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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 27 KB, 401x234, nokia-n-gage-qd_front_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2855383 No.2855383 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth it at all?

>> No.2855386


Tomb Raider is ok on it.

>> No.2855389

Also pretty sure there's a port of Chu Chu Rocket on the N-Gage.

>> No.2855391


unless you're a collector in which case it's about as useful as the other pieces of plastic you've hoarded around the house

>> No.2855395

No it isn't.

>> No.2855432

N-Gage was sadly before it's time, as some of the potentially better games required internet access that I certainly wasn't going to be paying for back when they were being sold. I'm not even sure you could get those to work with current phone networks... and you'd never find anyone else to play with anyway.

I have the older model. It's nice, but it's really not worth having unless you use it as a phone. Even then, you could emulate all the ports on your average smartphone.

I would say Sonic Advance is okay on it, and again, there's Tomb Raider, but you'd be better off playing them on other consoles unless you're absolutely dead-set on getting an n-gage.

>> No.2855489


>> No.2855552
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I carried one for over a year. It was pretty great, to be honest. I still have a couple of them. The QD like OP's pic related looks better but for some reason it's prone to corrupting MMC cards if you use your own in it instead of the retail game ones. Get a taco talking one.

>pic related is literally enough reason all by itself to own one
>there are 57 other games made for it, a library that spanks other fail consoles and the games are actually pretty decent
>it's also a very powerful Symbian S60 device and there's a huge library of software for that platform as well

Symbian, PalmOS and Windows Mobile are all platforms that are totally dead now and were huge with techies ten to fifteen years ago.

unfortunately that means that they're not technically on topic for /vr/

>> No.2855578

>over an hour before someone mentioned side talking

How the fuck was this not the first reply?

Also worth mentioning was that you had to basically take the entire back off the phone and remove the battery to change games.

>> No.2855589

Yes. It it always worth telling a kidlet that they made a retarded thread.

>> No.2855624

The original model isn't, but the QD model might be if you can find any games that interest you for the N-Gage.

Just an FYI though, the N-Gage was released in 2003.

>> No.2856106

It has unique never before seen Elder Scrolls game. And thats pretty much it.

Also roots (i think thats how it was called) hacknslash game is relatively good timekiller.

>> No.2856117
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also worth mentioning was that you had to basically take the entire back off the phone and remove the battery to change games.

since playing drained the battery fast as fuck that wasn't overly incovenient, I guess.

also behold (almost) the entire games library of the Ngage

>> No.2856358


Because that is the QD, not the base N-gage. No sidetalkin.

Instead the rubber seal around it will come loose and drop off.

Also if you get too many text messages the phone will endlessly complain that you have no memory left and need to delete some text messages whenever you try to do anything. Including delete text messages. I had to send mine back to the factory over that one.

Also, on more than one occasion it decided to call people of its own accord WHILST LOCKED. That was fun. Hello Zoe. Yes it has been a long time. Yes I have rung rather out of the blue haven't I. Why am I ringing? Well, funny story...

As for the actual games, Civ is still the best portable civ, worms is a good version, other than that I would say there is little on offer. Tomb raider and tony hawks were impressive for the time, but the fact that you can't hold down buttons on the phone makes them very very difficult. Try landing a grind in tony hawks by pressing grind at the exact moment you land. Whilst the game runs at like 10fps. Not fun.

Decent emulators on it though! Monkey island ran well. So did Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

But yeah avoid.

>> No.2856362

Yes, a unique never seen before or since elder scrolls game.

It's horrible.

>> No.2856368

>implying other ES games are not

>> No.2856525

Can't install SteamOS on it. It stinks.

>> No.2856657

It could have been big. Iffy library, the price, hardware issues, needing to hold it like a taco to your ear, etc.
QD fixes most of these problems, but that was too little too late, and it still had issues.
There's no reason to even bother with it now.

Bit of a shame, Symbian was pretty nice, I had Nokia phones all throughout that time. Hardware was nice, other than the screen orientation also being fucking retarded (this was for compatibility with all the other Symbian programs ever made).
Hardware was a bit impressive for the time, if not absolutely amazing.

>> No.2857210

I recognise that floor. RetroGameTech, guy that used to make repair and ebay pickup videos on youtube. I believe he ended up owning every game released in every region for the N-Gage.

