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2875881 No.2875881 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me why SNES games are so expensive?

>> No.2875910

because ppl in their 30s like me don't know what to do with their money and wanna sink into nostalgia from the 90s

>> No.2875912

way too damn true

>> No.2875913

>sold a lot of my SNES collection when I was a dumb teenager in the late 90s


At least I got to buy some good shit in the early 00s when prices were mad cheap

>> No.2875920

i did this with my sega. I had everything but phantasy star 4.

luckily neckbeards and hipsters dont give 2 fucks about genesis and I got all my games back. Most expensive one to day was Hyperstone heist (with box) for $45, even for some RPGs cheap.

personally Im thinking about get a super famicom for $50 (snes goes for 90, fuck that purple shit) and getting SFC games and the SFC flash cart for US/PAL games. Cheaper, and it looks nicer.

>> No.2875946

This is the reason I justify emulating. Prices are just ridiculous and they're only getting worse. Sure I have a few games from when I was a kid. All-Stars, SMW, LttP, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Pilotwings, Mario Kart. But if I want to play something cool like Magical Pop'n or something expensive like Super Mario RPG, I'm shit out of $100.

>> No.2875951


Because they're actually good games and sometimes it takes physical media to start vanishing for people to appreciate it. Once music started becoming digital, people started appreciating vinyl more... same thing is happening with retro games.

>> No.2875956

Im thinking about selling off all my carts.

>> No.2875957


wait a couple more years if you really wanna cash in.

>> No.2875963

Really? Why do you think they are going to go up that much? I was thinking about doing it now because the Canadian dollar is so shit and even 20 USD is still a decent amount.

>> No.2875968


it's only logical. demand inflates prices.

every day there's a new one of these threads here... >>2875868

so yeah... unless everyone plans on getting rid of their SNES soon, there is currently a high demand for the quality games.

>> No.2875995

inflation also devalues your dollar. Sure it may go from 20 to 25 bucks but is it really going to be worth waiting a couple years for that.

>> No.2876019


all i'm saying is that they're going up in value, not down. if you're hurting for cash, by all means sell whatever you need to.

>> No.2876026

not really but I just dont know if waiting is worth it. Feels like its going to peek honestly and more people will be satisfied with emulation.

>> No.2876383

>personally Im thinking about get a super famicom
I did this too anon, PALfag here and I didn't want to mod anything..

It even worked out cheaper than actually picking up a pal snes locally

>> No.2876446

>Can someone tell me why SNES games are so expensive?

Reseller scum sporadically inflating prices. One reseller does it, then others follow suit. Pretty soon, the market value is assumed to be higher than what supply and demand actually dictates.

Just emulate.

>it's only logical. demand inflates prices.

Congratulations, you are all retarded, or no doubt are reseller scum yourselves.

The SNES shipped millions upon millions of units worldwide. There is not a particularly limited supply of games or hardware to disappoint demands. Retro gamers do not account for really even a sizable minority of gamers worldwide. The people who are actually investing in hardware and physical games are pretty few and far between, and some retro gamers are simply resorting to emulation or purchasing re-releases from Nintendo's eShop or Sony's PlayStation Store.

Again, it is merely arbitrary overvalue, likely based on the assumption that something bearing the Nintendo brand is automatically a collector's item. This phenomenon happens all the time.

>> No.2878583


wow. we're retarded? we're talking economics here and the basics of supply/demand and you suddenly know more than us by simply mentioning a crowd of people that emulates that doesn't even participate in these transactions. way to go there. let us know when you crack the seal on your brain and start putting it to use, idiot.

>> No.2878628

>why SNES games are so expensive
It's simple, because there is people who pays those prices.

>> No.2878742

>talking about supply and demand
>doesn't know the meaning of demand
even if the supply is high, high demand will still raise the prices.

>> No.2878754 [DELETED] 


>implying all supply of discontinued items is always accessible online.

you seem to not understand how the used market works. we're talking online/retail prices here. not thrift store lucky sunday finds. just admit prices are going up and not down, you smart ass. because that's all we're saying here.

>> No.2878815

all it takes is a 100,000 collectors and then u realize the supply isn't actually that high after all

>> No.2879216

>Can someone tell me why SNES games are so expensive?

For multiple reasons, such as:

- retro game boom
- adults trying to collect their old childhood machines back
- increased exposure to less known titles via social media and youtube
- increased exposure to retro games via emulation (both pirated and original, like Virtual Console), as well as modern remakes, modern ports, and re-releases.

