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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 22 KB, 250x300, edu-juegos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2867270 No.2867270 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not good with greentext stories and my english is kinda shitty but I'll give it a go.

My memories of that time aren't clear at all but I remember being 4 or maybe 5 years old. My mother told me I was that age altough I swear I was, at least, 7. Everything before the divorce is fuzzy and blurred, kile meshed up together... but I remember the sounds, the graphics. My dad was kinda into tech on those days, a heavy contrast with his more conservative last days but thanks to him is that I found this wonderful hobby. Anyway, we moved to a new house. We were having a good economic run back then and we could afford a TV and a videogame system. As I said, I can't remember too much but I do remmeber the brand. It was an "Edu Juegos by Martinsoft"... Doing some research, I found it was pic related, an Atari 2600 (80's model) clone.

And my first game was Kaboom, called "Bombardero" here in Dragonland.

Do ypu clearly remember your first or is it just a blurry memory, /vr/?

>> No.2867274

>Do ypu clearly remember your first or is it just a blurry memory, /vr/?
ya my parents left me with my uncle and he took me down to the basement. when we got down there he pulled down his p--oh you, mean first video game. yeah i think it was probably hang-on or safari hunt on master system? kinda hard to tell i was so young and we had lots of games.

>> No.2867282

> Remember being 5
> Couldn't read well
> Played Super Mario Bros frequently
> Knew Toad always says "Thank You Mario, But Our Princess Is Another Castle" Because my dad would read it to me
> Finally beat Super Mario Bros
> I could tell the game was saying something new, but I didn't know what it was
> Quickly rushed to get my older brother
> Asked him what it said
> He told me it said "Sorry Mario, But You Were Too Late, King Koopa Already Ate The Princess And Now She Is Dead"
> Start crying because I thought I killed the princess.

It sucks being the youngest child.

>> No.2867308

Why couldn't you read at the age of 5.

This seems odd, or are you a LOTE speaker

>> No.2867309

I think I could read simple shit, but I couldn't read long words like "Princess" or "Castle"

>> No.2869430

There was a TV in a yellow box in the mall. My dad and I played it. He sucked and we haven't spoken much since.

>> No.2869494
File: 45 KB, 500x345, coleco_colecovision_ss_smurf_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do remember, it was my aunt's coleco vision in the late 80s, I must have been 3 or 4.
The first game I remember playing was Smurf, but it could also have been donkey kong, pac-man, or some other games which I also remember playing, but Smurf was the one that stuck in my memory the most. You may look at this screenshot right now and think these graphics suck, but compared to the other simplistic games of the time, this looked amazing, the smurf model alone has more detail than your average character sprite back then, except maybe for donkey kong.
This is a game from 1982, 1 year before Nintendo released the Famicom in Japan, and 3 years prior to Super Mario Bros.
Anyway, I must have played this in 1988 or 1989, but at the time, this is all I knew regarding video games.
I remember the fact I could actually control a small smurf on the TV and go on an adventure blew my little brain off. I loved it, and played over and over. The controls were very stiff and hard, but I loved trying again and again and getting to the gargamel castle. There is a very difficult jump there where you need to jump over a skull in order to rescue smurfette, and I'd die to that skull over and over, but eventually I got the hang of it and beat it. IIRC the game would just loop, it was very short like most games back then.
The music was actually nice, provided most games from back then also lacked music and were just sound effects, Smurf had actual music (coleco soundchip interpretations of classical music, I think it was Beethoven).

The controller of the Coleco Vision is infamous for resembling an old cell phone and having a weird joystic, but it being the first ever controller I ever held, I didn't think it was bad. In fact I actually thought all these number buttons were cool even though I never used them while playing games.
I have fuzzy memories of playing coleco late at night, and the warm colors and sounds on the TV felt like something from another world. Definitely cozy.

>> No.2869502

>living in eastern europe
>real socially retarded kid no friends and such
>parents never home
>grandmother with mental illness was keeping me,my brother and sister while parents at work
>really miserable childhood
>never had any toys so we just played with what we can find
>beg my parents to buy me a famiclone
>never happens
>one day my grandfather goes on some trip around the country
>get me Ending-Man BS-500 AS
>Happy as fuck start it us and play super mario bros
>get the light gun out
>play some duck hunt and wild gunman
>father is not careful and steps on my light gun breaking it in half
>play every day all day to pass the day and forget on all the bs around me
>my mother gets really sick
>on her way back from the hospital buys me few new cartridges
>it has tengen tetris,bomberman,aladdin,excitebike and so on
>play it until it falls apart
I still keep it in hope that I will fix it somehow

>> No.2869814

>spaghetti everywhere

>> No.2869840
File: 3 KB, 320x200, rogue_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got our first computer in the early 80s when I was about 1 0 or so. I don't know what it was, my parents just called it an "IBM clone" and some friend of the family gave us a stack of disks with games on them.

I remember Jumpman, 3-Demon, a few I don't remember the names of and then one game that I became totally obsessed with even though I never beat it then.

>> No.2869864
File: 99 KB, 660x881, jordache-ad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pac Man cab at the grocery store when I'd go on Fridays with my mom.