here please

>> No.2879563

>floaty controls

People keep saying this, but they never explain what the hell it means.

The only floaty thing I know in Aladdin and EWJ is the fact that you have 2 different jumps based on how much momentum you have before you jump. Which is about as floaty as Super Mario World.

>> No.2879567

I don't really frequent /tv/, I found that on /pol/ and it was the most obvious "hooked " b8 pic I had.

>> No.2879575

SNES version doesn't allow you to fight with a scimitar.

It is therefore objectively worse.

>> No.2879582

>The Virgin game has nice sprite animations and graphics and music and platforming and gameplay


>> No.2879585


It means the characters feel weightless. Anyway it's not a big problem because the game doesn't require extremely precise precise platforming as most of the levels are maze-like and most of the challenge comes with finding your way out rather than jumping through platforms, even though it does have some trouble with the landing, due to the aforementioned hitbox detection. The sprites are big and detailed, but they don't accurately work with the hitboxes.


I agree desu senpai baka

>> No.2879587


Graphics aren't really all that good outside of the animated sprites. The backgrounds feel lifeless and very dry, devoid of detail.
The music is alright, not really the best the Genesis FM chip can do for sure.
Gameplay is not what I'd call nice, and neither is the level design.

>> No.2879691

>It means the characters feel weightless.

That doesn't mean shit. Mario feels weightless to me. Please explain in more detail. Is it the speed of how fast you ascend or descend? The height of your jump? The velocity curve of your ascension?

For example in Mario, you jump fast, then as you hit the peak of your jump your ascension slows down, you float in mid-air for a little bit, then you descend at the exact reverse speed (slower first, then gaining velocity, but your fall speed will always be very low). That feels floaty to me because of how long you float in mid air, and how slow you fall down.

But there's nothing like that in Aladdin. When you fall down, you end up falling extremely fast. And your jumps don't feel floaty, both types of them confirm to your momentum - one has no momentum and jumps only up, and the other has loads of forward momentum but looks like it has less upwards one, due to it being a running jump.

>it does have some trouble with the landing, due to the aforementioned hitbox detection

The hitbox detection is fine. The only thing you have to pay attention to is covering enough distance to properly land with your body. You can't just touch a platform with the rightmost pixel of your leg and automatically end up standing on the left edge of a platform.
No. You have to hit a platform with the middle of your body, not just the edges. You don't get a bullshit half-measure to make your life easier.

>the game doesn't require extremely precise precise platforming

Confirmed to never playing the game past the first three levels. Some of the later levels require very precise platforming. The lava level for example is extremely unforgiving.

>> No.2879739


>That doesn't mean shit. Mario feels weightless to me.

I don't know why you keep bringing up Mario to the discussion, and Mario games all have different physics, I'm guessing you're talking about SMB1 here. Although you lost me a bit when you say that you fall slow.
Anyway SMB's physics are a lot more complex than that of Aladdin (either of them) because Mario adds actual velocity into the equation (b-dash), there's many variants depending on your position, your speed, how long you press the button, etc.

The fact Mario loses speed in his jump when he reaches the peak means that, indeed, he has weight.

But let's go back to Aladdin.
Dave Perry games all have the same kind of jump physics, be it Aladdin, Cool Spot or EWJ. You press jump and your character kind of floats like a feather while on mid-air, now this isn't necessarily a BAD thing, it's just how Dave likes his jumping physics, I guess. I feel they aren't as tight as other games, namely Capcom, Sega or Nintendo platformers, but again, since most of the levels are maze-like in those games, it's not that big of an issue. I just personally am not too fond of the physics.

>The hitbox detection is fine.

The hitbox detection is not fine, but part of the problem is the size of the sprites. Hitbox detection also affects fighting enemies, which is a problem with EWJ and Cool Spot too. There's no actual pattern or distance you should calculate, like on games such as Castlevania or Contra, in Perry's games you just have to get close to an enemy and spam the attack button, hoping the attack lands most of the times.
Speaking strictly about Aladdin, he never uses a sword in the movie, and he's more of a parkour/acrobatic guy which is how he plays on the Capcom game, you can bounce on enemies and stuff, on virgin's game you just get hurt if you land over an enemy (and again the wonky hitbox detection plays a role here).


>> No.2879743

>Confirmed to never playing the game past the first three levels. Some of the later levels require very precise platforming. The lava level for example is extremely unforgiving.

I beat the game when I was a kid. I actually don't remember having trouble during the lava level, but I remember getting frustrated on the palace garden level (I think? you needed to jump over some platforms over the pond or something).
Anyway all the difficulty I remember was due to the weird land detection on jumps and not because actually challenging designed levels.

>> No.2879751


Found the level I was talking about


Look at 0:44

You can't tell me that shit isn't floaty

>> No.2879772

>it's not as bad as the Virgin shovelware
You do know the Disney animators worked on the Genesis version, right? This is why the sprites look so much better.

>> No.2879885

Hey! I fucking love x1! Dick! How dare you insult me on the internet!

Genny Aladdin is still better. Played plenty of both systems and Snesfag through, but I ain't gonna defend the snes version. Its garbage.

>> No.2879913

Sorry, but I can't take any game that lets you grab on the side of walls to save you from a death pit seriously.

>> No.2879945


What's garbage about Capcom's Aladdin? It's by no means a master piece but it's pretty competent as a platformer. What complaints do you have about it?

>> No.2879982

Now I'm sad that NWN2 was complete shit again.

>> No.2879986

>implying walljump/wallslide didn't allow for massive upward expansion of levels as well as enable non-obvious secret places

>> No.2880013

>muh exploration
Gee, it sure is casual around here...

>> No.2880039
File: 77 KB, 510x710, north and south.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infogrames did really well. North and South is popular way beyond it's license.

>> No.2880047

Their disney licensed games are shit compared to their arcade licensed games.

>> No.2880268


apples and oranges anon, their disney licensed games are platformers and their arcade licensed games are beat 'em ups/fighters.