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File: 86 KB, 256x240, xenogears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2843212 No.2843212 [Reply] [Original]

I need some more games with a deep story and the lore spans several centuries. Are there any more out there besides Xenogears?

>> No.2843569
File: 81 KB, 640x617, saga-frontier-2-ps1-cover-front-48492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SaGa Frontier's 2 plot spans several generations, divided between two major protagonists. The game doesn't adequately explain the backgrounds of certain key characters or concepts though. There are a lot of things you'll discover only by reading the Ultimania guide published at a later time.

>> No.2843875

Is xenogears worth playing at this point?

I'm curious to try it but I feel most 90s era jrpgs haven't held up too well.

>> No.2844069

Yes. It's still a good game, and doesn't need quality of life improvements beyond platforming sections that cannot be done while an encounter is loading.

>> No.2845063

The first disc at least.

>> No.2845401

Totally, and I recommand you to read Xenogears : Perfect Works as well, just to realize what could have been the series in an ideal world

>> No.2845448

I would disagree.

Combat is generic.
The story is hamfisted and presented in huge sections of "people sitting around and talking".
It falls into old JRPG tropes of you doing a bunch of arbitrary things at arbitrary times without letting you know the big picture early on.

I think its genuinely terrible. It would've made a better anime series.

>> No.2845482

>I think its genuinely terrible. It would've made a better anime series.

Speaking of which, how is that Xenosaga anime? I know I couldn't possibly give any shits about the game, but I wouldn't mind an abridged version if it's decent enough.

>> No.2846058
File: 2.69 MB, 1191x1684, 3ad79b477964565f65d9fbab67ee9959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would've made a better anime series.
But it does have one anon.

>> No.2846061

Lost Odyssey...not /vr/ however.

>> No.2846119

bad opinions: the post

>> No.2847906

Trails in the Sky.

>> No.2847914

Final Fantasy VIII

>> No.2848548

>without letting you know the big picture early on.
but anon, letting you in on the big picture early on would be abominably bad storytelling

>> No.2848552

No, knowing the end game early on isn't bad story telling.

In CT you know the endgame is Lavos from basically the very beginning. Which is odd because Square loves the bait and switch.

>kill yourself

>> No.2848556

you literally see the fucking end boss in the opening, dude. it's not even subtle, you know. also end game =/= big picture, moving goal posts much.

>> No.2848567

And let the retarded shit flow.

>> No.2848641

I started playing through this game again after beating gustave in the army battle, and i just have one question
Does using spell arts like delta petra, needle shot, water hammer etc. reduce the durability of my tools?
Or can i use them over and over as long as I have the SP?

>> No.2849280

Pretty bad.

>> No.2851152

live a live and terranigma

>> No.2851201

How the fuck has nobody said Chrono Trigger?

>> No.2851206

Because the lore is shallow and the plot is shit?

>> No.2851317

You're just one of many that things it's "cool" to hate a game that's fun to play. It may not have the lore, but the plot is fine, the music is awesome and the depth the game as is unparalleled for the time.

>> No.2851446

>You're just one of many that things it's "cool" to hate a game that's fun to play.
Maybe you should stop getting so worked up over what someone thinks about a video game and learn to accept that there are people that have opinions that are different than your own?

>> No.2851687

Doesn't make for much of a conversation, does it?

>> No.2851802

I didn't mention anything about the rest of the game. I'm just saying that OP asked for games with a deep story so CT obviously doesn't belong in here.

>> No.2851820
File: 512 KB, 1280x1443, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lore doesn't span several centuries but fuck is it deep and positively epic in the non-4chan kind of way to define epic.

>> No.2851840
File: 918 KB, 1023x767, 36c133fa4b32804f7d6c9be296c40034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you're looking for.

Combat has some good ideas but is ultimately boring, easy and scarce until you hit the second disc, and even then there's not a lot to fight at all.
Story is really, really pretentious but is also kind of well built and most of the things that happen are tied together well, some moments are really well written and a few of them are actually kinda vaguely interesting from a moral viewpoint. though that doesn't make them less Philosophy 101, still well done though.
OST is 10/10, not Mitsuda's best work but goddamn amazing all the same.
Characters are...nice I guess, though a lot of them stop existing after they're introduced, Rico, Maria and Billy stop being relevant far too early, the main and supporting cast is still pretty well done, certain characters however are quite a bit overdone, Fei and Elly have too much stuff crammed into them that makes them a bit too chuuni and boring and not in the same way Citan does, there are however some really amazing comebacks, Hammer and Joe come to mind.
Graphics are okay.
2nd disc is a shining example of Square's terrible managing decisions.

As a classic, it's worth playing for seeing what all the fuss is about.
As a game it's not worth playing unless you like games extrememly focused on narrative and world building but with very weak actual gameplay.
As a piece of media it's fucking amazing just for the incredible amount of references to classic /m/ shows and HOT BLOOD, sweet mechs and great music, no other Xeno titles had so many references.

All in all, a 7/10.

>> No.2851869
File: 67 KB, 512x695, 0d64b68d53e90c5eab0b9a26d3cd8dc0c87c790a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good and balanced and fair assessment. most people get too extreme/defensive when discussing xenogears. but yeah, i agree with almost everything you said. gj anon.

>> No.2851871
File: 65 KB, 464x725, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, one thing you missed to note is that elly is fucking sex incarnate. i want her to go on a maniacal murder spree on my dick.

>> No.2851897

Phantasy Star 1-4 taken as a whole.

>> No.2851902

>end boss

>> No.2851904

Lore? Yeah it's anemic
The plot? Tight, endearing and direct.

>> No.2851905

more like miang. the end boss is literally staring you in the eye.

>> No.2851925

well, uh, I guess you might try the Blood omen/Soul Reaver games, but they're not JRPGs

>> No.2852392

> Live A Live


>> No.2852550

Both of these suggestions are on point.

>> No.2852708
File: 41 KB, 404x502, Planescape-torment-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a CRPG !

Planescape: Torment , best deep story in a videogame ever, for me.