All this amounts to increased demand.

However, SNES games aren't produced anymore, so you have an ever decreasing supply. And if you want a console that isn't yellowed to shit and a game that comes in decent condition, complete with manuals, then the supply is even lower.

Increasing demand + lower supply = higher prices.

Mix in inflation with that, and add in ebay and paypal tax: if I bought a game at $30 and want to get my money back - no profits, just getting my money back - then I have to sell it for $35 or $40 to cover whatever ebay jews off the price.

Then keep all of this snowballing for twenty years, and now you know why retro games are so expensive.

Resellers make the smallest difference in all of this.

>> No.2879226

There is currently an epedemic in the retro gaming community

We have thousnads upon thousands of 40 year old faggots who but EVERYTHING videogame related at Every thrift store and every yardsale each and ever day, buting hundreds of copies of the same god damn game for 50 cents a piece.

These faggots who don;t even like video games then sit on all that fucking shit, and slowly redistribute these games online at atleast a 1000% markup.

Due to the sheer volume of resellers doing this, the supply has been altered, making games more scarce then they really should be, ontop of the resellers all demanding a crazy amount for the games, and instantly bidding on items that get put up for a reasonable price just so that they can resell them again.

These people hate video games. These people are kikes. Fuck these people.

>> No.2879227

A SNES used to be cheap because it was the old trash that mum threw out in a garage sale after you got the N64 or Playstation. It was sold by people who didn't need it or didn't want it, for people who couldn't afford the newest Nintendo.

Today, the SNES is the original retro hipster console with classics like Final Fantasy, Mario, and Zelda, and it is bought by people specifically looking for these consoles, and sold by people who know that these consoles sell. It's not a garage sale market anymore.

>> No.2879231

Buying low and selling high has been one of the founding rules for success in a capitalist economy. You are complaining about things that have been going on for hundreds of years.

>> No.2879285
File: 468 KB, 1080x677, screenshot-produto mercadolivre com br 2015-12-27 23-38-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resellers hold onto their shit for a long time. I've seen a faggot here in Brazil trying to sell a sealed SCPH-9001 PSX since 2008. He initially charged R$10.000 for it, which was some US$4000 back then.

It's still $600 with the current rate. Of course this is an extreme case, but I've seen shit on eBay listed for YEARS.

>> No.2879303

>collector fags really believe this
i have no problem with guys paying premium for good quality complete shit but SMW for $20 and sold 20 million units is silly. There's going to be some adjustments and holding on to boxes of common games is just mad. Look at print runs + quality and make a decision to sell.

>> No.2879312

first off you're assuming there's 20 million in circulation, you'd be wrong, some are destroyed, some are lost, some are locked away in storage, some are in game collections, some have been thrown out, then blame it for being a good game that everyone who owns a SNES wants a copy of, learn2economy

>> No.2879325

That's not a sizable amount of damage to the circulation.
I'm apt to agree with >>2879226. It's artificial inflation.
Also saying collected and "locked away" copies of the game are not in circulation confirm to me how much you need to lrn2economy.

I'm just loading up on xbox 360 and ps3 games in the mean while. got resistance 1 + 3, mgs rising, and prince of persia for like $15 at gamestop. I've played them, but I think that's a good price. when NES/SNES is uncool/passe like atari then i'll start grabbing them again

>> No.2879334

This is America. Who gives a fuck about Brazil?

>> No.2879335

They're popular. Resellers realize collectorfags don't know or care about economics, so they take advantage of idiots who refuse to use flashcarts.

The only thing is this also makes the prices of the consoles themselves higher, but by shopping around and buying "broken" consoles and fixing the very minor thing that's wrong with them (I've gotten consoles that "won't show in color" for free when all I had to do was flip the switch on the bottom from B&W to color)

Overall I'm not too peeved off about reseller scum because the only people they really scam are collectorfags and they deserve it.

>> No.2879343

>This is America. Who gives a fuck about Brazil?

European here.
I don't give a fuck about Brazil either.

>> No.2879357

u fags will complain how expensive 5th and 6th and 7th gen games are in a few years

>> No.2879362
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Nintendo tax

Same thing with Apple computers

Your market is flooded with retards with too much money.