>> No.2857221

It is basically the 3DO/Dreamcast of handhelds. You can basically get all the games on it for free. It certainly is worth it if you can get it fairly cheap

>> No.2857229

Not OP, but seriously, do you think any other board would give a give a single fuck? Besides, this is a board that's had oldernet and anime threads up for days. Shit is laxer than you think.

>> No.2857372

>do you think any other board would give a give a single fuck?

No, but that's not an excuse. A thread either gets posts or it doesn't.

>> No.2857597

And this thread is getting posts.

>> No.2857645

isn't that just the GBA version?

>> No.2857659

O Sorry to say sir, but I think that you
T Posted on the wrong board. You see,
this is a retro gaming board and as such
R only gaming related objects made pre-
E 1999 are allowed to be posted. While th
T is may not include your favorite console,
R I can assure you there is a board made
O just for you. >>/v/

>> No.2857661

>hole post

Wow, that was actually pretty sad and full of mistakes.

>> No.2857663
File: 236 KB, 1137x1068, All part of a healthy breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face faggot not online and see what happens

>> No.2857667

Just sayin'

>> No.2857670
File: 49 KB, 400x291, just saiyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2857671

Wow, that was actually pretty sad.

>> No.2857750

Does that excuse not following the rules? No. An N-Gage thread might not get any posts on /v/, but that's a problem with the thread creator and not the board itself.

>> No.2857772
File: 357 KB, 768x1728, IMG_20140831_073448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I used to use the N-Gage to emulate GBC(only had an original GB) and NES games on the go, so now the thread is just as retro as much JXD/Rasbperry Pi/*insert any non-retro device that is used to emulate retro games including a PC* threads.
Pic related

>> No.2857834
File: 95 KB, 1024x768, DNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could run Doom too, and even some mods.

>> No.2859086

The megadrive emulator was pretty good.

>> No.2859161

>released on 7 October 2003
>no one reads the fucking sticky

>> No.2859586

wut dat?

>> No.2859593

Could you do this back when it out or were the emulators released later.

>> No.2859598

You could do it back then, as well as other Symbian phones.

>> No.2859608

Running Doom isn't very impressive, though.
Given enough time and some elbow grease, everything runs Doom.

>> No.2859636

Not /vr/ OP
Please read the sticky

>> No.2859672

and you could run n-gage games on other symbian phones too

>> No.2860048

Please read >>2857772

>> No.2860080

I remember reading about it in EGM before it came out. Even then I knew it was going to be shit, but I did find the concept interesting at the time. Then it came out and the magazine bashed it.

It's cool that some of you bought it, though.

>> No.2860269

I remember playing some Pathway to Glory online on N-Gage with a shitty ass GPRS connection. Shit was pretty cash, it was the first time I've played something online on a mobile device.

>> No.2861165

I just got a brand new (but dusty) copy of Rayman 3 for almost nothing. Interested?

>> No.2861628

Very very few

>> No.2861629

I won mine calling in to adult swim. Got a sick messenger bag too that I still use.

>> No.2861725
File: 2.66 MB, 350x262, IMG_0038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carmack runs Doom on a (slightly modified) TI-83 that he shows off at trade conferences. Or used to, anyway.

He also paid booth babes to follow Romero around his hotel and throw dollar bills at him.

>> No.2862710

Yes. Yes I am implying this.

But only for Skyrim.

>> No.2865507

Saw some douche bag in late 03 with this. Acted like it was the tits but when we saw him take a call, I keked so hard. Poor asshole was speaking into a taco.

>> No.2865509

So can my psp. PSP is the best handheld for emulators and other homebrews.

>> No.2865560

That story is now the most autistic shit I've ever seen on the chan.

>> No.2865702

Colin McRae 2005 was pretty fucking sweet. It was actually a port of CMR 2.0 for PS1. Played a lot of that between classes back in college.

There was also a free 3D Snake game from Nokia that kicked ass.

>> No.2865739
File: 35 KB, 800x611, Tapwave-Zodiac2-FL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2865747

I had both this and an N-gage.

I enjoyed both products, the Zodiac was honestly a wonderful device.

Tons of games due to the OS, easy to pirate the exclusives. It was a bizarre mix of a PSP crossed with a DS, with a fantastic little analog thumbstick. The shell was fucking anodized aluminum.

>> No.2865831
File: 3.65 MB, 3640x2380, Gizmondo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2865836
File: 15 KB, 430x340, gp2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2865838

did the gp2x have any exclusives? i thought it was just for emulation

>> No.2865872
File: 27 KB, 600x317, 7-11-10-caanoo600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey big bro!