I'm glad I've mostly filled out nintendo consoles in my collection, most of them were bought new so I wasn't taken. It's probably impossible not to get scammed when buying nintendo shit, they're simply not worth what people are charging, same thing with apple stuff. I loved when someone brought a used apple II to pawnstars and the guy offered them $25 for it when they were asking for like $500

>> No.2879365

what is really expensive aka more money than they were when they came out? a handful of games? aside from saturn and a few games per console it's not bad at all. it's just not dirt cheap like it was in the late 90s/early 00s. People need to get over it. a lot of the RPG carts that people like to bitch about were expensive as fuck in early 90s money originally

>> No.2879367

>buying an original gameboy for use as anything but a paper weight

>> No.2879369
File: 717 KB, 1914x939, 9yxAcOa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that can't fucking be real

>> No.2879372



Check the sold listings, faggot. It's not "overvalued" if people are actually paying that price.

>poorfag detected

>> No.2879373

>looks at asking prices instead of sold
you should have a garage sale next or run a thrift store based on that dumbass thinking

>> No.2879375

reseller scum never lower their prices

>> No.2879376

these fucking idiots thought good titles were going to be $5 forever, basically 1/10th of their original asking price with inflation not even factored

>> No.2879380

They're old pieces of shit and there was never a market for old pieces of shit that only weird people wanted. Then they had to become popular and valuable. There is something lamentable about that I think.

>> No.2879384

yes they do, any business that needs cash flow will compete on price

>> No.2879387

This honestly there is nothing unique about the hardware. Original gameboy games run better on gameboy colors plus gameboy colors are a lot cheaper and the screen is nicer.

>> No.2879389

You're basically mad they're popular yet if you're complaining about prices you're either 10 or dumped your collection or were a trendfag who jumped in late, when I started collecting everyone was giving NES and SNES away, literally giving it away, only regret is i should have hoarded more

>> No.2879390

Retrofags don't know this but gameboy was mostly shit until Gameboy Pocket the absolute earliest or actually probably GBC

>> No.2879391

Resellers sell to people who just want them as things to have not as actual games. They sell to rich middle age fucks who say to themselves "I liked video games when I was younger, I'll buy thousands of games at what ever price just to have a collection. I'll never play them who has the time?"

>> No.2879394

they only really have value as things, if not just fucking emulate, SNES bitching is literally all collectortier drama, you have a CPU perfect emulator, a fully featured Everdrive and less than perfect solutions practically everywhere and people STILL bitch

>> No.2879395

>when I started collecting everyone was giving NES and SNES away, literally giving it away

how is that in anyway opposed to what I said? if they stayed obscure then they would still be cheap

>> No.2879396

no because i've been playing games since 1993. i've seen this before just not this bad. there was a spike in 80s (pre-collapse/arcade) gaming too and it passed. it was never this big though.

>> No.2879402

This, the few games that use on-cart processing that still isn't emulated aren't even the ones people price hike.

Collecting is so fucking pointless

>> No.2879403

you also wouldn't know about it because you wouldn't be bitching if you weren't a trendfag

>> No.2879406

It's literally bullshit like "wah i can't get a copy of Hagane, a game that wasn't even released", these people are babies

>> No.2879407

>I've gotten consoles that "won't show in color" for free when all I had to do was flip the switch on the bottom from B&W to color

This, shit like this and the general unpopularity of it makes 1st and 2nd gen collecting absolutely the cheapest shit, and some of the games are way higher quality stuff than even stuff on the NES.

>> No.2879410

I'm sorry I didn't buy literally every NES game when they were cheap.

>> No.2879412

It makes a lot more sense to complain about how Saturn is completely and (much more so) blocked off to a new collector, yet the bitching is always about the SNES, why? because these people are the trendy bandwagoners that made our hobby expensive in the first place

>> No.2879417

Since most of them are shit and you're supposedly not a trend collector then it's really not a big deal

>> No.2879420

I am 32, and love these old games I played. I make good money, and will pay for them. I love collecting and playing them. There are others like me, therefore the demand will be there.

>> No.2879424

There's still no point in collecting anything. Like literally 0 point. Other than having pretty things to look at and feeling some sense of accomplishment by wasting space.

You can't even use the argument vinyl collectors use in that "the sleeve is artwork", "warmer sounds", "the feeling" etc, because physical cartridges have NO redeeming qualities compared to flash cartridges like physical media for music does.

I can see why someone would collect CD's or Cassettes before I could see why they'd collect video games.

I'm completely willing to pay what might be a bit too much for a console because I know that will be one of two purchases I WILL EVER MAKE for that particular console, the other being a flashcart.

>> No.2879429

This holy shit. Box art is usually terrible, but if it's good you can buy a print of it and hang it or put it in an album or just fucking look it up online and jack off to it.

You can print off documentation if you're into that (or the game is impossible to complete without the manual), or you can put it on an e-Reader (sony digital paper is amazing for this).

I can empathize with them as someone who prefers CRTs and collects music, but I just can't understand why someone would collect videogames

>> No.2879434
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>> No.2879436

There is a point, it's enjoyable to those who choose it as a hobby.

>> No.2879440

buying things is a pretty shitty hobby that requires absolutely no creativity or thought. You might as well have a hobby of eating 100 dollar bills.

>> No.2879442

Your hobby is bashing other peoples hobbies. I think I have you beat.

>> No.2879446

A person is allowed to have more than one hobby. I also fish.

>> No.2879450

Collecting is a hobby when it involves more than just buying games on the internet

>> No.2879456

so you admit you're a collector and wonder why other people are collectors and are mad it's popular enough to where it go expensive. good god

>> No.2879467

No, you are confusing me for someone else. I am not mad, my collection is complete shy of 3 competition carts.

>> No.2879484

sorry anon, apologize to anon for me and send my regards to anon

>> No.2879515

Does something being "sealed" really increase its value, assuming it really is factory sealed? Some people say that shrink wrap is so easy to fake that they don't put any special value on sealed items.

>> No.2879526

Haha I like collecting SNES carts and you can't stop me. :^)

>> No.2879535


it also involves lots of research and having personal taste, dumbass. collections don't form themselves. you sound poor and bitter.

>> No.2879571

1) The SNES generation were the first games that had an outstanding quality to them that was accessible immediately. NES games are nice, but I rarely play them today because SNES generation is just much better.
2) After the SNES, people understandably started getting excited about 3D. So therefore we have a single generation of top quality 2D games.

We have 4+ generations of 3D already and one generation of high quality 2D. Any 2D games produced today are going to seem a little less authentic because they're not pushing the hardware. So it's easy to see why SNES games are so expensive, they are a unique window of time in videogaming history while the 3D generations tend to blend into one another, especially with the optical/scratchable discs.

>> No.2879625

What really pisses me off, more than resellers hawking any old video game, is the price inflation of old computers like the Apple II. There is no reason for something that is almost objectively useless to be worth that much. It just fucks the wallet dry of vintage computer collectors who just like restoring and tinkering with old hardware.

>> No.2879643

I just buy was games done quick and let's play channels play

>> No.2879654

There are less available every year and collectors are fags, what do you honestly expect with a generation of people that are too poor to have anything of substance so they're rich when it comes to buying bullshit

>> No.2879719

smart people know the value isn't in games (with exceptions for those sfx/sdd1/sa1/svp, and not even all of them are worthwhile), but in hardware, consoles, cables, controllers, accessories.

Buy smart. Buy S-Mart.

>> No.2879737


wtf am i reading?

>> No.2879754
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>> No.2880214

This is an international website. I am exposing that this is a worldwide phenomenon. Nice /b/ posting though, here's your (You).

Here is your little bit of attention.

>> No.2880694
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>The SNES generation were the first games that had an outstanding quality to them that was accessible immediately. NES games are nice, but I rarely play them today because SNES generation is just much better.

>> No.2880730
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This is the real reason.

>> No.2880743

I know, fuck me.
At least you know the value will just keep going up. But finding the games in good condition for a "fair" price, if you can even find the games at all (CIB stuff is so rare it's nuts) is very difficult.

Pic related, just got this this morning and paid $995CAD for it. At least it's complete. Got plans to get Ogre Battle next month (also another expensive one, CIB ogre battle usually sells for $300USD I believe)

Shit, I should just buy the damn things loose. Save myself a lotta money. Or just emulate.

>> No.2880747
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Forgot pic.

>> No.2880759


absolutely disgusting

>> No.2880763

Ps1 and ps2 hoarding.. Just why?

>> No.2880764

real question is why are famicom games and genesis games not AS expensive? all my friends had Snes not sega and definitely not the weeb-fag famicom. so there are most certainly more snes games out there than others...but fuck it. you wait long enough and keep searching youll find good games for 15 dollars sometimes like FF3 or TMNT

>> No.2880767

Wew, cool shit man. I'm thinking about buying Earthbound (just the cart) soon, I got bit hard by the collecting bug.

>> No.2880768

yeah im sure when the xbox was out people who hoerded n64 and snes games were asked the same thing. now they can boast about the money they saved but I REALLY doubt that people are going to get into it the way snes games did... Carts by nature last longer than CD's even in the best of conditions CD's break down over time a lot faster than silicon cartridgres...we'll see what happens.

>> No.2880770

The SNES classics (LttP, FF6, Chrono Trigger) have been on so many "greatest games ever" lists that there's a high demand for them. Outside of retro circles, no Genesis games are ever talked about except for the Sonic games.

>> No.2880774

because moon runes and region lock (although only because of cart and console shape). But watch out, even jp games are starting to rise.
as for genesis games, it's simply because because they're not nintendo and because sports only meme, but since most are CIB because of sturdy cases, they're also starting to steeply rise.

but the worst of the worst are pal games in sealed rigid blisters. Those were only for french and belgian markets, and the prices for those are just mindblowing.

>> No.2880779

I did exactly this. Got a Super Famicom w/ two controllers for $30 shipped from Japan. Bought a Genesis 1 power supply which works perfectly with the Jap Super Famicom. Then bought a Super Everdrive used for $50.

>> No.2880787

I completely understand, not that guy. But vultures who jump on fads tend to ruin markets. I'm simply waiting for this fad to pass, so I can get back to paying a couple dollars for games.

>> No.2880797

It won't pass, lady. SNES games have been increasing in prices every holiday season for the past 5 years or so. And spike mid season when new series related games are released.

>> No.2880798

yeah that's the difference is the speed in which it happens. and that speed makes the whole thing a shaky investment...

>> No.2880808

I don't think you'll ever be able to get games like LttP or Mario RPG for a few dollars again, unless demand somehow dives off a cliff and everyone in the world stops collecting SNES games. The supply of these games is finite and constantly decreasing, while more and more people get interested in retro collecting as video game history goes on.

There are plenty of SNES games you can still get for $20 or $30, that's really nothing to complain about...

>> No.2880843

Square enix recently had a sale where they were selling off their old stock of PS1, PS2 and PSP games (among others). A shit ton of redditors bought huge lots of games like this and are hoping to make a quick buck on eBay. Good thing most people won't give a fuck about their sealed "Greatest Hits" edition, lol.

>> No.2880847

While I can mostly agree, I think if pre 2006 prices could apply here, I'd be paying $30-40 for Chrono Trigger and $55 for Earthbound. I think that would be a reasonable price.

Though it doesn't matter to me because I use Flashcarts.

>> No.2880851

Kinda proves my point about SNES games being in a different boat from ps1. Ps1 games were manufactured in quantities MUCH larger then SNES games, probably 10x as much.

>> No.2880853

I've been trying to get an answer on this, does anyone care about "sealed" anything? Since shrink wrap is so easy to fake, or so I've heard.

>> No.2880865

You know people age a lot in 6-8 years right? Basically a lot of retro collectors are my age (24) who didn't have disposable income to plug on old games that their mom threw away when they were 15 (was 15 in 2006) and most people didn't keep their stuff, have it away, or sold or lost it. Now we have an entire generation of young adults who grew up on SNES who are autistic as fuck and need to have the physical cart.

Btw, if you're just collecting loose carts, SNES games aren't THAT expensive. The most you'll pay is maybe $200 for earthbound, and $150 for ogre battle. Everything else Is sub $100 loose.

>> No.2880871

You can tell if something has been shrink wrapped again. The box won't be in pristine condition usually, if it's not shrink wrapped.

You're thinking of "sealed" or "factory sealed" and generally people get that stuff tested by third parties for verification. Sealed SNES games can be worth a lot, stuff like chrono and earthbound go for 5k+ but most games will be a couple hundred sealed. There's a very small niche of people who want sealed games.

>> No.2880895

You're mad you can't pay significantly cheaper prices then when they were released

>> No.2880902

people who want to buy collectible ephemera (manuals and ESPECIALLY boxes for SNES, N64 and NES era) should go fuck themselves if they expect that to be cheap, mostly all of that stuff was thrown out or beat to shit

>> No.2880912

They also get beat to shit whereas you can throw carts from moving vehicles and they'll still function. It will level things out a bit more

>> No.2880932


the golden age of video games was the SNES era.

everything since then has been down hill.

>> No.2880937


>> No.2880970

There's only one way to combat this